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→ comprise tissues along with extracellular material.
→ can be eukaryotic or prokaryotic.
→ nearly 40 trillion populate the human body.

Cell Differentiation

→ is the fundamental structural
and functional unit of all living
→ over 200 types are found in the
body; have a common structural plan.
→ is the living part of a cell.
→ surrounded by an external
→ is underwent by the fetus.
plasma membrane.
→ cells express sets of genes that mediate specific
→ components include:
cytoplasmic activities, becoming efficiently
o nucleus
organized in tissues with specialized functions.
- nuclear envelope
- chromatin
o cytoplasm
- organelles
- inclusions

Important Notes:
✓ Most cells have one nucleus that conforms to the
cell’s shape.
✓ A few cells may be multinucleated.
✓ Internal cell structure is modified to reflect

Basic Tissue Types Epithelial Tissue

I. Epithelial → covers body surfaces,
II. Connective lines body cavities,
III. Muscle and forms glands.
IV. Nervous → characterized by close
cell apposition and
presence of a free surface.


Connective Tissue ✓ can be used with buffered with osmium

→ underlies or supports the other tetroxide
three tissues, both structurally
and functionally. Dehydration
→ water is extracted gradually by transfers through a
→ characterized on the basis of its
series of increasing ethanol solutions.
extracellular matrix.
Muscle Tissue → ethanol is replaced by an organic solvent miscible
→ is made up of contractile cells. with both alcohol and the embedding medium.
→ responsible for movement.
→ fully cleared tissue is placed in melted paraffin in
an oven at 52°-60°C.
✓ evaporates the clearing solvent.
Nerve Tissue Embedding
→ receives, transmits, and → infiltrated tissue is allowed to harder in a small
integrates information container of paraffin at room temperature.
from outside and inside
the body to control the Trimming
activities of the body. → hardened block with tissue and surrounding
embedding medium is trimmed and placed for
sectioning in a microtome.
Visualization of Tissues → typically, at
→ light microscopes are often used. ✓ 3-10 um for for light microscopy
→ the ability to discriminate two points that are close ✓ <1 um for electron microscopy
together is the resolving power of a microscope.
→ study specimens absorb visible light; glass lenses Staining
focus and magnify specimens. Anionic components Cationic components
→ such as nucleic → such as proteins.
Preparation of Tissues for Study acids. → have a net
→ the most common procedure in histologic research → have a net positive charge.
is the preparation of tissue slices or “sections” that negative charge. → have an affinity
can be examined visually with transmitted light. → have an affinity for acidic dyes
→ steps include: for basic dyes (acidophilic).
1. Fixation (basophilic). e.g.: eosin, orange G, acid
2. Dehydration e.g.: toluidine blue, alcian fuchsin
3. Clearing blue, methylene blue
4. Infiltration
5. Embedding Hematoxylin and Eosin
6. Trimming → Commonly used for staining
Hematoxylin Eosin
→ stains → stains other
→ preserves tissue structure and prevent degradation
- DNA cytoplasmic
by enzymes released from the cells or
- RNA-rich portions structures and
microorganisms. collagen pink.
of the cytoplasm
→ pieces of organs are placed as soon as possible →
- matrix of cartilage acts as a
after removal from the body in solutions called → gives off a dark counterstain.
fixatives. blue/purple color
✓ function to stabilize or cross-link
→ buffered isotonic solution of 37% formaldehyde
(formalin) is a widely used fixative.
→ Glutaraldehyde is often used for electron


Epithelial Tissue Classifications of Epithelium

Epithelium Number of cell shape or surface Special categories

→ consists of continuous layers: cells: →pseudostratified
sheets of cells that cover → simple → squamous → transitional
exposed body surfaces. (unilayered) → cuboidal (urothelium)
→ lines internal cavities of: → stratified → columnar
o digestive (multilayered)
e.g.: Simple squamous epithelium
o respiratory
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
o cardiovascular
o genitourinary
→ can be divided into two classes: Simple (unilayered) epithelium
o covering and lining
o glandular
→ is a selective barrier that protects other tissues.
→ other functions include:
o synthesis
o secretion
o absorption Stratified Epithelium
o sensory reception
→ is made up almost entirely of contiguous and
adhesive cells bound together by:
o intercellular junctions
o small amount of extracellular matrix

→ exhibits tissue polarity; has an:

o apical (free) Squamous
surface → cells are flattened.
o lateral surface → width > height.
o basal surface
→ lack a direct blood
→ have a high mitotic index.
→ susceptible to formation Cuboidal
of malignant tumors. → height = width
→ have diverse embryonic → have rounded nuclei


Columnar Endocardium
→ height > width → line ventricles and
→ clear zone of cytoplasm atria of the heart.
is visible above the

→ line the free surfaces of:
Pseudostratified o Pericardium
→ unequal height and (Heart)
shape of cells. o Pleura (Lungs)
✓ simple o Peritoneum
epithelium (Abdomen)

Post-capillary venules
→ are smallest veins
that receive blood
from converging
Transitional (Urothelium) → found in certain
→ all layers are made up of cuboidal, polygonal, or lymphatic tissues.
round cells.
→ confined to the urinary tract. Functions of epithelium
→ is a stratified epithelium with characteristics that o mechanical protection
allow it to distend. o secretion
o absorption
o transportation
o receptors

Types of Epithelium
Simple Stratified Pseudostratified
Squamous Squamous Ciliated Columnar
Simple Stratified Transitional
Classification Cuboidal Cuboidal
→ in certain locations, simple squamous epithelium Simple Stratified
are named: Columnar Columnar
o endothelium
o endocardium
o mesothelium Simple Squamous
o postcapillary venules → single layer of
flattened cells
Endothelium → rest on a basement
→ lines blood and membrane
lymphatic vessels. → located in free surfaces
o pericardium
o pleura
o peritoneum
→ also, in
o heart (endocardium)
o blood vessels/lymphatics


→ thinness allows diffusion and bidirectional o passage of ova towards uterus

movement of gases, fluids, and nutrients from the o absorption
free surface to the underlying tissues
→ located in: Pseudostratified
→ appears to be
o blood vessels (endothelium)
o serous membranes (mesothelium) stratified
→ nuclei appear at
o kidneys (parietal layer of Bowman’s
different levels
capsule and thin Loop of Henle)
→ all cells contact an
o middle and inner ear
underlying basement
o pulmonary alveoli
Simple Cuboidal → may bear cilia
→ height = width → may contain goblet
→ nuclei are usually rounded. cells
→ cells rest on a basement → may display
membrane firmly attached stereocilia
to the basement → located in:
membrane. o upper respiratory tract (respiratory
→ provides protection, forms conduit for gland ducts, epithelium)
and may be specialized for active secretion and - goblet cells mingle with ciliated columnar
absorption. cells
→ located in: o male reproductive tract
o surface of ovary - lined with nonmotile stereocilia
o kidneys (renal tubules and collecting → function as lining, secretory, and absorptive.
Stratified Squamous
Simple Columnar → is a tough, resilient
→ height > width multilayered epithelium
→ appear closely → mainly protects against
packed abrasion and
→ bases rest on a dehydration
basement membrane; → prevents invasion of
surfaces contact a pathogens, bacteria, and
lumen other infectious agents
→ ovoid nucleus is centrally or basally placed → can be keratinized or non-
→ usually forms major ducts of: keratinized
o glands
o convoluted tubules of the kidney Stratified Squamous (Keratinized)
o inner lining of the stomach → surface layer consists of
dead cells lacking nuclei
→ also found in:
containing keratin.
o small and large intestines
→ appear dry and scale-
o gallbladder
o small bronchi of the lungs
→ located in areas exposed to air and subject to
→ free surface often have microvilli
✓ can form a striated border
o epidermis
→ some sites may possess:
o outer surface of the tympanic
o goblet cells (producing mucus)
o cilia (hair like structure, longer and thicker membrane
o parts of the oral cavity (gingiva and
than microvilli)
hard palate)
→ functions
o mucocutaneous junctions (lips and
o secretory
distant anal canal)
o move mucus accumulation in bronchi
(and dust particles) towards the larynx
and pharynx

Stratified Squamous (Non-Keratinized) bladder, and part of the urethra

→ are squamous cells → appearance is not static; rapidly adapts to
that retain nuclei contraction and distension.
and lack keratin o tall with 5-7 cell layers
→ located in areas o thin with 2-3 cell layers
covered with fluid → basal layer contacts a thin basement membrane
and with a moist → most superficial layer contains large binucleate
surface: cells.
o most of the oral cavity o free surfaces appear convex (umbrella
o epiglottis cells).
o vocal cords → acts as a permeability barrier
o esophagus → protects tissues from noxious effects of urine
o anal canal → can stretch to accommodate urine volume.
o vagina
Domains of Epithelium
o parts of male and female urethra
o Apical
o cornea
o Lateral
Stratified Cuboidal/Columnar o Basal
→ have limited distribution
in the adult
→ mainly protective and
better suited than simple
→ stratified cuboidal
epithelium are mainly
found in:
o ducts of sweat glands
o other exocrine glands
→ stratified columnar epithelium are mainly found Apical Domain
in: → can possess
o pharynx and larynx o microvilli
o conjunctiva o stereocilia
o major ducts of exocrine glands o cilia
o parts of the male urethra
→ Basal Domain has 2 parts: Microvilli
o basal lamina → are cylindrical, cell-surface
o reticular lamina projections
→ consists of two or more ✓ increase surface
layers of columnar/cuboidal area
cells → can have a:
→ location o striated border
o large ducts of (intestines)
exocrine glands o brush border (kidney tubules)
- sweat glands
- pancreas
→ long microvilli present in
- salivary glands
the male reproductive
→ function
tract and in the
o protection and secretion
membranous part of
Transitional (Urothelium) ear.
→ aka urothelium
o renal pelvis,
ureters, urinary


Cilia Lateral Domain

→ most common surface → possess a junctional
modification present on complex responsible for
nearly every cell in the body joining individual cells
→ are made up of microtubules together
→ can be → structure:
o motile cilia o Zonula occludens
o primary cilia o Zonula adherens
o nodal cilia o Macula adherens
o Gap junctions

Basal Domain
→ characterized by the
basement membrane
→ contain laminins and
heparan sulfate
→ basal limit of an
→ anchors epithelium
→ functions as a selective

Basal Lamina
→ amorphous layer
adjacent to the
→ attachment site for
overlying epithelial
cells and underlying
connective tissue

Reticular lamina
→ layer under the basal lamina
→ made up of
fibrils of type
III collagen

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