The Forward Bias Diode

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NAME: Abdul-Hamid Opeoluwa Arowona

MATRIC NUMBER: 23120211035

DATE: Tuesday, May 21st, 2024.

The Forward Bias Diode

Diodes are semiconductor devices that offer an extremely low resistance to current flow in
one direction and an extremely high resistance to current flow in the other. When a diode is
forward biased, current can only flow through it in one direction and not through the other.
In this condition, depending on the polarity of the supplied voltage, the diode acts like a
switch that can be either on or off. Two main categories of diodes are signal diodes and
power diodes. Understanding their differences and applications is crucial for selecting the
right component for a given circuit.

Figure 1.0: Diode symbol in circuit digrams.

Signal diodes are used primarily for processing information signals in electronic circuits. They
are designed to handle small currents and voltages, typically found in applications such as:
Rectification in low-power power supplies, switching in digital circuits and signal modulation
and demodulation. Common examples are 1N4148 and 1N914.

Figure 2.0: Signal Diode.

Power diodes are designed to handle high currents and voltages, making them suitable for
power conversion and control applications. They are commonly used in: Power rectification
in power supplies and inverters, voltage regulation and protection in power distribution
systems. Common examples are 1N5408 and MR751.

Figure 3.0: Power Diode.

Overall, a diode's forward bias is a critical component of its functionality and dictates its use.
Designing effective and dependable electrical circuits requires an understanding of a diode's
behaviour in forward bias.

To test the characteristics of a diode in Forward Bias.

• Silicon signal diode
• Silicon power diode
• Variable D.C. power supply
• Digital multi-meter
• 4k7 resistor (4.7kohms)
• Bread board

The circuit in Figure 4.0 was set up on a breadboard with a signal diode, ensuring correct
polarity (anode to positive and cathode to negative). Using a digital multi-meter, the voltage
across the diode was monitored. The power supply was adjusted so that the meter indicates
0.3V. The current through the diode was measured using the multi-meter (in series with the
diode and resistor). The above was repeated for the range 0.3V - 1.3V for both the signal and
power diode. The results were recorded in a Table 1.0.
Figure 4.0: Circuit setup.


Table 1. Voltage and Current values.

Voltage (V) 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3

Signal Diode Current (mA) 0.0 0.0 0.00361 0.00364 0.00369

Power Diode Current (mA) 0.0 0.0 0.0004 0.00367 0.00377

Forward Bias Characteristics of Signal & Power Diodes

Current (A)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Voltage (V)

Signal Power

Figure 5.0: Graph of Current against Voltage.

At 0.6V, the current following through the Signal Diode was gotten as 1.25mA and that of the
Power Diode was gotten as 0.2mA.
By Ohm’s Law, the diode resistances can be gotten as;
Diode Resistance for the Signal Diode;
𝑉 0.6
𝑅 = 𝐼 = 1.25 = 0.48 × 103 = 480Ω

Diode Resistance for the Power Diode;

𝑉 0.6
𝑅 = 𝐼 = 0.2 = 3 × 103 = 3000Ω

The primary aim was to investigate the forward bias characteristics of a diode. The results
show the relationship between the forward voltage and current, highlighting the exponential
increase in current after the threshold voltage. The experiment produced these results due
to the nature of the p-n junction in the diode. When forward biased, the depletion region
narrows, allowing current to flow once the forward voltage exceeds the threshold (typically
around 0.6V for silicon diodes). The observed behaviour aligns with the theoretical
expectations. The diode conducts significantly after the threshold voltage, and the current
increases exponentially with increasing forward voltage. Potential sources of error include
inaccuracies in the multi-meter readings and fluctuations in the power supply voltage. To
improve accuracy, use more precise measurement instruments and ensure stable voltage

The experiment successfully demonstrated the forward bias characteristics of a diode,
confirming the exponential relationship between forward voltage and current and
identifying the threshold voltage. These findings are crucial for practical applications in
electronics, particularly in designing circuits that require precise control of current flow.

Bird, J. (n.d.). Electrical and electronic principles and technology. Routledge.

Microelectronic Circuits, Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith.

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky.

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