Rubric - Presentation

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UCW Master's Level Grading Rubric for Assessment of Presentations

Student Name Course

Total Grade 0
1-4 Scale 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score 0-59 59-71 72-77 78-81 82-84 85-89 88-91 92-100
Grades F C B- B B+ A- A A+
Mastery Level Weight Beginning Developing Competent Mastery
Standard Level Still learning Meeting standard Exceeding Standard
Demonstrates Demonstrates full
Demonstrates lack of inadequate understanding of
understanding of
Subject knowledge - Summary 10 understanding of understanding of background of pros
background of pros
subject matter background of subject and cons of subject
and cons of subject
matter matter
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates poor
Subject knowledge – Evaluation inadequate adequate evaluation thorough evaluation
10 evaluation and
and Analysis evaluation and and analysis of and analysis of
analysis of subject
analysis of subject subject subject
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates poor
Eloquence (Oral inadequate level of adequate level of superior level of
10 level of eloquence in
Communication) eloquence in oral eloquence in oral eloquence in oral
oral presentation
presentation presentation presentation
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates poor
inadequte level of adequate level of superior level of
Body Language (Nonverbal level of nonverbal
10 nonverbal nonverbal nonverbal
communication) communication
communication communication communication
during presentation
during presentation during presentation during presentation
Presentation aids are Presentation aids are Presentation aids are Presentation aids are
inappropriate, adding not fully appropriate, appropriate, adding fully appropriate,
Presentation Aids (PowerPoint,
10 little or no context adding some context good context and adding context and
video, poster, handouts)
and understanding to and understanding to understanding to the understanding to the
the presentation the presentation presentation presentation
Demonstrates poor Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Time Management 10
level of time inadequate level of adequate level of superior level of time
management in time management in time management in management in
presentation presentation presentation presentation
Demonstrates poor Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
level of inadequate level of adequate level of superior level of
understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding and
Q/A Session, Audience background in background in background in background in
awareness answering questions, answering questions, answering questions, answering questions,
reading audience reading audience reading audience reading audience
interest level and interest level and interest level and interest level and
acting accordingly acting accordingly acting accordingly acting accordingly
Organization & Critical
Introduction provides
Introduction provides Introduction provides
background of paper Introduction provides
poor level of good level of
missing some key superior level of
background of paper background of paper
elements background of paper
Structure of paper is Structure of paper is
Structure of paper is Structure of paper is
not clear and is clear and train of
not clear and it is not very clear and easy to
difficult to follow thought process is
easy to follow train of follow train of
train of thought understandable
Demonstration of thought thought process thought process
process Conclusion mostly
process and analysis of problem Conclusion follows Conclusion follows
20 Conclusion does not follows logically from
and resolution using own from body of paper logically from body of
follow logically from body of paper
thoughts and ideas but misses key points paper
body of paper Critical Thinking is
Critical Thinking is not Critical Thinking is
Critical Thinking is present: logical
fully present: missing present through:
lacking: missing argumentation &
key points of logical logical argumentation
logical argumentation reasoning shows,
argumentation & & reasoning, concrete
& reasoning, concrete reasonable examples
reasoning, concrete examples & valid
examples & valid & valid inferences are
examples & valid inferences
inferences made
Other 10 as needed as needed as needed as needed
Marks 100 Additional comments

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