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.1.CYBER SECURITY:With increasing reliance on technology and digital transaction,

cybersecurity has become significant concern for the banking industry. Cyber attacks, data
breaches, and identify theft post significant risks to both financial institutions and their
2.DATA PRIVACY AND ETHICS:Customer expects banks to handle their personal information
responsibly and transparently. Bank must strike a balance between utilizing customer data to
provide personalized service and respecting individual privacy rights.
seamless, personalized and user friendly digital experiences from their banks. Delivering a
superior customer experience while adapting to rapidly changing technologies presents a
significant challenge
4.FINANCIAL INCLUSION :Achieving financial inclusion practically in developing countries is
an ongoing challenge. Banks need to find innovative ways to teach underserved populations,
promote access basic financial services and bridge the digital divide.
5.REGULATORY COMPLIANCE:A regulatory compliance remains a major challenge for banks.
Governments and regulatory bodies have implemented strengthen measures to ensure
stability, transparency and consumer protection within the banking sector.
6.FINANCIAL STABILITY AND SYSTEMATIC RISK:Banks play crucial role in maintaining
financial stability and any vulnerabilities within the banking system can have for reaching
consequences. Issues such as a excessive risk taking, high levels of debt and
interconnections among the financial institutions can pose systematic risk.
7.CUSTOMER TRUST AND REPUTATION:Trust in the banking sector has been significantly
impacted by the past financial crisis.And misconduct. Rebuilding customer trust is essential
for banks to thrive. Transparency, ethical practices, personalized services, and proactive
communication can help regain and maintain customer trust.
8.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND AUTOMATION: These technologies offer efficient gains
and improved customer Experiences. They also raise concerns about the job displacement
and algorithmic biases.Banks need to strike a balance between automation and human
expertise while ensuring transparency and fairness in the AI driven decision making.
Phase 1:pre independence period (1786-1947):*During pre independence period, over 600
banks have been arrested in the country but only few managed to survive. *During the British
rule in India,
the East India Company had established 3 banks Bank of Bengal, a.Bank of b.Bombay, c.Bank
of Madras and called them the Presidential banks. *These three banks later merged into.Single
bank in 1921 which was called the" Imperial Bank of India".* The Imperial Bank of India was the
later nationalised in 1955 and was named the State Bank of India which is currently the largest
public sector bank.
Phase 2: post independence period (1947-1991):*During this period, 14 banks were
nationalized between the time duration of 1969 to 1991.*These were the banks of whose
national deposits were more than 50 crores. *Nationalisation in the context refers to the
process of transforming private assets into public assets by bringing them under the public
ownership of the national /state government*In a second phase, seven more banks were
Phase 3: liberalisation period (1991- till date).*In this page, to provide stability and profitability
to the nationalized public sector banks, the government decided to set a pay commits to
manage the various reforms in Indian banking industry. *The biggest development was in the
introduction of private sector banks in India. *RBI Gave license to 10 private sector banks to
establish themselves in the country.
Provisions of RBI Act in 1934.
1.sec2(e):Scheduled Bank means a bank whose name is included in Second schedule of RBI
Act 1934.
2.sec17:Define various types of business which RBI may transact which include acceptance
of RBI from.CG/SG without interest.
3.sec18:RBI provides emergency loans to banks on liberal terms against promissory notes.
4.sec(27):The bank shall not reissue bank notes which are torrent defaced or excessively
5.sec(29):Banknotes will be exempted for the purpose of stamp duty.
6.sec(31):Prohibits issue of promissory note payable to bearer. No person other than GOI or
RBI accept or issue promissory note payable to bearer
7.sec(33):Assets of issue Departments shall consist of gold bullion to such aggregate
amounts as is not less than the total of the liabilities of issued department and on
value.Number of less than Rs 200 cores.
8.sec42(1):Salute Bank must have an average daily balance with RBI.
The smart card looks exactly like any other plastic card or an ATM card with an integrated circuit.IC chip
1.ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS:Electronic payment is a financial exchange that takes place online
between buyers and sellers.*Content of this exchange is usually some form of digital financial instrument that
is backed by a bank or any intermediary, or by a legal tender.*Electronic payment system is a system which
allows to the customer or user to make online payment for the shopping. Types of EPS :*E-cash,*E-wallets.
2.MICROSOFT CHECK TRANSACTION SYSTEM:*Movement of the physical instrument is Circulated.*Of the
payment instrument is captured along with the MICR data simultaneously.*Clearing process completed based
on electronic data and image of the checks.Benefits of the check Transaction system:*Better operational
efficiency,* Faster clearing cycle of payment instruments. *Cost saving in terms of storage and transport cost.
*Optimal customer satisfaction* facilities Bank to increase productivity.
3.ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICE:*Mode of payment received for one transaction so that are reputed to end
product in nature. *ECS used by the institutions for the making bulk payment of amounts towards distribution
of dividend, interest, salary, pension etc *For bulk collection of amounts towards telephone, electricity, water,
reduce tax collections, loan installments Etc. Parties involved in ECS payment system:payee, payer,payees
bank,payers bank, clearing house.
4.ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER:*Exchange of money from one account to another through computer
*cardholder initiated transactions using a payment card, such as a credit or debit card. *Direct deposit
payment initiated by payer. *Direct debit payments Sometimes Called electronic checks.*Electronic bill
payment in online banking which may be delivered by the EFT or paper check.
*Various modes of EFT in India:NEFT,RTGS,UPI And adhar based payment system.
1.NEFT:The NEFT is a nationwide money transfer system which allows customers with the facility to
electronically transfer funds from their respective bank accounts to any other account of the same bank or of
any other bank network.Neft system with a Max capital of 1,00,000 can be transferred.
2.RTGS:RTGS facilitates to transfer funds from one bank to another in real time hour on a gross basis this
transaction isn't put on waiting list and Cleared out instantly.*The minimum value that can be transferredis.Is
2,00,000 and above. /UPI
*Aadhaar based payment system:AEPS.Stands for Other Enabled payment system.It is created by the
NPCI.Users can use the AEPS service to make transaction on a micro ATM by simply providing biometric
information and an adhar number.
A correspondent banking relationship involves the provision of a banking services by One Financial institution
to another financial institution.*In which the financial institution carry on activities or business at or through
permanent establishments in different countries.*It is also possible for one bank to open a correspondence
account with another bank that already has existing correspondent facility.Forgot it suddenly.*The banking
services provided by the correspondent bank may involve provision of cash management services,
international fund transfers, cheque clearing, foreign exchange services, loans and letters of
credit.*Correspondent wanging as the banking services are mainly payments, cash management and trade
services provided by the banks to customers via other banks.
NRI ACCOUNTS.. Types of NRI bank accounts: 1.Non resident externals .Fixed deposits.2.Non resident
ordinary. savings account.3.Foreign currency non resident .fixed deposit.4.Resident foreign currency .fixed
1.NRE Fixed deposits: NRE savings account is open for Indian resident abroad. This account will be help you to
transfer foreign earning easily to India.
2.NRO savings account:It is just like any other bank account, which is the only difference that this account is
being opened for only those individuals who are leaving India for taking an employment or establishing a
business outside India.
3.FCNR.Fixed deposit:These are the deposits are maintained in the Foreign currency and they are completely
safe against any exchange rate fluctuations.
4.RFC fixed deposits:It has been specially created for the persons of Indian nationality Are origin returning to
India permanently for settlement after having been a resident outside India for a continuous period of at least 1
LETTERS OF CREDIT A letter of credit is a document from banking guaranteeing that the seller will receive
payment in fall as long as certain delivery conditions have been met.In the event that the buyer is unable to
make payment on the purchases, the bank will cover the outstanding amount
TYPES OF A LETTER OF CREDIT.1.Revocable letter of credit:Revocable letter of credit can be modified or
revokedindependently by the issuing bank or the buyer without any notice.
2.Irrevocable letter of credit:Irrevocable letter of credit cannot be revoked or modified without any consent of
issuing bank, the beneficiary and the confirming bank
.3.confirmed the letter of credit :confirm The letter of credit is any arrangement where bank or financial
institutions add its guarantee to the letter of credit. It is used when the seller does not trust the buyers bank or
issuing bank.
4.Unconfirmed Letter of credit: Here there is a no added guarantee from another bank/ financial institution.
An unconfirmed letter of credit only involves the buyer, seller and issuing bank or buyers bank.5.Transferable
letter of credit:Transferable letter of credit is used to when there is a middleman involved or where a company
sells the product of another company/Producer.
6.Untransferable letter of credit: An untransferable letter of credit cannot be transferred to another
7.Red clause letter of credit:In a red clause letter of credit, the seller or beneficiary is partly paid or is paid on
advance before the goods are shipped and after the receipt of documents and a return confirmation from the
seller to the bank.
8.Green clause Letter of credit:The green clause letter of credit The seller received the advance payment not
only for purchasing raw materials, packaging and processing of goods, but also for cost incurred for free
shipment, ware housing and insurance.
1.Public sector: A public sector bank is a nationalised bank and its accounts for more than
75% of the total banking sector in the country. They are the banks within the majority of the
stakes held by the government. Here is a list of the public sector banks in India.Bank of
Maharashtra, Indian Bank of Baroda, SBI Central Bank of India, Union Bank of India, Boi
2.Regional Bank: Regional bank are the larger than community banks and typically have
number of the branches that serve individuals and businesses across a particular region.
Service rendered by the regional banks service vary between banks, but most regional banks
offer most or a all of the following:*Deposit account is like a checking, savings and money
market accounts.*Credit cards, *ATMs, *investment brokerage, *insurance, loans, leases and
3.Private sector:Private sector banks are the ones with the major stake or equity being held by
the private shareholders. All of the banking rules and regulations laid down by RBI are
applicable to private sector banks. Here is the list of private sector banks in India:ICICI Bank,
IDFC Bank, IDBI Bank, Axis Bank.Karnataka Bank.
4.Payments Bank :The payments banks are relatively new banking model in the country that
has been conceptualized by the RBI. The bank is allowed to accept the restricted deposit. This
amount is limited to Rs 1lakhs customer. The bank also offers services such as ATM cards, net
banking and more.
5.SMALLFINANCE BANKS :Small finance banks are the financial institutions which provides
financial service to the unserved and unbanked region of the country.
1.Capital formation:Banks play an important role in capital formation, which is essential for
the economic development of a country. They mobilize the small savings of the people
scattered over a wide area through their network of the branches all over the country and make
it available for productive purposes.
2.Creation of a credit:Banks create credit for the purpose of providing more funds for
development projects. Credit creation leads to increased production, employment, sales, and
3.Generalizing the funds towards productive investment:Banks invest the savings
mobilized by them for.Productive purposes.Capital formation is not the only function of
commercial banks..
4.Encouraging right type of industries:The banks grant loans and advances to manufacturers
whose products are in great demand. In this way they help not only for industrialization of the
country but also the economic development.
5.Banks monetize debt:Commercial banks transform the loan to be repaired after the certain
period into cash, which can be immediately used for the business activities, manufacturer and
wholesale traders.
6.Finance to government:The government is acting as the promoter of the industries in
undeveloped countries for the which finance is needed it.Banks provide long term credit to the
government by investing their funds in government securities and short term finance by the
purchasing treasury bills.
7.Employment generation: After the nationalization of big banks, the banking industry has
been grown to a great extent. Banks branches are opened frequently.Which leads to the
creation of.Employment Opportunity.
8.Banks promote entrepreneurship:l In recent days, banks have assumed the role of
developing entrepreneurship, particularly in developing countries like India by including new
entrepreneurs to take up well formulated projects and provide counseling services like
technical and managerial guidance.
1.Prohibition of trading (Sec-8):According to the Section 8 of BRA, a banking company cannot
directly / indirectly deal in buying, selling or bartering of goods.
2.Non banking assets (sec-9):According to section 9 A, banking company cannot hold any
immovable property.Howsover acquired ,excited for It's I wanna use for any period exceeding
7 years from the date of acquisition thereof. The company is permitted within the period of
seven years to deal the our trade in any such property for facilitating the disposal.
3.Management (Sec10): Section 10A states that not less than 15% of the total number of the
members of the Bod of Banking Company shall consist of persons who have special
knowledge on practical experience in one or more of the following fields.*Accountancy,
*agriculture and rural economy.* Banking, *Cooperative* economics, *Finance *law,*ssi
4.Floating charge (Sec14 ):It states that the banking company cannot create a floating charge
on any company. It can be created only by the getting the certificate from RBI. Otherwise the
floating charge will be invalid.5.Statutory liquid reserve ( Sec 24(2)):Under Section 24 to every
banking company has to maintain the reserve in the form of cash, gold or any approved
securities. This reserve is created at 25% to 40%. The SLR is decided by RBI and published in
the official Gazette 6.Cash Reserve :All scheduled banks have to maintain the reserve of 5%
of the deposit with the RBI. This percentage can be raised up to 15% of by RBI.All non
scheduled banks are also required to make this reserve up to 3% of the total deposit with RBI.
1.Liquidity risk:From ALM perspective, the focus is on the funding liquidity risk of the bank
mining is ability to meet its current and future cash flow applications and collateral needs,
both accepted and unaccepted. This machine does include the bank liquidity benchmark
price in market.
2.Interest rate risk:The risk of losses resulting from movements in interest rates and their
impact on the future cash closure generally because a bank may have a
disproportionate.Amount of fixed or variable rates instruments on either side of the balance
sheet. One of the primary causes are mismatches in terms of bank deposits and loans.
3.Current risk management: a risk of losses, resulting from movements in exchanges raised
to the extent that the cash flow assets and liabilities are denominated in the different
4.FundingAnd Capital Management: it is the dynamic and ongoing process considering both
short and long term capital needs and coordinated with the banks overall strategy and
planning cycles. 5.Profit planning and growth.
*An effective technique aims to manage the value mix, maturity rate, sensitivity, quality and
liquidity of assets and liabilities as whole so as to attain predetermined accepted risk/ reward
ratio. *To stabilize, stabilize short-term profits, long-term earnings and long-term substance of
the bank. The parameters of the stabilizing ALM system are.A .net interest income. B .net
interest margin. C. economic equity ratio.
1.Awareness for ALM in the bank, staff at all levels, supportive management and dedicated
teams. 2 .Of reporting data from branches,/ other departments. 3.Computerization. Full
computerization, networking. 4.Insight into the banking operations, economic forecasting,
computerization, investment credit. 5 .Linking up ALM to future risk management strategies
1.Home Loan :Home loans are taken by the people for a variety of home related purposes
such as the construction of home, home renovation, home extension, buying of a property or
land etc.TYPES :Home purchase loan, home construction loan, Home extension loan, home
renovation loaner land purchase loan.
2.Personal Loan :This type of loan is given to the individuals after accessing their creditors
based on their profession or business or any other sources of income. The loan can be utilized
for any purposes, for example, paying debt,Marriage expenses.
3.Business Loan: This type of loans is provided to the other existing business or those
venturing into new business. It is very important for the individuals to have a clear cut
business plan.As it is the most important requirement to the convenience bank that
your.Balance has the capability of repayment.Banks then rely on individuals
background.Assets, property, previous loan history and deduction towards work.
4.Education loan: It is required by And product to the students who want to pursue higher
education in a resident country or abroad. The loan takes care of the fees of institution
including examination and laboratory fees, travel expenses for abroad, cost of book and
equipments required, any insurance for the student .
5.Good loan: it is considered as one of the safest methods as the loan amount is provided on
the basis of the security submitted. Amount ranging from rupees 5 to 25,00,000 can be taken
as a loan against good amount equivalent to 80 to 90. Percentage of the total value of gold is
given as loan to the borrower.
6.Vehicle /car loan:Compared to other loans, it is easier and simpler to take vehicle loans. It
involves the less paperwork and around 3:00 to 6:00 working days are required to get the
clearance. The interest rates vary from the bank to bank based on their bank interest rate.The
repayment process involves EMI and early repayment options.
1.International Short Term Loan: the account holders find themselves short of money and
uh, knowingly makes an.Insufficient funds. They accept the associated fees and.Cover the OD
with these Net deposit.
2.Failure to maintain an accurate account register: the account holder doesn't accurately
account for activity.On their account and overspends through negligence.
3.Temporary deposit hold:He deposed me to the account and we placed on hold by the bank.
This may due to Regulation CC or due to individual bank policies, the funds may not be
immediately available to lead to OD fees
4.Merchant error: A merchant may improperly debit a customer's account due to human
5.Bank fees : the bank charges a fee unaccepted to account holder creating a negative
balance or living insufficient fund for a subsequent debit from the same account.
6.Bank error: A check between POST for an improper amount due to human or computer
error, so an amount much larger than the maker intended may be removed from the account.
1.Accept deposit:The bank takes deposits in the form of the savings currents and fixed
deposits. The surplus balance is collected from the firm and individuals are lent to the
temporary requirements of the commercial transactions.
2.Provides loan and advances:It is another primary function of the commercial banks. When
a bank receives the money, a certain part of the ITS deposited in the reserves, while the
remaining is dispatched in the form of loans.
3.Credit creation: When customer is provided with the credit or loan, they are not provided
with the liquid cash. In fact, a bank account is opened for the customer and then money is
transferred to the account.
#.Secondary functions.1.Overdraft facility:It is an advance given to the customer by keeping
the current account to overdraw up to the given limit.
2.Purchasing and selling of the securities: the bank offers you with the facility of selling and
buying the securities.
3.Locker Facilities: A bank provides a locker facilities to the customers to keep their
valuables documents safely. The banks charge a minimum of the annual fee for the services.
4.Paying and collecting the credi: It uses different instruments like a promissory note, checks
and bill of exchange.
5.Money remittance :banks remit the funds of the behalf of their customers from the one
place to another.
1.The issuer of bank notes:The most important role of the Arabia is issues of currency notes
and coins. Except the ₹1.00 note and coins which are issued by the Ministry of Finance, all
other notes bear the signature of the RBI Governor.
2.Banker to the government :Another chief role of RBI is that the takes care of banking needs
of the government which includes maintaining and operating deposit accounts of the
government, collecting the receipts of the funds and making payments on behalf of the
Government of India.
3.Custodian of cash reserve of commercial banks: Commercial banks are required to
maintain the cash reserves at the rate decided by the RBI in its monetary policy.
4.Custodian of the Foreign exchange reserve: Another of the important functions of the RBI is
maintaining the reserve of the foreign currencies that enables the RBI to deal with in any crisis
5.A lender of the last resort:Often regarded as the banker of the bank, so the RBI acts as a
parent to all commercial banks in India. Thus, it becomes the lender of the last result for all
banks when they are in the crisis situation.GOI as a regulator of banking system.The
government is very influential in all aspects of the financial world. Government revolutions and
policies affect the overall economy and directly impact the operations of the financial
institutions.Government regulate and influence finance of every kind.
1.Debtor and creditor:Bank( Debtor)and customer (creditor). When a customer deposits
money in his account, the money is to be considered as the money of the depositor. So he has
the right to withdraw it at any time as per the rules of the bank.There, the bank is the debtor
and the customer is the creditor.
2.Bailer and Bailee: When a banker takes a charge of his customers valuable goods, he
becomes Bailee. The customer who deposits the property in this way is a bailor
3.Mortgager and mortgage:When a banker accepts real estate like land and building
security of loan by way of mortgage. The relationship becomes that the mortgager and
mortgage. Here customer is mortgager and bank is mortgagee.
4.Pledger and pledgee:When customer pledges(promises) Certain assets or security with
the bank in order to get a loan. Here customer becomes the pledger and bank becomes the
5.Licensor and licensee:When a banker gives a sale deposit locker to the customer, so the
banker will become the licensor and customer will become the licensee.
6.Trustee and beneficiary:If customer deposits securities/valuables with the banker for the
safe custody, banker becomes the trustee of his customer. The customer is the beneficiary, so
the ownership remains with the customer.
7.Advisor and client:When a customer invites in the securities, the banker act as any advisor.
Here, the banker is an advisor and customer is a client.
8.Principal and agent: Agent is a person who act as one who is employed to do any act for
another or to represent another in dealings with the third person. The person for whom work is
done is called the principle.
information recorded by law.A banker is under statutory obligation to disclose the information
relating to his customer.Account when the law specifies required. The banker would therefore
be justified in disclosing information to meet the following statutory requirements *under the
Income Tax Act* under the Company Acts. *Disclose the policy* under the Foreign Exchange
Recollection Act.Disclose permitted by the bankers practices and usages.1.With express
/implied consent of customer:There will be justifiable in disclosing any information relating to
his customers account with the letters of the consent. The consent of customers may be
expressed or implied.
2.To protect his interest:the banker may disclose the state of his customer account to protect
his interest legally.
3.Bank reference:Banker follows the practices of making necessary inquiries about the
customers.Their surroundings or the acceptors of the bills from other bankers?There is an
established practice among the bankers and justifiable because an implied consent of
customer is presumed to exist.
4.Duty to the public to disclose the banker may justify disclosing any information relating to
his customers account when it is due to the public to disclose such as information such as a
situation is.a.Bank asked for information From a government official concerning the
Commission of crime.b.Where the bank considered that the customer is involved in activities
prejudicial to the interest of the country.C.Where the banks book reveals that the customer is
contravening the provision of any law.D.Where sizable funds are returned from foreign
countries by constituent
ENDORSEMENT:The act of a person who is a holder of a negotiable instrument in sending his
or her name on the back of the instrument, thereby transferring title or ownership, is an
Types of endorsement.1.Blank endorsement :where the endorser signs his name only and it
becomes payable to the bearer.2.Special Endorsement: where the endorser puts his sane and
writes the name of the person who will receive the payment.3.Restrictive enrichment.Which
restricts further negotiation.4.Partial endorsement: which allows transferring to the endorse a
part only of the amount payable on the instrument.5.Conditional endorsement :where the
fulfillment of some conditions is required.
HUNDIS:Hundi derived from the Sanskrit word"hund" and means "to collect".Thus 'Hundi' in
vernacular language is an instrument used to collect the money stated in
it.Classification/Kinds of hundies.
1.Darshan Hundi:The word darshan means at sight . A hundi payable at sight or on darshan
or an demand is known as darshan hundi.
2.Muddati or maid hundi:Muddat or maid Means a specific time period.a hundi payable After
a specified time period, he is known as muddati or miad hundi
3.Shah jug hundi:When Hundi payable only to shah example: the person of repute is called
Shah jog hundi
4.Nam jog hundi: when Hundi is payable to the person named in it or to his order is called
Nam jog Hundi.
5.Firman jog hundi: a hundi payable to order is a firman Jog Hundi. It can be negotiated by the
endorsement and delivery.
6.Insan jog hundi: an insan jog hundi is one of which paid only to the person who present it
1.ATM:Items are primarily used for performing some of the banking instances such as a
withdrawal of cash, the deposit of cash, etcetera, by using an ATM card. Convenience/Benefits
of ATMs:*To the customer:1.24×7 Excess availability 2.less time for the transactions 3.
privacy in transactions 4.any branch /anywhere Banking enabled 5.acceptability of card across
multiple bank ATMs.*To the banks: 1.Cost of setting up ATM is lower than setting up a branch.
2.Less hassle in handling cash.3.Enable the bank to display product on the screen.4.It serves
as a media for publicity for bank.
2.INTERNET BANKING: A system allowing individual to perform banking activities at home via
the Internet is called Internet banking.The automated delivery of a new traditional banking
products or services directly to customers through electronic interactive communication
channels.Some online banks are traditional banks which also offer online banking, while
others are online only and have no physical presence.Advantages: Cost Lesser ,transaction
speed, Efficiency ,speed banking, vast coverage.Disadvantages:Security ,learning
difficulties,Lack of skilled personal,Technical breakdown,Long startup time,Inexpensive.
3.MOBILE BANKING: Using mobile devices to connect to a financial institution to view your
account balances and transaction, transfer funds between accounts, pay bills, receive
account alerts, deposit checks, etc*Mobile banking security preventive measures. To
banks:1.Secure communication channels, SMS, browser based downloadable apps,
2.assign security labels and user authentication based on payment type, transaction value,
number of the daily transaction etc.3.Set a transaction limits, 4.know your vendor, 5.educate
consumers on security policies and tools.To consumers:*set a strong password. *Install
antivirus software on Smartphone* do not store sensitive data in mobile. *Receive mobile
alerts on potentially fraudulent transactions.

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