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31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No.

. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press


Published on: 31/03/2022 | Edition: 62 | Section: 1 | Page: 96
Organ: Ministry Of Economics/Institute National from Metrology Quality and Technology


Approves Technical Quality Regulations and Conformity Assessment

Requirements for Automotive Components - Consolidated.

exercise of the competence granted to him by Articles 4, § 2, of Law No. 5,966 of December 11, 1973, and 3, items I and IV,
of Law No. 9,933 of December 20, 1999, combined with the provisions of Articles 18, annex V, from Annex I to Decree No.
6,275 of November 28, 2007, and 105, item V, of the Annex to Ordinance No. 2 of January 4, 2017, of the then Ministry of
Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, considering what determines Decree No. 10,139 of November 28, 2019, and what is
contained in SEI Case No. 0052600.012622/2021-58, Solves:

Object and scope

Art. 1º The Consolidated Regulation for Automotive Components is approved, in the form of the Technical
Quality Regulations, the Conformity Assessment Requirements and the Specifications for the Conformity Identification Seal,
set out in Annexes I, II, III, IV and V of this Ordinance.

Art. 2º Suppliers of automotive components shall fully comply with the provisions of these Regulations.

Art. 3º The automotive components, object of these Regulations, must be manufactured, imported,
distributed and marketed, so as not to offer risks that compromise the safety of the user, regardless of the full compliance
with the requirements published herein.

§ 1 This Regulation applies to automotive components for motor vehicles intended for the aftermarket, as

I - suspension buffers;

II - electric fuel pump for Otto cycle engines;

III - horn;

IV - aluminum alloy pistons, pins and locking rings (retention);

V -piston rings;

VI - bronzins;

VII - lamps;

VIII - lead-acid battery;

IX - friction materials for brakes, and

X - steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals.

§ 2 - The electric fuel pumps referred to in § 1 comprise those dedicated to Otto Cycle Engines.

§ 3 - The lamps referred to in § 1 comprise categories H1 (6/12/24V), H3 (6/12/24V), H4 (12V/24V), H7

(12V/24V), H2 1W (12V/24V), H27W/1 (12V), H27W/2 (12V), HB3 (12V), HB4 (12V), HS2 (6/12V), S2 (6/12 12V), S3 (6/12V),
C5W (6/12/24V), P21W (6/12/24V), P21/4W (6/12/24V), P21/5W (6/12/24V), PY21W (12/24V), R5W (6/12/24V), R10W
(6/12/24V), T4W (6/12/24V), W3W (6/12/24V), W5W (6/12/24V), W21W (12V), W21/5W (12V), C21W (12V), R2
(6/12/24V), S1 (6/12V), HB1 (12V), S4 (6/12V), H5 1/51
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(12V), H2 (6/12/24V), HS3 (6V), H6 (12V), H6W (12V), T1.4W (12V), B1.13W (2.7V), B0.6W (6V), B2.4W (6V), T2W (6/12V),
W2W (12V), W2.2W / SAE 161 (12V), SAE57 (12V), R4W / SAE1895 (12V), T3W (24V), H5W (12V), H10W (12V), H20W
(12V), W1.2W / SAE14 (12V), W2.5W (24V) and TX1.4W (12V).

§ 4 - The batteries referred to in Paragraph 1, comprise the products called batteries or electric lead-acid
accumulators, whether charged, dry-charged, activated or deactivated, of new manufacture or derived from reform,
recycling or remanufacturing processes and intended for use in motor vehicles, as well as for any accessory, including
sound system, installed in the respective motor vehicles of the following classifications: cars, cargo vans, mixed-use vans,
light commercial vehicles, trucks, tractor trucks, buses and minibuses, category M and N, including agricultural machinery
and motorcycles, motorcycles, mopeds, tricycles, category L, according to ABNT NBR 13776:2021, including quadricycles.

§ 5 - The driving terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals of motor vehicles, their towed
and combined, referenced in § 1, comprise those classified as follows: automobiles, vans, trucks, light commercial vehicles,
trucks, tractor trucks, buses and minibuses, of categories M and N and categories G and O (where applicable), as described
in abnet nbt 13776:2021.

§ 6 - The friction materials referred to in Paragraph 1, comprise those used in sets of disc brake pads and
friction materials used in drum brake sets, for motor road vehicles, intended for use on public roads, and motor vehicles of
categories M, N and O, as described in abnt NBT 13776:2021.

§ 7 - Automotive Components are excluded from compliance with the provisions of these Regulations:

I - intended for the assembly lines of motor vehicles, except batteries;

II - to be applied in vehicles due to recall;

III - intended exclusively for vehicles with discontinued production until December 31, 1999, excluding

IV - intended exclusively for vehicles with a power/weight ratio (PpS) greater than 140, calculated as RPP=
(Pn/m)*1000kg/kW, with "Pn" being the power in the unit in kilowatts (kW) and "m" the mass in the unit in kilograms (kg);

V - intended exclusively for vehicles with a maximum power exceeding 195 kW;

VI - intended exclusively for vehicles with total gross weight (PBT) equal to or less than 3.5 tons with a
minimum suggested price of sale of R$250,000.00;

VII - imported or marketed as part of a assembled assembly, such as, but not exhaustively;

(a) for suspension shock absorbers, only those supplied previously mounted on the axle of the vehicle and also
those intended for other parts of the vehicle other than suspension;

b) for electric fuel pumps, only those mounted on the fuel tank;

(c) for pistons, pins, locking rings, piston rings and bearings, only those mounted on complete engines, or
partially assembled engines (consisting of at least engine block, crank shaft and all pistons, pins, locking rings, piston rings
and bearings) or intended exclusively for air compressors;

d) terminals and steering bars, only those of the mounted steering box;

e) friction materials, only those mounted in a disc assembly with inserts or drum with canvases;

VIII - shock absorbers intended for vehicles of category L, as described in ABNT NBT 13776:2021; 2/51
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IX - lamps of categories H4 35/35W (12V) and HS1 (6/12V), as well as other categories not listed in § 3;

X - batteries or lead-acid accumulators specifically intended for use in nautical, aeronautical and stationary
systems, such as emergency lighting plants, nobreaks, photovoltaic systems and telephone transmission stations or similar,
which are regulated by the National Telecommunications Agency, in addition to those used in motor vehicles and
motorcycles and their leads, with nominal voltage of 6 and 8 Volts;

XI- steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals, intended for vehicles of category L, as
described in ABNT NBT 13776:2021, agricultural machinery, implements and equipment; and

XII - friction materials used in sets of disc brake pads and friction materials used in drum brake canvas
assemblies for type L motor road vehicles, as described in ABNT NBT 13776:2021, racing vehicles, agricultural machinery,
machinery and tractors for off road use and other purposes.

§ 8 - The automotive components of vehicles of discontinued production from January 1, 2000 to the date of
July 21, 2011, and manufactured or imported before January 21, 2013, therefore exempt from compliance with the
provisions of Inmetro Ordinance No. 301, 2011, may be sold until the end of their inventories.

§ 9 - Automotive components intended for vehicles of low import and production volumes, intended for
special vehicles, collection vehicles or special application must comply with the specific regulations of the Inmetro
Ordinance in force for low-volume automotive components.

Art. 4º The Technical Quality Regulations, established in Annexes I, II and III determine the requirements, of
mandatory compliance, referring to automotive components: Battery; Steering Terminals, Steering Bars, Connecting Bars
and Axial Terminals; and Friction Materials.

Art. 5 º The automotive component production chain is subject to the following obligations and

I - the national manufacturer shall manufacture and make available, free of charge or for consideration,
automotive components in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;

II - the importer shall import and make available, free of charge or for consideration, automotive components
in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;

III - the other entities of the production chain and supply of automotive components, including trade in
physical or virtual establishments, must maintain the integrity of the product, its mandatory markings, preserving
compliance with the requirements of these Regulations.

Single paragraph. If a person has more than one function in the production and supply chain, among those
listed above, their responsibilities are accumulated.

Pre-Market Requirements

Art. 6 º Automotive components, manufactured, imported, distributed and marketed in national territory, free
of charge or for consideration, must be compulsorily submitted to conformity assessment, through the certification
mechanism, in compliance with the terms of these Regulations.

§ 1 - The Conformity Assessment Requirements for Automotive Components are set out in Annex IV to this

§ 2 - Certification does not exclude the supplier from exclusive responsibility for the safety of the product.

Art. 7º After certification, the automotive components, imported, distributed and marketed in national
territory, free of charge or for consideration, must be registered in Inmetro, considering inmetro ordinance no. 258, of
August 6, 2020, or substitute.

§ 1 - Obtaining the registration is conditional on the authorization of the use of the Conformity Identification
Seal on certified products and for its availability in the national market. 3/51
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§ 2 - The model of Conformity Identification Seal applicable to automotive components is found in Annex V of
this Ordinance.

Art. 8 º The automotive components covered by the Regulation herein approved are subject to the non-
automatic import licensing regime, and the importer must obtain approval in Inmetro, considering Inmetro Ordinance No.
18, of January 14, 2016, or substitute.

Art. 9 º All automotive lamps, regardless of whether or not they are covered by the scope of this Ordinance,
must contain in their packaging the information of international designation of category.

Market Surveillance

Art. 10. The automotive components, objects of these Regulations, are subject, throughout the national
territory, to market surveillance actions performed by Inmetro and public law entities linked to it by delegation agreement.

Art. 11. The action or omission contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance constitutes an infringement, and
may result in the penalties provided for in Law No. 9,933 of 1999.

Art. 12. The supplier, when subjected to market surveillance actions, must provide Inmetro, when requested,
with the information required within a maximum period of 15 days.

Transitional deadlines and provisions

Art. 13. Manufacturers and importers of Automotive Components will have up to twelve (12) months, counted
from the effective date of this Ordinance, to adapt certification processes of new component families in order to meet the
conditions and layout of the Compliance Identification Seal, as shown in Figure A of Annex V of this Ordinance.

Single paragraph. Families of automotive components already certified up to the effective date of this
Ordinance may bear the Conformity Identification Seal in compliance with the conditions and layout of Figure AA of Annex
V of this Ordinance.

Art. 14. The publication of this Ordinance does not imply the need for a new certification process to be
initiated on the basis of the requirements now consolidated.

§ 1 - Certificates already issued should be reviewed, for reference to the Ordinance published herein, in the
next stage of evaluation.

§ 2 - Certificates issued on the basis of Inmetro Ordinance No. 301, 2011, must have their validity adjusted, in
accordance with item of the RAC, established in Annex IV of this Ordinance, having by reference the date of

Art. 15. Certificates issued on the basis of Inmetro Ordinance No. 301, 2011, must have their validity periods
adjusted as provided for in sub-item of the RAC established in Annex IV of this Ordinance, having as reference the
date of concession.

Revocation clause

Art. 16. The Inmetro Ordinances are revoked on the effective date of this Ordinance:

I - no. 301 of July 21, 2011, published in the Official Gazette of July 25, 2011, section 1, page 92;

II - No. 239 of 9 May 2012, published in the Official Gazette of May 11, 2012, section 1, page 178;

III - no. 275, of May 31, 2012, published in the Official Gazette of June 4, 2012, section 1, pages 115 and 116;

IV - No. 299, of June 14, 2012, published in the Official Gazette of June 18, 2012, section 1, pages 299 to 231;

V - no. 16 of January 11, 2013, published in the Official Gazette of January 15, 2013, section 1, pages 51 and 52;

VI - No. 247 of 3 May 2013, published in the Official Gazette of 7 May 2013, section 1, page 109; 4/51
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VII - No. 268 of May 28, 2013, published in the Official Gazette of May 29, 2013, section 1, page 105;

VIII - No. 17 of January 10, 2014, published in the Official Gazette of January 14, 2014, section 1, page 57;

IX - no. 55 of January 28, 2014, published in the Official Gazette of January 30, 2014, section 1, pages 114 and

X - no. 455 of 7 October 2014, published in the Official Gazette of 9 October 2014, section 1, pages 70 and 71;

XI - No. 29 of January 21, 2015, published in the Official Gazette of January 22, 2015, section 1, pages 94 and

XII - No. 199 of April 16, 2015, published in the Official Gazette of April 20, 2015, section 1, page 101;

XIII - No. 80 of 4 March 2016, published in the Official Gazette of 7 March 2016, section 1, page 175; and

XIV - No. 282 of June 10, 2019, published in the Official Gazette of June 21, 2019, section 1, page 24.


Art. 17. This Ordinance will enter into force on May 2, 2022, as determined by Art. 4 of Decree No. 10,139, of




This Technical Quality Regulation establishes the mandatory requirements for lead-acid battery, intended for
the start of combustion engines, to be met by the entire supply chain of the product in the national market.


For the purposes of this RTQ, the acronyms contained in the documents mentioned in item 3 are adopted,
complemented by the following.

RTQ Quality Technical Regulations

C10 Rated capacity in the discharge regime of 10 h C20
Rated capacity in the discharge regime of 20 h CCA Cold
starting current
Conama National Council for the Environment
VENT Lead-acid battery using ventilated type technology
VRLA Lead-acid battery using valve-regulated type technology


ABNT NBR Lead-acid batteries for use in four- or more-wheeled motor vehicles -
15914:2018 Symbology and security requirements
ABNT NBR Lead-acid batteries for use in motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles
15916:2018 Symbology and security requirements
ABNT NBR Lead-acid batteries for use in road vehicles of four or more
15940:2019 wheels - Specification and test methods
ABNT NBR Lead batteries - acid for motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles - Specification and
15941:2019 testing methods
13776:2021 Motor vehicle, their towed and combined - Classification 5/51
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For the purposes of this RTQ, the following definitions are adopted, complemented by those contained in the
documents mentioned in item 3.

4.1 Automobiles

Vehicles of category M and N, both for the transport of passengers, as for the transport of cargo, of any size or
capacity, according to ABNT NBR 13776:2021.

4.2 Motorcycles

Vehicles of category L, according to ABNT NBR 13776:2021.


5.1 Batteries must be engraved on their body or printed by applying indelible labels in easily visible and legible
areas, in Portuguese, with sufficient mechanical strength to withstand handling and weather, thus in order to preserve the
information contained therein throughout the battery life, at least the following information:

(a) the manufacturer's or importer's company's downright;

(b) CNPJ of the manufacturer or importer;

(c) address of the manufacturer or importer;

(d) country of origin, identification and address of the manufacturer abroad in the case of an imported

e) Trade name (Brand);

f) Date of manufacture (day/month/year or week/year)*;

g) Rated voltage in Volts;

(h) nominal capacity in Ampére-hour (Ah) at 25ºC (discharge regime of 20 hours for cars and 10 hours for
motorcycles), and it is not allowed to inform on its label the nominal capacity in other discharge schemes and the use of
information alusing other nominal capacity values is not allowed;

i) Capacity reserve in minutes at 25ºC (car batteries only);

j) Cold start current (CCA) (-18ºC for cars and -10ºC for motorcycles and time in seconds until it reaches the
voltage of 6 Volts for motorcycle batteries);

k) Classification of battery technology: for cars: "Valve-regulated", or if "Ventilated", using the following clearly
expressed terms: "Maintenance Free" / "Low Maintenance" / "With Maintenance" - as appropriate; for motorcycles:
"Valve Regulated", or "Ventilated.";

l) Customer Service - Customer Service of the holder of the product registration with Inmetro;

m) Information text on appropriate disposal after its use: "They shall be returned to resellers or to the network
of technical assistance authorized for transfer to manufacturers or importers, according to Conama Resolution No. 401 of

n) Warnings about risks to human health and the environment, as well as symbologies on care in the handling
of the product, in accordance with Annex I to Conama Resolution No. 401 of 2008;

o) ABNT Technical Standards that the battery must meet; and

(p) weight of the battery in the manner in which it is marketed, in kilograms (kg), declared by the

q) safety symbology according to ABNT NBR 15914:2018 for car batteries*;

r) safety symbology according to ABNT NBR 15916:2018 for motorcycle batteries*; 6/51
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Note 1: For items flagged with *, the information can optionally be recorded on the battery body.

5.1.1 The indication of the rated battery capacity (Ah) must be written in a font of equal or larger size than any
other technical information in the product. It is not permitted to bear on the product label any information that alludes to
other nominal capacities other than that of the actual one verified in the product.

5.1.2 Batteries intended for vehicles of category L (motorcycles and the like) shall not be characterized as
alusive the use of nomenclature relating to the manufacturer's model/code, the name of which is distinct from the rated
capacity of the battery.

Note 1: This information can optionally be recorded on the battery body.

Note 2: Only for car batteries.

5.2 The supplier must declare the weight of the battery according to the value present on its label and in its
descriptive memorial, and a variation of up to ±5% with the declared information shall be admitted.

5.2.1 The declared weight shall be considered in the battery in the manner in which it is marketed, except for
its packaging.

5.2.2 In the case of dry-charged batteries, the weight in the way it is marketed by its manufacturer or importer,
not activated and without the electrolyte, shall be considered.

5.3 The measured capacity (C20 or C10) shall be greater than or equal to 95% of the nominal capacity value
specified on the label, up to 90 days after its date of manufacture, in accordance with ABNT NBR 15940:2019 and ABNT
NBR 15941:2019.

5.3.1 For batteries available in the trade, with more than 90 days of manufacture, the measured nominal
capacity shall be greater than or equal to 70% of the nominal capacity value specified on the label.

5.4 The measured capacity reserve value shall be greater than or equal to 95% of the capacity reserve value
specified on the label for batteries available to the manufacturer.

5.4.1 For batteries intended for commercially available cars with a manufacturing date of more than 90 days,
the value of the measured capacity reserve shall be greater than or equal to 70% of the capacity reserve value specified on
the battery label.

5.5 The cold start current must be the one on the product label.

5.5.1 For those intended for category L vehicles available to the manufacturer, the time measured at discharge
up to 6 Volts shall be greater than or equal to that reported on the product label. The value of the cold start current shall
be 10 times the numerical value of the nominal capacity in a 10-hour regime specified on the product label.

5.6.1 In VRLA batteries for cars water consumption may not exceed 1g/Ah.

5.7 Batteries intended for cars must be resistant to vibration and may not leak an electrolyte.

5.8 Batteries must be able to retain electrolyte even when tilted or deskewed. 7/51
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This Technical Quality Regulation establishes the mandatory requirements for steering terminals, steering bars,
connecting bars and axial terminals, used in motor road vehicles, to be met by the entire product supply chain in the
national market.


For the purposes of this RTQ, the acronyms contained in the documents mentioned in item 3 are adopted,
complemented by the following.

RTQ Technical Quality Regulation


Motor vehicle Motor vehicles Steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial bar assemblies
ABNT NBR Requirements and test methods applied to vehicles
16130:2012 categories M and N and categories G and O (where applicable)


For the purposes of this RTQ, the definitions contained in the documents referred to in item 3 are adopted.


5.1 The steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals shall be in conformity with the
reference spherical diameter.

5.2 Steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals may not have cracks, except surface
terminals in the surface and/or thermochemical treatment layer.

5.2.1 Surface microcracks detected in the surface and/or thermochemical treatment layer may occur in
accordance with ABNT NBR 16130:2012.

5.3 Steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals must be constructed with materials
offering mechanical strength.




This Technical Quality Regulation establishes the mandatory requirements for friction materials for brakes,
used in motor road vehicles, to be met by the entire product supply chain in the national market.


For the purposes of this RTQ, the acronyms contained in the documents mentioned in item 3 are adopted,
complemented by the following.

RTQ Technical Quality Regulation 8/51
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ABNT NBR Friction material for road, industrial and road vehicle brake pads and brake pads
5505:2019 similar - Check of radius stability, dilation and growth
Motor road vehicles - Brake trim - Verification of shear resistance between the trim and the metal
ABNT NBR support for disc brake pads and
5537:2002 drum brake shoes
ABNT NBR Road vehicles - Brake trims - Deformation test methods to the
6310:2016 compression
93/116:1993 Test Method: Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Material.


For the purposes of this RTQ, the definitions contained in the documents referred to in item 3 are adopted.


5.1 Brake pads and pads must be engraved on their body or in their packaging in easily visible and legible
areas, in Portuguese, with sufficient mechanical strength to withstand handling and weathering, the following information:

a) Name of the supplier or his brand, company name, CNPJ, fancy name (when it is included in the CNPJ);

b) Supplier address;

(c) country of origin or its reference;

d) Trade name (Brand);

e) Date of manufacture (month and year);

f) manufacturing lot number and/or raw material batch number;

(g) model and type of brake insert or canvas;

(h) Application: Vehicle lines, axles (front or rear) and brake types (this where applicable) for which the product
is intended (see note 2);

i) Customer Service - Customer Service of the holder of the product registration with Inmetro; and

j) Information on proper destination after its use, in compliance with local legislation, when existing.

Note: If the information described in item 5.1 is recorded only on the packaging, it must contain some
information that allows its traceability with the respective part contained therein.

Note 2: If there is no information on the packaging for all applications, you are given the option to display this
information clearly and indelibly in a catalogue that should be available at the point of sale.

5.2 The set of friction materials (dustdusts and inserts) shall be free of asbestos and asbestos in its composition
in accordance with EPA/600/R-93/116:1993.

5.3 Insert assemblies and brake trim must have adhesion and shear strength in accordance with ABNT NBR

5.4 Brake pad assemblies must be compressibility-compliant in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO 6310:2016.
These requirements do not apply to parking brake components.

5.5 Brake canvas trim assemblies must withstand dilation and growth in accordance with ABNT NBR
5505:2019. 9/51
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5.6 The brake pad or canvas assembly must not present any abnormality in terms of physical integrity and
must have adequate mechanical resistance to use. No breakage or detachment of the metal platelet, cracking, breaking,
desplacating of the friction material in the metal shoe glued or deplatement of the brake canvas on rivets in case of riveted
canvases are allowed.




Establish the criteria and procedures of conformity assessment for Automotive Components, focusing on
safety, through the certification mechanism, aiming at the prevention of accidents on public roads.

1.1 Grouping for certification

For the certification of the object, the concept of family or model applies, as defined in sub-item 4.2 and 4.3
and in the Specific Annexes of this RAC.


For the purposes of this RAC, the acronyms contained in the Specific Annexes of this RAC are adopted,
complemented by those contained in the documents mentioned in item 3.


For the purposes of this RAC, the supplementary documents of the RGCP, those listed in the Specific Annexes
of this RAC, as well as those listed below are adopted:

Ordinance Inmetro No. 200, 2021 Approves General Requirements for Product Certification - RGCP
16949 IATF 16949:2016 Automotive Quality Management Systems


For the purposes of this RAC, the definitions of the documents set out in item 3 are adopted, in addition to the
following definitions:

4.1 Automotive Component

It is all types of product applicable in motor vehicle that has service life.

4.2 Family

Automotive Component of the same manufacturer and manufacturing unit, complemented by the
construction requirements defined in each Specific Annex of this RAC.

4.3 Model

Automotive component that has the same design, production process, dimensions and other regulatory
requirements, as defined in each Specific Annex of this RAC, the same manufacturer and the same manufacturing unit.


The compliance assessment mechanism for Automotive Components is certification.


6.1 Definition of the Certification Models used

This RAC establishes two (2) distinct certification models, and it is up to the supplier to choose one of them:

a) Certification Model 5 - Initial evaluation consisting of tests on samples taken from the manufacturer
including audit of the Quality Management System - QMS, followed by periodic maintenance evaluation through sample
collection of the product, alternately, in the trade and manufacturer to carry out the conformity assessment activities, and
audit of the QMS.

b) Certification Model 1b - Batch test. 10/51
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Note: the possibility of adoption of the models described should consider that provided for in each Specific
Annex of that RAC.

6.2 Certification Model 5

6.2.1 Initial Assessment Certification Request

The vendor must forward a formal request to the OCP, providing the documentation described in the RGCP. Analysis of Documentation Request and Compliance

The criteria for analyzing the request and complying with the documentation must follow the requirements set
forth in the RGCP and the Specific Annexes cited in this RAC. Initial Audit of the Management System

The initial audit criteria of the management system must follow the requirements set out in the RGCP.

Note: The Quality Management System can be evaluated according to the Technical Standard IATF
16949:2016, being valid the same requirements of Tables 2 and 3 of the RGCP. Initial Testing Plan

The criteria for defining the initial plans must follow the conditions defined in the RGCP. The initial test plan
shall be drawn up by family or model and shall include the sampling specified in the Specific Annex of each Automotive
Component. Definition of the tests to be carried out The definition of the tests to be carried out shall follow as set out in the RGCP. Compliance with all
requirements established in each established RTQ should be verified. The tests are those defined in the Specific Annex of
each Automotive Component. It must also be ensured that all Automotive Components are marked on the products or on their

a) month and year of its manufacture, with the exception of automotive lamps;

(b) the model, make and year of the vehicles to which they apply;

c) Conformity Identification Seal;

d) Supplier's name (trademark, registered name or fancy name) and National Registry of Legal Entities (CNPJ);

(e) country of origin; and

f) product code. The information referred to in point (b) of this item may be declared in technical catalogues at
points of sale, in a clear and indelible way, accessible to the consumer, and may be in electronic media or in physical
environment. The information referred to in point (b) of this item applicable to vehicles of discontinued
production must be informed in technical catalogs at the points of sale, in a clear and indelible way, accessible to the
consumer, and may be in electronic media or in physical environment. The technical catalogs referenced in this item must contain the number of its version, month and
year of its update. Definition of Sampling The definition of sampling and acceptance and rejection criteria shall follow the general conditions
defined in the RGCP. The specific criteria are described in the Specific Annex of each Automotive Component. 11/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press If the evidence sample is disapproved, the disapproved test must be repeated, mandatorily, in the
samples of evidence and witness, and both must meet the requirements set out in the Specific Annex of the Automotive
Component. Laboratory Definition

The criteria for laboratory definition must follow the requirements set out in the RGCP. Treatment of Non-Conformities in the Initial Assessment Stage

The criteria for handling non-conformities in the initial evaluation stage must follow the requirements set out
in the RGCP. Issuance of the certificate of conformity The criteria for issuing the Certificate of Conformity must follow the requirements set out in the
RGCP. The Certificate of Conformity must be valid for five (5) years from the date of issue. In the certificate of conformity, when the grouping of the Automotive Component is by Family, the
rating of the model(s) shall be as follows: When grouping the Automotive Component by Model, the model notation shall be as follows: In the case of lead-acid batteries, the OCP shall include in the certificate the nominal indication of the
quantitative value, in legal units of mass (kg), of each certified battery model, as stated in the descriptive memorial.

6.2.2 Maintenance Assessment

The maintenance assessment shall be carried out by the PcO, which shall schedule periodic audits and tests to
ascertain whether the technical and organisational conditions giving rise to the initial certification grant continue to be
met. 12/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press Maintenance Audit The criteria for maintenance auditing must follow the requirements set out in the RGCP. The
Maintenance Audit must be carried out every twelve (12) months from the date of issue of the certificate.

Note1: The Quality Management System can be evaluated according to the Technical Standard IATF

the same requirements as Tables 2 and 3 of the RGCP are valid.

Note 2: The IATF standard may be used, alternatively to ISO 9001 or ABNT NBR ISO 9001, for the purposes of
rgcp sub-item Based on evidence that justifies it, the OCP may conduct other extraordinary audits within twelve (12)
months. Maintenance Test Plan

The criteria for the maintenance test plan shall follow that set out in the RGCP. The tests must be carried out
every 12 months, according to the final requirements in the Specific Annex of each Automotive Component. Definition of Tests to be carried out

Maintenance tests shall be carried out in accordance with sub-item Definition of maintenance sampling

Maintenance sampling must follow the criteria defined in the RGCP. For the performance of these tests must
be collected alternately in the trade and in the factory, samples according to the Specific Annex of each Automotive
Component. Laboratory Definition

The criteria for laboratory definition must follow the requirements set out in the RGCP. Treatment of non-conformities in the Maintenance Assessment stage

The criteria for handling non-conformities in the maintenance evaluation stage must follow the requirements
set out in the RGCP. Maintenance Confirmation

The maintenance confirmation criteria must follow the requirements set out in the RGCP.

6.2.3 Recertification Assessment

The criteria for recertification evaluation are established in the RGCP. The Recertification Assessment must be
carried out every five (5) years and must be completed by the expiration date of the Certificate of Conformity previously

6.3 Certification Model 1b

6.3.1 Initial Assessment Certification Request

The vendor must submit a formal request to the OCP, according to criteria set forth in the RGCP. Analysis of The Request and Documentation

The criteria for analyzing the request and documentation must follow the requirements set out in the RGCP. Test Plan

Rgcp-compliant test plans, by family or model, shall be carried out as defined in the Specific Annex of each
Automotive Component. Definition of the tests to be carried out 13/51
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The criteria for the definition of tests shall follow the provisions of sub-item, complemented by the
provisions of the Specific Annex of each Automotive Component. Definition of Sampling The definition of sampling shall follow the criteria defined in the RGCP. The sampling, by family or
model, should be carried out according to Table 1 below. The sampling in Table 1 shall be divided in proportion to the tests
set out in the Specific Annexes of each Automotive Component.

Table 1: Sampling for tests for certification of families or model in Model 1b

Lot Size
Certification Sampling

Proof Rebuttal Witness

1 to 500 The same number of samples The same number of samples The same number of samples
indicated in each indicated in each indicated in each
Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC.
501 a Twice the number of samples Twice the number of samples Twice the number of samples
5.000 indicated in each indicated in each indicated in each
Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC.
5,001 a
Three times the number of Three times the number of Three times the number of
10.000 samples indicated in each samples indicated in each samples indicated in each
Equal to or Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC.
above The quadruple number of The quadruple number of The quadruple number of
10.001 samples indicated in each samples indicated in each samples indicated in each
Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC. Specific Annex of this RAC. The sampling in Table 1 shall be divided in proportion to the tests established by the tables
contained in the Specific Annex of each Automotive Component. Laboratory Definition

The criteria for the laboratory definition must follow the conditions described in the RGCP. Issuance of the Certificate of Conformity

The criteria for issuing the Certificate of Conformity must follow the conditions described in the RGCP, applying
the provisions of sub-item, except for the validity of the certificate, which is undetermined.


The criteria for handling complaints must follow the conditions described in the RGCP.

8. ACTIVITIES PERFORMED BY OCP accredited by member of the IAF MLA

The criteria for activities performed by OCPs accredited by a member of the IAF MLA must follow the
conditions described in the RGCP.


The criteria for the transfer of certification must follow the conditions described in the RGCP.


The criteria for certification termination must follow the conditions described in the RGCP.


The general criteria for the Conformity Identification Seal are covered by the RGCP, the Specific Annexes of this
RAC and Annex V.


The criteria for Authorization to use the Conformity Identification Seal must follow the conditions described in
the RGCP.

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13.1 The criteria for lidefor and obligations must follow the conditions described in

13.2 In addition to those provided for in the RGCP, the supplier of lead-acid batteries shall make available to
Inmetro, whenever requested:

a) Inventory of management of unusable batteries, object of reverse logistics, which contemplates the
environmentally appropriate destination, according to environmental legislation in force, for manufacturers and importers.

b) Operating license of its factory(s) issued by the competent environmental agency, with the object of
manufacture of lead-acid batteries, updated and in validity, only for manufacturers established in national territory.

Voucher from regularity together To Cadastre Technician Federal from
Potentially Polluting activities or Users of Environmental Resources - CTF, for manufacturers, importers
and companies responsible for recycling, contracted by them.

d) Evidence of annual submission, to the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural
Resources-IBAMA, of the physical-chemical report of the composition of the families of batteries object of this RAC, issued
by a laboratory accredited by the General Accreditation Coordination - CGCRE, of Inmetro.

e) Operating license for lead recycling activity, issued by the state environmental inspection agency on behalf
of the recycler contracted by the manufacturer/importer, which is within the validity period.

f) Document issued by the recycler (declaration) contracted by the manufacturer/importer, expressly stated:

f.1) Characterization of the company responsible for recycling unusable batteries (social reason and CNPJ); f.2)
Full address;

f.3) Telephone, e-mail and website (if any);

f.4) Number and validity of the Operating License;

f.5) Activities contained in the Operating License;

f.6) Responsible Technician;

f.7) Method of destination and/or treatment (indicate the processes and treatments to be used);

f.8) Quantity of batteries (by weight) received from the manufacturer/importer;

f.9) List of all remittance invoices; and

f.10) Quantitative summary of batteries sent, month by month and totaled for the year.

(g) certificate of conformity for all models and families of lead-acid batteries subject to the request, containing
information on the nominal weight, nominal capacity of each model and the fancy marks with which the certified products
will be marketed;

(h) annual supplier activity report, which shall contain at least the following information:

h.1) quantity (by weight) of batteries marketed and imported;

h.2) quantity (by weight) of unusable batteries received from the market, object of reverse logistics;

h.3) quantity (by weight) of unusable batteries sent to the recycler contracted for lead recycling services;

h.4) a statement issued by the contracted recycler that he has received the quantity of unusable battery
batteries sent by the manufacturer or importer, declared in sub-item b.3, and that he has recycled the components in an
environmentally appropriate manner.

i) Federal Technical Register of Potentially Polluting Activities or Users of Environmental Resources (CTF); 15/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

j) Contract signed between the manufacturer/importer and recycler, the object of which is the recycling of
battery components;

k) Operating license of its manufacturing unit(s) issued by the competent environmental agency, with the
object of manufacture of lead-acid batteries, updated and in validity, only for manufacturers established in national
territory; and

l) Operating license for the lead recycling activity, issued by the government environmental inspection agency,
on behalf of the recycler contracted by the manufacturer/importer, which is within the validity period.


The criteria for monitoring the market must follow the conditions described in the RGCP.


The criteria for applying penalties must follow the conditions described in the RGCP.


The criteria for reporting must follow the conditions described in the RGCP.



For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as defined in items 4.2 to 4.5 of
this Annex.


Specific acronyms do not apply.


ABNT NBR Standard Motor vehicle - Suspension shock absorbers - Verification of

13308:2014 performance and durability - Test method
ABNT NBR Standard Coated and uncoated metallic material - Corrosion by exposure to the atmosphere
8095:2015 saturated wet - Test method


4.1 Damper

Device used to reduce or cushion suspension oscillations during its movement, with the aim of keeping tires in
contact with the ground for greater stability, comfort and safety.

4.2 Conventional Damper Family

Shock absorber that has no structural function in the suspension of the vehicle.

4.3 Structural Buffer Family

Damper that is integral part of the suspension system and rigid enough to withstand the lateral forces,
elevated in dynamic situations of curves, acceleration and braking.

Note: This shock absorber is generally used in front suspensions in vehicles.

4.4 Semistructural Shock Family

Damper that has characteristics of both the conventional damper and the structural damper. It is an integral
part of the suspension system, but with less resistance to lateral forces.

4.5 Cartridge-type Damper Family

Buffer which, when mounted on the suspension housing, becomes a structural buffer.

5. TEST PLAN 16/51
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5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

Initial tests should be performed according to the technical standard ABNT NBR 13308:2014, complemented
by ABNT NBR 8095:2015, for the wet camera test. Table 1 lists the tests for each buffer family, the distribution of samples
for the tests and the acceptance criteria.

Table 1: Tests, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for shock absorbers, according to ABNT NBR

Family Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Durability for type shock absorbers item 4.2.3, in at least 02 (two)
Conventional 04 samples
conventional and semi-structural simultaneously
Chamber test procedure
Wet 01 item 7.3
Mist test procedure
salina 01 item 7.3
Tensile strength of the assembly
shock absorber 03 item 5.3

Hydraulic lock check 03 item 9.3

Approval of rod
shock absorber 03 item 8.3
item 4.1.3, in at least 02 (two)
Durability for type shock absorbers samples
Structural structural and cartridge 04
Chamber test procedure
Wet 01 item 7.3
Mist test procedure
salina 01 item 7.3
Tensile strength of the assembly
shock absorber 03 item 5.3
Seat fixing resistance
spring 03 item 6.3

Hydraulic lock check 03 item 9.3

Approval of rod
shock absorber 03 item 8.3

Durability for type shock absorbers item 4.2.3, in at least 02 (two)

Semistructural 04 samples
conventional and semi-structural simultaneously
Chamber test procedure
Wet 01 item 7.3
Mist test procedure
salina 01 item 7.3
Tensile strength of the assembly
shock absorber 03 item 5.3
Seat fixing resistance
spring 03 item 6.3

Hydraulic lock check 03 item 9.3

Approval of rod
shock absorber 03 item 8.3

Durability for type shock absorbers item 4.1.3, in at least 02 (two)

Cartridge 04 samples
structural and cartridge
Chamber test procedure
Wet 01 item 7.3
Mist test procedure
salina 01 item 7.3
Tensile strength of the assembly
shock absorber 03 item 5.3

Hydraulic lock check 03 item 9.3

Approval of rod
shock absorber 03 item 8.3 17/51
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Note: For bus, truck and utility dampers with a load capacity above 1.5t the durability test must conform to the
item "Durability test for bus, truck and utility dampers with load capacity above 1.5t".

5.2 Maintenance Tests

The OCP shall carry out a complete test each year, according to Table 1, in 25% of the certified shock absorbers


6.1 The identification of conformity must be recorded on the product, clearly, indelible and non-violable or
printed (in the form of adhesive or not), containing the mark and registration number in Inmetro, according to the
dimensions and proportions set out in Annex V, Figure A.

6.2 The conformity identification shall be clearly, indelible and non-tamper-proof on the packaging containing
the Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and Logo of the OCP, following one of the models described in
Annex V, Figure B.


It should be encoded for each buffer family and contain at least the information below:

Manufacturer/Importer Data:

(a) the manufacturer/importer's company's control ratio:

b) Fancy name and/or Product brand:

c) MANUFACTURER/importer's CNPJ:

(d) Address of the Manufacturer/Importer:


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


- Product design with external dimensions (layout): 18/51
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- Document date:

- Signature of those responsible:

- Analyzed by OCP at: ____/____/_______

Document Date

- Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________




For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in items 4.4 and 4.5 of
this Annex.


Specific acronyms do not apply.


ABNT NBR Motor road vehicles - Electric fuel pump for engines of the
15754: 2017 Otto cycle - Technical requirements


4.1 Electric fuel pump for otto cycle engines

Electric motor coupled to a pumping device, responsible for generating a fuel flow to the vehicle's power
supply system, according to the pressure determined by this system.

4.2 Harmful materials

Existing materials in pump components that do not meet current legislation, such as asbestos, cadmium, heavy
metals (mercury), among others.

4.3 Relief Valve

Safety valve that has the function of relieving pump pressure in cases of over pressure in the system (shut-off
valve). 19/51
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4.4 Family of electric fuel pumps - bifuel

Electric fuel pumps that run on hydrated fuel ethyl alcohol, gasoline or any mixture of these.

4.5 Family of electric fuel pumps - type C gasoline, according to current legislation

Electric fuel pumps that operate only on type C gasoline.


5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

5.1.1 Tests to be carried out

Initial tests should be performed in accordance with ABNT NBR 15754:2017. Table 1 lists the tests for each
family of electric pump for Otto cycle motors, the distribution of samples for the tests and the acceptance criteria. It shall
be ensured that the electric pumps meet the provisions of sub-items and of this Specific Annex.

Table 1: Types of tests by family, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for electric pump for otto cycle
motors, according to ABNT NBR 15754:2017.

Initial Sampling Sampling of Criteria for

Maintenance Acceptance
Characteristic curve 03 13 Item
Temperature variation Dry 05 01 Item
operation Vibration 02 Item
resistance Impact resistance Item
Measuring the vibration of the pump and pulse of the Item
fuel pressure 03
01 Item
Short-term overvoltage resistance Long-term
Overvoltage resistance Polarity inversion sensitivity Item
Long-lasting durability in fuel of Item
Accelerated durability in aggressive fuel Starting after 04
swelling 02 Item

Extreme wear 03 Item

Suction behavior with emersa pump 05 01 Item
Suction behavior with the pump 02 Item
partially emersa
02 Item
Reaction behavior of the check valve Tightness of the
check valve
Leak protection Electromagnetic Item
interference Item
Wear resistance (durability with Item
01 Item 4.5.1
01 Item

Note: Sampling for the "Characteristic Curve Test" shall be redistributed to subsequent tests following the
guidelines of Annex A and Annex B to ABNT NBR 15754: 2017. Certified Otto cycle motor electric pumps may not be constructed of harmful materials such as
cadmium, asbestos, mercury and lead, as well as harmful materials provided for in current legislation. Certified Otto cycle motor electric pumps shall contain a relief valve with a minimum opening pressure
of 100 (one hundred) kPa added to the rated system pressure, limited to 950 kPa for system pressure up to 450 kPa and for
system pressure greater than 450 kPa, the limit shall be equal to the system pressure, plus 500 kPa. 20/51
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Note: In the case of the maximum fuel pressure after blocking the pipe does not reach the above limits or if
there is another valve with similar function in the system in which the otto cycle fuel pump is installed, the presence of the
said valve in the pump is not necessary.

5.2 Maintenance tests

The OCP shall carry out a complete test, in accordance with Table 1, on all otto cycle certified electric motor
electric pump families.


6.1 The identification of conformity shall be recorded in the product clearly, indelible and non-violable,
containing the mark and registration number in Inmetro, according to the dimensions and proportions set out in Annex V,
Figure A.

6.1.1 Due to the configuration of the product, the Conformity Identification Seal must be at least 2.5 mm.

6.2 The conformity identification must be clearly, indelible and non-tamper-proof on the packaging containing
the Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and OCP logo, following one of the models described in Annex V,
figure B.


It must be coded for each otto cycle electric pump family and contain at least the information below:


Manufacturer/importer's company's reason:

Manufacturer/Importer CNPJ:

Model and/or family of electric pump for Otto cycle motors:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:





Constructive and Operating Principles:

Manufacturing Process:


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Drawings and/or Technical Catalogues;

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________




For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in items 4.2 to 4.4 of
this Annex.

2. ACRONYMS 21/51
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Decibel dB


ABNT NBR 7014:2017 Horns for motor road vehicles - specification Horns for motor road vehicles -
ABNT NBR 5535:2011 Acoustic requirements
ABNT NBR 5536:2011 Motor road vehicles - Acoustic horn test - Test methods


4.1 Decibel

Measurement of the ratio between two quantities that allows to define sound intensity level.

4.2 Electric operating horn family

Horn, horn or dish, driven directly by electric current.

4.3 Electropneumatic operating horn family

Horn type horn or snail, driven through a source of compressed air integral to the system or incorporated,
source is electrically triggered.

4.4 Pneumatic operating horn family

Horn type horn or snail, driven only by independent compressed air source.

4.5 Harmful materials

Existing materials in horn components that do not meet current legislation, such as asbestos, cadmium, heavy
metals (mercury), among others.


5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

Initial tests should be performed in accordance with technical standards ABNT NBR 7014:2017, ABNT NBR
5535:2011, ABNT NBR 5536:2011. Table 1 lists the assay, sample distribution and acceptance criteria for each horn family
or similar equipment. It must be ensured that the horns or similar equipment meet the provisions of sub-items 5.1.1 of
this Specific Annex.

Table 1: Type of test, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for horn or similar equipment.

Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Item 3.3.1 from ABNT NBR
Consumption determination 10 7014:2017
Item 3.3.2 from ABNT NBR
Frequency determination 7014:2017
Item 3.3.3 from ABNT NBR
Electrical insulation 7014:2017
Item 3.3.4 from ABNT NBR
Operating temperature range 04 7014:2017
Item 3.3.5 da ABNT NBR
Thermal cycles 7014:2017
Item 3.3.6 from ABNT NBR
Thermal exposure 10 7014:2017
Impermeability (applies only to families of Item 3.3.8 from ABNT NBR
electric horns) 03 7014:2017
Item 3.3.7 from ABNT NBR
Continuous operation 03 7014:2017
Item 3.3.9 from ABNT NBR
Corrosion to check electrical behavior 03 7014:2017
Item 3.3.10 from ABNT NBR
Corrosion to check external finish 03 7014:2017
Item 3.3.11 from ABNT NBR
Vibration 03 7014:2017 22/51
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Item 4.2 from ABNT NBR

Durability 04

5.1.1 Certified horns may not be constructed of harmful materials such as cadmium, asbestos, mercury and
lead, as well as harmful materials provided for in current legislation.

5.2 Maintenance tests

The OCP shall carry out a complete test, in accordance with Table 1, on all certified horn families.


6.1 The identification of conformity must be recorded on the product, clearly, indelible and non-violable or
printed (in the form of adhesive or not), containing the mark and registration number in Inmetro, according to the
dimensions and proportions set out in Annex V, Figure A.

6.2 The conformity identification must be clearly, indelible and non-violable on the packaging containing the
Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and OCP logo, following one of the conformity identification seal
models described in Annex V, figure B.


It should be coded for each horn family and contain at least the information below:


Manufacturer/importer's company's reason:

Horn family:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:



Manufacturing Process:


Horn type:


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Drawings and/or Technical Catalogues;

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________




For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in items 4.2 to 4.12 of
this Annex.


Specific acronyms do not apply.

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Spark ignition internal combustion engines - Spark alloy pistons

ABNT NBR 15905:2017
Internal combustion compression ignition engines (Diesel) - Compression pistons
ABNT NBR 15934:2017 aluminum light alloy
1:2014 Internal combustion engines - Piston pins - Part 1: General specifications
ABNT NBR ISO 18669- Internal combustion engines - Piston pins - Part 2: Measuring principles
2:2010 inspection
ABNT NBR 15933:2013 Locking rings - Circular section wire for piston pins
ABNT NBR 16100:2013 Retaining rings for holes Rectangular section Specification


4.1 Lock Ring (Hold)

Automotive application component that retains components mounted in holes, have eccentric conformation
and are fixed by spring effect in grooves in the holes, being suitable to limit the movements resulting from axial forces.

4.2 Circular Section Lock Ring Family

Consisting of locking ring (beares) with circular area section.

4.3 Family Lock Ring Rectangular Section

Consisting of locking ring (beares) with rectangular area section.

4.4 Pin Family Class 1

Consisting of pin(s) with a diameter smaller than or equal to 30 mm

4.5 Pin Family Class 2

Consisting of pin(s) with a diameter greater than 30 and less than or equal to 60 mm.

4.6 Pin Family Class 3

Consisting of pin(s) with a diameter greater than 60 mm.

4.7 Piston Family Class 1 Otto Cycle

Consisting of pistons with a diameter smaller than or equal to 65 mm.

4.8 Piston Family Class 2 Otto Cycle

Consisting of pistons with a diameter greater than 65 and less than or equal to 105 mm.

4.9 Piston Family Class 3 Otto Cycle

Consisting of pistons with a diameter greater than 105 mm.

4.10 Piston Family Class 1 Diesel Cycle

Consisting of pistons with a diameter smaller than or equal to 65 mm.

4.11 Piston Family Class 2 Diesel Cycle

Consisting of pistons with a diameter greater than 65 and less than or equal to 105 mm.

4.12 Piston Family Class 3 Diesel Cycle

Consisting of pistons with a diameter greater than 105 mm.


5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

5.1.1 Initial tests shall be carried out in accordance with ABNT NBR 15905:2017 and ABNT NBR 15934:2017 for
pistons, ABNT NBR ISO 18669-1:2014 and ABNT NBR ISO 18669-2:2010 for piston pins, and ABNT NBR 15933:2013 for
locking rings.

5.1.2 Table 1 of this Annex lists the tests, sample distribution and acceptance criteria for all families and/or
models of Otto cycle aluminum alloy pistons. 24/51
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5.1.3 Table 2 of this Annex lists the tests, sample distribution and acceptance criteria for all families and/or
models of diesel cycle aluminum alloy pistons.

5.1.4 Table 3 of this Annex lists the tests, sample distribution and acceptance criteria for each piston pin family
and/or model.

5.1.5 Table 4 of this Annex lists the tests, sample distribution and acceptance criteria for each family and/or
model of locking rings.

Table 1: Types of tests by family, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for Otto cycle pistons, according
to the technical standard ABNT NBR 15905:2017.

Criteria for
Essay Sampling
Hardness 08 Item 5.3.1
Chemical composition analysis according to item "Materials Specification"
Items 5.1 and 5.7
and "Prohibited Materials"
Dimensional thermal stability 08 Item 5.4
Acceptance criteria for surface characteristics due to the process of
manufacturing 16 Item 5.5

Metrological inspection according to item "Dimensional specifications" Item 6

Traceability Check Item 7

Table 2: Types of tests by family, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for diesel cycle pistons,
according to the technical standard ABNT NBR 15934:2017.

Criteria for
Essay Sampling
Hardness 08 Item 5.5.1
Chemical composition analysis according to item "Materials Specification" Items 5.1 and
and "Prohibited Materials" 5.10
Analysis of chemical composition of door-rings - Ni-Resist alloy, when
Item 5.2
Chemical composition analysis of brass bushings, where applicable Metallurgical 08 Item 5.3
ring letr connection, where applicable 16 Item 5.6.2
Minimum piston gallery requirements, where applicable Item 5.7
Acceptance criteria for surface characteristics due to the process of
Item 5.8
Metrological inspection according to item "Dimensional specifications of the
Item 6
Traceability Check Item 7

Table 3: Types of tests, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for piston pins, according to ABNT NBR
18669-1:2014 and ABNT NBR 18669-2:2010 standards.

Acceptance Criteria
Essay Sampling ABNT NBR 18669-1:2014
Chemical pin composition analysis, ABNT item 8.1
NBR 18669-1:2014 08 Item 8.1
Depth of cemented or nitretic layer, item 3.2.16
from ABNT NBR 18669-2:2010 Item 8.3

Core hardness, item 3.2.17 from ABNT NBR 18669-2:2010 Item 8.2
Peripheral surface hardness, item 3.2.18 from ABNT NBR
18669-2:2010 Item 8.4

Volume change, item 3.2.19 of ABNT NBR 18669-2:2010 Defects in 08 Item 8.5
material, item 3.2.20 of ABNT NBR 18669-2:2010 Visual defects, item 16 Item 10.2
3.2.22 of ABNT NBR 18669-2:2010 Circularity, item 3.2.3 of ABNT NBR Item 10.3
18669-2:2010 Item 7.2.1
Concentricity to wall thickness, ABNT item 3.2.6
Item 7.2.2
NBR 18669-2:2010
Roughness, item 3.2.15 of ABNT NBR 18669-2:2010 Item 9.1 25/51
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Table 4: Types of tests, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for locking rings, according to technical
standards ABNT NBR 16100:2013 and ABNT NBR 15933:2013.

Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Item 4 of ABNT NBR 15933:2013 and Item 5 of ABNT NBR
Metrological inspection 16 16100:2013
Item 7.3 of ABNT NBR 15933:2013 and Item 8.4 of ABNT
16100:2013 NPR
Functionality - The latch ring should not slide under its own weight when
mounted on a hole in the vertical position with
diameter equal to the maximum diameter of the groove.
Flatness (for section latch ring family
only Item 7.2 of ABNT NBR 15933:2013
Circularity (only for family of latch
rings with Item 7.1 of ABNT NBR 15933:2013:2013
circular section)
Ring tenacity (for latch ring family Item 8.2 of ABNT NBR 16100:2013
only 08 - after the operation "bend the ring to the fracture", the
with rectangular section) fracture surfaces should have fine grains
Conical deformation (for latch
ring family only 08 Item 8.3.1 of ABNT NBR 16100:2013
with rectangular section)
Diagonal deformation (for latch ring
family only Item 8.3.2 of ABNT NBR 16100:2013
with rectangular section)

5.2 Maintenance tests

The OCP shall perform a complete test each year, in accordance with Tables 1 and 2, on 25% of the piston
families, pins and locking rings.


6.1 In pistons the identification of conformity shall be clearly and indeliblely engraved containing the inmetro
mark on the body of the product, according to the dimensions and proportions set out in Annex V, figure A.

6.1.1 The conformity identification shall be clearly, indelible and non-violable, printed (in adhesive form or
not), containing the Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and OCP logo, following one of the models
described in Annex V, figure B.

6.2 In pins the identification of conformity must be engraved on the body of the product, clearly and indelibly,
containing the mark of Inmetro, according to the dimensions and proportions set out in Annex V, figure A.

6.2.1 The conformity identification shall be clearly, indelible and non-violable, printed (in adhesive form or
not), containing the Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and OCP logo, following one of the models
described in Annex V, figure B.

Note: When it is not possible to record the Inmetro mark due to the small pin size (pins with a wall thickness
less than or equal to 6mm, without chamfers) the Conformity Identification Seal can only be printed on the packaging.

6.3 In locking rings the conformity identification must be engraved on the packaging the automotive
application, clearly, indelible and non-violable, printed (in the form of adhesive or not), containing the Conformity
Identification Seal, the registration number and the Logo of the OCP following one of the models described in Annex V,
figure B.


It shall be coded for each family of aluminum alloy pistons and pins, containing at least the information below:


Manufacturer/importer's company's reason: 26/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

Model and/or piston family, pin and latch ring, diameter class:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:


Material: (mention alloy or alloys, surface treatment)

Dimensions: (nominal diameter, total height, compression height, pin hole diameter, channels height).


Material: (mention alloy or alloys, heat treatment)

Dimensions: (nominal diameter, length, inner diameter).


Material: (mention alloy or alloys, heat treatment)

Dimensions: (nominal diameter, thickness or wire diameter).


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Drawings and/or Technical Catalogues.

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________




For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in items 4.1 to 4.3 of
this Annex.


Specific acronyms do not apply.


Internal combustion engines - Piston rings Part 2:

ABNT NBR ISO 6621-2:2009
Measurement principles for inspection
Internal combustion engines - Piston rings Part 3:
ABNT NBR ISO 6621-3:2009
Material specifications
Internal combustion engines - Piston rings Part 4:
ABNT NBR ISO 6621-4:2016
General specifications
Internal combustion engines - Piston rings Part 5:
ABNT NBR ISO 6621-5:2014
Quality requirements


4.1 Class 1 ring family

Consisting of ring (beis) with a diameter smaller than or equal to 65 mm.

4.2 Class 2 ring family

Consisting of ring (beis) with a diameter greater than 65 and less than or equal to 105 mm.

4.3 Class 3 ring family 27/51
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Consisting of ring (beis) with a diameter greater than 105 mm.


5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

5.1.1 Initial tests shall be carried out in accordance with technical standards ABNT NBR ISO 6621-2:2009, ABNT
NBR ISO 6621-3:2009, ABNT NBR ISO 6621-4:2016 and ABNT NBR ISO 6621-5:2014.

5.1.2 Table 1 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for each family of piston rings according to the
technical standards referenced in each test.

Note 1: Layer coating thickness and depth tests of the nitred layer are exclusionary for the same ring.

Note 2: For asymmetric rings there must be identification on the mounting side. (Examples: the top
designation, surface bass, etc.)

5.2 Maintenance tests

The OCP must perform a complete test each year, according to Table 1, in 25% of the families of certified
piston rings.


The conformity identification must be engraved on the packaging, clearly, indelible and non-violable, printed
(in adhesive form or not), containing the Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and OCP logo, following one of
the models described in Annex V, figure B.


It should be encoded for each ring family and contain at least the information below:

31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

Manufacturer/importer's company's reason:

Model and/or family ring:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:



Manufacturing Process:



Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Drawings and/or Technical Catalogues.

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________




For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in items 4.1 to 4.4 of
this Annex.


Specific acronyms do not apply.



3547-1:2021 Flat bearings - Conformed bushings - Part 1: Dimensions
3547-5:2021 Flat bearings - Conformed bushings - Part 5: External diameter check
ABNT NBR ISO Flat bearings - Conformed bushings - Part 7: Measuring the wall thickness of
3547-7:2022 thin wall bushings
ABNT NBR Flat bronzins - Thin-walled bronzins with or without flange - Tolerances,
16127:2015 Design characteristics and testing methods (ISO 3548-1:2014, MOD)
ABNT NBR ISO Flat bronzins - Thin-walled bronzins with or without flange - Part 2: Measuring the
3548-2:2022 wall thickness and flange thickness
4379:2021 Flat bronzinas - Bushings in copper alloys
ABNT NBR ISO Flat bearings - Copper alloys - Part 1: Copper alloys fused for bronzins of
4382-1:2010 solid, multilayer thick wall
Flat bronzinas - Aluminum alloys for solid bearings
ABNT NBR ISO Thin-walled bronzinflats With or without flange Part 3: Peripheral length
3548-3:2013 measurement
ABNT NBR ISO Sliding bearings - Ring back washers made from strips -
6525:2021 Dimensions and tolerances
ABNT NBR ISO Sliding bearings - Stamped bimetallic backwashers -
6526:2021 Characteristics and tolerances
ABNT NBR ISO Flat bearings - Quality control techniques and inspection of characteristics of
12301:2011 geometric and material quality
ABNT NBR ISO Geometric product specifications (GPS) - Roughness: Profile method - Terms,
4287:2002 roughness definitions and parameters 29/51
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ABNT NBR ISO Geometric product specifications (GPS) - Roughness: Profile method - Rules and
4288:2008 procedures for roughness assessment
ISO 4382-
2:1991 Plain bearings - Copper alloys - Part 2 - Whought copper alloys for solid plain bearings

4383 ISO Plain bearings -- Multilayer materials for thin-walled



4.1 Thin-walled flat bronzine family

Flat bronzins with sufficiently small wall thickness such that the geometry of the bronzine is influenced by
geometric imperfections of the inner diameter of the housing.

4.2 Flat-walled flat bronzine family flanged

Flat bronzins flanged at one or both ends, capable of bearing a load in the axial and radial directions, with
sufficiently small wall thickness such that the geometry of the bronzine will be influenced by geometric imperfections of
the inner diameter of the housing.

4.3 Flat bronzine family - conformed (or machined) bushing

Cylindrical flat bronzins made from tubes or with a strip conformed to a single layer or multilayer material.

4.4 Flat bronzine family - backwasher

Annular plaques used to receive axial efforts in conjunction with a flat bronzine.


5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

5.1.1 Initial tests shall be carried out in accordance with the technical standards referred to in Tables 1 and 2.

5.1.2 Table 1 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for each family and/or model of bronzins,
according to the technical standards referenced in each trial.

5.1.3 Table 2 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for the building materials of each family and/or
model of bronzins, according to the technical standards referenced in each test.

Table 1: Types of tests, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for each family of flat bearings, according
to the related technical standards.

Family Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Bronzins Wall Thickness (includes Eccentricity), item 4.2 Item 6 da ABNT NBR
Flat by ABNT NBR 16127:2015 16 3548-2:2022 ISO
Item 4.3 da ABNT NBR
Width, item 6.4 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 16127:2015
Location Characteristics (bosses and other Item 5 da ABNT NBR
items), item 6.5 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 16127:2015
Characteristics of Feeding and distribution of lubricant Item 5.5 from ABNT NBR
(shoulders and other items), item 6.6 of the
ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011
Backrest Height (Crush), item 4.1 from ABNT NBR Item 4.1 from ABNT NBR
16127:2015 and item 18 of ABNT NBR ISO 3548-3:2013 16127:2015
Surface Roughness, item 7 of ABNT NBR ISO Item 4 da ABNT NBR
4288:2008 4287 ISO:2002
Flat Wall Thickness (includes Eccentricity), item 4.2 Item 6 da ABNT NBR
Bronzinas 16
by ABNT NBR 16127:2015 3548-2:2022 ISO
External diameter in free state, ABNT item 4.4 Item 6 da ABNT NBR
NPR 16127:2015 3548-2:2022 ISO
According to ABNT NBR
Width, item 6.4 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011
3548-2:2022 ISO
Location Characteristics (bosses and other Item 5 da ABNT NBR
items), item 6.5 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 16127:2015 30/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

Characteristics of Feeding and distribution of lubricant Item 5.5 from ABNT NBR
(shoulders and other items), item 6.6 of the
ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 16127:2015
Backrest Height (Crush), item 4.1 from ABNT NBR Item 4.1 from ABNT NBR
16127:2015 and item 18 of ABNT NBR ISO 3548-3:2013 16127:2015
Item 4.3 da ABNT NBR
Width, item 6.4 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 16127:2015
Flange Thickness, ITEM 6.18 from ABNT NBR ISO Item 4.3 da ABNT NBR
12301:2011 16127:2015
Surface Roughness, item 7 of ABNT NBR ISO Item 4 da ABNT NBR
4288:2008 4287 ISO:2002
Item 4 of ABNT NBR ISO
4379 and Item 5 of
Bushings Wall Thickness, ABNT NBR ISO 3547-7:2022 16 ABNT NBR ISO 3547-
Item 4 of ABNT NBR ISO
4379 and Item 5 of
External Diameter, ABNT NBR ISO 3547-5:2021 ABNT NBR ISO 3547-
Item 5 da ABNT NBR
Width, item 6.4 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 3547-1:2021 ISO
Surface Roughness, item 7 of ABNT NBR ISO Item 6 da ABNT NBR
4288:2008 3547-1:2021 ISO
Item 5 of ABNT NBR ISO
Washers of Wall Thickness, item 6.1 of ABNT NBR ISO 6525:2021 and item 7 of
Backrest 12301:2011 16 ABNT NBR ISO
Item 5 of ABNT NBR ISO
External Diameter, item 6.2 of ABNT NBR ISO 6525:2021 and item 6 of
12301:2011 ABNT NBR ISO
Item 5 of ABNT NBR ISO
Internal Diameter, ABNT NBR ISO item 6.3 6525:2021 and item 6 of
12301:2011 ABNT NBR ISO
Item 6 da ABNT NBR
Height, item 6.14 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 6526 ISO:2021
Location Characteristics (channels, bosses, and Item 9 da ABNT NBR
other items), item 6.5 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 6526 ISO:2021
Item 7 of ABNT NBR ISO
6525:2021 and item 12
Flatness, item 6.15 of ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 of ABNT NBR ISO

Table 2: Types of tests and acceptance criteria for the building materials of the families of flat bearings,
according to the related technical standards.

Properties Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Steel Chemical Composition, item
Material of the of ABNT NBR ISO 08 Item from ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011
Back 12301:2011
Steel Hardness, item of
the Item from ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011
ABNT NBR ISO 12301:2011 Corresponding items in ABNT NBR ISO 4382-
Material from Chemical composition, item 08 1:2010, ISO 4382-2:1991, ABNT NBR
Alloy 7.1.2 of ABNT NBR ISO ISO 4383:2010 and ABNT NBR 16128:2015
12301:2011 Corresponding items in ABNT NBR ISO 4382-
Hardness, ABNT item 7.1.1 08 1:2010, ISO 4382-2:1991, ABNT NBR
NBR ISO 12301:2011 ISO 4383:2010 and ABNT NBR 16128:2015
Material from Chemical Composition, item Corresponding item at ABNT NBR ISO
the 08 4383:2010 of ABNT NBR ISO
Coating 12301:2011
Chemical Composition, item Corresponding item at ABNT NBR ISO
Layers 08 4383:2010
Polymeric 12301:2011

5.2 Maintenance tests 31/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

The OCP should perform a complete test each year, according to Tables 1 and 2, in 25% of the families of
certified bronzins.


The conformity identification must be engraved on the packaging, clearly, indelible and non-violable, printed
(in adhesive form or not), containing the Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and OCP logo, following one of
the models described in Annex V, figure B.


It should be encoded for each bronzine family and contain at least the information below:


Manufacturer/importer's company's reason:

Model and/or bronzine family:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:



Manufacturing Process:


Bronzine type:


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Drawings and/or Technical Catalogues.

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________



For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in items 4.3 and 4.4 of
this Annex.


Specific acronyms do not apply.


ABNT NBR IEC Filament lamps for automotive vehicles - Dimensional requirements,
60809:1997 electric and luminous
IEC 60809:2021 Lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements
IEC 60810:2017 Miniature lamps
60983:2002 IEC Miniature Lamps
60983:2005 Lamp base, lamp holder, as well as jigs for control of
ABNT NBR IEC interchangeability and security. Part 1: Lamp bases.
60061-1:1998 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability
and safety. Part 1: Lampcaps
60061-1:2020 IEC

Note: The IEC standards mentioned in the Table can be used in an alternative condition. 32/51
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4.1 Filament lamp

Filament lamp with colorless bulb, if no other color is allowed by the corresponding sheet of lamp

4.2 Miniature lamp

Halogen and non-halogen lamps, with rated voltage up to 30V and rated power up to 25W, not included in
ABNT NBR IEC 60809:1997 or IEC 60809:2021.

4.3 Family of filament lamps

Each family corresponds to the filament lamp category, according to ABNT NBR IEC 60809:1997 or IEC

4.4 Miniature lamp family

Each family corresponds to the miniature lamp category, according to the technical standard ABNT NBR NM
IEC 60983:2002 or IEC 60983:2005.


5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

5.1.1 Initial tests shall be carried out in accordance with ABNT NBR IEC 60809:1997, IEC 60810:2017, ABNT
NBR NM IEC 60983:2002 and ABNT NBR IEC 60061-1:1998 for all motor vehicle lamps.

5.1.2 Table 1 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for each family of filament lamps, according to
the technical standards referenced in each test.

5.1.3 Table 2 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for each family of miniature lamps, according to
the technical standards referenced in each test.

5.1.4 It must be ensured that the following information must be clearly and indelible in the body of filament

- trade name or brand of the responsible manufacturer or distributor;

- nominal voltage;

- international designation of the corresponding category;

- rated power (if two-filament lamps, high-power filament and low-power filament in this order).

5.1.5 It must be ensured that the following information must be clearly and indelible in the body of miniature

- trade name or brand of the responsible manufacturer or distributor;

- nominal voltage and/or international designation of the corresponding category.

5.1.6 It must be ensured that all automotive lamps contain in their packaging the international category
designation information.

Table 1: Types of tests, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for each family of filament lamps,
according to the related technical standards.

Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Dimensional, item 2.5 and session 4 of ABNT NBR IEC Session 4 of ABNT NBR IEC
60809:1997 20 60809:1997
Dimensional lamp base, ABNT NBR IEC item 4 Item 4 of ABNT NBR IEC
60061-1:1998 60061-1:1998
Session 4 of ABNT NBR IEC
Electric, item 2.7 and session 4 of ABNT NBR IEC 60809:1997 60809:1997
Photometric item 2.7 and session 4 of ABNT NBR IEC Session 4 of ABNT NBR IEC
60809:1997 60809:1997 33/51
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Item 4.4 and IEC Annex A

Life B3, item 4.4 and Annex A of IEC 60810:2017 20
Item 4.3 and IEC Annex A
Feature Life T, item 4.3 and Annex A of IEC 60810:2017 60810:2017
Vibration and shock resistance, item 4.6 and Annex B of the Item 4.6 and Annex B of the IEC
IEC 60810:2017 20 60810:2017
Resistance to Twist, item 4.2 of IEC 60810:2017 20 Item 4.2 of IEC 60810:2017
Glass bulb resistance, item 4.7 and IEC Annex C Item 4.7 and IEC Annex C
60810:2017 20 60810:2017

Table 2: Types of tests, sampling distribution and acceptance criteria for each family of miniature lamps,
according to the related technical standards.

Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Dimensional, items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM Items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM IEC
60983 IEC:2002 20 60983:2002
Dimensional of the lamp base, item 4 of the
Item 4 of ABNT NBR IEC 60061-1:1998
ABNT NBR IEC 60061-1:1998
Electric, items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM IEC Items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM IEC
60983:2002 60983:2002IEC 60983 or IEC 60983
Photometric, items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM Items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM IEC
60983 IEC:2002 60983:2002
Life, ITEMS 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM IEC Items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM IEC
60983:2002 20 60983:2002
Torsion Resistance, ABNT Items 2.4 and 2.5 Items 2.4 and 2.5 of ABNT NBR NM IEC
NBR NM IEC 60983:2002 20 60983:2002

5.2 Maintenance tests

The OCP should perform a complete test each year, according to Table 1, in 25% of certified families.


The conformity identification shall be engraved on the packaging, in a clear, indelible and non-violable, printed
(in the form of adhesive or not), containing the Conformity Identification Seal, the registration number and the Logo of the
OCP, and may follow one of the models referenced to the security of the Conformity Identification Seal described in Annex
V, in Figure B.


It should be encoded for each lamp family and contain at least the information below:


Manufacturer/importer's company's reason:

Model and/or family lamp:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:


Manufacturing Process:

Lamp type:


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Documents relating to the lamp containing part design, dimensional, electrical, photometric, durability, and
light color coordinate for types that have light correction.

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians 34/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________



For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in item 4.4 of this


C10 Rated capacity in the discharge regime of 10 h C20

Rated capacity in the discharge regime of 20 h CCA Cold
starting current
Conama National Council for the Environment
VENT Lead-acid battery using ventilated type technology
VRLA Lead-acid battery using valve-regulated type technology


ABNT NBR Lead-acid batteries for use in road vehicles of four or more
15940:2019 wheels - Specification and test methods
ABNT NBR Lead batteries - acid for motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles - Specification and
15941:2019 testing methods
Motor vehicle, their towed and combined - Classification


4.1 Lead-acid electric battery or accumulator for motor vehicles

A device composed of a set of electrochemical cells that, when electrically charged, present primordial
composition of the active material of its positive plates as being lead dioxide (PbO2) and its negative plates as being
metallic lead (Pb), and electrolyte, an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and may or may not be immobilized in the
form of gel or absorbed in the separator. It is intended for the start of combustion and feeding engines of the electronic
systems of motor vehicles. Limited to 12 Volt rated voltage.

4.2 Automobiles

For the purposes of this document, all vehicles of categories M and N are called cars, both for the transport of
passengers and for the transport of cargo, of any size or capacity, in accordance with ABNT NBR 13776:2021.

4.3 Motorcycles

For the purposes of this document, motorcycles are called all vehicles of category L, with two or three wheels
and even quadricycles, according to the abnt nbr 13776:2021 standard.

4.4 Families of lead-acid batteries or accumulators

The battery families for motor vehicles are characterized by technology type and rated capacity range (Ah).

The rated capacity ranges (Ah) for each battery family are defined in Tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1 - Four- or more-wheeled motor vehicles (except quadricycles) - Categories M and N.

VENT Capacity ranges (Ah) Up to 50 VRLA Capacity ranges (Ah) Up to 50

Family 1 >50 to 65 Family 5 >50 to 65
Family 2 >65 to 95 Family 6 >65 to 95
Family 3 Over 95 Family 7 Over 95
Family 4 Family 8 35/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

Table 2 - Motorcycles, motorcycles, mopeds, tricycles or quadricycles - Category L.

VENT Capacity ranges (Ah) Up to 2.5 VRLA Capacity ranges (Ah) Up to 2.5
Family 1 >2.5 to 5 Family 5 >2.5 to 5
Family 2 >5 to 10 Family 6 >5 to 10
Family 3 Over 10 Family 7 Over 10
Family 4 Family 8

4.5 Rated voltage

Value used to designate the voltage between the poles of a lead-acid battery measured under the standard
conditions of electrolyte concentration (1 mol/l), pressure (1 atm) and temperature (25°C). This term is also known as
electromotive force or standard potential which, for lead-acid batteries in these standard conditions of concentration,
pressure and temperature, has the approximate value of 2.0Volts per vessel or cell.

4.6 Valve-regulated battery technology (VRLA)

Sealed lead-acid battery that has as its principle of operation the oxygen cycle, presents immobilized
electrolyte and has a regulatorvalve for exhausting gases, when its internal pressure exceeds a predetermined value.

4.7 Ventilated or flooded battery technology (Vent)

Lead-acid battery that presents its freely distributed electrolyte, being provided with one or more openings to
escape the gases produced


5.1 Definition of initial tests and sampling

5.1.1 Initial tests must be performed by battery family in accordance with technical standards ABNT NBR
15940:2019, ABNT NBR 15941:2019 and the specific RTQ, observing its acceptance criteria.

5.1.2 Tables 3 and 4 relate for each battery family the tests, sequence and distribution of samples.

5.1.3 For each family of car batteries, 18 (eighteen) units must be collected, 6 (six) units for the composition of
the test sample, 6 (six) units for the composition of the specimen and 6 (six) units for the composition of the control
sample. All tests must be performed for each of the battery families, according to the settings of item 4.4. For each family of motorcycle batteries, 9 (nine) units must be collected, three (3) units for the
composition of the test sample, 3 (three) units for the composition of the test sample and 3 (3) units for the composition of
the control sample. Sampling shall consist of six specimens identified from 1 to 6 for vehicle batteries of categories M and
N, and three specimens identified from 1 to 3 for category L vehicle batteries. Each body of evidence shall be associated
with its respective evidence and witness and, in the event of failure of one or more specimens, the tests to be carried out
on the respective evidence and witness shall follow the same sequence of tests as the failing evidence body. All batteries
collected representatives of each family must have the same constructive and dimensional characteristics, with identical
nominal capacity.

5.1.4 The tests shall comply with the sequence listed in Tables 3 and 4. 36/51
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Note: To determine the cadmium and mercury content, a sample consisting of three batteries by construction
technology (three VRLA type and three ventilated type) should be collected for the evidence, evidence and control

Note 1: The watertight test does not apply to VRLA batteries.

Note 2: To determine the cadmium and mercury content, a sample consisting of three batteries by
construction technology (three VRLA type and three ventilated type) should be collected for the evidence, evidence and
control samples.

5.2 Maintenance tests

5.2.1 The OCP shall carry out tests each year on 50% of certified battery families in accordance with Tables 1
and 2. 37/51
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5.2.2 For carrying out these tests, samples from certified battery families shall be collected alternately in the
trade and in the factory.

5.2.3 Batteries collected from the manufacturer for maintenance tests must follow the sampling criteria
defined in Tables 3 and 4 and meet the acceptance criteria defined in the product-specific RTQ.

5.2.4 Batteries collected in the trade for maintenance tests must follow only the sampling criteria defined in
Tables 5 and 6 and meet the acceptance criteria defined in the product-specific RTQ.

5.2.5 For batteries collected in the trade for maintenance testing, the manufacturing date informed by the
manufacturer of the same shall be checked, as, for conformity assessment purposes, batteries which are more than 90
(ninety) days from their date of manufacture shall be checked, as they must meet the differentiated testing criteria defined
in the specific RTQ.

Table 5 - Types of tests, sampling distribution and sequence of tests for lead-acid batteries for cars of
categories M and N, collected in the trade, according to the ABNT NBR 15940:2019 standard.

Tests Samples by Family Standard Item and Acceptance Criterion

1 2 3 4 5 6
External visual inspection and weight X X X X X X 8.1 and 5.1/5.2 rtq 8.2
C20 X X X and 5.3 rtq
Capacity Reserve X X X Watertight X X X RTQ 8.8 and 5.5.4
Cadmium and mercury content* X of RTQ 8.8 and 5.9
Res. Conama 401, 2008

* To determine the content of cadmium and mercury,

samples consisting of three batteries by construction technology (three VRLA type and three ventilated type)
should be collected for the samples of proof, evidence and control.

Table 6 - Types of tests, sampling distribution and sequence of tests for lead-acid batteries for motorcycles of
category L and quadricycles, according to ABNT NBR 15941:2019.

Tests Samples by Family Standard Item and Acceptance Criterion

1 2 3
External visual inspection and weight X X X RTQ 7.3 and
Capacity (C10) X X X and 5.3 RTQ
Cadmium and mercury content* X Res. Conama 401, 2008

* To determine cadmium and mercury content, a sample consisting of three batteries by construction
technology (three VRLA type and three ventilated type) should be collected for the evidence, evidence and control


6.1 The Conformity Identification Seal shall be clearly, legible and indelible printed on the battery label,
containing the Inmetro logo, the OCP identification and product family registration number on Inmetro, following one of
the models described in Annex V in Figure C.

6.2 In the case of packaged commercialized batteries, the packaging must also present the Conformity
Identification Seal in a clear, indelible and non-tamper-proof printed manner, containing the Inmetro logo, the OCP
identification and the product family registration number in Inmetro, following one of the models described in Annex V, in
Figure C.

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7.1 Document to be submitted by the supplier, in Portuguese, which describes the design of the battery
families to be evaluated and identifies them unambiguously, with the aim of explaining to the auditor, clearly and briefly,
the most important information, especially those relating to their constructive and functional details.

7.2 It shall be coded for each family of lead-acid batteries and contain at least the following information:

7.2.1 General data

(a) the manufacturer's or importer's company's control ratio:

(b) CNPJ of the manufacturer or importer:

(c) Manufacturer's address:

d) Trade names: Trademarks

7.2.2 General battery features

a) Battery family (according to tables 1 and 2 of this Annex);

(b) materials used;

c) Manufacturing process;

(d) models;

e) Battery weight in the way it is marketed.

f) Battery rating: "Valve regulated" or "Ventilated" using the following clearly expressed terms - "Maintenance
Free", "Low Maintenance" or "Self-Maintained"; (where applicable).

7.3 Electrical characteristics:

a) Rated voltage, in Volts (V),

(b) rated capacity, in Amp-hours (Ah), at 25°C (20-hour discharge regime for cars and 10 hours for

(c) capacity reserve, in minutes (min), for cars,

(d) Cold starting current, CCA (-18°C for automobiles and -10°C for motorcycles and their leads) and e) CCA test
time, for application batteries on motorcycles;


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Documents relating to batteries containing dimensional, electrical, technology and materials data used.

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________




For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in item 4.1 of this


Specific acronyms do not apply.

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ABNT NBR Motor vehicle Motor vehicles Steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial bar assemblies
Requirements and test methods applied to vehicles
16130:2012 categories M and N and categories G and O (where applicable).
NM Non-destructive testing Penetrating liquids Discontinuity detection
NM Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particles - Discontinuity detection
13776:2021 Motor vehicle, their towed and combined - Classification


4.1 Family

The families of steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals for motor road vehicles
are formed by each type of component (steering terminal, steering bar, connecting bar and axial terminal) and according to
the diameter of the sphere (D) applied in the respective component, according to the following tables:

Note: If more than one ball diameter is applicable in that component, the family shall be referenced with the
smallest applicable diameter.


5.1 Definition of Initial Trials, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria

5.1.1 Initial tests shall be carried out in accordance with ABNT NBR 16130:2012 for all steering terminals,
steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals.

5.1.2 Table 1 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for the spherical pin component. 40/51
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5.1.3 Table 2 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for the

5.1.4 Table 3 lists the tests, sampling and acceptance criteria for steering terminals, steering bars, connecting
bars and axial terminals.

Table 1: Types of tests for the spherical pin component, according to ABNT NBR 16130:2012, with the
acceptance criteria as mentioned.

Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Material integrity - Defects
01 Table 3 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012
surface/chemical composition, item 6.1.1 Surface
finish, item 6.1.2 Table 4 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012 Table
Spherical pin thread, item 6.1.3 5 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012
Table 6 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012 Note 1 or Table
Material compliance, item 6.1.4 7 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012 Note
Tapered coupling, item 6.1.5 01 Table 8 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012
Deformation load of the spherical pin of the
steering terminal set, item 6.1.6 Table 9 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012 Note 3
Impact test of the spherical pin of the
steering terminal set, item 6.1.7 01 Table 10 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012

Note 1: The acceptance criterion for checking the characteristic of Temperate and Temperate Steering
TerminalS Spherical Pins is RT = 820 MPa - 1250 MPa.

The items "a- Figure" and "d- Figure" belonging to Table 6 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012 are exempt from

Note 2: The acceptance criterion for checking the spherical pins characteristic of Temperate and Temperate
Steering Terminals is RT = 820 MPa - 1250 MPa.

The acceptance criterion for the verification of the characteristic of spherical pins of axial bars is RT = 670 MPa
- 1250 MPa.

The items "a- Figure" and "d- Figure" belonging to Table 7 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012 are exempt from

Note 3: For the execution of the spherical pin deformation load test of the steering terminal assembly, a small
surface must be rectified perpendicular to the center line of the spherical pin in order to have a reference, as shown in
Figure 1 of that standard.

The evaluation should be performed visually and by magnetic particle methods, according to the technical
standard ABNT NBR NM 342:2014 or penetrating liquid, according to the technical standard ABNT NBR NM 334:2012.

Table 2: Types of tests for the carcass component of the steering terminal assembly and the housing
component of the axial terminal, according to ABNT NBR 16130:2012, with the acceptance criteria mentioned.

Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Material integrity - Surface defects, item Table 11 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012
6.2.1 Note 1
Casting rod thread, item 6.2.2 Table 12 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012
Table 13 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012
Material compliance, item 6.2.3
Note 2

Note 1: The acceptance criterion for the verification of the characteristic of surface defects in the carcass is
penetrating liquid analysis, according to the technical standard ABNT NBR NM 334:2012.

Note 2: The item "Tempera by carcass induction" belonging to Table 13 of ABNT NBR 16130:2012 is exempt
from compliance. 41/51
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Table 3: Static tests for steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals, according to
ABNT NBR 16130:2012, with the acceptance criteria as mentioned.

Essay Sampling Acceptance Criteria

Rotation torque of the spherical pin of the terminal assembly of Table 14 of ABNT NBR
direction, item 6.3.1 01 16130:2012 Note 1
Elasticity of the spherical pin under load of the terminal assembly of Table 15 of abnt NBR
direction, item 6.3.2 16130:2012
Pull-out resistance of the spherical pin of the assembly Table 16 of ABNT NBR
direction terminal, item 6.3.3 01 16130:2012
Pullout resistance and set turning torque Table 17 of ABNT NBR
fixed/stapled/welded, item 6.3.4 01 16130:2012
Table 18 of ABNT NBR
Angular torque of axial terminal, item 6.3.5 01 16130:2012 Note 2
Axial elasticity of the spherical pin under load of the axial terminal, Table 19 of abnt NBR
item 6.3.6 16130:2012
Pullout resistance of the spherical pin of the axial terminal, Table 20 of abnt NBR
item 6.3.7 01 16130:2012
Force deflection of the terminal steering assembly and axial terminal, Table 21 of ABNT NBR
item 6.3.8 01 16130:2012

Note 1: For the rotation torque test of the spherical pin, a constant angular velocity of 5±0.5 rpm should be

Note 2: For the angular torque test of the axial terminal, a constant angular velocity of 5±0.5 rpm must be

5.2 Maintenance tests

The OCP shall perform a complete test in accordance with Tables 1, 2 and 3 on all families of steering
terminals, steering bars, connection bars and certified axial terminals.


The conformity identification must be recorded on the packaging, clearly, indelible and non-violable,
containing the Inmetro Conformity Identification Seal, registration number and OCP logo, following one of the models
described in Annex V, figure B.


It shall be prepared for each family of steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals
and, contain at a minimum, the information below:


Manufacturer/importer's company's reason:

Model and/or family of steering terminals, steering bars, connecting bars and axial terminals:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:



Manufacturing Process:



Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Drawings and/or Technical Catalogues. 42/51
31/03/22, 11:13 ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - ORDINANCE No. 145, OF MARCH 28, 2022 - DOU - National Press

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________




For the certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as described in items 4.3 to 4.6 of
this Annex.


Specific acronyms do not apply.


ABNT NBR Friction material for road, industrial and road vehicle brake pads and brake pads
5505:2019 similar - Check of radius stability, dilation and growth
ABNT NBR Motor road vehicles - Brake trim - Verification of shear resistance between the trim and the metal
support for disc brake pads and
5537:2002 drum brake shoes
ISO Road vehicles - Brake trims - Deformation test methods to the
6310:2016 compression
6310:2009 Road Vehicles - Brake Linings - Compressive Strain Test Methods
ISO Road Vehicles - Brake Linings - Shear Test Procedure for Disc Brake Pads and Drum Brake
6312:2010 Shoe Assemblies.
93/116:1993 Test Method: Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Material.


4.1 Insert Set

Disc brake component consisting of metal platelet and brake friction material, which receives the acting force
of the disc brake.

4.2 Canvas Set

Drum brake component, consisting of metal shoe and brake friction material, which receives the acting force of
the drum brake.

4.3 Family of Friction Materials for Light Vehicle Brake Canvas Assemblies

Friction materials for brakes of the same type (brake canvas set), of the same category as the light vehicle (M1,
M2, N1), which feature the same vehicle brake system (drum and canvas assembly) and the same total mass range of the
vehicle. The families of light vehicle brake pads for evaluation purposes are indicated below.

Family 1: vehicles of category M1 with brake drum and total mass up to 1100 kg;

Family 2: vehicles of category M1 with brake drum and total mass from 1101 kg to 1490 kg;

Family 3: vehicles of category M1 with brake drum and total mass from 1491 kg up to 3500 kg;

Family 4: vehicles of category M2 with brake drum and total mass up to 5000 kg;

Family 5: vehicles of category N1 with brake drum and total mass up to 3030 kg;

Family 6: vehicles of category N1 with brake drum and total mass from 3031 kg up to 3500 kg.

4.4 Family of Friction Materials for Light Vehicle Brake Pad Assemblies 43/51
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Friction materials for brakes of the same type (set brake pads), of the same category as the light vehicle (M1,
M2, N1), which have the same vehicle brake system (disc and insert assembly), same application (front or rear axle for light
vehicles) and same total mass range of the vehicle. The families of brake pads of light vehicles for evaluation purposes are
indicated below.

Family 1: vehicles of category M1 with solid and ventilated brake disc, with diameter up to 240 mm and total
mass up to 1442 kg;

Family 2: vehicles of category M1 with ventilated brake disc with diameter greater than 240 mm and total mass
from 1443 kg to 1820 kg;

Family 3: vehicles of category M1 with solid or ventilated brake disc and total mass from 1821 kg up to 3500

Family 4: vehicles of category N1 with ventilated brake disc and total mass up to 3020 kg;

Family 5: vehicles of category M1 with disc brake applied to the rear axle and total mass up to 3500 kg;

Family 6: vehicles of category N1 with ventilated or solid disc brake and with total mass from 3021 kg up to
3500 kg;

Family 7: vehicles of category M2 with ventilated or solid disc brake and with total mass up to 5000 kg.

4.5 Family of Friction Materials for Heavy Vehicle Brake Canvas Assemblies

Friction materials for brakes of the same type (canvas set), of the same category as heavy vehicle (M3, N2, N3,
O1 O2, O3 and O4), which have the same vehicle brake system (drum and canvas assembly, hydraulic or pneumatic) and
same type of vehicle (self-propelled or towed). The families of heavy vehicle brake pads for evaluation purposes are
indicated below.

Family 1: category M3 motor vehicles equipped with drum brake;

Family 2: motor vehicles of categories N2 and N3 equipped with drum brake;

Family 3: towed vehicles (trailers and semi-trailers) of categories O1, O2, O3 and O4 equipped with drum

4.6 Family of Friction Materials for Heavy Vehicle Brake Pad Assemblies

Friction materials for brakes of the same type (insert assembly), of the same category as heavy vehicle (M3,
N2, N3, O1 O2, O3 and O4), which have the same vehicle brake system (disc and insert assembly, hydraulic or pneumatic)
and same type of vehicle (motor or towed). The families of brake pads for heavy vehicles are indicated below.

Family 1: category M3 motor vehicles equipped with disc brake;

Family 2: motor vehicles of categories N2 and N3 equipped with disc brake;

Family 3: towed vehicles (trailers and semi-trailers) of categories O1, O2, O3 and O4 equipped with disc brakes.

4.7 Friction or Trim Material

Component of the brake system, product of a specific mixture of materials and processes that together
determine the characteristics of a canvas or brake pad.

4.8 Metallic shoe

Component of a brake canvas assembly that supports brake canvas.

4.9 Metallic platelet

Component of a brake pad assembly that supports the friction material.


5.1 Definition of Initial Tests, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria for brake canvas assemblies 44/51
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5.1.1 Initial tests shall be carried out by family of brake canvas assemblies in accordance with the technical
standards and acceptance criteria set out in the Tables below.

5.1.2 Tables 1 and 2 list the tests for each family of friction materials and the distribution of samples for the

5.1.3 For testing on light vehicle brake sets (categories M1, M2 and N1), 9 (nine) family canvases shall be
collected for the composition of the test samples. Repeat this quantity for the samples counter-proof and witness.

5.1.4 It must be ensured that the information described in RTQ item 5.1 for Friction Materials intended for use
in brakes of motor vehicle brakes is recorded only on the packaging, it must contain some information that allows its
traceability with the respective part contained therein.

5.1.5 If there is no information on the packaging for all applications, the option of presenting this information
clearly and indelibly in a catalogue that must be available at the point of sale is provided.

Note 1: All tests must be performed for each of the brake canvas set families, according to the settings of item

Note 2: The shear test applies only to cases where the trim is glued or molded into the metal brake shoe holder
and is not applicable when the trim is fixed in the riveting process.

5.1.4 For testing on heavy vehicle brake pad sets (categories M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4), 3 (three) canvases from
each family shall be collected for the composition of the test samples. Repeat this quantity for the samples counter-proof
and witness. 45/51
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Note: All tests must be performed for each of the brake canvas set families, according to the settings of item

5.2 Definition of Initial Tests, Sampling and Acceptance Criteria for Brake Pad Assemblies

5.2.1 Initial tests shall be carried out on all families of brake pad sets, objects of evaluation, in accordance with
the technical standards and acceptance criteria defined in the Tables below.

5.2.2 Tables 3 and 4 relate the tests by set of brake pads and the distribution of samples for the tests.

5.2.3 For testing on light vehicle brake pad sets (categories M1, M2 and N1), 5 (five) sets of family inserts shall
be collected for the composition of the test samples. Repeat this quantity for the samples counter-proof and witness.

5.2.4 The order in which the tests are carried out shall comply with the sequence listed in Tables 3 and 4. 46/51
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Note: All tests must be performed for each of the brake pad assembly families, according to the settings of
item 4.4.

5.2.5 For testing on heavy vehicle brake pad assemblies (categories M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4), three (3) family
inserts shall be collected for the composition of the test samples. Repeat this quantity for the samples counter-proof and

Note: All tests must be performed for each of the brake pad assembly families, according to the settings of
item 4.6.

5.3 Maintenance tests

5.3.1 The OCP shall carry out a complete test in accordance with Tables 1 to 4 on all families of certified friction

5.3.2 For the performance of these tests, samples of all families of friction materials for certified brakes shall
be collected at random trade, and the alternating collection provided for in RAC sub-item 6.1 shall not apply. 47/51
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5.3.3 It must be ensured, if the information described in RTQ item 5.1 is recorded only on the packaging, that it
contains any information that allows its traceability with the respective part contained therein.

5.3.4 If there is no information on the packaging for all applications, the option of presenting this information
clearly and indelibly in a catalogue that should be available at the point of sale is provided.


The conformity identification shall be printed on the body of the canvas assemblies and brake pad and/or on
the packaging, in a clear, legible and indelible manner, containing the Inmetro Conformity Identification Seal, the
registration number and the Logo of the OCP, following one of the models described in Annex V, figure B.


It shall be prepared for each family of friction materials and, contain at least, the information below:


Manufacturer/importer's company's reason:

Model and/or family of friction materials:

Manufacturer's name and address:

Trade names:



Manufacturing Process:


Manufacturer's and/or importer's mark: How it is positioned.


Drawings and/or Technical Catalogues.

Document Date

Signatures of supplier's guardians

Analyzed by OCP at: ____/________



1. The Conformity Identification Seal shall be in accordance with Figures A, AA, B or C, set out below.

Note: Figure A should be adopted for new families of automotive components to be certified, while Figure AA
should be adopted for families of automotive components already certified at the time of publication of this Consolidated

2. Exceptionally due to technical impossibilities of the product, it will be allowed to record the identification of
the "I" of Inmetro and the number of the Inmetro Registry in other provisions that are relevant, provided that they are kept
together and following the proportions below. 48/51
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31/03/22, 11:13

3. Exclusively for Batteries, one of the following Seal models should be used:

This content does not replace that published in the certified version. 51/51

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