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Defence industry

Comprehensive sectoral analysis of emerging competences

and economic activities in the European Union

European Commission
Submitted to the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs
and Equal Opportunities

Executed by:

DG EMPL project VC/2008/0297

Defence industry

Title “Comprehensive analysis of emerging competences and skills needs for optimal preparation
and management of change in the defence industry”

This publication is commissioned under the European Community Programme for Employment and
Social Solidarity - PROGRESS (2007-2013).

This programme is managed by the Directorate-General for Employment, social affairs and equal
opportunities of the European Commission. It was established to financially support the implemen-
tation of the objectives of the European Union in the employment and social affairs area, as set out
in the Social Agenda, and thereby contribute to the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy goals in
these fields.

The seven-year Programme targets all stakeholders who can help shape the development of appro-
priate and effective employment and social legislation and policies, across the EU-27, EFTA-EEA and
EU candidate and pre-candidate countries.

PROGRESS mission is to strengthen the EU contribution in support of Member States’ commitment.

PROGRESS will be instrumental in:
1. providing analysis and policy advice on PROGRESS policy areas;
2. monitoring and reporting on the implementation of EU legislation and policies in PROGRESS
policy areas;
3. promoting policy transfer, learning and support among Member States on EU objectives and
priorities; and
4. relaying the views of the stakeholders and society at large

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European Commission
Defence industry
Comprehensive sectoral analysis of emerging competences
and economic activities in the European Union

Executive Summary

The full study is available under the link

European Commission

Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

Unit F3

Manuscript completed in 2009

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Education and of society and the economy, as a

training, in the means to increased competitive-
context of a life- ness and growth, as well as to
long learning greater social cohesion, in Europe.
perspective, are
an indispensable This is more important than ever in
means for pro- the current situation of crisis that
moting adaptability and employabi­ will undoubtedly lead to substan-
lity, active citizenship, personal and tial changes in economic activities
professional fulfilment. in Europe coming years.

Investment in human capital With this in mind, the Commission

through better education, and the has elaborated a set of analysis of
development of skills and compe- emerging competences in 18 sec-
tences should be increased. It is tors. Those analysis are available
important to anticipate skills needs to all economic, social and profes-
— and also skills gaps — which are sional organisations, educations
emerging in the European labour and training institutions, etc. They
market, as well as to improve the can help them to refine their stra­
matching of knowledge, skills tegies and to engage into forward-
and competences with the needs looking actions.

Robert Verrue

Director-General, Employment,
Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG

Defence industry

Aims and methodology

The renewed Lisbon strategy and by a number of other initiatives over

European Employment strategy the oncoming year and beyond. The
stress the need for Europe to place current economic crisis calls for the
more emphasis on a better antici- reinforcement of policies aimed at
pation of skill needs together with developing the employability of the
the need to reduce labour markets workforce. This project fits within
mismatches. These policies aims this policy objective.
also at minimising social costs
and facilitating adaptation during 18 sector studies,
restructuring processes through one methodology
a better anticipation and positive
management of change. Globalisa- The results of this study aim to serve
tion, technological change, climate as a guide in launching further EU
change and demographic develop- and other actions to promote the
ments (including ageing and migra- strategic management of human
tion) in that respect pose huge chal- resources and to foster stronger
lenges, comprising both risks and synergies between innovation,
opportunities. In that context, the skills and jobs, taking into account
Commission has launched recently the global context and encourag-
the New Skills for New Jobs initiative ing adaptations to national and
together with other related Euro- regional level.
pean projects aimed at identifying
future job and skills needs using To validate, add and complement
quantitative modelling approaches. the findings of the project and
While having advantages of robust- to make sure that results are dis-
ness, stakeholders as well as the seminated as broadly as possible
European Commission identified a across Europe, relevant stakehold-
clear need for complementary more ers including European social part-
qualitative forward-looking analy- ners, other services from the Com-
sis. Consequently, the European mission with the expertise in the
Commission commissioned in 2007 sectors analysed, representatives
a series of 18 future-oriented sector from the European Parliament,
studies (horizon 2020) on skills and the European Economic and Social
jobs following a uniform, qualita- Committee, the Committee of the
tive methodology. Results of these Regions, Eurofound and Cedefop
studies have become available in were involved in the project from
summer 2009, and will be followed the beginning.

Aims and methodology

Sectors Covered
Automotive industry
Textiles, wearing apparel and leather products
Printing and publishing
Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic products
Non-metallic materials (glass, cement, ceramic…)
Electromechanical engineering
Computer, electronic and optical products
Building of ships and boats
Furniture and others
Electricity, gas, water & waste
Distribution, trade
Hotels, restaurants, catering and related services
Post and telecommunications
Financial services (bank, insurance and others)
Health and social work
Other services, maintenance and cleaning

A standard predefined methodol- for emerging competences and

ogy was developed by a panel of occupation profiles in terms of
experts under the direction of Prof jobs expanding, transforming or
Maria João Rodrigues and applied declining, and their implications
to all 18 studies to ensure consis- in terms of strategic choices and
tency and comparability of the subsequent recommendations for
results, the studies being produced companies, education and train-
by different contractors. ing systems, social partners and
public authorities at all levels. This
Based on the basic methodologi- foresight methodology implies an
cal framework, each contractor approach combining desk ­research
­executed 7 defined steps, starting and expert knowledge.
with the mapping of main trends,
key drivers of change, leading to At the end of each sector study a
scenarios of plausible evolution final European workshop for the
and their implication for employ- sector was organised by the Com-
ment at the year 2020 time horizon, mission to validate results as well
the identification of implications as refine recommendations. In

Defence industry

addition to European Commis- of all sections were summarised

sion and Eurofound staff, about 20 in a SWOT analysis and were used
experts per workshop from indus- as input to identify key drivers.
try, academia and sector organi-
sations including workers and Drivers of change
employers’ representatives with
a sound knowledge of jobs and On the basis of the mapping of
skills were invited to comment and the sector, a set of key drivers,
provide recommendations to the sector specific or not, was identi-
report as part of the methodology. fied. Literature review and expert
knowledge of the sector were
Brief description of then used to define a conclu-
the methodological steps sive list of sector-specific drivers.
Drivers were classified as exog-
Mapping enous or endogenous depend-
ing on the ability for the sector’s
The main purpose of this analy- stakeholders and policymakers
sis was to provide factual back- to influence them. These lists of
ground to identify key drivers drivers were also discussed in the
used in the subsequent scenario experts’ ­p anel workshops.
development. Consequently, the
Report analysed recent sector Qualitative scenarios and impli-
developments and trends and, at cations for employment trends
the same time, depicts the current
state of play in the sector with an The set of selected sectoral ­drivers
emphasis on innovation, skills of change served as an input to
and jobs. It was based on an anal- ­develop scenarios for the evolution
ysis of available time series data of the sector and implications for
and relevant existing studies. It different occupations (composition
analysed 1) structural character- of employment / emerging compe-
istics (production, value added, tences) in the period 2008 to 2020.
employment in various dimen-
sions, and related factors); 2) Implications of scenarios and
the value chain; 3) technological emerging competences
change and innovation; 4) trade
and international competition as Scenarios were built to assess the
well as 5) regulation. The results implications for the level (absolute

Aims and methodology

demand) and composition (relative were looked at in this step of the

demand compared to other job methodology, focussing more
functions) of employment of dif- particularly on the specific role
ferent job functions by 2020. New to be played by sectoral organi-
and emergent skills required by dif- sations, educational institutions
ferent job functions were identified and governments such as a stron-
based on the analysis of the evolu- ger cooperation between stake-
tion of past data on employment holders or an increased flexibility
by occupation, on the analysis from through modularisation of educa-
the present situation and of experts’ tion and training.
comments during the workshop.
The focus was on identifying and Recommendations
describing key and critical com-
petences for the future for each of Each sector study contains spe-
the major occupational function in cific recommendations to the
relation to the different scenarios sector. However, with the studies
elaborated. These formed the basis analysing Europe as a whole, the
for the strategic choices identified recommendations remain gen-
in a next step. eral and need a follow-up at the
national and regional level. The
Strategic choices for companies to intention of the project especially
meet emergent competence needs in the follow up phase is to use the
results to stimulate stakeholders
Each sector study assessed possible at lower territorial levels (national
strategic choices in terms of feasi- / regional) to work out results in
bility and actor involvement. The more details, repeat and adapt this
options comprised recruiting work- exercise to local needs rather than
ers from other sectors, countries, providing standardised solutions.
recruiting graduates, re-training Some general recommendations
employed workers as well as chang- call for an intensified co-operation
ing work organisation. between relevant stakeholders, the
need to invest strongly in human
Specific implications capital, more standardised regu-
for education and training lations, enhanced VET to increase
social mobility and coordinated
Options to improve or to adapt National and European Vocational
education and training systems Qualifications.

Defence industry

The Defence sector –

main characterisation
The European defence industry is • Identify the regional distribu-
a strategic sector of the EU econ- tion of defence activities, and the
omy, not only because of its con- areas of employment concentra-
tribution to EU security, but also tion across the EU, in order to
because of its importance in terms identify the areas most likely to
of employment, value added and be concerned by restructuring in
exports, because of its contribu- this sector;
tion to regional development, and
because of its contribution to a • Conduct a foresight exercise in
number of other industries, nota- order to identify and describe
bly through innovation. potential future trends in activity,
by key segment of defence;
Yet, today, the industry is facing
important challenges: like other • Draw the main implications of
industrial sectors, the defence the possible future development
industry is required to deliver scenarios on employment: which
increased efficiency in order to pro- jobs will be in high demand,
vide value for money to its custom- which categories will decline in
ers and, at the same time, protect its importance, which will change
shareholders’ interests. At the same over the coming years, hence
time, demand is increasingly con- requiring changes in skills;
strained by national defence bud-
gets, whilst competition is growing • Identify and describe emergent
at world level. Restructuring has job profiles, given future trends in
become unavoidable. To minimise product development and ­market
the negative consequences of organisational structure, and the
restructuring in the social sphere, associated training needs;
anticipation is essential – and in
particular anticipation of skills • Raise awareness of possible
needs. future employment trends
amongst the defence industry’
In that context, the objectives of stakeholders, including in terms
the study were to: of emerging profiles and future
skills needs;
• Identify and describe the chal-
lenges to which the EU defence • Provide the background infor-
industry is confronted; mation that is necessary to fuel

The Defence sector – main characterisation

discussions on how to improve • Military vehicles (including

strategic sector planning in edu- command vehicles, main battle
cation and training systems. tanks (MBT), armoured fighting
vehicles (AFV), infantry fighting
Overall context for defence vehicles (IFV), assault bridges
industries and engineering vehicles…), and
parts thereof;
The defence industry is a key
­sector for the EU economy, not • Naval vessels and warships
only because of its technologi- (including battleships, amphibi-
cal and economic policy aspects, ous assault ships, command and
but also because of the number of control ships, cruisers, destroy-
jobs dependent upon it. The sector ers, frigates, carriers, submarines,
­covers a wide range of activities, aircraft carriers, minesweepers,
such as the production of: operational support ships, mili-
tary sea lift ships, diving support
• Small arms and ammunition vessels, patrol boats, navigation
(snipers, rifles, …), and artillery training vessels, range support
(light machine guns, mortars, vessels, etc.);
automated grenade launchers,
remote controlled weapon sys- • Various types of services (mainte-
tems, man portable air defence nance, support, training, logistics,
systems, rocket launchers, etc.); transport);

• Aircrafts, helicopters and • Plus all the inputs (products

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and services) and equipments
(UAVs); (machinery, buildings, infrastruc-
ture) that are used at some stage
• Space equipment and services; during the production process.

• Electronic equipment (reconnais- The defence industry is facing

sance, SIGINT, command & con- important challenges.
trol,…) ;
On the demand side
• Engines and propulsion systems;
The challenges are both European
• Missiles; and global. At the European level,

Defence industry

these include the changing role negative impact on the competitive-

of force, which leads to a new ness of Europe’s Defence Industrial
demand mix; stagnant, and in some and Technological Base as well as on
cases declining, national defence Member States’ efforts to equip their
budgets within the EU; shrinking armed forces adequately.
national defence procurement;
and, comparatively low spend- On the supply side
ing on R&D. At the global le­vel,
the challenges are linked to the The key factors of influence are:
lack of dynamism of world ­market
demand, and difficult market entry (1) the large variety, high technol-
conditions for EU firms into the ogy and rapidly rising produc-
more dynamic world markets. tion cost of defence equipment
and systems;
Over the past ten years, the value of
procurement by the EU NATO mem- (2) t he dominance of (often nation-
bers has, in fact, stagnated, whereas al) champions that are highly
defence procurement markets in dependent on trends in national
the US continued to grow at a rapid procurement budgets;
rate. Another source of concern is
the fact that the EU countries’ R&D (3) the high dependence of certain
spent is approximately one-sixth of regions on defence activities;
the US R&D expenditure on defence.
Furthermore, despite European (4) on-going transition in the newer
efforts to improve coordination, member states;
in­ternationalise procurement and
encourage competition, the Euro- (5) past and future M & A patterns;
pean Defence Market remains frag-
mented. Still less than one fifths of (6) the growing concentration of
procurement is spent in collabora- the industry;
tion projects in which at least two EU
members participate, and Article 296 (7) its particular ownership struc-
continues to be frequently invoked ture (with governments as major
in order to justify derogations from shareholder in France and Italy);
Internal Market rules due to “essential
security interests”. This creates extra (8) overall mixed experiences with
costs and inefficiencies, and has a cooperation.

The Defence sector – main characterisation

The juste retour principle in collab- companies to ensure the long

orative projects results in subop- term competitiveness of the Euro-
timal procurement. Securing jobs pean defence industry and the
at home is used to legitimize cost- survival of all companies. Some
inefficient procurement. Differ- European states are already turn-
ences in arms exports complicate ing to foreign countries to satisfy
marketing. And, the management their munitions needs.
of cross border collaboration proj-
ects is cumbersome, which leads to Although the creation of the Regime
cost and time overruns. on Defence Procurement, the adop-
tion of the EDTIB Strategy and the
As a result of past mergers and acqui- recently adopted EU defence pack-
sitions mainly along national lines, age are important steps towards the
the leading producers offer equip- creation of the European Defence
ment that is not necessarily stan- Equipment Market (EDEM) and the
dardised, since each country or pro- strengthening of the European
ducer pursues its own technology defence industry, a reorganisation
lines. Poor European cooperation of activities at European, national,
also implies duplication of expendi- and local levels is unavoidable.
tures, misallocation of (scarce) public This is bound to have major conse-
resources and the maintenance of quences on employment, already
excess capacities at EU level, whilst severely impacted by past restruc-
the national orientation of many turings.
firms prevents them from benefit-
ing from economies of scale. Today, The sector is also key to the suc-
the EU Member States do not have cessful transformation and growth
the financial means to sustain the of a number of other industries:
full spectrum of a defence tech- because defence markets cover a
nology industrial base. This means broad spectrum of products and
continued downward pressure on services ranging from non-war
defence budgets (due to a prefer- material, such as office equip-
ence for social welfare spending), ment, to complex weapon systems
and a continued downward trend and highly sensitive material such
in procurement budgets. as nuclear biological & chemi-
cal equipment, a large diversity
As a result of these factors, there of companies operate in, or work
are presently too many, too small, for, the sector. Among these are

Defence industry

material-producing companies design, building and testing of pro-

(including composites), mechani- totypes, etc. In other words, the
cal engineering, electrical and elec- defence industry constitutes a key
tronic producing companies, as client and end-market for industrial
well as companies involved in R&D, and service sectors.

The Defence sector – main characterisation

Organisation of the supply chain: the defence industry’s tier structure

In addition to its impact on other A particularity of the defence indus-

industries, on technological pro­ tries, however, compared to other
gress and on innovation, through industrial sectors such as agri-food
its spill-over effects on innovation or automotive, is that most firms
in civilian industries, the competi- involved actually produce dual use
tiveness of the European defence goods and technologies, i.e. pro­
industry is vital to the credibility of ducts and technologies which have
the nascent European Security and both civilian and military applica-
Defence Policy. tions (i.e. electronics, vehicles, civil
aviation, shipbuilding etc).

Defence industry

The key challenges

for defence industries
As indicated, one of the key chal- budgets means stagnant or declin-
lenges for defence industries in ing budgets in real terms, hence
general is the future trend in overall reductions in defence
national defence budgets – both equipment expenditures.
within the EU and at world level.
Already before the recent eco- Other challenges include the frag-
nomic downturn, defence budgets mented nature of the industry,
were either growing very slowly and the high concentration of
in real terms, or already falling, employment in certain regions:
on the back of tight budget poli- although the defence industry is
cies throughout the EU in order to more vertically integrated than
cut back the public debt’ share of ­other industrial sectors, there are
GDP. Ageing and structurally rising thousands of diversified SMEs
social budgets were indeed put- which serve the larger defence
ting a lid on the potential growth of contractors. Altogether, there are
public expenditures – in particular presently too many companies in
expenditures on defence, if not on the sector in the EU, many of these
defence & security. being too small to survive in an
increasingly competitive and global
Given the consequences of expan- environment. At the same time, the
sionary fiscal policies in 2008 and high concentration of employ-
2009, aimed at preventing a collapse ment in certain regions is a source
of the financial sector and limit the of vulnerability and is perceived as
extent of recession, public indebt- a threat on the social front.
edness has grown again. It will
take many years before the public Finally, comparatively low spend-
debt to GDP ratio returns to the ing on R&D in the EU as compared
pre-crisis level. In the meantime, with the US and other leading tech-
expansionary defence procure- nology producers (such as Japan)
ment budgets are highly unlikely. is perceived to potentially hamper
Given that equipment costs rise the EU industry’s future technologi-
typically faster than inflation, the cal competitiveness.
slow (nominal) growth in defence

The key challenges for defence industries

Summary of the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

for defence industries

Strengths Weaknesses
• Existence of world leaders in Europe • Fragmented EU industry, low
• Dual markets internationalisation of SMEs
• High internationalisation of key players • Growing costs of new equipment &
• Existence of niches of competencies defence systems
• Consolidation/restructuring well under • Comparatively low spending on R&D
way in certain segments • Difficulties in cooperating across borders
• Balanced aged pyramids in large defence • Risks of skill depletion linked to delays/
contractors postponement of programmes
• High skill level of workforce in EU defence • Risks linked to age pyramids in SMEs
industry. • Low attractiveness of defence industries
• Intra-firm job mobility possible for new entrants in labour market

Opportunities Threats
• New EU regulatory environment for • Stagnant or declining overall defence
defence budgets within the EU
• High needs for replacement, upgrading • Slow growth in global procurement
and retrofitting of defence equipment & demand
systems • Growing competition from emerging
• Growing maintenance market producers in other countries
• Outsourcing of traditionnal military • High entry barriers in non-EU markets
functions • Low attractiveness of industrial activities
• Growing security market for new entrants into the labour market
• Civilian applications of defence
• Growing demand from non-EU countries

Yet, there are also opportunities certain types of equipment (air car-
which the industry has to prepare riers, missiles, etc…). In addition,
itself for: among these are the demand from non-EU countries
fast growing markets for cer- is also growing faster than within
tain products and equipments the EU.
such as drones, civilian applica-
tions of space technologies and To make the most of these future
equipment related to the grow- opportunities, the industry has
ing security market, and there are engaged a general process of con-
also high replacement needs for solidation in Europe: acquisition

Defence industry

activity has accelerated in the past depending on the source consid-

years, including across borders. ered. The fairly wide range reflects
Large defence contractors have the type of companies that are
emerged, which are now able to included in the estimate: for the
threaten the US giants and com- lower figure, only the large defence
petitors in other parts of the world. producers are taken into account,
Among these key EU players are whereas the higher estimate also
Thales, Safran, BAe, EADS, MBDA, includes some smaller companies
etc. The consolidation is, however, which sell a significant share of
still underway in some segments. their production to the defence
In the naval industries, as well companies.
as in the land vehicles and land
defence equipment industries, Including indirect employ-
there are still too many producers ment, BIPE estimated that up to
which operate at national level and 1 640 000 persons were con-
develop competing programmes cerned by the trends in defence
at EU level. This leads to a misallo- equipment and services’ produc-
cation of (scarce) resources. tion in Europe in 2006. This later
number covers all the direct and
Past and potential future indirect employment, i.e. it includes
trends in employment all salaried workers employed by
prime contractors as well as Tier 1
Direct employment in the EU and Tier 2 suppliers (component
defence industry is estimated to and system manufacturers), many
be between 350 000 and 750 000, of which are SMEs.

The key challenges for defence industries

Estimated employment by type of activity in EU-27

Direct employment in Direct employment in tier 1 Employment in tier 2

prime contractors, defence contractors, defence only: contractors, linked to
only: 211 500 =13% 193 500 =12% defence: 162 000 = 10%
Direct employment in Direct employment in Other employment in tier 2
prime contractors’ civil tier 1 contractors, in civil Contractors:
production: production: 188 000 = 11%
160 700 = 10% 256 500 = 15,5%
Indirect employment = employment in related (tier 3 and higher) industries
470 000

Since 1993, defence employment 10% of the 1993 level; in Hungary

levels have declined substantially in employment had fallen by 70%. In
most EU countries. In 2003, employ- France, the reduction was 30% over
ment levels in Slovakia were only the same ten-year period.

Change in employment levels across countries, base 1993=100

Defence industry

On average in the EU-27, one job Defence employment is highly con-

in two disappeared in this ­sector centrated at regional level, since
between 1993 and 2003, as the the location of plants has usually
number of people employed been determined historically by
(source; BICC Conversion surveys, security concerns and kept away
1993 to 2006) dropped from 1,522 from urban centres. Thus, a ­number
to 722 thousands. Again, the 2003 of local communities are heav-
employment level differs from the ily depending on developments in
number recorded by BIPE looking the activity of defence facilities and
at the individual companies’ job factories. Defence employment is
figures – the difference being prob- also often highly skilled and very
ably due to a focus on the larger specialised, with a high proportion
groups in the BICC figures. of engineers, scientists and higher
levels of qualification.

Panorama of the European defence industry - poles of employment

The key challenges for defence industries

Generally speaking, the employ- one observes an upward trend in

ment in the four key segments of the average competency ­level
defence industries (land, naval, required at the recruitment
aerospace, electronics) is both stage. One also observes, in most
highly skilled and highly special- defence sectors, an ongoing shift
ised. In particular, one finds a higher from manual workers to profes-
proportion of engineers and scien- sionals and technicians of various
tists, and higher levels of qualifica- types, as well as to engineers and
tion in the defence industry than computer programmers. Skilled
for industry as a whole. Yet, in all workers nevertheless remain in
segments (aerospace, naval, land high demand (which is not the case
and electronics), skill needs have for un-skilled workers).
changed over time. In particular,

Composition of employment in aeronautics and defence by skill level

Defence industry

Two final observations on the not an option: these functions

present employment situation in need to be identified and spe-
defence industries, which bear con- cifically supported in order to
sequences for the future, are: avoid skill depletion when pro-
grammes are delayed.
1.There appears to be no “age-
trap” in the large defence con- Future trends in employment will
tractors: most have ­anticipated depend on the trend in procure-
the ageing phenomenon in ment, on the future organisation of
industry, and re-balanced the production at EU and world levels,
age pyramid at work. There- and on technological change. For
fore, in the large companies all three factors, the trends are likely
at least, one does not expect to differ across defence indus-
a “recruitment boom” in the try segment: replacement orders
next 5-10 years. This may, how- and trends in maintenance and
ever, not be the case for many retrofit needs indeed vary across
SMEs: those which have a high segment, as does the degree of
proportion of workers aged externalisation of production, the
50 or more are at risk of losing geographical organisation of pro-
skills and know-how as these duction, and the rate of R&D and
leave for retirement in the next innovation. For example, whereas
10-15 years. the electronics’ industry spends up
to 14% of its turnover on R&D, the
2. The skills needed in defence share is only 12% for aerospace,
activities are, with some excep- 10% for naval industries and 6% for
tions, not significantly different land equipment industries. Delays
than those required in civilian in new programme launch can
activities. For those compa- have major impacts on employ-
nies engaged in dual markets, ment in industries such as defence,
the impact on employment where employment is highly spe-
of cyclical trends in activity in cialised, so that the future trends
defence activities can partly in research budgets – both public
be attenuated through inter- and private – will have a major
nal mobility of workers. There influence on future trends in skill
are, however, some highly spe- needs by sector.
cialised and technical activities
for which internal mobility is

The key challenges for defence industries

The chosen scenario framework

Different scenarios have been pre- programmes and the concentra-

sented, which differ based on the tion of production in fewer loca-
degree of intra-EU coordination of tions. Yet, the financial savings
procurement and production, and made possible by this rationali-
on the degree of preparation of sation of production at EU-level
change. makes it possible for govern-
ments to step up R&D expendi-
• The first scenario, entitled “Coor- tures, helping the defence com-
dinated EU procurement with panies to remain innovative and
preparation of change”, assumes regain competitiveness in world
a rapid shift towards coordinated markets. This leads, after a few
equipment purchases at EU level, years, to a stabilisation – and
with due “preparation” of change possibly even to new increases
by the industry’ stakeholders; in – in employment levels. Indeed,
this scenario, employment falls with appropriate anticipation of
rapidly in the first years due to re- change, synergies are developed
organisation of production, the between defence and civilian
rationalisation of duplicated R&D activities, to the benefit of the EU

Defence industry

civilian aerospace, railway rolling • The fourth scenario assumes a

stock, automotive, shipbuilding continuation of national pro-
and other equipment industries. curement policies albeit with
preparation of change: the fall
• The second scenario, entitled in overall employment is greater
“Coordinated EU procurement, no in the short term than in the
preparation of change” assumes third scenario, but the long term
that the early shift to more coor- result is nevertheless below the
dinated EU procurement has not “coordinated Eu procurement”
been preceded by due prepara- scenario, as R&D expenditures
tion by the industry’ stakehold- have fallen behind due to budget
ers. Market forces are left at play constraints and continued dupli-
to define who wins the orders, cation of efforts at EU level.
and restructuring takes place as
events unfold, leading to difficul- The chart below illustrates the trend
ties for companies to maintain in employment in the sector as a
skills when they are not directly whole – including indirect employ-
involved in a particular defence ment – in each of these four sce-
programme; narios, and compares the expected
outlook with past trends in employ-
• The third scenario, entitled ment between 1993 and 2003.
“National procurement – no
anticipation of change” assumes As illustrated, the scenarios lead
a continued a preference for to a wide range of possible out-
national procurement. If this comes – with total employment
scenario makes it possible to (direct + indirect employment)
save jobs in the first years of the falling between 30% or 50% over
forecast, after a few years, how- the next 10 years depending on
ever, the lack of funding for new the scenario. The “worst-case” sce-
programmes and the absence of nario is a continuation of the trend
competition between players at initiated in 1993 in the EU as a
EU level, eventually lead to losses whole, when employment fell by
in external competitiveness and 50% between 1993-2003 (Source:
more rapid falls in employment BICC Conversion Surveys), even
from 2011-2012 onwards than in though the 1993-2003 coincided
the first scenario; with deep restructuring in eastern
Europe as part of their transition

The key challenges for defence industries

to market economies. The 30% year in defence industries, slightly

decline represents a continuation higher than the average decline in
of the trend observed in France employment observed in industry
in the past 10 years, with falls in as a whole.
employment approaching 3% per

Change in direct and indirect employment levels as a result of

the changes in production and organisation of EU defence industries

Source: BIPE

The trend in employment in employment than shown here is

each defence-market segment expected in the aerospace indus-
will be similar to the above pat- try, whereas a faster decline is
tern, albeit with differences in the likely to be registered, especially
rates of magnitude of the change, in the long term, for the naval and
depending on the market con- land defence industries.
sidered. Thus, a slower decline in

Defence industry

Consequences of these
prospective changes
Consequences • Within all occupations, there is a
on competencies continuing increase in the impor-
and skills needs tance of computer skills and
The analysis of trends in skill needs
across segments of defence indus- • Risk management has grown in
tries indicates a number of trends importance; this is particularly
common to all sectors: the case with risks linked to IT and
communication, but not only;
• There is an ongoing shift from
manual workers to professionals • The internationalisation strate-
and technicians of various types, gies of most prime contractors
as well as engineers and computer lead to a new distribution of skills
programmers; and competencies needs across
• The numerisation of functions
and organisational changes linked The table below shows the link
with technical progress lead to between contextual changes and
a growing demand for machine changes in skills needs in the coming
operators; years.

Consequences of these prospective changes

Impact of context changes on skill needs in the defence industries

Context changes Consequences for employment

and skills needs
• Re-organisation of production in a tiered • Impact on governance, operating
structure practices and management
• Externalisation of activities • Reduction in number of hierarchic levels
• Improvement in productivity and & shift to matrix type organisations cause
efficiency a need for more collaborative working
• Increased internationalisation environments, cutting across functions
of operations linked to the Pan- team workstructures, polyvalence
Europeanisation of production • Increased need for certain support
• Need for increased R&D and new functions: Cost control, quality control,
programmes procurement, marketing and sales
• Increased (non-price) competitiveness • Internationally oriented competencies
(language, communication,…)
• Focus on marketing and commercial skills
• Management of procurement, of
subcontracting, optimisation of logistics
(incl. for maintenance)
• Expert skills for the production and
handling of new materials & technologies
(composites, robotics, etc.)
• Specialisations in the manufacturing,
maintenance and recycling of technical
materials (composites, energy efficiency,
etc.) ;
• Competencies focused on protecting the
environment and work ethics
Source: Eurostrategies

The table shows the types of skills become less important in the com-
that will be in higher demand, ing years, irrespective of the future
and the types of functions that development scenario.
may develop or, on the contrary,

Defence industry

Centres of excellence
Many in the industry are calling for the development of “centres of excellence” in Europe,
whereby certain regions would specialise in certain types of production and host training
institutions that would supply the required skills, to the region itself and to other regional
markets. This would effectively create “educational hubs”.
Yet, for the “centre of excellence” concept to be effective, certain conditions must be met:
- These Centers of Excellence will have to take on both research and manufacturing
- They have to be totally independent of national governments (to avoid a given country
government’s exclusive control of a sensitive technology and/or process);
- Their objective has to be to supply graduates trained in the given area to any EU country
needing that skill. This calls for increased workforce mobility.
Indeed, experience shows that, to maximise the chance of their leading to applications that
respond to market needs, research activities have to be located close to production centres.
Linkages between fundamental research and industry are also important in order
to facilitate the transfer of knowledge beyond the early innovation stage, and to
ensure that the companies can find locally the skills that they will need to organise the
production on a large scale.
The need for independence from national governments results from the need, for the
Centres of Excellence to fulfil their role, to train personnel and develop innovations
that can serve the whole EU industry. The Centres of Excellence’s role will be to
develop sensitive technologies and train personnel in highly specific areas, to irrigate
thereafter the whole EU industry. The mobility of personnel has to be high in order
to maximise cross-fertilisation of skills and competencies across the EU, and make it
possible to capitalise on the best experiences from all parts of the EU. Several Centres of
Excellence could therefore be created throughout the EU, each having different areas of
specialisation, but be complementary to each other and inter-linked in order to foster
knowledge transfer. These could be financed partly through research grants provided by
the companies, and partly through sponsorships or grants by the Member States.

Some problems remain:

- Companies themselves often are the key source of know-how: this is why the link
between companies and the centres of excellence has to be so strong, and why the
location choices that will be made for those centres – if the idea goes ahead – will totally
reshape the EU defence industry;
- In the regions in which certain production lines will be de-emphasised or closed, there
are specialised jobs whose conversion can be difficult;
There can be issues with national security (due to sensitive technologies and processes);
- Governments, which are the principal clients of defence companies, themselves have
conflicting objectives: they want both to ensure a return on investment, and avoid
overreliance on other states, even if they are allies and partners.

Other problems and issues are that:

- The location of the “centres of excellence” will influence the location of the future civilian
- Cross-country mobility of the workforce will have to be enhanced.

Consequences of these prospective changes

Consequences for the • The observatories could also

industry’ stakeholders include analyses of the conse-
quences of different types of
To prepare the changes ahead, the redeployment measures or of
following are needed: practices aimed at improving
employability, in order to help
• Increase visibility on future pro- users to assess under which con-
curement trends: in an industry in dition a given measure is likely to
which programmes are launched be most effective;
for the long term, and a large
share of the activity is linked to • Improve the attractiveness of
retrofitting and maintaining exist- the industry to young workers:
ing equipment, one could expect although there appears to be no
companies to have a better visibil- “age trap”, there is a continued
ity on the future trend in orders; need for new skills and replace-
ment of workers leaving the sector;
• There appears to be a need for even if employment levels fall “on
“employment observatories” that average”, the companies will con-
would provide information on tinue to recruit, and need to find
past and present employment the right competencies on the
levels, and on planned employ- market, and to be able to retain
ment and skills needs, taking into them;
account foreseen trends in orders;
these observatories ought to be • Improved education and training
launched at regional level (and system, in order to provide the
coordinated at EU level) in order young people with the technical
to help local stakeholders to skills needed that are in growing
anticipate future skill needs and demand;
launch the necessary training or
retraining programmes; • Identify “best practices” in prepar-
ing and managing change in this
• These observatories could also sector: the examples ­provided
constitute databases of “good during the Forum were consid-
practices of anticipation and ered to be somewhat specific
management of change and and not necessarily adaptable
restructuring at company and to other companies or local situ-
regional level”; ations; there is a need to define,

Defence industry

with the social partners, “good existing clients in their interna-

practices”; tional expansion) and develop
a presence on distant markets
• Help regions diversify their (whether these are EU or non-
activity in order to reduce their EU markets) by ensuring that
dependence on a single – or only they have access to finance for
a few – sectors: in many regions, LBOs, takeovers or mergers, and
one finds a high dependence adequate guarantees;
on defence-related activities.
Given the synergies between • Create a level-playing field for
defence activities and certain businesses;
civilian equipment producing
sectors (civilian aeronautics, • Increase support for R&D;
space, automotive, shipbuild-
ing, electronics or even railway • Improve co-ordination of policies
rolling stock), there is a case for across the EU, and across gov-
attracting new investments in ernmental bodies within the EU
these areas, or for developing Member States in order to:
“cross-regional clusters” of com-
petencies by building linkages • smooth out procurement
between the region’s defence cycles;
industry and other regions”
related civilian activities; • reduce barriers to trade, which
hamper the competitiveness
• Help SMEs’ to grow in size and of EU industry;
improve their degree of inter-
nationalisation (i.e., ability to • foster cross-border mobility
work with foreign partners or of workers, especially for dis-
clients, and to accompany their placed workers.

Conclusions and key findings

Conclusions and key findings

Even if the anticipation of skill needs security and civilian sectors;

can only be done by defence indus-
try segment, there are ­common Once Pan-European restructuring
trends in all segments. really gets under way, increased
geographical mobility of the work-
Although no “breakthrough” force will be a requirement.
technology is identified that will
radically change the mix of com- Location decisions made for
petencies that are needed in the defence activities will have a key
next 5-10 years, technological impact on civilian activities, espe-
progress is a major goal for the cially in the case of:
industry in order to maintain its
competitiveness: -A
 erospace, notably propulsion
systems and R&D ;
- Yet, R&D mobilises specific skills
and competencies; - New materials;

- The quality of basic educa- - Electronics;

tion and the availability of the
most sophisticated equipment/ The role of the European Defence
technologies in the schools are Agency (EDA) is thus very impor-
important; tant in this respect: indeed, the
EDA encourages Member States
- More efforts will have to be made to cooperate more in com-
to succeed in this area, where the mon procurement projects, and
gap with the US has widened. improves transparency in the
EU defence equipment ­m arket
To assess the social consequences by means of the Regime/CoC of
of restructuring, one needs to: Defence Procurement.

- Look at future skills needed by Also, whereas there is general

market segment (land, aero- agreement that increased inter-
space, naval, electronics); nationalisation of skills and
openness to “other countries”
- Take into account the possible will have to increase, low interna-
inter-changeability of the work- tional – and even cross regional
force between the defence, – mobi­lity of technical personnel

Defence industry

will be an issue. Indeed, if young local level will need to be closely

graduates are generally geo- monitored and coordinated with
graphically mobile, skilled wor­ the companies present locally.
kers and technicians are typically
recruited locally. Hence, regions are a key actor in the
management of transition.
Hence, the availability of skills at

Where to find more information?

The following information can be found on the Europa website under the address:

The other 17 sector studies on the analysis of the sector’s evolution and future skills needs
The Restructuring in Europe report
The thematic restructuring forums
The checklist and the toolkit on restructuring processes
The training guide for SMEs
The national seminars on restructuring in 27 EU countries
Official documents related to restructuring policies

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