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Lab # 10

555 Timer: Astable, Monostable, Bistable Multivibrator

In this lab students will learn the following basic operations of 555 Timer.
1. Astable Operation
2. Monostable Operation
3. Bistable Operation

Pre Lab:
Perform transient analysis of task 1, task 2 and task 3 in PSpice. In task 1 & 2, also observe the
wave form across capacitor in Task 2 and 3 in PSpice. Bring the simulation results in Lab.

Task 1:
Simulation Result:

Task 2:
Simulation result:

In Lab Task:
Task 1:
AstableMultivibrator Using 555 Timer IC:

Fig. 12.5 The 555 timer connected to implement aAstablemultivibrator

For duty cycle approaches 50%:
1. Configure the circuit as shown in Fig. 12.5.
2. Use Ra = 3.3 KΩ Rb = 15 kΩ and C1 = 0.1 μF. Using the power supply set VCC = 5 V.

3. Compute the expected values of fosc and duty cycle (%).

4. Connect the output terminal (pin 3) to channel 1 of the oscilloscope. Also measure the
voltage across capacitor to channel 2.

5. Power on your circuit and observe and save the output. Determine the values of f osc and duty
cycle (%) from your observations and compare with the theoretical values.
6. Set oscilloscope for dual trace operation, connect one channel (DC coupled) to the junction
of Rb and C1 to monitor the waveform of C1, and connect the other channel to circuit output.

7. Observe the capacitor voltage waveform versus the output waveform. Sketch oscilloscope
display. Note in your diagram the minimum and maximum capacitor voltage values. You should
1 2
have found that VC1 varies approximately 𝑉𝐶𝐶to 𝑉𝐶𝐶.
3 3
8. For duty cycle approaches 100%:

Task 2:
MonostableMultivibrator Using the 555 IC

Fig.12.6 The 555 timer connected to implement a monostablemultivibrator

1. Implement the monostable multivibrator as shown in Fig. 12.6. Adjust the DC power supply
to +5V for 555 timer.
2. Connect the signal generator to the input. Adjust the generator for 3.33-KHz square wave
input at 10 VP-P.

3. Connect the channel 1 of oscilloscope to the input and channel 2 to the output. Determine
the value of pulse duration from your observation and compare the theoretical values.
4. Connect oscilloscope to monitor both the input signal and the voltage waveform of C1.
5. Sketch input and waveform of c1. Note the minimum and maximum voltage values of C1
6. Now apply the trigger input with pulse width equal to the pulse duration of output and
note the effect of capacitor waveform
7. Increase the value of R and note the effect on capacitor waveform. Explain with reason.

Task 3:
BistableMultivibrator Using the 555 IC
1. Configure the circuit as shown in Fig. 12.7..
2. Use RA = RB = 10 kΩ, RL = 1 kΩ and C1 = 1 μF, C2 = 0.01 μF. Using the power supply set VCC
= 10 V.
3. Connect the output terminal (pin 3) to the oscilloscope in DC COUPLING mode.
4. Power on your circuit.
5. Connect the point F to ground momentarily. This will set the output Q in the oscilloscope to 1
or HIGH level. This state will be permanently stable state and the operation is called “SET”.
6. Now connect the point G to VCC momentarily. This will set the output Q in the oscilloscope
to 0 or LOW level. This is called “RESET” operation.

Post Lab:
Problem 1:
Design an astablemultivibrator shown in Fig. 12.5, with a 1000-pF capacitor, that results in an
oscillation frequency of 100 kHz and a duty cycle of 75%.

Conclusion/Critical Analysis:
In this lab, we learn different type of multivibrator by using 555 Timer chip. These multivibrator
1. Astable multivibrator
2. Monostable multivibrator
3. Bistable multivibrator
An astable multivibrator is a type of multivibrator that does not require a triggering pulse thus,
sometimes known as a free-running multivibrator. It necessarily provides square wave as its
output. Astable multivibrator is called so because both the states present here are unstable
i.e., quasi-stable. This means output swings between 0 and 1 and neither 0 nor 1 is the stable
state. Here, the successive transition is made from one quasi-state to other after some pre-
decided time interval.
Monostable Multivibrator is a type of multivibrator that has single stable
state. MONO means one thus the name itself indicates one state stable and a quasi-stable
state. It is also known as a one-shot multivibrator. Here, a triggering pulse is used in order to
have transition from a stable state to quasi-stable state. However, no any triggering pulse is
provided to have transition from quasi to a stable state. After a pre-determined time interval,
the quasi-state returns automatically to the stable state.
A type of multivibrator whose output consists of 2 stable states is known as Bistable
Multivibrator. The circuit switches from one stable state to the other when an appropriate
trigger pulse is applied. In a nutshell, in a bistable multivibrator, one stable state can be
maintained until a triggering pulse is provided. It is also known as flip-flop
multivibrator because due to applied trigger pulses, multivibrator flip from one stable state.
And by applying the next trigger pulse it flops back to its initial stable state.
We made the circuits of these three multivibrator on the breadboard and then apply the ac
signal and see the output of these three multivibrator. We saw the output of A stable that is
sawtooth waveform. The waveform of monostable is square wave with very small time that the
wave is on while the waveform of bistable is also a square waveform.

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