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o Name of the Subject : English III
o Study plan : Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información
o Academic Semester :
o Cycle : III
o Area of Competence : Employability
o Theoretical Credits : 01
o Practical Credits : 01
It is a compulsory theoretical-practical course, of general training whose purpose is that
the student knows the intermediate structures of the English language to express
themselves orally and in writing, using the communicative functions learned in the
previous course corresponding to: Past Simple of the verb to be and the Simple Past with
irregular and regular verbs. The topics to work on in the course are: Typical places, Present
Perfect, Future Going to and Future Will.

“The student elaborates and designs long sentences referring to the grammatical structures
of imperatives, prepositions of place, typical places, predictions with the Will and Going
in the affirmative, interrogative and negative to adapt to communicative situations in their
environment, also knows relevant information about the customs around the world that
uses it to understand reading texts and lectures in class. He also analyzes and organizes the
information on Future Will, going to, the Present Perfect and the Past Simple to compare
these two grammatical tenses and recreate situations of oral expression and comprehension
of texts that will govern as support throughout his entire professional career”.
Unit 1: • Provide and request information on different types of
The human body: addresses
typical places and • Apply conversation topics comparatively and
prepositions of place. diplomatically.
• Develops oral and written narrative skills using clear and
practical models, applied in objective situations where the
participant internalizes formulas related to activities of a
socio-cultural-commercial nature.
Unit 2: • Prepare and design sentences with the grammatical tense
Modal verbs, politely of the Present Perfect.
asking for something • Apply the three communicative forms of sentences:
and possessive affirmative, interrogative, negative and short and long
answers taking into account your communication
The following Didactic Unit will use active learning methodology, making use of the so-
called learning strategies to inquire about previous knowledge and to promote
understanding through the organization of information and other strategies that allow
understanding. The main protagonist of the learning process is the student. It is used for
learning the techniques to strengthen the learning strategies stated.
The necessary equipment, Multimedia projector, Laptop, Blackboard, Support material for
the didactic unit (digital book), Research papers, monographs and / or essays, which must
be solved and exposed by the students, the same treatment will have the cases of audio
visuals in order to consolidate the knowledge acquired, readings based on the various units,
use of the internet and computer equipment.
• The grading scale is vigesimal and the minimum passing grade is thirteen (13), in all
cases the fraction 0.46 or more is considered as a unit in favor of the student.
• The student who, in the evaluation of the didactic unit, obtains a failing grade between
five (05) and twelve (12), has the right to participate in the recovery process.
• The student who, after completing the recovery process, obtained a grade lower than
thirteen (13), disapproves of it, therefore, repeats the didactic unit.

• The student who will accumulate unexcused absences in a number equal to or greater
than 30% of the total hours programmed in person, in the Didactic Unit (Subjects), will
be automatically disapproved, without the right to make up.
The evaluation must be continuous and comprehensive. The teacher allows the recovery of
those failed or not given evaluations.
The evaluation instruments must measure the achievements made according to the
achievement indicators of each Didactic Unit. The different tests will be carried out entirely
by the teacher in charge of the Didactic Unit in the following stages:
• Partial Test and Final Exam, which leads to 50% of the grade. The assessment
instruments are at the discretion of the teachers, which can be written, oral,
interventions in classes, etc.
• Research work (Monographs and / or Essays) which is 40% of the grade.
• The evaluation of social responsibility (activities, punctuality, attitudes, etc.) which is
Learning Unit, I: The human body: typical places and prepositions of place.
Competition: “Prepare and design long sentences referring to the grammatical structures of imperatives, prepositions of place, typical places, predictions with the Will and Going
in affirmative, interrogative and negative to adapt to communicative situations in their environment, also knows relevant information about customs around the world”.
Capacity: Express suggestions for certain illnesses and have a conversation to ask and guide others. They know certain predictions. They provide and request information on
different types of addresses. Apply conversation topics comparatively and diplomatically.
Evaluation criteria: Perform the indicated jobs. Conduct dialogues with colleagues. Write in English using verbs. Apply conversation topics fluently. Articulates, understands and
applies sentences in English.
Methodological Assessment
Content Learning activities Time
strategies instruments
• The discovery
• The human body • Practice
Topic 1: method and
• What’s the matter? How do you feel? Exercise. checking
Conceptual content Heuristic
• Imperatives. concepts 1 Sem
• Some common medications. • The discovery • Elaborates and
Topic 2: • Conversation practice. method and exposes
Medications • Typical places. Heuristic administration

• Prepositions of place. method concepts

Topic 3: • Ask and give • Rubric

Asking and giving • Addresses • Teamwork observations
directions • Conversation practice file.
2 Sem
• Prediction with "Will" and "Going to".
Topic 4: • Future with WHAT / WILL NOT BE
• Teamwork • Teamwork
Predictions • Talking about future plans
• "Walking to"
Investigation: Use of the verb Tube
Social responsibility: Understand the different nuances of the verb
Reading: BRITISH NATIONAL CORPUES, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. New Edition 1996.
Basic Bibliography: GREENALL, Simon. MOVE IP – Intermediate A. Student Book. Macmillan Heineman, Hong Kong 1998.
Learning Unit, II: Modal verbs, politely asking for something and possessive pronouns.
Competition: "Used for the comprehension of reading texts and presentations in class. He also analyzes and organizes the information on Future Will, Going to, the Present
Perfect and the Past Simple to compare these two grammatical tenses and recreate situations of oral expression and comprehension of texts that will govern as support throughout
his entire professional career".
Capacity: Develops oral and written narrative skills using practical and clear models, applied in objective situations where the participant internalizes formulas related to
activities of a sociocultural-commercial nature. Make and design sentences with the grammatical tense of the Present Perfect. Apply the three communicative forms of
sentences: affirmative, interrogative, negative, and short and long answers, taking into account their communication interests.
Evaluation criteria: Ask questions in a polite way. Make phrases and sentences using the grammar points of how to make an invitation. Understand and discriminate various
information including the grammatical structures of the present perfect. Discriminate the use of comparative and superlative adjectives in sentences.
Methodological Assessment
Content Learning activities Time
strategies instruments
• Customs all over the world.
• The discovery
• Modal verbs. • Practice
Topic 1: method and
• Questions with Modals. checking
Customs all over the world Heuristic
• Asking something politely: Could you bring me some water? concepts 1 Sem
• Fast food vocabulary
• The discovery • Elaborates and
• Offerings and invitations

Topic 2: method and exposes

Offerings and invitations • Possessive pronouns Heuristic administration
method concepts
• Rubric
Topic 3: • Present perfect with Since and For
• Teamwork observations
Present positive • Comparative and superlative adjectives
2 Sem
• Present Perfect in its three tenses: positive, negative and interrogative.
Topic 4:
• Present perfect: Just, yet and already • Teamwork • Teamwork
Present perfect
• Comparatives and superlatives
Investigation: Evolution of the English language in the world
Social responsibility: Introduction of the English language in Peru
Reading: IRVIN JUDITH Y OTROS …, Elements of language. HOLT, RINEHART and WINSTON 2010.
Basic Bibliography: OXFORD POCKET. Diccionario para estudiantes de Ingles. Oxford University Press 1996.

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