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Internship report Shriram general insurance (Abhishek)

Master of Business Administration (JECRC University)

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Project Report
(4th semester internship report 29th April 2022to 21st July 2022)


Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd.

Submitted by

Abhishek Kumar

Roll No. 20MBAN007

Under the Guidance of

University Guide Industry Guide

Dr. Ram Garg Manish Kumar

Assistant professor Senior Accountant

Faculty of management

JECRC University, Jaipur

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I declare,

That the work presented for assessment in this internship report is my own, that it has not
previously been presented for another assessment and that my debts (for word, data,
arguments and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged.

That the work conforms to the guidelines for presentation and style set out in the relevant

Date: Abhishek Kumar


MBA 2020-22

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I, Abhishek Kumar, hereby express my gratitude for the tremendous support and enthusiasm
that I received throughout the course of this project. I would like to acknowledge the
guidance of Prof. Dr. Ram Garg,Assistant professor, Management Department at JECRC
University, Jaipur. I thank them for enriching our experience with this opportunity.

I feel blessed to have garnered great insights into the field of Finance with the very
distinguished team atShriram General Insurance Co Ltd. I would like to thank Mr. J.S
GujralDirector for bestowing the opportunity to learn and deliver on my skills. For
exemplary learning environment; I thank Mr.Amlesh Kumar Singh Branch In charge at
Chhapra Branch. Also, I thank Miss. Madhulika Sharma, HR Executive. This internship
journey would not have been a smooth sail had it notbeenfortheinspiringteamatShriram
General Insurance Co. Ltd. Theirsteadfastsupportandbeliefencouraged me to take up
challenges. Their expertise has moulded a learning curve for me to focus and follow in future
competitive businessenvironments.

I end with acknowledging my indebtedness to my Family for their blessings and unwavering
trust that has prepared me for the challenges ahead.

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Table of Content

S. no. Content Page no.

1 Executive summary 7

2 Introduction 8-9

3 Company Profile 10

4 Objective of the Study 11

5 Research Methodology 12-14

6 Data Interpretation 15-21

7 Finding 22

8 Conclusion 23

9 Bibliography 24

10 Annexure 25-26

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Executive Summary

This report summarizes my internship program from April 2022 to July 2022 covering 3
month on going internship. I had magnificently concluded the placement in Finance,
Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd. as a requirement of Masters in Business
Administration (MBA) degree program, Department of Finance. I engaged with practical
oriented and corporate world atmosphere that during this time I earned different sides of
experiences. Though I hope the internship skills are vital for my career path. Principally I
attached finance branch of Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd.

These initiatives are in the form of benefits, policies, or programmes that help create a better
balance between the work and non-work domain. For the deep inclination into the
management concepts practical work is an important aspect. Theoretical knowledge gives us
the fundamental concepts of management and practical work teaches us management tact and
skills, which are successfully employed to capture today’s competitive market.

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Chapter 1


In today's age of consumerism, insurance requirements have expanded to keep pace with the
increasing risks. Today we have wide assortment of risk coverage commencing from ransom
to wedding, shops to assets, travel to vehicles etc. General Insurance companies have
willingly catered to these increasing demands and have offered plethora of insurance covers
that almost cover anything and everything under the sun.

Hence foreseeing the General Insurance business as a Sunrise Industry, Shriram Group has
entered into this business and as a result Shriram General Insurance came into existence.
Upto Sept 2012 it was a 74:26 Joint Venture between Shriram Capital Ltd. and Sanlam
Limited (South Africa). SANLAM is a leading Financial Services Group of South Africa
with a market capitalization of more than $6 billion, established in 1918 and the Group
demutualised in 1998. SANTAM is a part of Sanlam Limited, which is engaged in short-term
insurance cluster and is the leading short-term insurance company in South Africa. In
September 2012, the stake of Sanlam Limited (South Africa) has been transferred to Shriram
Capital Ltd. However, in August 2016, Sanlam Emerging Markets (Mauritius) Limited
acquired 23% stake in Shriram General Insurance from Shriram Capital Limited. In April
2022 Shriram Capital Limited has divested 9.99% stake in the Company in favour of Tangent
Asia Holdings II Pte. Ltd., Singapore (KKR Group). Shriram Capital presently holds 66.64%
in the Company.

The overall team of SGI includes young and vibrant senior executives of insurance domain to
handle Underwriting and Claim matters.

The business philosophy of Shriram General Insurance is to serve the largest number of
common people ("AamAdmi"). The Group's continued focus on addressing customer needs,
nurturing talent and bringing a home-grown technology platform while delivering to the
underserved segments of the economy, has ensured strong growth & sustainability for over 4
decades. The Group's vision is serving to the underserved and creating value at the bottom of
the Pyramid.

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SGI is redefining the service parameters of General Insurance Industry by ensuring that each
employee understands the Slogan "BE INSURED... REST ASSURED" in its spirit and the
customer has an overall pleasant experience. The company is giving special attention to the
innovative products and application of latest IT developments in its operations.

SGI has been awarded "Excellence in Growth Award" for 2 consecutive years (2011 &
Thus, SGI is all set to become the FIRST CHOICE General Insurance Company of India.


Shriram General Insurance is a Joint Venture of Shriram Group (India) and Sanlam of South
Africa wherein Shriram Capital Limited is holding around 67% stake and Sanlam is holding
around 23% stake.

Shriram Capital Limited (SCL) is the overarching holding company for the Financial
Services and Insurance entities of the Shriram Group, created with the primary objective of
optimizing the synergies across the Group’s entities.

SCL and its operating entities, have an overall customer base in excess of 12 Million, around
77,000 employees across 3,850 offices, net profit of INR 22 billion with Assets Under
Management (AUM) in excess of over INR 1,500 billion.

SCL is well-positioned to take the Group to next strategic level through consolidating its
position in some of the key businesses like Transport Finance, SME finance and providing
the necessary impetus to grow its Retail Finance businesses.

SCL helps to grow the Insurance businesses (both Life & General Insurance) in the Group
with optimal profit. The strategic reorientation of SCL will help Shriram Group to be a
significant and profitable enterprise in various facets of the Financial Services businesses in
India and overseas

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Chapter 2

Company Profile

About shriram Group

Established in 1974, Shriram Group has been a key player in the Indian financial services
sector. Core strength of the group lies in the financial services as the pioneers in truck
financing and chit business. By catering to the needs of the masses, Shriram Group has
evolved as a prominent financial services conglomerate.

Shriram Group has partnered with Sanlam, a leading insurer in South Africa to enter
insurance business. In a joint venture, Shriram Group and Sanlam provide both Life and Non-
Life Insurance solutions. The Group began its journey in Life insurance business in
December, 2005 and launched its Non-Life insurance business in July, 2008. In the span of
10 years, Shriram Group has grown at a rapid and enviable rate with CAGR of over 40%.
With over 3200 branches, Shriram Group today has more than 64,000 employees and AUM
of 1.2 Lac Crore.

Shriram Group was founded by Mr.R.Thyagarajan with the motive of serving the common
man for financial empowerment. Mr.R.Thyagarajan was awarded India's third highest civilian
award, the Padma Bhushan in 2013 in the field of trade and industry. Shriram Group believes
and follows his one mantra of <People First=. This value system has been methodically
instilled and institutionalized into the Shriram group over the last 4 decades.

Shriram Fortune Solutions Ltd. (SFSL) is among India’s premier integrated financial services
provider backed by the Shriram Group of Chennai, helping people protect and grow their
wealth with ease. SFSL has wide network of over 140 branches and presence in more than
200 locations across the country. In these years, SFSL has serviced more than 10 lakh
customers for various products.

Organisation is professionally managed and supported by the knowledge, expertise, guidance,

and experience of over 700 employees and a large group of business associates engaged in
Fixed Deposit business and marketing activities.


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Objective of the study

1. To understand the operational activity of the company, as like how to do the

remittance, policy generate, DMS, QC, cheque updating, policy cancellation,
endorsement, premium refund, all type voucher entry with GST & without GST, MIS
2. To understand the agent recruitment process.
3. To know about the company software on which company maintain their financial
4. I have to perform on three software,
 Morba (Shrign):- In Morba I have to do the Mobile remittance, remittance report,
collection report, DMS, QC of document.
 Premia: - Prepare all type of voucher, and download the non-motors policy.
 NOVA cloud:-In this software POSP (Point Of Sale Person), Endorsement
preparation, Policy download, Cheque updating, Policy cancellation had done.
5. All this operational activities do through this three software.


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Research Methodology

Research is a common language refers to a search of knowledge. Research is scientific &

systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact research is an art of
scientific investigation. Research Methodology is a scientific way to solve research problem.
It may be understand as a science of studying how research is doing scientifically. In it we
study various step that are generally adopted by research is doing scientifically. In it we study
various steps that are generally adopted by researchers in studying their research problem.

The research problem consists of series of closely related activities. At times; the first step
determines the native of the last step to be undertaken. Why a research has been defined,
what data has been collected and what particular methods have been adopted and a host of
similar other questions are usually answered are usually answered methodology concerning a
research problem or study.

Research Design

A research design is defined as the specific methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed. It is a plant or organizing framework for doing the study and collecting
the data. Designing a research plan requires decisions all the data sources, research
approaches, research instrument, sampling plan and contact methods.

Research design is mainly of following types.

1. Exploratory research
2. Descriptive research
3. Casual research


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Exploratory research

Exploratory research is defined as a research used to investigate a problem which is not

clearly defined. It is conducted to have a better understanding of the existing problem, but
will not provide conclusive results. For such a research, a researcher starts with a general idea
and uses this research as a medium to identify issues that can be the focus for future research.
An important aspect here is that the researcher should be willing to change his/her direction
subject to the revelation of new data or insight.

Descriptive research

Descriptive research is a type of research that describes a population, situation, or

phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses on answering the how, what, when, and
where questions If a research problem, rather than the why.

This is mainly because it is important to have a proper understanding of what a research

problem is about before investigating why it exists in the first place.

For example, an investor considering an investment in the ever-changing Amsterdam housing

market needs to understand what the current state of the market is, how it changes (increasing
or decreasing), and when it changes (time of the year) before asking for the why. This is
where descriptive research comes in.

Casual research

Causal research, sometimes referred to as explanatory research, is a type of study that

evaluates whether two different situations have a cause-and-effect relationship. Since many
alternative factors can contribute to cause-and-effect, researchers design experiments to
collect statistical evidence of the connection between the situations. Afterward, they typically
analyse the data to determine why the relationship developed, learn more about how it works
and determine how it might apply to a larger context. They can also modify the circumstances
of the first situation to observe any new effects on the second.


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Purpose of Study

 To know how many people are aware about Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd.
 To find and analyse the factors affecting the investors choice in selecting general
insurance in private industry.
 To analyse the services quality offered by the company that satisfies the needs of
customers and give suggestions to improve their marketing strategies.

Source of data collection

Data collection source are basic data. These are first data that researchers have gathered to
achieve their research goals. In this particular study, primary data were collected from 30
respondents with the objectives of the study in mind.

Data Collection Method


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Data Analysis and interpretation

The data collected must be properly analysed to evaluate and enhance the data quality. The
analysis is done to identify the actual meaning of data which helps in proper interpretation.
Data analysis involves working to uncover pattern and trends in data interpretation involves
explaining those patterns and trends.

Sampling Design

The random sampling is done because any probability sampling procedure would require
detailed information about the universe, which is not easily available furthered, as it is being
an exploratory research.

Sample Procedure

In this study <random sampling= procedure is used. Random sampling is preferred because of
some limitation and the complexity. Choosing part of a population to use to test hypotheses
about the entire population. Used to choose the number of participants, interviews, or work
samples to use in the assessment process. Used, e.g. random or stratified sampling.


The sampling size of the study is 50.

Probability sampling: Probability sampling is a sampling technique where a researcher sets

a selection of a few criteria and chooses members of a population randomly. All the members
have an equal opportunity to be a part of the sample with this selection parameter.

Non-probability sampling: In non-probability sampling, the researcher chooses members

for research at random. This sampling method is not a fixed or predefined selection process.
This makes it difficult for all elements of a population to have equal opportunities to be
included in a sample.


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Sample Questionnaire




1. Do you have an insurance policy?

a. Yes
b. No

Yes No

0% 0%



2. What type of insurance do you have?

a. Private
b. Public

Private Public

0% 0%




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3. Who influenced you to get an insurance policy?

a. The media
b. Insurance agent
c. Friends, family and colleagues
d. Other

The Media Insurance agent Friends, family and colleagues other


20% 40%


4. How many insurance policies do you currently have?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

1 2 3 4


20% 60%


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5. What kind of insurance policies do you have? Check as many as you’d like.
a. Savings policy
b. Whole life policy
c. Bike policy
d. Car policy

Saving Whole life Bike Car




6. Have you received any benefits from any of the policies you current have?
a. Yes
b. No

Yes No.

0% 0%




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7. If yes, how many times have you received it?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. More than three

1 2 3 More than three


10% 50%



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8. How regularly do you pay your premiums?

a. Monthly
b. Quarterly
c. Half yearly
d. Yearly

Monthly Quarterly Half Yearly Yearly

30% 30%

20% 20%

9. Have any of your policies ever lapsed due to non-payment of premiums?

a. Yes
b. No

Yes No

0% 0%




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10. Are you aware of any insurance bonuses of your policies?

a. Yes
b. No.

Yes No

0% 0%




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The finding which can be drawn from the survey conducted by me is summarised as Follows:

 70% people have insurance policy and 30% people still not taken any policy.
 The people who have taken the insurance policy 80% have private policy, and 20%
have public policy.
 40% people know about insurance through social media, 30% through insurance
agent, 20% from their friends, family & colleagues and 10% through other source.
 60% people have 1 policy, 20% have 2, 10% have 3, and 10% have 4 policy.
 40% people have saving policy, 20% have whole life policy, 30% have bike policy,
and 10% have car policy.
 70% people benefited by the policy they have, and 30% people not taken any benefit.
 The people who have policy among them 50% people received 1 time benefit, 20%
people 2 time, 10% people 3 time, and 20% people more than 3 time got benefited by
their policy.
 30% people pay their policy premium on monthly basis 20% on Quarterly basis, 20%
half yearly, and 30% yearly basis.
 80% people lapsed their policy due to not payment of premium on time, and 20%
people not lost their policy.
 70% people aware about policy bonus and 30% people not aware about policy bonus.


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General Insurance or non-life insurance is the insurance that covers all the types of properties
and health excluding the life of the customer. In general insurance, pay-outs are made in the
event of an unexpected loss such as an accident or a theft, or a sudden liability. General
insurance includes products such as Home insurance, motor insurance, Property insurance,
health insurance, travel insurance, Liability insurance, Marine insurance, and other
miscellaneous insurance. All the general insurance policies would be underwritten only by
the general insurance companies in India.

Insurance is a large investment and you will most likely purchase multiple policies
throughout your lifetime. It is essential that you know what each type of insurance covers and
how it works so you can make the best decision about what to buy. Do not base your decision
on just what is cheapest, but look at what it provides.

Take the time to shop around and find the right insurance for your situation. People often say
they cannot afford insurance, but the reality is that they cannot afford not to have it. It can
save them from thousands or more dollars in unplanned expenses when unexpected situations
arise. You do not want to waste your money on policies that do not meet your needs, but the
right insurance policy can protect you and your family from unforeseen disasters.

Buying insurance is important as it ensures that you are financially secure to face any type of
problem in life. While everyone advises you to get insurance for yourself, your loved ones,
no one talks about the different types of insurance that are available. Let us understand the
basic types of insurance. There are two types of insurance policy one is life insurance and
another one is general insurance. Before diving into the topic let us understand the basic
definition of life insurance and general.


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 Do you have an insurance policy?

A. Yes
B. No
 What type of insurance do you have?
A. Private
B. Public
 Who influenced you to get an insurance policy?
A. The media
B. Insurance agent
C. Friends, family and colleagues
D. Other
 How many insurance policies do you currently have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
 What kind of insurance policies do you have? Check as many as you’d like.
A. Savings policy
B. Whole life policy
C. Bike policy
D. Car policy
 Have you received any benefits from any of the policies you current have?
A. Yes
B. No


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 If yes, how many times have you received it?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. More than three
 How regularly do you pay your premiums?
A. Monthly
B. Quarterly
C. Half yearly
D. Yearly
 Have any of your policies ever lapsed due to non-payment of premiums?
A. Yes
B. No
 Are you aware of any insurance bonuses of your policies?
A. Yes
B. No.


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