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Modern Web Applications (20CB662)

Question Bank
Note: These questions are just to showcase how the questions arrives in semester end exam

Module 01
1. Explain the components of browser with its architecture diagram.
2. Explain Three tier architecture with diagram
3. Describe XML Schema with an example snippets.
4. Explain Client server / Two tier architecture with a neat diagram
5. Discuss why web standards are important
6. Explain the features of servers in detail.
7. Explain components of URL and demonstrate the usage of hyperlink in html with
8. Discuss Document Type Definition (DTD) Structure of XML with an example snippets

Module 02
1. Explain the HTML tags used for following text formatting with example and sample
I. Bold, italic, underline
II. deleted text,
III. highlighted,
IV. alignment of text
2. Write a HTML snippet along with internal CSS to draw a circle with radius of 250px and
also add a red background with margin, padding and green border of 5px each.
3. Explain the element selectors in CSS and also the advantages of CSS
4. Explain various types of Listing tags in HTML
5. Explain basic structure of HTML and demonstrate with an example HTML code for login
6. Explain the pseudo functions in CSS with respective syntax.
7. Define CSS? And Explain the different ways of linking CSS with an example.
8. Explain table tag with example snippets for
1. Border
2. Rowspan
3. Colspan
4. Cell spacing
5. Cell padding
Module 03
1. Explain the features of JavaScript
2. Discuss the iterative statements of JavaScript
3. Explain the selection statements of JavaScript with respective syntax
4. Write an HTML code snippets along with internal JavaScript to accept a character from
input tag and check weather its vowel or not and display appropriate message in alert box
also clear the input tag value.
5. Write an HTML code snippets along with internal JavaScript to demonstrate all the
arithmetic operators by prompting the values
6. Explain the data types available in JavaScript and different ways of creating a variables in
7. Discuss data type conversions in JavaScript with various examples
8. Explain the properties of Document object
9. Explain event handlers in javascript with at least two example snippets to demonstrate
usage of different event handlers

Module 4
1. Explain AJAX and its methods with example
2. Explain the JQuery Effects handling function with syntax
3. Explain JQuery DOM Manipulation functions
4. Explain JQuery various JQuery functions to get height and width with respect to box
5. Demonstrate the creation of grids using bootstrap
6. Explain Conditionals and listing in ReactJS with respective code snippets
7. Explain the various way of selecting an element in JQuery with syntax
8. Demonstrate the creation of forms using ReactJS
9. Explain the following methods of DOM tree traversal used in JQuery with respective
syntax and example
i) parent()
ii) parents()
iii) children()
iv) next()
v) prev()
vi) find()

10. Explain the following events of JQuery with examples

i) click
ii) dbclick
iii) keypress
iv) submit
v) hover
Module 5
1. Differentiate GET and POST methods
2. Discuss the methods of RESTful services
3. Explain various steps involved in creating a REST API
4. Differentiate the GET POST and DELETE Requests in REST with Architectural diagram
5. Explain the addressing rules in RESTful API

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