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1) Introduction to P-series/AIX System Administration (Theory)
2) AIX 6.1 and AIX7.1 installation (Practical)
3) System Management Interface Tool ( Smitty Menu) (Practical)
4) AIX Software Installation and Maintenance (Practical)
5) Web based system management Overview (Theory )
6) System startup and shutdown (Practical )
7) Devices Configuration (Adding and Removing) (Practical )
8) LVM – Logical Volume Manager and Filesystem (Practical )
9) Paging Space and Sysdump (Practical )
10) Backup and Restore (Practical )
11) Security and User Administration and Sudo (Practical )
12) System Resources Controller (Practical )
13) Scheduling - Cron (Practical )
14) Networking Administration (Practical )
15) Boot Process (Theory )
16) ODM (Theory and Practical)
17) Alternative Disk Installation (Practical)
18) Multibos (Practical)
19) System Monitoring and Performance Tuning (Theory and Demo)
20) Problem Determination and resolution (Theory and Demo)
21) Network Filesystem (NFS) (Practical)
22) DIAG imp concepts and Usage for hardware and Firmware (Practical)
23) Integrated Virtualization Management Concepts and Demo (Theory)
24) Blade Center management VIA AMM ( Advance management Module) (Theory)
25) System and Devices Firmware upgrade (Practical)
26) Convert Kernel from 32bit to 64bit (Practical)
28) SanStorage Concepts - Lun/Array/Configuration (Theory)
29) Sanswitch Concepts,( Zoneing and Alias) (Theory)

AIX Installation Up gradation and Migration

30) AIX 6.1/7.1 Installation (Practical)
31) TL Upgradation and Services Pack installation (Practical)
32) OS Migration (AIX6.1 and TL AIX 7.1) (Practical)
NIM - Network Installation Management
33) NIM Servers Setup (Practical)
34) NIM Resoucrces Creation (Practical)
35) NIM Configuration (Practical)
36) NIM Troubleshooting (Practical)
37) NIM ADM (OS Migration) (Practical)
38) TL and Services Pack Upgration Via NIM (Practical)
39) AIX Client Build via NIM (Practical)

Virtualization – PowerVM
40) LPAR/DLPAR Operation (Practical)
41) Troubleshooting DLAR and LPAR Issues (Practical)
42) Processor Virtualization Concepts (Micro- Partitioning) (Theory)
43) Dual VIO Server and VIO Client Setup (Practical)
44) Dual VIO Configuration (Practical)
45) LV/ Disk Mapping from VIO (Practical)
46) VIO I/O Resources (Practical)
48) Installation of VIO Client from Optical devices (Practical)
49) SEA Configuration (Failover and Load Sharing) (Practical)
50) VIO Backup and Configuration Backup (Practical)
51) NPIV (Theory)
52) WPAR Introduction and Overview (Theory)
53) Live Partition Mobility Introduction and overview (Theory)

PoweHA - (HA 6.1 and 7.1 System Mirror)

54) Introduction of PowerHA (Theory)

55) PowerHA Terminology and Componets (Theory)
56) Planning of PowerHA (Theory)
57) Installation and Configuration of Cluster (HACMP 5.5 and 6.1) (Practical)
58) Creation of Resources Group and heart beat (Practical)
59) Configuring Active and Passive Cluster and Cascade Cluster (Practical)
60) Cluster Administration (Practical)
61) Cluster Backup (snapshot) (Practical)
62) Cluster Troubleshooting, (Practical)
63) Cluster Upgradation (Practical)
64) Cluster Migration form HACMP 5.5 to 6.1 (Practical)
65) Configuring DLPAR to PowerHA (Practical)
66) GPFS Cluster (Theory)

67) HMC Backup (Practical)

68) HMC Installation (Practical)
69) HMC Configuration (Practical)
70) HMC Troubleshooting (Practical)
71) ASMI Console Brief (Theory)
71) System plan (Theory and Practical)

NOTE : Interview assistance will be given ( Conditional )

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