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QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B.Pharm Degree Supplementary Examinations

June 2019

Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. State and explain distribution law along with its limitations. What are its
2. Explain the derived properties of powders.

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Explain Fick’s laws of diffusion

4. Factors affecting the solubility of drugs.
5. Liquid complexes
6. Air permeability method.
7. Explain the method of continuous variation for the analysis of complexes.
8. Give the applications of pharmaceutical buffers
9. Metal complexes in biological system.

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. Polymorphism.
11. Donor acceptor ratio.
12. Buffer equation.
13. Inclusion complex.
14. Raoults law.
15. Dipole moment
16. Critical point
17. Metal olefin complexes.
18. Vapour pressure
19. Optical rotation

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B.Pharm Degree Supplementary Examinations

December 2020

Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers.
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Explain the factors influencing the solubility of drugs with a quantitative approach.
2. What is buffer capacity. Explain the various methods for adjusting tonicity and the
importance of pharmaceutical buffers

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Briefly explain the diffusion principles in biological systems.

4. Explain protein binding of drugs.
5. Explain Andreasen's pipette method of determining particle size.
6. Explain the phase diagram of a eutectic system.
7. Applications of dipole moment.
8. Polymer complex.
9. Explain pH titration method

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. Optical rotation

11.Raoult's Law.
12. Glassy states
13. Applications of inclusion complexes.
14. Define specific surface. Give its importance
15. Angle of repose
16. Electrometric pH determination
17. Critical point
18. Fick’s laws of diffusion
19. Refractive index

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B.Pharm Degree Regular/Supplementary

Examinations January 2020

Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. List the derived properties of powder. How they are evaluated.

2. Explain and discuss the solubility method and pH titration methods of analysis of

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. What are the different methods for adjustment of isotonicity.

4. What is protein binding. Write its influence on drug activity.
5. Importance and uses of buffers in pharmaceutical and biological systems.
6. Aerosols and its applications in pharmacy.
7. List the factors influencing the solubility of drugs. Explain any two.
8. What is ideal and real solution. What is its importance.
9. Define latent heat,vapour pressure,sublimation and critical point.

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. Define dipole moment.

11. Explain angle of repose.
12. Any two advantages and disadvantages of microscopic method of study of
13. What is buffer equation and buffer capacity.
14. What is optical rotation and its importance in pharmacy.
15. List the limitation of distribution law.
16. What is refractive index. What is its use in pharmacy.
17. What are the applications of Coulter-counter apparatus in pharmacy.
18. What is number and weight distribution of particle size.
19. List the methods to determine surface area.

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B.Pharm Degree Regular/Supplementary

Examinations October 2021

Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers.
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Explain any two methods for the analysis of complexes.

2. Examine how particle volume is measured by electrical method.

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Outline the merits and demerits of microscopic technique in particle size

distribution and how it can be improved.
4. Evaluate the effect of temperature with respect to solubility.
5. Explain distribution law and its applications.
6. What are solids. How amorphous and crystalline solids are distinguished.
7. Humidity and its importance in pharmaceutical science.
8. Applications of complexation.
9. Explain isotonic solution. Give a detailed method of cryoscopy technique.

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. Differentiate between solution and binary solution.

11. Classify the solution based on liquids in liquids.
12. How gases can be liquefied.
13. Define refractive index and mention any two applications of the same.
14. Enlist the methods available for particle size analysis.
15. Explain porosity.
16. Dissociation constant.
17. Particle shape.
18. Stability constant
19.Buffer equation and buffer capacity

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B. Pharm Degree Supplementary Examinations

April 2022

Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers.
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Define micromeretics. Explain any two methods for determining particle size of a
2. Define complexation. Classify different types of complexes. Explain any two
methods of complex analysis

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Eutectic mixtures.
4. Explain pH determination and its applications.
5. Solvation and association.
6. Explain critical solution temperature and its applications.
7. Explain the methods of determining flow properties of a given sample.
8. Raoult’s law and explain its deviations.
9. Determination and application of dielectric constant.

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. Buffer capacity.

11. Refractive index
12. Liquid crystals.
13. Stability constants.
14. Phase rule
15. Particle number
16. Protein binding of drugs.
17. Dipole moment
18. Propellants used in aerosols.
19. Sorenson’s pH scale

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B. Pharm Degree Regular/Supplementary

Examinations October 2022

Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers.
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Explain the different methods for the determination of average particle size and
particle size distribution. Explain in detail about the sieving technique.
2. Explain the various factors affecting the solubility of gases in liquids.

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Summarize the solubility of partially miscible liquids.

4. Glassy state.
5. Explain in short about eutectic mixture.
6. Explain micromeretics. Write its application in pharmaceutical sciences.
7. Elaborate about hydrogen bonded complexes.
8. Demonstrate any two methods for the determination of true density.
9. Buffer capacity.

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. Define the term Buffer.

11. What are the various factors influencing the pH of buffer solution.
12. Draw a neat label diagram of one component system.
13. Critical point.
14. Enlist the scientific ways of expressing particle size distribution.
15. Particle number.
16. Classify the metal ion coordination complexes.
17. What are clathrates.
18. Define Raoult’s law.
19. The terms used for expressing solubility.

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B. Pharm Degree Regular/Supplementary

Examinations August 2023
Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers.
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Explain the factors influencing the solubility of drugs.

2. Explain the methods for the determination of particle size of pharmaceutical

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Determination of surface area by adsorption of gas on powder.

4. The solubility of liquids in liquids based on ideal and real solution.
5. Sublimation critical points.
6. Assess the liquid complexes.
7. The different applications of complexation.
8. Give a methodology for determination of pH by colorimetric method.
9. Interpret the buffers in pharmaceutical and biological systems.

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. The pharmaceutical significance of pH.

11. How tonicity of hypotonic solution is adjusted by sodium chloride equivalent
12. Explain mole fraction.
13. The miscibility of liquids based on solubility.
14. Dielectric constant and its application in pharmacy.
15. Explain relative humidity and mention its importance.
16. Classify the metal ion coordination complexes.
17. Explain the methods of complex analysis techniques.
18. Angle of repose and its applications.
19. Bulkiness.

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B. Pharm Degree Supplementary Examinations

December 2023
Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers.
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Discuss any two methods of analysis of complexation.

2. Explain pH determination methods and write the applications of buffers.

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Describe the mechanisms of solute solvent interactions.

4. State distribution law and write its applications.
5. Explain eutectic mixtures.
6. Explain any two methods of determination of particle size.
7. Describe the method of determination of flow properties of powders.
8. Explain Sorenson’s pH scale.
9. Explain the significance of densities and bulkiness in pharmaceutical

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. State Raoult’s law.

11. Importance of polymorphism.
12. Refractive index and optical rotation.
13. What are number and weight distribution of powders.
14. What is an isotonic solution.
15. Define buffer capacity.
16. What are the methods used to determine surface area.
17. Mention different solubility expressions.
18. Define real solutions.
19. What are liquid crystals.

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B. Pharm Degree Supplementary Examinations

May 2023
Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers.
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Discuss any five physicochemical properties of drugs. Explain their determination

and applications.
2. Define buffer and buffer capacity. What are buffered isotonic solutions. How they
are prepared. Explain. (4+2+4)

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Fick’s law of diffusion and its uses

4. What are the different ways of expressing solubility. Write their uses.
5. What is Raoult’s law and its applications. Explain.
6. What are the applications of distribution law. Explain.
7. Discuss the solubility of gases in liquids.
8. How surface area can be determined. Explain. What are its uses.
9. Define true density, bulk density, porosity, angle of repose and write their uses.

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. What is solvation

11. What is critical solution temperature
12. Particle number
13. What are Clathrates
14. Any two uses of complexation in pharmacy
15. What are eutectic mixtures. Give examples.
16. The influence of relative humidity on storage of pharmaceuticals.
17. What is the difference between amorphous and crystalline state of drug
18. pH determination by electrometric method.
19. What are smectic crystals.

QP Code: 322006 Reg. No……………………….

Third Semester B.Pharm Degree Examinations January 2019

Physical Pharmaceutics I

(2017 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
 Answer all questions
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)

1. Explain optical rotation and refractive index. Describe their applications and
methods of determinations.
2. Describe the factors affecting solubility of drugs on a quantitative approach.

Short Notes (7x5=35)

3. Discuss sublimation with the help of a phase diagram.

4. Particle size determination by Anderson pipette method.
5. Define polymorphism. Write their applications in pharmacy
6. Write a note on porosity. Mention the pharmaceutical applications of porosity
7. Explain with examples, the influence of complexation on drug action.
8. Describe different graphic presentations of size distribution data in a powder.
9. What are the applications of distribution law

Answer Briefly (10x2=20)

10. Describe Angle of Repose.

11. Henry’s law of solubility
12. Define dipole moment. What is its application in pharmacy.
13. Positive deviation from Rault’s law
14. What is meant by Carr’s index
15. The principle involved in the method of pH titration in complexation.
16. Differentiate between Chelate and an inorganic complex. Give example.
17.Eutectic mixtures
18. What is meant by buffer capacity
19. Isotonic solutions


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