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Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

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Monitoring the effects of vegetation cover losses on land surface

temperature dynamics using geospatial approach in Rajshahi City,
Abdulla - Al Kafy a,b, Abdullah Al Rakib a, Kaniz Shaleha Akter a, Zullyadini A Rahaman c,∗,
Abdullah-Al- Faisal a,d, Saumik Mallik e, N M Refat Nasher f,g, Md. Iquebal Hossain h,i,
Md. Yeamin Ali j
a Department of Urban & Regional Planning, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh
b ICLEI South Asia, Rajshahi City Corporation, Rajshahi 6203, Bangladesh
Department of Geography & Environment, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjung Malim 35900, Malaysia
GIS Centre, Operational Centre Amsterdam (OCA), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Cox’s Bazar 4750, Bangladesh
Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Life and Earth Sciences, Jagannath University, Bangladesh
Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Japan
Department of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Barind Multipurpose Development Authority, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
DanChurchAid, Cox’s Bazar 4700, Bangladesh

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Urban green space is one of the most essential components in contributing to ecological balance and environ-
Vegetation cover mental sustainability. Due to rapid urbanization in the last few decades, massive reduction of urban vegetation
Urban area cover (VC) has increased the land surface temperature (LST) and hampered the environmental sustainability. This
Land surface temperature
study aims to identify the VC cover loss on LST increase in Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) area using geospa-
Remote sensing
tial techniques. The study established the relationship between VC loss and LST increase using transformation
analysis and micro-level directional mapping in ArcGIS 10.6 software. Multi-temporal Landsat TM/OLI satellite
images were used for the years 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020, to classify land use/land cover (LULC) classes, the
transition between VC and urban area (UA), directional distribution of UA and VC, and variation of ward wise
LST distribution due to VC loss in the study area. The maximum likelihood supervised classification algorithm
was used to classify the LULC maps. All the classified LULC maps demonstrated an overall accuracy of more than
85%. The spectral radiance model was used to extract LST information from satellite images. The analysis of LULC
estimation suggests a significant net increase in UAs (+18%) and a reduction in VC (-17%) from 1990 to 2020.
The maximum temperature of the city was increased to 37.75 °C in 2020 from 23.46 °C in 1990. The assessed LST
showed that the lower recorded temperature zones in 1990 were converted into a higher temperature zone in
2020. The mean LST distribution showed a growing trends in UA, and reduction in VC, which converted the study
region from a moderate temperature zone to a high-temperature zone. The study demonstrates that a rise in the
non-evaporated surfaces, i.e., UA and a reduction in the green cover, were the most significant influential factors
to increase the LST effect. Remote sensing techniques have been proved a very useful tool for urban planners
and policymakers in taking appropriate measures to ensure sustainable development, conservation of the city’s
natural resources and minimize the influence of urbanization on LST.

1. Introduction tion in the urban population. In 2009, the number of city population
surpassed the amount of rural population, marking a crucial turning
Cities are the propellers of progress. Since the turn of the century, point in human history (Siu and Hart, 2013). While urbanization is
urbanization has accelerated with economic expansion and prolifera- an indication of economic growth and success, it also has both short

Corresponding author: Zullyadini A Rahaman, Department of Geography & Environment, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sultan Idris Education University, 35900
Tanjung Malim, Malaysia. Email : ORCID :
E-mail addresses: (A.-.A. Kafy), (A. Al Rakib), (K.S. Akter), (Z.A. Rahaman), (A.-A.-. Faisal).
Received 28 March 2021; Received in revised form 14 June 2021; Accepted 17 June 2021
2667-0100/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Fig. 1. (a) Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC)

in Bangladesh (b) RCC in Rajshahi District (c)
Ward Boundary and Elevation (in m, estimated
from SRTM DEM) of RCC.

and long-term negative implications in cities’ development (Al Rakib Kaufmann et al., 2007). Many variables like smart urban growth con-
et al., 2020b; Celik et al., 2019; Maimaitiyiming et al., 2014). Several sisting of both vertical and horizontal expansion, construction materi-
studies have found that land use/land cover (LULC) has a considerable als, the distance between buildings, locations of public spaces, roads,
consequence on land surface temperature (LST) and that the relative bus stops, major and minor industrial hubs, and so on, have a direct
rise in LST is a long-term consequence of LULC change, particularly impact on temperature concentration (Ahmed et al., 2013; Chen et al.,
in urban areas (UAs) (Faisal et al., 2021; Maimaitiyiming et al., 2014; 2006; Durand et al., 2011; He et al., 2007; Li and Zhao, 2003; Pal and Zi-
Mallick et al., 2008; Pal and Ziaul, 2017). The conversion of marsh, aul, 2017). According to Lai and Cheng (Lai and Cheng, 2010), UAs often
vegetative, and agricultural lands into built-up areas is hastened by ur- experience 2–4 ° C more LST than rural regions. As a result, in the context
banization and the subsequent catalysts for LULC change, which inad- of both the world and Bangladesh, it is essential to understand the func-
vertently drives up the cities’ LST (Halmy et al., 2015; Lilly Rose De- tion of urban land use and its relation with the increase and decrease in
vadas, 2009; Mishra and Rai, 2016; Pal and Ziaul, 2017; Tran et al., the pattern of the UA, vegetation cover (VC), and influence on VC loss in
2017; Zhou et al., 2011). Urbanization has changed the surface energy urban LST.
budgets by transforming cool natural LULC into impervious artificial The integrated approach of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic
surfaces, altering the hydrological cycle, and affecting other physical Information System (GIS) technology to measure LULC and LST vari-
surface properties that may have an impact on local, regional, and global ations in urbanized environments have been exploded over the years
climate (Arnfield, 2003; Chakroborty et al., 2020; Changnon, 1999, (Ahmed, 2011; Balogun and Ishola, 2017; Lilly Rose Devadas, 2009).
1992; Du et al., 2007; Goodin et al., 2002; Kalnay and Cai, 2003; Ecosystem change, biodiversity, and global climate change are all ex-

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

were conducted in Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC), Bangladesh that

investigated the relationship between LULC, the increase and decrease
pattern of UA, VC, and the effect of VC loss in LST. The novelty of this
work is that it used multi-temporal Landsat TM/OLI satellite images
from 2000, 2010, and 2020 to categorize LULC classes and explored
the transition from VC to UA, the directional distribution of UA and
VC, and the variation of LST in the study area. Remote sensing tech-
niques have been proven to be an increasingly effective tool for urban
Fig. 2. Illustration of combined tool process in ArcGIS 10.6.
planners and policymakers. This study will aid in the development and
maintenance of the city’s natural resources and minimise the impact of
urbanization on LST. That is, the relationship explored in this research
will be relevant to a wide range of fields, including government poli-
cymaking, urban planning, climate change, and expert environmental
temporal monitoring.

2. Materials and method

2.1. Study area profile

The city of Rajshahi is the social, economic and administrative hub of

northern Bangladesh, situated on the northern bank of the Padma River
Fig. 3. Illustration process of Tabulate Area tool in ArcGIS 10.6. (Al Rakib et al., 2020c; BBS, 2013; Kafy et al., 2019b, 2020b), which is
geographically placed between 24° 12′ to 24° 42′′ N latitude and 88° 15′
to 88° 50′ E longitude in northwest Bangladesh (Fig. 1). The location is
plored using GIS and RS applications (Al-Hathloul and Rahman, 2003; nearly flat, with a surface elevation between 15 and 19 m. The city is
Celik et al., 2019; Li and Zhao, 2003; Streutker, 2003). LULC change situated in the dry-wet tropical monsoonal area with a maximum tem-
identification, and spatial distribution measurement of LST by direct perature ranging from 30 to 35 °C and receiving an average of 1448 mm
field visits are time-consuming, labour-intensive, and vulnerable to er- rainfall (Ferdous and Baten, 2011; Kafy et al., 2020b). In the last few
rors (Hart and Sailor, 2009; Lilly Rose Devadas, 2009). Combining RS decades, the city is facing haphazard urbanization due to job opportuni-
and GIS technology makes it easier to analyze, monitor, and simulate ties, urban migration and small-scale industrialization (Al Rakib et al.,
LULC and LST variations (Fu and Weng, 2018; Niyogi, 2019; Thapa and 2020c). Haphazard and rapid urban expansion have drastically changed
Murayama, 2009). Furthermore, due to the scientific progress of sta- the seasonal timespan duration in the last few years, which has detri-
tistical algorithms, which are applied in remotely sensed data, spa- mental effects on the cities climate, livelihood, and green cover develop-
tiotemporal evaluation of LULC and LST dynamics have provided sig- ment (Dey et al., 2021; Ferdous and Baten, 2011; Kafy et al., 2019a). The
nificant smart solutions of the temperature increasing problems due to expansion of Rajshahi city is also haphazard, often unplanned. The land
haphazard land cover change (Ahmed et al., 2013; Celik et al., 2019; cover change history of RCC showed over 19% decrease of the green
Fu and Weng, 2018; Gaur et al., 2018; Rahman, 2016; Tewolde and cover area and an increment by 9 °C in maximum LST in the last 20
Cabral, 2011). Thermal remote sensing technology to measure the ur- years due to rapid urbanization (Kafy et al., 2020a; RDA, 2008, 2003).
ban heat island (UHI) is considered as an effective approach to evaluate
the inauspicious impacts of human activities on local climate over the 2.2. Description of data sets
last couple of decades. As RS approach is constantly improving, high
spatial resolution satellite thermal data recorded during the daytime For this research, the previous three decades (1990, 2000, 2010, and
have been frequently employed to detect surface UHIs on broad scales 2020) were selected. In these three decades, four Landsat Multi-spectral
(Kafy et al., 2020c; Naim and Kafy, 2021; Roth et al., 1989). Researchers satellite data were acquired from the United States Geological Survey
used available thermal infrared sensors at varying spatial resolutions to (USGS) domain to estimate the changes in VC and LST dynamics in the
study LST features for different LULC categories in diverse urban situa- study area.
tions (Ahmed, 2011; Celik et al., 2019; Rahman et al., 2017). All of these images were downloaded (Table 1) for the month of
Like other developing countries, Bangladesh is experiencing the April to prevent the influences of seasonal variations (Al Rakib et al.,
rapid urbanization because of a massive rural-to-urban migratory flow. 2020a; Faisal et al., 2021; Kafy et al., 2020c). In the image downloading
Rapid LULC converts natural features into man-made places, posing a process, maximum cloud coverage was set to less than 10% for ensuring
threat to the environment’s long-term sustainability. Several studies in a realistic estimation of LULC and LST. However, across the study re-
Bangladesh, especially in the capital of Dhaka, focused on the effects of gion, it was near to zero percent. No additional geo-correction or image
rapid urbanization on LULC, citing population growth and human ac- processing required for the preprocessing of images since there were no
tivities as driving factors in the transformation of different LULCs such radiometric and geometric distortions in Landsat Satellite data. Images
as vegetation and water bodies to urban settlements (Ahmed, 2018; details were gathered from the USGS repository.
Byomkesh et al., 2012; Corner et al., 2014; Dewan et al., 2012;
Dewan and Yamaguchi, 2009; Faisal et al., 2019; Kafy et al., 2021a; 2.3. Landcover classification
Nilufar, 2010; Ummai et al., 2011). LULC variations in other Bangladesh
regions are also directly affected when population growth accelerates The satellite images obtained from Landsat sensors were enhanced
and has a direct impact on the environment and ecosytems, substan- by 3 × 3 majority filtering techniques for better visibility in Erdas Imag-
tially raising LST and hastening climate change dangers (Al Rakib et al., ine V.15 software (Kafy et al., 2020b). Using the correct band combina-
2020a; Kafy et al., 2021c, 2020a, 2020c). tions for all the images, True color Composite (TCC) was generated to
Although a substantial body of research has examined the affect of choose training samples of various LULC classes (Trolle et al., 2019). The
LULC on LST dynamics in urban settings, studies quantifying the rela- collected Landsat images were classified into four LULC classes UA, VC,
tionship and effects of LULC and LST on the UA and VC are remained Water bodies, and Bare land for 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020 (Table 2).
scarce. According to the analysis of relevant literature, no such studies Maximum Likelihood Supervised Classification (MLSC) technique was

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Table 1.
Description of the images acquired from Landsat satellite sensors (

Satellite Date of Sensor Path/Row Band No. Spectral range Spatial

data acquisition (Wavelength 𝜇m) resolution, m

Landsat 4–5 April 20, TM 138/43 1 0.45–0.52 30

1990; 2 0.52–0.60 30
April 15, 3 0.63–0.69 30
2000; 4 0.76–0.90 30
April 11, 5 1.551.75 30
2010 6 10.4012.50 120 resample to
7 2.082.35 30
Landsat 8 April 6, OLI. 138/43 1 0.43–0.45 30
2020 2 0.45–0.51 30
3 0.64–0.67 30
4 0.53–0.59 30
5 0.85–0.88 30
6 1.57–1.65 30
7 2.11–2.29 30
8 1.36–1.38 15
9 0.50–0.68 30
10 (TRIS1) 10.60–11.19 100 resample to
11 (TRIS 1) 11.50–12.51 100 resample to

Table 2.
Descriptions of LULC groups.

LULC Classes Description

UA Residential, commercial and industrial services, transportation network.

VC Trees, grassland, cropland, and fallow land.
Water Bodies River, wetlands, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs.
Bare Land Vacant land, open space, sand, bare soils, and landfill sites.

used to estimate the LULC classification. In the process of creating LULC

maps, about 25 training samples were taken for each LULC class. 𝑇𝐵
𝐿𝑆𝑇 = ( ) − 273.15 (3)
The accuracy of the classified maps was measured from available 1+ 𝜆× 𝜌
× ln(𝜀)
field data and Google Earth images through 150 ground truths points.
Kappa statistics and Confusion Matrix are considered one of the best Where, ML (0.0003342) is a multiplicative rescaling factor (band-
indicators for image classification accuracy and were used in the study specific),and AL (0.1) is an additive scaling factor (band-specific). The
for accuracy assessment of the classified LULC maps (Congalton and values for Landsat TM, Lmax, and Lmin were collected from the satel-
Green, 2008; Foody, 2002; Pontius Jr and Millones, 2011; Story and lite metadata file. The wavelength of emitted radiance 𝜆 is 11.5 μm
Congalton, 1986). (Aboelnour and Engel, 2018; Kafy et al., 2020b; Kumar et al., 2012;
Rahman et al., 2017; Ullah et al., 2019b).
2.4. Land use/Land cover transformation ℎ ×𝑐
𝜌= = 1.438 × 10 − 2 mK (4)
The conversion of one LULC other LULC is important to evaluate the Where, h indicates Plank’s constant, which is equal to 6.626 × 10−34 Js,
most dominated LULC class in the study area. As the study aimed to iden- c indicates the velocity of light, which is equal to 2.998 × 108 ms−2 and
tify the changes of VC influence by urban development, The "combined" 𝜎is the Boltzmann constant (5.67 × 10–8 Wm2 k−4 = 1.38 × 10–23JK−1 );
technique under "spatial analyst toolset" in ArcGIS 10.6 was software 𝜀 is the land surface emissivity which ranges in between 0.97 and 0.99
used to examine the conversion rate of VC pixel to the UA from 1990 to (Guha et al., 2018; Mallick et al., 2008; Pal and Ziaul, 2017).
2000, 2000 to 2010, 2010 to 2020 and 1990 to 2020, respectively. The
combined tool chained the multiple rasters so that unique output value 𝑇𝐵 = ( ) (5)
was assigned to each unique combination of input values (Fig. 2). ln 𝐿𝜆

Where 𝑇𝐵 is the satellite brightness temperature, and the constants K1

2.5. Estimation of LST
and K2 values for (1) Landsat-5: K1 is 607.7, and K2 is 1260.6 and (2)
Landsat8: K1 is 774.9 and K2 is 321.07, respectively (Anbazhagan and
Using the digital numbers (DN) of the thermal bands (Band 6 in Land-
Paramasivam, 2016; Roy et al., 2020; Ullah et al., 2019a).
sat 5 TM and Band 10 and 11 in Landsat 8 TIRS), the LST was estimated.
The spectral radiances (𝜆) of the Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 TIRS bands
2.6. Temperature variations over the UA and VC
were computed at the preliminary phase by using the Eq. (1) and Eq. (2),
respectively. L𝜆 was used to derive the LST in Degree Celsius using the
To evaluate the relationship between LULC and LST, the temperature
Eq. (3).
variation in different land use is important. The "tabulate area" tech-
𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 nique of zonal toolset in ArcGIS 10.6 was used to estimate the LST vari-
𝐿𝜆 (𝐿𝐴𝑁𝐷𝑆𝐴𝑇 5 𝑇 𝑀 ) = 𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 + × 𝐷𝑁 (1)
𝑄𝑐 𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑄𝑐 𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑖𝑛 ation over different LULC classes. The tool identifies the cross-tabulated
pixels between two raster datasets and outputs a table. Ward wise zone
𝐿𝜆 (𝐿𝐴𝑁𝐷𝑆𝐴𝑇 8 𝑂𝐿𝐼 ) = 𝑀𝐿 × 𝐷𝑁 + 𝐴𝐿 (2) data is defined as all areas in the input that have the same value. The

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Fig. 4. Land use/Land cover distribution in

study area.

areas do not have to be contiguous. Both raster and feature can be used 3.2. Urban expansion and VC loss
for the zone input. The VC and UA data were used as class raster in the
tabulate area process (Fig. 3). To delineate the direction of change in UA and VC, 16 concentrated
rings were drawn at 5-kilometre intervals starting from the city center
and ended up at the study area border. The directional analysis is a
2.7. Directional mapping of LULC and LST
standard tool for evaluating the phenomenon of spatial-temporal urban
expansion and the pattern of VC loss (Cao et al., 2019; Dey et al., 2021;
Directional mapping (DM) is a detailed microscale approach to ex-
Kafy et al., 2021d). The directional analysis reveals that rapid urbaniza-
amine the spatiotemporal LULC change dynamics and LST change pat-
tion changes have occurred in the northwest, northeast, and southeast
terns (Cao et al., 2019; Kafy et al., 2021d). Several concentrated rings
directions (Fig. 5). These directions had a considerable reduction in VC
from the city center or any other landmark at a specific interval was
as a result of fast urban expansion. From 2000 to 2020, the estimated
drawn first, where the last ring covered the full study region. Secondly,
urban expansion and VC loss in the northwest direction and along the
considering 250 m interval, 16 directions were drawn by expanding rays
Dhaka-Rajshahi highways were 15–25% and 16–23%, respectively (Fig.
from the study center. Those concentrated rings were intersected with
6). However, In the previous 20 years, the northeast and southeast di-
the rings creating a series of segment zones. Finally, whole segment
rections, along the Rajshahi-Naogaong and Rajshahi-Chapai highways,
zones evaluated the percentage of the UA, VC and specific range of LST
were considerably less urban growth and VC loss ranging from 5 to 12%
in a particular segment.
and 3 to 4%, respectively. As residential and commercial interests were
more readily available, growth in the northwest direction was substan-
3. Result and discussion tial. A variety of development initiatives, such as new road construction
and the emergence of new commercial buildings within 5 km2 s of rail
3.1. Changes in LULC classes and bus station, have accelerated northwest urban expansion and con-
tributed to the displacement of VC in the study area.
To examine the LULCC patterns during last three decades, the MLSC
algorithm was applied. User accuracy, producer accuracy, kappa coeffi- 3.3. Transformation of VC into UA
cient and overall accuracy were estimated to examine the classification
accuracy. The classification accuracy demonstrated an excellent result Rajshahi is Bangladesh’s most prolific district according to agricul-
with more than 85% accuracy in all parameters for different years. tural productivity, owing to the recent establishment of a vast num-
Two significant changing patterns are identified in the classification ber of agricultural fields. On the other hand, industrialization gained a
result during the study period. One is a gradual increase in the UA, stronghold in the northwest area with the 1998 construction of the Ja-
and a significant decrease in the VC. As illustrated graphically (Fig. muna Bridge (Hossain, 2017; Wadud, 2018). This region has begun to
4) and statistically (Table 3), over the last two decades + 15.55% of recognize rapid and haphazard urbanization as a response to increased
the UA and + 6.45% of bare land were increased, resulting in 19.42% work prospects, mostly as a consequence of unplanned rural-urban mi-
and - 5.59% decrease in VC and water bodies, respectively in the gration. Between 1997 and 2010, this region lost approximately 14%
study area. Various phenomenons like haphazard urban growth, urban- of its agricultural property yet saw a 19.4% increase in infrastructural
migraton pull factors, better education and being the divisional eco- development (Islam and Hassan, 2012). Unplanned conversion of LULC
nomic hub, which accelerate such LULCC all over the study area (Anand categories has had a detrimental effect on this area’s ecological sustain-
and Oinam, 2020; Fernando, 2018; Kafy et al., 2021c, 2021a, 2020b; ability, since it diminishes green cover and raises LST. The directional
Rahman, 2016; Regmi et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2018). analysis of VC change reveals a loss of green space in all directions of

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Fig. 5. Directional changes of UA in the study area from 1990 to 2020.

Fig. 6. Directional changes of VC in the study area from 1990 to 2020.

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Table 3
Area (Km2 ) and net change (%) variations of Land use/Land Cover in the study area.

LULC Area (in km2 ) Net change (in%)

1990 2000 2010 2020 1990–2000 2000–2010 2010–2020 1990–2010 2000–2020 1990–2020

Water Body 3.79 4.27 3.11 2.31 1.00 −2.42 −1.67 −1.42 −4.08 −3.08
UA 7.38 10.06 13.43 15.90 5.57 7.02 5.14 12.59 12.16 17.73
VC 27.16 25.28 24.98 18.77 −3.91 −0.61 −12.92 −4.52 −13.53 −17.44
Bare Land 9.73 8.45 6.53 11.07 −2.66 −3.99 9.44 −6.65 5.46 2.80

Fig. 7. Transition scenario between VC and UA for (a) 1990–2000 (b) 2000–2010 (c) 2010–2020 (d) 1990–2020.

the municipality. However, a significant reduction was observed in the ased understanding of the LST distribution in any region. Maximum and
northeast (NE) to northwest (NW) region between 1990 and 2010; while minimum temperature data were collected from the weather stations
the disappearance of green cover in the NE to southeast (SE) direction of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) for 1990, 2000,
was apparent during the last decade of 2010 to 2020, as the city began 2010, and 2020 in the study region for validation of the estimated LST
expanding in that direction due to a higher prospectous un-urbanized and a deviation were calculated (Table 4). Negative Deviation (ND) in
area (Fig. 7). Since 1990, with each passing decade until 2020, it was LST designates the estimated values more than the BMD documented
anticipated that 10%, 28%, and 26% of VC, respectively, were turned temperature, where Positive Deviation (PD) denotes less estimated LST.
into UA. The conversion rate of VC to UA was more than doubled over The highest PD and ND were established in maximum LST (+1.37) for
the previous two decades in the study area, illustrating the staggering 2000 and LST (−1.53) for 2020. The highest average PD (+0.58) and
domination of urban development over the last two decades. ND (−0.47) were found for 2010 and 2020 respectively. The deviations
showed a good result between the estimated and the recorded LST and
assumed to be accepted for further analysis in the study region despite
3.4. Validation of estimated LST
all RS-derived LST data limitations.

Though accurate and well-established methodology was used to ex-

tract the spatiotemporal distribution of LST, it is still consisted of minor
limitations. To get a fully accurate LST of the study area, it requires 3.5. Variations of land surface temperature
clean weather and fully cloud-free images of the study area. Even if the
cloud cover was < 10%, it was not exactly zero for which it was not the The spatial distribution and ward-wise aerial distribution of LST in
exact same as the acquired data from field (Chen et al., 2006; Dar et al., the study area are represented in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. The direc-
2019; Kafy et al., 2021b; Neteler, 2010). Such problem may lead to a bi- tional distribution of LST is illustrated in Fig. 8 where red and yellowish

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Table 4.
LST validation using BMD weather station data.

1990 2000 2010 2020

Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

LST estimated from thermal bands ( °C) 26.54 18.54 28.93 19.87 34.72 21.33 38.97 24.74
BMD recorded LST ( °C) 27.6 18.6 30.3 18.9 35.4 21.8 39.56 23.21
Deviation ( °C) +1.06 +0.06 +1.37 −0.97 +0.68 +0.47 +0.59 −1.53
Average Deviation +0.56 +0.2 +0.58 −0.47

Table 5
Areal distribution of surface temperature in different ranges.

Area km2 Net change (in%)

LST (in °C)
1990 2000 2010 2020 1990 - 2000 2000 - 2010 2010 - 2020 1990 - 2010 2000 - 2020 1990 - 2020

< 21 22.75 7.16 0.00 0.00 −32.44 −14.90 – −47.34 −14.90 −47.34
21 - < 24 17.48 14.24 8.68 0.00 −6.73 −11.59 −18.05 −18.32 −29.64 −36.37
24 - < 27 7.83 17.42 20.07 4.23 19.96 5.51 −32.97 25.47 −27.45 −7.50
27 - < 30 0.00 9.23 11.02 16.31 19.21 3.72 11.02 22.93 14.73 33.95
30 - < 33 0.00 0.00 5.25 10.06 – 10.93 10.01 10.93 20.94 20.94
33 - < 36 0.00 0.00 3.04 13.76 – 6.32 22.31 6.32 28.63 28.63
≥ 36 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.70 – – 7.69 – 7.69 7.69

Fig. 8. Spatial distribution of LST in the study area (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this

hue represent higher temperature and green to light green zones indi- in 27 - < 30 °C (33.95%), 30 - < 33 °C (20.94%), and 33 - < 36 °C
cate medium to lower temperature areas. The directional analysis of LST (28.63%) temperature range. The temperature in the study area was
distribution revealed a significant increase of temperature in north-east increased gradually in 1990 - 2000 period, 19.96% and 19.21% in-
to south-west directions due to reduction in VC and massive increase in crease were noticed in the area of 24 - < 27 °C and 27 - < 30 °C
UAs from 1990 to 2020 (Fig. 9). temperature range and a massive 32.44% decrease was seen in the
In 1990, 47.34%, 36.37%, and 16.29% of the study area was in area of < 21 °C temperature range. In 2000–2010 period, a decrease
the temperature range of < 21 °C, 21 - < 24 °C, and 24 - < 27 °C, of 14.90% and 11.59% were seen in the area of < 21 °C and 21 -
respectively where in 2020, more than 80% of the study area were < 24 °C range and moderate increase was seen in higher temperature

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Fig. 9. Directional changes of LST in the study area from 1990 to 2020.

Fig. 10. Ward wise population density map-

ping in RCC area for (a) 1991 (b) 2001 and (c)

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

Table 6
Temperature variations influenced by UA and VC in the study area.

Ward VC (%) UA (%) Mean LST (in °C)

1990 2000 2010 2020 1990 2000 2010 2020 1990 2000 2010 2020

1 1.47 1.37 1.21 0.91 0.69 0.79 1.00 1.08 21.23 25.72 28.43 34.14
2 4.20 3.94 4.38 3.49 0.72 1.21 1.83 2.03 24.65 22.82 25.67 29.92
3 1.05 0.98 0.53 0.46 0.40 0.61 1.05 1.05 19.24 28.76 31.68 34.56
4 1.04 0.90 0.69 0.67 0.46 0.61 1.61 0.96 19.54 20.98 23.78 26.79
5 0.57 0.55 0.38 0.35 0.64 0.73 0.95 0.84 18.62 27.11 32.34 34.17
6 0.44 0.46 0.38 0.37 0.34 0.52 0.63 0.63 20.77 26.78 28.69 33.77
7 2.28 2.18 1.90 1.70 0.66 0.90 1.08 1.15 20.41 24.49 25.37 31.28
8 0.32 0.25 0.19 0.23 0.55 0.67 0.74 0.62 21.56 24.77 28.71 34.78
9 0.29 0.20 0.14 0.14 0.51 0.54 0.57 0.58 22.38 29.49 32.49 35.53
10 0.58 0.56 0.44 0.41 0.59 0.64 0.81 0.79 21.11 28.33 30.54 34.95
11 0.09 0.09 0.04 0.07 0.41 0.43 0.44 0.41 22.78 28.71 33.78 37.13
12 0.08 0.10 0.05 0.09 0.67 0.76 0.73 0.66 21.48 27.94 34.89 35.55
13 0.30 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.48 0.58 0.62 0.62 19.37 24.72 34.84 36.49
14 2.48 2.73 2.30 0.53 0.86 0.97 1.50 1.98 20.76 25.64 28.37 37.63
15 0.45 0.43 0.33 0.40 0.61 0.79 0.91 0.80 22.47 24.33 31.72 35.72
16 1.81 1.71 1.20 0.95 0.63 0.98 1.23 1.52 20.22 25.41 28.64 34.78
17 9.11 8.42 10.06 7.65 1.11 1.29 2.17 3.52 22.74 22.64 25.91 29.3
18 1.75 1.44 1.50 1.19 0.32 0.39 0.82 0.97 23.78 25.89 25.41 35.42
19 2.75 2.67 2.30 1.94 0.51 0.70 1.10 1.34 21.47 25.77 26.67 36.33
20 0.30 0.23 0.18 0.13 0.44 0.50 0.58 0.53 20.79 27.64 33.49 35.78
21 0.48 0.37 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.31 0.38 0.35 18.69 25.37 27.67 34.45
22 0.14 0.16 0.08 0.12 0.38 0.46 0.52 0.39 19.43 27.41 31.15 34.48
23 0.36 0.35 0.10 0.16 0.26 0.47 0.58 0.48 19.97 27.64 29.07 33.72
24 0.23 0.20 0.08 0.13 0.28 0.37 0.45 0.36 19.74 28.49 31.61 35.34
25 0.64 0.49 0.34 0.30 0.32 0.59 0.60 0.59 22.49 27.66 28.11 34.83
26 5.58 5.81 6.65 4.32 0.61 0.84 1.12 2.37 19.4 23.37 25.74 29.64
27 4.01 3.49 2.95 2.26 0.50 0.80 1.42 1.69 18.81 25.19 25.96 28.57
28 2.62 2.33 2.03 1.46 0.13 0.51 0.66 0.99 19.34 25.51 25.48 31.18
29 2.27 2.10 2.07 1.28 0.14 0.29 0.42 0.86 20.44 26.39 25.55 32.49
30 8.83 7.85 9.02 6.94 0.92 1.67 1.42 2.96 21.89 22.37 24.82 35.64
Total 56.51 52.60 51.99 39.07 15.36 20.93 27.95 33.09

Fig. 11. LST variations over different LULC classes from 1990 to 2020.

ranges. Similar scenario was noticed during 2010–2020, where the only A major increase in temperature and decreases in VC were seen in
major decrease was seen in 24 - < 27 °C range (32.97%) and a ma- RCC wards 9, 11–15, 19, and 30. Wards 9, 11–15 mainly consist of Cen-
jor increase was seen in 33 - < 36 °C range (22.31%). Whole past two tral Business District (CBD) areas which are primarily occupied with
decade scenario (1990–2020) showed a significant decrease in < 21 °C commercial activities and a significant number of infrastructures. Ward
(47.34%), 21 - < 24 °C (36.37%), and 24 - < 27 °C (7.5%) and a im- 19 is also adjacent to the CBD and attracting people due to its suitable
pactful increase in 27 - < 30 °C (33.95%), 30 - < 33 °C (20.94%), location for living. These wards contribute massively to urban infras-
33 - < 36 °C (28.63%), and ≥ 36 °C (7.69%) temperature ranges tructural development by reducing open spaces and green covers, which
(Table 5). finally contributes to higher LST and UHI effects. A significant increase

A.-.A. Kafy, A. Al Rakib, K.S. Akter et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100187

in impervious surfaces of UAs replacing cool land covers like vegeta- from 24 °C in 1990. The assessed LST showed that lower recorded tem-
tion plays a significant role in the temperature increase of those wards. perature zones in 2000 were converted into a higher temperature zone
The detailed scenario of ward-wise urban expansion and VC cover loss in 2020. The significant increase in LST would be resposible for the
influence on LST is shown in Table 6. UHI phenomenon in the RCC area. It is assertive that the impact of the
The influence of the increase in UA and decrease in VC on LST in present climate change scenario and the nearby vast dry Barind region
thirty wards of RCC area is demonstrated in Table 4, which describes also aggravated the trend of LST. To mitigate these negative implica-
the variation of average LST in UA and VC for the year 2000, 2010, and tions, a sustainable land use management plan based on satellite im-
2020, respectively. From Table 6, it is clearly observed that the percent- agery is recommended for RCC by setting constraints on the conversion
age of VC and UA in each ward significantly influences the average LST of natural resources to impervious layers (buildings and roads). It is
increase. For example, in ward 14, the percentage of UA was increased necessary to track and anticipate the change of LULC and the city’s LST
from 0.86% to 1.98%, where VC was reducedby 2.48% to 0.53%, respec- pattern in order to minimize the impact of UHI as a consequence of the
tively, which significantly increased the LST from 20 °C to 37 °C in the uncontrolled growth of UA. Laws and policies should be implemented to
last two decades. Also, the same scenario can be found for the ward 30 minimize unplanned city expansion and protect the city’s current veg-
(Table 6). This scenario is also noticed in all the wards of the RCC. Due etation. Likewise, effort should be taken to increase the town’s green-
to less quantity of vegetation, the mean LST was comparatively higher ery by planting trees and replacing non-evaporating and non-transpiring
in the UA. Ignoring the ecosystem dynamics, the rapid urbanization and building materials with environmentally friendly ones. The methodolo-
increase in commercial activities in the study area significantly have gies and findings of this study will benefit the concerned authorities
reduced the vegetation and increased the UHI effect. (RCC and RDA), government officials, policymakers, and urban planners
who can use the findings for comprehensive area planning and strategic
3.6. Impact of population growth on VC loss and LST increase decision making to make the city habitable through tree planting, water
conservation, and planned urban infrastructural development. Addition-
From the LULC analysis, as mentioned in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, rapid ally, city authorities may adopt rules, laws, and regulations to reduce
urban expansion significantly reduces the city’s green cover. This out- LST in the city, ensuring that RCC is planned, inclusive, and environ-
come can also be verified from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) mentally sustainable.
data. Based on the ward wise population census data for the year 1991,
2001, and 2011, wards such as 9, 11–15, 19, and 30 are facing signifi- Declaration of Competing Interest
cant population growth (Fig. 10), which massively impacted the VC loss
and LST increase in the respective wards of RCC (Table 6). The authors declared that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that might seem to have influenced
the work reported in this paper.
3.7. LST variations over different LULC classes

The spatiotemporal change in LST over the study period is the result Acknowledgement
of an unplanned massive urban consumption of cool LC that significantly
increases urbanization by the allowance of continuous urban-migration The authors would like to express gratitude to the Rajshahi Devel-
influx from different regions around the study area. Cool land covers opment Authority, Rajshahi City Corporation, and the US Geological
like VC and water bodies have been lessened daily that was used for the Survey for assisting this research with datasets. The authors also like
horizontal urban expansion. Fig. 11 demonstrates the maximum and to thank DIGON research and consultancy firm experts for proofreading
minimum LST variation in different LULC classes from 1990 to 2020. the entire manuscript and doing language editing.
For all the years, maximum LST was recorded in UAs where minimum
LST was found in water bodies. The VC also demonstrated lower tem- Funding information
perature comparing with UAs and bare land classes. From the analysis,
it was clarly identified that, rapid unplanned infrastructural develop- The research does not receive any funding.
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