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Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

The Z Transform
z-Transform (2/2)

Dr. Tushar Sandhan

IITK, EE Department

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Properties of z-Transform

Linearity of the z-Transform

If sequences x1 [n] and x2 [n] with z-transforms X1 (z) and X2 (z) have
regions of convergence (ROC) R1 and R2 respectively, then their linear
ax1 [n] + bx2 [n] ←→ aX1 (z) + bX2 (z) (23)

with an ROC containing R1 ∩ R2 .

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Properties of z-Transform

Linearity of the z-Transform

If sequences x1 [n] and x2 [n] with z-transforms X1 (z) and X2 (z) have
regions of convergence (ROC) R1 and R2 respectively, then their linear
ax1 [n] + bx2 [n] ←→ aX1 (z) + bX2 (z) (23)

with an ROC containing R1 ∩ R2 .

The ROC of the linear combination is at least the intersection of R1
and R2 .

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Properties of z-Transform

Linearity of the z-Transform

If sequences x1 [n] and x2 [n] with z-transforms X1 (z) and X2 (z) have
regions of convergence (ROC) R1 and R2 respectively, then their linear
ax1 [n] + bx2 [n] ←→ aX1 (z) + bX2 (z) (23)

with an ROC containing R1 ∩ R2 .

The ROC of the linear combination is at least the intersection of R1
and R2 .
For sequences with rational z-transforms, the ROC of the linear
combination is the overlap of individual ROCs, unless pole-zero
cancellation occurs.

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Properties of z-Transform

Time Shifting
If a sequence x[n] with z-transform X (z) has a region of convergence
(ROC) R, then its time-shifted version x[n − n0 ] satisfies:
x [n − n0 ] ←→ z −n0 X (z) (24)

with the same ROC R, except for the possible addition or deletion of
the origin or infinity.

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Properties of z-Transform
Scaling in the z-Domain
If a sequence x[n] with z-transform X (z) has a region of convergence
(ROC) R, then
n z z
z0 x[n] ←→ X with ROC =|z0 |R (25)

Unit circle


1 Re

Figure 6: Pole-zero plot for the z-transform for a signal x[n]

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Properties of z-Transform
Scaling in the z- domain contd.
A special case is when z0 = e jω0 , where |z0 |R = R. Then:
e jω0 n x[n] ←→ X e −jω0 z


Unit circle


1 Re

Figure 7: Pole-Zero plot for the z-transform of (x[n]e jω0 n )

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Properties of z-Transform

Time Reversal:
If a sequence x[n] with z-transform X (z) has a region of convergence
(ROC) R, then
z 1 1
x[−n] ←→ X with ROC (27)
z R

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Properties of z-Transform

Time Reversal:
If a sequence x[n] with z-transform X (z) has a region of convergence
(ROC) R, then
z 1 1
x[−n] ←→ X with ROC (27)
z R

That is,if z0 is in the ROC for x[n], then z0 is in the ROC for x[-n]

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Properties of z-Transform
Time Expansion:
For the sequence x(k) [n], defined as:
x[n/k], if n is a multiple of k
x(k) [n] = (28)
0, if n is not a multiple of k

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Properties of z-Transform
Time Expansion:
For the sequence x(k) [n], defined as:
x[n/k], if n is a multiple of k
x(k) [n] = (28)
0, if n is not a multiple of k
If x[n] ←→ X (z), with ROC R, then:
x(k) [n] ←→ X z k , with ROC = R 1/k (29)

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Properties of z-Transform
Time Expansion:
For the sequence x(k) [n], defined as:
x[n/k], if n is a multiple of k
x(k) [n] = (28)
0, if n is not a multiple of k
If x[n] ←→ X (z), with ROC R, then:
x(k) [n] ←→ X z k , with ROC = R 1/k (29)

The coefficient of z −n in the power series of the z-transform

represents the signal value at time n. That is -
X (z) = x[n]z −n

X ∞
X (z k ) = x[n](z k )−n = x[n]z −kn (30)
n=−∞ n=−∞
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Properties of z-Transform

If x[n] ←→ X (z), with ROC R, then
x ∗ [n] ←→ X ∗ (z ∗ ) , with ROC = R (31)

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Properties of z-Transform

If x[n] ←→ X (z), with ROC R, then
x ∗ [n] ←→ X ∗ (z ∗ ) , with ROC = R (31)

For a real sequence x[n],

X (z) = X ∗ (z ∗ ) (32)

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Properties of z-Transform

If x[n] ←→ X (z), with ROC R, then
x ∗ [n] ←→ X ∗ (z ∗ ) , with ROC = R (31)

For a real sequence x[n],

X (z) = X ∗ (z ∗ ) (32)

If X (z) has a pole (or zero) at z = z0 , it must also have a pole (or
zero) at the complex conjugate point z = z0∗ .

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Properties of z-Transform
The Convolution Property:
x1 [n] ←→ X1 (z), with ROC = R1 ,
x2 [n] ←→ X2 (z), with ROC = R2 ,
x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n] ←→ X1 (z)X2 (z), with ROC containing R1 ∩ R2 . (33)

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Properties of z-Transform
The Convolution Property:
x1 [n] ←→ X1 (z), with ROC = R1 ,
x2 [n] ←→ X2 (z), with ROC = R2 ,
x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n] ←→ X1 (z)X2 (z), with ROC containing R1 ∩ R2 . (33)

Differentiation in Z-domain
x[n] ←→ X (z), with ROC = R,

z dX (z)
nx[n] ←→ −z , with ROC = R (34)
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Properties of z-Transform

Initial-Value Theorem
If x[n] = 0 for n < 0, then:

x[0] = lim X (z) (35)


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Properties of z-Transform

Initial-Value Theorem
If x[n] = 0 for n < 0, then:

x[0] = lim X (z) (35)


This property follows by considering the limit of each term individually

in the expression for the z-transform, with x[n] = 0 for n < 0:

X (z) = x[n]z −n

As z → ∞, z −n → 0 for n > 0, whereas for n = 0, z −n = 1.

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Properties of z-Transform (Summary)

Table 1: Properties of z-Ttransform

Property Signal z-Transform ROC

Linearity ax1 [n] + bx2 [n] aX1 (z) + bX2 (z) At least the intersection of R1 and R2

Time shifting x[n − n0 ] z −n0 X (z) R, except for the possible addition or deletion of the region

Scaling in the z-domain e jω0 n x[n] X (e −jω0 z) R

z0n x[n] X (z/z0 ) z0 R

an x[n] X (a−1 z) Scaled version of R(i.e., |a|R = the set of points |a|z for z ∈ R})

Time reversal x[−n] X (z −1 ) Inverted R(i.e. R −1 = the set of points z −1 where z is in R

x[r ], n = rk 1 1
Time expansion xk [n] = X (z k ) R k (i.e. the set of points z k where z is in R
0, n≠ rk for integer r

Conjugation x ∗ [n] X ∗ (z ∗ ) R

Convolution x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n] X1 (z)X2 (z) At least the intersection of R1 and R2

First difference x[n] − x[n − 1] (1 − z −1 )X (z) Rx At least the intersection of R and |z| > 0
Pn 1
Accumulation k=0 x[k] 1−z −1
X (z) At least the intersection of R and |z| > 1

Differentiation in the z-domain nx[n] −z dXdz(z) R

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Common z-Transform pairs
Table 2: z-Transform of some elementary functions

Signal Transform ROC

δ[n] 1 All z
u[n] 1−z −1
|z| > 1
−u[−n − 1] 1−z −1
|z| < 1
δ[n − m] z −m All z, except 0 (if m > 0) or ∞ (if m < 0)
an u[n] 1−az −1
|z| > |a|
−an u[−n − 1] 1−az −1
|z| < |a|
az −1
nan u[n] (1−az −1 )2
|z| > |a|
az −1
−nan u[−n − 1] (1−az −1 )2
|z| < |a|
1−[cos ω0 ]z −1
[cos ω0 n]u[n] 1−[2 cos ω0 ]z −1 +z −2
|z| > 1
[sin ω0 ]z −1
[sin ω0 n]u[n] 1−[2 cos ω0 ]z −1 +z −2
|z| > 1
1−[r cos ω0 ]z −1
[r n cos ω0 n]u[n] 1−[2r cos ω0 ]z −1 +r 2 z −2
|z| > r
[r sin ω0 ]z −1
[r n sin ω0 n]u[n] 1−[2r cos ω0 ]z −1 +r 2 z −2
|z| > r

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Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using z-Transform

The z-transform is essential for analyzing discrete-time LTI systems.

From the convolution property:

Y (z) = H(z)X (z) (36)

where X (z), Y (z), and H(z) are the z-transforms of the input,
output, and impulse response, respectively.

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Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using z-Transform

The z-transform is essential for analyzing discrete-time LTI systems.

From the convolution property:

Y (z) = H(z)X (z) (36)

where X (z), Y (z), and H(z) are the z-transforms of the input,
output, and impulse response, respectively.
H(z) is referred as system function or transfer function of the system.

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Causality in Discrete-Time LTI systems

A causal LTI system has an impulse response h[n] that is zero for
n < 0, making it right-sided. Thus, the ROC of H(z) is the exterior of
a circle in the z-plane.

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Causality in Discrete-Time LTI systems

A causal LTI system has an impulse response h[n] that is zero for
n < 0, making it right-sided. Thus, the ROC of H(z) is the exterior of
a circle in the z-plane.
For causal systems the power series, H(z) = ∞ −n has no
n=0 h[n]z
positive powers of z so the ROC includes infinity.

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Causality in Discrete-Time LTI systems

A causal LTI system has an impulse response h[n] that is zero for
n < 0, making it right-sided. Thus, the ROC of H(z) is the exterior of
a circle in the z-plane.
For causal systems the power series, H(z) = ∞ −n has no
n=0 h[n]z
positive powers of z so the ROC includes infinity.
A discrete-time LTI system is causal if and only if the ROC of its
system function is the exterior of a circle, including infinity.

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Causality in Discrete-Time LTI systems

A causal LTI system has an impulse response h[n] that is zero for
n < 0, making it right-sided. Thus, the ROC of H(z) is the exterior of
a circle in the z-plane.
For causal systems the power series, H(z) = ∞ −n has no
n=0 h[n]z
positive powers of z so the ROC includes infinity.
A discrete-time LTI system is causal if and only if the ROC of its
system function is the exterior of a circle, including infinity.
A discrete-time LTI system with rational system function H(z) is
causal if and only if: (a) the ROC is the exterior of a circle outside the
outermost pole; and (b) with H(z) expressed as a ratio of polynomials
in z, the order of the numerator cannot be greater than the order of
the denominator.

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Stability in Discrete-Time LTI systems

The stability of a discrete-time LTI system is equivalent to its impulse

response being absolutely summable. This implies that the Fourier
transform of h[n] converges, and thus the ROC of H(z) must include
the unit circle.

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Stability in Discrete-Time LTI systems

The stability of a discrete-time LTI system is equivalent to its impulse

response being absolutely summable. This implies that the Fourier
transform of h[n] converges, and thus the ROC of H(z) must include
the unit circle.
Hence, An LTI system is stable if and only if the ROC of its system
function H(z) includes the unit circle, |z| = 1.

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LTI systems characterized by linear constant-coefficient difference eqs

For systems characterized by linear constant-coefficient difference

equations, the properties of the Z-transform offer a convenient method
for obtaining the system function, frequency response, or time-domain

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LTI systems characterized by linear constant-coefficient difference eqs

For systems characterized by linear constant-coefficient difference

equations, the properties of the Z-transform offer a convenient method
for obtaining the system function, frequency response, or time-domain
Consider an LTI system for which the input and output satisfy a linear
constant-coefficient difference equation of the form :
ak y [n − k] = bk x[n − k]
k=0 k=0

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LTI systems characterized by linear constant-coefficient difference eqs

ak z −k Y (z) = bk z −k X (z)
k=0 k=0

then from eq.(36) Transfer function is

Y (z) bk z −k
H(z) = = Pk=0
X (z) k=0 ak z

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LTI systems characterized by linear constant-coefficient difference eqs

ak z −k Y (z) = bk z −k X (z)
k=0 k=0

then from eq.(36) Transfer function is

Y (z) bk z −k
H(z) = = Pk=0
X (z) k=0 ak z

The system function for a system satisfying a linear constant

coefficient difference equation is always rational.

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System function algebra and block diagram representation
The z-transform allows us to replace time-domain operations like
convolution and time shifting with algebraic operations.

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System function algebra and block diagram representation
The z-transform allows us to replace time-domain operations like
convolution and time shifting with algebraic operations.
Cascade: The system function for cascaded LTI systems is the
product of their individual system functions.

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System function algebra and block diagram representation
The z-transform allows us to replace time-domain operations like
convolution and time shifting with algebraic operations.
Cascade: The system function for cascaded LTI systems is the
product of their individual system functions.
Feedback: For the feedback interconnection shown in Figure 8, the
overall system function is:
Y (z) H1 (z)
= H(z) = (38)
X (z) 1 + H1 (z)H2 (z)

+ 𝐻1 𝑧
𝑥𝑛 + ℎ1 𝑛 y𝑛

𝐻2 𝑧
ℎ2 𝑛

Figure 8: Feedback Interconnection

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Block diagram representations for causal LTI systems
Causal LTI systems described by difference equations can be
represented using block diagrams with addition, multiplication by a
coefficient, and unit delay operations.

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Block diagram representations for causal LTI systems
Causal LTI systems described by difference equations can be
represented using block diagrams with addition, multiplication by a
coefficient, and unit delay operations.
Example: First-Order System the causal LTI system with system
function: 1
H(z) = (39)
1 − 14 z −1
This system is described by the difference equation:
y [n] − y [n − 1] = x[n]
𝑥𝑛 + y𝑛

𝑧 −1

1 w𝑛

Figure 9: Block diagram of eq.(39)

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The unilateral z-Transform

It is an alternative form to the bilateral z-transform, particularly useful

for analyzing causal systems with nonzero initial conditions.

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The unilateral z-Transform

It is an alternative form to the bilateral z-transform, particularly useful

for analyzing causal systems with nonzero initial conditions.
The unilateral z-transform of a sequencex[n] is defined as:

X (z) = x[n]z −n (40)

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The unilateral z-Transform

It is an alternative form to the bilateral z-transform, particularly useful

for analyzing causal systems with nonzero initial conditions.
The unilateral z-transform of a sequencex[n] is defined as:

X (z) = x[n]z −n (40)

It’s denoted as
x[n] ←→ X (z) = UZ {x[n]} (41)

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The unilateral z-Transform

It sums over nonnegative values of n only. For the signal x[n]u[n],

where u[n] is the unit step function, both unilateral and bilateral
transforms are identical.

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The unilateral z-Transform

It sums over nonnegative values of n only. For the signal x[n]u[n],

where u[n] is the unit step function, both unilateral and bilateral
transforms are identical.
ROC for a unilateral transform is always the exterior of a circle.

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The unilateral z-Transform

It sums over nonnegative values of n only. For the signal x[n]u[n],

where u[n] is the unit step function, both unilateral and bilateral
transforms are identical.
ROC for a unilateral transform is always the exterior of a circle.
The calculation of inverse unilateral transforms is similar as bilateral

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The unilateral z-Transform

It sums over nonnegative values of n only. For the signal x[n]u[n],

where u[n] is the unit step function, both unilateral and bilateral
transforms are identical.
ROC for a unilateral transform is always the exterior of a circle.
The calculation of inverse unilateral transforms is similar as bilateral
Another approach to inverse transforms is the power-series expansion
but that series expansion can not contain terms with positive powers
of z. For example-
X (z) = = 1 + az −1 + a2 z −2 + ..., |z| > |a|
1 − az −1

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Properties of unilateral z-Transform
Some properties like linearity, scaling, time expansion etc. are identical
to their bilateral counterparts.

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Properties of unilateral z-Transform
Some properties like linearity, scaling, time expansion etc. are identical
to their bilateral counterparts.
The convolution property for unilateral z-transforms states that if
x1 [n] = x2 [n] = 0 for all n < 0, then
x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n] ←→ X1 (z)X2 (z) (42)

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Properties of unilateral z-Transform
Some properties like linearity, scaling, time expansion etc. are identical
to their bilateral counterparts.
The convolution property for unilateral z-transforms states that if
x1 [n] = x2 [n] = 0 for all n < 0, then
x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n] ←→ X1 (z)X2 (z) (42)

The accumulation property states that if x[n] = 0 for n < 0, then

X uz 1
x[k] = x[n] ∗ u[n] ←→ X (z)U(z) = X (z) (43)
1 − z −1

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Properties of unilateral z-Transform
Some properties like linearity, scaling, time expansion etc. are identical
to their bilateral counterparts.
The convolution property for unilateral z-transforms states that if
x1 [n] = x2 [n] = 0 for all n < 0, then
x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n] ←→ X1 (z)X2 (z) (42)

The accumulation property states that if x[n] = 0 for n < 0, then

X uz 1
x[k] = x[n] ∗ u[n] ←→ X (z)U(z) = X (z) (43)
1 − z −1

Initial Value Theorem

x[0] = lim X (z) (44)


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Properties of unilateral z-Transform (summary)

Table 3: Properties of unilateral z- transform

Property Signal Unilateral z-Transform

Linearity ax1 [n] + bx2 [n] aX1 (z) + bX2 (z)
Time delay x[n − 1] z −1 X (z) + x[−1]
Time advance x[n + 1] zX (z) − zx[0]
e jω0 n x[n] X (e −jω0 z)
Scaling in the z-domain zn0 x[n] X(z/z0 )
( a n x[n] X(a−1 z)
x[m], n = mk
Time expansion xl [n] = X (z k )
0, n ̸= mk for any m
Conjugation x ∗ [n] X ∗ (z ∗ )
Convolution (assuming thatx1 [n] and
x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n] X1 (z)X2 (z)
x2 [n] are identically zero for n < 0)
First difference x[n] − x[n − 1] (1 − z −1 )X (z) − x[−1]
Pn 1
Accumulation k=0 x[k] 1−z −1
X (z)
Differentiation in the z-domain nx[n] −z dXdz(z)

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1) Comment on the causality and stability of the following systems.

(a) H(z) = 1−az −1
1 1
(b) H(z) = 1− 21 z −1
− 1−2z −1 , |z| > 2

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1) Comment on the causality and stability of the following systems.

(a) H(z) = 1−az −1
1 1
(b) H(z) = 1− 21 z −1
− 1−2z −1 , |z| > 2

2) Draw block diagram representation for causal LTI system described by

he following difference equation:

1 − 2z −1
H(z) =
1 − 41 z −1


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