Adriansa Wahyu Pramudita-resume (1)

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Jl. Diponegoro No.02 Salatiga 50711
Adriansa is experienced as Information Technology Consultant in a professional services industry who has
strong knowledge of Python, SQL, and Machine Learning. Great at teamwork, communication, presentation,
quick to adapt and fast learner as well as proven aptitude for critical and analytical thinking in consultancy firm.
Experienced gaining insights using SQL, Python, Excel, and Tableau. Interested in data analytics to enhance
business performance and strategy as Data Scientist.

Work Experiences
RSM Indonesia - Jakarta, Indonesia Jan 2022 - Present
Associate Information Technology Consultant
Developed Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) for Banking
Developed Financing Factory system integration and improvement in National Bank with successfully improved 60% effectiveness.
Made a recommendation and involved in fraud investigation for Internal Audit Special Review for Cigarette Factory
Making reports and recommendations for IT Strategic Plan for Banking and Fintech
Made proposals of e-money SOP for banking, assessment and audit portal SDI (Satu Data Indonesia) security for ISO 27001
preparation, IT Strategic Plan and Transformation Digitalization, preparation of information system security regulations, implementation
Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), and API Management

& TRAVELOKA - Indonesia
Machine Learning Participant
Completed 5 courses on Coursera about basic IT and Machine Learning
Learnt about career development from experts in Indonesian leading startup companies
Successfully built a text summarizer application for web and Android. Managed a team of 4 with incredible improvisation

Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana - Sep 2020 - Apr 2021
Salatiga, Indonesia
Developed a website for customer satisfaction survey using HTML together with CSS, Laravel as web framework and MySQL as
database. Amazing teamwork of 2 people
Built a website for counting total active students
Input students data for administration purposes

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi - Salatiga, Indonesia Sep 2019 - Dec 2019

Assistant Lecturer
Taught discrete mathematics, successfully managed 100% pass rate
Taught introduction to information technology subject, successfully managed 100% pass rate
Responsible in teaching and laboratory work

Education Level
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana - Salatiga, Indonesia Sep 2017 - Aug 2021
Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, 3.59/4.00
Major in Data Analyst
Prestasi Akademik Scholarship Awardee
Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA) Scholarship Awardee

Skills, Certification & Others

Hard Skills: Tableau, SQL, Excel, Python, Machine Learning

Certification: Certified in Oracle Database, Oracle PL/SQL, Google IT Automation with Python Specialization, Google IT Support,
Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization, DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Specialization, TensorFlow: Data and

On Going Activity: Data Science on Datacamp

Soft Skills: Outstanding Indonesian and English, Copywriting, Easily adaptable, Fast learner, Knowledge and proven experience of
working with Technology consultancy and advisory, Aptitude for critical and analytical thinking as well as the capacity to accept out of
the box solutions

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