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Name: ____________ ___________________________ Date: __________


⮚ Listen to the teacher´s instructions.

⮚ Check your rubric.


Responsibility and Student shows progress IN CLASS. Good The student doesn’t work much with the The student doesn’t stay with the group. No progress in class.

classwork participation and work with the group. group but shows some progress. Almost no progress in class.

Written script is uploaded into The written script is uploaded into The written script is uploaded into The written script is not uploaded into
Written script delivery
classroom on time. classroom one day late. classroom two or more days late. the classroom.

Student presents the assigned day The student doesn’t present on the
Oral presentation on time
assigned day and no excuse is given

Good use of English with minor Use of English with 4 – 5 mistakes that Difficult to understand. The use of English is Student
Use of English
mistakes that don’t interfere with interfere with the comprehension. not clear enough and there are 6 – 10 needs to improve their use of English.
comprehension. mistakes

Lines are always clear and Most of the lines are clear and Some of the lines are clear and The student does not speak, so lines are

Projection understandable understandable understandable. not either clear or


The voice is perfectly audible; Voice is perfectly audible most of the time; Voice is audible half of the time; Voice is audible only a few times, and

intonations to highlight lines are used. intonations to highlight lines are used most intonations to highlight lines are used half intonations to highlight lines are only a

Pronunciation, volume, and That makes the audience feel interested of the time. That makes the audience feel the time. That makes the audience lose few times. That makes the audience

Intonation in listening. Very good pronunciation interested in listening. Good interest sometimes in listening. Many lose interest in listening. Too many

and very few errors are made pronunciation, but some errors are made pronunciation errors are made. errors are made in pronunciation

(1 – 4) (5 – 9) (10 – 15). (16 +)

Stay in the character / Body The student stays in character Student stays in character through almost The student tries to stay in character The student does not act during the

language throughout the performance. all of the performance throughout the performance. performance.

Has learned all the lines Has learned many of the lines from the Has learned some of the lines from the Did not learn any

from the script. script. script. lines from the script and read directly
Memorization /
The student is completely prepared and The student seemed prepared but might The student is somewhat prepared, but from the script.
rehearsed. have needed a couple more rehearsals. rehearsal is lacking. The student does not seem at all

prepared to present.

Fully prepared for presentation with an Prepared for presentation with a costume Mostly prepared but the costume is partly Costume is not accurate for the
accurate costume. somehow accurate. accurate for the theme. presentation.

Time The play lasts between 15-20 minutes The play lasts between 10 - 15 minutes The play lasts between 5-10 minutes The play lasts less than 5 minutes
The scenery is creative and adds The scenery was creative and did not get in The scenery did not get in the way of the The scenery is not appropriate and

interest to the play. Students have the way of the presentation. theme. distracts the audience.
everything ready for the play. (music – A few accessories are missing. Some accessories are missing. Required accessories are not included in

ppt – costume - etc.) the presentation.

The theme used in the play is consistent The theme used in the play is slightly The theme used in the play is different The theme is different from the original
with that of the book different from the original one from the original one book

Always listens attentively to others. Usually listens attentively to others. Makes Rarely listens to others and makes some Does not listen attentively. Tries to

S/he is polite and does not make 1 – 2 distracting gestures or sounds. gestures or sounds that are distracting. distract the presenters, makes fun of
Listen to others
distracting gestures or sounds. them, or does other things instead of




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