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Typical Exam Question

Hi Hugo,

How are you?

That sounds great, I will help you. What are the ages of the children? They know

The idea is beautiful, the children will enjoy a lot of the histories. Will you have
another student or she will be your student all the year?

I recommend you the adventure story, because, the girl, will be more interesting in the
story. I will prefer and adventure story if I were a child. What will you prefer?

The book which I suggest you is Alice in Wonderland, that's my favourite book.

Tell me when you do it! Good luck,

Typical Exam Question

Hi Maggie,

I really enjoyed that, I know, the chocolats were my favourites and I knewn you liked
this flowers too. I am happy than you enjoyed the present.

I will love go to have lunch a burguer with you soon, where will go? Say to me when
you can.

I want to give you a present, what will you prefer? I think you'll like something to
wear, but I want to give you an original present.

I want to go to your birthday party, but it must be on weekend, because you know that
I have lots of things during the week.

Waiting your answer.

Kisses, Felipe.
Typical Exam Question

Hi Anna!

I think like your mum, you are badly organised. But, If you learn some technics, you
will improve your organisation.

How do you organise your week or your month? Have you got an calendar or
something like this?

I organise my time doing a timetable for a week and there, I put all the activities and
homework that I have to do. Why don't I send t you my week organizator and you try
to use it?

Don't you worry, when you take my organizator, you will doing it better, and, at last,
you will do the things in time.

Waiting it be useful for you.

Typical Exam Question

Hi Sally,

How are you?

I don't knew that you have lost your bracelet, how was it? I haven't found it, but, now,
I'm going to look it, in the kitchen and in the rest of my house. I will ask my parents
help me to look this.

Don't you worry, I'm sure than it have to be in my house. We will found it. If you want,
you can come to my house and together we can look your bracelet.

Thak you for came yesterday to my birthday party. I really love your present, it was
fantastic. Thank you again for it.

See you tomorrow,

Typical Exam Question

Hi Ron,

How are you?

Billy can't play with you? I really would like play with you, but, I don't have a racket.
We can look someone who can lend it to me or we can hire one at the court. Do you
know if in the court they hire rackets?

What time have you booked the tennis court? I'm really interesting, but, we have to
get one racket, and I will play with you.

I really love the Angelo's pizzas. It's a good idea go there for one. You can count with
me for this great plan.

See you soon,

Typical Exam Question

Hello Ben!

How are you?

I can return your maths book the day that you prefer, but you have to be here to pick
up it is after 6. Thank you for lend it to me.

Today I missed to the school because I have a cold, but now, I feel better than this
morning. I am not sure than tomorrow I go to the scholl if I not fell well.

If you can lend to me your class notes of today, it would be great.

What pages have we to study for the geography test of the next week? I think it can
be easy, what do you think?

See you soon,


Typical Exam Question

Hi Jack,

I am having problems with the maths too, I have lots of things that I don't understand

I really like to come round in Saturday with you, I will be happy.

Do you want I help you with ecuations? I really understand these and I think I'm good
at this and I can explain to you. You can help me with another thing.

Don't worry, I think that when I explain some things that I know you will understand

We have to do lots of excercises and practise a lot, because I think if we watch

Youtube videos we can learn of them.


I wanted to leave town as soon as possible, because I have dreamt all my life whith
go to Dominican Republic.

I spoke with my parents and I said: What about If I help you in the house, and you
give to me some money for go to Dominican Republic when I have 18. They agree
with me, and put to me lot of housework. Every week, I got 10 euros. One year later, I
had 520€, an in three years I had 1580€. With this money, I can go to the country of
my dreams.

When I had 18, I went to Dominican Republic for a month, the best of my life.
I knew it woul be the most important day of my life.

When I wake up, I was so nervous, because I was waiting the call of my dad. When
the phone rang, he said to me: Your little sister is here, She is so beautiful, all was
fine. I couldn't stop of criying, I was very happy.

The way to the hospital was very long. I coludn't wait to see my baby sister.

When I arrived, She was sleept, and I think I would care of her all my life. When she
wake up, I take to my sister and I wanted to stop the time.
Typical Exam Question

My favourite person is my grandfather, because, he was a stong man, and lived lots
of things, like second world war, and the civil war in Spain.

When he was 16, he went to Germany to work there for 5 years. He was shoemaker.

When he met my grandmother he was 21, and they get married two year after that.
They lived in different places, Germany, French, Italy. When my grandmother get
pregnant of my uncle, they returned to Spain, where my dad was born.

They spend in Spain the rest of their lifes.

My grandfather died when he was 81 years.

Typical Exam Question

In my opinion, the scooters are so useful, but, they are too dangerous.

When I was studying for my car exam, I saw that lots of people in the age of 16-30
died driving, this thing maked me think if the young people should use the scooters
since they have 16.

Now, I have the answer. The youngs mustn't drive since 16 years, because they don't
fell the danger in their acts, and sometimes, they don't ear the helmet well and do
some crazy things. The car can be dangerous, but I think it protect more than the

If we want the youngs sure, they shouldn't use scooters.

Typical Exam Question

The best restaurant I have ever been is called: 433.

This restaurant is in Rome, near the Pantheon. I think the place is magical, because
is next to importants monuments, in the heart of Roma, but, the food and the drink
was the best that I have never taste.

Last time I went, It was in January of 2019, and I ate pizza and pasta, with wine. For
dessert I delivered Tiramisú, and It was the best of all my trip to Roma. The tomatoes
of the pizza were very fresh, and the jam, very good.

I really recommended this restaurant, and, in the next trip to Rome, I will eat there
Typical Exam Question

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