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to Digital
MARK5814 Digital Marketing
T2-2024 Week 1 Lecture
Defining Digital Marketing
Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital media,
data and technology.
• Digital goals
• Digital audiences
• Digital devices
• Digital platforms
• Digital media
• Digital data
• Digital technology
Digital Goals
• Brand goals and strategy

• SMART objectives

• Business and revenue

models (monetisation)
RACE Framework

📢 🎬 💵 🤝
Reach Act Convert Engage
Grow your Prompt Achieve Encourage
audience interactions sales repeat
using paid, to online or business
owned encourage offline and
and digital subscribers loyalty
media and leads
Digital Audiences
• Target markets, segments and personas

• Business-to-consumer

• Business-to-business

• Consumer-to-consumer
Digital Devices
• Smartphone
• Tablet
• Desktop
• Smart speaker and in-home
• Digital TV and out-of-home signage
Digital Platforms
• Meta/Facebook
• Apple
• Microsoft
• Amazon
• Alphabet/Google
Digital Media
• Paid
Ø These are bought media where there is an investment to pay for
visitors, reach or conversions through search, display ad
networks or affiliate marketing.

• Owned
Ø This is media owned by the brand.

• Earned
Ø Publicity generated through PR invested in targeting influencers
to increase awareness about a brand.
Ø Word-of-mouth that can be stimulated through viral and social
media marketing, and conversations in social networks, blogs
and other communities.
Paid, Owned & Earned Media
Online & Offline Channels
Online & Offline Channels
Online & Offline Channels
Traditional vs. New/Digital Media
Traditional vs. New/Digital Media
Digital Data
• Customer profiles
• Customer behaviours
• Customer value
• Communications preferences
• Big data
Digital Technology
• Software-as-a-Service
• Martech including marketing clouds
• Marketing automation
• Artificial intelligence
• Augmented and virtual reality
Key Challenges of Digital Communications
• Complexity.
• Responding to competitors.
• Responding to changes in technology and marketing
• Cost.
• Attention.
Digital Marketing Strategy Development Process


Control Objectives

Tactics &
Actions Strategy
Situation Analysis
• Where are we now?

• Current performance

• Opportunities

• Competitor benchmarking
• Where do we want to be?

• Align business goals

• Set SMART objectives

• Select KPIs
5Ss Objectives
• Sell
Ø Grow sales.
• Speak
Ø Get closer to customers.
• Serve
Ø Add value.
• Save
Ø Save costs.
• Sizzle
Ø Extend the brand online.
• How do we get there?

• Segmentation, targeting and positioning

• Marketing mix

• Engagement and content strategy

Tactics & Actions
• What do we need to get there?

• 90-day plans

• Resource allocation

• Media schedule
Marketing Tactics
• How do we monitor performance?

• Regular review

• Reporting platforms

• Qualitative feedback
Lecture Summary
• Defining digital marketing

• 7Ds of digital marketing

• Key challenges of digital communications

• Digital marketing strategy development process

• Next week: situation analysis

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