Multiprotease improves amino acid release in vitro, energy, and nutrient

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Multiprotease improves amino acid release in vitro, energy, and nutrient

utilization in broilers fed diets varying in crude protein levels

Lina M. Pe~nuela-Sierra,*,y Valmiro L. Arag~ao-Neto,* Paula Lozano-Cruz,*,y

Juan Nicolas Mejia-Abaunza,*,y Muhammad Ali,* Joaquin Caba~ nas-Ojeda,* Yanlin Yang ,z
Maria Camila Alfaro-Wisaquillo,* Gustavo A. Quintana-Ospina ,*
Bindhu Lakshmibai Vasanthakumari ,x Alexandra Wealleans ,x Ye Lao,x and
Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondon *,1
Prestage Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA; yCollege of
Veterinary Medicine, Universyty of Tolima, Ibague, Tolima, 730006299, Colombia; zKemin (China) Technologies
Co., Zhuhai, 519040 , China; and xKemin Industries, Des Moines, Iowa 50317, USA

ABSTRACT Low crude protein (CP) diets can reduce addition improved (P < 0.001) in vitro free AA release by
nitrogen (N) excretion and costs by increasing N utiliza- 18.90%. This multiprotease showed interaction effects
tion efficiency. Exogenous proteases may further improve (P < 0.05) on chicken FCR, energy, and CP digestibility.
protein digestibility in low CP diets. This study first eval- As expected, BW at 24 d, BW gain, and FCR (8−24 d)
uated in vitro the efficacy of a multiprotease on amino worsened (P < 0.001) as dietary CP reduced from 21 to
acid (AA) release from feedstuffs and broiler feed. Later, 17%, and multiprotease addition did not improve (P >
a broiler study evaluated the effect of feeding corn-soy- 0.05) these parameters. BW gain decreased by 12.9%
bean meal diets containing 3 CP levels (17, 19, and 21% when N intake was reduced from 49.32 to 38.49 g/bird.
CP) with supplementation on top of 0 or 2,400 U/kg mul- Multiprotease supplementation improved (P < 0.01)
tiprotease on chicken growth performance, total tract AMEn by 71 kcal/kg, CP digestibility from 59.45 to
CP, and ileal AA digestibilities, and energy utilization. 63.51%, ileal AA digestibility, and DM digestibility from
Ross 708 male chickens were placed in 42 cages and 67.08 to 73.49%, but only in the 21% CP diet. No differ-
assigned to 6 treatments resulting from a 3 £ 2 factorial ences in ileal AA digestibility due to CP level (P > 0.05)
arrangement. Three isocaloric basal diets were formulated were detected, except for Cys digestibility (P < 0.01). In
to reduce CP, but all diets maintained digestible Lys:CP conclusion, low CP diets reduced growth performance
in 5.47% and the same ideal protein profile. Data were and improved N utilization but negatively affected energy
analyzed in a completely randomized design. On average, utilization efficiency. Exogenous multiprotease supple-
the multiprotease increased (P < 0.05) in vitro free AA mentation improved AME, AMEn, protein, ileal AA, and
release by 27.81% in most feedstuffs evaluated compared DM digestibility in the 21% CP diet without significantly
to the control. For broiler feed, 1,200 U/g multiprotease affecting growth performance.
Key words: low crude protein, broiler, exogenous multiprotease, AA digestibility, AMEn
2024 Poultry Science 103:103546

INTRODUCTION broiler production costs (Greenhalgh et al., 2020; Amer

et al., 2021). Corn-soybean meal diets remain one of the
Low crude protein (CP) diets can mitigate the envi- most efficient feeds for poultry and are known to be
ronmental impact of nitrogen (N) and ammonia emis- highly digestible. However, it is possible to further
sions, minimize soybean meal dependence, and reduce improve the efficiency of nutrient utilization and digest-
ibility by observing details such as accurate feed formu-
Ó 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Poultry lation close to broiler amino acid (AA) needs,
Science Association Inc. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
improving the balance between protein and starch
4.0/). digestibility dynamics (Moss et al., 2018; Chrystal et al.,
Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a 2020; Liu et al., 2021), and adding exogenous enzymes
guarantee or warranty of the product by North Carolina Agricultural that increase AA digestibility (Pan et al., 2016; Borda-
Research Service, nor does it imply approval to the exclusion of other
products that may be suitable.
Molina et al., 2019; Wealleans et al., 2023). Improve-
Corresponding author: ments in apparent ileal AA digestibility in broilers are

2 ~

reported to result in improvements in growth perfor- populations of intestinal Clostridium (Kamel et al.,
mance and reduced N excretion and may improve over- 2015), and improving intestinal mucosa traits (Xu et al.,
all gut health due to reduced putrefaction in the distal 2017). The simultaneous supplementation of multiple
intestine (Cowieson et al., 2017; Cardinal et al., 2019). proteases with different pH optima and substrate speci-
Reducing dietary CP levels affect AA digestibilities ficity may improve the efficacy and consistency of prote-
and can cause AA imbalances (Liu et al., 2021). Overall ase supplementation. It is important to test the
digestibility of AA in corn-based diets is reduced by activities of these multiproteases under different pH con-
8.36% in the distal ileum when low CP diets are used ditions and for diverse substrates to determine their effi-
(Moss et al., 2018). Nevertheless, maize-based diets are cacy.
more conducive to CP reductions than wheat-based Enzymes, including mono-component protease, have
diets (Chrystal et al., 2021). Low-CP corn-soybean meal been proposed to improve the utilization of reduced CP
diets contain high quantities of maize starch that, at the diets with considerable synthetic AA supplementation
ileal level, may compete with AA for intestinal uptake (Vieira et al., 2016; Chrystal et al., 2020; Jabbar et al.,
via Na+ -dependent and -independent transporters with 2021). Broilers fed a protein-deficient diet (lower CP
overlapping specificities (Moss et al., 2018; Chrystal et and AA) supplemented with multiprotease were found
al., 2020). Traditionally, non-bound AA has been added to improve growth performance with increased ileal AA
to low-CP diets in the synthetic form to meet the and CP digestibility (Cho et al. 2020).
requirements of main limiting AA (Lys, Met, Thr, Val) The present study evaluated first the effects of a mul-
and other AA (Ile, Leu, Trp, Glu, Gly). However, these tiprotease supplementation in vitro across a range of
synthetic AA sources are more digestible and increase feed ingredients and commercial broiler feed to test its
competition with starch. efficacy in releasing free AA during in vitro digestibility.
Consequently, formulating low-CP diets with a better The second objective was to evaluate in a broiler study
AA balance and minimizing synthetic AA inclusion the in vivo efficacy of the multiprotease when applied to
could be proposed to improve the performance of common corn-soybean meal diets but varying in CP
broilers fed low-CP diets. However, the best feed conver- level to observe variability in feed ingredient inclusion.
sion ratios (FCR) have been reported when dietary Grower broiler diets with 3 CP levels (17, 19, and 21%)
starch:protein ratios are between 1.50 and 1.85. There- maintaining digestible Lys in 5.47% of CP, and the same
fore, it is expected that FCR will irremediably worsen in ideal protein profile was used for the study, and the
low-CP compared to a control diet with better starch: effects of protease supplementation on performance
protein ratios (Liu et al., 2021). energy utilization, CP, and AA ileal digestibility was
In order to estimate the optimum dietary levels of evaluated.
AAs to use in low-CP diets where essential and nones-
sential AA will be reduced, the concept of digestible Lys
(dig. Lys) to true protein (TP) ratio can be used. Alho- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tan and Pesti (2016) estimated that dig. Lys require-
ments for BW gain and FCR can be between 4.92 § The North Carolina State University Institutional
0.51% and 5.58 § 0.70% of TP, respectively. To apply Animal Care and Use Committee approved all proce-
the TP concept in feed formulation, Alhotan and Pesti dures involving broiler chicken used in the present exper-
(2016) proposed obtaining each feedstuff’s N content iment (Protocol No. 21-145).
and determining TP using the prediction equation
TP = 0.873 x CP + 0.435 (R2 = 0.99). Since this concept In Vitro Substrate Degradation by a
of TP is not widely applied, and optimums for each age Multiprotease
are still not completely elucidated, in this experiment,
the TP and dig. Lys: The TP ratio was calculated, but a To test the efficacy of the multiprotease to release free
similar ratio was expressed as a dig. Lys: CP, as others AA, an in vitro 2-step method with sequential incuba-
have used (Ng’ambi et al., 2009) and using one ideal AA tions at acidic and neutral conditions was designed to
ratio. However, ideal AA ratios are probably different in mimic the gastrointestinal conditions. In the acidic incu-
low-CP diets (Chrystal et al., 2020). bation, each treatment was made up to 50 mL with
Exogenous protease enhances protein digestibility in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 2.5) and 10% (w/v) of pep-
broiler nutrition when evaluating feedstuffs (Adebiyi sin and incubated for 1 h at 37°C under 90 rpm of contin-
and Olukosi, 2015; Stefanello et al., 2016) or complete uous stirring. The samples were subsequently
diets (Angel et al., 2011; Cowieson and Roos, 2016). Pro- neutralized by 50 mL of 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH
teases can shift the site of protein digestion to more 12.0) to pH 6.8 and incubated at 37 °C for 2 h under
proximal intestinal segments (Cowieson and Roos, 150 rpm of continuous stirring. 10.0 g of individual pro-
2016), which can benefit low CP diets. Exogenous pro- tein raw material was weighed into a 250 mL conical
teases have been reported to reduce the antinutritional flask for each treatment. Each type of protein raw mate-
effects of various protein raw materials and to increase rial was treated by blank control or an exogenous multi-
intestinal resilience by reducing inflammatory responses, protease (KEMZYMETMProtease, Kemin Industries,
improving tight junction and mucin integrity (Cowieson Des Moines, IA) supplemented at an equivalent dosage
and Roos, 2016; Cowieson et al., 2017), reducing to 1,200 U/kg feed. Furthermore, maize, sorghum, rice,
Table 1. Feed ingredients used in the in vitro study. results were calculated based on the standard curve.
The level of improvement was calculated based on the
Material Commercial origin Crude protein, %
amount of free AA in the protease-supplemented group
Protein-sources vs. the control group.
Soybean meal 1 Guangdong province, 47.00
Soybean meal 2 Jiangxi province, China 43.36
Dehulled soybean Jiangxi province, China 46.00 In Vivo Evaluation of Multiprotease Efficacy
Fermented soybean Jiangxi province, China 50.00 Chicken Husbandry A total of 294 Ross-708 d-old
Cereals male chicks were placed in 42 Alternative Design
Corn Guangdong province, 8.24 (Siloam Springs, AR) Super Brooder battery cages
China (96.5 £ 78.7 £ 38.1 cm) in an environmentally con-
Sorghum Guangdong province, 9.36
China trolled room (3.50 £ 12 m). Each cage had one stainless
Rice Guangdong province, 10.40 steel linear feeder and 2 nipple drinkers with cups. Room
China temperature was recorded and adjusted daily to guaran-
Wheat Guangdong province, 13.90
China tee thermoneutral temperatures at each age. The room
Barley Guangdong province, 11.33 temperature decreased from 32 to 28°C the first wk, and
China was maintained at 27 and 23°C during the second and
Complete broiler feeds
Commercial feed 1 Guangdong province, 17.62 third wk, respectively. A 23 h light and one h dark cycle
China was used the first week, and 18 h light and 6 h darkness
Commercial feed 2 Guangdong province, 15.65 the following wk. Mortality was recorded daily. Feed
Commercial feed 3 Guangdong province, 17.03 and water were offered ad libitum to the chicks during
China the experimental period.

Treatments and Experimental Diets

wheat, and barley were supplemented with the multipro-
tease at a dose equivalent to 2,400 U/kg. Six treatments resulting from a 3 £ 2 factorial
The nine types of protein and cereal raw materials and arrangement of 3 dietary CP levels (17, 19, and 21%)
3 complete diets used in this study, as summarized in and 2 levels of exogenous multiprotease (KEMZYMETM-
Table 1, were commercial products bought on the open Protease, Kemin Industries, Des Moines, IA) supplemen-
feed market. Pepsin from porcine stomach mucosa were tation (0 and 2,400 U/kg) were evaluated in a
obtained from Sino pharm Group Co., Ltd., China. All completely randomized design with seven replicates per
other chemicals were obtained from Guangzhou Chemi- treatment. The 2,400 U/kg equates to 300 g/t feed and
cal Reagent Co, China. is in line with the use of this protease in other studies
The Ninhydrin reaction has been widely used to analyze (Chandrasekar et al., 2017; De Leon et al., 2021; Weal-
AA, peptides, and proteins in biomedical studies (Fried- leans et al., 2023). The multiprotease includes a combi-
man, 2004) and recently for chicken protein digestibility nation of acid (pepsin type protease), neutral (metallo
in feedstuffs (Bryan et al., 2018; 2019; Bryan and Classen, endo-peptidase), and alkaline (serine endopeptidase),
2020). The method was used to analyze the number of proteases, produced by Aspergillus niger, Bacillus subti-
amino groups, which was used to indicate the degree of lis, and Bacillus licheniformis, respectively (Lim et al.,
hydrolysis of protein materials. In this assay, 1 mL of 2014). All protease activities are measured in a stan-
digestion supernatant was mixed with 1 mL of ninhydrin dardized assay: one unit of protease activity is defined as
reagent solution (1% solution of ninhydrin, Sigma, in eth- the amount of enzyme that solubilizes one microgram of
ylene glycol monomethyl ether) and 1 mL of sodium ace- Azo-casein per minute at pH 7.0 and 37°C (Pan et al.,
tate-acetic acid buffer (0.2 M, pH 5.4, Guangshi, China). 2016).
The mixture was shaken to homogeneity by a mixture Until 7 d of age, chicks received a standard corn-soy-
(G560E, Scientific Industries, INC) and then boiled for bean starter diet as crumbles, formulated to meet Ross
15 min in a 100°C water bath (HWS-24, Yiheng Instru- 708 requirements (Aviagen, 2019). The experimental
ments, China). The solution was cooled to room tempera- grower diets were produced from 3 basal diets (Table 2)
ture and diluted with 3 mL of 60% ethanol. The with their respective CP level. The nutrient composition
absorbance against deionized water at 570 nm was mea- for these experimental diets is presented in Table 2.
sured by ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer (2,100, These 3 basal diets were isocaloric (3,100 kcal/kg ME)
Unico). The absorbance value of the supernatant needed formulated to reduce CP, but all diets maintained dig.
to be within the range of 0.2 to 0.8. Otherwise, dilution Lys in 5.47 % of CP and the same ideal protein profile.
was needed till the absorbance reached the valid range. This dig. Lys:CP ratio is estimated to be 6.08 § 0.04%
A standard curve was plotted using different dilutions dig. Lys:TP ratio, which is within the optimum levels
of lysine (Sigma, 0.06−0.34 mmol/L) as the y-axis and suggested by Alhotan and Pesti (2016). The ideal pro-
the corresponding absorbance as the x-axis. The assay tein profile chosen corresponds to Ross Broiler (Aviagen,
was performed in duplicate for each sample, and the 2019) nutrient recommendations, with dig. total sulfur
4 ~

Table 2. Ingredient and nutrient composition of the experimen- experimental crumbled diets were analyzed at Kemin
tal diets. Industries Labs.
Grower basal diets (8 - 24 d)
Items Starter 0-7d 21% 19% 17% Diet Manufacturing
Ingredients ————————- % ———————
Yellow dent-corn 51.70 55.77 61.73 68.67 Corn was ground in hammermill tip speed
Soybean meal solvent- 29.68 24.88 19.67 19.40 3,335 m/min and #24 screen and obtained a particle
Full-fat soybean meal 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.47
size of 927 mm of geometric mean diameter (dgw) and
Poultry fat 2.19 3.18 2.42 2.36 3.64 geometric standard deviation (Sgw). The soybean
DDGS 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.90 had 980 § 2.71 mm dgw, and full-fat soybean was ground
Limestone fine 1.32 1.00 1.01 1.01
Dicalcium phosphate 1.17 0.99 1.03 1.09
to obtain a similar particle size of 953 § 3.26 mm dgw.
DL-Methionine 0.37 0.33 0.28 0.24 Diets were mixed in a twin-shaft counterpoise ribbon
Sodium bicarbonate 0.34 0.26 0.27 0.28 mixer (Model TRDB126060, Hayes & Stolz, Fort
Salt 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.30
L-Lysine 0.24 0.22 0.24 0.24
Worth, TX) for 180 s. All diets were pelletized and
Trace mineral premix1 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 crumbled. Mixed mash feeds were conveyed to a single
Choline chloride 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 pass conditioner (model C18LL4/F6, California Pellet
L-Threonine 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.10
Vitamin premix2 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Mill, Crawfordsville, IN) and conditioned at 85°C for
Coban 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 30 s. Diets were pelleted using a 30 HP CPM pellet mill
Phytase3 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 (model PM1112 2, California Pellet Mill, Crawfords-
Titanium dioxide4 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.40
Energy and nutrient content
ville, IN) equipped with a 4.4 £ 35.2 mm die with 548
Metabolizable energy, 3,000 3,100 3,100 3,100 cm2 working surface area at a production rate of
kcal/kg 16.34 kg/min (980 kg/h). The steam pressure was 207
Crude protein, % 23.00 21.00 19.00 17.00
Fat, % 7.03 8.05 7.40 6.50
kPa. The pellet mill die was warmed with feed before
Crude fiber, % 2.64 2.53 2.42 2.11 pelleting the experimental batches. After pelleting, pel-
Calcium, % 0.96 0.87 0.87 0.87 lets were cooled in a counterflow cooler (Model
Total phosphorus, % 0.58 0.52 0.51 0.50
Ash, % 5.56 5.22 4.98 4.74
VK09 £ 09KL, Geelen Counterflow USA, Inc, Orlando,
Available phosphorus, %4 0.48 0.43 0.43 0.43 FL) and crumbled.
Phytate phosphorus, % 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.20
Dig Lys:CP, % 5.57 5.47 5.47 5.47
Dig Lysine, % 1.28 1.15 1.04 0.93 Experimental Procedure
Dig. TSAA, % 0.95 0.87 0.79 0.70
Dig. Thr, % 0.86 0.77 0.70 0.62
Dig Trp, % 0.24 0.22 0.19 0.17
Group BW and feed intake were obtained at 7 and
Dig. Ile, % 0.88 0.80 0.71 0.63 24 d of age, and BW gain and FCR (adjusted for
Dig. Leu, % 1.83 1.73 1.63 1.53 mortality) were calculated. On d 23 and 24, excreta
Dig. Val, % 0.97 0.89 0.81 0.73
Dig. Arg, % 1.40 1.26 1.11 0.98
without feathers or down were collected in 2 shifts,
Dig. Lys:ME, % per Mcal 0.427 0.371 0.335 0.300 immediately mixed, pooled by cage, and stored in a
Dietary Electrolyte Bal- 300 268 246 225 freezer at -15°C. Ileal digesta contents were obtained
ance, mEq/kg
from all chicks at 25 d after euthanizing them by
Trace minerals provided per kg of premix: manganese (Mn SO4), 60 g; CO2 inhalation, and digesta samples were collected
zinc (ZnSO4), 60 g; iron (FeSO4), 40 g; copper (CuSO4), 5 g; iodine (Ca
(IO3)2),1.25 g. from the half-distal portion of the ileum. The ileum
Vitamins provided per kg of premix: vitamin A, 13,227,513 IU; vita- was defined as that portion of the small intestine
min D3, 3,968,253 IU; vitamin E, 66,137 IU; vitamin B12, 39.6 mg; ribofla- extending from the Meckel’s diverticulum to 40 mm
vin, 13,227 mg; niacin, 110,229 mg; d-pantothenic acid, 22,045 mg;
menadione, 3,968 mg; folic acid, 2,204 mg; vitamin B6, 7,936 mg; thia- proximal to the ileo-caecal junction. Ileal digesta con-
mine, 3,968 mg; biotin, 253.5 mg. tents were gently flushed with de-ionized water into
Phytase (1,000 FTU/kg) was expected to release at least 0.12% avail- plastic containers, pooled by cage, and immediately
able phosphorus and 0.06% Ca (Kemin Industries, Des Moines, Iowa
50317, USA). stored in a freezer at -15°C. The excreta samples
Undigestible marker Titanium dioxide (Venator, Hombitan were dried at 55°C in a forced-air oven, and ileal
AFDC101, CAS 13463-67-7, Duisburg, Germany). digesta samples were lyophilized using FreeZone 6
(NC State University Phytotron). Subsequently, sam-
ples were ground in a Retsch mill (Retsch USA
AA (TSAA), Thr, and Val maintained 76, 67, and 78%
Verder Scientific, Inc. Newtown, PA) to pass through
of dig. Lys, respectively. Synthetic Lys, Met, and Thr
a 0.5-mm screen in a grinder.
were used to obtain desired AA levels of balanced pro-
tein but not to keep similar AA concentrations across
the 3 CP diets. The Lys:energy ratios were 0.30, 0.34, Chemical Analysis and Parameter
and 0.37%/Mcal ME. All diets contained titanium Calculations
dioxide (TiO2) as an indigestible marker. Two batches
of each basal diet were used to add either sand or the Diets, excreta, and ileal samples were analyzed for dry
multiprotease on top at a rate of 2,400 units of prote- matter (DM), CP, and titanium content. Excreta sam-
ase. Phytase and protease activity in samples of ples were further analyzed for gross energy (GE) and
nitrogen content. Feed and ileal digesta samples were Using calorie and nitrogen intake, the conversion ratios
analyzed for AA content with HPLC (AOAC, 2006 to live BW were estimated.
method 982.30 Ea,b,c). Dry matter was determined
according to the method, and CP (N x 6.25) was deter-
mined by the combustion method (LECO, AOAC Inter- Statistical Analysis
national, 2006; method 990.03). The GE analysis was
All data were evaluated in completely randomized
determined using an oxygen bomb calorimeter (IKA
designs. The in vitro data was analyzed in a one-way
C5003; IKA Labortechnik), and AME was corrected to
ANOVA to test the effect of multiprotease with mean
zero N retention (AMEn) using a factor of 8.22 kcal/g
separation by student’s t or Tukey’s HSD test. In the
(Hill and Anderson, 1958). Titanium, CP, DM, and AA
chicken experiment, a 3 £ 2 factorial arrangement of
concentrations were measured in triplicate for dietary
treatments with 3 CP levels and 2 multiprotease supple-
feeds and duplicates for fecal and ileal digesta samples.
mentation levels was evaluated. Each treatment had
Titanium was measured on a UV spectrophotometer fol-
seven replicates distributed equally in 42 cages. Data
lowing the method described by Myers et al. (2004).
was analyzed in 2-way ANOVA using JMP 16 (SAS
Apparent ileal digestibility, total tract utilization, and
Institute. Inc., Cary, NC). Means were separated by the
AMEn were calculated using the following
LS means procedure using Tukey’s HSD at a significance
equations (Kong and Adeola, 2014):
level of alpha 0.05. Correlation coefficients between for-
Digestibility ð%Þ ¼ ½1  ðMi =Mo Þ  ðEo =Ei Þ  100 mulated and analyzed CP and AA content were calcu-
lated. Finally, energy, CP, and Lys intakes were
AMEn ðkcal=kgÞ calculated, and correlation analysis with chicken growth
performance was conducted.
¼ GEi  ½GEo  ðMi =Mo Þ  8:22
Where Mi represents the concentration of inert maker In Vitro Protein Degradation by a
titanium dioxide in the diet in g/kg DM; Mo repre- Multiprotease
sents the concentration of titanium dioxide in the
excreta and ileal digesta in g/kg DM output; Ei repre- As an initial investigative step, the ability of the mul-
sents the concentration of DM, CP, energy, or AA in tiprotease to release AA was tested in vitro in nine raw
the diet in mg/kg of DM; and Eo represents the con- feed materials and 3 broiler commercial feeds using a
centration of DM, CP, AA and energy in the excreta methodology of CP digestibility developed and vali-
and ileal digesta, in mg/kg DM. The GEi is gross dated by Bryan et al. (2018, 2019) and positively corre-
energy (kcal/kg) in the diet; GEo is the GE (kcal/kg) lated with in vivo AA digestibility (Bryan and Classen,
in the excreta; Ni represents nitrogen concentration in 2020). The results are shown in Table 3. This data was
the diet, and No represents nitrogen concentration in intended to preliminarily explore the substrate-specific-
the excreta in g/kg DM. ity of the multiprotease as a foundational step before
Additionally, the coefficients of apparent DM fecal animal trials. The addition of exogenous multiprotease
and ileal digestibility were calculated. The N intake was improved (P < 0.05) AA release on top of the action of
calculated using N dietary content and feed intake. pepsin in all but one sample. The improvement ratio

Table 3. Release of free amino acids from plant-based protein sources and cereals, and complete commercial broiler feeds following sup-
plementation with 1,200 or 2,400 U/g of an exogenous multiprotease.

Free Amino Acid Content (mmol/L)

Control 1,200 U/g 2,400 U/g P-value
Soybean meal 1 11.83 § 1.3 13.9 § 0.95 − NS
Soybean meal 2 11.47 § 0.03b 14.35 § 0.42a − 0.001
Dehulled soybean meal 15.33 § 0.63b 18.98 § 0.76a − 0.010
Fermented soybean meal 21.2 § 0.41b 24.07 § 0.25a − 0.001
Corn 3.95 § 0.02c 4.56 § 0.01b 5.07 § 0.09a 0.001
Sorghum 3.26 § 0.18b 4.15 § 0.21a 4.94 § 0.23a 0.050
Rice 3.67 § 0.23b 5.88 § 0.20a 6.65 § 0.06a 0.001
Wheat 5.69 § 0.10c 7.96 § 0.19b 10.21 § 0.02a 0.001
Barley 4.08 § 0.13b 5.2 § 0.19a 6.06 § 0.20a 0.010
Complete broiler feeds
Commercial feed 1 7.21 § 0.09b 8.37 § 0.07a − 0.001
Commercial feed 2 9.23 § 0.17b 10.7 § 0.01a − 0.001
Commercial feed 3 7.21 § 0.12b 8.99 § 0.05a − 0.001
Means in rows followed by different superscript letters are statistically different (P < 0.05) by t-test or Tukey’s test. n = 2 per treatment and each
ingredient. NS = non-significant.
6 ~

following supplementation with 1,200 U/g in the feed be the differences in protein solubility between the 2 soy-
ingredients ranged from 13.54 to 60.22 %, and in the bean sources (Zhao et al., 2022). The uplift of AAs
complete broiler feed, from 15.93 to 24.69 %, averaging observed in fermented soybean meal (P < 0.001) and
18.90%. Uplifts in free AA release from cereals were gen- other types of soybean meal could be due to the destruc-
erally higher (P < 0.05) with supplementation of tion of macromolecular proteins, the deactivation of
2,400 U/g, with improvement ratios ranging from 28.35 anti-nutritional factors, or a combination of both factors
to 87.20% compared to the control, averaging 57.81 %, during the fermentation process (Bao et al., 2014).
but not significantly different from 1,200 U/g in sor- In summary, the in vitro evaluation indicated that the
ghum, rice, and barley. multiprotease applied in this test acts over various feed-
Across the nine feedstuffs tested, the average uplift in stuffs used in poultry diets and complete broiler feed.
free AA release was 27.81% compared to the control. No However, the degree of efficacy may vary according to
significant uplifts were seen for one of the soybean meal the feed ingredient evaluated. The following step is to
sources. This difference in efficacy may affect the test the efficacy of the multiprotease in vivo when
response to the multiprotease in vivo. This is in accor- applied to chicken corn-soybean diets varying in nutri-
dance with the reported ileal digestibility values of such ent composition and feedstuff proportions. Modifying
alternate protein sources in broilers and provides an ave- the CP levels will cause the desired dietary variability.
nue for future research into the correlation between in The multiprotease will be added to chicken feed at
vitro and in vivo efficacy of multiprotease. 2,400 U/kg since corn free-AA release was increased
Though the 2 assessed soybean meal samples had sim- (P < 0.001) by 11.18 % using this level instead of
ilar basal digestibility in the presence of pepsin (11.83 1,200 U/g (Table 3). The specific objectives were to test
and 11.47 mmol/L AA release), the relative uplift fol- the effects of the multiprotease on CP, AA, and energy
lowing multiprotease supplementation was different utilization by chickens fed these diets.
between samples (17.5 and 25.1 %). Significant digest-
ibility improvement was observed in soybean meal 2
(P < 0.001) and dehulled soybean meal (P < 0.01) but In Vivo Evaluation of a Multiprotease in
not in soybean meal 1 (P > 0.05). The presence of prote- Broiler Diets Varying in CP Content
ase inhibitors in soybeans is well known, and the concen-
tration varies between soybean varieties, processing Growth Performance Results of laboratory analysis of
conditions, and growing microclimate (Sakkas et al., samples of experimental diets (Table 4) indicated good
2019; Yang et al., 2022). The difference in AA release as agreement (P < 0.001) between formulated and ana-
a percentage of the control may be due to the undeter- lyzed values for CP (r = 0.991) and AA (r = 0.997). The
mined presence of such anti-nutritional factors. Aderi- analyzed activity of phytase for all diets and protease for
bigbe et al. (2021) suggested that the effect of protease supplemented diets is presented in Table 5. The values
on AA release and bird performance was independent of observed in pelletized and crumbled diets matched the
the levels of trypsin inhibitor present in the diet. How- expected activity of phytase supplemented in the basal
ever, Wedekind et al. (2020) suggested that exogenous diets and the inclusion of protease according to the
protease was more effective in diets containing high treatment. No protease activity was detected in control
trypsin inhibitor levels. Another possible reason could diets.

Table 4. Formulated and analyzed1 values for crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) of experimental diets per CP treatment.

Treatment 21 19 17
Nutrient Formulated Analyzed Formulated Analyzed Formulated Analyzed
—————————————————————————- % —————————————————————————
CP 21.00 21.36 19.00 18.96 17.00 17.08
Total AA
Lys 1.26 1.38 1.14 1.24 1.01 1.10
TSAA 0.96 0.98 0.87 0.90 0.77 0.82
Thr 0.90 0.89 0.81 0.81 0.72 0.72
Trp 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.19 0.20
Ile 0.88 0.96 0.78 0.84 0.69 0.74
Leu 1.77 1.83 1.65 1.64 1.52 1.50
Val 0.97 1.08 0.88 0.88 0.78 0.81
Arg 1.38 1.36 1.22 1.18 1.07 1.04
Glu 3.65 3.78 3.30 3.31 2.96 2.95
Asp 2.08 2.13 1.83 1.82 1.60 1.60
Phe 1.02 1.08 0.92 0.95 0.82 0.85
Tyr 0.60 0.74 0.51 0.65 0.41 0.57
Ala 1.03 1.06 0.96 0.96 0.88 0.89
Gly 0.85 0.88 0.76 0.78 0.68 0.70
Ser 1.01 0.96 0.91 0.84 0.81 0.76
His 0.54 0.55 0.49 0.49 0.44 0.44
Pro 1.21 1.22 1.13 1.14 1.04 1.06
Analyzed values are the means of six samples, 3 replicates for each experimental diet.
Table 5. Analyzed activity of enzymes in the pelletized and
crumbled experimental diets1

Diet Phytase (FTU/kg) Multiprotease (U/kg)2

Starter (0−7 d) 1,214 -
Grower basal diet (21%) 1,137 -
Grower basal diet (19%) 1,180 -
Grower basal diet (17%) 1,042 -
Grower basal diet (21%) 1,136 2,160
+ Protease
Grower basal diet (19%) 1,184 2,280
+ Protease
Grower basal diet (17%) 1,045 2,230
+ Protease
Values represent the average of 3 replicates samples per diet. Enzyme
recovery tests conducted by Kemin Industries (USA).
One unit of protease activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that
solubilizes one microgram of Azo-casein per minute at pH 7.0 and 37°C.
Figure 1. Effect of exogenous multiprotease (0 and 2,400 U/kg) on
feed conversion ratio of broilers at 24 d, fed grower diets (8 to 24 d)
with 3 levels of CP (17, 19, and 21%). a-c Means in bars with different
The results of the pre-experimental period up to 7 d of superscript letters are statistically different (P < 0.001) by Tukey’s
age indicated the experiment started with a uniform test.
group of chickens (Table 6) for all treatments with an
average BW of 180 § 2 g, which is 23 g below the current
standard BW objective (203 g) for this genetic line 15.40 % CP) in starter diets fed during similar dietary
(Aviagen, 2022). No differences (P > 0.05) in BW phase (8−14 d). Several authors (Bregendahl et al.,
(Table 6), feed intake (132 § 2 g), and FCR (0.976 § 2002; Yadav and Sah, 2005; Angel et al., 2011; Freitas
0.011 g:g) between groups of chickens assigned to the et al., 2011) have reported that reduced-CP diets pro-
different treatments, but fed a common starter diet were duced significant negative responses in growth perfor-
observed up to 7 d of age. mance. Even with smaller CP reductions, several
Performance results from 8 to 24 d of age are pre- authors reported worse chicken growth performance
sented in Table 6. Interaction effects (P < 0.05) were when essential AA were not maintained at similar levels
observed on FCR (Figure 1). The main effects of CP using synthetic sources. Cowieson et al. (2017) reported
level were observed (P < 0.001) in BW at 24 d and BW that Ross 308 broiler chickens fed diets containing 20.5%
gain (8-24d). As expected, BW at 24 d (1,405, 1,338, CP and 1.08% dig. Lys had lower BW gain and higher
and 1,246 g), BW gain, and FCR (8−24 d) worsened as FCR than those fed diets with 21.0% CP and 1.13% dig.
dietary CP reduced from 21 to 17%, but multiprotease Lys. Rehman et al. (2018) concluded that Hubbard chick-
supplementation did not improve (P > 0.05) these ens receiving starter diets containing 19.3% CP were 21 g
parameters. The BW gain decreased by 12.9 % when N heavier at d 14 of age than those receiving diets that con-
intake reduced from 48.96 to 38.49 g/bird. Feed intake tained 18.8 % CP with 7% less dig. AA (1.00 vs. 0.93%
was not affected (P > 0.05) by treatments. total lysine). Ndazigaruye et al. (2019) also observed 11 g
These results partially agree with Yang et al. (2015), lighter Ross 308 male chickens at 21 d of age (962 vs. 973 g)
who reported increments in feed intake and reduction in and worse FCR (1.364 vs. 1.399) by reducing CP from
growth and feed efficiency in Arbor Acres chickens when 20.58 or 19.72% CP (1.20 vs. 1.10% total Lys) in grower
CP and AAs were diluted 10, 20 and 30% (21.32 to diets fed after 8 d of age.

Table 6. Effect of exogenous multiprotease on growth performance of broilers at 24 d, fed grower diets (8 to 24 d) with 3 levels of CP (17,
19, and 21%).

CP level % Multiprotease U/kg BW 7 d BW 24 d BWG 8-24 d FI 8-24 d

17 183 1,246c 1,067c 1,498
19 179 1,338b 1,159b 1,515
a a
21 180 1,405 1,225 1,508
SEM 1.7 11.6 11.4 16.9
0 181 1,324 1,145 1,498
2,400 179 1,334 1,155 1,516
SEM 1.4 9.4 9.3 13.8

CV, %1 3.49 3.25 3.70 4.20

Source of variation ————————————————−P-values———————————————————
CP level 0.342 <0.001 <0.001 0.772
Multiprotease 0.264 0.428 0.443 0.356
CP level*Multiprotease 0.792 0.104 0.159 0.107
Means in columns followed by different superscript letters are statistically different (P<0.05) by Tukey’s test. n = 7.
Coefficient of variation or normalized root-mean square deviation. Ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (%).
8 ~

Nevertheless, the present study evaluated a more sig- gain due to the addition of a serine protease, also
nificant CP reduction from 21 to 17% CP and dig. Lys expressed in Bacillus licheniformis to low CP diets
from 1.15% to 0.93. In the current study, chickens fed (19.4% CP in starter and 17.5% CP in grower diets) and
21% and 19% CP grower diets were heavier than the a positive trend was observed in improving FCR. In a
current standard for Ross-708 male broilers (Aviagen, recent study by Cho et al. (2020), formulating diets with
2022), while chickens fed the 17% CP diets had similar the same concept used in the current study and using
BW (1,246 g) to this standard (1,250 g) at d 24. The die- the same multiprotease observed similar responses in
tary balance (5.47 % dig. Lys:CP) and AA profile used growth performance with a reduction in dietary CP
in this experiment supported adequate growth. Opti- (21.5−18.5% CP). However, multiprotease supplemen-
mum dig. Lys:CP ratios have been previously evaluated tation could restore the production parameters.
(Ng’ambi et al., 2009), and results indicated that in each It is evident that the dietary reduction of CP affects
feeding phase, one ratio could optimize growth rate, growth performance. However, the response to protease
FCR, and breast meat yield; however, the ratios can be supplementation has been inconsistent across different
different for each parameter and dig. Lys:TP ratio could studies, presumably due to the differences in feed ingre-
be a better parameter to formulate these low-CP diets dients or the research methodologies used. In the present
(Alhotan and Pesti, 2016). However, FCR worsened sig- study, it should be emphasized that all diets maintained
nificantly as CP decreased from 21 % CP (1.230 g:g) to dig. Lys:CP at 5.47 % and the same ideal protein profile
19% (1.273) and 17% CP (1.355 g:g). The interaction and only synthetic Lys, Met, and Thr were used to
effect (P > 0.001) indicated FCR response was depen- obtain the desired AA levels of balanced protein but not
dent on multiprotease supplementation; however, no sig- to keep similar essential AA concentrations across the
nificant improvement due to multiprotease was detected three CP diets.
at any CP level (Figure 1). Higher starch content in low-
CP diets could partially explain the adverse effects of
increasing FCR (Chrystal et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2021). Energy and Total Tract Digestibility
Positive effects of serine proteases on growth perfor-
mance parameters have been reported (Cowieson et al., Energy utilization and total tract digestibility results
2017; Rehman et al., 2018; Park et al., 2020; Saleh et al., are presented in Table 7. Interaction effects (P < 0.05)
2020; Jabbar et al., 2021), while others did not show a were observed for AME, AMEn, CP, and total and
response over the same chicken growing period from 7 to apparent ileal DM digestibility. Chickens fed diets with
24 d of age (Ding et al., 2016, Law et al., 2018; Cardinal 17 and 19 % CP had better AME and AMEn than chick-
et al., 2019). Proteases have been tested to improve the ens fed 21% CP diets. The highest total tract CP digest-
performance of chickens fed low-CP diets (Ding et al., ibility was observed in chickens fed diets with 17 % CP
2016; Cho et al., 2020; Jabbar et al., 2021). Ding et al. and the worst in chickens fed a diet with 21% CP with-
(2016) reported that a reduced CP diet (starter diets 21, out the multiprotease. Multiprotease supplementation
20, and 19% CP) negatively affected performance. The improved (P < 0.01) AMEn by 71 kcal/kg, CP digest-
supplementation with an exogenous protease produced ibility from 59.45 to 63.51 %, and ileal DM digestibility
by fermentation using Bacillus licheniformis at 150 and from 67.08 to 73.49%, but only in diets containing 21 %
300 mg/kg had no significant effects on growth perfor- CP. Ileal DM and total tract CP digestibility only
mance. Those results are similar to the data obtained in improved with multiprotease supplementation in 21%
the present study. In contrast, Mohammadigheisar and CP diets. However, the total tract digestibility of DM
Kim (2018) showed significant improvements in BW decreased (P < 0.05) as dietary CP increased, and the

Table 7. Effect of exogenous multiprotease (2,400 U/kg) on apparent metabolizable energy (AME), nitrogen-corrected AME (AMEn),
total tract apparent digestibility of CP and dry matter, and the apparent ileal dry matter digestibility of broilers at 24 d fed diets with 3
levels of crude protein (17, 19, and 21%).

Total tract Ileal

Multiprotease, Crude protein Dry matter Dry matter
CP level, % U/kg AME AMEn digestibility digestibility digestibility
—————- Kcal/kg ————— —————————- % ——————−———
17 0 3,417a 3,389a 65.02a 72.32a 72.93ab
a ab
19 3,388 3,351 60.77bc 69.97ab 73.80ab
21 3,286b 3,234c 59.45b 66.89c 67.08c
17 2,400 3,366ab 3,337ab 61.83abc 70.64ab 72.78b
19 3,366ab 3,328ab 61.56abc 70.32ab 75.14a
21 3,351ab 3,305b 63.51a 68.96bc 73.49ab
SEM 29 29 0.90 0.61 0.46
CV, %1 2.17 2.15 3.81 2.30 1.58
Source of variation ————————————————— P-values ——————————————————
CP level 0.009 0.001 0.465 <0.001 <0.001
Multiprotease 0.907 0.945 0.047 0.629 <0.001
CP level*Multiprotease 0.048 0.038 0.002 0.0172 <0.001
Means in columns followed by different superscript letters are statistically different (P <0.05) by Tukey’s test. n = 7.
Coefficient of variation or normalized root-mean square deviation. Ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (%).
Table 8. Effect of exogenous multiprotease on nitrogen intake, calorie, and nitrogen conversion of broilers at 24 d, fed grower diets (8 to
24 d) with 3 crude protein levels (17, 19, and 21%).

CP level, % U/kg Nitrogen intake Calorie conversion Nitrogen conversion
− g/bird − − cal/g BWG − − g/kg BWG −
17 38.49c 4.25a 36.09c
19 43.79b 3.99b 37.77b
21 49.32a 3.66c 40.11a
SEM 0.50 0.03 0.22

0 43.64 3.96 38.00

2,400 44.10 3.97 37.97
SEM 0.41 0.02 0.18
CV, %1 4.23 2.77 2.12
Source of variation ———————————————− P-values ————————————————
CP level 0.001 0.001 0.001
Multiprotease 0.437 0.651 0.908
CP level*Multiprotease 0.196 0.969 0.409
Means in columns followed by different superscript letters are statistically different (P < 0.05) by Tukey’s test. n = 7.
Coefficient of variation or normalized root-mean square deviation. Ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (%)

addition of multiprotease did not produce any signifi- Freitas et al. (2011) observed improvements in FCR,
cant effect. However, calorie conversion worsened from fat, and CP digestibilities using low-CP corn-soybean
3.66 to 4.25 kcal/g BW gain as the CP level decreased meal-based diets (21.5 % CP in starter and 19.0% CP in
while N conversion improved from 40.0 to 36.1 g/kg grower diets) with meat and bone meal (»6%) supple-
BWG (Table 8). These results indicated better N utiliza- mented with increased levels of protease (7,500 to
tion but decreased energy utilization with reduced die- 120,000 PROT units/kg) in 42-day-old broilers. Like-
tary CP content. Research has shown better N wise, Angel et al. (2011) reported that CP digestibility
utilization with dietary CP reduction both without and improved due to serine protease supplementation com-
with performance depression. Belloir et al. (2017) pared to control (22.5% CP) or low-CP (20.25% CP)
reported increased N retention efficiency with reducing diets. However, they did not observe differences among
CP content (3.5 points/CP percentage point) while various concentrations of protease supplementation
observing a reduced performance. Reduction in CP lev- (7,500, 15,000, 30,000, and 60,000 PROT units/kg) in
els (20.5−17.4% CP) increased the N-utilization from 62 22-day-old chickens. Similarly, Fru-Nji et al. (2011) con-
% to 73 %, with no performance drop in the study by cluded that exogenous serine protease (15,000 PROT/kg
Ulrich et al. (2018). feed) enhanced the protein and energy digestibility of
Some studies have reported increased N retention and broilers fed corn-soybean meal diets (21.1 and 20.0 %
improvements in growth performance or carcass traits CP in starter and 20.0 and 19 % CP in grower diets). In
by supplementing exogenous proteases in broiler diets more recent work, Kamel et al. (2015) indicated that the
(Xu et al., 2017; Rehman et al., 2018; Jabbar et al., same serine protease on top (15,000 PROT/g) of corn-
2021), differing from the present study. Xu et al. (2017) soybean meal diets with corn gluten meal (21.5 % CP in
used the same multiprotease evaluated in the present starter diets) improved growth performance, carcass
experiment in corn and sorghum-soybean diets with dressing percentage, CP digestibility in broiler chickens
corn gluten meal (21.8 and 21.3% CP). Rehman et al. and reduced ileal clostridia species counts. Proteases
(2018) compared keratinase and serine proteases in diets may also affect endogenous enzyme activity. Ding et al.
(19.3 and 18.8% CP) containing maize, rice polishing, (2016) reported an improvement of 16 % in trypsin
soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, cottonseed, and fish activity in the pancreas when a serine protease was
meals. Jabbar et al. (2021) evaluated a neutral protease added to the diet (21 % CP in starter and 19 % in grower
in diets with a reduction in CP (17, 19, and 21% CP) diets) at the dose of 300 mg/kg, which could help
containing corn, soybean, canola, sunflower, gluten, and improve protein digestibility.
bone meals, and poultry by-products, balanced with sev- Cho et al. (2020), who worked with the same multi-
eral synthetic AA (Lys, Met, Val, Thr, Ile, Arg). Pro- protease used in the present study, demonstrated that
teases can have more beneficial effects in more complex supplementation of multiprotease to 21.5 to 18.5% CP
plant-based diets. diets improved the ileal digestibility of DM and CP of
Nevertheless, Yu et al. (2007) reported that the sup- chickens on d 21 and 35 compared to those fed diets
plementation of a cocktail of a serine protease in combi- without a multiprotease. In another broiler study con-
nation with carbohydrases in low-CP corn-soybean diets ducted by De Leon et al. (2021), the same multiprotease
(20.39 and 18.93% CP in starter and grower diets) improved the growth performance of low-CP (0.5%
resulted in lower dietary-protein waste, N excretion, and reduction) and AA (2% reduction) diets when supple-
emissions into the environment without a reduction in mented at 300g/ton (2,400 U/kg). De Leon et al. (2021)
the performance of broiler chickens. In the same way, observed improvements in DM, CP, and energy ileal
10 ~

digestibility coefficient. On the other hand, Saleh et al. Amino Acid Ileal Digestibility
(2020) studied the effect of serine-protease, and they
found that the digestibility of DM and CP was enhanced Interaction effects (P < 0.05) were observed for almost
by adding both 200 and 300 mg/kg of protease com- all ileal AA digestibility values except for Cys and Trp
pared to the control without supplementation in starter (Table 9). The multiprotease improved the ileal digest-
diets containing 21 % CP. ibility of all AA in diets with 21% CP, except for Cys
Likewise, Jabbar et al. (2021) concluded that a neu- and Trp. The multiprotease improved the digestibility
tral protease expressed in Bacillus subtilis (30,000 of Cys and Trp (P < 0.05) independently of the CP level.
PROT units/kg feed) improved BW gain and FCR in No differences in ileal AA digestibility due to dietary CP
diets with 17 and 19% CP during a trial period of 15 to level (P > 0.05) were detected, except for Cys digestibil-
28 d. Protease supplementation only improved N reten- ity (P < 0.01), which was better in 19 % diets than in 21
tion (62.71 vs. 64.00 %) and reduced abdominal fat in % CP, while 17% was intermediate. A similar balance of
17% CP diets. However, no significant protease improve- AA across all diets may cause similar ileal AA digestibil-
ments in growth performance or N retention, or changes ity. The multiprotease had positive effects when AA lev-
in abdominal fat were observed during that study in els exceeded chicken requirements in 21% CP diets.
chickens fed a 21 % CP diet. In the study described by These results differ from those reported by Rada et al.
Jabbar et al. (2021), all diets maintain similar Lys (1.15 (2016). They concluded that mono-component serine
%) and TSAA (0.90%) levels by adding variable levels of protease did not significantly affect apparent ileal AA
synthetic AA (L-Lys HCl, DL-Met, Val, Thr, Iso, Arg), digestibility or protease activity in jejunum when feed-
and did not contain phytase, or it was not reported. ing diets containing 19.9 and 20.7% CP and different
This neutral protease improved the response of this low- inclusion levels of rapeseed meal. On the other hand,
CP but had no significant benefits in the 21% CP diet. Walk et al. (2019) observed improved AA digestibility
This is opposite to the effects observed with the multi- with the supplementation of serine and acid proteases in
protease evaluated in the experiment reported here, diets containing 19.00 or 21.50% CP but with no
where phytase was added to all diets. improvement in broiler performance parameters, similar
Several exogenous enzymes are frequently utilized in to the present study.
poultry production. Velasquez-De Lucio et al. (2021) Several authors have reported results similar to the
mentioned that the enzyme most commonly used in present experiment in AA digestibility. For example,
poultry diets worldwide is phytase, followed by xylanase Angel et al. (2011) observed that exogenous protease
and amylase. All diets used in the present experiment supplementation improved the apparent digestibility
contained phytase, which has been suggested to improve (0.010.08 %) of Arg, Thr, Ile, Asp, Lys, His, Ser, and
the utilization of low-CP diets (Chrystal et al., 2020). Cys in broiler chickens fed control (22.5% CP) or low-
Protease is currently less well adopted in commercial CP (20.25% CP) diets. Other authors have reported sig-
poultry diets, and the results of studies conducted with nificant improvements in feed ingredients’ apparent ileal
mono-component proteases are frequently inconsistent. AA digestibility (Adebiyi and Olukosi, 2015; Stefanello
In this context, the effects of exogenous protease on et al., 2016). Park et al. (2020), researching the effects of
broilers are unclear due to differences in the types of pro- protease (0.03, 0.06, and 0.09%) on growth performance
teases tested and dissimilar methodology, differences in and nutrient digestibility, concluded that the digestibil-
the composition of the negative control diet, and the ity of a variety of AA, like Lys, Met, Cys, Thr, Ile, Leu,
addition of other enzymes like phytase and carbohy- His, and Try was enhanced significantly as exogenous
drases. protease supplementation increased in broiler starter
Inconsistency in the effect of exogenous proteases on (21% CP) and grower (19%) diets.
growth performance or AA digestibility in poultry diets Plant proteins like soybean meal are rich in anti-
has been attributed to the inherent digestibility of AA nutritional factors, particularly protease inhibitors
in the diets (Cowieson and Roos, 2016), which vary in that can suppress the activity of the proteolytic
low-CP diets (Liu et al., 2021). The neutral proteases enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin (Erdaw et al.,
supplemented in most of the experiments in the litera- 2017). A reduction in the activity of these digestive
ture are categorized as serine proteases, the same family enzymes may decrease the protein and AA digestibility
of proteases as trypsin and chymotrypsin, and have of plant-based diets. Therefore, including protease in
activity over a broad range of substrates (Odetallah et livestock feed could effectively attenuate the consider-
al., 2005). Additionally, Freitas et al. (2011) suggested able adverse effects of unbalanced AA and anti-nutri-
that proteases supplemented in combination with other tional factors contained in feed materials that
enzymes might contribute to the conflicting reports sur- primarily consist of plant proteins (Erdaw et al., 2017;
rounding protease supplementation in poultry diets. In Park et al., 2020; Jabbar et al., 2021). In the present
the present study, all diets contained at least experiment, the protease supplementation improved
1,000 FTU/kg phytase. The interactive effects between energy utilization and digestibility in the 21% CP diet.
enzymes could be partially responsible for some of the This diet had up to 34.88% soybean products (solvent-
results observed herein, as Erdaw et al. (2017) had dis- extracted and full-fat) and more plant protein sub-
cussed, but differentiating these effects was not the strate than the other diets. In this diet type, multipro-
scope of this project. teases will probably have more pronounced effects.
Table 9. Effect of exogenous multiprotease on apparent ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients at 24 d of age for grower broiler diets with 3 crude protein levels (17, 19, and 21%), fed from

90.25ab 89.01ab 85.90ab 83.44ab 85.79ab 84.84ab 79.32ab 85.30ab

86.30ab 84.40ab 84.76ab 90.64ab 89.30ab 86.37ab 83.76ab 86.16ab 83.96ab 79.80ab 85.49ab

85.60ab 83.34b 84.15ab 89.75b 88.51b 85.37ab 82.34b 85.30ab 83.95ab 78.15b 84.67ab
90.99ab 89.53ab 87.11ab 84.07ab 86.74ab 85.07ab 80.36ab 85.88ab

The in vivo improvements in ileal AA digestibility

83.81b 82.64b 82.01b 89.73b 88.16b 85.01b 82.53b 84.88b 82.78b 78.06b 84.07b

———————————————————————————————- % ————————————————————————————————————





————————————————————————————— P-values ——————————————————————————————————

observed with multiprotease supplementation are con-
sistent with the in vitro evaluation results (Table 3).

Although the in vivo study was not designed to evaluate





83.86b 79.06
85.01a 80.21
the correlation between in vitro and in vivo efficacy of
protease, our results indicated the possibility of deriving




a correlation between the 2. Previous attempts to

develop a correlation between in vitro and in vivo prote-
ase efficacy were unsuccessful (Zheng et al., 2023).






Despite the improvement in in vitro crude protein

digestibility (IVCPD), the addition of 4 proteases alone
and in combination significantly reduced the apparent






ileal digestibility of CP in broilers at 31 d and the appar-

ent ileal digestibility of specific AA (Asp, Thr, Ser, Glu,

Gly, Ala, Cys, Met, and Phe). This necessitates more




judiciously designed in vitro and in vivo experiments to

0.331 develop such correlation between the in vitro and in





vivo effect of multiprotease.


Energy and Nutrient Intake




88.04b 85.46b 83.67b 84.00b 90.23


The energy utilization, CP, and AA digestibility val-


86.01ab 83.96ab 84.96a

85.28ab 85.24a

ues varied across treatments of CP levels. Dietary treat-






ments did not affect (P > 0.05) feed intake (Table 6).
Still, considering the variability in feed intake, energy

Means in columns followed by different superscript letters are statistically different (P < 0.05) by Tukey’s test. n = 7.




utilization, and digestibility values per diet, it is possible

Coefficient of variation or normalized root-mean square deviation. Ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (%).

to calculate the total energy and nutrient intake or

retention (Table 10) during the experimental period.
89.21a 86.48a






These results explain the chicken growth performance

results better.
No effects (P > 0.05) of CP level or protease supple-



80.97ab 83.02ab 88.93

81.16ab 83.40ab 88.19
78.92b 81.15b 87.00
80.02ab 82.25ab 89.29
82.00ab 83.63ab 89.37


mentation were observed in total energy intake, CP, and

Lys intake across treatments (Table 10). However, more







protein and AA consumption was related to better BW

gain and FCR. Lysine and CP intake had a highly posi-
tive (P < 0.001) correlation with BW gain (r = 0.92,



75.68ab 80.49

92.96b 74.93b 80.35




0.85) and a negative correlation with FCR (r = -0.82;

-0.77), respectively. Energy consumption (AME and
AMEn) was only moderately correlated (r = 0.50) (P <





88.34ab 93.51ab 75.80

88.12ab 93.31ab 76.21
86.93b 92.00b 71.93
87.29b 93.28ab 75.52


0.001) with BW gain but not correlated (P > 0.05) with

other performance parameters.

88.45ab 93.75a













In line with the in vitro results, the multiprotease sup-

plementation improved the chicken AA and CP total
Multiprotease U/kg

tract digestibilities in 21% CP diets. The AMEn was

mainly affected by dietary CP levels, and multiprotease

supplementation improved the AMEn by 71kcal/kg.



Broiler performance was influenced primarily by dietary

CP levels, and adding multiprotease did not improve
growth performance at any CP level. Dietary CP level
CP level*Multi-protease

or multiprotease supplementation did not affect total

8 to 24 d of age. a, 1

energy, CP, and lysine intake. The similarity in energy,

Source of variation

CP, and AA intake partially explains the lack of differ-


ences in BW gain and FCR between treatments with or

CP level %

without multiprotease supplementation. However,

CP level
CV, %1

higher CP and AA intake were correlated with better





performance. Further evaluation of the effect of

12 ~
Table 10. Effect of exogenous multiprotease on total intake of Apparent Metabolizable Energy (AME) and Apparent Metabolizable Energy corrected by nitrogen (AMEn), crude protein multiprotease in poultry diets with lower CP levels and
different feedstuffs is recommended to better understand
protease application to broiler diets.



————————————————————- P-values ———————————————————————————

——− g/broiler ——-

This work was supported by Kemin Industries, Des

Moines, Iowa, USA. The funding sponsor, Kemin Indus-
tries, provided financial support to conduct this
research, and Kemin Technologies Co. conducted part
of laboratory analyses related to enzyme activities in


Yanlin Yang works for Kemin Technologies Co, Zhu-
Energy and nutrient intake

hai, China. Bindhu Lakshmibai Vasanthakumari, Ye

Lao and Alexandra Wealleans work for Kemin Indus-
tries, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Kemin Industries was the
sponsor of this project. However, the in vivo experiment
and almost all laboratory analyses were conducted by
NC State personnel without intervention from Kemin
Industries or Kemin Technologies.
(CP), and Lysine of broilers at 24 d, fed grower diets (8 to 24 d) with 3 crude protein levels (17, 19 and 21%).1


Coefficient of variation or normalized root-mean square deviation. Ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (%).

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