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ESP/Petroleum Engineering

Students: Belén Mariscal

Monserrat Salazar

Nely Choqueticlla

Delia Valverde
Vanessa Quispe

Subject: English Didactics 1A

Teacher: Dra. Yvette Soux

Date: 12/11/ 2021

ESP/ for Petroleum Engineering

Belén Mariscal
Monserrat Salazar
Nely Choqueticlla
Delia Valverde
Vanessa Quispe

The development of communicative skills that allow professionals Petroleum
Engineers to link their learning of the English language with their academic and
professional activity.

International Phonetic Alphabet








Why should we develop this course in the first place ?

This course is designed for the Petroleum Engineering profesionals whose first language is
not English and provides the learners with basic tools on specialized English for Petroleum

It's important for us to have professionals with the ability to continue expanding their
knowledge to have specialties in a specific field and achieve better projects for our country.

What is the profile of the students expected in the course?

The students of this course should be petroleum engineering professionals and be inclined
to specialize in reservoir specialization.

1.-Course objectives:

What we want our students to know and be able to do at the end of the course.

1.- Develop appropriate vocabulary to describe machines and other elements.

2.Develop language skills to communicate in written and oral way .

3. Understand and use technical terms used in their area.

4. To use English grammar and pronunciation.

A. Language Systems

a) Vocabulary

The vocabulary with specific terms of Petroleum Engineering is to facilitate the student the
translation and understanding of articles or books in English.

PI (gravity): is a measurement that indicates how heavy or light oil is in relation to water.

Light oil: The density of this oil is between 27 and 38 degrees API.

Heavy oil: It is one whose density is less than or equal to 27 degrees API

Bitumen: fragments of oil in solid or semi-solid phase found in reservoirs.

Downstream: ‘downstream.’ It is the sector in charge of all those activities that range from
the refining of crude oil, to its commercialization and distribution

control systems in the home : most sort for example you can control the volume of the TV.

These are some technical words, during this professional exercise the vocabulary is a great
source of learning and it should become a habit to become familiar with the English

Oil Refineries

c) Grammar

The grammar includes syntax and morphology and also phonology. Students with
knowledge of grammar will be able to correct the texts they write and this construct the
sentences in a correct way.

The most important rules about grammar

1. Adjectives and adverbs

2. Pay attention to homophones

3. Use the correct conjugations of verbs in English

4. Know the main verb tenses

5. Construction of sentences

6.- Necessary vocabulary

B. Language Skills

Listening skill

Giving full attention to what other people are saying

taking time to understand the points being made,

Asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.

Comprehension and note-taking skills.

Speaking skill

● Talking to others to inform effectively.

● Techniques of argumentation: I agree, in my opinion...
● Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and
evaluate options and implement solutions.

Writing skill

● Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the

● Take accurate and effective notes.
● Synthesising information from different sources.
● Ability to take notes from which to reproduce the content of a text in whole or
in part.


Products, behaviors, values and beliefs


Videos to develop listening skills

BEHAVIORS: the students learn:

What do people do in the workplace?

Design equipment to extract oil and gas.

Develop plans to drill in oil and gas fields.

A petroleum engineer is in charge of exploration, drilling, production, transportation, refining

and / or processing, storage, marketing, negotiation of petroleum contracts, and audits to
produce gas, oil, and their derivatives.

Evaluate well production through surveys, tests, and analysis.


What are the values, beliefs and attitudes that drive the organization?

At the end of a class we seek to evaluate on:

Listening -Speaking

What is sought is to put into practice the speech of a student of level A2 and also listening in
order to self-correct.

It is very important to listen in order to understand and be able to speak fluently

This can be done with questions or examples

Course Logistics

Practical issues about course delivery.

•English design in training program for the oil and gas industry in the Branch School
of the energy and mines.
•Application and assessment of the english training program for the oil and gas

● Safety at work



The complete course is online modality and is organized in 8 units, each of which consisting of


Are all students qualified for this course?

In this part we will evaluate the level of English of the students. How can we do that? Well,
for this course we need the students to have an A1 level to be able to take it so we will do it
by means of an evaluation of the whole A1 level to know if they are capable or not of taking
this course.

Written Assessment Test

1. Choose the correct answer: A/AN

_____ apple ____bag ____ pencil___dog____. English book____interesting desk___

Geography teacher____.splendid flower____.elegant sir____warbrobe.

2.Circle the correct word :

Look! There is a /an dog and a / an cat!

Let's take a / an umbrella! It's raining.

3.Answer the questions:

What is your name? ……………………………………………

Where are you from? …………………………………………..

Who is your favourite teacher? ………………….……………..

How old are you? ………………………………………………

4. Choose the correct answer: AM/ ARE/ IS?

I ____ Hans. I_____from Holland. MY family____beautiful. I____ ten years old. My

friend____Diana. She ____ ten, too. We____best friends. We like to play music.
We_____from England. England___ a big country, England____in Europe.

5. Complete with WHO, WHERE, WHAT:

1. _____ 's the boy over there? 2. ____ 's the name of the girl over there?

3.____is your teacher's 4. _____ 's my camera?

6. Translate into English:

1. Dónde está tu material de trabajo? 2.Carolina es mi compañera.

3. Tus libros no están en la mesa. 4. Me levanto temprano cada mañana

7. Read the text and choose the correct answer true or false:

Sophie: "Let me see , Andra Mocan's telephone number. Here, I found it: 428 039."
Sophie: "Hello, this is Sophie Bowen. Can I speak to Andra, please""
Andra: "Hello. Sophie! It's me, Andra! So good to hear you! How are you?"
Sophic: "I'm very well, thank you. I'm back in Romania."
Andra: "How wonderful! It's been three years since we last met!
Sophie: "I know, a long time, isn't it? And how are you, Andra?"
A: "I'm fine, too, thanks. A lot of things changed.. But it's a long story. Listen, why
don't you pay us a visit sometime? My parents would love to see you again!"
S: "Thank you. I'd love that. Do you live in the same placc?" A: "No, we moved last
S: "Really? That's wonderful! What's your address now?"
A: "It's flat 43, 5 Satum street, It's on the third floor."
S: "Great, let me write it down, Can you say it again please?"
A: "Sure. It's flat 43, 5 Saturn street, third floor."
S: "Excellent! Sce you tonight then."

a. Sophic is in England now. T F

b. Andra and Sophie last met three years ago. T F

c. Many things changed in Andra's life. T F

d. Sophie knows where Andra lives now. T F

e. Sophie says she will visit Andra tonight. T F


What will the students learn during the course?

Acquire an overview of the stages of the oil and gas business, from extraction to

This course will help provide people with the knowledge necessary for them to do business
or expand into English-speaking countries.

The final practice will be of everything advanced in the course, presenting a work that
involves all areas, taking into account that the 3 best works will receive an honorable

On-going assessment

Formative assessment

At the beginning of the course, the practices and evaluations will be individual so that they
can perform better in class, as the course progresses the possibility will be opened for them
to start working in groups so that at the end they can do a dissertation on advanced topics.

Vocabulary (part 1)
● Topic 1: Safely at work
● Topic 2: Work machines
● topic 3: Environnement

Safety at Work

Engineering Connection
Safety engineers develop procedures, systems, products and regulations to keep
people safe at their workplaces. They influence lives on a daily basis by preventing
workers from falling. For instance, in this activity, petroleum engineering students
must learn procedures associated with workplace safety before they may use the
machinery and equipment.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

● Safely learn in an online classroom that doubles as an engineering or “shop”

● Safely interact with classroom tools.
● Create a “safety culture” in which they work towards preserving their own
safety and the safety of their classmates.

Materials List
Each group needs:

● An smartphone or computer, one per student

● Safety Rules Assessment, two each per student


Read this text:

Interpreting MSDSs (Material Safety Data Sheets)

The department initial and periodic training will review interpreting of MSDS. Specifically:

1. Identify − The product name used to identify the substance on the MSDS must be
the same as on the product label and on your inventory. This section often
contains synonyms which may be useful when looking for information in
2. Physical and Chemical Characteristics − This section contains information such
as flash point, vapor pressure, appearance, odor, specific gravity, boiling and
freezing points, etc. This data can by very useful for determining things like
whether vapors from the substance will rise or sink. The odor and appearance
information can be used to train workers about how to recognize the presence of a
particular substance.
3. Physical Hazards − Information concerning the potential for fire, explosion, or
reaction is found here. The type of extinguishing agent appropriate for the product
will be given here. Checking this section can tell you whether or not you have the
right type of extinguisher in your work area. If reactivity data is given, information
about what substances are incompatible with the product will normally accompany
4. Health Hazards − This section presents information about the signs and
symptoms of overexposure, acute and chronic health effects, and any medical
conditions which might be aggravated by exposure. Please don't interpret this to
mean that if you use this product, these things will happen to you. The information
is given so you will be aware of how you might react to a significant exposure and
is usually based on accidental overexposure or animal studies. The information
should be used as an indicator of possible overexposure or sensitivity.
5. Primary Routes of Entry − The way the substance may enter or interact with your
body is detailed here. This is typically given as ingestion (entry through the mouth),
inhalation (entry through the respiratory system), absorption (entry through the skin
or eyes), and contact (doesn't enter the body, but damages or irritates the skin or
eyes). This information should be used to reinforce administrative controls and
work practices such as washing hands after product handling or prohibiting food
and drink in areas where hazardous materials are to be used.
6. Exposure Limits − OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value
(TLV), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended
Exposure Limit (REL), or other recommended exposure limits will be presented in
this section. These values are given in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per
cubic meter (mg/m3) and are based on an eight hour time-weighted average
(TWA) for a forty-hour work week. Some type of sampling and analysis or readings
with equipment followed by calculations is necessary in order to have data to
compare to these exposure standards. This function will be performed by EH&S or
other personnel with specialized training.
7. Carcinogenic Effects − This section must disclose information about whether the
substance is recognized as a known or suspected carcinogen (cancer-causing
agent) by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) or OSHA. Products with carcinogenic ingredients
must be handled with extra caution and require written procedures as to how they
will be stored and used.
8. Handling Data − This section provides information regarding any special
precautions for handling and use. Appropriate hygiene practices, decontamination
procedures, and spill and cleanup actions are found here.
9. Control Measures − Here you will find data concerning engineering controls, work
practices, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment. These
requirements are based on worst case conditions, but must be followed unless
EH&S has performed an evaluation and informed you in writing that less stringent
controls will be satisfactory.
10. Emergency and Firsts Aid Procedures − Necessary emergency response
and first aid procedures are detailed here. Remember when reading this
information that it is assumed that you have the required training and equipment to
perform any emergency response or rescue actions discussed. If you don't,
attempting response or rescue will probably just add another victim, so please call
for qualified, properly equipped assistance.

Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

Safety Rules Assessment

For each question, circle the letter or letters that best answer the question.

1. Do you have to have special clothing to work in an oilfield?

A) True B) False

2. Connect the images with their meanings

A. Maintain safe isolation

B. Respect hazards

C. Walk the line

3.Is it important for a petroleum engineer that spaces and equipment are properly

A) True B) False

4. What is the safety equipment of a petroleum engineer?

A) Safety boots, gloves, glasses, earplugs, work clothes, thermal clothing,
harness and helmet.
B) Boots, syringes, gloves, tablets, harness and helmet.
C) Safety boots, gloves, goggles, glasses, earplugs, syringes, gloves, tablets,
harness and helmet.

Pretend that you accidentally cut your finger when operating machinery. What
should you do?

A. Put your hand in your pocket.

B. Wrap your finger in a piece of clothing.

C. Tell your teacher.

D. Show your friends.

When is it appropriate to use equipment without the instructor present?

A. When you know how to use the tool

B. When you know your instructor wouldn’t mind if you used it

C. When older students, who have used the equipment before, are there to supervise

D. NeverTeam member names:

Liaise with mine professionals (part 2)

● Establish relationships with commercial managers

● Work together to analyse well-logging results
● To assess production potential


When a topic “Establish relationships with commercial managers” is completed the students
will have a review on it, so that we can follow up on the learning process. For example, when
the topic is finished, the students will have a quiz where they will have to solve different
questions about what new expressions are needed to be able to have a good
communication with the workers at the oil plant.


When we are coming to the end of the courses, as already noted, we will have the students
work in groups so that they can choose one of the topics we advanced and they can do
dissertations on it.


At the end of the course an evaluation will be made to determine the level of effectiveness of
this course. The course evaluations provide an opportunity for students to reflect and
provide feedback on their own learning.


Name: Date:




COURSE IDENTIFICATION Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Not

Agree Disagree Sure

The objectives of the training were clearly


Participation and interaction were


The topics covered were relevant to me.

The training objectives were met.

The time allotted for the training was

This training experience will be useful in

my work

I will be able to apply the knowledge



The content was organized and easy to


The materials distributed were helpful.

The meeting room and facilities were

adequate and comfortable.

The learning aids (i.e. images, audios,

videos, PowerPoints slides) assisted my


The professor was knowledgeable about

the training topics.

The professor was well prepared.

The professor was responsive to questions

and other needs.

How do you rate the training overall?

o Very good

o Good

o Poor

o Very poor
I would recommend this course to others.

Yes No Not sure

I was satisfied with the course.

Yes No Not sure


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