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good morning teacher, we are group 5 and the members are sacrlet salas, volney quispe and


I will talk about international trade.

Well, when we talk about international trade, we mean the exchange of goods and services
between countries. International trade allows countries to expand their markets as well to
access goods and services that would not otherwise be available domestically.

On the next slide, I'll talk about the key drivers of international trade and then the future of
international trade.

Next please

international trade has 3 key drivers: ENDOWMENT OF factors of production, technological

progress and political and legal framework

Regarding the ENDOWMENT of factors of production, we can say that it is the amount of
factors of production in a country:

while more unit of productiosn have a country, this country will have a adnatge over other
countries in this factor of productions and this will decrease the price of the product.

about technological progress is the most important, because while a country have a more
technological progress this reduce the cost of products leading to an increase in economic

finally political and legal framework while the ghoverments reduce tariffs and taxes the cost of
products will reduce and we will have products with less Price

When we talk about the future of international trade, we must talk about electronic
commerce, which means electronic commerce, because the trend of consumers is to do it
through digital applications, websites, so in international trade it is also useful.

The numbers show, for example, that in Europe…… international electronic commerce is
replacing traditional commerce with 73% compared to 27%.

In this graph we show the potential of international electronic commerce in the countries, the
figures are in US dollars and we have China as the leader of international electronic commerce.
In general, we can say that while digitalization will reduce the cost of products and
governments will also reduce tariffs and taxes, we will have better prices in the future and we
will have been on the right track in recent years.

It is all teacher

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