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Pergamon Environment International, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.

33-45, 1997
Copyright 81997 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0160-4120/97 $17.00+.00




lnamul Haq, S. Kumar, and S.P. Chakrabarti

Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, East Ajun Nagar, Delhi 110 032, India

El 91 IO-1 78 M (Received I7 March 1993: accepted 26 September 1996)

A cost-benefit analysis of pollution control equipment installed to contain dust emissions was
undertaken in the Indian Cement Industry. An assessment was also made in large scale cement
plants with production capacity greater than 200 Mg/d to examine the level of compliance with
emission regulations stipulated by the Central Pollution Control Board. The pay-back periods for
different dust control equipment were worked out. For 300, 600, 1200, 1500, and 3000 Mg/d
capacity cement plants, the following economic comparisons were made on the basis of erection
costs and pay-back periods: electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and fabric filter (FF) for kiln, cement
mill, and coal mill; multiclone for clinker cooler; and fabric filter for packing section. The erection
costs in case of electrostatic precipitator in kiln were Rs. 14.15, 18.10, 22.89, 24.97, and 32.46
million, respectively. The pay-back periods in this case (kiln ESP) were found to be about 6.0, 2.5,
2.0, and 1.2 y for the plant capacity 2 600 Mg/d. The pay-back periods for fabric filter in case of
kiln section were found to be high, varying from 14.8 to 118.8 y due to high operational and
maintenance cost as glass fabric being used as filter media is imported. Based on the cost-benefit
analysis, the ESP for kiln (>300 Mgid), fabric filter for cement mill, coal mill, raw mill, and packing
house for the reported capacities were found to be economically viable dust collectors. The
assessment of the status of pollution control measures and compliance with emission regulations
made during the year 1990-9 1, revealed that out of the total number of 97 large scale cement plants,
64 comply with emission norms and most of the remaining plants have a time-targeted schedule to
install the required pollution control equipment. c~~~vY+$I ‘~1~97~1.~sr~,r~rs~,pncr .w


The cement industry contributes to the air pollution fleeting incoming solar radiation (Lendzion and
in the form of particulate matter. The emission of dust Unsworth 1983). Various workers have also investi-
from cement industries in India increased with the gated the effects of cement dust on plant growth,
increase in cement production from 75 Gg in 19 13 to morphological characteristics, chlorophyll content, and
the total installed production capacity from small and element concentration in crops (Ricks and Williams
large plants targeted at 57.3 Tg for the year 1991 1974; Prasad and Rao 1983; Mishra and Shukla 1986;
(CMA 1990). Production is expected to further in- Haq et al. 1990). It is reported that dust emission
crease to 100 Tg by the turn of the century. The actual contains various toxic trace metals, such as lead,
production by the small and large cement plants was mercury, copper, zinc, chromium, arsenic, vanadium,
48.7 Tg in 1991, out of which 45.7 Tg was produced by and thallium (Sprung et al. 1984). The excessive ge-
large plants. The emitted dust pollutes air around the neration of dust from various sources in the cement
emission point and ultimately affects biochemical and industry can be reduced to a desired level by adopting
physiological reactions in plants by absorbing and re- a suitable dust collector.

34 I. Haq et al.

Table 1. Source emission data for particulate matter in a typical cement industry.

Industrial Concentration, mg/Nm3

Kiln Cement mill Coal mill
Unit 1 7640 343 No vent stack
Unit 2 644 163 No vent stack
Unit 3 2740 1217 2664
Unit 4 4438 1800 No vent stack
Unit 5 5400 316 No vent stack
Unit 6 764 220 No vent stack

Table 2. Ambient air quality standards.

Area Category Suspended particulate matter

concentration, pg/Nm3

A Industrial and mixed use 500

B Residential and rural 200
C Sensitive 100

According to the provisions of the Air (Prevention sion monitoring was conducted following the proce-
and Control of Pollution) Act, enacted by the Govt. of dure laid down in USEPA (1977) and COINDS (1984).
India on the 16th of May, 198 1, cement plants are re- The dust laden gas passing through a duct was drawn
quired to install adequate pollution control devices to to the probe by a high frequency centrifugal pump so
contain emission at the level specified by the Central that iso-kinetic sampling condition was obtained. The
Pollution Control Board (COINDS 1984) to protect and particulate matter collected and the amount of gases
maintain the quality of the ambient environment. On drawn per unit time were calculated. According to the
the basis of techno-economic criteria of selection of assessment made by the CPCB (PROBES 1990) the
control equipment, the industries were required to put cement industries equipped with electrostatic precipi-
up the dust control systems to control emission. How- tators (ESP) account for about 38.0 Tg of cement pro-
ever, the pretext being put forward by the industry is duction per y, and the balance of production (7.7 Tg
the high cost of control systems. Being aware of the per y) is from the plants without pollution control
problem, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) systems. It is reported that about 8% of dust is lost if
in collaboration with the National Council for Cement the plant (dry process) is not equipped with ESP
& Building Materials (NCB) took up a study in 1988 of (Visvesvaraya and Ganapathy 1983; Duda 1976).
the costs and benefits of various pollution control Accordingly, the loss of dust out of 7.7 Tg is estimated
equipment to be installed at different sections in the to be at 0.616 Tg annually from the kiln section. Du-
manufacturing processes of Indian cement plants. The ring calcination, there is weight loss due to release of
findings are presented in this paper. CO, and other volatile matter. This weight loss is
considered at 1.5 for conversion from lime stone to
clinker (Duda 1976). The clinker loss, therefore, with
conversion factor of 1.5 is about (0.616/1.5) 0.41 Tg
annually. It was estimated that a sum of Rs. 820 million
According to the survey conducted by CPCB or US$29.2 millon (at 1 US$ = Rs. 28, and cost of 50 kg
(PROBES 1990), there are 97 large plants (installed cement = Rs. 100) is lost due to escape of dust at 0.4 1
capacity >200 Mg/d) which contribute the major pro- Tg annually to the environment, which could, other-
portion of cement production in the country. Stack wise, be recovered and recycled through application of
emission monitoring in a few cement industries, which pollution control equipment. Due to discharge of such
have not adopted adequate pollution control measures, a high level of stack emission, the ambient air quality
was conducted, and emission data for different sections in terms of particulate matter, would be adversely
as observed are provided in Table 1. The stack emis- impacted and, therefore, needs to be controlled to
Control measures in cement industry in India 35

comply with the prescribed Standards (CPCB 1982; 1) capital cost of the dust collecting system;
Mishra 1990) given in Table 2. 2) operating cost of the dust collecting system;
3) savings in terms of dust collected and recycled; and,
In order to maintain the ambient air quality within Cement plants having capacities of 300, 600, 1200,
the stipulated level (Table 2), the CPCB had evolved 1500, and 3000 Mgld production were identified for
(COINDS 1983) the stack emission standards which the study. The majority of cement plants in the country
are given in Table 3 to control pollution at source lie within this production range. Most of the dust
for cement plants. The protected areas mentioned in collection systems installed by cement plants are manu-
Table 3 are national monuments, sanctuaries, national factured indigenously. The cost data provided by ce-
parks, and health resorts. The other areas referred to in ment plants and manufacturers of dust collectors were
this table cover industrial and rural areas. The stack used in estimating the capital, erection, and operating
emission limit shall not be exceeded under normal costs of different dust collecting systems.
operation. However, it could be made more stringent The total value of dust collected depends upon the
by the State Regulatory Body depending on the pre- quality of dust collected and the money value of ar-
vailing ambient air quality. These standards are rested dust. The quality of dust collected, mainly, de-
applicable to the emissions from rotary kiln, raw mill, pends upon the raw material characteristics, fuel cha-
coal mill, cement mill, clinker cooler, and packing racteristics, process parameters, and particle size distri-
house. During the implementation of these standards in bution.
1990-9 1, out of 97 large cement plants, 64 were com- The values of dust collected were estimated and are
plying with the statutory requirements (PROBES given in Tables 4- 12. The estimates given in these
1990). The remaining cement plants were directed by tables are based on the following norms:
the concerned regulatory agency to provide control 1) Cost of dust collector: This is the basic cost of
equipment and comply with emission standards within equipment provided by the industry.
a time-targeted schedule. The State/location distribu- 2) Cost of auxiliaries: Cost figure provided by the in-
tion of cement plants in India is shown in Fig. 1. dustry. Items included in auxiliaries are given at Note 1
below the tables.
DUST COLLECTION SYSTEMS AND THEIR 3) Total cost: Addition of cost for 1 and 2.
COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS 4) Cost of erection of control system: This is equal to
cost at 3 plus freight and insurance plus erection cost.
In order to reduce the loss of raw materials and
Freight and insurance is considered at 24% as per the
cement in the form of particulate matter emission and
industry practice. Erection cost is considered at 10% of
to meet the stipulated emission standards applicable for
landed cost (total cost plus freight and insurance cost)
cement industries, different types of dust control
as accepted in the Indian cement industry.
devices are available in the market. The cost of the dust
collector is the primary consideration to the industry 5) Quantity of dust collected: The quantity was pro-
for its selection and installation. However, the selection vided by the industry.
of pollution control equipment could be based on its 6) Value of dust collected: Refer to note 4 below each
techno-economic viability. The aims of this study con- table. Cost of the dust collected for each individual
ducted in the cement industry were: section was provided by the industry.
1) selection of the appropriate dust collector system to 7) Energy cost: Refer to Note 2 below each table. This
control emissions from various sections of a cement figure was obtained from the industry during the study
plant; period and depending on consumption in each dust
2) establishing the economic viability of various dust collector, total energy cost was calculated. Consump-
control equipment; and, tion figure was provided by the industry.
3) persuading the cement plants to install high effici- 8) Maintenance: This was estimated on the basis of
ency dust collectors. total cost as given at no. 4 above for individual equip-
The cost-benefit analysis for different dust collectors ment. Refer to note 5 below each table.
for each section in a cement plant includes the follow- 9) Depreciation: This was considered as provided by
ing financial aspects: the industry at 10.5% of the total cost.
36 I. Haq et al

Table 3. Particulate matter: emission standards for cement plants.

Production capacity Emission standards for particulate

matter, mflm3

Protected area Other area

200 Mg/d or less 250 400
Greater than 200 Mg!d 150 250


Fig. 1. Cement plants in India.

Control measures in cement industry in India 37

Table 4. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Kiln Type of dust collector: reverse air fabric filter

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(MgW (Ma) capacity collector (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Mg/d)
(m3W (Rs x 105) Note 1 (M~/Y)

1. 300 12.50 70 200 68.39 11.48 79.87 108.62 35.25 11 831

2. 600 25.00 140 400 127.76 18.05 145.81 198.30 71.70 23 661

3. 1200 50.00 280 800 239.14 29.99 269.13 366.01 143.40 47 322

4. 1500 62.50 351 000 291.47 36.26 327.73 445.71 179.25 59 153

5. 3000 125.00 701 900 545.14 64.87 610.01 829.61 358.50 118 305

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) cost/y saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x IO’) (Rs x IO’) (Y)
(Rs x 105) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4

‘1. 49.95 32.71 3.75 8.39 8.69 1.20 54.74 -4.78 -ve

2. 95.93 54.05 6.85 15.31 15.86 2.19 94.26 1.67 118.8

3. 183.91 94.49 12.65 28.26 29.28 4.04 168.71 15.19 24.1

4. 227.21 115.73 15.40 34.41 35.66 4.92 206.11 21.09 21.1

5. 436.20 221.97 28.67 64.05 66.37 9.15 380.21 55.99 14.8

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs. 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 4.2% to 4.7% of total cost. Maximum value of 4.7% considered.

10) Interest: This is calculated as 8% of erected cost The operating cost of the dust collector system was
given at No. 4 above, considering 16% interest on di- found to increase with an increase in cement produc-
minishing balance of loan. This was the rate of interest tion capacity expressed in Mg/d. The operating cost is
during the study period. lower for ESP compared to FF in kiln section (Tables
11) Overhead: This was considered as 1.5% of the total 4 and 5). However, the same was found to be lower for
cost given at 3 above. This was arrived at by averaging FF as compared to ESP for other sections (Tables 6-9).
the figure given by the industry. Therefore, installation of ESP in the kiln section is
12) Operating cost: The summation of costs estimated more energy-saving compared to otber sections.
at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 above. The net saving, worked out by subtracting operating
13) Net saving: Difference of 5 and 12. cost from total value of dust collected in a year is
14) Pay back period. Erected cost divided by net saving presented for each section (Tables 4-12). The net
and converted to years. saving is higher for ESP (Tables 4 and 5) as compared
Tables 4 and 5 :;how that the value of dust collected by to FF in the case of kiln, which increases with an
ESP and fabric filter (FF), having the same collection increase in production capacity. The net saving in the
efficiency, is proportionately increased with an in- case of FF for all the production capacities was found
crease in capacity of cement production. The value of to be low as compared to ESP, and the net saving was
dust collected is equal for both collection systems. negative only in the plant of capacity 300 Mg/d (Tables
38 I. Haq et al.

Table 5. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Kiln Type of dust collector: ESP

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of Cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(Mti) (MO) capacity collector (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 105)
(m’h) (Rs x 10’) Note 1 (Mg/d) (M~/Y)

1. 300 12.50 38 740 97.92 6.12 104.04 141.49 35.25 11 831

2. 600 25.00 77 480 122.40 10.71 133.11 181.03 71.70 23 661

3. 1200 45.00 154 950 153.00 15.30 168.30 228.89 143.40 47 322

4. 1500 62.50 193 680 164.48 19.13 183.60 249.70 179.25 59 153

5. 3000 125.00 387 370 205.63 33.05 238.68 324.60 358.50 118 305

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) cost/y saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 105) (Y)
(Rs x 10’) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4
1. 49.95 32.71 13.32 10.92 11.32 1.56 45.79 4.17 33.9

2. 95.93 17.33 17.04 13.98 14.48 2.00 64.82 31.11 5.8

3. 183.91 34.66 21.54 17.67 18.31 2.52 94.71 89.20 2.6

4. 227.21 43.37 23.50 19.28 19.98 2.75 108.88 118.33 2.1

5. 436.20 86.62 30.55 25.06 25.97 3.58 171.78 264.43 1.2

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs. 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies between 12.6% and 12.8% of total cost. Maximum value of 12.8%

4 and 5). The net saving, for example, in case of ESP duction from 300 Mgld to 3000 Mgld, the pay-back
was estimated at Rs. 4.17 X lo5 to 264.78 X lo5 per y period significantly or marginally declined for the dust
for a plant capacity of 600,1200,1500, and 3000 Mg/d collectors ESP and FF, for the kiln, cement mill, and
according to price levels of 199 1 (Table 5). However, coal mill. The pay-back period in the case of FF for the
for cement mill and coal mill, the savings are higher in kiln section is high for all production capacities. The
the case of FF. The pay-back periods worked out for same is true for ESP in the kiln section only for the 300
each dust collector in different sections for economic Mg/d plant. The pay-back period varies from about 0.2
comparison are provided in Tables 4- 12. to 7 y depending upon the type of dust collector and
The pay-back period is dependent upon the net plant capacity. For all capacities in the case of FF and
saving. The more the saving, the shorter the pay-back for a capacity of 300 Mg/d in the case of ESP for the
period. With the increase in capacity of cement pro- kiln sector, the pay-back period is high. However, for
Control measures in cement industry in India 39

Table 6. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Coal mill Type of dust collector: pulse jet fabric filter

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(Mg/h) (Mg/h) capacity collector (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’)
(m3W (Rs x 105) Note 1 (Mg/d) (Mg/y)

1. 300 4.00 4020 2.19 1.12 3.30 4.49 1.76 587

2. 600 7.00 7040 2.52 1.48 4.01 5.45 3.11 1026

3. 1200 12.00 12 060 4.15 2.60 6.75 9.18 5.33 1759

4. 1500 18.00 18 090 5.81 3.86 9.67 13.15 7.99 2637

5. 3000 30.00 30 150 8.89 4.93 13.82 18.79 13.32 4396

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) cost/y saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Y)
(Rs x 10’) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4

1. 5.66 0.96 0.43 0.35 0.36 0.05 2.15 3.52 1.3

2. 9.64 1.54 0.42 0.42 0.44 0.06 2.97 6.66 0.8

3. 16.37 2.50 0.88 0.71 0.73 0.10 4.92 11.45 0.8

4. 24.48 3.58 1.26 1.02 1.05 0.15 7.05 17.43 0.7

5. 40.24 5.78 1.80 1.45 1.50 0.215 10.74 27.50 0.6

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 7.9% to 13.0% of total cost. Maximum value of 13 .O% considered.

Table 7. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Coal mill Type of dust collector: ESP

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(MgW (Wh) capacity collector (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 10’) (Mg/d) (Mg/y)
(m3W (Rs x 10’) Note 1

1. 1200 12.00 12 060 18.21 1.38 19.58 26.63 5.33 1759

2. 1500 18.00 18 090 24.63 1.84 26.47 36.00 7.99 2637

3. 3000 30.00 30 150 36.11 2.75 38.86 52.85 13.32 4396

40 I. Haq et al

Table 7. Continued.

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x IO’) (Rs x 105) cost/y saving/y back
collected/y (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) period
(Rs x 105) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3 (Y)
Note 4
1. 16.37 2.62 1.78 2.06 2.13 0.29 8.88 7.49 3.6

2. 24.48 3.91 2.41 2.72 2.83 0.40 12.38 12.10 3.0

3. 40.24 6.53 3.54 4.05 4.23 0.58 18.96 21.28 2.5

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs. 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 8.6% to 9.1% of total cost. Maximum value of 9.1% considered.
6. ESPs are not recommended for 300 and 600 Mg/d plants.

Table 8. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Cement mill Type of dust collector: pulse jet fabric filter

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(MgW (MO) capacity collector (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105)
(m’W (Rs x 105) Note 1 (Mg/d) (Mgjy)

1. 300 16.00 87 500 2.54 1.44 3.98 5.41 7.65 2524

2. 600 35.00 19 130 4.70 2.95 7.65 10.40 16.73 5521

3. 1200 80.00 43 730 9.04 5.65 14.69 19.98 38.24 12 619

4. 1500 115.00 62 850 12.04 8.15 20.20 27.47 54.97 18 140

5. 3000 2 x 95.00 2x51 920 20.72 12.79 33.51 45.571 90.82 29 971

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x ld) costly saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 105) (Y)
(Rs x 10’) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4
1. 23.59 1.97 0.51 0.42 0.43 0.06 3.38 20.21 0.3

2. 49.59 4.34 0.97 0.80 0.83 0.11 7.07 42.52 0.3

3. 108.71 8.95 1.87 1.54 1.60 0.22 14.18 94.53 0.2

4. 154.32 13.13 2.56 2.12 2.20 0.30 20.3 1 134.00 0.2

5. 244.88 20.667 4.26 3.52 3.65 0.50 32.59 212.29 0.2

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 8.5% to 12.7% of total cost. Maximum value of 12.7% considered.
Control measures in cement industry in India 41

Table 9. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Cement mill Type of dust collector: ESP

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(Mm) (MgW capacity collector (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’)
(m3h) (Rs x 105) Note 1 &WV Wgb)

1. 300 16.00 87 500 12.54 1.56 14.20 19.31 7.65 5424

2. 600 35.00 19 130 22.81 3.26 26.07 35.46 16.73 5521

3. 1200 80.00 43 730 42.56 6.89 49.45 67.25 38.24 12 619

4. 1500 115.00 62 850 55.97 8.32 64.29 87.44 54.97 18 140

5. 3000 2 x 95.00 2x51 920 86.88 15.21 112.09 152.44 90.82 29 971

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 105) cost/y saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Y)
(Rs x 105) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4

1. 23.59 2.28 1.25 1.49 1.54 0.21 6.78 16.81 1.2

2. 49.59 5.06 2.29 2.74 2.84 0.39 13.32 36.26 1.0

3. 108.71 Il.35 4.35 5.19 5.38 0.74 27.02 81.69 0.8

4. 154.32 16.03 5.66 6.75 6.99 0.96 36.40 117.92 0.7

5. 244.88 27.14 9.86 11.77 12.20 1.63 62.65 182.22 0.8

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 8.6% to 8.8% of total cost. Maximum value of 8.8% considered,

Table 10. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Packing house Type of dust collector: pulse jet fabric filter

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(MO) (Mg/h) capacity collector (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x IO’)
(m3h) (Rs x 10’) Note 1 (Mg/d) (Mgfy)

1. 300 30.00 12 230 3.21 1.68 4.90 6.66 5.04 1663

2. 600 60.00 24 460 5.51 2.75 8.26 11.24 10.08 3326

3. 1200 2 x 60.00 2 x 24 460 11.02 5.51 16.52 22.47 20.16 6653

4. 1500 2 x 90.00 2 x 36 690 15.30 8.42 23.72 32.25 30.24 9979

5. 3000 2 x 120.00 2 x 48 920 18.57 11.78 30.75 41.82 30.32 13 306

42 I. Haq et al

Table 10. Continued.

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) cost/y saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 10s) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 10’) (Y)
(Rs x 105) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4
1. f 6.22 1.63 0.60 0.51 0.53 0.07 3.35 12.87 0.5

2. 31.15 3.07 1.01 0.87 0.90 0.12 5.97 25.18 0.5

3. 59.76 6.17 2.02 1.47 1.80 0.25 11.96 47.80 0.5

4. 88.56 9.70 2.89 2.49 2.58 0.36 18.02 70.54 0.5

5. 113.19 12.60 3.75 3.23 3.35 0.46 23.39 89.80 0.5

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs. 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 10.6% to 12.2% of total cost. Maximum value of 12.2% considered.

Table 11. Pay back period of dust collector.

Section: Clinker cool Type of dust collector: multicyclone

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(Ma) (Mg/h) capacity collector (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’)
(m3W (Rs x 105) Note 1 (Mg/d) (M~/Y)

1. 300 12.50 54 000 3.27 5.20 8.48 11.53 9.49 3132

2. 600 25.00 108 000 6.58 9.87 16.45 22.37 18.97 6264

3. 1200 50.00 216 000 13.25 18.88 32.13 43.70 38.25 12 623

4. 1500 62.50 270 000 16.60 23.61 40.21 54.68 47.74 15 754

5. 3000 125.00 540 000 33.43 45.24 78.67 106.99 95.47 31505

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) costly saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Y)
(Rs x 105) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4
1. 26.32 8.30 0.48 0.89 0.92 0.13 10.73 15.59 0.7

2. 50.64 16.56 0.94 1.73 1.79 0.25 21.26 29.38 0.8

3. 97.92 33.07 1.83 3.37 3.50 0.48 42.25 55.67 0.8

4. 120.56 41.30 2.29 4.42 4.37 0.60 52.80 67.77 0.8

5. 231.80 82.54 4.48 8.26 8.56 1.18 105.02 126.77 0.8

Control measures in cement industry in India 43

Table 11. Continued.

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 5.4% to 5.7% of total cost. Maximum value of 5.7% considered.

Table 12. Pay-back period of dust collector.

Section: Raw mill Type of dust collector: pulse jet fabric filter

S.N. Plant Equipment Dust cost of cost of Total As erected Quantity of dust
capacity capacity collector dust auxiliaries cost cost collected
(Ma) (Ma) capacity collector (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10’) (Rs x 10’)
(m’/h) (Rs x 10s) Note 1 (Mg/d) (Mg/y)

1. 300 25.00 18 750 4.28 2.30 6.58 8.95 12.31 4062

2. 600 50.00 37 500 8.11 4.28 12.39 16.85 24.61 8121

3. 1200 115.00 86 250 18.51 11.93 30.45 41.41 56.61 18 681

4. 1500 140.50 105 200 21.73 15.15 36.87 50.15 68.92 22 744

S.N. Value of Energy Maintenance Depreciation Interest Overhead Operating Net Pay-back
dust cost cost (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) cost/y saving/y period
collected/y (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 105) (Rs x 10s) (Y)
(Rs x 10’) Note 2 Note 5 Note 3
Note 4

1. 8.02 3.02 0.80 0.69 0.72 0.10 5.33 2.69 3.3

2. 15.41 5.93 1.50 1.30 1.35 0.19 10.26 5.14 3.3

3. 33.72 15.74 3.68 3.20 3.31 0.46 26.39 7.33 5.7

4. 40.71 20.59 4.46 3.67 4.01 0.55 33.49 7.22 6.9

Notes: 1. Auxiliaries include vent fan, rotary air lock, compressor etc. and their electrical drives.
2. Energy cost has been taken as Rs 1.80 per kwh.
3. Operating cost includes energy cost, maintenance cost, depreciation, interest, and overhead etc.
4. Cost of dust at the kiln feed end.
5. Maintenance cost varies from 11.6% to 12.1% of total cost. Maximum value of 12.1% considered.

the clinker cooler and packing house, it was constant at For other sections, such as cement mill, coal mill,
about 0.8 y for multiclone and at about 0.5 y for FF for clinker cooler, packing house, and raw mill, the erec-
300, 600, 1200, 1500, and 3000 Mg/d production tion cost of dust collectors (ESP, FF, and multiclone)
capacity. From Tables 4 and 5, the erection cost of ESP increases with an increase in production capacity
is higher than FF for a 300 Mg/d plant. However, the from 300 Mg/d to 3000 Mg/d. However, the pay-back
erection cost of FF increases compared to ESP with an period is higher for ESP as compared to FF in all the
increase in production capacity in the case of kiln. Side categories except in the kiln section. Moreover, the
by side, the pay-back period shows a decreasing trend pay-back period is almost the same (Tables 10 and
(Table 5). 11) for multiclone and FF for the clinker cooler and
44 I. Haq et al.

packing house sections with varying production ca- On the basis of the study, the installation of ESP in
pacity. the kiln section, FF in cement mill, coal mill, raw
For the coal mill of 300 to 3000 Mg/d capacity mill, and packing house, and multiclone in clinker
units, the installation of FF is recommended because cooler and crusher are the most economical and
of the lower pay-back period. The net saving and pay- energy-saving. These dust collectors are also adequate
back period, in the case of FF for the crusher section, to reduce the emissions of particulate matter to the
were found to be negative for all production capa- level of 250 mg/Nm3 as prescribed by the CPCB, if
cities. This suggests that, although FF is not econo- the dust collectors are maintained properly and run at
mical for crusher units from a pay-back point of view, their design efficiency. It is also beneficial for the
it should be considered in the interest of environ- plant to recover the cost of the dust collector in a
mental protection. However, the pay-back period for limited time by way of recovery of the dust emitted
FF in the case of the raw mill section varied from through the stack. The section-wise recommended dust
about 3.3 to 7 y for plant capacity of 300 Mg/d to collectors with pay-back period in round figures are
1500 Mgld. given in the table below:

Section Name of dust Pay-back period of dust collector

collector (Y)
300 600 1200 1500 3000
Mgld Mgld Mg/d Mg/d Mgld
Raw mill FF or multiclone 3.3 3.3 5.7 7 -
Kiln (1300 Mg/d) ESP 34 5.8 2.6 2.2 1.25
Coal mill FF 1.25 0.8. 0.8 0.75 0.7
Cement mill FF 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Clinker cooler Multiclone 0.75 0.75 0.8 0.8 0.8
Packing house FF 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5

However, depending on the stringent environmental Acknowledgment-The project on cost-benefit analysis was sponsored
by CPCB to NCB under the programme objective series. Necessary help
regulations, the dust collector could be different than rendered by the NCB Officers, particularly Sh. J.P. Mittal, during the
the suggested one. study period is gratefully acknowledged. Suggestions and information
After the formulation of the emission standards, the received from Mr. M.J. Sane, Technical Director, and Mr. B.
Chakrabarti, M/s. Holtec Engineers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, are also
CPCB undertook a performance evaluation study of gratefully acknowledged.
control systems during the implementation program-
me only in large scale cement plants. Out of 97 major
cement plants, 64 plants were complying with the
emission standards. The remaining plants had been
directed by the government to install the adequate REFERENCES
pollution control equipment to comply with emission CMA (Cement Manufacturer’s Association of India). Annual report.
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