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Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

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Utilisation of waste marble powder as low-cost cementing materials in the

production of mortar
Omrane Benjeddou a, b, Rayed Alyousef a, *, Hossein Mohammadhosseini c, **, Chokri Soussi a,
Mohamed Amine Khadimallah a, Hisham Alabduljabbar a, Mahmood Md Tahir c
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia
University of Tunis El Manar, National Engineering School of Tunis, Civil Engineering Laboratory, Tunis, Tunisia
Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction (ISIIC), School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81310,
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia


Keywords: Marble industries produce vast amounts of wastes, and this is detrimental to the environment. Accordingly, these
Waste marble powder waste materials require appropriate management to ensure a cleaner environment. Given that, the utilisation of
Cement recycled materials in construction is desirable, owing to the space saved from landfill purposes and reduction in
Substitution rate
carbon dioxide (CO2) as well as the lower cost related to the waste materials. Subsequently, this paper inves­
Mechanical properties
tigated the effects of adding waste marble powder (WMP) as filler on the strength performance of mortar, with
different Blaine Specific Surface (BSS) on the precise class of resistance of the Artificial Cement Portland CEM I
42.5. The experimental investigation and statistical analysis were carried out on mortar mixes containing four
different types of marble powder as the filler (F1, F2, F3, F4) with BSS values of 3860, 5640, 7620 and 9280 cm2/
g, respectively. Substitution rates of 5, 15, and 25% were applied. In addition, the water/cement + filler ratios
(W/(C + F)) or W/Ceq and the true class of resistance of the new cement were measured for each mix. Moreover,
the theoretical models (termed as equivalence models), which enabled the determination of the precise class of
resistance of the cement and W/Ceq ratios as a function of the BSS of the used marble fillers and substitution rate,
were developed. The obtained results revealed that 5% substitution of cement by the marble powder provided
compressive strength values similar to that of the control mix for all types of filler. However, with further in­
crease in the substitution rate, the compressive strength reduced. Subsequently, both the experimental and
theoretical results presented a good agreement. It was concluded that the proper use of waste marble powder as a
partial replacement of cement would have environmental benefits, and simultaneously, increase the feasibility of
marble stone industries.

1. Introduction manufacturing of various consumer products continue to be major

challenges [4,5].
Utilising industrial waste and reducing the consumption of natural The continuous growth in urban development projects around the
resources are the keys to achieve cleaner production [1]. The application globe has certainly surged the demand for ordinary Portland cement
of waste materials is an effective way to develop cleaner production by (OPC). At present, OPC remains as the main binding agent in concrete
using industrial wastes as raw materials to replace natural resources in industries. Nevertheless, OPC is environmentally hostile, owing to the
the production of construction materials [2,3]. Among the different release of a high amount of CO2 during its manufacturing process, as
concrete constituents, the production of cement, in particular, is the stated by Buyuksagis et al. [6]. According to Huseien et al. [7],
main source of environmental impacts and greenhouse gas emissions. In approximately one tonne of CO2 is produced for each tonne of OPC.
numerous urban regions worldwide, saving energy, lowering carbon Since the emission of CO2 from the manufacturing of OPC is a significant
dioxide (CO2) emissions, and the disposal of waste arising from the factor in the production of greenhouse gases, OPC has been categorised

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Alyousef), (H. Mohammadhosseini).
Received 22 May 2020; Received in revised form 26 June 2020; Accepted 2 July 2020
Available online 5 August 2020
2352-7102/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

as a harmful binding material for the environment [8,9]. In addition, methodological approach of this present work permitted the evaluation
with the growth in population, urbanisation, and industrialisation, the of the physical and chemical action of the addition of marble powder on
amounts and sorts of both industrial and domestic wastes have also mortars distinctly. It was present in the gradual mass substitution of the
risen. Of these, numerous kinds of waste materials will remain in the cement by four marble fillers with different specific surfaces in the
environment, and thus, pose a significant threat to the environment. In mortars, whose workability and absolute volume of all the constituent
this regard, global cooperation to attain better efficiency in waste solid phases were kept constant. The variation of the water requirement
management, particularly to reuse waste materials, has been prominent. directly evaluated the physical action of these additions on the mixtures
Such concerns have enforced the exploration of alternative options in as a function of the amount of mineral addition incorporated. On the
terms of developing new environment-friendly construction materials contrary, the chemical action was evaluated by the relative variation of
such as green supplementary cementing materials (SCM) from recycled the strengths of different mortars for given W/Ceq ratios, compared to
wastes dumped in landfills [10]. non-added reference mortars [21].
Emissions reduction can be undertaken in cement plants by In addition, the analysis of the compressive strengths of the various
improving the performances of the cooking process. The cement in­ mortars with the said additions as a function of the W/Ceq ratio made it
dustry in Saudi Arabia has reached the level of 600 kg of CO2 per tonne possible to quantify the physical effect related to the variations of the
of cement, as reported by Alyousef et al. [11]. It can also be undertaken water requirement. It also helped with the chemical effect, which was
by reducing the clinker dosage of cement in favour of mineral additions related to the modifications of the water treatment process hydration of
such as limestone fillers, pozzolanic additions (silica fumes, fly ash, and the cement in the mixture. The objective of this study was to experi­
calcined schists) or potentially hydraulic additions (blast furnace slags). mentally evaluate the physico-chemical effect of the fineness of the
The reduction of clinker can also be achieved through another method, marble fillers on the physical and mechanical properties of the cement
not at the cement scale, but at that of mortar or concrete by decreasing mortars. For the said purpose, this study developed a specific experi­
its substitution cement dosage with mineral additions during mixing mental methodology based on the estimation of the effect of the fineness
[12–14]. Therefore, mineral additions have since become the common of these mineral additions, which were incorporated by substitution in
means used to reduce the environmental impacts of cement the mortar, and to follow their reactivity vis-à-vis the demand for water
manufacturing by limiting CO2 emissions and increasing the durability and mechanical resistance.
of concrete, as reported by Bassuoni and Nehdi [15].
In Saudi Arabia, waste marble powder is commonly used as the filler 2. Experimental program
in the production of concrete and mortar due to the local availability and
comparatively lower price. In several past studies, the utilisation of 2.1. Materials
limestone as the filler in concrete to improve the mechanical properties
has been investigated. In this regard, both Michel et al. [16] and Cor­ Marble sludge, which is a waste product from the marble cutting
inaldesi et al. [17] have stated that 10% substitution of sand with industry, was collected from local marble cutting industries. Grains of
limestone fillers and marble powder provided the maximum compres­ marble sludge clump together into lumps; thus, marble sludge grains are
sive strength. They also demonstrated a reduction of compressive not homogeneously distributed throughout the mixture. In this study,
strength with substitution levels of above 10%. However, Munir et al. the marble sludge was air-dried for two days. Then, the air-dried sludge
[18] and Kabeer and Vyas [19] stated that higher substitution levels of was crushed with a hammer to create small blocks. To expel all moisture
limestone and marble powder were feasible in their efforts to enhance contents, the marble sludge waste was dried again in an oven at 80 ◦ C for
the performance of concrete and mortar. Accordingly, this could be 24 h. In order to eliminate the larger particles, the dried sludge was
achieved through the modification and specific treatments of the pow­ ground to obtain a fine powder. Finally, the marble filler was obtained
der to improve the chemical compositions and physical properties such by passing the dry powder through a sieve of 80 μm. The chemical
as the reduction in the amount of Portlandite content and CaO and analysis was performed with an Atomic Absorption Spectrometry “AAS”,
increasing the volume of reactive SiO2 [20,21]. according to the requirements of EN ISO 15586-04. The chemical
Besides, the contribution of mineral additions, such as limestone analysis result, as presented in Table 1, indicated that the marble filler
fillers to cement binding activity, significantly affects the enhancement was excessively rich in calcite (approximately CaCO3 = 94.88%) and
of the physico-chemical and microstructural properties of the concrete was devoid of all clay and organic matter. This last result was confirmed
and mortar [22]. Initially, these additions are likely to modify the hy­ by the methylene blue test, which was performed according to the re­
dration process of the cement as well as the structuring of the hydrated quirements of NF P 94-068-04. The result of this test demonstrated that
products. Subsequently, they can react with the cementitious medium to the Methylene Blue Value (MBV) of the marble filler was equaled to
form new hydration products. These two effects act simultaneously and 0.45. This indicated that the tested filler did not contain any clay
in a complementary way on the strength and durability performance of fraction.
the hardened materials [23]. Moreover, the incorporation of these The grain size distribution of the four marble fillers was achieved
minerals also gives rise to a granular effect relative to the modifications according to two standards; NF P 94-056-96 and NF P 94–05792. Fig. 1
induced on the granular skeleton compactness and the rheological shows the particle size distribution curves of the four fillers; F1, F2, F3
properties of the fresh mixture. However, a majority of recent studies and F4. According to the said curves, the coefficients of uniformity of the
concerning the influence of mineral additions on concrete properties as four fillers, F1, F2, F3 and F4, were equaled to 13.50, 10.93, 5.77 and
well as the current standardisation EN 206-1 had considered the binding 4.33, respectively. Besides, the curvature coefficients of these fillers
activity of these additions resulting from their physico-chemical and were respectively equaled to 0.73, 0.65, 0.49 and 0.83. Accordingly, the
chemical effects without taking into account the action of the granular values of the coefficient of uniformity greater than 4 and the values of
effect [24]. Indeed, all the standards have agreed to define the term curvature coefficients less than 5 proved that the granular distribution of
“thin” as the elements passing through a sieve of 80 microns without any the four tested marble fillers was well-graded [25]. Next, the solid
concerns about the particle size or fineness [25]. particle densities and bulk densities of the two powders were deter­
Besides the level of replacement and mechanical properties of the mined according to the requirements of the standard NF EN 1097-7-08.
concrete and mortar containing the marble powder, the aspects of The results presented in Table 2 indicated that the absolute density of
granular effect action should be greatly considered in the assessment of the marble filler was approximately 2.70 g/cm3. The results also indi­
the potential use of waste marble powder in concrete. Thus far and to the cated the bulk densities values of the four fillers, F1, F2, F3 and F4,
authors’ best knowledge, there is a lack of literature on the substitution which were 1.12, 0.91, 0.86 and 0.61 g/cm3, respectively. In addition,
level of marble powder based on the W/Ceq ratio. Therefore, the Blaine specific surface (BSS) values were also determined according to

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

Table 1
Chemical composition of marble filler.
Component CaC3 LOI CaO MgO SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 MgCO3 S Moisture Total

Percentage (%) 94.88 42.60 52.28 0.50 3.00 0.39 0.14 1.04 0.03 0.20 99.89

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution curves of different marble fillers.

Table 2
Physical parameters of the four marble fillers.
Marble filler Particle size (mm) Curvature coefficients HAZEN coefficients Absolute density (g/cm3) Bulk density (g/cm3) Blaine Specific Surface, BSS (cm2/g)

F1 0/0.080 0.73 13.50 2.70 1.12 3860

F2 0/0.080 0.65 10.93 2.70 0.91 5640
F3 0/0.063 0.49 5.77 2.70 0.86 7620
F4 0/0.063 0.83 4.33 2.70 0.61 9280

the requirements of NF EN 196-6-12, which were 3860, 5640, 7620 and the requirements of NF EN 196–1. The equivalent cement was prepared
9280 cm2/g, respectively. by replacing the cement with marble filler at the substitution rates of 5,
In this study, CEM I 42.5 was used. Both the chemical composition 15 and 25%. Four types of marble fillers with different BSS were used. It
and physical properties are presented in Table 3. Furthermore, the is important to note that all the prepared mortars were based on normal
particle size distribution of the OPC is also illustrated in Fig. 2. In sand to ensure the same particle size and subsequently, to ensure the
addition, the Water/Cement ratio (W/C) of the cement paste was same amount of wetting water of sand particles for the various mortars,
determined by measuring the paste consistency using the Vicat appa­ and therefore, similar workability.
ratus. According to the standard NF EN 196-3-17, the method was For each mortar sample, three prismatic specimens of dimensions 4
consisted of measuring the penetration (d) into the equivalent cement × 4 × 16 cm were prepared. The specimens were mechanically com­
paste of a cylindrical probe of 10 mm diameter under a constant load. pacted using a shock table, and then, they were covered with a plastic
The result showed that the W/C ratio was equaled to 0.27. film and stored in a humid chamber at 50◦ of relative humidity. After 24
h, the samples were de-moulded and stored until the period of the test in
the water at a temperature of 20 ± 1 ◦ C. In total, 12 × 3 mortar speci­
2.2. Testing methods mens were prepared based on the equivalent cement obtained by mixing
the four marble fillers and an Artificial Cement Portland CEM I 42.5 for
In this study, the true classes of resistance for the different equivalent the substitution rates of 5, 15 and 25%. After that, in order to better
cement were obtained through a compressive strength test, which was understand the effects of the different substitution rates of the marble
carried out on five mortar specimens at the age of 28 days, according to

Table 3
Physical properties and chemical composition of OPC.
Material Physical properties Chemical composition (%)

Absolute density (g/ Bulk density (g/ BSS (cm2/ True class of resistance CaO SiO2 LOIa K2O MgO Fe2O3 Al2O3 IRb SO3
cm3) cm3) g) (MPa)

OPC 3.08 1.03 3600 45 63.5 20.2 3.21 0.4 1.1 3.75 4.9 0.6 1.5
Loss on ignition.
Insoluble residue.

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

Table 4 presents the theoretical BSS obtained using Eq. (1), of the
different mixtures by varying the marble filler and substitution rates (5,
15 and 25%). Finally, based on the results in Table 4, it was concluded
that both the experimental and theoretical BSS values of the different
mixtures presented a good agreement.

3.2. Effect of the BSS of marble filler on the water/filler ratio

Water/Filler of normal filler paste, denoted as W/F, was determined

by measuring the paste consistency using the Vicat apparatus, according
to the requirements of NF EN 196-3-17. The experimental results are
presented in Table 5.
Accordingly, we remarked that the water demand of the filler
increased linearly as a function of the BSS of the filler. Indeed, W/F ratio
could be obtained by the following equation, which linked the W/F to its
BSS, cement BSS and W/C ratio:
( )( )
Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of OPC. W BSSF W
= . (2)
filler on the true class of resistance of cement, 4 × 3 cement mortars The theoretical W/F ratios, obtained using Eq. (2), are presented in
were prepared by varying each time the cement dosage (100, 95, 85, and Table 5. The results showed a good agreement between both the
75%) and keeping the same W/C ratio of 0.5. experimental and theoretical W/F ratios. This confirmed that the water
demand of the filler varied linearly with its BSS. The results also indi­
3. Results and discussions cated that it was possible to determine the W/F ratio of the filler when its
BSS, the BSS of the cement and W/C ratio are known. These W/F ratios
3.1. Effect of the filler substitution rate on the BSS of cement and marble values are very interesting and significant to be able to determine the
filler mixtures exact quantities of water of mortars prepared by mixing cement and
marble filler.
In this section, the BSS values of the different cement and marble
filler mixtures are presented. The BSS tests were carried out according to 3.3. Effect of the BSS of marble filler and substitution rate on the W/Ceq
NF EN 196-6-12 requirements. The results are presented in Table 4.
According to the obtained results, we remarked an increase of BSS of W/Ceq ratios of the cement and marble filler paste with the same
the cement and marble filler mixture when increasing the substitution workability of cement paste were determined by measuring the paste
rate of the filler. This effect was more significant for a marble filler with consistency using the Vicat apparatus, according to the requirements of
great BSS such as F4. On the other hand, when the BSS of the filler was NF EN 196-3-17. The experimental results are presented in Table 6.
near that of the cement, the BSS of the mixture did not change, and it Based on Table 6, we remarked that for a low BSS of filler, the W/Ceq
remained constant such as F1. For F4, BSS increased from 3827 to 4980 ratio did not depend on the substitution rates (such as F1). On the
cm2/g for the replacement rates of 5 and 25%, respectively. This was due contrary, for great BSS values, as in the case of F4, the water demand
to the increase of grains’ number of marble fillers, which in turn increased from 0.29 to 0.39 for substitution rates of 5 and 25%,
increased with BSS and with the partial substitution rate of the clinker respectively. Table 6 also shows that for a low substitution rate (KF =
by the filler. In other words, for the same substitution rate, the intro­ 5%), the water demand of the four mixtures varied from 0.27 to 0.29.
duced mass of F4 contained a high grains number than the same intro­ Indeed, the effect of grains’ fineness on the W/Ceq ratios was minor for
duced mass of F1. Indeed, according to the results presented in Table 4, low substitution rates. Furthermore, the results demonstrated a great
we remarked that for a substitution rate of 5%, the BSS of the mixture increase of water demand for the higher substitution rates. For example,
increased approximately 227 cm2/g when replacing F1 with F4. Also, we for a substitution rate of 25%, W/Ceq ratio increased from 0.27 for the
remarked an increase of approximately 1338 cm2/g for 25% substitution mixture (C + F1) to 0.39 for that of (C + F4). These observations led us
rate. Following that, the BSS of the cement and marble filler mixture to develop the following formula, which gave the W/Ceq as a function of
could be calculated using the following theoretical equation: W/C ratio, W/F ratio, cement percentage and substitution rate:
BSS(C+F) = KC .BSSC + KF .BSS (1) W
( )
( )
= KC + KF (3)
Ceq C F
where BSS(C+F), BSSC and BSSF were the BSS of the cement and filler
mixture, BSS of the cement and BSS of the filler, respectively. KC and KF Table 6 also includes the theoretical W/Ceq values, obtained using
represented the cement percentage and substitution rate of the filler, Eq. (3), of the different pastes by varying both the marble filler and
substitution rates; 5, 15 and 25%. According to the theoretical results
presented in Table 7, we remarked that the theoretical W/Ceq ratios
Table 4
values were the same that of the experimental results. In addition, Eq.
Experimental and theoretical BSS values of cement and marble filler mixtures.
(3) confirmed that the W/Ceq ratio varied linearly with the W/C ratio of
Mixtures BSS (cm2/g) the used cement. Indeed, by combining both Eqs. (1) and (2), we
C + F1 C + F2 C + F3 C + F4

KF = 25% Experimental 3642 4068 4592 4980 Table 5

Theoretical 3665 4110 4605 5020 Experimental and theoretical W/F ratios.
KF = 15% Experimental 3610 3890 4180 4431
Filler F1 F2 F3 F4
Theoretical 3639 3906 4203 4452
KF = 5% Experimental 3600 3687 3790 3827 Experimental 0.31 0.44 0.60 0.72
Theoretical 3613 3702 3801 3884 Theoretical 0.29 0.42 0.57 0.69

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

Table 6 3.4. Effect of the cement dosage reduction on the compressive strength of
Experimental and theoretical W/Ceq ratios of cement and marble filler pastes. the cement mortars
Mixtures W/Ceq
In order to evaluate the effects of the different substitution rates of
C + F1 C + F2 C + F3 C + F4
marble filler on the compressive strength of the cement and filler mor­
KF = 25% Experimental 0.29 0.33 0.36 0.39 tars, six different specimens were prepared with cement mortar by
Theoretical 0.27 0.31 0.34 0.38
KF = 15% Experimental 0.28 0.30 0.31 0.35
varying the cement dosage (100, 95, 85, and 75%) each time and
Theoretical 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 keeping the same W/C ratio constant as 0.5. Subsequently, the
KF = 5% Experimental 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.29 compressive strengths at the age of 28 days of all mortars were
Theoretical 0.27 0.28 0.285 0.29 measured. The obtained results are displayed in Table 7.
Looking at Table 7, significant drops in compressive strengths were
observed for cement percentage above 85%. For example, the
Table 7 compressive strength decreased by approximately 33 and 53%,
Dosage and compressive strength of mortars with different cement rates. compared to the true class of cement, for a cement dosage of 85 and
Mortar M0 M1 M2 M3 75%, respectively. This could be attributed to the lower amount of
reactive SiO2, which reduced with the increase of the marble powder
% Cement 100% 95% 85% 75%
C (g) 450 427.5 382.5 337.5 content. It, therefore, resulted in the reduction of hydration products
W (ml) 225 213.75 191.25 16.75 such as calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) gels. The lower amount of
Normal sand (g) 1350 1350 1350 1350 C–S–H gels consequently resulted in lower compressive strength [26].
W/C 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Although all mortars possessed the same W/C ratio, the cement dosage
Compressive strength [MPa] 45 44 30 21
had a direct influence on the paste volume. For low dosages in the
cement, the paste did not fill the full interstices between the sand grains
obtained the following expression: [27]. Consequently, the mortar became more porous, resulting in the
( )[ ( )] decreased compressive strength. In this regard, Corinaldesi et al. [17]
W W BSSF reported that the obtained compressive strength was comparable with
= KC + KF (4)
Ceq C BSSC that of the control mix with substitution rates (of marble powder) of up
Moving on, the following relation linked both KF and KC: to 10%. However, any further increase in the marble powder content
resulted in the reduction of compressive strength values.
Kc + KF = 1 (5)
Finally, the combination of Eqs. (4) and (5) presented the following
3.5. Effect of the BSS of marble filler and substitution rate on the
expression of W/Ceq ratio as a function of W/C ratio:
( )[ [( ) ]] ( ) compressive strength of the binary mortar
= 1 + KF − 1 = β. (6)
Ceq C BSSC C Different binary mortar specimens were prepared in order to study
the effects of both the BSS of the introduced filler and the substitution
where β was the proportionate coefficient between both the W/Ceq and rate on the compressive strength of the binary mortar. The mortars were
W/C ratios. prepared by mixing cement, marble filler, 1350 g of normal sand and
Fig. 3 presents the Water/Equivalent cement ratios of the cement and water. The prepared speciments were named MF1, MF2, MF3 and MF4
marble filler mixtures as a function of the BSS of the marble filler and with the incorporation of fillers F1, F2, F3 and F4, respectively. The
substitution rate. dosage of all tested mortars was determined based on the principle that
the binary mortars had the same workability of cement mortar. Note
that the W/C ratio of the cement mortar (denoted as M0) was 0.5. The
workability meter test was carried out for all mortars according to the

Fig. 3. W/Ceq ratios of cement and marble filler mixtures as a function of the BSS of the marble filler and substitution rate.

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

requirements of NF P 18-452-17 and NF P 15-437-87. The principle of Table 9

this test included the measuring the flow time (t) required for a vibrated Experimental and theoretical compressive strength of different mortars.
mortar volume to reach a given mark. To obtain the same mortar Mixtures Compressive Strength [MPa]
workability for all mixtures, the flow time was set at 25 s. Afterwards,
M0 MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4
the dosage of all tested mortars, which were prepared by mixing
different materials, was determined based on the similar principle that KF = 25% Experimental 45 36 32 29 27
Theoretical 45 33.2 29.6 26.4 24.2
the mortars had the same workability [28]. Table 8 presents the W/Ceq KF = 15% Experimental 45 41 38 35 33
ratios of the 12 binary mortars, which were determined using the results Theoretical 45 37.8 35.3 32.8 30.9
presented in Table 5. Next, Table 9 illustrates the experimental KF = 5% Experimental 45 45 43 43 42
compressive test results of the cement mortar specimens and on the Theoretical 45 42.6 41.6 40.5 39.6
binary specimens.
The results presented in Table 9 indicated a decrease in the
micro-calorimetric curves of the cement and filler mixture, compared to
compressive strength of the mortars, regardless of the filler fineness and
that of cement. This indicated that for the considered cement systems,
chosen substitution rate. This decrease was more significant for the finer
the addition of fillers had the tendency to accelerate the hydration ki­
fillers. As an example, for the substitution rate of 25%, the compressive
netics in the early hours of hydration, which then altered the long-term
strength decreased by approximately 40 and 20% for F4 and F1,
mechanical resistance.
respectively. It was also observed that the reduction in compressive
Other researchers have confirmed that limestone fillers tended to
strength was minor for the lower substitution rate. For instance, for the
change the density of C3S paste for cement with CaCO3. This also
substitution rate of 5%, the compressive strength decreased by
depended on the hydration degree of the materials. On the other hand,
approximately 7% for F4 and remained the same for F1.
the density of the C3S paste with calcium carbonate was lower when
These results confirmed the interest of cement plants that manufac­
using CaCO3, which resulted in higher porosity. In addition, the obtained
ture composite cement to introduce limestone when grinding clinker to
results demonstrated that the compressive strength of the mortar with
have fineness similar to that of cement for a rate of not above 8%. In
marble filler depended directly on the cement replacement rate and the
addition, the replacement of a part of the cement with marble filler
BSS of the used filler [32]. These two parameters had a very remarkable
could significantly alter the compressive strengths, especially for sub­
influence on the W’/Ceq of the mortars (Table 8). Based on these re­
stitution ratios beyond 10%. Having said that, for a substitution rate of
marks, we developed the following theoretical relation between the
greater than 10%, there was a remarkable drop in compressive
compressive strength of the mortar and the true class of resistance of the
strengths. This drop could be explained by both the physical and
used cement:
chemical effects, which were caused by the addition of the filler. The
⎡ ( ) ⎤
physical effect was mainly due to the finer fillers, which enabled an
excessive filling of the mixtures pores and the modification of the fine ⎢


elements granulometry of the cement. As for the chemical effect that was R(C+F) = KC .⎢
⎢( )⎥
⎥.RC (7)
considered to be low, it was manifested by the decrease of long-term ⎣ W

resistance through the formation of new compounds in the presence of
an excess amount of CaCO3 such as carboaluminates.
Concerning the influence of the W/Ceq ratio, it was clear that the where R(C+F) and Rc were the compressive strength of the mortar and the
compressive strength of all cured mortars decreased with the increment true class of the used cement, respectively.
of W/Ceq ratio, which had a significant influence on the mixture Table 9 presents the compressive strengths of the different mortars,
porosity. This could be explained by the fact that the excess water which were determined by Eq. (7). The results illustrated that both the
amount constituted finer and discontinuous pores. After that, the initial experimental and theoretically estimated compressive strengths had a
spacing between the cement grains, suspended in the mixing water, was good agreement with an error margin of not more 7%.
modified. The result of this study was similar to the findings by Kara
[29], who stated that water demand depended on the fineness and 3.6. Beneficial effect of the substitution rates of fillers on the mechanical
morphology of the introduced fillers. This could vary from 1 to 4. strengths of the low-dose cement mortars
Several researchers have also found that the addition of fillers pro­
foundly influenced the density and porosity of mortars. Beyond a sub­ The results presented in Tables 7 and 9 showed that for the four
stitution rate of 15% of fillers, there is an increase of porosity until fillers (F1, F2, F3 and F4) and for a replacement rate of 5%, the
almost doubling the value, especially for finer fillers. These fillers are compressive strengths of the binary mortar decreased with a maximum
able to fill a part of the porosity, while releasing water. The excess grains drop rate in the order of 4.5% for F4. On the other hand, on a substi­
number favours the formation of a vital paste volume (water + cement tution rate of 15%, the compressive strengths of the binary mortars were
+ fillers), compared to the solid grains of sand. In their study, Ballim and higher than that of the cement mortar. For example, the binary mortar
Graham [30] and Mounanga et al. [31] also stated that the heat with a 15% rate of F1 had a compressive strength of 41 MPa and was
generated by the paste containing limestone filler was lower than that of higher than that of the cement mortar dosed at 85% (30 MPa). This
generated by the cement paste with 100% OPC. Besides, they also result reflected the beneficial effect of the incorporation of fillers in a
remarked that the reduction in the generated heat flux and reaction heat cement mortar in regard to compressive strength [33]. Accordingly, the
increased with the substitution rate of limestone filler. They also re­ increase in the strength values could be attributed to the granular effect,
ported an acceleration at the onset of the main hydration peak of the which was defined by the incorporation of mineral addition in a
cementitious material in order to modify the granular skeleton of the
mixture [21]. In this study, the mixtures with a replacement rate of
Table 8
approximately 15% were optimised by filling a part of the voids volume
W/Ceq ratios of different mortars.
of the granular skeleton, and consequently, releasing continuous water
Mortar W’/Ceq in the pores. As a result, the amount of water reduced, and thus, the
M0 MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 compressive strength increased.
KF = 25% 0.5 0.52 0.56 0.59 0.62
KF = 15% 0.5 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.58
KF = 5% 0.5 0.5 0.52 0.52 0.52

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

4. Theoretical study of the activity index Moving forward, by combining both Eqs. (9) and (10), the activity
index, I28, could be expressed as follows:
The activity index “I" can be defined as the ratio between the
I28 = KC (11)
compressive strength of the cement and filler, with a K substitution rate,
and the compressive strength of a control cement mortar. In this study, The activity index, I28, of all tested binary mortars at the age of 28
the activity index, I (K), was expressed by Eq. (8), in accordance with NF days are presented in Table 11. According to the results presented in
EN 206-1-14: Tables 10 and 11, we observed approximately the same activity index
( ) values, I28 and I*28, for fillers F1 and F2. In addition, both had a BSS
RK (t)
I K = (8) value that was very close to that of cement. This seemed logical since the
R0 (t)
W’/Ceq was equaled to 0.5. The illogical part was having the same ac­
tivity index for all four fillers with the same ratio of W’/Ceq = 0.5, as
where RK (t) and R0 (t) were the compressive strengths of the cement and
imposed by the standards. In addition, the water quantity was insuffi­
filler mortar and control cement mortar, respectively, at the age of “t".
cient for the fillers with a high BSS, hence there was a disruption in the
According to the standards of NF P 18 -501-92 and NF EN 206-1-12, the
cement hydration reaction, which was incomplete, and consequently,
activity index of the limestone filler must be greater than 0.71 at the age
altered the compressive strengths.
of 28 days for a substitution rate of K = 25%. Note that the activity
Fig. 4 presents the activity index of the cement and marble filler
indexes of the tested mortars were measured with variable W’/C ratios
mixtures as a function of the BSS of the marble filler and substitution
for the same consistency and not with a ratio of W’/C = 0.5, as set by the
rate. The results highlighted the complexity of the incorporation of
requirements of the standard NF 18-508-12. The measured activity
limestone fillers and the importance of their fineness, which determined
index was noted as I*, in which the asterisk indicated the divergence of
a priori substitution rate to have the desired activity index according to
the obtained index from the standard.
the usage. This rate must be calculated accurately to acquire the positive
Table 10 presents the experimental activity index, I*28, of the
effect of a granular composition corrector [35].
different mortars at the age of 28 days.
Based on Eq. (7), the following expression could express the activity
5. Equivalence models
index of the binary mortar at the age of 28 days:

I*28 =
(9) The prepared experimental program presented reliable and relevant
RC information for a minimum cost of testing. The tested binary mortars
The activity index of all tested binary mortars at the age of 28 days had different W’/Ceq ratios, varied from 0.5 to 0.62, depending on the
are presented in Table 10. The results presented a good agreement be­ substitution rate and marble powder fineness. The substitution rate for
tween both the experimental and theoretical activity indexes. This each filler was 5, 15 and 25%, respectively. Besides, only one type of
confirmed that the compressive strengths of the binary mortars depen­ cement was used, after taking to account its physical characteristics,
ded on the substitution rates, and in particular, on the fineness of the BSS, true class of resistance and normal consistency. The results were
used filler, which was directly related to the water demand. In addition, analysed and confirmed by theoretical equations. The development of a
we remarked that for a substitution rate of 5%, all binary mortars had an multilinear model, which was termed as “equivalence models,” based on
activity index of I28 ≥ 0.71, which met the requirements of NF EN 206-1- the theoretical equations and experimental results enabled the devel­
14. However, at a substitution rate of 25%, only the two mortars pre­ opment of a relationship between the substitution rates and the Blaine
pared with F1 and F2 attained an activity index of more than 0.71. specific surface of the fillers. The developed models presented the effects
In this study, an equivalence between the activity indexes was also of the different factors such as the W/C and W/F ratios as well as BSSC,
remarked. Indeed, the substitution of 25% F1 gave approximately the BSSF and BSS(C+F) specifics surfaces on the W/Ceq ratio. The models also
same activity index as the substitution of 15% F3, and therefore, the illustrated the true class of resistance of the cement and filler mixture. In
same compressive strength. Finally, we could conclude that the addition total, two models were developed; equivalence model 1 and equivalence
of very high-fineness fillers could significantly reduce the compressive model 2. Equivalence model 1 demonstrated a relation between two
strength of the binary mortars. As a matter of fact, it is well-known that substitution rates, Km and Kn, of two fillers, Fm and Fn, with a Blaine
incorporating fillers into cement with specific surfaces similar to that of specific surfaces of BSSm and BSSn, respectively, in order to obtain two
cement would yield advantages [34]. Simultaneously, fillers with a high equivalent binders with the same Blaine specific surface, and therefore,
specific surface must be carefully adapted to the fineness of the cement, the same W/Ceq ratio. According to Eq. (1), we formulated the following
depending on their particle size, fineness and the appropriate substitu­ relation:
tion rate. KC .BSSC + Km .BSSFm = K’C .BSSC + Kn .BSSFn (12)
By applying the requirements of the NF EN 206-1 standard, which
indicates that the W’/Ceq = 0.5, regardless of the fineness of filler, Eq. where KC and K’C were the substitution rates of cement when using filler
(7) could be expressed by the following relation: Fm and Fn, respectively.
R(C+F) = KC .RC (10) Next, the two following equations gave the relationship between the
different substitution rates:
KC = 1 − Km (13)
Table 10
Experimental and theoretical activity index of different mortars at the age of 28
Mixtures Activity index, I*28 Table 11
MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 The activity index, I28, of different mortars.
KF = 25% Experimental 0.8 0.71 0.65 0.6 Mixtures The activity index, I28
Theoretical 0.73 0.65 0.58 0.54
KF = 15% Experimental 0.91 0.85 0.78 0.73
Theoretical 0.84 0.78 0.73 0.69 KF = 25% 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
KF = 5% Experimental 1 0.95 0.95 0.93 KF = 15% 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Theoretical 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 KF = 5% 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

Fig. 4. The activity index of cement and marble filler mixtures as function of the BSS of the marble filler and substitution rate.

K’C = 1 − Kn (14) different specific surfaces. The experimental results were compared to
that of the control cement mortar in order to determine a correlation
Finally, equivalence model 1 was obtained by combining Eqs. (12)– between the substitution rate and the fineness of fillers and their effects
(14). The following relation expressed the obtained model: on the compressive strength and the Water/Equivalent blinder ratio. The
BSSFn − BSSC following conclusions could, therefore, be drawn:
Km = Kn . (15)
• A substitution rate of 5% of filler managed to obtain the same me­
On the contrary, equivalence model 2 demonstrated a relation be­
chanical performance of the control mortar. In addition, the
tween two substitution rates, Km and Kn, of two fillers, Fm and Fn, with a
compressive strengths remained lower, compared to the control
Blaine specific surfaces of BSSm and BSSn, respectively, in order to obtain
mortar, with a further increase in the marble powder content. This
two equivalent binders with the same compressive strength at the age of
could be attributed to the lower amount of reactive SiO2 as a
28 days. Referring to Eq. (7), the compressive strengths of the two
consequence of the higher replacement level. The lower SiO2 con­
mixtures based on fillers Fm and Fn, respectively, were expressed by the
tent, therefore, led to lower hydration products, such as C–S–H gels,
following relations:
and reduced the compressive strength values.
⎡ ( ) ⎤ • On the other hand, the compressive strengths considerably decreased
⎢ W ⎥ with the increase of the fineness of the obtained mixtures. The W/
⎢ C ⎥
R(C+Fm) = KC .⎢ )⎥ (16) Ceq ratio, which was an indicator of this drop in strength and
⎢( ⎥.RC
⎣ W ⎦ workability, seemed to be highly dependable on the addition of fine
fillers. This could only be explained by the fact that the physical
effect of heterogeneous nucleation and the formation of aluminates
⎡ ( ) ⎤
and carboaluminates was highly dependent on the fineness of the
⎢ W
⎢ C

⎥ filler and its substitution rate. Besides, the physico-chemical contri­
’ ⎢
R(C+Fn) = KC .⎢( )⎥
⎥.RC r (17) bution of the addition to the cement matrix microstructure depended
⎣ W ⎦
(C+Fn) on its fineness, and it had a poorly studied substitution rate and could
probably be at the origin of the drops in the compressive strength.
Finally, equivalence model 2 was obtained by combining Eqs. ((2), • Although both the physical and chemical properties of the fillers
(13), (14), (16) and (17). The following relation expressed the obtained conformed with the requirement of the NF P18-508 standard, it
model: could be concluded that for the same substitution rate, all fillers
( ) might not have the similar behaviour when prepared in pastes or
W mortars.
• The filler fineness strongly influenced the water demand of the ob­
(1 − Km ).Kn BSSFm Fm
= =( ) (18)
(1 − Kn ).Km BSSFn W tained mixture.
• The compressive strengths drop of some binary mortars when using

The procedure for applying the two equivalence models is presented high substitution rates of filler was mainly due to a poor choice of the
in the flowchart in Fig. 5. inserted substitution rate of the said filler.
• It could be possible, regardless of the filler fineness, to find a
maximum substitution rate, which would give an activity index of
6. Conclusion
more than 0.71, according to the requirements of standards.
• The equivalence model 1 gave a relation between two substitution
This study highlighted the importance of filler fineness and its sub­
rates, Km and Kn, of two fillers, Fm and Fn, with a Blaine specific
stitution rate as key indicators that draw attention to the potential risks
surfaces of BSSm and BSSn, respectively, in order to obtain two
of issues in the cement matrix in both fresh and hardened states. For this,
equivalent binders with the same Blaine specific surface, and
different binary mortars were prepared and tested. These mortars were
therefore, the same W/Ceq ratio.
based on cement and different marble fillers with the same origin and

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

Fig. 5. Procedure of applying the two equivalence models.

• The equivalence model 2 presented a relation between two substi­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
tution rates, Km and Kn, of two fillers, Fm and Fn, with a Blaine spe­
cific surfaces of BSSm and BSSn, respectively, in order to obtain two Omrane Benjeddou: Methodology, Data curation, Project admin­
equivalent binders with the same compressive strength at the age of istration. Rayed Alyousef: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Inves­
28 days. tigation, Resources, Methodology, Writing - review & editing,
• The use of waste marble powder as partial cement replacement in the Supervision, Project administration. Hossein Mohammadhosseini:
production of green mortar could be industrialised with satisfactory Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - review &
performance. As such, waste preservation and the decrease in editing, Visualization, Writing - original draft, preparation. Chokri
harmful effects on the environment could also be achieved. Soussi: Conceptualization, Validation, Formal analysis, Writing - orig­
• The utilisation of waste marble powder could also be considered inal draft, preparation, Project administration. Mohamed Amine Kha­
environmentally-friendly, as the reuse of the waste marble could dimallah: Validation, Data curation. Hisham Alabduljabbar:
significantly reduce CO2 emissions, save energy, reduce the total Investigation, Visualization. Mahmood Md Tahir: Project
consumption of electricity, and reduce fuel consumption, thereby administration.
resulting in the worldwide availability of low-cost construction ma­
terial, as compared to those of available raw materials.
Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

O. Benjeddou et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101642

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