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Inglés Técnico

Inglés Técnico

Administración Logística

Semestre III

Objetivo 1: Operations and Processes.

A continuación, se presentan un grupo de ejercicios propuestos de autoestudio

referidos al tema de la unidad y que complementa el aprendizaje.

Choose the correct sentence.

1. For security purpose the employees __________ their passwords regularly.

a) is change
b) changes
c) has change
d) change
e) are changing

2. In this process, the mixture _______ to 120°C.

a) is heated
b) is heating
c) have heat
d) are heated
e) heating

3. Up to now people in this area __________waste plastic to recycling centers.

a) takes

Administración Logística 1
Inglés Técnico
b) has taken
c) taken
d) have taken
e) take

4. The Logistics Department __________ the transport of goods and materials.

a) organize
b) organizes
c) is organizing
d) have organize
e) organized

5. A: Is the chief engineer here at the moment?

B: I’m afraid not. He _______ currently _________ the plant in the North.
a) has / inspected
b) are / inspecting
c) is / inspecting
d) have / inspected
e) -- / inspects

Administración Logística 2

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