CE 2206

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Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Civil Engineering
Qadirabad, Natore-6431.

Course Outline

CE 2206: Engineering Computations Sessional


Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 1

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

Part A: Introduction
1. Course Information:
Course Code: CE 2206
Course Title: Engineering Computations Sessional
Course Type: Undergraduate Sessional Course
Year/Semester: 2nd Year/2nd Semester
Credit Hour(s): 1.5
Contact Hour(s): 3/Week
Academic Session: Fall 2023
Pre-requisite Course: N/A
Total Marks: 100
2. Faculty/Course Teacher:
Faculty-01 Faculty-02
Name: Rokonuzzaman Rokon (RR) Name: Md. Rokonuzzaman (MR)
Designation: Lecturer Designation: Lecturer
Room No.: P-305 Room No.: P-305
Contact: 01724-045252 Contact: 01783-866909
Email: rokonruet002@gmail.com Email: rzamance16@gmail.com

3. Rationale of the Course:

This is a hand on training course for computer programming for civil engineers.
In this course, students will be given knowledge to solve real life engineering
problems using various numerical methods which will be useful later on in
various projects.
4. Course Objective(s):
By the end of this course students should be able-
1. To gain knowledge on the basics of computational programming tools.
2. To become skilled at the application of various numerical analysis

5. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to-
CLO 1 Ability to interpret high level computational programming tools.

CLO 2 Ability to solve systems of linear equations, Ordinary & Partial Differential

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 2

CLO2 CLO1 Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

PO1 Engineering knowledge

PO2 Problem Analysis

PO3 Design/ development of

PO4 Investigation

PO5 Modern Tool Usage

PO6 The Engineer and Society

PO7 Environment and

PO8 Ethics
Program Outcomes(PO)

PO9 Individual and Team work

PO10 Communication

PO11 Project Management and

PO12 Lifelong learning

50 50 PO Marks Ratio

P2 P5 Blooms Taxonomy level/Domain level

Lab Report, Quiz Assessment tools

Viva, Assignment,
Presentation, Lab
K Natural sciences
K Mathematics
2 PO1-
K Engineering Fundamentals PO2
K Specialist knowledge
Engineering Design PO3
6. Mapping of CLOs with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

K Engineering practice PO5

Knowledge Profile(KP)

K Comprehension PO6-

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore

7 PO8
K Research literature PO4
P Depth of Knowledge
3 1 required
P Range of conflicting
2 requirements
Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

P Depth of analysis required

3 PO1-
P Familiarity of issues

P Extent of applicable codes
P Extent of stakeholder
P Interdependence
Complex Engineering Problems

A Range of resources
A Level of interactions
A Innovation
A Consequences to society and
4 the environment
Activities (CA)
Complex Engineering

A Familiarity
Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

7. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the

Teaching-Learning & Assessment Strategy:
CLOs Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment
Face to Face Learning: Lectures
Quiz, Viva, Lab
CLO1 Guided Learning: Assignment Test
Independent Learning: Individual learning
Face to Face Learning: Lectures
Quiz, Viva, Lab
CLO2 Guided Learning: Assignment Test
Independent Learning: Individual learning

8. Bloom Taxonomy Level:

Learning Domain Level Category

Cognitive (C) C1 Knowledge
(Brain/Knowledge C2 Comprehension
Based) C3 Application
C4 Analysis
C5 Synthesis
C6 Evaluation
Psychomotor (P) P1 Perception (awareness)
(Hand/Action Based) P2 Set
P3 Guided response
P4 Mechanism (Basic proficiency)
P5 Complex overt response (Expert)
P6 Adaptation
P7 Origination
Affective (A) A1 Receiving Phenomena
(Heart/Emotion Based) A2 Responding to Phenomena
A3 Valuing
A4 Organizing values
A5 Internalizing values

9. CE Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

PLO–1: Engineering Knowledge

Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex civil engineering problems.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 4

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

PLO –2: Problem analysis

Identify, formulate, research the literature and analyze complex civil engineering
problems and reach substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
the natural sciences and the engineering sciences.

PLO –3: Design/development of solutions

Design solutions for complex civil engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety as well as cultural, societal and
environmental concerns.

PLO –4: Investigation

Conduct investigations of complex problems, considering design of experiments,
analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid

PLO –5: Modern tool usage

Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering
and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex civil engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.

PLO –6: The engineer and society

Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety,
legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional
civil engineering practice.

PLO –7: Environment and sustainability

Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and
environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable

PLO –8: Ethics

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and the
norms of the civil engineering practice.

PLO –9: Individual work and teamwork

Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader of diverse teams as
well as in multidisciplinary settings.

PLO –10: Communication

Communicate effectively about complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large. Be able to comprehend and write effective

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 5

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

reports, design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear

PLO –11: Project management and finance

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management
principles and apply these to one’s own work as a member or a leader of a team to
manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.

PLO –12: Life-long learning

Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent,
life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

10. Knowledge Profile:

K-1: Natural sciences

A systematic, theory-based understanding of the natural sciences applicable to the
K-2: Mathematics
Conceptually based mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and the formal aspects
of computer and information science to support analysis and modeling applicable to
the discipline.
K-3: Engineering Fundamentals
A systematic, theory-based formulation of engineering fundamentals required in the
engineering discipline.
K-4: Specialist knowledge
Engineering specialist knowledge that provides theoretical frameworks and bodies of
knowledge for the accepted practice areas in the engineering discipline; much is at the
forefront of the discipline.
K-5: Engineering Design
Knowledge that supports engineering design in a practice area.
K-6: Engineering practice
Knowledge of engineering practice (technology) in the practice areas in the
engineering discipline.
K-7: Comprehension
Comprehension of the role of engineering in society and identified issues in
engineering practice in the discipline: ethics and the engineer’s professional

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 6

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

responsibility to public safety; the impacts of engineering activity; economic, social,

cultural, environmental and sustainability.
K-8: Research literature
Engagement with selected knowledge in the research literature of the discipline.

11. Range of Complex Engineering Problem Solving:

Complex Engineering Problems have characteristic P1 and some or all of P2 to P7.

P-1: Depth of knowledge required
Cannot be resolved without in-depth engineering knowledge at the level of one or more
of K3, K4, K5, K6 or K8 which allows a fundamentals-based, first principles analytical
P-2: Range of conflicting requirements
Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering and other issues.
P-3: Depth of analysis required
Have no obvious solution and require abstract thinking, originality in analysis to
formulate suitable models.
P-4: Familiarity of issues
Involve infrequently encountered issues
P-5: Extent of applicable codes
Are outside problems encompassed by standards and codes of practice for professional
P-6: Extent of stakeholder involvement and conflicting requirements
Involve diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs.
P-7: Interdependence
Are high-level problems including many component parts or sub-problems.

12. Range of Complex Engineering Activities:

Complex activities means (engineering) activities or projects that have some or all of
the following characteristics.
A-1 Range of resources
Involve the use of diverse resources (and for this purpose resources include people,
money, equipment, materials, information and technologies).
A-2 Level of interaction
Require resolution of significant problems arising from interactions between wide-
ranging or conflicting technical, engineering or other issues.
A-3 Innovation

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 7

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

Involve creative use of engineering principles and research based knowledge in novel
A-4 Consequences for society and the environment
Have significant consequences in a range of contexts, characterized by difficulty of
prediction and mitigation.
A-5 Familiarity
Can extend beyond previous experiences by applying principles-based approaches.

Part B: content of the course

13. Course Content(s)/Syllabus:

Programming concepts and algorithms; internal representation of data; elements of structured

programming language: data types, operators, expressions, control structures, functions,
pointers and arrays, input and output; concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP):
encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, development of programs related
to civil engineering.
Introduction to hi-level computational programming tools, application to numerical analysis:
basic matrix computation, solving systems of linear equations, non-linear equations,
differential equations, interpolation and curve fitting, numerical differentiation, numerical
integration, application to engineering problems: solving problems related to mechanics,
numerical solution of equation of motion etc.

14. Teaching-Learning Strategies:

 Attend all classes punctually.
 Follow examples taught in the class and provided in the course materials.

Tutorials & Group work

 Contact lab officer/Technician whenever required.
 Be guided by course notes from the previous semesters.
 Work with peers, discuss with friends.

Private study
 Review lecture material and lab classes.
 Practice similar design problems by yourself.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 8

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

15. Alignment of the Topics of the Course with CLOs:

Day Topic Name

Introduction & Programming concepts and
Internal representation of data; elements of structured
2 programming language: data types, operators,
Control structures, functions, pointers and arrays,
input and output
Control structures, functions, pointers and arrays,
input and output
Concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP):
5 encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and
6 Development of programs related to civil engineering
7 Development of programs related to civil engineering
8 Development of programs related to civil engineering
Introduction to hi-level computational programming
tools, application to numerical analysis: basic matrix
computation, solving systems of linear equations,
non-linear equations
differential equations, interpolation and curve fitting,
numerical differentiation, numerical integration,
, application to engineering problems: solving
11 problems related to mechanics, numerical solution of
equation of motion etc.
, application to engineering problems: solving
12 problems related to mechanics, numerical solution of
equation of motion etc.
13 Lab Test
14 Lab Quiz+ Lab Report Submission

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 9

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

Part C: Assessment and Evaluation

16. Assessment Strategy:

The assessments for laboratory courses are made by evaluating performance of the
student on the basis of continuous assessment i.e. attendance, Class performance,
Assignment/lab report, quizzes and Viva-voce during laboratory hours. Besides that,
at the end there will be lab test/project. Lab Test/Project will contain comprehensive
computer aided structural analysis and design to assess complete understanding.

17. Marks Distribution:

Individual student will be evaluated based on the following criteria-
Category Marks
Attendance 10
Class Performance/Continuous Evaluation 20
Data Sheet/ Assignment/ Lab Report 10
Written Test/Quiz 20
Lab Test/ Project 30
Viva-Voce 10
Total = 100

All students are expected to attend classes regularly. The university believes that
attendance is necessary for effective learning. The first responsibility of a student is to
attend classes regularly, and one is required to attend at least 80% of all classes held
in any course. In case of sickness 70% attendance may be considered by the VC with
proper medical documents provided by the student. Students failing to attend 80%
classes are liable to pay a fine of Tk. 2000/-per course. Students not eligible to sit for
exam of a particular course due to poor attendance; their concerned course will be
deleted from the Admit Card. The basis for awarding marks for class in sessional
courses are as per earned percentage (%) of attendance.

Data Sheet/Assignment/Lab Report:

The students will have to form a group of maximum 5 members/Individual student
may submit assignment. The topic or case studies will be given as assignment in
groups during the class which they have to prepare at home and will submit on or

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 10

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

before the due date. No late submission of assignments will be accepted. Students will
have to do the presentation on the given topic as assignment (if required).

Written Test/Quiz and Lab Test/ Project:

At the end of the semester written test/quiz and lab test/project will be held.
Evaluation of performance will be on the basis of marks obtained in written test/quiz
and lab test/project.

18. Evaluation Policy (Grading System):

Letter grades and grade points are used to evaluate the performance of a student in a
given course. Grades will be calculated as per the university grading structure. General
rules of BAUET are as follows:

Numerical Markings Letter Grade Grade Points

80% and above A+ 4.00
75% to below 80% A 3.75
70% to below 75% A- 3.50
65% to below 70% B+ 3.25
60% to below 65% В 3.00
55% to below 60% B- 2.75
50% to below 55% C+ 2.50
45% to below 50% С 2.25
40%to below 45% D 2.00
Below 40% F* 0.00
Incomplete I -
(Assigned Courses are not Appeared)
Withdrawal W -
(As per Academic Policy)
Project/Thesis continuation X -
(Failed to Submit)
Expelled (Due to Offence) E -

* Subject in which the student gets F grade shall not be regarded as earned credit hours for
the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA).

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 11

Course Outline- CE 2206 (Engineering Computations Sessional)-Fall-2023

19. Make-up Procedures:

Class Makeup: In case of unavoidable circumstances course lecture needs to be
cancelled; students will be offered a makeup. All makeup classes will be held as per the
rescheduling suggested by the course teacher.

Class Test Makeup: No makeup written test/quiz and lab test/project will be taken.
Students are strongly recommended not to miss quizzes/ lab test.

Part d: Learning Resources

20. Recommended Readings/Text Books:

1. S.S. Sastry : An Introduction to

the Numerical
2. VipinVasista : Numerical
3. Balagurusamy : Numerical
Method with C

21. Other/Online Resources:

1. Tutorials

Dept. of Civil Engineering, BAUET, Qadirabad, Natore 12

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