Managing Projects with Microsoft Teams

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Managing Projects with teams, channels and apps........................................................................................2

Set Up a Team Structure................................................................................................................................................2

Create a team for your project.................................................................................................................................2

Add channels to a team............................................................................................................................................3

Invite team members and guests............................................................................................................................4

Manage Teams settings and permissions...............................................................................................................5

Managing Files..................................................................................................................................................................6

Working with a document library............................................................................................................................6

Attach files in a conversation...................................................................................................................................8

Move files from OneDrive to Teams........................................................................................................................9

Coauthoring in files..................................................................................................................................................10

Managing file versions............................................................................................................................................11

Connect a document library from another team.................................................................................................12

Tracking Tasks................................................................................................................................................................13

Create a Planner board in a channel.....................................................................................................................13

Create task buckets in Teams.................................................................................................................................14

Create and assign tasks in Teams..........................................................................................................................14

Managing and reporting on tasks.........................................................................................................................15

Working with Pages and Lists.....................................................................................................................................16

Connecting a SharePoint list to a channel............................................................................................................16

Managing a SharePoint list.....................................................................................................................................17

Connecting a SharePoint page to channel...........................................................................................................18

Taking Notes...................................................................................................................................................................19

Add a OneNote notebook to a Teams channel...................................................................................................19

Take project notes in OneNote..............................................................................................................................19

Working with a wiki.................................................................................................................................................21

Managing Online Meetings.........................................................................................................................................22

Scheduling a Teams meeting.................................................................................................................................22

Starting an impromptu Teams meeting................................................................................................................23

Facilitating a meeting in Teams.............................................................................................................................24

Recording a Teams meeting...................................................................................................................................25

Collecting feedback.......................................................................................................................................................27

Create a survey with Microsoft Forms...................................................................................................................27

Tracking responses and analyzing with Microsoft Excel.....................................................................................28

Take a poll with the Polly chatbot.........................................................................................................................29

Working with Template................................................................................................................................................30

Create a team using an existing team as a template..........................................................................................30


Keyboard shortcuts and resources........................................................................................................................31

Where to learn more about Teams........................................................................................................................32


Managing Projects with teams, channels and apps

- [Instructor] You probably manage projects with many different applications for tracking
tasks, communicating with team members, attending online meetings, collecting feedback
and editing documents. Think of the time that you spend managing those file versions
attached to emails, sending those tasks reminders, capturing meeting notes and balancing
a budget. With scattered project documentation, it may be challenging for you and other
project members to stay up to date. I'm Heather Severino, a Microsoft certified trainer and
Microsoft most valuable professional for Office apps and services. Over my career, I've
managed projects, large and small, ranging from sports to government technologies. I
understand the struggles you may incur with these project management methods and
techniques. And I'm going to help you unlock how to manage a project with Microsoft
365. This course includes creating reusable Outlook content, customizing Microsoft teams
communications, crafting a project plan and managing tasks. Managing cloud-based
files, collecting feedback with surveys, organizing SharePoint lists and automating project
work with flows. Join me in my LinkedIn Learning course on modern project management
with Microsoft 365.

Set Up a Team Structure

Create a team for your project

- [Instructor] A team is a group of people working toward a common goal, such as a
project. Teammates often collaborate quickly with each other, a process Microsoft calls
high velocity teamwork. Before we get into organizing the team for the work that needs to
be done for this project, let's create a team workspace. For this course, I will be
working from the desktop version of Teams unless otherwise noted. Teams is available as
an online app that is part of Office 365 and as a mobile app that's available for
Android and iOS devices. Once logged into the desktop Teams app, it will look like this. To
create a team, let's start by selecting Join or Create a Team. Then select Create
Team. We're going to build this team from scratch. Let's select Build a Team From
Scratch. There are three choices of the types of teams that you can create, a private team
where an owner will need to add the members to that team, a public team which can be
discoverable where anyone within your organization can choose to join that team, or an
org-wide team where everyone within your organization is automatically joined to that
team. For this project, let's create a private team. Next, we'll need to give the team a
name. Think of something that is meaningful but not too long. Let's call this team Red30
Tech Makers Conference. You can also include an optional description. Let's select
Create. Now, we can add individual names or distribution lists to add people to this new
team. You can also skip this and add members at any time. Let's add a couple of our
colleagues to this team. We'll start by typing the name Jonathan and notice as I'm just
typing part of that name I have a list of people within my organization that I can choose
from. Let's select Jonathan Perfington. We'll select Add and let's add one other
colleague. Let's look for a Jennifer. Select Jennifer Dawson and we'll add her as a member
as well. Next, let's select Close. The new team appears here in the navigation along with
one channel called General to get started. The private team that we just created can have
up to 5,000 members. While it's unlikely you will have that may people working on a
project, it's good to know how many team members a team can accommodate for other
needs. Public and org-wide teams can also have up to 5,000 members and that's how you
create a new team.

Add channels to a team

- [Instructor] If you are new to Microsoft Teams you might be wondering, what is a
channel? A channel is an area for a specific topic to be discussed, files to be worked on
together, and online meeting to take place. Every team comes with one channel to get
started. It's called General. It has a few tabs set up in the channel workspace. Posts for
persistent conversations that all members of that channel can see. Files for new and
uploaded files that teammates can collaborate on together. And a wiki: a space for you to
take some general notes. Maybe include frequently asked questions, or decisions and
brainstorming around a project. Before you start creating channels, think of how you want
to break out specific areas for a project. Then create a descriptive name for this topic
channel. This name will make it easier for your teammates. Especially if they're new to
Teams or the project to find the content needed. The right place to ask a question in
channel post, and what the channel is set up to achieve. Your project team may include
channels such as schedule, logistics, resources, budget, planing, testing, and
implementation. Okay, let's set up a couple of channels. Locate the name of the team and
select more options. From the context menu, select add channel. The create a channel for
Red30 Tech Makers Conference team appears. We'll need to give the channel a name. Let's
call this channel schedule. We can include an optional description. We'll go ahead and skip
that for now. Let's move onto the privacy menu. By selecting this field we get a dropdown
menu. It shows that currently, the privacy for this channel is standard. Meaning everyone
that has access to this team will have access to this channel. Lets go ahead and leave this
set to standard. If we want this channel to show up in the channel list for all owners,
members, and guests of this team, check the box that says, automatically show this
channel in everyone's channel list. All right, let's go ahead and select add. Within the
navigation panel, where we see team, just below that general channel that comes with it is
the new channel that was created. Just as with the general channel, this schedule channel
also has posts, files, and wiki to get you started. Let's create another channel. We're going
to go back to the more options menu for this team. From the context menu select add
channel. And this channel name, this is going to be for everything related to the
budget. Again, we can include an optional description. We're going to skip that for
now. Let's go to the privacy menu. And because we don't need to have all team members
involved in the budget, maybe just one or two. We're going to change this from standard
to private. It means that only a specific group or the people that have been invited to this
channel will have access to all of the contents within that channel. Let's select next, and
instead of it adding the channel right away, it has added it. But we need to define who is
going to have access to this channel. Let's start to type in our colleague's name,
Jennifer. Jennifer's name appears on the list. We'll select the name. Then select add. She's
now a member of this channel. Next select done. All right. Notice that budget has a
padlock icon next to it. This is what indicates that this is a private channel where there's
more limited access as to who can get into this channel, and communicate, and work with
all of the resources there. Whereas, general and schedule do not have the
padlock. Because they've been designated as standard channels that everyone that is a
part of this team will have access to. A team can have up to 200 standard
channels, including the deleted channels. And it can have up to 30 private channels. And
that's how you can create channels in team.
Invite team members and guests
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- [Instructor] As a project goes through different stages, you may need to add additional
members. Let's start by selecting more options next to the team name. From the context
menu, select add member. Then, enter the name or the group of who you would like to
add to this team. Let's start typing our colleague's name Chong. From the list that appears,
we'll select his name, then select add. And Chong has now been added to the team as a
member. Let's select close. Notice in the post area, there's also an automated message that
is posted by the person that is logged into Teams that has just added Chong. This lets the
rest of the team know who's new to the team. Let's add another team member. We'll go
back to the same more options menu, then select add member. And now we need to add
someone that is external to the company. We can type in an email address, or if you have
that email address copied to the clipboard like I do, we can paste that into the field
here. We'll select the name from the list, then select add. And Philip Ransu has been added
as a guest to the team. Notice next to his name that it has guest in parentheses. This is
how you will see this name called out through any communications in this team. Just gives
awareness to those within your company that are members or owners, that this is a
guest. Kind of maybe helps you understand the types of conversations to have if you have
external parties that will be part of this team. A guest, by default, also has more limited
permissions to what they can and cannot do within a team. Such as, a guest cannot
add, update, or delete team channels. Alright. Let's go ahead and select close. And that's
how you can invite members and guests to a team.
Manage Teams settings and permissions
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- [Instructor] If you are an owner of a team you can manage the team settings and
permissions. To get started, let's go ahead and select more options next to the team
name and then select manage team. There are a series of tabs, even some additional tabs
in this three more context menu where you can manage all areas of the team. We'll go
ahead and start here with members. There will be two sections for members. The group for
the owners where we can see that Leslie Richardson is currently the only owner of this
team, and then by selecting the arrow to the left of the members and guests title it will
expand this section to display all of the members and guests of the team. It's always good
practice to have more than one owner of a team. Maybe Leslie is out of the office, she's on
a work trip or vacation. We need to have a backup owner that can help manage this
team, add and remove members and guests, make changes to the permissions for this
team. Let's go ahead and promote Jennifer from being a member by selecting the arrow
next to member and from the context menu changing this to owner. Once the change has
been completed, notice that Jennifer Dawson is no longer part of the members and guests
group, she is now up here in the owner area. With the scroll bar to the right, you can scroll
through the rest of the list and manage the members and guests by either changing their
role with that drop down arrow or if they no longer need to be a member of this team, you
can select the X to remove that person from the team. There are a couple of ways that you
can add members to the team. One is from this screen, if you look at add member here in
the upper right corner, that will take you through the process of typing in the name, the
group, or the email address of the person that you would like to add to this team. All right,
let's move over to the next tab, pending requests. If someone has requested to join this
team their name would be listed here, where you can approve or decline their team
membership. The next tab is apps. This will show a listing of the current apps that have
been set up to work with the channels of this team. If you would like to make an app not
available, you can select the trashcan icon over here to the right to uninstall it. If you would
like to add additional apps, connectors, other services to this team, you can select more
apps in the upper right corner. Let's take a look at that three more drop down list. Let's go
to channels. To manage the settings for each channel within this team, you'll need to go to
the channels tab. Here it will show a listing of if this channel is displayed for you. That's
Leslie that's logged into this team. If it is set up to display for members as far as the
description for it, and what type of team is it, is it a standard team or is it a private team. If
you'd like to work with other things related to a channel, select more options over here to
the right and work with the choices within the context menu. If channels have been
deleted, they will appear here in the deleted area at the bottom. The zero indicates that we
do not currently have any deleted channels within this team. Okay, let's go back to that
three more menu, and let's take a look at settings. Settings is where you get to
manage specific permissions, if there's going to be a picture added to the team, and other
things like generating a team code for folks to be able to join that team. Let's add a team
picture by selecting the arrow next to team picture, then select change picture, and we are
going to upload a picture, so we'll select upload picture, takes us out to the open
menu. Go to where that picture is located, select it, then select open. A preview appears
with a thumbnail image, if that's good go ahead and select save. The initials RT that were
there by default have no been updated with this new image. Let's select close and here's
what the team picture will look like. Notice up here next to the name of the team, this is
what it will look like as you're working in the team, and also how the thumbnail will
appear in the list of your teams. To make changes to specific members, expand member
permissions, scroll through the list, and check and uncheck the boxes for the things that
you want to enable or disable. Notice that members have a lot of permissions. They can
create, update, remove certain things, like channels, they can delete and restore
channels, they can update tabs within a channel, but when we get to guest permissions, it's
much more limited by default. If you would like to allow guests to be able to create and
upload channels, then you can check this box. Same thing for if you'd like them to be able
to delete channels. At mentions are a way of notifying with a message if something is
being communicated directly to a specific team member, to a channel or to an overall
team, and if you need to mention those, again just check and uncheck the boxes. A team
code is a code that can be generated that can be then used for individuals to join a team, a
private team, without needing to get approval by that team owner, and here is the team
code that was just generated that you can then copy and reuse elsewhere if you'd like. Fun
stuff are the things like emojis, memes, Giphys, stickers, and if you'd like to manage if these
are going to be enabled or disabled, and if they need to be moderated, this is the section
to work within. The final thing to take a look at is in this three more drop down menu and
it's called analytics. It gives you a dashboard view of the activity that is happening within
this team. The summary lets you know how many users, how many messages and
apps, how much storage you're using for the Sharepoint file library that's associated with
this team, what the role break down is, and additional details if you scroll down, if there are
messages available. This is a brand new team so we don't have a lot of information in here
quite yet. To exit settings, select another area in a team, like a specific team channel. Let's
go to the general channel, and that's how you can manage team settings and permissions.

Managing Files

Working with a document library

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- [Instructor] Each channel comes with a pinned files tab. This is a folder of the SharePoint
online site document library that is associated with the team. Files can be uploaded and
created here and then organized within a folder structure. Here you can see that all of the
folders and the file in the mail level have blue bursts next to these. This along with the
timing in the modified column indicates that these are new folders and files that have
recently been created or uploaded to this file structure. Now if we want to go ahead and
view one of these files, let's say we need to view an invoice. Let's go ahead and select the
invoices folder and then select the file that we'd like to take a look at. Let's select this Excel
workbook. If you look around the perimeter, notice that we have not left the team's
application. And here's the invoice that we just selected. This is Excel Online that is
embedded within the team's application. So we don't have that app to app switching and
also that context switching that happens along with that. We can view this just as we
would in Excel Online or the desktop version of Excel. And if changes are needed you can
select a cell and type directly there, work with your formula bar, or when something is
selected maybe make some formatting changes from the home ribbon or the other
ribbons that are here. Now when you're done viewing or editing, select close in the upper
right corner and it takes you back to the files tab where we started. To navigate back out of
this invoices folder, we can use the breadcrumb trail here. So let's go back up a level to
budget. Now we're at the main level again. In addition you have a ribbon at the top that
has some commands to help you work within this area. If we want to create something
new, a folder or one of the Office documents types of files we can select it from the
context menu. Let's go ahead and start a Word document. First thing it wants to know is
what do you want to call this document. We'll call it Budget Proposal. Then select create. It
has saved that Budget Proposal document to the main level of that files tab and it's
opening this new blank document within Word Online that's embedded within the team's
application. We can start typing. We can start working with some formatting and other
commands on the ribbon. Once we're done, select close in the upper right corner. And
again it takes us back out to the Budgets file tab. If you have existing documents that
reside in OneDrive or locally on your computer you can upload those. You can also sync
these files to make sure that they're always up to date if you have them synced to your
desktop as well as here in the team's application. You can get a link, you can generate a
link to go directly to a file. If I want someone to take a look at this budget update
proposal, by selecting that file contextually the ribbon changes to show what commands
and services are available to work with this file. Let's copy this link. We can copy a link that
will take us directly to teams or to SharePoint where the file resides. Now we'll select copy
and we've copied a link to this file and it's available from the clipboard. All right when
something is not checked, let's uncheck this file. That ribbon changes back to the default
settings. In addition you have these three dots. These are other things that you can do with
selected items like download it locally to your computer, add additional cloud
storage, maybe something that's not Microsoft OneDrive for Business or SharePoint. And
open this in SharePoint if needed. Finally you have different ways that you can view this
file's library. By selecting the down arrow you can switch your view options from the
current setting which is list and displaying all documents to something else. If you have a
lot of files that you're working with, compact list may be the way to go. Less space
between those folders and files. If you're working with images, logos, you may want to
display this as tiles and see these in a different layout. Let's go ahead and set this back to
the default which is list. And that's how you can work with the document library, the files
tab that's associated with a team channel.
Attach files in a conversation
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- [Instructor] If you want to grab your project teammate's attention about a file being
added to a channel, you can attach it to a post message. Let's navigate to the budget
channel and then we are here in the post tab area. Notice that Jennifer Dawson is
asking where she can find the catering documents. Now you can reply to this and attach
the documents or you can also start a new conversation thread and attach documents that
way. Let's go ahead and reply to Jennifer. By selecting reply we have commands listed at
the bottom that help us enhance the message. In this case we want to reply by attaching
some files. Let's go ahead and select attach. And from the context menu select
OneDrive. Files that we need are in the Red30 Tech Makers Conference. Let's navigate to
that area and let's select the first file here, the catering proposal and upload a copy. Now
here is the attached file. Let's type in a response. And let's scroll down just a little bit
here within our message and notice that we still have those same commands to work
with. Let's go back and find the other file that we need to attach as well. We'll follow the
same process. We select attach. From the context menu we'll select OneDrive. We'll go to
the folder and select the other file and upload a copy. The green progress bar
indicates that it's uploading the file. It's now done. In addition, if we needed to upload
files from other sources, from this same context menu you could upload files from your
computer or from files that exist in other team channels. All right we're done. Let's go
ahead and send this by selecting send. It's what looks like a paper airplane in the lower
right corner. And we've responded to Jennifer. These two files that are attached to this
post conversation also reside now within the files tab. So if we go over here to the files
tab notice that we have the two Landon Hotel files, the catering agreement and the
catering proposal that now live at the main level of this directory. These files could be
moved into other folders or if new folders could be created and they could be moved. And
we could do that at another time. Let's go and take a look at another way that you can also
upload a copy of files to what's known as a chat, a private chat. So if there's conversation
that does not need to be discussed with all teammates that are part of this channel and
part of this team, you could take this offline and make this a one to one or a group
chat. And we'll go over here to the left navigation. In the bar, select chat and then either
select the name of the person you want to chat with or if you select new chat you can type
in the name of who you would like to chat with. In this case we are going to chat with
Chong. I'm going to select him from the list, type my message, select attach and follow the
same process that we just did before. We'll select OneDrive, go to the folder where the file
resides, select it and then select share. Once we're ready to send we'll select send in the
lower right corner. And now this message has been sent to Chong. We get a notification
that we have shared this file with Chong meaning we have shared this file from OneDrive
for Business with Chong. As Chong is chatting with Leslie, you can always go to and find
the files quickly by going to the files tab instead of it getting lost in that two or three week
conversation that's been going back and forth from day to day. And that's how you can
attach files in a channel, a private or standard channel, or a private chat that is one to
one or one to many.
Move files from OneDrive to Teams
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- [Instructor] Files can be moved into a team channel from other sources, like locally on
your computer, from OneDrive for Business, and elsewhere, pretty easily. And there's many
ways you can accomplish that. Drag and drop does work. If you want to have multiple
windows open, you can drag from one source into the Files tab of the channel. I'd like to
show you a way though, that if you don't have those files synced locally on your device, or
if you just don't want to leave the Teams application, and you want to get this job
done, how you can move or copy files without leaving the Teams app. We're going to
switch from Teams in the bar on the left, we're going to go to the Files area. This displays
many different things, like the recent list that you see here from files that you've recently
been accessing in many different team channels. The Microsoft Teams area, you could go
to this if you'd like to see a complete list of what you and your colleagues are working
on. We need to go down here to the Cloud storage area though where it says
OneDrive. This is Leslie's OneDrive for Business document library, where she has all of her
personal folders and files that she works with. The file that needs to be moved is in the
list. If we scroll down a bit here, we're going to select this Best of Landon Hotel Guide. To
select it, we're going to check the circle on the left. Before I do that though, notice this
ribbon here at the top, and take note of the specific commands that are displayed on it
right now. Once we check the circle to the left, that menu changes. Notice how the
options, the commands, have changed on this ribbon. When a file or multiple files are
selected, contextually this ribbon will change to show you what commands are available
for use. The one that we need is over here in the three ellipses menu. This is the other
things you can do with the selected items. Let's select this, and then select Move or
Copy from the context menu. Let's leave this file in Leslie's OneDrive for Business
document library. Make a copy of it available in a team channel. Select Copy from the Copy
To dialog box that appears on the left. We don't want to copy this to another area of
OneDrive, so we need to select Browse Teams and Channels. Next to the right of this,
select the team. Red30 Tech Makers Conference is the one that we're selecting, and then
select the channel. Schedule is what we're going to select, and in the lower right corner,
select Copy. Once it has copied the file, a notification will appear in the lower right
corner. Let's go take a look. Let's switch from the Files area back to Teams on the
navigation bar. Within the Teams list, let's go to the Red30 Tech Makers Conference
team, and into the Schedule channel. Then select the Files tab at the top. And here is the
file that was just copied from Leslie's OneDrive for Business library to this team channel
library. And that's how you can move or copy files from OneDrive to Teams without leaving
the Teams app.
Coauthoring in files
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- [Instructor] Files that are hosted within a team can be worked on at the same time as
other teammates are working in that file. It's what is known as live editing or co-
authoring. Let's go ahead and open up this Best of Landon Hotel Guide. And we're going
to be working with this Word document in the Word Online application that is embedded
within this Teams app. Now, in the ribbon area, notice that there is a picture and the initials
J.D. when we hover over that. This indicates that Jennifer Dawson is also working in this
document at the same time that her colleague Leslie is working in this document. In this
caption area, there is a shortcut that will take you directly to where that person is
working. In this case, it's page one, so it doesn't really indicate that it's changing much on
the screen of where Jennifer's working. But if we scroll down a little bit, we do have some
other indicators here, letting us know. Now, you might see a blue dot over on the left. We
don't have that at the moment. But if some new changes happened since Leslie last looked
at this document, that would be an indication that something new has changed. And it'll
tell you the timeframe of when it's changed. Over here is a blue flag. When you hover the
mouse over the blue flag it indicates that this is where Jennifer Dawson is working. And if
you notice, the picture up here has a blue outline around it. There is a color associated with
each person that is working in this document. So if our colleague Jonathan was in here
working, he may have a red outline, and the flag within the document would be called out
in red. Just an indicator to help you find who's working where in the document. So as
Jennifer's working in this document with Leslie, if she is typing, as you see happening on
the screen now, the other colleagues are able to see this in real time. Just as if Jennifer
were to delete some characters or make some formatting changes, everybody is seeing the
latest version of the document. Now, as each person is working in this document, it is
automatically saving the changes back to where the file resides within that channel Files
tab area. You cannot work at the exact same second on the same sentence or word within
a Word document. It may see that as a conflict. And it'll indicate that if that's the
case. Otherwise, it's going to save each person's changes. And it's going to collect those in
what are known as versions of that document. Once done, you can go ahead and select
Close to exit out of the document, and it will take you back to the Files tab. It's worth also
noting that if you open this document in the online application outside of Teams, so in
Word Online within a modern browser, or if we were to open that same document in a
desktop version of Word, it's going to work very similarly. You'll have those same
indicators as to who was working in the file. You'll also have that automatic saving
happening with those created file versions. And that's how you can co-author files.
Managing file versions
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- [Instructor] When files such as Excel workbooks, PowerPoint presentations or Word

documents reside in cloud file libraries like OneDrive for business or SharePoint
Online, any edits made are automatically saved as versions. The version history can be
viewed and managed from the application or the SharePoint library where the team
channel files reside. Let's go ahead and open this Best of Landon Hotel Guide Final
document. It opens within the Teams app and it's working with Word Online. To view the
version history for this document, let's select the File tab. And from the backstage
area, select Info and then select Version History. The version history panel displays to the
right where you can toggle on or off to show the changes. Let's keep this turned on for
now. Next, it has a title Today. So there's going to be groupings within this panel of each
day's changes. These are the versions that were created today. If we'd like to go back and
take a look at what was changed 28 minutes ago, select that from the list, the document
refreshes and now as we scroll through, we can see the changes that have been
made. Looks like Landon was not quite completed yet with being typed there. If we want
to go back a little further, it refreshes and now we can see the changes in this version. If
you'd like to save a copy of a particular version, select Save a Copy, update the name as
needed, change the location if you'd like to. I'm going to keep this in the same
location which is the Red30 Teach Makers Conference team and the Schedule
channel. Next, select Save. And a separate copy of this file is now being saved. To exit this
version history, select Back to document in the upper left corner. It's the blue arrow. That
takes us back to the latest version of this document. Next, let's close this document by
selecting Close in the upper right corner. And this takes us back to where we started, which
is the Files area of the Schedule channel. We had one file when we started, but we created
a copy and that now resides in this same directory. Now that is how you can view versions
of a document in the Teams app. If you wanted to view versions of a document in the
Word Online application outside of Teams, with a modern browser where you have Word
Online open, the process would be the same. It's also going to be the same if you're
working with the desktop apps that are part of Office. You'll go to the File tab, from the
backstage area select Info and then select Version History. If you want to manage the
versions to be able to restore or delete versions, this has to be done from the SharePoint
Online document library. To get there, you're going to go to the three dots here at the top,
on the ribbon. This is other things you can do with the selected items. From this context
menu, select Open in SharePoint. And it opens the SharePoint document library. In the
upper left corner, notice Red30 Tech Makers Conference, the same name as the team that
we were just working in. When a team is created, a SharePoint site is also created and
associated with that. The files that are uploaded or created within those team channels,
they reside here. Right now we are in the Schedule folder. If we go back to the Documents
level, folders are created as channels are created. Here's the General channel and the
Schedule channel. And all of the files that reside within that Files tab of the channel reside
within the folder it's associated with. So if we go back into the Schedule folder, these are
the two files that we were looking at in Teams just a moment ago. If you need to manage a
version for one of these files, come over here to the three dots, that just show
actions. From the menu, select Version history and a dialog box appears with the versions
of this document. Here we have four versions. We can see that version one was created on
February 16th at 10:29 a.m. and we can see that it was Leslie that created this. And each
version, we have a timestamp, a date and timestamp of when that was created. To manage
or view the versions, you can select the arrow to the right, and if it's the latest version, the
only choices you'll have are View or Restore. If we go to our previous version, we can also
delete a version. So let's say that we want to delete version three. It will ask if you're sure if
you want to send this to the Recycle Bin. We'll say OK. And we're able to tell that
something has been deleted because it skips in the numbering sequence. One, two,
four. Three is now gone. If we want to make version two the latest working copy, select the
arrow, select Restore. It asked if we want to replace the current version with this
version. We'll select OK. And now we have a new version, version five. And that is how you
can manage file history.
Connect a document library from another team
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- [Narrator] You might be working with many files across many channels for a project. If
you need to find something quickly, you don't need to go from channel to channel looking
for that content. From any of the team channels, you can go to the search field at the top
of the application. By selecting this area, you can type in a key word or a phrase that you
would like to look for. If you've searched for things in the past, you will see a history of
those things listed in the drop down content menu. Let's go ahead and perform another
search for the keyword proposal. We could select that from the list or we can type that into
the field. Then press enter. Notice in the teams list that it has now been updated. We no
longer see the teams and the channels. Instead, we're seeing the search results. It starts
with the tab titled Messages. This is a listing of any messages, any conversations that you
have been a part of where it finds a match to that keyword. And the match is called out by
a highlight within the message. If you'd like to view that message, select it from the list and
the conversation appears in the workspace to the right. Let's move on to the next tab,
which is People. There are no people called proposal, so, we don't see any matches listed
in this area. Let's move on to the third tab titled Files. We have found three results that
match proposal. Proposal is mentioned somewhere in the title of the document or the
contents of the document. You can select one of these to view it, or if you have a lengthy
list of results, you can refine that and narrow down the results that you need to go
through by applying a filter. Select the down arrow here for filters, and then update the
fields as needed. If you know which team that file resides in, you can select it from this
area. If you know what type of file you're looking for, maybe we're looking for a Word
document. And even who it was modified by. You can type the name in of a teammate to
narrow the results, as well. Then select filter. To exit the filter, select the X to the right, and
that clears the filter. To exit from the search results, select the X at the top and that clears
the search. And that's how you can search for content including conversations, people, and

Tracking Tasks

Create a Planner board in a channel

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- [Narrator] There are many applications that help manage projects. And many also
support Agile Models. Microsoft Project and Project Online works well for large
projects. Microsoft Planner in combination with Microsoft Teams is a great solution for
smaller, less complex, Agile type projects. Agile is a continual iteration of development and
testing in the application development process. Whereas, Scrum is an Agile process that
focuses on delivering the business value in the shortest time possible. You can customize a
channel of a team and make it a more collaborative work space for these Agile and Scrum
type projects. A plan can assist with this by adding it to a Team channel. Planner is an
application that's part of Office 365 and you can incorporate this to include a plan within a
channel. Let's take a look at a couple of ways that you can do this. While you are in a
channel and you are working in the Post Tab area. At the top of this if you're getting a
conversation started, if this is a new channel, you will see different ways you can add
applications to this channel. So, if you wanted to create a new plan we can select
Planner. We can also go to the Plus sign here at the top This is Add a Tab. By selecting this
it will present to you a list of the apps and tabs that are available for you to set up in this
channel. Because Planner's part of Office 365, it's going to be listed here at the top, as part
of the Office 365 apps that are available. Let's select Planner. There are two types of
Plans that you can connect to a channel. If you want to create a brand new plan, select this
radia button and then give the plan a name. If you already have an existing plan that is
part of this team, maybe it's in another channel but you'd also like to have that as a pinned
tab available in this channel, You can select Use an Existing Plan for this Team. And then
use the drop down menu, if plans are available, and select that plan. We don't have any
plans set up yet for this team so let's go back and select Create a New Plan. Next, you'll
want to give this tab a name. You don't want it to be something to lengthy because that's
going to make the tab really wide and there's less space for other apps that you may want
to pin as a tab. We're going to call this a Work in Progress board and we'll use the
acronym WIP for that. If you would like to have a communication automatically posted in
the Post Tab area Keep the box down here checked. That is checked by default. All right,
lets go ahead and select Save. Notice at the top, in the Pinned Tabs area, here is the WIP
board that was just created. We have one bucket called To Do to get us started. And if we
go back over to the Post Tab, here's the notification that was automatically posted to give
awareness to all team members, that there's something new in this workspace for them to
work with. And that's how a plan can be added to a channel for greater collaboration and
Create task buckets in Teams
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- [Instructor] A plan comes with one bucket labeled to do. While you can start working with
this bucket and add tasks right away. To better organized like tasks, you may want to add
new buckets that group these tasks by focus area, phase, location, and more. To create a
new bucket, select add new bucket, then give the bucket a name. Let's call this
sponsors. Press enter, and you have new bucket. To add another new bucket, if we scroll to
the right, there's a placeholder here for add new bucket. We'll select this area, and enter
expo, and press enter. Buckets do not need to stay in the place in which they were
created. You can drag and drop to reorganize the order from left to right. Let's say that we
would like to position expo in front of sponsors. And now let's scroll over here to the left,
and grab to do. And we'll reposition that to the right. And we'll continue on to get that to
the right of the sponsors. There we go. If you'd prefer to work with these custom name
buckets and you no longer need to do, you go to three dots next to to do. From the
context menu, you can delete this bucket. Then select delete once more, and you've
removed it. And now if we scroll back to the left, we have the expo and sponsor buckets to
get us started. And that's how you can create new buckets and rearrange them.
Create and assign tasks in Teams
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- [Instructor] Tasks can be added to an existing bucket of a plan. Let's add a task to the
Sponsor bucket. Select + Add task, then give the task a name. Let's call this the call for
sponsors package. That's all that's needed to save this task. But let's also include a due
date by selecting set due date, we'll arrow down to select March 9th. Now it's due on
March 9th. And then select a sign to assign this to one or more of our colleagues that are
apart of this team. Let's pick Chong, and we can also type a name in if we need to narrow
the results. Type part of Jennifer's name and then select her from the list as well. The plus
sign is still here if we need to add additional people to assign this task to, notice here's
Chong and here is Jennifer. Once done if you'd like to add another task you can quickly do
that by selecting add task. It saves the call for sponsors package task as a card listed
here and it starts a new task just above it. If we click outside of this area that new task goes
away, and now we just have the card for the task we just created. If you need to add
additional details or work with this task in a different way, let's take a look at how we can
do that. The three dots over here to the right gives you more options. If you need to add
additional people to assign this task to, copy this task to make another task, copy a link to
it maybe you need to send that link by email or post that in a document, move this task to
another bucket or even delete the task. If we want to add additional details that are not
available in that more options menu, click directly over the task, and it expands the card to
show more fields for detail. From here, you can change the bucket, where that task resides
or where it needs to move to, the progress as it's being worked on, priority level if that
needs to be set we'll leave that at the default of medium right now, and even a start date if
that's needed. As we scroll down, there's a field for notes, a place to add a checklist and an
attachment. Let's start a checklist. Click directly over where it says add an item, and type in
the first item. Press the enter key, and you're on to the next checklist item. Press the enter
key and you can continue on with this checklist. If you'd like to have this checklist
displayed on that visual card within the bucket of the plan, check the box in the upper right
corner that says Show on card. Next, lets add an attachment. Select add attachment, and if
you have a link copied to where that attachment resides, you can select link. In this case,
we'd like to browse out to the SharePoint document library, select SharePoint. Then, select
the channel where the file resides. That's the channel that is part of this team that we're
working in. Let's go to schedule. Next, select the file that you would like to include, then
scroll to the bottom of the style log box and select save. Here's the file attachment, and we
can have this displayed on the card as well by checking this box. As we scroll to the
bottom, there is a place for you to include comments, but this is not active until you
have saved the changes that we've made here. Then you'll be able to add comments later.
Now, let's scroll back up and just do a little checking we've got the show on card for
attachments, let's check that box again it looks like it didn't keep that for the checklist.
Scroll back up to the top, and let's close this card by selecting the X. And here is the card
that has been updated. Along with the title of this task, we have a checklist, and as each
item is updated, they can be checked. As they're completed, they drop off of the list. As
well we can easily see that there's an attachment, and if we're not in the expanded
view, that is a way to get to that attachment. Different models are used in an agile
development or project management process. The best one is called "kanban". This
Japanese term "kanban" is translated to visual, which means "kan" and card which means
"ban". All necessary information is included in the cards just like the card that we just
created. It's visualized clearly. Examples of this information are task titles, descriptions,
processors, expiration dates, task status, dependencies on those tasks, and
fulfillment criteria. While this is not truly a "kanban" app that can be added to a team there
is something separate if you are a developer working with kanban. A plan can be used as
a kanban. You can gather all of the work materials in one place to help get the task done.
And that's how a task can be added to a bucket of a plan.
Managing and reporting on tasks
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- [Narrator] As tasks are being worked on and or completed, if you're managing the
tracking of these tasks for a project, you have some tools built into Planner that can assist
with this. First thing, before we take a look at that, I'd like to point out in the upper right
corner that if you're working with this plan in the team's channel and you need a bit more
space to see the buckets, tasks, and the reports we'll be taking a look at, the expand tab
will hide the navigation on the left and give you more space to view these results. So here
we are, we are looking at the board view, just as as it indicates here in the upper left
corner. And in this view, if you needed to filter or group by certain criteria, over on the
right side, you have a filter drop down menu. If we want to see things that are late or due
today, notice how it is updating and displaying those tasks that match this filter
criteria. And then select clear to clear that. You can also group by other things other than
the bucket name. If we want to see who it's assigned to, now instead of by bucket we're
looking at all the tasks that have been assigned to Leslie and to Chong. And to clear that,
we can go back and just reset that to bucket. So that's Board view. Now, lets take a look at
Charts next, that's the tab to the right of Board. This is a dashboard view that shows the
status of the tasks graphically, the number of tasks within each bucket, and who has those
assignments. So over here on the left we can see that we have three tasks left, two have
not been started and one is in progress, one has been completed. What buckets do they
reside in? Looks like two are in Expo and one is in Sponsors. And then over here to the
right, we have the tasks by the Bucket by Expo and Sponsor that we can view. And just as
we're able to filter and group by like we did in the Board view, we can apply the same
thing here. If we'd like to see everything that is due today, the dashboard updates. Due
tomorrow, updates again. We can select clear to reset that back to showing everything. If
we would like to see maybe the progress of these, we can set that to progress. Or the
priority of these, we can change that as well. To set that back, we can just go back and
reset it to Bucket. The next view is Schedule, and this is a month calendar view. We're
currently looking at February of 2020 where we have one task which is to schedule
meetings with the vendors. If we arrow to the right, that takes us to March 2020 where we
can see the call for Sponsors package that's here as well. And you also have filter and
group by bucket to work with. Once you're done, if you'd like to be able to see that
navigation for the teams and channels that you're working in, go back to the upper right
corner and select collapse tab. If there are tools here that you are not able to work with but
you're familiar with working in the Microsoft Planner Application, you can select the
globe and that will take you out to the Planner Application within a browser window. And
that's how you can manage and report on a plans tasks.

Working with Pages and Lists

Connecting a SharePoint list to a channel

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- [Instructor] Because a team is connected to a SharePoint online site, there's a lot of

content that can be created and customized on that SharePoint site, like this Vendors
list. Well, what if we don't want to have to switch from a team channel that we're working
in out to the SharePoint site to access one of these vendor's websites? Or we need to have
a way to maybe make approvals, decisions around which vendors we're going to be
working with. We can take this Vendors list and add it to a team channel. Let's go ahead
and switch back over to the Teams application. Here we are in the Red30 Tech Makers
Conference team. A new channel has been created called Vendors to manage all of the
vendors for this conference. If we'd like to add that SharePoint list, we need to go to the
plus sign at the top of the channel, from the Add a tab menu that appears, we're not going
to select Document Library, that's to pull in an additional Document Library, we're going to
select SharePoint. The tooltip indicates that this is a way to view pages and collaborate
with lists. Let's go ahead and select that. Two tabs appear, Pages and Lists. Let's select Lists,
and then let's select Vendors. We do want to make sure that everyone has awareness that
there's something new here for them to reference or to help get their work done, so make
sure that the box down here at the bottom is checked to automatically post about this in
the channel, then select Save. Once the list has been pinned within the channel, it will
display the title up here in a tab. This is the Vendors list. Here is the list of all of the
vendors. And if we quickly need to go to one of these websites, it can be selected right
from this area. And that's how you can add a SharePoint list to a team channel.
Managing a SharePoint list
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[Instructor] -If you need to manage a SharePoint list that has been connected to a Team
Channel, there's a few things you can do with it here. Let's first go ahead and maximize the
space to see this list a bit better. In the upper right corner let's select expand tab. That
hides the team and channel panel, so that we have more real estate to work with this
vendor's list. Now, currently in the vendor's list we have two columns; title, and
website. But what if we need to add another column or two to track some information with
vendor selection and maybe what the vendor's providing, status of paperwork. Let's select
add column, and for this one we're going to select 'Yes' or 'No'. That this is going to be a
column that's populated with yes or no. Now let's give that column a name. Notice the red
asterisk. This is letting you know that this is a required field. So we'll say I'll let you call this
approved. And the description is optional. For the type, we're going to leave this as yes/no,
but notice in this context menu that there are many choices. Let's leave that as yes or
no. The default value we can choose yes or no, This doesn't mean it's going
to automatically populate the cell for that vendor with yes, it's that if you select that cell it's
going to update it with yes. Alright, let's select save. And here is the new approved
column. Let's add one more column. We'll select add column. For this one, we'll need a
place to take some notes. Maybe a single line of text, or multiple lines of text. Let's select
multiple lines of text. Let's give this a name - notes. Again, description is optional. We'll
leave the other values as the defaults, and then select save. And now we have a place to
take notes. If we want to start adding information into each of the columns that were just
created, let's take a look at the ribbon above. By selecting new, you can fill out the new
item form to add a new vendor to this list. We're not going to do that at the moment, so
let's close out of that field. But what we want to do is make some edits to the existing
vendors. So let's select quick edit from this ribbon. This displays the table. A list is
essentially a table with cells that are populated with information and this table is in a
column format. We already have the titles of our vendors and we have the websites of our
vendors. But we need to know if these vendors have been approved or not. So by selecting
a cell, here's the dropdown menu for yes or no. If we do not select something from this
contacts menu it will leave it empty. So let's go back and say yes for Topsy Turvy Cake
Designs and yes for Landon Hotel. And for the note for Pixel Photography, we're waiting
on paperwork. You can also export this list to Excel if you need to do some more data
analysis, or filtering and sorting of information. By selecting export to Excel. Once you're
done, select exit quick edit, and it takes you back to the list view. Where we can see the
Topsy Turvy and Landon Hotel have been approved and, for Pixel Photography we're
waiting on paperwork. Now there are some additional things that you can do with
this. Maybe we want to call more attention to if they've been approved or not. If we go to
the dropdown menu for approved, and then go to column settings and format this
column, we can format yes or no to apply different colors. Let's check the box, then select
save, then select the x to close out of this format menu. Notice how yes is called out with a
green shaded background. If we then select quick edit, and add no to Pixel Photography,
then exit quick edit it shades that background red. And that's how you can manage a
SharePoint list.
Connecting a SharePoint page to channel
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- [Instructor] A SharePoint page, such as the homepage that you see here, can be
connected to the associated team channels. Now, looking through this homepage, notice
in the News section we have the Red30 Tech Makers Conference video, we have an article
about buttercream or fondant from the cake designer. If we'd like to connect in this
information, let's go ahead and take a look at how we can do that in the Teams app. Here
we are in the Red30 Tech Makers Conference team and we're going to pin some of that
content here to the general channel. We need to go to the plus sign at the top. That's the
Add a Tab command. And from the dialog box that appears, we'll select SharePoint. And
that takes us to the Pages tab where it's displaying all of the pages that are part of that
SharePoint site that can be connected as a pinned tab of this channel. Let's go ahead and
pin News and below, before we select Save, notice that it's checked to post this in the
channel about this tab. It's automatically going to start a new threaded conversation in the
Post area of this channel. Let's leave that checked. Now let's select Save and the News tab
has been set up. Here's the News tab. Can also select the arrow if you'd like to work with
the Settings, Rename, or at some point later, if you need to remove this tab. Let's select
News again to get that context menu to go away and if we want to read more specifically
about one of these news articles, we can select it. As new articles are posted to that
SharePoint page, they will also be populated here within this tabbed area. And that's how
you can connect a SharePoint page to a team channel.

Taking Notes

Add a OneNote notebook to a Teams channel

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- [Instructor] Digital OneNote notebooks in a team are great for taking meeting notes, for
brainstorming ideas, and for documenting project decisions. Each team comes with a
prebuilt notebook that can be connected to many different team channels. Let's take a
look at how we can add that prebuilt notebook to this general channel. We're going to
select the Add a Tab command and from the dialogue box that appears, we need to select
OneNote. A list of notebooks that Leslie has access to are listed here. Notice the very first
one in the list is the Red30 Tech Makers Conference notebook. It's the default team
notebook. This is the one that was created when this team was created. Now, if we'd like to
pin something else, there's also the Temporary Lobby notebook and as you hover over
each of these notebooks, it is showing you the path of where that notebook
resides. There's also the Landon Hotel Intranet notebook and Leslie's personal notebook at
Landon Hotel. If we would like to pin this Red30 Tech Makers Conference notebook, let's
go ahead and select it. To the left of this, notice there is an arrow where if you'd like to
create a new section while you are getting ready to pin this notebook, you have the
opportunity to do that as well. We're not going to cretae a new section at the moment. All
right, so we've got this selected. Let's select the arrow to collapse that back down. At the
bottom, if we'd like to have a new conversation started to give everyone awareness in the
post tab, make sure this box is checked. It'll let everyone know that this notebook has been
pinned as a tab within the channel. If you have a link for a notebook and it's not a
notebook that is being suggested here to be able to add, you can also select the Paste a
OneNote link and paste that into the provided field. We're ready to set this notebook up in
the channel. Let's select Save. Notification appears that it's setting up the new tab. Once it
is done, that tab will take on the name of the notebook, just as you see it here, and we
have our empty notebook. Over to the left, we can select the arrow to open the navigation
panel and this is a great place for you to get started with creating sections and pages and
that's how you can add a OneNote notebook to a team channel.
Take project notes in OneNote
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- [Instructor] While working on a project, there are many types of notes that you may need
to take and respond to. A notebook within a team channel is a great space for this. We
already have a notebook that has been set up in the General channel of this team. But
notice the current section that we are in is empty. Before we expand the Navigation
panel and start adding some notes, let's expand the workspace that we have for this
notebook. Go to the upper-right corner, select the two headed arrow, which is Expand
tab. And that hides the panel with the teams and the channels. Next, let's select the arrow
over here to expand the navigation panel, where we can see some sections that have
already been set up within this notebook, meetings, socials, speakers, volunteers and
ideas. To start setting up your own sections, select Section at the bottom of this panel and
type in the name for that. Then select OK. And here's the new section we just created. Let's
go to the meeting section. There's a meeting that's getting ready to start and if you'd like
to take some notes for that, you can use some of the information that's already set up in
the meeting to generate some of the content on the page. For this, we need to go to the
Insert ribbon by selecting the Insert tab, then come all the way over to the right and select
Meeting Details. If this is the first time that you're selecting Meeting Details, you will need
to log in with your account, your Office 365 account, the email address and the password
associated with that. Once you do that, this Add Meeting Details panel will display. It's
listing all of the meetings that are coming up on Leslie's calendar today, that is, her
Outlook calendar. Great thing about Teams is it connects to many other apps and
services that are part of Office 365. We don't have to go out to the Outlook calendar to get
the details to get into that meeting. We also don't have to do that to take the notes for this
meeting. So let's select the Daily Huddle meeting to start taking notes on this. When you
select it from the list, the page gets populated with all of the contents that it can find from
that meeting instance. Next, let's close Add Meeting Details by selecting the X in the
upper-right corner. So here are the details that were added. The page name has
automatically been updated to the subject of the meeting. It's also has a time and date
stamp of when these notes were started. Below this, are all of the meeting details, the date
and time that the meeting was taking place, the location which happens to be a meeting
that's taking place in the General channel of the Red30 Tech Makers Conference team. If
there was an invitation message included, that would be here. Because this is a team's
meeting, there's a link to select to go directly to that online meeting room. And it lists the
participants. What I really like about this is it has a Notes section for you to capture some
of those actionable items that come out of this meeting. So if we have a personal to do
list, or things that we need to let other members know about or remind them to take care
of, you can capture that in the Notes area. For this, let's go to the Home ribbon. And then
over here to the right, select the tags command and from the drop down, select To
Do. That gives us a to do box, and we can type in what needs to happen. Press Enter, and it
will continue that to do list for you. As those things are completed, you can check them off
and mark them as complete. Next, let's take a look at how you can capture some ideas in
the Ideas section. So let's go back to the Navigation panel, and then select Ideas. So here
we have an untitled page, maybe we need to capture some ideas for some events that are
going to be happening in this conference. So let's go ahead and give this page a title. Then
in the page area, we could just start freeform typing in a container, just as you would type
in a Word document or somewhere else. But instead, I want this to have a little bit more
structure, so my colleagues that are going to be entering their ideas here, know what kind
of information I want and what format I'd like to have that in. I'm going to create a
table. While you could create a table by going to the Insert ribbon and then selecting the
Table command and deciding how many cells you need it to be, instead, I'm going to show
you a little shortcut with the keyboard. I'm going to type in name and then press the Tab
key on the keyboard, and I've started a table. And you can continue on to create as many
columns in this table as needed. So name and ID is really the only thing I need to capture
right now, I'll press the Enter key, and that generates another row, Tab, Enter, and I can
continue until I at least get a few empty rows or more that are available for everyone to
type in. And just as you can resize a table in other Office documents, you can also resize
this table by placing the cursor directly over an edge to make that cell column wider. We'll
do the same thing here for name. And there you go, we've created a table for everyone
else to enter their information in. Let's go ahead and go back to that Navigation panel, and
look at how we can pull in documents that we need to collaborate on, or make some
decisions around. So for this, we're going to go to the Needs review section. Again, we
have an untitled page to get us started. We'll come back and we'll enter a title up here in
just a moment, but let's come down to the container area, notice how when you select on
that page, it collapses that Navigation panel, giving you more space to work. And we're
already on the Insert ribbon, that's where we went to look at the Table command. We need
to insert a file, so let's come over here and select File. There are two ways that you can
insert a file, as an attachment, where it will have an icon of the file type it's associated
with as well as the name of the file. And then you can double click and open that in the
associated application. For this though, I'd like to have it visible on the page, so that we
can mark it up and make notes around it. So I'm going to select Insert File Printout. It
needs to be a supported file type for this, which is PDF, Word or PDF actually. So let's
select Choose File. And then let's select the invoice here, which is a PDF, then select
Open. Here's the file that we've selected. Let's go ahead and select Insert. And here is the
invoice that has been embedded within a page of the notebook. If we need to mark up
and make some changes, we can work with the Draw ribbon. Pick a color for a pen, and
then mark that up to call attention to things, to strike through things, whatever may be
needed. And that's how you can take project notes in a OneNote notebook within a team.
Working with a wiki
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- [Instructor] When a channel is added to a team, it usually has three tabs: Post, Files, and
Wiki. Let's go to this Wiki tab. This is what Wiki will look like when you first start working
with it. It doesn't have any pre-populated content. It has some placeholders for you to
place content in that. Let's start at the top where it says Untitled page. And right in this
area, we're going to select this text and type in our Schedule FAQs. Next, we'll type in the
name for a section. Maybe this is going to be everything that has to do with Day 1. We
need to have another section for Day 2. If we want to add content underneath that section
title, place the mouse cursor there and you can start typing in the information. Before I
start typing, notice at the top that there is a formatting toolbar. It has a lot of the same
markdown type of tools that you may already be familiar with in a word editor type of an
application such as Microsoft Word. So we can make text bold, italic, underlined. We can
strike through, we can highlight, we can change the color of the font or the size of the
font. Let's type in a little bit of content here for Day 1. And we have a question. Maybe
later, we'll come back and add an answer underneath that. As we continue to add
information, let's add one more section and call this our Preconference Day, now that we
have Preconference Day added, let's go back up here to Day 2 and move this down to
reposition. That moves Preconference up, and let's do the same thing here for Day 1 to
reposition these; there we go. If you need to add additional pages to a Wiki, you can go to
the three-line menu here in the upper left corner, that's Expand Wiki menu, and notice how
we have Schedule FAQs with these three sections, and then we can select New Page to add
an additional page. So here's the new page. If we go back to the menu, we can get back to
Schedule FAQs, which was the first page that was created. Next, let's go to the General
channel and take a look at this Wiki called Read me. So a Wiki just has the default name
Wiki. If you want to rename it, if you right-click over the name of that tab, you can choose
to Rename or Remove. So this Wiki was renamed to Read me. This is another great way
that you can use Wiki. For anyone that is new to working with Microsoft Teams or new to
this project team, when they come in here and start getting familiar and looking around
the channels, if they see something that says Read me, chances are they're going to go
read it. It's a great place for you to set the stage or the what this workspace is about. So
what was this channel set up for? Who was it set up for, and what type of work should be
done here? And that's something you could include with each of the channels. If you need
more than one Wiki, go to the plus sign on the right, and from the Add a tab menu, select
Wiki. Let's go ahead and close out of the Add a tab. And that's how you can work with a
Wiki in your team channels.

Managing Online Meetings

Scheduling a Teams meeting

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- [Instructor] Meetings can be scheduled to take place in a team, specifically in a channel of

a team. To schedule this, you'll need to go to the calendar area. So from the bar over here
on the left let's select Calendar. And this takes us to Leslie's calendar. That is who is logged
in to Teams at the moment. So everything that is displayed in the Outlook calendar for
Leslie is also displayed here. She doesn't have to leave this workspace to go get to those
meetings or to look at those appointments that she has in her calendar. As well, to
schedule a meeting, you don't have to leave the Teams app. So in the upper right corner,
let's go to New Meeting. Select that command, and then fill in the fields to get this
meeting scheduled. Title is a required field. Let's go ahead and give this a title. Over to the
right, where would we like this meeting to take place? What channel do we want it to take
place in? We don't have to specify a channel, but it's a good idea if it's specific content or
for all of your meetings that are maybe just general update meetings that they take place
in the same channel. If you're recording a meeting, it will also auto-post that
recording with the other information that gets auto-posted in the post tab of the
channel. For this one let's select the team where this is going to take place, let's scroll
down and select Red30 Tech Makers Conference. When we select this it expands to display
the channels. This is going to take place in the Schedule channel. Let's pick that, there you
go. So now we have a team and a channel selected where this meeting will take place. If
additional people that are not part of this team need to be invited to this meeting, you can
type in a name of a colleague within your organization or an email address if you're
inviting an external guest to the meeting. Because this is an online meeting taking place in
a team channel, we're not going to populate the location. But sometimes you might have a
mix where you have an online and an onsite meeting, and you might need to specify that
conference room as well. Okay, let's give it a start and end date and time. If we select the
date field and scroll down, so you can see the complete mini month and pick what day it's
going to happen. We're going to have it later today, so we'll pick today. And now let's pick
a time, let's schedule it for 4:00 p.m. and we'll keep it for just today until 5:00 p.m. Now
let's scroll back up a little bit. If there's needs to be a reoccurring pattern for this, you can
check repeat and then this repeat area displays where can choose the pattern if it needs to
repeat every day, or every Tuesday, every work day. Let's go ahead and schedule every
Tuesday. And if we need to end it, instead of never we can specify when we want this to
end. We're going to just do maybe three or four rounds of session selection, so let's have
this end on the 10th. You can also include additional details like an agenda, in this area. All
right, for now let's go ahead and schedule this meeting by selecting Schedule in the lower
right corner. It takes us to the channel where we scheduled this meeting to take place. And
notice within the post tab, there's an auto-generated post from Leslie about this meeting
being scheduled. This gives additional awareness to anyone that is reading these
posts that there's a meeting that is coming up. Everyone that's a member of this team will
also find this on their Outlook calender. And however they have their notifications set
up they'll have that calendar reminder as it's getting close to approaching. And that's how
you can schedule a meeting to take place in a team channel.
Starting an impromptu Teams meeting
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- [Instructor] If you have a meeting that needs to take place right away, let's say that you
have a discussion happening here in the post area, and it would be easier to get
clarification if you could just get everyone into a meeting where you can discuss it
audibly, share some ideas or maybe some documents, and come to a conclusion much
quicker. Well, you can do that, it's what's called Meet Now. And Meet Now can be started
in a couple of different ways. First, let's go to the calendar area of the bar, where the
calendar's displayed. In the upper right corner, where you can start a new meeting, that's
to schedule a meeting at a specific date and time, next to that is Meet Now. So this is how
you can start a private meeting. If we go back out to the Teams, and within a specific Team
channel, like this Vendor channel that we are in, in the post area, where you would start a
new conversation, just below "Start a new conversation" field, in this bar, there's a camera
here called Meet Now. Let's go ahead and select this. This starts the new meeting. The
meeting actually hasn't started yet, it's asking if we would like to give this meeting a
subject, and then set up some preferences for the audio and video before we join the
meeting. Let's go ahead and type a subject where the cursor is blinking. Before we select
Meet Now, let's turn the camera off for now, then select Meet Now. Leslie has started the
meeting. Over to the right, we can see a list of people. If we'd like to invite specific
people, if they're not seeing the notification about this meeting starting, that's a great way
to do that. While we're in this meeting, though, let's go over to Teams and select
Teams, and notice in the panel here at the top of the Teams, here's our meeting. It's a
picture-in-picture, if you will, where we can still be in the meeting, hearing what's being
said, watching what's being shared if anything is being shared, and not leaving the
meeting to go and look up some information within the Team. So if there's a question that
needs to be answered, and you need to go look at a file, this is a great way that you can do
that. The reason that we are having this picture-in-picture is to go over here to the post
area and take a look. So when this Meet Now was started, it automatically posted a
notification in the channel of where the Meet Now started. This is to give awareness to
anyone that is in this channel that there's a meeting that's started, and they can select join
to get into that meeting with you. It also lets us know how long the meeting has been
going on, and if this meeting gets recorded, it's going to post the recording within this
same threaded conversation of the post's area. All right, let's go ahead and select right
over the picture-in-picture here in the upper left corner, that brings the meeting back to
full screen, and we'll go ahead and hang up on this meeting by selecting the hang up
command, and that is how you can get started with an impromptu Teams meeting known
as Meet Now.
Facilitating a meeting in Teams
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- [Instructor] After you've joined the meeting, as either the facilitator or attendee of the
meeting, you do have some controls that can help you with enhancing the collaboration in
this meeting workspace. As you move your mouse cursor towards the middle of the
screen, a bar appears in the bottom portion. This gives you controls to enable or disable
your camera, to mute or unmute your microphone, and even share something from your
desktop. So if you'd like to share a complete desktop as you see here, or you can even
include something like a Whiteboard, so any files that you've recently been working
with that you have open on your computer can be opened. Let's go to this Whiteboard,
though, this is a app that connects into this meeting workspace, and essentially, it gives
you a digital Whiteboard to be able to mark up and make annotations on and then save
that for later use. So here we are on the Whiteboard, on the right side, we have a panel of
different pens that can be selected, different colors, and an eraser as well, and then you
can get started by drawing with your mouse cursor. If you need to move the canvas
around, you can even pan around the canvas as well, and erase if you make any
mistakes. Now, to exit out of this Whiteboard, if you hover your mouse towards that
bottom portion again, where you get that ribbon to pop up, you will get a button that
says, "Stop Presenting." And this just stops presenting whatever content you're currently
sharing in the meeting workspace. All right, let's stop presenting, that takes us back out. As
we move over to the right, there are some additional actions if you need to manage your
device settings. The type of audio device that you're working with, the speakers, the level
of that, and your microphone as well. Let's close out of device settings, and let's move on
over here, notice this red dot over this chat bubble or this caption. This is to display the
conversation, so conversation panel when this is selected will display on the right side. It
shows when the meeting was started and then anyone that's participating in this
meeting has the capability to chat in this area. This is a great thing to do in any of your
project update meetings or anything specific to your project. In case someone is attending
this meeting and is not in a good place, where they have audio, they want to remain
muted, but they have questions, or they want to participate in the conversation. Let
everyone know that you will be checking this and responding, or assign that to someone
else that may be helping facilitate the meeting, so that you don't miss anything as you may
be presenting your desktop, or diagramming in that Whiteboard or something else. All
right, so let's respond to Jennifer here, and send that on its way. And just as with the
conversation that takes place in the post tab of a channel, you have a lot of the same
capabilities in this chat as well. You can format your text by working with this ribbon, you
can include an attachment that everybody will have access to in this chat, or even use
some of the fun emojis, Giphys, and stickers. So when the meeting is done, if you need to
leave the meeting a little early you can, and the meeting will continue on until the last
person hangs up from that meeting. Now this meeting is not done quite yet, so we're not
going to hang up, but if we needed to do that, we could select the red Hang up command
that appears on that ribbon. And that is how you can facilitate and participate in a Teams
Recording a Teams meeting
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- [Instructor] After a meeting has started, you may want to record that meeting. This gives
everyone an opportunity after the meeting to go back and play back certain decisions or
actionable items that they may have missed or that they just need to refresh on. It also
gives the opportunity for those that couldn't attend the meeting to watch it on demand at
a later time. Here we are in a Teams meeting that has already started. To record a meeting
you'll want to move your mouse cursor towards the middle of the screen till you see this
bar. Then select More actions. From this menu select Start recording. Once the meeting
has started it is going to prompt you if it's the first time, with a couple of little tips to help
you with that, that it's recording it to Stream. It's also going to show a bar at the top that
lets everyone know in this meeting that they are being recorded. It's also a great
opportunity for you just to mention it to everyone audibly so that they understand as
well, that everything in this meeting is now being recorded. To dismiss this select Dismiss
in the upper right corner. That just gives you back a bit more space if you're presenting on
your desktop or if someone else is presenting and you want to be able to see everything
more clearly. Notice in the upper left corner that there was a red dot that was appearing
up here. That's an indicator that it's recording. It also appears here within the bar, and
when you hover over that red dot it lets you know who is recording. It's right next to the
timer of how long this meeting has been going on. At any time to stop the recording go
back to More actions, and Stop recording. Let's go ahead and do that. You'll need to
acknowledge that it will end at this point by selecting Stop recording. If you forget to stop
the recording and you hang up, you end the meeting. Once everyone has exited that
meeting it stops the recording automatically, and it starts the process of encoding this
video in order for it to be presented from the application Microsoft Stream that is part of
Office 365. Notice at the top there's also a notification that this recording is being
saved, and once it's processed, as I mentioned, it's going to be saved in Microsoft
Stream. Let's dismiss that, and let's end this meeting by selecting Hang up. Let's dismiss
the call quality, and it takes us back to the channel where this meeting was taking
place. Now, let's scroll up a little bit in this Posts tab area. Here's this daily huddle meeting
that started earlier. And notice that the meeting has not ended yet, because we still have
someone that is in that meeting. We are able to see that Jennifer Dawson is still in this
meeting. Once she hangs up then the meeting will end. And notice how it's updated. We
no longer see the timing of how long the meeting has been running. In addition, in this
same threaded conversation, we can see that there are replies in here from Leslie and
Jennifer. This is the chat that was taking place in the meeting. Let's go ahead and collapse
that back again. Once that meeting recording is done being uploaded to Microsoft
Stream it will also be part of this conversation, there will be a link right here for everyone
to be able to click on and access that video. They don't need to go out to Microsoft
Stream to find that video. But I do want to point you to where Microsoft Stream is in case
you're not familiar with it. So let's leave the Teams application and go out to a browser
window. All right, so here we are in Office 365. Once you're logged in to Office 365 you
should see the Stream app listed here on the home page. If you don't you can go to the
Office app launcher, find it here, or select All apps, and find it in that list. I've already
launched Stream in a separate tab, that's Microsoft Stream here. So let's go over to
Microsoft Stream. So here we are in Microsoft Stream. This is where all sorts of video
content can be hosted and it can be hosted within groups that you work in within those
channels of your Teams, or in other types of channels that you may be creating. So if we
go to My content, and if we take a look in Channels, here are the different channels where
there may be content. Notice next to Channels there is something called Meetings. And if
we select Meetings, here is the video from today's daily huddle. It can be played directly
from here. Now, let's go back to Teams, and see if it has been posted within that threaded
conversation. Here we are in the Posts area of the channel. In that reply area where
Jennifer and Leslie were having a conversation when we expand that, here is the recording
that is part of the meeting. And that's how you can record a Teams meeting.
Collecting feedback

Create a survey with Microsoft Forms

Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the

- [Instructor] Microsoft Forms is an application that's part of Office 365, and it's great for
creating forms to collect feedback, or creating quizzes, as well. And you could log in to
Office 365 through a browser, navigate to the Forms application as you see it here, and
create a new Form. But we'd like to work with this directly in a team channel, make that the
one-stop workspace, so we're going to bring in this application to a channel, and be able
to create the Form, and get the feedback there, and work with it. So instead of working
here, let's go to the Teams application. Let's go to the top, and select Add a tab, then
select Forms. If you've already created a Form, you can select the radio button and then
Find the Form, and bring it into the space, or search for it if it's not listed here. In this case,
we want to create something new, so we're going to select the first radio button, and then
give the Form a name. Let's call it Feedback. In the lower left corner, notice the box is
checked. This means it's automatically going to post a conversation thread to the Post
tab, giving awareness to all of your team members that there's something new here that
they can work with. Let's so ahead and select Save. At the top of the channel, here's the
new tab that was created, it says Edit Feedback. And here is the Form that has been pulled
into this channel. Now we're working with the Questions tab, because we haven't set
questions up and collected feedback, there's not going to be any responses right now to
work with. So let's design this Form. We're going to start by selecting Add new, and then
pick the type of field that we're going to add to the Form. It could be multiple choice, text,
rating. It can also be a date, or the More menu gives you other types, as well, so ranking,
like heart, file upload, all sorts of things. Now what we want, is we want to create a name
field, so let's select Text, and then type in Full Name. The gray field is where they will enter
their response. If this is a long answer, we may want to turn this on to provide more space
for a long answer. In this case, we're going to turn that off and keep it as a short
answer. This is a Required field, we could turn that on. If we want to make this anonymous,
let's turn it off, so we'll keep that turned off. Next, we need to include the implementation
date, so let's select Add New, and for this choice, we're going to select Date. Let's scroll
back up a bit, and in the Question area, Implementation date. They're going to input the
date in the following format, if we want this to be Required, let's go ahead and turn that
on, there we go. Okay, now, if you need more space, as you're working with this Form,
select the double-headed arrow here at the top. That will expand the tab, and hide the
Team Navigation. Now let's click Add New once more, and for this one, it's going to be
rating. Now, it gives us five stars to work with. If we need to change the levels, we can
select this area, scroll through the Context menu, and select the appropriate number. Now
we have 10 stars, and instead of stars, if we want numbers, we can select the symbol down
arrow, and from the Context menu, select Number. And we're also going to keep this one
as a Required field. If you want to see what this is going to look like, to the person that is
filling this out, in the upper right corner, select Preview. And here's what it would look
like, and they're able to fill in a Name, an Implementation date, and a Rating, and then
select Submit. If you want to see what this looks like not on a computer, but for a mobile
experience, select Mobile, and you're able to see what this will look like on a small form-
factor mobile device. To go back, select Back on the left side. If you're ready to share this,
and start collecting that feedback, come over to the right, and select Share. You're able to
copy this link, and then paste that into an email, into a document, or maybe on a
website, and they're able to click on that link and fill out this Form. You do have other ways
that you can also provide this. Notice the buttons here at the bottom, you can create a QR
code, embed code, or you can send an Email. And that's how you can create a survey, with
Microsoft Forms.
Tracking responses and analyzing with Microsoft Excel
Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the

- [Instructor] Once a form has been shared you'll start to get responses and you can view
those responses from the same place where you created the form in the team
channel. Next to the questions tab where the form was designed is the responses tab. Next
to responses the number indicates the total number of responses that have been
received. Let's go ahead and select this tab. This is a dashboard view that gives you a little
bit more detail or insight about the feedback you're receiving in this form. Let's make this
full screen by expanding the tab and notice you can see that there's been five
responses, the average time to complete is about 30 seconds and that this form is
currently active. If you want more details on specific areas as you scroll through you can
see the latest responses for the full name, the latest responses for the implementation
date, links as well to get more details for each of these questions. The average number 8.8,
that's the scoring that we have out of 10. Now let's scroll back to the top and notice up
here to the right that you can open these results in Excel. By selecting this it is going to
open this from OneDrive and it's going to open it in the browser which is going to be Excel
Online. Let's go ahead and select this. And here are the results in Excel. There might be a
little bit of cleanup that you need to do before you start filtering and doing some analysis
on this. Notice we do have an ID column over here. We also have this name column that
doesn't have any contents in it. So let's go ahead and right-click over Column E and delete
this column. Now as we scroll over to the right we are also able to see the implementation
date and the question. So we have all of the information needed. We didn't require an
email so this is stating anonymous for all of this so let's go ahead and clean that up as
well. We'll delete that column. And if we'd like to see these responses in a certain order we
can do that. Maybe we'd like to see the ratings in ascending or descending order. Notice
the question that we get. Would you like to sort or filter for just you or for everyone that
may be viewing this particular workbook? We'll say just for me for now. So we are sorting
in ascending order for just that particular column. Maybe you need to see ratings that
are for a specific implementation date. You can use that same dropdown arrow to filter
based on the date. So maybe everything that is from today, from yesterday, between a
specific date range. So maybe we'll say everything from today. And we only have one result
for that. And that's how you can track responses and then analyze them in Microsoft Excel.
Take a poll with the Polly chatbot
Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the

- [Instructor] Visualizing a question for feedback within the Posts area of a Team
channel can increase the number of responses that you receive. We're going to work with
the Polly Bot, and show you how this can help with getting those results. For this, we need
to go to the add a tab area within the channel that we want to set this up for. We'll select
add a tab, and then, either scroll through the list, or search for Polly. We're going to scroll
all the way to the bottom, and select Polly. Because we've not worked with Polly before, we
do need to set this bot up to be able to interact, communicate within the Post area of this
Team channel. Let's go ahead and select add. We have a little tutorial here that's letting
you know that it's going to add Polly as a tab, so that you can manage your channel
polls in one place. The box is checked for it to automatically post about this in the channel
area, so it's going to have a new conversation thread that started in the post
area, introducing everyone to the Polly Bot, and how they can work with this bot. Let's go
ahead and select save. Notice that the top of the General channel that we have the Polly
Bot. We do need to log in to be able to work with this bot. Let's go ahead and sign in. We'll
go ahead and consent on behalf of our organization. You may not see this when you set
this up. It depends on the configuration of Teams. We'll accept this. All right, here's
Polly. We have two buttons to get started. We can create a new poll or survey, or we can
log out of the Polly Bot. Let's go ahead and start creating a new poll. First thing we need to
do is choose the audience. That is, which channel would we like to have this posted in
because this poll is going to be posted as a new conversation in the post area of the
channel. Let's go ahead and leave this, in general. Do we want to send the pull out now, or
do we want to schedule it for a future date and time? We're going to say no. Then, we start
creating our questions, and there are different types of questions, open-ended, multiple
choice, agree, disagree, and then, we have ratings, one to five, or one to 10. For this one,
we're going to select multiple choice, and then, we're going to type the question. Then,
we'll start entering our choices. We'll add one more choice, and as we scroll down, we have
the option to allow multiple votes, and also, allow audience to add additional choices. Let's
check audience can add choices. Comments for the polls are turned on, which means
below this poll, in the same conversation thread, your colleagues and teammates can
respond with a comment, and have a conversation around these poll results. We're going
to go ahead and leave that turned on. For the result settings, show the results in real-
time. If we want them to see those in real-time, that's great. If we want this to be non-
biased, where they're not able to see what their colleagues are voting for, we could turn
that off. We'll leave that so that it shows the results in real-time. Let's scroll down. Would
we like this to be anonymous, or do we want to show names attached to the
responses? For this one, let's leave it non-anonymous. Next, let's preview this poll. Okay, so
here's what it's going to look like once it posts to that new conversation. If you're good
with this, we don't see any typos, we've got the correct answers, we're ready to send it. If
you need to go back and make changes, select edit. It also gives you all of the details and
preferences that have been set up for this at the top, so always great to do a quick little
check and make sure you're okay with those settings. All right, let's select send. We have a
notification popping up in the lower right corner that lets me know that a new poll was
created. Here's what the poll will look like. Notice, we are still in the Polly tab, though, so
let's go over to Posts, and take a look. Let's scroll back up to the top of it. First thing to
notice is when the Polly Bot was set up, here's the introduction from Polly, and a way for
someone to easily create a poll without even having to go to the Polly tab, and if they
need to learn more how to work with Polly, they can select learn more. There's also a
notification that a new tab at the top of this channel has been created, with a link that
would take you directly to it for the Polly Bot, and here is the poll that was just generated
and posted as a conversation here, and it was posted by Polly, so Polly can communicate,
and can listen for those answers to be able to make updates, as well. So everyone is able to
vote. I'm going to say yes to this, and then, submit the vote. If I wanted to add a comment,
I could select, add comment, and do that, as well. Now, let's go back up here and go to the
Polly tab. Notice here we have a dashboard type of a view. It shows us the results, so we
only have one vote right now, and that is a yes, and if we select the drop down arrow next
to Polly, you can also rename this, so if you want to rename it something more
meaningful, maybe the name of the current poll that you have open, but do realize that
you can create additional polls within this channel, so you may have more than one poll
that will be showing up within this Polly tab, and that's how you can take a poll with the
Polly chatbot.

Working with Template

Create a team using an existing team as a template

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- [Instructor] Once you get your project team set up perfectly as other similar projects are
nearing their start, you can use that initial project team as a template to build the next
team. Let's start by selecting Join or Create a team at the bottom of the Team
navigation. Then select Create team. Instead of building this from scratch, we'd like to use
an existing team to create this new team. So we'll select Create from. We're basing this on
a team, so let's select Team. Next, we need to select the team from the list that
appears. Let's select Red30 Tech Makers Conference. The team name is the same name as
the existing team except that it has copy in brackets at the end. Let's change the name of
this. Let's take out copy, and let's take out the first part of this and replace it with IoT. And
then we can include an optional description if needed. We're not going to include one
now. You still have the opportunity to choose if this will be a private or a public team. Let's
keep this as private. Now, let's scroll down and take a look at what we can include from the
original team. Notice there are check marks for some of these things, and that Channels is
grayed out. We're not able to uncheck that at the moment. That is because all of the tabs
are being included for those channels. If you would like to not include those
channels, you'll need to uncheck Tabs first, and then uncheck Channels. In this case
though, let's keep the Channels, but maybe not necessarily the Tabs that have been
configured in those channels. If you've set up some custom Team settings by checking this
box, you'll keep those same settings in this new IoT Conference team that's being
created. Any Apps that have been added to the team, you can also keep those by keeping
this box checked. And if the same members will be working on this new project, you can
also check this box to automatically include them without having to re-invite them to this
team. Okay, let's click create to create this team. Once the team has been created, it brings
you to this next screen which gives you an opportunity to start typing in names or
groups to add them to this team as well. In the future, you can always add members at
anytime. So we're going to skip this for now. Let's scroll down a little bit. Here is the new
IoT Conference team that was created. It has the general General channel as well as the
two channels that carried over from the preexisting team. And that's how you can create a
team using an existing team as a template.


Keyboard shortcuts and resources

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- [Instructor] There are some great resources you can find online to learn a bit more
about how you can work quicker and better in Microsoft Teams. This is Coffee in the
Cloud. It's a YouTube channel that is hosted by Microsoft Teams and it has featured
videos, as well as training videos, videos for IT pros, and for Teams champions. As well, has a specific area for everything about Microsoft Teams, including
keyboard shortcuts. By doing a keyword search from this website, you can find a list of
Windows and Mac operating system keyboard shortcuts. Some of these may be general
types of keyboard shortcuts and then things specific to navigation, meetings, and
more. There are a couple of keyboard shortcuts that are built into the Teams application as
well. Let's go take a look at that. Within the Teams application, if you go to the area where
you are logged into the application, from this list you will find Keyboard Shortcuts. Again,
these are some of the keyboard shortcuts that we saw in that Support article. So they are
within the application as well. If you'd like to see shortcuts for all platforms, you can select
the link or you can go to the Office Accessibility Center to learn even more keyboard
shortcuts. Let's select the X in the upper right corner to exit that dialog box. If we go to the
Search field here at the top, by typing in a forward slash, you can see a list of shortcuts for
many different things within Teams, including changing your present status, or even
having a quick chat. So by typing /chat, we can send a chat right from the Search field. We
don't have to switch to the Chat area. We can pick the name or type the name of the
person we'd like to send that message to and then send it on its way. In the same Search
field, if you type the At symbol, you can find a list of different applications that you can
interact with from here as well. And that's how you can work with keyboard shortcuts and
other Teams resources.
Where to learn more about Teams
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- [Heather] Congratulations on completing this course. I hope you have an opportunity to

put your project team skills to work. To continue your Microsoft Teams and associated
apps journey, I recommend these courses. Microsoft Teams Essential Training with Nick
Brazzi. Microsoft Teams Quick Tips with Nick Brazzi. Learning OneNote Online with
me. And Planner Quick Tips with me. You can find me on LinkedIn and on Twitter. Let's
keep the Microsoft Teams conversation going.

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