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I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences
1. Please put the books back to where you took them. Don't _________ any of them (PLACE)
2. Nurses are increasingly _________ with changes in their workplace. (CONTENT)
3. For her encouragement and support, I am especially _________ to my wife, Nancy. (DEBT)
4. Our research shows that employees are almost all ________ and want to do a good job.
5. It is _________ that he will press on with his project. Nothing can prevent him. (ODD)
6. There has been a serious __________ on the motorway, involving three cars and a lorry. (PILE)
pile-up [pill-up]
7. We have had a friendly and very ______ discussion. (fruit)
8. The menu changes daily, though the _________ is seafood. (special)
9. My poor mom has hoarded ever ________ cent dad has made. (earn)
10. The act of _________ should be prohibited under any circumstances. Everyone all has equal
rights to vote. (FRANCHISE)
II. Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original
1. What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the story. (APPETITE)
-> What he told me _______________________________________________________________.
2. He resented the way she spoke to him. (EXCEPTION)
-> He _________________________________________________________________________.
took exception to the way she spoke to him
take exception to : to object strongly to something; to be angry about something
3. A government official leaked the story to the world press. (WIND)
=> The world press _______________________________________________________________.
4. He suddenly realized that she was never coming back. (DAWNED)
-> It ___________________________________________________________________________.
5. They remain close friends despite having had many arguments. (FALLEN)
-> They ________________________________________________________________________.
nên dùng although thay vì though vì nó formal hơn
6. Building societies will have to guard against their rivals. (LAURELS)
-> Building societies ______________________________________________________________.
7. Have you ever thought of changing jobs? (CROSSED)
-> ____________________________________________________________________________.
8. Tom teased Alice about her new hairstyle. (POKED)
-> Tom ________________________________________________________________________.
poked fun at Alice’s new hairstyle.
Poke fun at sb/sth : to say unkind things about somebody/something in order to make other people
laugh at them ( ~ make fun of sb/sth )
9. The politician tried to find people who were willing to back his campaign to help the homeless
=> The politician_________________________________________________________________.
tried to drum up support for his campaign to help the homeless
drum up sth : to increase interest in something or support for something
10. Five boys on a motorbike at the speed of 60mph is very likely to end up in hospital. (RECIPE)
-> Five boys on a motorbike _______________________________________________________.
at the speed of 60mph is a recipe for disaster [ is recipe for disaster ]
1. The school was closed for a month because of a serious ............ of fever.
A. outcome B. outburst C. outset D. outbreak
2. After congratulating his team, the coach left, allowing the players to let their ............ down for a
A. hair B. heads C. hearts D. souls
3. Lisa: “It’s nearly the end of the holiday already.” Mary: “........................!”
A. How time flies B. Let’s call it a day
C. It’s a small world D. There’s nothing to it
to call it a day : to stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more or think you
have done enough ( usually when you want to stop working )
4. Rescue teams continue to search for the people who got lost during the avalanche, but after so
many days hopes are ________.
A dying away B disappearing C fading D flying away
Collocation ( hope + verb ) : disappear, fade
Ưu tiên fade ( to disappear gradually ) vì căn cứ vào ngữ cảnh, đang muốn nhấn mạnh là hi vọng
đang mất dần
5. Bill Clinton’s love affair with Monica Lewinsky ________ the news in the whole world. People were
constantly chatting about it.
A made B delivered C struck D filled
to make the news : to appear in the news headlines ( lên đầu báo )
~ hit the headlines
6. I’d opt for a glass of mineral water just to ________ my thirst.
A quit B quench C quiver D quieten
quench your thirst : to satisfy your need for sth
7. Although Mary and Paul are ________ apart in personality, they make an excellent couple.
A leagues B ways C miles D poles
be poles apart : to have no interests that you share
8. The number of the victims of the earthquake has been ________ at no less than 150.
A amounted B counted C estimated D scored
9. About two hundred illegal immigrants have been ________ from the country.
A expelled B enforced C evicted D expired
10. It’s obvious everyone would like to have their ________ in such an important meeting.
A talk B word C claim D say
have a, some, etc. say in something : to be involved in making a decision about something
11. Samuel couldn’t find any reasonable arguments to ________ his claims in the court.
A assure B enforce C persist D uphold
Uphold (v) : to support something that you think is right and make sure that it continues to exist
12. Frankie has always been held in high ________ among his workmates because of his
exceptional skill at handling the most difficult tasks.
A respect B admiration C prestige D esteem
hold sb in high esteem : have great respect for sb
13. His company went bankrupt, three years of hard work ________ the drain.
A. into B. in C. down D. on
(go) down the drain : (to be) wasted; (to get) very much worse
14. He’s a tough politician – he knows how to ________ the storm.
A. ride out B. run down C. keep up D. push back
ride out the storm : to manage not to be destroyed, harmed, or permanently affected by the difficult
situation you experience
15. Your new car must have cost ______.
A. an eye B. the earth C. a bank D. a leg
16. Because of its warm typical climate, Hawaii ______ subzero temperature
A. almost experiences never B. almost never experiences
C. experiences never almost D. experiences almost never
17. In the ______of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all times.
A. requirement B. interests C. demands D. assistance
18. When young Americans first go to university, many of them join a fraternity or Sorority social
organizations for male and female students ______.
A. respectively ( lần lượt ) B. certainly C. orderly D. consequently
19. “Can I have a piece of cake?” – “ Yes, you can have _______”
A. all it B. all of it C. all ( + Object ) D. the all of it

Vì all là 1 determiner (từ hạn định) nên sau nó là những từ như bảng sau :

article possessive demonstrative number

All the trees had
All my family were at
the party.
All this food must be
eaten today.
All 25 students took
the test.

20. After the accident, there was considerable doubt ______ exactly what had happened. the question of B. as to the shape of D.for
IV. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle to complete each of the
following sentences
1. He is making a name ________ himself ________ an interviewer.
for - as
2. I am going to be frank __________ you, Mr Hederson. Your daughter is a thief.
3. Mrs. Carter told _________ her son for getting dirty.
4. It's been at the back of my mind to call José for several days now, but I haven't got ______
______ it yet.
around - to
5. Sales of margarine rose last year ________ the expense ________ those of butter.
at – of
at the expense of : If you do one thing at the expense of another, doing the first thing harms the
second thing
6. It was an extremely hostile article which cast aspersions _______ the conduct of the entire cabinet.
7. He blacked ________ after working non-stop for three entire days.
8. All students ________ exception are to take the English examination.
Dịch : Tất cả hs, không ngoại lệ ai, phải tham gia cuộc thi Tiếng Anh
9. He does not think that his salary is _______ a par with his position in the company.
on a par with sth : the same as or equal to someone or something
10. the prime minister said that he would speak to his advisors and then act _______ their advice

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