Practice 11

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I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences
1. It was a long, slow film. I nearly died of ________. (BORED)
2. He was quite ________ with us about the difficulties involved. (STRAIGHT).
3. The boss ordered his staff to be ________ with each other in dealing with the company's end-of-year
burden. (LABOR)
4. This has been an unusually ________ remark for her. (COMPLIMENT)
5. Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly nothing
more than a mere ________ (STOP)
6. She is ________ gorgeous in that gown. (DIE)
7. Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically __________. (EXIST)
8. She stood there completely ________, so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. (EXPRESSION)
9. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to _________ the murder case.
10. You can look at the ________ of this Chinese book to see the elucidation of these new words.
II. Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original
1. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes. (VAIN)
-> The fox ________________________________________________________________________.
2. The project received unanimous approval of the committee. (FAVOUR)
-> The ___________________________________________________________________________.
3. Nobody could possibly believe what he told us. (BEYOND)
=> What __________________________________________________________________________.
4. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn’t tell anyone that he had been in prison. (WORD)
-> The personnel ___________________________________________________________________.
5. I enjoy being the boss of a small company. (FISH)
-> I enjoy _________________________________________________________________________.
6. The success of our local theater has made our city famous. (MAP)
-> The success ____________________________________________________________________.
7. She is not upset; She is only pretending. (ACT)
-> She is _________________________________________________________________________.
8. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. (GETAWAY)
-> The bank robbers ________________________________________________________________.
9. We all want to make him realise that he is not as important as he thinks. (SIZE)
=> We all want ____________________________________________________________________.
10. They sent him to prison for three years. (SENTENCED)
-> They __________________________________________________________________________.
1. Sandra’s unpleasant_______suggested that she knew about Amanda’s terrible secret.
A. grimace B. smirk C. snort D. wince
2. This film ......... several scenes which were very funny.
A. features B. pictures C. depicts D. illustrates
3. Business has been thriving in the past year. Long _______ it continue to do so.
A. could B. does C. may D. might
4. Having ______ the table, the girl called her parents and sisters for dinner.
A. laid B. swept C. completed D. Ordered
5. As the President was absent, I was asked to ....... the meeting.
A. officiate B. govern C. chair D. regulate
6. If you’re at a(n) loose _________, you could help me in the garden.
A. end B. side C. wall D. way
7. The Government has announced plans to make _______ changes to the tax system next year.
A. considerable B. dramatic C. far-reaching D. political
8. I must go to bed early tonight; I sat up till the ........ hours to finish that report.
A. small B. late C. deep D. last
9. He muttered something under his ............, but I didn’t catch what he said.
A. mouth B. breath C. voice D. chin
10. In spite of our big effort, we have not managed to ............... enough money for renovation of the
school buildings.
A. raise B. compose C. rear D. score
11. The accountant ......... the company fund and ran away to another country.
A. swallowed B. confiscated C. embraced D. embezzled
12. I can not understand why she did that, it really doesn’t add up.
A. doesn’t calculate B. isn’t mathematics
C. doesn’t make sense D. make the wrong addition
13. With his excellent qualifications and a good command of English, James is _______above the other
A. head and hands B. head and ears
B. C.head and hair D.head and shoulders
14. We must send ________ aid to the refugees.
A. Humanism B. Human C. Humanitarian D. Humane
15. The mayor has decided to ____________ crime. It’s about time, if you ask me.
A. stepped up B. crack down on C. blow over D. stamp down
16. The trouble with Stan is that he makes such a fuss about even the most....... injury.
A. slight B. trivial C. basic D. elementary
17. The draw’ took place yesterday, but the competition winners ............
A. are yet to be announced B. haven’t been yet announced
C. yet are to be announced D. haven’t announced yet
18. He agreed to accept the position………………..that he would be given a share of the company’s
A. in the agreement B. with the aim C. with the purpose D.on the understanding
19. His_______of the school regulations really can't be ignored any longer.
A.carelessness B.inattention C.unfamiliarity D.disregard
20. Being very frustrated by his insults, she has no alternative but _______ the boat.
A. rattling B. shake C. to rock D. to roll
IV. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle to complete each of the
following sentences
1. The students were slow to catch ________, but gradually they began to understand.
2. She placed emphasis ________ keeping the family together.
3. The authorities have shown no signs of giving _______ _______ the kidnappers' demands.
4. The escaped prisoners remain _______ the loose in the hills.
5. Just because he’s getting _______ for 80 doesn’t mean he’s lost it.
6. Lots of people go abroad _______ pursuit ________ of work.
7. Their discussion quickly developed into a heated argument ________ who should receive the money.
8. He agreed to accept the position _______ the understanding that he would be given a share of the
company’s profits.
9. The couple broke ________ their engagement after they had a huge argument.
10. Josh can while _________ a whole day playing online computer games with his mates.
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7.
Successful students often do the followings while studying. First, they have an overview before
reading. Next, they look for important information and pay greater attention to it (which often needs
jumping forward or backward to process information). They also relate important points to one another.
Also, they activate and use their prior knowledge. When they realize that theirunderstanding is not good,
they do not wait to change strategies. Last, they can monitor understanding and take action to correct or
“fix up” mistakes in comprehension.
Conversely, students with low academic achievement often demonstrate ineffective study skills.
They tend to assume a passive role, in learning and rely on others (e.g., teachers, parents) to monitor
their studying, for example, low-achieving students often do not monitor their understanding of content;
they may not be aware of the purpose of studying; and they show little evidence of looking back, or
employing “fix-up” strategies to fix understanding problems. Students who struggle with learning new
information seem to be unaware that they must extent effort beyond simply reading the content to
understand and remember it. Children with learning disabilities do not plan and judge the quality of their
studying. Their studying may be disorganized. Students with learning problems face challenges with
personal organization as well. They often have difficulty keeping track of materials and assignments,
following directions, and completing work on time. Unlike good studiers who employ a variety of study
skills in a flexible yet purposeful manner, low-achieving students use a restricted range of study skills.
They cannot explain why good study strategies are important for learning; and they tend to use the
same, often ineffective study approach for all learning tasks, ignoring task content, structure or difficulty.
Question 1: What is the topic of the passage?
A. Successful and low-academic achieving students
B. Successful learners and their learning strategies
C. Study skills for high school students
D. Effective and ineffective ways of learning
Question 2: The word “prior” in the first paragraph is closest meaning to ?
A. important B. earlier C. forward D. good
Question 3: According to the passage, what can be learnt about passive students?
A. They depend on other people to organize their learning
B. They are slow in their studying
C. They monitor their understanding
D. They know the purpose of studying
Question 4: Which of the followings is NOT an evidence of monitoring studying?
A. Being aware of the purpose of studying B. Monitoring their understanding of content
C. Fixing up mistakes in understanding D. Looking at their backs
Question 5: According to the passage, to learn new information, low-achieving students do
A. just understand it B. relate it to what they have known
C. simply remember it D. read it
Question 6: In compared with low-achieving students, successful students use .
A. aimless study techniques B. various study skills
C. restricted strategies D. inflexible study ways
Question 7: The underlined pronoun “They” in the last sentence refers to .
A. study strategies B. study skills
C. low-achieving students D. good studiers
VI. Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) for each blank space.
Every year about seventeen million animals are used in laboratory (1)_____. But in many countries
today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the (2)_____ to use animals this way?
The case for using animals in research
The use of animals in medical research has many practical (3)_____. Animal research has enabled
researchers to develop (4)_____ for many diseases, such as heart disease and depression. It wouldn’t
have been possible, years ago, to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio (5)_____
animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was (6)_____ first on animals. Future medical
research is (7)_____ on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a rat or (8)_____ of a
three-year-old child?
Medical research is also a(n) (9)_____ way of using unwanted animals. Last year, over twelve million
animals had to be killed in animal (10)_____ because nobody wanted them as pets.
(1) A. assignments B. trials C. experiments D. inspections
(2) A. law B. way C. equality D. right
(3) A. revenues B. benefices C. benefits D. advances
(4) A. treatments B. solutions C. treats D. symptoms
(5) A. because of B. let alone C. thanks to D. without
(6) A. tested B. assigned C. conducted D. imposed
(7) A. rested B. originated C. relevant D. dependent
(8) A. this B. which C. that D. one
(9) A. embarrassing B. sickening C. expedient D. satisfactory
(10) A. cages B. shelters C. gatherings D. houses

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