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1. He'll have to buckle _________ to his work soon if he wants to pass his finals.
A up B. in C. down D. for
Buckle down to = get down to = knuckle down to sth : start doing sth seriously
2. His poor handling of the business __________ on negligence.
A. neared B. edged C. approached D. bordered
Border on sth = be close to sth
3. After its engine failed, the small boat ________ with the current.
A. waved B. tossed C. hastened D. drifted
4. There is a rumor that the National Bank is going to ________ the company I work for.
A. take on B. overtake C. take over D. take off
5. Why don't you have a night out? It would take your_______ off your worries.
A. thoughts B. heart C. mind D. head
STH take SB’S mind off sth: to make you forget about something unpleasant for a short time
*Bonus :
SB get STH off one’s chest : to talk about something that has been worrying you for a long time so
that you feel less anxious
6. The government decided to ________ down on income tax evasion.
A. press B. crack C. push D. snap
Crack down on = clamp down on = come down (hard/heavy) on sth/ sb
7. If we ______ over the details, we’ll never finish filming this episode by today.
A. niggle B. discuss C. huddle D. mob
8. The Corporation is laying________ a lot of money on building a new creation center.
A. down B. off C. into D. out
lay out sth (money, … ) on sth = spend sth on sth
9. She's decided to________ her German by attending an evening course.
A. brush up = improve B. patch up C. polish off D. dust off
10. I didn't really want to go to the party, but I thought I’d better put ________ an appearance.
A. away B. in C. off D. on
put in an appearance = be present for a short time
11. Luckily, the rain _______ so we were able to play the match.
A. gave out B. got away C. went away D. held off = not start
12. I don't like the way that Jack is always trying to ________ trouble between us.
A. dish out B. rub up C. stir up D. spark out
13. I am _________ with work at the moment.
A. snowed under B. piled up C. messed up D. knocked off
be snowed under with sth
= up to your neck/ears in sth
14. This scandal has______ criticism raining down on Mr Deby from all sides.
A. taken B. got C. brought D. made
bring sth down on sb = make sb experience sth unpleasant
15. I see a lot of people with this new hairstyle. It seems to be _________.
A. piling up B. bringing off C. coming off D. catching on
16. ‘Do you think Dennis took the money ?’ - ‘I wouldn’t _____ him .’
A. put it past B. think it through C. pass it over D. rub it up
- I wouldn’t put it past somebody (to do something): used to say that you think somebody is
capable of doing something wrong, illegal, etc.
17. Rather than take his time to think about the questions, the interviewee_____ out the first answer
that came into his head.
A. blundered B. blurted ( thốt ra ) C. bungled D. botched
18. Whenever there’s some fresh scandal about the royal family, the public are always eager to
_____ it up.
A. flap B. swish C. lap ( believe sth without knowing all the truth ) . gulp
19. She's one of those people who are always ________ and asking questions about other people’s
private lives.
A. poking around ( soi mói, hóng hớt ) B. digging up C. prying out D. spying on
20. The blue sundress set________ her long blonde hair.
A. up B. off C. forth D. in
Set sth off = bring sth out
21. The weather seems to be _______ up after heavy rains.
A. tuning B. improving C. picking = improve, get better D. bringing
22. Because of the controversy, he packs _________ his job.
A. out B. in = stop doing sth C. over D. up
23. I think she made _________ the whole story.
A. up B. out C. up for D. to
24. We have a lot of financial difficulties, but at last, we carry it ________.
A. out B. on C. Off = succeed D. over
25. Ethan _________ such a great deal of effort ________ training for the marathon that it is a pity
he broke his leg two days before it took place.
A. wore/ down B. carried/ on C. set/ off D. put/ into
Put sth into sth = spend sth on sth
26. Rebecca _________ on our conversation to tell US that James had just been rushed to hospital.
A. cut in B. faced up C. got ahead D. broke up
cut in on sth = break in on sth : interrupt sb’s conversation
27. I waited in Time Square for Alfonzo for more than two hours, but he never ________.
A. showed up ~ turn up B. hung around C. pulled off D. turned in
28. Issac wishes that he could _________ what he had said to Christina because he really upset
A. talk out B. take back C. throw up D. tell off
29. If you pay the restaurant bill with your credit card, I will ________ with you later.
A. settle down B. settle up = pay back later C. pay back D. pay up
30. For a whole month, Muslims _______ eating and drinking during daylight hours.
A. abstain from B. keep from C. stay from D. stand from
Abstain from sth = refrain from sth
31. Lack of sleep over the last few months is finally________ Jane.
A. catching up with = finally affect sb B. getting on with C. coming over D. putting on
32. Despite all the interruptions, he ________ with his work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. hung out D. pressed on
Press on/ahead with = forge ahead with
33. When the funds finally ________ , they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off
Peter out = run out
34. We hadn't _______ there being so much traffic, and we missed the plane.
A. bargained on = expect, consider B. factored on C. counted with D.
accounted with
35. We had arranged to meet at 8 o’clock but he didn’t ________ until half an hour later.
A. show off B. stick up C. turn up D. put in
36. The dentist told me that when the effect of the anaesthetic ________ , I might feel a little pain.
But it was more than a little.
A. dropped off B. went out C. wore off D. turned out
37. The sky is already dark. It must be ________ for 8 o ’clock.
A. closing on B. getting up C. getting on D. closing up
38. The plan to build a new motorway ________ due to a lack of money.
A. dropped off B. fell through = fail C. dropped away D. fell away
39. Their predictions were not________ by subsequent events. In fact, the very opposite occurred.
A. carried out B. borne off C. borne out D. carried off
Bear sth/ sb out : to show that somebody is right or that something is true
~ corroborate sth
40. It’s been more than ten years since we had the living room _________. I'm fed up looking at it.
Let's redecorate it completely.
A. made up B. counted up C. brought off D. done up
Do sth up :
+ repair/ decorate : a house, a room
+ fasten : jacket, shoes
+ make yourself attractive : do yourself up
41. I need to ______ your offer very carefully before I make a decision.
A. look over B. see out C. figure out D. mull over
Mull over sth = think over sth = contemplate : suy xét, cân nhắc cái gì kĩ lưỡng
42. There’s nothing to ________ as it’s a general knowledge quiz.
A. come round to B. face up to C. swot up on D. come up with
Swot up on sth : to study a particular subject very hard, especially in order to prepare for an exam
*Bonus :
Read up on : to read a lot about a subject, especially a company before applying for a job
43. The account of their journey has been ______ together from personal letters and diaries.
A. pieced ( xâu chuỗi ) B. set C. pulled D. got
44. Perhaps it is the almost universal use of flavourings that makes it so hard to ______ the
products ______ .
A. take-apart B. tell-apart C. come-apart D. fall-apart
Tell sth/ A and B apart = tell A from B = differentiate sth = distinguish sth
45. We finally ______ out away to get the band into the hotel without the press knowing.
A. tried B. set C. puzzled D. put
Puzzle out = figure out = make out : to find the answer to a difficult or confusing problem by
thinking carefully
46. He has taken some painkillers but when the effects______ , his leg will hurt quite badly.
A. wear away B. wear down C. wear off D. wear out
47. Following years of intense training, the accomplished athlete _______ the medal triumphantly.
A. took off B. went off C. ran off D. carried off = win sth
48. Could you lend me some money to ______ me over to the end of the month?
A. hand B. tide C. get D. make
49. My parents had a lot of children, so sometimes there wasn’t enough food to _____.
A. put on B. fall back on C. give out D. go round = to be enough
50. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team’s victory didn’t _____ until early in the
A. shut off B. give away C. let up = become less strong D. fall over
*Bonus :
Wear off : to gradually disappear or stop ( of an effect, novelty, … )
51. I ran into an unknown in the gap-filling exercise, but I didn't try and ______ the gap.
A. held on B. hang out C. press on D. stuck at
52. To prevent soldiers from rebelling, the commander splits them into groups to _________ one
A. let them off with B. pick up on them
C. play them off against D. splash out on them
53. The old lady's savings were considerable as she had _________ a little money each week.
A. put by B. put in C. put apart D. put down
Put by sth = set aside sth : tiết kiệm
54. The police _________ a good deal o f criticism, over their handling of the demonstration.
A. came in for B. brought about C. went down with D. opened up
55. It was too late to _______ of the contract.
A. back away B. back down C. back out D. back up
Back out of sth : to decide that you are no longer going to take part in something that has been
agreed ( tham gia rồi và quyết định rút lui )
Back off from sth : to choose not to take action, in order to avoid a difficult situation ( không tham
gia ngay từ đầu )
Back down on sth : to take back a demand, an opinion, etc. that other people are strongly
opposed to; to admit defeat ( rút lại lời nói
56. Helen managed to put ______ her point of view very successfully in meetings.
A. up B. over C. on D. across
Put yourself/ sth across to sb = to communicate your ideas, feelings, etc. successfully to
57. If no one will _______ misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.
A. admit off B. admit in C. own up in D. own up to = admit
Own up to (doing) sth
~ make a clean breast of sth : to tell the truth about something so that you no longer feel guilty
58. Even if you are miserable, there‘s no need to __________ on me.
A. take it out B. take it down C. take it from D. take it over
Take it out on sb ~ vent sth on sb : trút cảm xúc vào ai ( tức giận, đau buồn. … )
59. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the witness __________ that his story was true.
A. stuck up B. stood out C. stuck out D. held out
Stick out : to be persistent (as in a demand or an opinion)
~ stick to your guns ~ stand your ground
60. Everyone approved of the scheme but when we asked for volunteers they all hung _______ .
A. back = hesitate B. on C. about D. up
61. He doesn 't invest in arms industry _______ principle.
A. on B. in C. under D. Within
On principle : theo nguyên tắc tự đặt ra của ai
62. No agreement was reached. The strikers decided to _______out for a better deal.
A. keep B. watch C. hold D. draw
Hold out for sth : to cause a delay in reaching an agreement because you hope you will gain
63. Marrying into such a rich family had always been _______ his wildest dreams.
A. under B. above C. over D. beyond
64. What the treasurer said virtually ________ a confession.
A. amounted to B. came up C. stood by D. embodied with
Amount to sth = be equal to/ the same as sth
65. Don’t try to ______ with your lies and excuses.
A. head me off B. palm me off C. back me up D. hand me down
Palm sb off ~ fob sb off : dắt mũi
66. I was bored so I _______ a magazine to kill time.
A. eyed up B. thumbed through ( đọc lướt ) C. knuckled down D. muscled in
67. Ever since they made her assistant manager, she’s been _______ herself.
A. looking up B. getting above C. getting out D. looking out
Get above oneself : to have too high an opinion of yourself
~ STH go to SB’s head : (of success, praise, etc.) to make you feel too proud of yourself in a way
that other people find annoying
68. She knocked ________ a meal in ten minutes.
A. up ( prepare fast ) B. off C. out D. on
69. The firm will ________ unless business improves.
A. go on B. go under C. take up D. take over
Go under = go out of business = go bankrupt : phá sản ( >< stay afloat : have enough money to
pay debts )
70. The files are locked up and I can’t ______ them.
A. put on B. take in C. get at = access D. pick up
71. He_______ a big fortune when he was young, so he didn't have to work hard.
A. came into = inherit B. came up C. came across D. came round
72. Are you taking _______ all of these phrasal verbs?
A. for B. down C. off D. in ( understand/ remember )
73. The medicine takes one hour to _______ .
A. bear with B. kick in ( có tác dụng ) >< wear off C. make out D. get by
74. Have you _______ with your homework yet?
A. gotten through B. taken over C. thought up D. checked over
Get through with sth = finish a task
75. Jennifer _______ the invitation to join us for dinner.
A. called on B. come out C. got out of D. passed on = decline
76. If he's clumsy, he can bump _______ the desk.
A. by B. over C. into ( va phải ) D. through
77. We can put you _______ for a few days if you have nowhere else to live.
A. on B. out C. up D off
78. Mary was atonished that she was ______ for the counselor’s position.
A. got by B. turned down C. caught on D. come to
79. After running up the stairs, I was _______ breath.
A. without B. out of C. no D. away from
80. She nearly lost her own life ______ attempting to save the child from drowning.
A. with B. for C. at D. in
In an attempt to do sth (collocation) ~ with a view to
81. _______ being a little messy, she will be a good flatmate for you.
A. Far away B. At length C. Beside D. Apart from = besides
82. _______ working very long hours, John strives to exercise at least trice a week.
A. Regardless of B. On behalf of C. Because of D. However
Regardless of sth = irrespective of sth : ~ despite
83. There is a rumour ________ circulation that the director had a big argument _______ the
manager at the last meeting.
A. on-about B. upon-in C. for-out D. On-with
84. Factories which produce a lot of toxic fumes are contributing _______ the destruction ________
the environment.
A. for-around B. by-against C. into-upon D. to-of
85. It’s so hot, I could do ________ a nice cool drink.
A. up B. with C. out D. without
= I need a nice cool drink
86. Once we 'd spent all our money, we fell _______ our credit card.
A. out B. for C. back on = rely on sth/ sb D. off.
87. I fell _______ one of my friends and haven’t spoken to her for weeks.
A. in with B. out with C. through D. behind
88. I can’t get ______ to Joan. I think there’s a fault on the line.
A. away B. at C. through D. along
Get through to sb = get in touch/ contact with sb : liên lạc được với ai
89. The record shop has a promotion and is giving ________ free CDs.
A. away B. off C. in D. out
Give away sth ( to sb ) : to give something to someone without asking for payment
90. He’s a good speaker and gets his views _______ very well.
A. over B. across C. on D. through
Get sth across ( to sb ) = put sth across : to convey your ideas/ feelings to sb
91.The love of life shone______ the author’s book, giving me as much inspiration as I could ever
ask for.
A. through B. over C. into D. upon
Shine through sth : (of a quality) to be easy to see or notice
92. You shouldn’t take______ more than you can handle, otherwise you’ll suffer from stress.
A. on B. over C. out D. away
Take on sth/ sb:
+ đảm nhiệm : a responsibility, a task, a job, …
+ nhận được đặc điểm mới : a color, a tone, …
+ employ sb
93. He’ s so stubborn and stupid. I just couldn’t get________ him that she can never make money
from gambling.
A. over B. out of C. across to D. out of
94. The success of our project hinges _________ Mike’s ability to persuade the locals to move to
the renewal quarter.
A. in B. On = rely on C. about D. over
95. The government’s plans to reduce crime came__________for a lot of criticism from freedom
A. across B. around C. in D. with
96. Before they open the new factory, a lot of the young people round here were __________ the
A. on B. in C. over D. above
On the dole : unemployed and receiving money from the government
~ out of work
~ join the ranks of the unemployed
97. The two countries met at the conference to iron ______ their differences.
A. on B. out C. over D. Into
Iron sth out : to get rid of any problems or difficulties that are affecting something
~ stamp sth out : to get rid of something that is bad, unpleasant or dangerous, especially by using
force or a lot of effort
~ rule sth out : to prevent something from happening ( esp sth bad )
98. He tried to paper _______ the country’s deep-seated problems.
A. over B. with C. into D. down
Paper over sth = sweep sth under the carpet = hush sth up
99. Linda chats so much, she could talk the hind leg _______ a donkey.
A. up to B. over C. off D. under
Talk the hind leg off a donkey : nói đủ để khiến một con lừa gục xuống.
100. I'm going to put my head _______for a while as I feel very tired.
A. down B. over C. up D. through
Put your head down ( = turn in ~ flake out ) : to sleep
*Bonus :
Put your feet up : to relax, especially by sitting with your feet supported above the ground
~ Let your hair down : to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself
~ unwind : to relax
111. Doctors are often________ to accidents in rural areas.
A. called up B. driven out C. called out D. rung up
112. If you n ever put oil in your engine, one day it will ________.
A. flake out B. shut down C. go off D. seize up
113. To get his proposal accepted, the Finance Manager had to__________ heavy pressure from
A. fend off B. laugh off C. send off D. push off
114. The new regime determ ined to _____ compul sory military service.
A. stop of B. end up C. phase out D. break off
115. After a fall in profits, the company decided _______ the hotel business.
A. to pull out of B. to back off from
C. to take out of D. to keep away from
116. She’s rung _____. I must have said some thing to upset her.
A. up B. round C. back D. off
117. Our class monitor had a brilliant speech yesterday although he spoke _____ the cuff then.
A. about B. with C. off D. on
118. Cali gambled away all his father’s legacy and finally he _______ his family ______ misery.
A. put/in B. threw/into C. made/ in D. led/ to
119. The younger sons consider themselves to have been robbed ________ their rightful
A. by B. with C. around D. of
120. He 's some times bad tempered but he’s a good fellow _______ heart.
A. by B. at C. with D. in
121. Since smokers appear to be unable to act in a socially responsible way by voluntarily refraining
_____ smoking in public, it seems there must be a law.
A. from B. into C. off D. behind
122. He's a little confused and a little __________ balance, but he knows his routine and heads to
his car.
A. under B. against C. off D. in

123. My client accepts the formal apology ________ prejudice to any further legal action she may
decide to take.
A. without B. onto C. in D. for
124. If you get goods _______ the cheap; you get them for a low price, often from someone you
know who works in the company or business that produces them.
A. on B. for C. at D. within
125. A pay rise is not__________ the realms of possibility, I'm afraid.
A. behind B. under C. within D. against
126. Although the others__________him, and his lies, Kirk persists in keeping the pretence going.
A. see through B. turn up C. look back on D. come across
127. He failed to recover from a leg injury and __________ on a trip to Barcelona
A. missed out B. came up C. turned down D. made up
128. Next year we intend to __________ several new products but at the moment we're still testing
A. bring out B. cut back C. take over D. go ahead
129. This heat has made me__________ an itchy red rash.
A. come out in B. take up C. tone up D. put on
130. When we discussed how much our wedding was going to cost, it _________ over two
thousand pounds!
A. added up to B. moved on to C. sent away for D. went ahead with
131. When he's depressed, he needs someone like a good friend to __________ .
A. hammer on B. pour out C. dump on D. drum out
132. Her success can be __________ a combination of luck, in telligence and sheer hard work.
A. ranked among B. put together C. put down on D. lived up to
133. When the Chairman ran off with his secretary, the Board tried to _________ the matter.
A. switch off B. hush up C. calm down D. tuck away
134. The library is __________ people who lose their books.
A. cracking down on B. stepping up C. going down with D. coming up against
135. The word “chaos ” has __________ a special scientific meaning.
A. included in B. taken on C. held of D. gasped up
136. When the funds finally __________they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off
137. The Press thought the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal but he just
__________ .
A. ran it down B. called it off C. turned it down D. laughed it off
138. She accidentally dropped her ring__________ a drain in the road.
A. into B. in C. down D. on
139. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Just __________ it up to experience and don’t do it again.
A. talk B. chalk C. stalk D. set
140. The murderer did _______ all of his victims by poisoning them with cyanide.
A. away with B. with C . for D. without
141. I really must______ up my Japan ese before we visit Japan next year.
A. bottle B. brush C. dig D. tighten
142. It was supposed to be a private meeting but he just______ !
A. barged in B. broke off C. crowded around D. whiled away
143. An industrial society which makes goods that are not designed to last it known as a ______
A. fallout B. takeaway C. set-aside D. throwaway
144. He’d threatened to divorce her but I never thought he’d ______ with it.
A. come through B. get through C. go through D. make through
145. The prime minister has said that the government is committed _______ the preservation of the
country’s national interests.
A. on B. with C. to D. in
146. I was about to pay for the shopp ing when it suddenly ______ me that I'd left my wallet at
A. dawned on B. dawn up to C. came up to D. came on
147. It 's a good idea to ______ people before taking them into your confidence.
A. tumble to B. size up C. bank on D. root out
148. These measures have been taken with a view ______ increasing the company's profits.
A. off B. in C. of D. to
149. All our household goods are insured______ accidental damage .
A. just in case B. for C. from D. against
150. When the chairman ran off with his secretary, the Board tried to ____ the matter.
A. tuck away B. hush up C. shut down D. switch off
151. I'd like to contribute _________ the school Red Cross fund.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
152. Madrid is famous _______ its pulls.
A. as B. with C. for D. of
153. Will you _______ after the party.
A. call me off B. get me on C. take me up D. pick me up
154. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only _______ the hot, humid air.
A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back
155. Hardly had the van turned the corner when one of the back wheels _______.
A. broke away B. turned around C. came off D. rolled down
156. The government is thinking of bringing _____a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear
crash helmets.
A. on B. up C. in D. round
157. The businessman inspected the contract carefully before signing it.
A. looked over B. looked out C . counted on D. look for
158. What's happening, John? The smoke alarm is ringing but there's no fire!
A. putting out B. going on C. hanging up D. going up
159. The fire fighters worked hard to put the fire _______.
A. off B. over C. on D. out
160. When do you think that we'll arrive at the hotel this evening?
A. get on B. go on C. get to D. get off
161. I just want to settle_____ and start a family before I got too old.
A. in B. through C. down D. up
162. She spent twenty years studying the history of London. She knows it ____ out.
A. through B. inside C. all D. over
163. Capital punishment was done____ in Britain nearly half a century ago.
A. out for B. away with C. off by D. over from
164. He wants to pay the bill himself, but I won't hear_________ it.
A. from B. about C. of D. for
165. This situation is analogous _____ the one we had faced last year.
A. for B. in C. from D. to
166. When John was arrested for drunken driving, he expected to lose his driving license, but he
was _____ with a fine.
A. let through B. let off C. got away D. kept away
167. My wife checks ___________ our elderly neighbour every few days to make sure that he's
A. on B. in C. at D. out
168. The rain ran _____ the roof of the house.
A. on B. onto C. from D. into
169. You may come_____ different kinds of problems when you first settle in a different country.
A. out with B. into C. up with D. up against
170. A Japanese company tried to ____________ the deal.
A. get in on B. get on with C. catch up on D. walk in on
171. The police___ a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration.
A. came in for B. brought about C. went down with D. opened up
172. I can’t _____ what he’s doing; it’s so dark down there.
A. look into B. make out C. show up D. see through
173. Dave didn't understand what Miss Smith was getting_____so he asked her to explain it again.
A. about B. for C. over D. at
174. We are _____ very good terms______our next-door neighbor.
A. in/ of B. in/ with C. on/ of D. on/ with
175. I was taken _____ when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.
A. out B. along C. aback D. up
176. Eating good food is good insurance_____ sickness.
A. for B. against C. with D. to
177. Don't come_____ hard on the new workers.
A. down B. up C. about D. with
178 My teacher says that I should sail _____the exam, but I’m not so sure.
A. through B. to C. with D. in
179. I can’t remember the name of the hotel we stayed at_____ the top of my head.
A. on B. in C. up D. off
180. If it starts to rain, make_____ a nearby cave to wait for it to pass.
A. out B. for C. up D. with

181. Both the favourite and then the second favourite pulled out. Naturally, we thought we were
______ a chance.
A. in with B up for C. in for D. up with
182. His company went bankrupt, three years of hard work ______ the drain.
A. into B. in C. down D. low
183. Don’t quote me. What I am about to say is ______ the record.
A. on B. off C. without D. above
184. I was so tired that I just______ in the armchair.
A. flaked out B. broke up C. dropped out D. fell over
185. The subject of sex equality seem to ____ in every discussion lesson in my school.
A. burst out B. zero in C. crop up D. harp on
186. Our teacher tends to ______ certain subjects which she finds difficult to talk about.
A. boil down B. string along C. skate over D. track down
187. It’s a good idea to ______ people before taking them into your confidence.
A. tumble to B. root out C. bank on D. size up
188. Some people can just _____ a cold, but my colds seem to linger for weeks.
A. shrug off B. cough up C. pull through D. stamp out
189. The man in the market was selling leather coats very cheaply: they were such bargains that
were soon ______.
A. cleared off B. done for C. bought out D. snapped up
190. I couldn’t remember where I had left my car , when it suddenly______ me that I didn’t have a
car any longer!
A. dawned on B. ran into C. went through D. tumbled to
191. He is not a very outspoken person, so we may find it hard to ____ his opinions.
A. leak out B. come off C. sound out D. bring round
192. Are you still _______ an illusion that Mr. Spike will agree to your conditions?
A. in B. under C. on D. of
193. We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip and he finally
A. caught on B. set out C. got through D. came round
194. Our grandfather can ________ his war experiences all the day. Sometimes, we all get truly
bored with it.
A. harp on B. vouch for C. figure out D. leaf through
195. Father says he’s too ________ after working the nightshift and he won’t help us prepare the
A. run away B. worn out C. taken in D. pulled down
196. They said I'd be _______ probation for the first two or three weeks as they want to find out
about my skill.
A. for B. on C. in D. at
197. Your report______ the side effects of the venture. Why not write more about its good points,
Mr. Hewitt?
A. backs down B. takes to C. dwells on D. makes out
198. I know Pete's conduct was intolerable, but don’t be too hard ________ him.
A. on B. with C. at D. to
199. It is said that the corruption can hardly be ________ especially among top officials.
A. worn off B. rooted out C. gone back D. stringed along
200. Mrs. Black has promised to be _______ service on Monday. I hope she keeps her word or else
I won’t manage to prepare everything in time.
A. in B. on C. of D. within

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