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To: Associate Director

From: Masika Brian, Biology and Chemistry Teacher

Date: 1st July, 2024.
Subject: Response to an Explanation regarding Performance in both Biology and Chemistry

Dear Associate Director,

In response to your memo dated June 26, 2024, regarding the Form Four students’ performance
review, please find my detailed response as the subject teacher for Biology and Chemistry below:
Basing on series 1, the performance in Biology was low. We had a mean of 4.4, a D+.
The following are reasons for poor performance.
Insufficient Revision Time:
Having just completed the syllabus two days before the exam, students may not have had enough
time to review and consolidate their knowledge after finishing the syllabus and before taking the
Information Overload:
Completing the syllabus just before the exam might have overwhelmed the students, leading to
poor retention and understanding of the material.
Exam Anxiety:
The short gap between completing the syllabus and taking the exam could have heightened
students’ anxiety, impacting their performance.
Inadequate Understanding of Concepts:
Rushing through the syllabus may have led to gaps in understanding key concepts, making it
difficult for students to apply their knowledge in the exam.

Some students also had a problem with essay writing and tackling the graph question.
Spelling mistakes in Biology is critical. I was very strict while marking and it affected some.
Ways to Improve Performance in Biology
Regular Quizzes and Tests:
I have planned to administer regular topical quizzes and tests throughout the term to monitor
students’ understanding and provide continuous assessment and feedback.
Promote Group Study and Discussions:
I have grouped the students and am constantly encouraging them to embrace group study
sessions and peer discussions. This will enable them share knowledge collaboratively, and
reinforce their learning.
Provide Additional Resources:
I am offering supplementary materials such as online tutorials, video animations, using my
laptop. Video sessions in science are very interactive and it has worked out because majority of
the students can now explain some complex topics in Biology. I would request a projector so that
all students can watch without straining.
Address Exam Anxiety:
Generally we have to provide resources and strategies to help students manage exam stress, such
as time management skills, and positive reinforcement.
Laboratory Sessions: we have increased the frequency of laboratory sessions to give students
hands-on experience with experiments and concepts.
Study Skills Workshops: requesting to have workshops to teach effective study habits, time
management, and exam techniques, this includes invitation of examiners to sharpen our students.
And also exposing us teachers to workshops and insets. This will enable track the trends and
areas of interest more effectively.

Chemistry: The performance in Chemistry was notably poor.

The following factors have been identified as contributing to the poor performance in Chemistry:
Insufficient Revision Time:
Again having just completed the chemistry syllabus, a few days before the exam, students may
not have had enough time to review and consolidate their knowledge after finishing the syllabus
and before taking the exam.
Information Overload:
Completing the syllabus just before the exam might have overwhelmed the students, leading to
poor retention and understanding of the material.
Exam Anxiety:
The short gap between completing the syllabus and taking the exam could have heightened
students’ anxiety, impacting their performance.
Inadequate Understanding of Concepts:
Rushing through the syllabus may have led to gaps in understanding key concepts, making it
difficult for students to apply their knowledge in the exam.
Complexity of some Topics: majority of the students found the following topics to be
challenging; organic chemistry 1, the Structure of the atom and the Periodic table, salts,
industrial chemistry and gases, the mole concept. They learned these earlier in lower classes and
they seem not to have grasped the concept well.

Ways to Improve Performance in Chemistry

To address the issues and improve performance in Chemistry, the following steps will be taken:
Extra Tutorial Sessions: we are conducting focusing on crucial topics (majorly known as the
Pillars of Chemistry). These topics are pasted on the walls of the form four class, and its aim is
for learners to see the topics they need to always revise. We will be always there present to guide
and help in making revision notes.
Practice Tests: we are providing regular practice tests and quizzes to enhance students’
familiarity with the types of questions they will encounter in exams.
Supplementary Materials: we are requesting for additional learning materials, including
revision guides (specifically Top Notch Chemistry) and access to online resources.
I am really trying to expose the students to video lessons from one of the chief chemistry
examiners, Mr. Thaddeus Mbaluka of Alliance High School, and it’s already working out for
some in Chemistry Paper 3
Laboratory Sessions: we have a plan to increase the frequency of laboratory sessions to give
students hands-on experience with chemical experiments and concepts.
Study Skills Workshops: requesting to have workshops to teach effective study habits, time
management, and exam techniques, this includes invitation of examiners to sharpen our students,
and also exposing us teachers to chemistry workshops and insets. This will enable track the
trends and areas of interest more effectively.
These measures aim to provide targeted support to the students and help them improve their
understanding and performance in Biology and Chemistry.

The mean for Biology for series 1 was 4.4, a D+. My target for series 2 is 5.0.
The mean for chemistry in series 1 was 2.4, a D-. Target for series 2 is 4.0.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Masika Brian

Biology and Chemistry Teacher

Kings Children’s Home & Centre

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