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16/10/2023, 08:32 print.


3 types of RNA-mRNA
3 types of RNA- tRNA
mRNA=messenger RNA
tRNA= transfer RNA Carries instructions for polypeptide synthesis from
Transfer RNA is found only in the cytoplasm nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm
3 types of RNA -rRNA=ribosomal RNA The function of tRNA is to attach to one of the 20 amino Messenger RNA is a copy of a gene from DNA
acids and transfer this amino acid to the ribosome to mRNA is created in the nucleus and it then leaves the
create the polypeptide chain. nucleus to carry the copy of the genetic code of one gene
rRNA=ribosomal RNA
Specific amino acids attach to specific tRNA molecules to a ribosome in the cytoplasm
and this is determined by 3 bases found on the tRNA DNA is too large to leave the nucleus and would be at
Forms an important part of both subunits of the
which are complementary to the 3 bases on mRNA risk of being damaged by enzymes. Therefore destroying
These are called anticodon, because they are the genetic code permanently.
Ribosomal RNA is the type of RNA that makes up the
complementary to the codon on mRNA. mRNA is much shorter because it is only the length of
bulk of ribosome
carries amino acids to the ribosome and matches them to one gene and therefore leave the nucleus
rRNA Function combines with protein to form make a
the coded mRNA messages mRNA is short lived as it is only needed temporarily to
It is singled stranded ,but folded to create a shape that help create a protein,therefore by the time any enzyme
looks like a cloverleaf. This cloverleaf shape is held in could break it down it would have already carried out its
place by hydrogen bonds function.
mRNA is single stranded and every 3 bases in the
sequence codes for a specific amino acid.These bases are
called codons

Complementary base pairing.

Two DNA polynucleotide strands join together by

hydrogen bonds between the bases.
Each base can only join with one particular partner —
this is called complementary base pairing (or specific
base pairing).
Adenine always pairs with thymine (A - T) .They are held DIfference between RNA and DNA monomers
together with 2 hydrogen bonds DIfferenf ein size
guanine always pairs with cytosine (G - C) .these are held DNA contains the base thymine , whereas RNA contains
together with 3 hydrogen bond uracil instead
DNA is long where as RNA is short
This means there are always equal amounts of adenine DNA contains the pentose sugar deoxyribose, whereas
and thymine in a DNA molecule and equal amounts of RNA contains the pentose sugar ribose
cytosine and guanine.
These base pairing ensure that the 2 polynucleotide
chains are always the same distance apart(parallel) but
run in opposite directions(anti parallel)
The two polynucleotide strands are antiparallel — they
run in opposite directions. Two antiparallel strands twist
to form a DNA double helix.
16/10/2023, 08:32 print.html

DNA structure-DNA nucleotide structure.

DNA and RNA function. A DNA nucleotide is made from a phosphate group, the
pentose sugar deoxyribose and a nitrogen-containing
organic base.
DNA and RNA are both types of nucleic acid. They’re Each DNA nucleotide has the same sugar and
found in all living cells and they both carry information. phosphate.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is used to store your The base on each nucleotide can vary though. DNA structure-DNA polynucleotides structure.
genetic information — that’s all the instructions needed to There are four possible bases — adenine (A),
grow and develop from a fertilised egg to a fully grown thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). The DNA polymer occurs in pairs, and these pairs are
adult. There’s more on the role of DNA The structure of a DNA nucleotide is illustrated in Figure joined together by hydrogen bonds between the
RNA (ribonucleic acid) is similar in structure to DNA. 4. bases.This is how the double helix structure is created , as
One of its main functions is to transfer genetic
two chains twist
information from the DNA to the ribosomes.
Ribosomes are the body’s ‘protein factories’ — they read
the RNA to make polypeptides (proteins) in a process
called translation
Ribosomes themselves are made from RNA and proteins.

DNA structure.

DNA has a double helix structure. This means that a DNA

molecule is formed from two separate strands which wind
How the structure related to the function
around each other to form a spiral
The strands are polynucleotides.
They’re made up of lots of nucleotides joined together in Difference between the polymers Stable structure due to sugar phosphate backbone
a long chain (covalent bond) and the double helix
DNA molecules are really long and are coiled up very Double stranded so replication can occur using one strand
DNA is much larger because it contains approximately
tightly, so a lot of genetic information can fit into a small as template
23,000 genes(the entire genome_ whereas RNA is much
space in the cell nucleus. Weak hydrogen bonds for easy unzipping of the 2 strands
shorter because it is only the length of one gene
in the double helix during replication
DNA is double stranded whereas RNA is single stranded
Large molecule to carry lots of information
Complementary base pairing allows identical copies to be
16/10/2023, 08:32 print.html

Polynucleotide structure,

The polymer of these nucleotides is called a

polynucleotide. RNA structure.
Many nucleotides join together to form polynucleotide
strands (or chains). Like DNA, RNA is made of nucleotides that contain a sugar, a
The nucleotides join up via a condensation reaction phosphate group and one of four different bases.
between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and The nucleotides also form a polynucleotide strand with a sugar-
Nucleotide structure.
the deoxyribose sugar. phosphate backbone. But the structure of RNA differs from
Molecules of DNA and RNA are polymers of nucleotides. A This forms a phosphodiester bond (consisting of the DNA in four main ways:
nucleotide is a type of biological molecule which is made from phosphate group and two ester bonds).
Phosphodiester bonds are strong covalent bonds and The sugar in RNA nucleotides is a ribose sugar (not
three different components:
therefore help ensure that the genetic code is not broken deoxyribose). It’s still a pentose sugar though.
a pentose sugar (that’s a sugar with 5 carbon atoms), down Uracil (U, a pyrimidine) replaces thymine as a base.
a nitrogen-containing organic base (organic means that it The chain of phosphates and sugars is known as the Uracil always pairs with adenine in RNA.
contains carbon), and a phosphate group sugar-phosphate backbone. It is a single polynucleotide chain and can fold back on
The nitrogenous base can either be guanine, The backbone chains are made from alternating sugar itself if complimentary base form hydrogen bonds
phosphate groups joined together by phosphodiester The nucleotides form a single polynucleotide strand (not
cytosine,adenine and thymine
bonds. which adds stability to the double helix a double one).
The nitrogenous bases contain the element nitrogen along
with carbon ,hydrogen and oxygen This is describing the strong covalent bonds between the RNA strands are much shorter than most DNA
Nucleotides are really important. For a start they’re the sugar and [phosphate groups that hold the polymer polynucleotides
monomers that make up DNA and RNA. together
Phosphate ,sugar deoxyribose,nitrogenous join rother by
condensation reaction to from nucleotides
Nucleotides join by condensation to form polynucleotides
with phosphodiester links
Nucleotides are joined by condensation reaction between
sugar and phosphate group for form a double helix

RNA is a polymer of a nucleotide formed of ribose, a

nitrogenous base and a phosphate group
The nitrogenous bases in RNA are adenine, guanine
Polynucleotide-large molecule to store a lot of genetic ,cytosine and uracil
information The function of RNA is to copy and transfer the genetic
Polynucleotide chains are held together by weak code from DNA is the nucleus to the ribosomes. Some
hydrogen bonds between bases- as each hydrogen bond is RNA is also combined with proteins to create ribosomes.
weak the polynucleotide chains can be easily separated
as there are a Lot of hydrogen bonds collectively they
stabilise the helix
16/10/2023, 08:32 print.html

The nitrogenous bases-how are the bases joined to each other

The bases join by hydrogen bonds

Pirine -double ringed structure -this include adenine and

Relationship between DNA,mRNA ,ribosomes and tRNA difference in shape

DNA is to large to leave the nucleus.RNA carries the Pyrimidines are single ringed structures for example DNA is double stranded - wteisted into a double helix
genetic code to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm and it thymine and cytosine held together hy hydrogen bonds where as RNA is single
usually helps synthesis protein stranded
Purine base always base pair with a pyrimidine base -means the
2 strands are parallel and allows DNA to be replicated and
transfer information

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