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Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
5. Chapter 5
Want more?
Also By Thea Masen
About The Author
One Night on Thanksgiving

Thea Masen
Dodgy Press LLC
Copyright ©2023 by Dodgy Press LLC
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review and certain other noncommercial use permitted by U.S. copyright
This book is a work of fiction. Resemblance to actual persons and things living or dead, locales, or events is entirely
ISBN: 979-8-9885009-6-4
Published by: Dodgy Press LLC
Cover Design by: Dodgy Press LLC
1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
5. Chapter 5
Want more?
Also By Thea Masen
About The Author
Chapter one
t’s thanksgiving, but I’m not feeling particularly grateful. I should be with my family,
eating turkey and mashed potatoes, listening to Uncle Frank rant about the price of
gas, and Nana tell tales about how she escaped the Nazis because of a handsome Fae
prince and a unicorn. Yeah, she’s a little senile, but her stories are entertaining.
Nursing a scotch in a hotel bar by myself isn’t nearly as fun. They don’t even have a
football game going or anything. I spent all day yesterday at the most boring business
convention in the history of conventions, only to come out and find it snowing so hard my
flight was canceled. So I’m stuck here.
The only semi-redeeming quality about this place is the hot business men in well-tailored
suits. Two in particular have provided me with some very nice eye candy over the past
They’re sitting on the other side of the bar, directly across from me, looking too stunning
to be real. If I believed Nana’s story about her Fae prince, I might picture him looking
something like one of these men.
Besides being breathtakingly attractive they’re also intriguing. They haven’t ordered
anything but tonic water with a splash of bitters. They’ve spent most of their time talking in
hushed tones, and even though I can’t hear them, it seems like they’re worried about
something. Their suits are a little odd, too. I thought they were black at first, but one is
actually an iridescent green. So dark I couldn’t tell it was green until he moved, catching the
light. The other’s has the same quality, but it’s deep blue.
I shouldn’t be staring at them, trying to figure out their story, but they don’t seem to
mind. Every time one of them catches me looking, he smiles, or winks, or raises his glass in
a salute. We haven’t said anything to each other, but it feels like we’ve been silently eye-
flirting all evening.
It’s not enough to make up for missing Thanksgiving with my family, but it’s helping me
not think about what Brad told me just before I left. I’m not ready to be exclusive.
We’ve been seeing each other for six months and every time I think it’s going great, every
time I feel ready to make it official, he pulls back. It started when I invited him on this
business trip. I couldn’t get out of it, but I knew he had Thanksgiving off work, so I thought
he’d come. He doesn’t have any family apart from an estranged brother. It seemed like a
perfect plan. Have the talk, become his official girlfriend, go away for three days to a fancy
hotel, and stay in a room paid for by my boss.
But he said he wasn’t ready to make a commitment. He told me I was being pushy and
needy. I asked if he was seeing other people. His exact words were: “Of course I am. We’re
not exclusive. I thought you’d be taking advantage of that, too.”
I was so mad, but then he got all sweet and gave me some explanation that got me into
bed. I can’t even remember what his reasoning was now, but I bought into it at the time. He
got me thinking light and casual is good. It’s fun, right? I don’t want to be that clingy girl
who nags a guy. I want to be easy going, up for a good time.
After a marathon sex session, I asked Brad if he would still come on the trip. It seemed
like exactly the kind of fun he kept saying he wanted. But he already had plans. The
unspoken message being that he had plans with another girl. Someone else he’d rather
spend the holiday with.
I tried to act like it was fine. Even lied and told him I’d invite one of the other guys I’m
seeing. I’m sure he saw right through that. I definitely haven’t been seeing anyone else.
I’m not sure why not, though. Maybe I’m just a one man kind of girl. Maybe my sister’s
right, and I’m not adventurous enough. Too stuck up. Too reserved. Too judgmental. Too
conservative. I’ve been called those things my whole life.
I should show them all. Do something crazy and impulsive. Before I can second guess
myself, I call the bartender over and order two tonic waters with bitters for the men across
from me.
While he’s pouring the drinks, I panic. I’ve never bought a drink for a guy in a bar before.
I rarely hang out in bars. Am I being too forward? What if they think it’s an invitation for
Wait, would that be so bad?
It might be exactly what I need. A steamy night with a stranger to prove that I can be just
as non-exclusive as Brad. If it makes him jealous, maybe he’ll finally agree to put a label on
us and make me his girlfriend. I don’t hate that.
I hold my breath as the bartender takes the drinks over and juts his chin in my direction.
They’re too far away for me to hear clearly, but two sets of eyes roam up my body in a way
that makes heat spread from my chest up my neck to my cheeks. I offer them a timid smile.
As if one, they take their drinks, stand, and cross over to me.
“We were taking bets on when you’d get the courage to approach,” the one in the blue
suit says. He drops his head in a sort of bow. “I’m Leander. And this is Thorne.”
His voice is velvety rich with a hint of an accent I can’t place.
“It’s nice to meet you.” I tuck a loose strand of hair back into the bun at the nape of my
neck. “My name is Lilly.”
“A lie.” Thorne leans against the bar and crosses his arms. His muscles strain against his
suit jacket. I have the sudden urge to ask him to take it off and roll up his sleeves so I can
see his forearms.
He looks over my head at his friend. “Shall we let it slide?”
“Hmmm.” Leander’s smile is like a soft rain. “For now.”
For a moment, I wonder how they know I gave them a fake name, but then I realize it’s a
safe guess. Using a fake name is probably common for people hooking up at bars. I wouldn’t
know, since I’ve never done this before.
“Are your names fake?” I ask.
“Of a sort.” Thorne takes a sip of his drink.
“There’s only one person who knows my true name,” Leander says.
I smirk at his jest. “Like a fae prince in a fairytale.”
His finger traces the tip of his glass. “Exactly.”
The look he shares with Thorne feels like a secret I’m not privy to, and I want to pry it
open. But I didn’t buy them a drink to get to know them. They understand that because
Leander gives me a heated look and runs his forefinger in a spiraling circle along the top of
my right hand. His touch is cool and damp from the condensation on his glass and my skin
prickles with sensation.
Thorne slides closer. His heat seeps into the left side of my body. I’m positioned between
them in a way that feels both safe and dangerous.
Normally, this much attention from male strangers would make me uncomfortable. But I
initiated this. And that makes me feel powerful.
For one night, I don’t want to be Rebecca Hamilton, the good little girl who does what’s
expected, goes to the top university, and gets a perfectly secure, perfectly boring job as an
accountant. Rebecca Hamilton, the girl who never stayed out past curfew, didn’t drink until
twenty-one, and didn’t sleep with a man until she was twenty-three.
For once, I want to do something impulsive. Risky. Terrifying.
One of these men would definitely fit that criteria. It doesn’t even matter which one. They
both set my heart beating a little too fast and blood shooting straight to my clit.
But… is this really a good idea? I mean, they could be serial killers or perverts or
“Do you live in the area?” I’ve always been bad at small talk. Never knowing quite what to
say and opting for the most standard boring questions because my brain freezes up,
refusing to think of anything else.
“That’s not really what you want to ask.” Thorne leans closer. His breath kisses my neck.
“We aren’t serial killers.” Leander picks up my hand, turns it over, and kisses the inside of
my palm.
“I can be a little perverse if you want me to be,” Thorne says, as his lips brush lightly
against my ear. “But we won’t hurt you.”
“And we won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”
“Oh, yes, my flower.” Leander lifts my hand to the back of his neck. His fingers trail along
the inside of my lifted forearm until they gently graze the side of my breast. “We both want
you, and it wouldn’t be fair if only one of us to got a taste.”
My body feels tight and my core damp. I clench my legs together, trying to relieve the
ache. Thorne notices the movement. He slips one hand between my knees and slowly eases
my thighs apart, moving just as high as the hem of my pencil skirt, but no higher.
“Decide quickly,” he says, the tips of his fingers tapping my knee. “We need to fuck
someone tonight. And we’d prefer it to be you.”
Leander casts a sharp look at Thorne, who answers with a shrug.
The hairs on my arms stand up, and I can’t tell if it’s from fear or excitement. My insides
are vibrating with arousal, more than I’ve ever experienced before. It may not be a good
idea, but I know what I want.
“I’m in.”
Thorne slides his hand under my skirt, rubbing up my inner thigh until his fingertips
gently press my panties into my wet core. “Oh, no, flower. We’re in.”
Chapter two

A s we walk to the elevator, Leander places his hand on the small of my back while
Thorne walks in front of us. His eyes never stop scanning the area and it gives
him the distinct feel of someone in the military or secret service or something.
It wouldn’t be surprising. He’s a big guy. His suit stretches across broad shoulders and I
couldn’t help but notice how big his hands are when he had his palm pressed against my
inner thigh.
I lick my lips, thinking about what those large hands suggest about other parts of his
body. I’ve always wondered if what people say about hands is really true—not having
enough experience to know for certain myself.
My gaze travels down his back and lands on his ass, which is also impressive—clenching
as he walks in front of me, stretching his slacks like it wants me to look.
“Enjoying the view,” Leander whispers with a light chuckle.
Normally, I’d feel embarrassed at being caught staring at a guy. But isn’t that what
tonight is about? Following attraction? Enjoying each other’s bodies?
I lift my chin and hold Leander’s gaze. “Yes, I was.”
“Good.” His hand on my back dips lower so it’s right at the top of my ass, his pinkie
dipping between my butt cheeks. My sex clenches, wet warmth flooding between my legs.
He smirks like he knows and guides me into a private elevator.
Thorn pushes the button for the presidential suite on the top floor.
“So you two are pretty well off, huh?”
“You could say that,” Leander replies.
“You’re also pretty closed lipped.” I study their reflections in the shiny elevator doors.
“We don’t mean to offend.” Leander’s hand rubs up and down my back, dropping a little
lower on each stroke. “But there are things we can not disclose.”
Thorn steps in front of me, so close our toes touch. He hooks his finger under my chin and
lifts my head. “The only thing you need to know is how our bodies respond to yours.” He
pulls me close, hips pushing against mine. “And how yours responds to us.”
I gasp at the bulge pressing into my belly. Big hands indeed.
“Are you… together?”
“For tonight. With you.”
Leander presses a button on the elevator, and it stops. Thorne flashes him a look of pure
warning. “We aren’t there yet.”
Leander shrugs. “I don’t like to wait.”
My heart picks up speed at his implication. My voice squeaks when I say, “Here?”
“Mhmm,” Leander moves behind me and reaches around to undo the top button on my
Thorne is still pressed against my front, but he hasn’t moved. He’s glaring at Leander, and
his jaw is twitching like he’s grinding his teeth. “Patience, Leander.”
I tilt my head, not understanding his obvious frustration. “Does it really matter where we
do this?”
Feeling braver than usual and more turned on by the thought of sex in an elevator than I
ever would have imagined, I drag my palm up Thorne’s chest and back down to his
stomach. His muscles spasm under my touch. “Are you just not into sex in public spaces?”
“Oh, he’s into sex everywhere.“ Leander softly bites my earlobe.
There’s a very clear innuendo in his words that makes me shiver and press my body back
against his. There’s a twitch from his cock against my ass that I can feel even through our
Thorne still hasn’t taken his eyes off Leander. “This was supposed to be about the
I shiver, and some of the lust clouding my thinking clears. The way he said ceremony has
me more than a little creeped out. I push his chest enough to put some distance between us.
“Okay, now you’re freaking me out. I didn’t sign up for any ceremony.”
Leander kisses my shoulder, then my neck. “Calm, O’mi Fi’o. It’s just a… tradition for us
around this time of year. It will not affect your experience.” He kisses my jaw. “It will only
enhance it.”
“So what’s the big deal if we fool around in the elevator?” I turn just enough to see
Leander’s smirk.
“The big guy just likes his… routine.”
Thorne grunts and crosses his arms, still glaring at Leander.
His attitude sets me off and makes me bold. “Fine. You don’t have to join us then.”
I spin around to face Leander and kiss him. At first, he’s too surprised to do more than
press his lips against mine, but that only lasts a second before he’s parting my mouth with
his tongue.
I like that I took him by surprise. People regularly make assumptions about me. One look,
and they decide there are certain things I will and won’t do. Usually they’re right. But I love
that Leander and Thorne didn’t assume I wouldn’t be the type to have a threesome. They
let me decide.
Right now, I’ve decided I like Leander’s elevator idea. A lot. And while a part of me wishes
Thorne would join us, another part of me loves knowing he’s standing there watching.
Leander somehow manages to undo each of the buttons on my blouse without breaking
contact with my lips. His kiss becomes more passionate as his hands find my bare skin.
Palms rub up my sides and around to my back. I fumble to un-tuck his shirt. He slides my
blouse off my shoulders, but doesn’t unbutton the tight cuffs at my wrists, which forces my
hands back in a loose binding. Unable to bring my hands forward, I’m kept from removing
his clothes as he continues to remove mine.
My forest green pencil skirt comes off next. He slowly drags down the zipper and lets the
skirt slide to the floor, leaving me in only my red strapless bra, red silk panties, and black
high heels.
A low noise behind me makes me look over my shoulder. Thorne is biting his knuckles
and staring at me like I’m the thanksgiving turkey he’s been waiting for me all year. Our
eyes lock.
“Take off her bra,” he says to Leander.
The command rumbles through my chest like a heat wave. “Why don’t you come do it
He shakes his head, a strained expression painting his face. Fuck, it makes me feel
amazing knowing he’s fighting that hard, wants me that badly. It makes me want to tempt
I step fully out of my skirt and kick it at Thorne’s feet. Then I pointedly ignore him and
turn back to Leander, who’s grinning like the brief exchange I just had with Thorne is the
best thing he’s ever seen.
I kiss Leander’s jaw. Then whisper, “Let’s see how long he takes to break.”
In answer, Leander pulls me into a rough kiss and threads his hands through my hair.
He’s an incredible kisser. Just the right amount of pressure. Just the right amount of tongue.
My knees go weak, and I sag against his chest, melting into him.
“I said, take off her bra.” Thorne’s voice startles us into breaking the kiss. I almost forgot
he was there. Leander and I share a meaningful, playful look. This is going to be fun.
His hands linger just a moment at the clasp, skim along the upper edge of the fabric and
then slide down to my ass. “I believe the lady asked you to do it yourself.”
I grin at Leander. Time to turn up the heat.
With my hands still cuffed by my silk blouse, I can’t bring them in front of me much
farther than my sides, so I turn around, facing Thorne. With my back to Leander, I reach
behind me for Leander’s belt buckle. Without being able to see what I’m doing, it takes a
few seconds to undo the clasp. But the delay just works in my favor.
From this position, Thorne is directly in front of me, holding my gaze while I unzip
Leander’s pants. Leander holds my hips while I maneuver. His pinkie fingers rub where the
lace edge of my panties meets my thigh.
Thorne’s eyes track the motion before moving to my face, then dropping to my bra, still
hiding my breasts from view.
A second more, and I manage to maneuver Leander’s cock out of his pants. Fuck, he’s
hung. Like really hung. Long and hard. And he feels so good. So soft. I run my thumb over
the top of his head and my skin comes away damp with pre-cum.
The position is awkward, but I wrap his cock in my hand and pump long and slow while
staring at Thorne. Daring him to act. To get in on the action.
Leander peppers my shoulders and neck with kisses and whispers in my ear.
“So beautiful.”
“That’s it, O’mi Fi’o.”
“Your hand fits so perfectly around my cock.”
“Don’t stop.”
I love having him talk to me, praise me, push me on, while Thorne’s silent stare pierces
my chest with a completely different kind of appreciation. His eyes are bonfires in the
middle of October.
“Take. Off. Her. Bra.”
My nipples jump to attention at the burn in Thorne’s voice.
My shoulders ache from the awkward position I’m pumping Leander in, so I stop, and let
my loose binding hang down my back. Hooking my thumbs in my panties, I wiggle out of
them in direct defiance to the article of clothing Thorne asked me to take off.
Leander chuckles against my neck. I step out of the red silk and try to fling it at Thorne
with a kick. It flies backwards rather than forwards and lands awkwardly on my chest
before dropping back to the floor. Leander and I both laugh, but Throne frowns. He takes
two steps forward, picks up the panties, and smells them like they’re something divine. My
laughter dies immediately as wet arousal pools between my legs. I’ve never had a man
savor my scent before. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced.
He shoves the damp silk in his pocket, reaches behind me, and unhooks my bra. He stuffs
it in his other pocket and steps back again, admiring my breasts with a zealous desire.
The two men share a brief look. Leander ducks under my hanging blouse, trapping his
body between my back and the soft fabric of my shirt still binding me at my wrists. His cock
presses between my butt cheeks. His arms wrap around mine, hands moving along my
bared breasts, belly, hips. He pushes against my inner thighs, and I step my legs apart.
Thorne watches with the intensity of a hawk. Fuck, I want him to touch me.
“Don’t let her come,” Thorne says.
Leander chuckles against my neck. “I know how this goes, Thorne.”
“You heard me, little flower.” Thorne’s eyes blaze. “When we let you come, it’ll be magic.
The best orgasm of your life. But not yet.”
Leander cups my breasts and pinches my puckered nipples between his fingers. I try to
reach for Thorne, to draw him into this, forgetting that my hands are still bound. When I
whimper in frustration, Thorne finally stalks forward, crowding us until Leander’s back hits
the wall.
As soon as Thorne’s lips touch mine, his control breaks.
Together, we’re a storm.
Thorne’s lips on mine. Thunder. Leander’s hands, lightning. Electric on my breasts, my
belly, my thighs, my heat.
They’re both still fully dressed, with the exception of Leander’s cock sticking out of his
pants. They cradle me between them. The soft fabric of their suits against my bare skin is
sensual and erotic. Thorne holds my face in his hands and kisses me until I’m dizzy as
Leander runs slow, steady strokes up my sides.
After a quick adjustment, Leander’s cock glides between my legs. My folds kiss his shaft.
He’s so long I can see his tip when I look down. Fuck, that’s hot. He grabs my hips and
thrusts forward, rubbing his shaft against my clit. Thorne hunches over and sucks my left
nipple into his mouth. I throw my head back against Leander’s shoulder and use the blouse
binding my hands to pull him closer. Wrapping my hands around the sleeves of the blouse, I
yank it into his ass and hold him steady, then I grind down onto his shaft.
Throne switches to my right breast, but continues to finger my left nipple, while I rub
myself on Leander’s cock. It’s the best foreplay I’ve ever had.
I bend slightly forward at my hips so I can bring my clit into better contact with
Leander’s head. The movement rams my ass against Leander, who moans with pleasure.
Thorne stops what he’s doing and looks over my shoulder at Leander. “Don’t you dare.”
Leander pulls back, his cock no longer between my legs. I whimper my protest. He was
about to slam his cock into me, if Thorne hadn’t stopped him, he would have. Before I can
get too mad about it, Thorne drops to his knees and latches his lips around my clit.
Leander bands his arms around my waist to keep me from falling over. I need every bit of
his firm support because… fuck. My legs are shaking like leaves about to fall off the tree.
One strong wind and I’ll topple.
But Leander won’t let me fall, and Thorne won’t let me come. Every time I get close, he
changes tactics. Rimming my lips with his tongue. Lapping at my arousal. Sucking my clit.
The whole time, Leander plays with my sensitive nipples while holding me steady. His
attention is almost casual compared to the intensity of Thorne’s mouth, but it’s no less
sensual. Thorne grips my thighs and pushes them out. Leander lifts my right leg, holding
me open, giving Thorne easier access.
Thorne gives my pussy his absolute, undivided attention. And yet, he still won’t let me
come. Somehow, he knows every time I get close, and he backs off just enough to keep me
where he wants me. When I start shaking and begging, he bites my thigh.
“Be good, little flower, and we’ll reward you.” He stops long enough to give me a wicked
look. “Eventually.”
Just when I think they might give in and let me come, Thorne slams his palm on the wall.
It takes me a minute to realize he pushed the button for the elevator. We’re moving again. I
whimper, not wanting to stop. “P-please.”
Thorne stands up and kisses me, while Leander undoes the buttons on my sleeves,
freeing my arms. My heart lurches. That can’t be it. They wouldn’t—
Before I can finish the thought, they each grab one of my wrists and pin my hands over
my head against the wall. Throne presses in to my right hip, and Leander into my left.
“We won’t leave you wanting,” Leander says, planting a delicate kiss on my cheek. The
tenderness is in direct contrast with the aggressive way they’ve locked me in place.
“Stay with us, and we’ll satisfy you. Thoroughly.” Thorne kisses my mouth, scraping my
lip between his teeth in a way that I feel against my breasts and clit, as if he was biting all
three places at once. He drops my hand. “But don’t rush us.”
I swallow and nod. At least I know what I’m in for. I asked Brad to try edging me once, but
he didn’t last long. As soon as I got close and started begging, he gave in, which was
definitely more about his pleasure than mine. I didn’t end up orgasming at all that night. He
came quickly and fell asleep on top of me.
I didn’t think much of it at the time. I’ve always been told it’s hard for men to control
themselves, and a woman shouldn’t count on an orgasm. But now… I wonder if I was
making excuses. If I should have asked for more. Or seized more for myself.
That won’t be a problem tonight. I can tell already. These two know how to control
themselves. How to please a woman. How to hold off my orgasm without letting me get
bored or overstimulated.
The elevator doors open. I slap a hand over my mound and an arm over my breasts. I’d
completely forgotten that I’m wearing nothing but heels.
Leander and Thorne laugh in tandem. It’s a beautiful sound. Leander’s, light and bell-like.
Thorne’s, deep like a drum.
“We have the whole floor.”
Leander picks my clothes up, and Thorne picks me up. I yelp in surprise, but then snuggle
into his powerful arms. He nuzzles my neck and inhales deeply. Leander slaps Thorne’s
back. “I knew you’d like her.”
“You didn’t have to convince me,” Thorne says to Leander, who walks past and carefully
lays my folded clothes out on the coffee table. His eyes drop to mine. “I saw her first.”
Chapter three
can’t stop smiling. These two beautiful men chose me. I wasn’t the only woman at the
bar tonight. Not even the most attractive woman. But I’m the one here with them.
Naked in Thorne’s arms.
Leander disappears down the hall ahead of us, but Thorne carries me across the room to
the floor-to-ceiling windows. We’re twenty-four stories up, so it’s not like anyone can see
us, but the massive windows still give me a rush of adrenaline. The view is stunning. The
city lights are like stars, sparkling against a backdrop of dark peeks and skyscrapers.
“Are you afraid of heights?” Thorne asks, pulling my attention back to him.
I shake my head.
“Good.” He kisses me, slow and soft. Completely different from how he kissed me in the
elevator. That was almost angry. This is like he wants to savor me. While we kiss, he eases
me down his body until my feet hit the floor.
Then he takes my hands, turns me, and presses my palms into the glass. He doesn’t tell
me to stay here, but I understand that’s what he wants by the firm way he positioned me.
Obeying his silent command makes my chest flush pink, and my insides shake with
In the muted reflection of the window, I can see him behind me. He slowly takes off his
suit coat and drapes it carefully over the couch.
He undoes the cuffs at his wrist, and I want to shout a triumphant thank you. I’m finally
going to see his naked body. But, rather than taking off his shirt, he rolls his cuffs up his
forearm. Okay, fine, not naked. Still damn hot.
My fingers clench, wanting to turn around, undo his buttons, and throw his shirt in a
corner so I can see more than just those gorgeous corded arms. But I stay where I am
because I want to see why he put me in this position and what he’s going to do next.
“Good girl,” he whispers in my ear, and my pussy clenches.
His hand caresses from my shoulder down the side of my spine, over the swell of my ass,
down the back of my thigh. His palm slides around to the front of my body next, caressing
up my thigh, my waist, over my breast, and coming to rest at the base of my throat.
I swallow, and he presses all of his weight against me until we’re both leaning into the
window. My breasts smash against the cold glass. I look down, and my heart jumps into my
“Do you like that? The risk of leaning on fragile glass twenty-four stories up. The spike of
fear. The adrenaline. Knowing someone could look out their window and see your ripe,
naked body.”
He sucks on my neck and rocks his hips against my backside. “You don’t usually let
yourself feel these things, do you? You keep your desire locked away, buried under layers
of protection. Don’t ask for too much. Take only what they’re willing to give. Do only what you
know will succeed. You distrust desire, and refuse to take risks on pleasure.”
His words are a window into my soul, and I don’t know if I want to kiss him or cry.
“H-how do you know all that?”
The only answer he gives is to spin me around and kiss me with my ass pressed against
the glass.
Breathless, he says, “I like you, Rebecca. A lot more than I should.”
It takes a minute to realize he used my real name. Before I can ask him about it, he kisses
“I see you got started without me,” Leander says. He’s standing behind Thorne
completely naked.
The sight of him takes my breath away. Every other thought flits out of my head. I swear
my mouth waters. He’s gorgeous in a different way than Thorne.
Leander is slim lines and long, lean muscles. Corded sinews and spiraling black tattoos.
He smirks, reaches over his head, and bends to one side, then the other, stretching like he’s
warming up for a sports competition.
There’s so much to take in, I don’t know where to look first. My eyes bounce from his face
to his cock. From his shoulders to his cock. From his chest to his cock. From his narrow
waist down the light trail of hair that leads to his cock.
“It’s okay to look,” Thorne says in my ear, clearly sensing my hesitation.
This is it. The moment I stop playing it safe and choose to be brave. I let my gaze stay
where I want, openly staring at Leander’s erection. Because… wow.
“Good girl,” Thorne says, like he’s proud of me for not holding back. For not being scared
or ashamed of my desire to look. Especially now, when that’s exactly why we’re here.
I hold on to that burst of confidence, slip out of Thorne’s arms, and walk straight over to
Leander, intentionally putting a little extra sway in my hips. Without preamble, I drop to
my knees and lick a straight line up the front of Leander’s shaft, from balls to tip.
“That’s quite a greeting. Was Thorne not doing it for you?” Leander’s teasing is a dare.
One Thorne takes.
“I’ll show you exactly how I do it for her. But you’re gonna have to kneel, Leander.”
Thorne’s voice has an edge of a challenge to it.
Leander immediately kneels in front of me. Thorne comes behind me, lifts my hips off my
heels, scoots my knees out a little, then lays down on his back with his head directly under
my pussy. He’s inches away from where I want him, but still too far, and I’m not exactly
sure what Leander’s supposed to do in front of me.
But Leander smiles, like he knows exactly what Thorne is going for. He sits back on his
heels, brings my hands to his thighs, and juts his cock forward. “Your Thanksgiving feast,
my lady. If you want it.”
I lick my lips. I’ve never wanted a cock in my mouth the way I do right now. Without
hesitation, I lower down until I can wrap my lips around him. My hips naturally lift as I
bend over Leander’s lap, but Thorne pulls them back down, until I’m sitting on his face.
Blow jobs have always turned me on. The first time I gave one, I almost orgasmed
without even being touched. But, this? This is fucking amazing. Sucking Leander makes me
feel hot and powerful. Doing it while Thorne laps at my arousal has me feeling euphoric. I’m
giving as good as I get and getting as good as I give. And it feels incredible. Even though I’m
working hard to take Leander, I feel like I’m the one who’s getting the most out of this. Like
the entire purpose and point of this moment is me. My want.
Hard flesh slides in and out of my mouth. A rough tongue laps at my clit. A perfectly
coordinated rhythm. My mind goes blank, completely engrossed in the sensations. My body
vibrates and shakes. I don’t even realize I’m about to orgasm until Thorne suddenly stops,
pushing my hips away from him. He sits, takes hold of my shoulders, and pulls me off
Leander’s shaft with a lush pop.
“Not yet,” he growls.
Leander blinks at him with a dazed expression. But he nods.
Still holding my shoulders, Thorne twists me to face him and pulls me into a deep kiss. I
whimper against his mouth, wishing we hadn’t stopped. Wishing he’d let me come.
Then I remember what he said about me holding back.
Looking him straight in the eye, I ask for exactly what I want. “No more waiting. I want
you inside me.” I shift my gaze to Leander. “I want you to fuck me.”
Leander’s eyes dilate until they are deep black pools. “As you wish, O’mi Fi’o.”
When I glance at Thorne, his eyes are the same. Black, hot, undisguised lust. He sits down
on the edge of an armchair and takes off his dress shoes. Then he crooks a finger at me. I go
to him, heart pounding. This is it. They’re finally going to fuck me.
He lifts my foot into his lap and slips off one high heel and then the other. With me
standing between his legs, he unbuttons his shirt, takes it off, and folds it over the chair
with his coat. His chest is just as impressive as I imagined, chiseled and expansive. I trail a
finger across his pecs. He smiles and guides my hand down to his pants as he stands up.
“Show me what you want, little flower.”
I swallow my nervousness and undo the top button of his pants. Something about Thorne
is so commanding it’s almost intimidating. It makes my knees weak and my pussy pulse,
wanting to clench around him. My hands shake as I slide his pants down his legs and step
back to take in the sight of him.
He’s going commando, so the moment his pants drop, I see everything.
And it’s a sight to see.
He’s thicker than Leander, though not as long. Massive balls hang below his sturdy shaft
like apples ready to be picked. His thighs are just as muscular as I thought. Perfect for
squatting up and down.
Leander comes up beside us and takes my right hand. “Come.”
Thorne takes my left hand. “It’s time.”
Chapter four
hey lead me down a wide hallway to a set of beautifully ornate double doors that
seem out of place in the modern hotel room. The wood doors are carved with
trees and flowers and dancing nymphs. If Leander and Thorne weren’t holding my
hands, I’d want to trace the design with my fingers and study each detail.
My men share a look I can’t interpret before pushing open the doors, revealing a… forest.
An honest to fuck, forest. Tall trees. Dirt under our feet. A gentle stream. There’s no ceiling,
so it must be some kind of rooftop garden—I have no idea how they got trees this massive
to grow on a rooftop, but who cares. It’s gorgeous.
It smells like there’s a bonfire nearby. The leaves on the trees are all reds and oranges,
bright and burning. The night is full of stars. And it’s warmer than it was when I got to the
hotel this morning.
Wait. Where’s the snow? “What is this?”
“Welcome, last flower of summer.” Leander bows and kisses the back of my left hand.
When he raises his head, his ears are pointed, and his skin shimmers just a little, like he’s
been brushed with stardust.
I’m flabbergast and awed speechless. It has to be a hallucination. Maybe they drugged me
with something. But it feels too real. I don’t feel heavy or groggy. I feel alive. Alert in a way I
don’t remember ever feeling. I’m as loony as Nana because I’m pretty sure I’m about to
spend the night with two Fae princes!
Thorne gently tugs on my right hand, and I turn to look at him. His skin doesn’t shimmer
like Leanders. Rather than looking like starlight, it shines like a waxy leaf in early summer.
He cups my cheek and kisses me until I forget how strange this is.
When we break apart for breath, he steps back. Leander takes his place with a kiss that’s
as smooth as water. Then they lead me by the hand into the trees.
There’s no path, but the foliage seems to part around us. The forest opens into a small
clearing, where the trees don’t venture and crackling leaves cover the ground in warm fall
colors. A narrow river cuts through the right side of the clearing, filling the night with the
soft sound of tinkling water. The smell of a bonfire is stronger here, though I don’t see any
sign of one.
In the middle of the clearing, there’s a slanted white boulder covered in soft moss. When
we reach it, they let go of my hand. Thorne stretches over the stone on his back, leaning on
his elbows, giving me a perfect view of his magnificent body. I’ve never seen a man more
confident, and it’s hot as hell. I didn’t think it was possible to be more aroused than I
already am, but my nipples get so hard they’re sharp. I’m dripping, clenching my thighs to
chase the friction I want.
“Have you ever done this before?” Leander says from my side.
I’m not sure if he’s talking about a threesome or having sex with magical beings—
because that’s certainly what they are. Unless, of course, I’ve completely lost it, which is
also a possibility.
If this is losing your mind, I’m all for it.
His hand slides between my butt cheeks and I realize what he’s really asking. I shake my
head and a jittery laugh sputters out of me. “Not even close. This is all new to me.”
Leander steps closer and kisses me. “It’s alright to be nervous, O’mi Fi’o. But you aren’t
powerless. If you want us to stop—at any time—say sycamore and it’s done. No questions
Beyond Leander, I can see Thorne open his mouth as if he’s going to say something, but
then his jaw snaps shut and he nods.
“Okay.” I’m still nervous. But I’m ready.
Thorn props himself up a little higher on the rock and reaches for my hands. When our
palms meet, he laces our fingers. Sparks of tingling warmth fly up my arms and down to my
clit. It’s a simple touch compared with everything else we’ve done tonight, but it sets me on
He guides me to straddle him. The hard stone pushes into my knees and his solid cock
presses at my opening.
“Wait. Sycamore. Or whatever. Um… condom?”
“Not part of the deal,” Thorne says.
Leander is gentler. “We need you bare for this. But you don’t have to do it if you aren’t
comfortable. You can walk away right now.” His touch lights from my shoulder down to my
wrist. “We’re clean.”
I laugh because what am I thinking? They can probably just magic away any type of
infection. Am I comfortable with this, though? I trust that he’s telling me the truth, and I am
on birth control…
“Alright, fuck it.”
Thorne’s eyes darken. “Fuck it, indeed.”
His hips lift at the same time as he grabs my waist and pulls me down, sheathing himself
in my wet heat. After everything we’ve already been doing tonight, I’m more than ready for
We moan in tandem. He’s so wide and big, he fills every part of me. Giving me a moment
to adjust and stretch around him, he doesn’t move, just holds my hips and runs his thumb
along the crease at the top of my thighs. He looks me in the eye with that unnerving
intensity and unwavering control.
Leander steps behind me and presses a hand into my upper back, pushing me forward.
My palms land on Thorne’s chest, and my hips tilt back, naturally spreading my butt cheeks.
I don’t know where Leander got lotion or lube or whatever is on his hands, but they’re
slick and damp when he draws a circle around my back entrance. He doesn’t rush things,
just rubs and explores.
Thorne pumps, and Leander gently pushes in one finger. After Thorne pulls me down
into an all-consuming kiss, Leander adds a second finger, and my body clenches around
He leans his chest against my back, bringing his mouth close to my ear. “Relax, O’mi Fi’o.
Open for us.”
I take a few slow deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of what’s happening rather than
the thought of it. It feels tingly. Stretchy. Full.
Leander moves his fingers, stretching the tender skin while Thorne continues playing
with my clit, steadily pumping in and out with his cock.
My body slowly adjusts to the overwhelming sensation. As I become more used to the
feelings Leander is creating inside me, I want more. My breasts ache and my tight nipples
beg to be played with. I bite my lip, my shoulder’s tense, hoping they’ll give me what I want.
Thorne stops kissing me and studies my face. “Stop accommodating everyone. Tell us
what you want. Ask for it. Demand it.”
I take a heavy breath and say what I need. “Touch my breasts.” I look over my shoulder at
Leander. “I want your cock, not just your fingers.”
“Good girl,” Thorne says as his hands roam my body and finally land on my breasts. He
tweaks my nipples at the exact moment Leander’s well-lubed tip pushes against my ass.
Steady pressure, then I open and he sinks in, slow inch by torturous inch.
I’m gloriously full.
Their hips rock and drive in synchronized rhythm, like they’re passing me back and forth
between them. Where one pleasure leaves off, another picks up. Thorne keeps fondling my
breasts as Leander reaches around and strokes my clit in tight little circles with just the
right pressure.
All I can do is hold on. Use Thorne’s chest for balance. Let them take control. Not because
they demand it. But because I give it. They want me. Want to share me. And I want them.
Even as they pound into me. Even as the sensation threatens to overwhelm me. As the
pleasure becomes so intense, it’s almost painful. I want… “More.”
“As you wish,” Leander says.
Their thrusts grow faster, shallower. Thorn never strays far from my g-spot and
whatever spot Leander is hitting from behind is just as enjoyable. My pleasure surges with
each movement. My arousal dripping and drenching both of them.
“I-I-I want… to come. Please, let me come. I need—”
“Yes, O’mi Fi’o.” Thorne says. “Now.”
His voice is tight, like he’s still holding back. But he keeps his rhythm steady.
A wind blows up the leaves from the forest floor until they’re swirling around us like
curtains strung across a bed. My body tenses. I pant. My chest heaves. All the colors of
autumn swirl through the air. My eyes roll back in my head. I soar. Rapturous bliss buzzes
like a thousand bees through my body.
When I orgasm, the leaves burst and cascade down on top of us. I pulse around Throne,
who bites his cheek hard and glares at me like he’s angry. I clench around Leander, who
groans so roughly it almost sounds like a growl.
On impulse, I say, “I’m sorry.”
Thorne grabs my chin, directing me to look at him. “Never apologize for your pleasure.
Never. Understood?”
Leander kisses the space between my shoulder blades. “We aren’t upset, O’mi Fi’o. It’s
only that it was very hard not to come with you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“It’s not time yet.”
Thorn lifts my hips, raising me off his shaft. Leander pulls out with a subtle pop. Now that
they’re no longer inside me, I feel achingly empty.
Before I can complain, Leander spins me around, takes my hand, and leads me to the
stream meandering through the clearing. He walks straight in, drawing me with him. The
water is warm and deeper than I expect. When it reaches our waists, Leander plucks up a
green leaf floating on the surface and hands it to me. He guides my hand, holding the leaf to
his cock under the water.
“Will you clean me, O’mi Fi’o?”
Understanding his intention, I rub the leaf along his length. At this point, I’m willing to go
along with anything as long as they keep doing things to me—even rub his cock with a leaf.
It seems kind of weird, but he’s clearly into it.
The more I rub, the more Leander’s gaze heats. His breaths come faster. He almost gives
in, and I want him to, but he takes my wrist and stops me, bringing my palm to his chest.
“How are you doing after… all of that?” He waves a hand in the direction of the stone
where we just fucked.
The fact that he’s checking in with me brings unexpected tears to my eyes. He wipes one
“You shouldn’t be surprised to have someone care about you.”
“You’ve only just met me, and both of you have shown more concern for me than my…” I
struggle to think of what to call Brad. He’s not my boyfriend—he made that clear—but he’s
something. “…than any man I’ve ever been with.”
“You’re supposed to be bringing her pleasure,” Thorne says from the shore. “Not making
her cry.”
I look over my shoulder as he joins us in the water. He comes up behind me and he kisses
my neck.
In front of me, Leander brushes his knuckles along my cheek. “She’s different.”
“Mhmm,” Thorne’s low hum vibrates against my back. He wraps his arm in front of me
and reveals a handful of plump, ripe blackberries.
“See, even you bring her gifts.” Leander smiles with that teasing lilt to his voice that I find
so appealing.
“You don’t have to bribe me,” I say. “I want more.”
A lot more.
Leander takes a berry from Thorne’s hand and brings it to my lips. I open and taste the
tart sweetness on my tongue. Before I can chew, Thorne tilts my head back so he can kiss
me, swiping the ripe fruit out of my mouth. He grins, chews, and swallows.
I grin back, take a berry from his palm, and feed it to Leander. The moment the fruit
touches his lips, I pull him into a kiss, stealing his fruit for myself.
My gaze bounces between the two smiling men, and a shiver of anticipation ripples
through my body. Leander takes my hand and leads me out of the water, back to the rock.
This time he guides me to the other side of the boulder, where the slant is highest. It’s
almost like a small cliff.
The cool night air hits my damp skin and puckers my nipples. The moss is soft beneath
my feet, and the rock hard against my back.
Leander smiles and Thorne hands him a berry. They each smash one between their
thumb and forefinger, then roll my nipples in the sweet, sticky juice. Thorne takes the right
and Leander the left. Once my skin is stained, they dip their heads and suck the raspberry
pulp off my breasts.
I grab fistfuls of their hair and moan. Leander is fluid. Flicks of his tongue and slow drags.
Thorne is rough. Scraps of his teeth and bruising mouthfuls. Each so different, yet somehow
in perfect harmony.
Just when I think I can’t take anymore without someone filling the space between my
legs, they reposition. Leander puts his back to the rock and pulls me in for a kiss while
Thorne moves behind me. They don’t give me warning, but I don’t need it. I’m wet, swollen,
throbbing for them.
Leander enters me, and Thorne finds that tight, back hole and slowly does the same. He
stretches me wide, while Leander reaches deep.
Each thrust of Thorne’s drives me into Leander, and Leander back into the boulder. Each
thrust of Leander’s fights back. This time they don’t pass me off, fucking me back and forth.
They both drive into me at the same time. And pull back in unison.
I’m held tightly between them. My breasts pressed against Leander’s hard chest. My ass
bumping against Thorne’s pelvis. Leander brings us even closer, kissing me while Thorne
latches his lips to the sensitive skin at the base of my neck and sucks.
“I’m… I’m gonna…”
“Not yet,” they both growl in tandem.
Their strokes slow slightly, keeping me from tipping over the edge. The trees shake.
Dropping their leaves into a wild wind that sweeps around us. This time, the foliage isn’t
like a curtain keeping its distance. The leaves brush and scrap against our skin, adding
another layer of sensation. It’s desperate and wild and exquisite.
Leander kisses along my jaw to my right ear. Thorne kisses up my neck to my left ear. In
unison, they say, “Now.”
All three of us shudder, shake, and ignite.
Chapter five
I wake up in a soft bed with pure white sheets. Thorne on one side of me, and Leander on
the other.
“Morning, O’mi Fi’o,” Leander whispers, trailing his hand over my naked hip.
“You kept calling me that last night. What does it mean?”
He looks up at the ceiling. “There’s not an exact translation because it’s a name—an
ancient one—but the closest might be The Autumn Queen.”
“Desired One,” Thorne’s voice rumbles, joining the conversation.
“The Last Heat Wave.” Leander’s hand moves up, skimming the underside of my breast.
Thorne rolls closer. “Balance Between the Two Seasons.”
Leander plants a faint kiss on my cheek. Then another on my lips. “You. O’mi Fi’o.”
Thorne draws swirls on my thigh with his finger, and Leander does the same on my
shoulder. Their touches are different this morning. They’re different. More relaxed. Less
urgent. But one glance down tells me they’re no less interested.
I draw the same circle patterns down their stomachs to each of their shafts, a not-so-
subtle suggestion that makes them smile.
Leander lifts me on top of him. My back, to his front. He teases my back entrance with his
tip while fondling my breasts. Thorne crawls over me, pumps his cock twice in his hand,
then rubs the head of his shaft back and forth over my clit.
I’m soon wet, already shaking with need.
“Please,” I beg.
“What is it you want O’mi Fi’o?” Leander asks.
“Use your words,” Thorne says.
“Fuck me.” The words come as a whimper.
Without any more hesitation, they slide into me.
The sex that follows is an intimate parting gift. More leisurely than last night. Sensual and
When it’s time, they walk me to the elevator, and I wonder if I’ll ever see them again.
“Perhaps.” Thorne smiles, answering my unasked question. He kisses my cheek. “When
the leaves fall.”
“And seeds must be buried.” Leander winks and plants a kiss on my other cheek.
“Goodbye, O’mi Fi’o.”
I pack up my things and leave for the airport, feeling as if I’ve entered a new season.
Braver. More confident. A little colder, even. Firm and resolved.
I won’t be seeing Brad again. He doesn’t really want me—I see that now. I’m done
placating. Done letting my fear of being alone dictate my actions. I’m ready to ask for what I
And I’m grateful.
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Want more?
Keep reading for the first chapter in my alien romance, CRASH
Rose Rising book 1:
Available now!

I ’m not sure which is better, freezing to death or boiling to death, but those seem to be
our only options.
“Can you fix it?” I lean over Galen’s shoulder, only to receive a withering look that causes
me to jump back. He doesn’t hide his distaste. Which is fine. I don’t like him either. But at
least I had the decency to offer a few words of encouragement when we crashed.
Sample collection on Verik 3 was supposed to be a simple assignment. The perfect
opportunity to prove I’m a good choice for placement on The Rose when it leaves the space
station in a few days. Now, my simple assignment has turned into a nightmare, and this
crash has ruined my hopes of being assigned to The Rose.
“I wouldn’t have to fix it if someone had checked the weather on this life-forsaken
planet.” His snide tone makes me bristle.
“If someone hadn’t been pointing out every little thing I did wrong, I wouldn’t have been
so distracted.” Jackass. “Besides, the crash shouldn’t have damaged the climate control.”
Our rough landing wrecked the back of the ship, but I can’t figure out how it damaged the
climate controls, which are all in the front. Besides, it was already hotter than hell in here
before we began our descent. With temperatures still climbing, it’s approaching real
danger. If it continues this way, we’ll get heat stroke and die of dehydration before anyone
even realizes we’ve crashed.
“Clearly, something was shaken loose.” He glares at me like I’m an idiot for even
questioning why the climate control isn’t working. Again, jackass.
Galen Frenzi might be the brightest up-and-coming flyboy in the Federation, but he’s
impossible to work with—always thinking his way is the best and making sure everyone
knows it. He’s stuck up, has a superiority complex as large as the planet Tbion, and is the
type of person I want to rile up by doing the opposite of whatever he suggests. The type of
person who makes me irrationally angry every time he opens his perfect mouth.
He’s too perfect. Excessively good-looking and one of the sexiest species in the galaxy.
Maddening on multiple fronts.
Which is how we ended up stranded on an ice planet with a raging blizzard outside, and a
broken climate control set to the temperature of the sun. Facing certain death, unless Mr.
Perfect can fix the heating.
Slamming his fist into the wall, he curses. I smile. Maybe he’s not as perfect as he likes
everyone to think.
He steps away from the control panel and tugs at the long volup hanging over his ears,
just in front of his hairline. I used to think volup were almost like two thick dreadlocks
made of skin rather than hair, but my biology teacher at Uni set me straight and said
they’re more like antenna. Luxaains have full control of the two long protrusions that
extend out of their scalp from just above their temples. They usually lay flat rather than
sticking up like a typical antenna, and Luxaains can use them almost as a second set of
hands. They can even make the ends protract, creating a suction effect for holding onto
things. Apparently, they also gather sensory information about the environment. Like
having a second nose or tongue or something—I never quite figured out which it was more
Other than the volup and the deep bronze of their skin, Luxaains look the same as
humans and have very similar anatomy. Making them one of the five species in the galaxy
sexually compatible with humans. Not that I care. If I wanted to explore Luxaain anatomy, I
wouldn’t do it with Galen. He’d probably have the gall to give notes on my sexual
When I squash a burst of laughter with my hand, Galen gives me another dirty look.
“There’s nothing I can do. We’ll just have to hope someone gets our distress signal.”
“We’ll overheat and dehydrate by then.” I’m already sweating more than I did during my
internship—and I was researching the second sun of Atoog! I’m not spending my last
minutes sitting here smoldering with Galen Frenzi.
I have to do something, so I punch in my code for the hatch. If we just open the door a
crack, maybe it will drop the temperature to something bearable.
Galen grabs my arm and stops me before I get to the last number. Something flickers in
his eyes that almost looks like panic. “If we flood the system with freezing cold air, we risk
overloading it and breaking the whole thing. We’ll freeze to death.”
A glance at the control panel shows he’s right. It’s colder than a Mombhou popsicle out
there. Doesn’t mean I want to admit it to his face, though. “A faster way to go.”
“I have no intention of dying here with you.” He spits the last word like it burns his
tongue and starts stripping off his outer flight suit. Then proceeds to unzip his uniform.
“What in the void are you doing?” I squeak.
In full uniform, Galen Frenzi is tempting enough, even if he is an ass. In nothing but his
skimpies, he’s unbearable.
He gives me a cold, assessing look and raises a single eyebrow. I hate when people can do
that, because I can’t. But it’s something all Luxaains can do—they have exceptional control
over even the smallest muscles.
“We need to keep cool,” he says, like he’s reciting protocol. As if prancing around together
in our undergarments would have absolutely no effect on him.
He slips his uniform off his shoulders and lets it drop until he’s standing there in nothing
but his briefs. It’s not like I haven’t seen a man in his briefs, or even a Luxaain. I’ve never
been intimate with a Luxaain, but the sleeping quarters for first year cadets are co-ed.
Galen Frenzi is nothing special. He’s just the most beautiful male specimen I’ve ever seen.
Strong arms. Broad shoulders. Chiseled chest that tapers to a narrow waist. Thick thighs
that make me think he could do endless squats, up and down, up and down. Yeah, Galen’s
exposed thighs are not going to help me cool off.
I force myself to turn away and start tinkering with the panel he just abandoned.
“I told you. It’s not fixable,” he snaps from behind me. Which is all the motivation I need
to keep trying. I don’t like being told something isn’t possible.
I pull out the wires, lay down on my back, and stick my head all the way underneath the
console. It’s even hotter in here, but at least I don’t have to see Galen’s gleaming chest. Or
those protruding hip bones. Or the way too small, way too tight bit of fabric covering his
round ass… And now, I’m officially overheating and having very inappropriate thoughts
about a male I despise. Not to mention objectifying a crew mate. I need to snap out of it.
“Stop tinkering, Ada. You’re only going to make it worse.”
“Stop telling me what to do.”
“What is your problem with me? Why do you refuse to listen to a single thing I say?”
I slowly let out a long sigh. He’s right. I’m not being completely fair. I know exactly why
his demanding presence and exacting criticism unnerves me. If ten orbits of therapy have
taught me anything, it’s that my need to rebel has nothing to do with Galen. I hate anything
that reminds me how far I miss the mark, and Galen Frenzi is a perfect bullseye.
“It’s not you.” At least, not entirely. Somehow, it’s easier to confess this when my hands
are busy untangling wires and I can’t see his face.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
I shrug, though I know he can’t see me. “I don’t like when people tell me what to do.”
“But what if you’re doing something the wrong way?”
“Sometimes the wrong way leads to the best surprises.” I cut a few wires and twist the
metal bits together. There’s a loud humming sound, and cool air kisses my face. I shout,
jump up in triumph, and smack my forehead against the control panel. “Ow.”
“You okay?” He looks surprisingly concerned and reaches out as if to touch me, but
changes his mind and drops his hand to his side. His very naked side.
Clearing his throat, he turns to look up at the vent. Not a great move because now his
tight, round ass is in the perfect position to ogle, and with his back turned, I let myself
“How’d you do that?” Galen asks, raising his hands to feel the cool air.
“You have to look at things differently. Change your perspective.”
He looks over his shoulder at me, and I feel both hot and cold at the same time. Like I’m
balanced between the ice storm outside and the hot metal of the ship.
He sighs and breaks the tension, his eyes darkening. “You broke something, didn’t you?
Something dangerous. Something that will keep this ship from ever flying again.”
“It doesn’t matter. This ship wouldn’t fly again. And we needed things to cool off.”
“Ada.” He says my name like a patronizing reprimand, and it sets me off.
“What did you do?” Another tug at his volup. He must do it when he’s frustrated. I never
noticed that before.
“I just rerouted power from the steering to the climate control. And yes, I had to snip a
few wires and break the landing gear, but who cares—if it keeps us alive, I’ll take it.”
“Commander Hun will care when he’s chewing us out for costing him a perfectly good
The mention of Commander Hun sets me more on edge. “Did you just hear me? This ship
wasn’t getting off the ground.”
We’ve come damn near close to yelling and somehow closed the physical distance
between us. Almost toe-to-toe, I have to look up to meet Galen’s heated gaze. Everything
about him is heated. If we were any closer, I might combust.
He breaks first, tugging on his volup and smacking the metal wall. I turn away and take
off my outer suit. I’m not about to prance around in my underwear, but my fix won’t lower
the temperature by much. It’s still way too hot to stay in all these layers. “How about
thanks, Ada, for keeping me from burning to death.”
“We won’t burn to death. Someone will catch the distress signal and get us out of this.”
Yeah, as long as we haven’t strangled each other by then.
Keep reading CRASH here.

Also By Thea Masen
Rose Rising Alien Romance series:

MATES pre-order now (coming September 2023)
AGAIN (coming October 2023)
FEVER (coming November 2023)
OTHER (coming December 2023)

Speculative Holiday Quickies Series:

One Night on Fourth of July

One Night on Halloween
One Night on Thanksgiving
One Night on Christmas pre-order now (coming September 2023)
One Night on New Years Eve (coming October 2023)

About The Author
Thea Masen never thought she’d write erotic romance. The first time she read a spicy book,
she was so embarrassed she couldn’t finish it. Now, she spends her days hiding her
computer screen from her teenagers, and her nights reading spicy snippets to her husband.
In her books, you’ll find interesting sex, emotional depth, and happy endings. If you want
love stories with a touch of the magical and imagined, you’ve come to the right place.
Follow her on TikTok @author_thea_masen where she shares updates about her own
work and recommendations for books she’s reading.
Join the email list to find out about upcoming releases.


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