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MINI TEST 23022024


1. The bustling _________________ are surrounded by upscale shopping centers and malls.
2. The interviewee wasn’t very __________________ to questioning, and failed to get the job she
applied for. (RESPOND)
3. We don’t know his ___________. (WHERE)
4. You should have studied hard from the __________. Now you only have 8 hours left to revise for
the final exam! (GO)
5. I'm afraid my youngest son has never been particularly quick on the____ (TAKE)
6. He was caught ________ making faces at himself in the mirror. (AWARE)
7. She felt that her husband constantly __________ her achievements. (LITTLE)
8. His condition was so serious ________ as he had to stay in hospital for a month. (MUCH)
9. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to ________ the murder
case. (MYSTERY)
10. You must stop your children from overeating Chinese ________ and let's make some healthy
food at home (TAKE)
1. He'll have to knuckle _________ to his work soon if he wants to pass his finals.
2. His poor handling of the business bordered _________ negligence.
3. Why don't you have a night out? It would take your mind ________ your worries.
4. If we niggle _______ the details, we’ll never finish filming this episode by today.
5. The Corporation is laying________ a lot of money on building a new creation center.
6. I didn't really want to go to the party, but I thought I’d better put ________ an appearance.
7. Luckily, the rain hold _______ so we were able to play the match.
8. I see a lot of people with this new hairstyle. It seems to be catching ________.
9. Whenever there’s some fresh scandal about the royal family, the public are always eager to lap it
8. The blue sundress set _________ her long blonde hair.
1. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn’t tell anyone that he had been in prison.
-> The personnel _______________________________________________________________.
2. We all want to make him realise that he is not as important as he thinks. (SIZE)
=> We all want __________________________________________________________________.
3. If you have nothing to do, you could help me in the garden. (END)
-> If you ______________________________________________________________________.
4. Only Martha survived the crash. (SOLE)
-> Martha ______________________________________________________________________.
5. I’ll have to wait before I know whether he’ll keep his promise or not. (REMAINS)
-> It ___________________________________________________________________________.
6. The new salesman tried to fulfill every requirement his director had. (TUNE)
-> The new salesman tried to dance _________________________________________________.
7. The incident ruined my chances of promotion. (PAID)
-> The _________________________________________________________________________.
8. Peter never makes any effort to help his team when it is time for action. (FINGER)
-> Peter never ___________________________________________________________________.
9. Kevin was always level-headed with a sensible and practical attitude towards life. (FEET)
-> Kevin _______________________________________________________________________.
10. He was so excited that he could hardly sleep.
-> Such ________________________________________________________________________.

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