Karla cristina Rodríguez _10B_Pronunciation Mental health

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Esrck AIt anso Miel chardez (oß dosl24

ronencten (entl heqtth) .

2 FeQs to en sceS
3 lo s fMemoeS
4 stulot dugs

2 se to sedice qiety.

lo cond ipn cho soetcil ed by ch¡llengtn ofsces Skls

(2 Unusuql ShieS n Persens moo d.

(3- (ntense mood suengs.
-4tnp lece qmosts offd Follcde by cULgin
IS 0 that deoceseS SNc
l6 Daseesed cactscty to en St6oMEst shmol.
(?:feq c.E elased soqces.
(B-Tsatment Kel Leksor/ elaslens.
I9=s(e to ekave n cetolo. cQY.
20 Sign S and SymetSthqt.qfect seaSory ccmste eunctn

22 Beovtor thqt eople useto cUskt fel n_s

3ChGh gin 9_ otal aalettes.
z4Seece kocm of qlcoholusethdrowal
2SPlse bel1eve.
-26 Sevese choge nmetal abtlzhes,
277 fecS/Ftqrt (eeling &Sdness.

29 Feeltng vecY sahaepy.

Sof chlonle Sete oe deoeSSion.
B Nedtes beueen ccncStoJS QAd onccncstcUS.
32Thecqey.ucth sangll electic coGerts.
33- tntere elLrtment.
34- SheosIng ets oe the body
3S Thecqy for Renelas s. KYMA
S HoseA SKoql uteest tn qn ch)e. 7lSeeLialst n estchgy.
37 one wocd nay sugçest anathec cne 42 Study otthe nment/ dsolks

34 inconrehce betueeh the feeled gender wth the seK 4Ther9ey thet consist
orthecegy. Eel saup problems. emulttng everday poh lcMS
generqtes pé mental erslems
42- pSts cLs the sele- tmqe ,
3 natçl_stte.. luke sleep. 77- Hedcine sSed (a eSy chat.
73 tote ot calty dscanecton
4S7 Me (dersesron of monie.
467emttive Com ponemt k cesohQlrty.
{therapy Ced yod csele.
82T test to cvglute (alcty recceprn.
87 compulSl en to steal.
42 Erly qtered. }3 sQve e eEm otnS.
So 0rug koc bipolqt dso der. 34- Socal wdhk qual
Ser Peceo ds oc grEad ekcttmet. 85- splt mind
S2 leloting tothe Mind. a6 Dlugs the decesses the cNs
S3r Aect s youC emotrarR state, 84 prScker ih wh che sekul cmeulsed oce

StrNo toleng. Secuse d tn other nen sexual.

SS Etreme. sel tavolvement. 88r Seluql dióotder thet conlct tn the lelee of
S6Únpá YChatc.. being hot.
SZrqnt ety, and depressron. 8i- seugl disordec thet censest (n sevugl eLtth oyt
S8 ken obsseSed. ak hit Sonne elfe.

not ekplQ/he d. by.o(gshc factos.

Gtr0elloSlon E betn coA St Qmty (njuced orutcked by other peSens

3 eeess ceat sexUs (neteset. te other sttmui@nts sthgn.uSvel 22heraey o sueCtt

64 SeUqltrattoh to chl en, 23- Needsmo(e dass do cquse the
65 dSo ldes bhere eectron Qnd othe sttements Qre efected.dese effeet
66 Drugf used or 5. SChi Zo phenq.
ntenSe ear. fST tele thatdesses ther gencder clothes.
62 Thecaey er cholden by elaing.
697 cnKety 2- sdoal ecertment wrth e wgtching ( e
(n ecvqte enviCament
age to othec poe Csem other rst tor

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