Sujal SCIENCE SA (1)

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Science summative assessment

Sujal kamboj , XA, 03

Ques.1 Pick up three things from your home data consider as hydrocarbons develop and infographic
showing the group to which the belong (weather it is an alkane alkene alkyne alcohol or a carboxylic
acid) structure functional group properties and at least 3 of its uses.

Ans. • Soap : It is typically made from fatty acid. Fatty acids are long-chain organic molecules composed
of a carboxylic acid (-COOH) group and a hydrocarbon chain. Soaps are made by combining a fat or oil
(such as vegetable oil or animal fat) with an alkali, such as sodium hydroxide. The reaction between the
fat and the alkali results in the formation of soap and glycerol. Soap is a versatile cleaning agent that has
a wide range of uses in various industries and households. Some common uses of soap include: Personal
hygiene,Laundry and Dishwashing.

•LPG : LPG is typically composed of a mixture of propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10), although other
hydrocarbons, such as pentane (C5H12), may also be present in smaller amounts.LPG is a versatile and
portable fuel that has a wide range of uses, from cooking and heating to transportation and power

•Nail polish removers : Nail polish remover is a solvent that is used to remove nail polish from the nails.
The main active ingredient in most nail polish removers is acetone, which is a type of ketone.The
chemical formula of acetone is C3H6O.nail polish remover is used primarily for removing nail polish, but
it can also be used for cleaning brushes, preparing nails for painting, removing stains, and cleaning
adhesive residue.

Ques.2 Students will prepare a project report on the findings about healthy/unhealthy food region wise
food habits and judicious consumption of food.

Ans. Healthy and unhealthy food refer to foods that are good or bad for our health, respectively. Here
are some general guidelines for what is considered healthy and unhealthy food:

Healthy Food: Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy and healthy fat.

Unhealthy food : Processed and packed food, fried food, high fat meat, sweets and sugary drinks and
Highl processed snacks.

Region can affect food habits in a variety of ways. Different regions have different climates, soil types,
and access to resources, which can all influence the types of food that are available and consumed. For
example, in tropical regions, people may eat more fruits and vegetables due to the abundance of these
foods, while in colder climates, people may rely more heavily on grains and meats. Additionally, cultural
and religious beliefs can also shape food habits, as certain foods may be prohibited or preferred in
certain regions.

Ques. 3 Compare and contrast the following practices :

1. Traditional and modern methods adopted in crop protection from pest and disease

Ans. Traditional methods:

1. Crop rotation: Planting different crops in the same field in different years helps to reduce the
population of pests and diseases.

2. Intercropping: Planting two or more crops in the same field helps to reduce the population of pests
and diseases.

3. Handpicking: Removing pests and diseases from the crop manually.

4. Trap Cropping: Planting a crop that attracts pests away from the main crop.

5. Biological Control: Using natural predators to control pests and diseases.

Modern methods :

1.Genetically Modified Crops: These crops have been altered to resist pests and diseases, reducing the
need for chemical pesticides.

2.Integrated Pest Management (IPM): This approach combines multiple methods to reduce pest and
disease damage, including cultural practices, biological control, and the use of pesticides in a judicious
and responsible manner.

3.Biopesticides: These are naturally occurring substances or microorganisms that are used to control
pests and diseases. Examples include Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) and Beauveria bassiana.

2. Use of sodium benzoate and oil as a preservative .

Ans. Oil and sodium benzoate are commonly used as food preservatives to extend the shelf life of food
products and prevent spoilage caused by bacteria, yeast, and fungi.

Oil, such as vegetable oil or olive oil, can be used to preserve food by creating a barrier to oxygen and
moisture, which helps to prevent the growth of microorganisms that can cause spoilage.

Sodium benzoate is a preservative that works by suppressing the growth of bacteria, yeast, and fungi.
When used in conjunction with an acidic ingredient, such as fruit juice or vinegar, sodium benzoate can
form benzoic acid, which is a more effective preservative.
However, it's important to note that sodium benzoate has been controversial due to concerns over its
potential health effects. Although it is generally considered safe when used in small amounts, some
studies have suggested that it may be associated with certain health problems, such as hyperactivity in
children and allergic reactions in some individuals. As with any food additive, it is recommended to use
oil and sodium benzoate in moderation and to check the labeling of food products to determine the
levels of these preservatives in the product.

3. Traditional and modern method adopted in food adulteration.

Ans.Food adulteration is the act of intentionally adding substances to food that dilute its quality,
composition, or potency. The methods used for food adulteration have changed over time as new
technologies and techniques have become available. Here are some examples of traditional and modern
methods of food adulteration:

Traditional Methods:

•Addition of fillers to food products such as flour, sugar, or spices to increase bulk and lower cost.

•Use of artificial colorings or flavorings to improve the appearance or taste of food.

•Substitution of one food product for another, such as using cheaper ingredients in place of more
expensive ones.

Modern Methods:

•Use of genetically modified ingredients to increase crop yields or improve food quality.

•Use of chemical additives, such as preservatives and artificial sweeteners, to enhance the shelf life or
flavor of food.

•Use of nanotechnology to improve the safety and quality of food products.

4. Practices at small scale and large scale Dairy farms.

Ans The practices in dairy farming can vary greatly between small scale and large scale dairy farms. Here
are some of the key differences:

•Small Scale Dairy Farms:

1.Family-run: Small scale dairy farms are often run by families and employ a small number of workers.

2.Personalized attention: Cows on small scale dairy farms often receive personalized attention, with
farmers monitoring their health and nutrition closely.
3.Natural feed: Small scale dairy farms may feed their cows a more natural diet that includes grasses,
legumes, and grains, rather than relying on commercial feed.

4.Traditional milking methods: Small scale dairy farms may use traditional milking methods, such as
hand milking or using a small-scale milking machine.

•Large Scale Dairy Farms:

1.Industrialized: Large scale dairy farms are often highly industrialized and employ a large number of

2.Specialized feeding: Cows on large scale dairy farms are typically fed a specialized diet that is designed
to maximize milk production.

3.High-tech milking systems: Large scale dairy farms often use high-tech milking systems, such as robotic
milking machines, to increase efficiency.

4.Greater emphasis on productivity: Large scale dairy farms may place a greater emphasis on
productivity and efficiency, with a focus on maximizing milk production and reducing costs.

Ques.4 Consider yourself a food inspector you need to Inspector safety norms in food processing unit of
a company

•What aspects of saftey would you investigate there ?

Ans.1.Food production facilities: I will inspect food production facilities to ensure that they meet safety
and hygiene standards, such as proper temperature control, sanitation practices, and pest control

2.Food ingredients: I will examine the ingredients used in food products to ensure that they meet
quality standards, are free from contaminants, and are properly labeled.

3.Food processing and packaging methods: I will inspect the methods used to process and package
food, including the use of preservatives and other food additives, to ensure that they are safe and in
compliance with regulations

• . What parameters/information would you collect.

Ans. 1.Physical characteristics: I will collect information on the physical characteristics of food products,
such as color, texture, aroma, and appearance.

2.Chemical composition: I will test the chemical composition of food products, including pH levels,
moisture content, and levels of contaminants like heavy metals or pesticide residues.
3.Microbial quality: I will collect samples of food products for microbiological testing to determine the
presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens.

4.Pest and rodent activity: I will check for evidence of pest and rodent activity, such as droppings or
gnaw marks, in food production facilities and storage areas.

5.Temperature control: I will measure the temperature of food products and storage areas to ensure
that they are being kept at the proper temperature to prevent spoilage and minimize the risk of
foodborne illness.

• word suggestions would you give to the industry owner for making the food processing safer and

Ans.1.Maintain proper sanitation: First I will suggest implementing and maintaining strict sanitation
protocols, such as regular cleaning and disinfection of equipment and facilities, to minimize the risk of
food contamination.

Control temperature: I will recommend controlling the temperature of food products and storage areas
to minimize the risk of spoilage and foodborne illness.

Conduct regular inspections: I will suggest conducting regular inspections to identify and address
potential food safety hazards and ensure that food products are being produced and stored in a safe
and hygienic manner.

Ques.5 Suggest a plan for the efficient/sustainable disposal of biodegradable and non biodegradable
waste products that are generally generated in your locality ?

Ans. Non biodegradable waste

·Incineration : It is typically used for non-recyclable, non-biodegradable waste, biohazardous hospital

waste, and so on. It entails the breakdown of waste using high heat, i.e. temperatures above 5000
degrees Celsius. Metals can be recovered from leftover ash using various procedures.

· Landfills for sanitary waste : These are comparable to landfills, except they are constructed in a
planned and methodical manner. Normal landfills do not prevent waste and harmful substances from
leaching or leaking into the earth. Sanitary landfills are enclosed areas with equipment for collecting
leachate and gases released. These also keep pests and pathogens at bay.

·Arc plasma furnaces : These are specialized furnaces that convert waste directly to plasma, the fourth
state of matter.

·Encapsulation : The waste is packed compactly in an inert shell called a capsule, which prevents any
interchange of gases or other substances. These capsules can be used to bury waste deep into the
Biodegradable waste

• Composting: Composting is the process of breaking down organic materials such as food scraps, yard
waste, and paper into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Composting is an effective way to reduce the
amount of biodegradable waste that ends up in landfills.

• Vermicomposting: Vermicomposting is a type of composting that uses worms to break down organic
materials. The worms eat the organic material and produce nutrient-rich castings that can be used as a
soil amendment.

• Anaerobic digestion : Anaerobic digestion is a series of biological processes in which microorganisms

break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen.” The products of this process are biogas,
liquid digestate, and solid digestate.

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