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Mục đích: - Học sinh ôn tập, củng cố loại câu điều kiện và rèn kỹ năng làm các dạng bài tập về câu
điều kiện..
Nội dung: - Ôn lý thuyết và làm bài tập về loại câu điều kiện.
Thời gian: - 2 tiết
A. Lý thuyết:
Câu điều kiện là loại câu gồm có hai phần: Một phần nêu lên điều kiện của hành động và một phần còn
lại nêu kết quả của hành động, hay còn gọi là mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện (thường bắt đầu với if) và mệnh
đề chính.
Nếu mệnh đề phụ chỉ điều kiện (if) đứng trước thì nó được ngăn cách bởi dấu phẩy (,), còn nếu mệnh
đề chính chỉ kết quả đứng trước thì trong câu không có dấu phẩy. Trong câu thì hai mệnh đề trên có
thể đổi chỗ cho nhau.
Eg: I will buy a house if I have money → Hoặc (if I have money, I will buy a house )
Main clause If clause
I. Conditional sentence type 1
☞ Form
If-clause , Main clause
The present
simple S will Vinf.
*will = can, may, shall…
☞Use: Điều kiện loại 1 dùng để diễn tả một điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
If I have time, I will help you.
I will help you if I have time.
If I meet her, I will give her the letter.
II. Conditional sentence type 2
If-clause Main clause
The past
, S would
(V-ed / V cột
* to be : were
*would = could, should, might
☞Use: Điều kiện loại 2 dùng để diễn tả một điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại và khó có thể
xảy ra ở tương lai.
If I were you, I would come there.
I would come there if I were you.
I don’t know the answer. If I knew the answer, I would tell you.
III. Conditional sentence type 3
If-clause , Main clause
1. The past perfect S Would have
( Had + PP ) PP
2. The past perfect
(had +been +V-ing)
* would = could, should, might
☞Use: Điều kiện loại 3 dùng để diễn tả một điều kiện không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ.
He would have passed the exam if he had studied hard.
If he had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.
I didn’t go to school. If I had gone to school, I would have met my classmates.
* Note: Bỏ if
Cũng có thể thể hiện một điều kiện không có thực mà không dùng if. Trong trường hợp đó, trợ động từ (be,
have,...) được đưa lên đầu câu, đứng trước chủ ngữ. Mệnh đề điều kiện sẽ đứng trước mệnh đề chính.
Ex: + If I were you, I’d not do that work. →Were I you, I’d not…..
+ If He’d arrived early, he’d have caught the early train.
→Had he arrived early, he’d have caught the early train.
* Mixed type : Kết hợp giữa loại 2 và 3.
Diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và để lại kết quả (hoặc hậu quả) ở hiện tại.
o If I had worked harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.
I wouldn't be sweeping the street.
* Even if = Even though: cho dù
o You must go tomorrow if you are ready.
o You must go tomorrow even if you aren't ready.
* Whether ...or = If ....or: Dù có hay không
o You must go tomorrow whether you are ready or not.
o You’ll be late
* Unless + động từ khẳng định = If + phủ định
o Unless you had a permit, you couldn't get a job.
= If you hadn't a permit, you couldn't get a job.
* But for: Nếu không vì thế (But for that + would + V-inf / would + have + Ved2)
o My father pays my fees, but for that I wouldn't be here.
o The car broke down. But for that We would have been in time.
* Otherwise (or / else ): Kẻo, nếu không (nếu điều này không xảy ra) + Clause
o We must be back before midnight; otherwise we'll be locked out.
o I used my calculator; otherwise I would have taken longer.
o I must be early or (else) we won't get a seat.
* In case: Trong trường hợp + Clause (chia ở thì hiện tại or quá khứ or should)
dùng để giải thích lí do cho mệnh đề chính
o I'll come tomorrow in case Ann wants.
o You should take umbrella in case it rains.
*If only: Giá mà → dùng để nhấn mạnh tình huống mang tính giả thiết.
A. If only + will / thì hiện tại – diễn tả sự hy vọng
o If only he comes in time. = we hope he will come in time.
o If only he will listen to her. = We hope he will be willing to listen to her.
B. If only + thì quá khứ / quá khứ hoàn thành – diễn tả sự hối tiếc
o If only he didn't smoke. = We wish he didn't smoke.
o If only Tom were here. = We wish Tom were here.
o If only you hadn't made her sad = We are sorry you made her sad.
C. If only + would – diễn tả sự hối tiếc về một hành động hiện tại hoặc 1 ước muốn vô vọng
trong tương lai
o If only he would drive more slowly.
o If only the rain would stop.
✧ Lưu ý: Cách đặt điều kiện trái ngược tình huống cho trước:
1. Xác định mệnh đề IF
2. Đặt giả thiết trái ngược với tình huống đó.
3. Chọn loại điều kiện thích hợp
Câu ước muốn Thì Ví dụ
Ước 1 điều gì không có thực ở Simple past tense (V-ed) I wish I had a lot of money.
hiện tại Were is used for all subjects I wish I were a Queen.
Ước 1 điều gì không có thực ở Past Perfect Tense I wish I had visited her but I
quá khứ (Had + Past Participle) was very busy.
Ước 1 điều gì khó có thể trở Would + V-inf I wish I would get a job some
thành sự thật trong tương lai day.

B. Thực hành: Exercises

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. If I see him , I _____ (give ) him a gift.
2. If I had a typewriter, I _____ (type) it myself.
3. If I had known that you were in hospital, I _____ (visit) you.
4. You could make better progress if you _____ (attend) class regularly.
5. If I _____ (know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.
6. If you _____ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
7. If he worked more slowly, he _____ (not make) so many mistakes.
8. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I _____ (be) you.
9. If I _____ (find) a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight.
10. A lot of people _____ (be) out of work if the factory closed down.
Exercise 2: make conditional sentences
1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up.
→If ……………………………………………..…..………
2. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.→
If …………………………………….....….…….
3. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.→
If …………………………………….....….……..
4. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.→
If …………………………………………….………..
5. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.→
If …………………………………….……..…….……
6. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes.
7. Without this treatment, the patient would have died.
8. He lost his job because he was late every day.
9. Peter is fat because he eats so many chips.
10. Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes.
Exercise 3: Use UNLESS instead of IF
EX: If you do not study hard, you will fail the exam.
Unless you study hard , you will fail the exam
1. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another
2. If she does not hurry, she’ll be late
Unless ……………………………………………….
3. If you are not careful, you’ll cut yourself
Unless ……………………………………………………
4. if you had not sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there.
Unless ……………………………………………………
Exercise 4: One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence is not correct in
standard English. Identify them.
1. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle’s accident.
2. If a student takes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four years doing the course.
3. Unless it did not rain, Peter would pay us a visit.
4. If had I known you were in financial difficulty, I would have helped you.
5. If I had knew the time when the match started, I would have told you.
6. If she had finished the work, she can go home.
7. If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered me the job.
8. If we had had a map, we would not be lost yesterday.
9. Had I known Alice’s address, I would write to her.
10. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I would stop.
11. If had you sent the application form to that company, you would have been offered a job.
12. If you don’t care conservation the environment, we will get unavoidable disasters.
A B C D /,ʌnə'vɔidəbl/ kh. thẻ tránh được; tát yéu
13. He spends money carelessly as if he was a millionaire.
14. Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness.
15. Unless there had been the heavy storm, the climbers will not have died.
16. She has found that nobody can help her if she did not try her best to do it herself.
Exercise 6: Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
1. If the oceans _____of fresh water, there_____ plenty of water to irrigate all the deserts on earth.
A. is / will be B.were / would be C. would be / were. D. had been / would have been
2. _____have enough apples, she’ll bake an apple pie this afternoon.
A.Should she B. If she C. Will she D. Unless she
3. If you_____to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble.
A. listened B. would listen C. had listened D. Would have listened
4. If you don’t know how to spell a word, you_____ look it up in the dictionary.
A. must B. will C. should D. ought
5. If the sun _____, we _____for a walk.
A. shines / will go B. shone / will go C. shone / would go D. had shone / would go
6. The campfire _____ if it _____ last night.
A. wouldn’t be cancelled / hadn’t rained B. wouldn’t have been cancelled / hadn’t rained
C. would have been cancelled / hadn’t rained D. will be cancelled / rains
7. But for our parents, we _____ successful in life.
A. will never be B. would never be C. wouldn’t have be D. would have never been
8. If I _____ my wallet at home this morning, I _____ money for lunch now.
A. leave / will have B. didn’t leave / would have
C. hadn’t left / would have D. hadn’t left / would have had
9. It is too bad, Lam isn’t here. If he _____ here, he _____ what to do.
A. were / would know B. is / will know
C. had been / would have known D. was / would know
10. If we _____ the plans carefully, we would not have had so many serious mistakes.
A. study B. had studied C. studied D. were studying
11. I will never talk to you again _____ you apologize me _____ your being rude.
A. if / for B. unless / for C. or / of D. whether / or
12. _____ if you work harder, you will be sacked.
A. Whether B. If C. However D. Unless
13. I think you should stop smoking.
A. If I am you, I will stop smoking. B. If I were you, I will stop smoking.
C. If I were you, I would stop smoking. D. If I had been you, I would stop smoking.
14. If you take the ice out of the fridge, it _____.
A. vaporizes B. melts C. heats D. disappears
15. We should do something to protect water from being polluted _____we will have nothing to
drink in the future.
A. if B. whether C. or D. unless
16. If / you / want / get ahead / this company / have / be prepared / work / long hours.
A. If you want to get ahead this company, you have to be prepared work long hours.
B. If you want to get ahead in this company, you have to be prepared working long hours.
C. If you want to get ahead for this company, you have to be prepared working long hours.
D. If you want to get ahead in this company, you have to be prepared to work long hours.
17. not / forget / keep / touch / me / if / you / come / Singapore.
A. Don’t forget keeping in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
B. Don’t forget to keeping in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
C. Don’t forget to keep in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
D. Don’t forget kept in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
18. If I can’t afford something, I never buy it.
A. I never buy anything that I can’t afford.
B. I never buy something that I can’t afford.
C. I never buy anything that I can afford.
D. The thing that I can’t afford I never buy anything.
19. The police want to contact with people if they saw him.
A. The police want to talk to anyone who sees the man.
B. The police want to talk to anyone who saw the man.
C. The police wants to talk to anyone who saw the man.
D. The police who saw the man want to talk to someone.
20. How should people be punished if they start a fire?
A. What we should do with someone who starts the fire?
B. What should we do with someone starts the fire?
C. What with someone who starts the fire should we do?
D. What should we do with someone who starts the fire?
21. Let’s knock on their door to see _____ home.
A. if they’re B. unless they’re C. whether they were D. if they were
22. Unless we _____ more snow, we can’t go skiing.
A. will have B. have C. have had D. had
23. You’ll fail the exam _____ you start revising.
A. if B. until C. when D. unless
24. Unless you wash the car, you _____ not drive it at the weekend.
A. would B. could C. have to D. may
25. If Peter _____ his car before the drive, he _____ the problem of out of petrol.
A. checked / will not get B. had checked / would not have got
C. checks / will not have got D. would be checking / will not have got
26. He stepped on the mine, and it exploded.
A. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it doesn’t explode.
B. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it won’t explode.
C. If he didn’t step on the mine, it wouldn’t explode.
D. If he hadn’t stepped on the mine, it wouldn’t have exploded.
27. In my experiments, the liquid is cooled to 32ºF. It always freezes.
A. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it froze.
B. If you cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would freeze.
C. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it will freeze.
D. If you had cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would have frozen.
28. It may rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn’t because I don’t want the match to be cancelled.
A. If it rains, the match is cancelled. B. If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
C. if it rained, the match would be cancelled. D. If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled.
29. Unfortunately, I don’t know Philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
A. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
B. If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
C. If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
D. If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.
30. If the bag had not been heavy, we would have taken it with us.
A. The bag is heavy, so we cannot take it with us.
B. The bag was heavy, so we could not take it with us.
C. Because the bag was heavy so we could not take it with us.
D. We took the bag with us although it was heavy.
31. _____ there are some more ideas, we can end the meeting now.
A. If B. As if C. Unless D. In case
32. If he _____ with us now, he _____ the beauty of nature of the National Park.
A. is / can enjoy B. was / will enjoy C. has been / would enjoy D. were / could enjoy
33. If they had searched more carefully, they…the watch sooner.
A. will find B. would find C. found D. would have found
34. If I had got up early, I _____ to have breakfast now.
A. have B.I had C. would have D. would have had
35. He talked as if nothing _____.
A. has happened B. had happened C. will happen D. would happen
36. Can you imagine what _____ if everyone _____ .
A. will happen / can fly B. would happen / could fly
C. had happened / could have flown D. happened / will have happened
37. The wind was so strong that the cottage collapsed.
A. The wind was too strong to collapse the cottage.
B. If the wind were not so strong, the cottage would not collapse.
C. Due to the strong wind, the cottage collapsed.
D. It is the strong wind made the cottage collapsed.
38. Slow down _____.
A. In case you will get and accident.
B. Provided that you would get and accident.
C. And you will get and accident.
D. Or you will get an accident.
39. I regret behaving so impolitely with her and she was disappointed.
A. Unless I behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed.
B. Provided that I did not behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed.
C. I wish I did not behave so impolitely with her.
D. If I had not behaved so impolitely with her, she would not have been disappointed.
40. I cannot buy a new computer _____ I save enough money.
A. if B. even if C. unless D. as if
41. Most people you meet will be polite to you _____.
A. if you are polite to them B. if you will be polite to them
C. unless you are polite to them D. if you were polite to them
42. Take an umbrella with you _____ .
A. in case it rains B. unless it rains C. if it will rain D. even if it would rain
43. If you do so, it _____ the matter worse.
A. makes only B. would only make C. will only make D. had only made
44. You _____ English fluently unless you practice it every day.
A. will speak B. will not speak C. can speak D. did not speak
45. Hurry up _____ you will miss the bus and be late for school.
A. if B. and C. or D. as
46. You will get a good seat if you _____ first.
A. come B. came C. have come D. will come
47. The baby will die if nobody sends for a doctor.
A. unless a doctor is sent for B. if a doctor is sent for
C. unless nobody sends for a doctor D. if a doctor will be sent
48. He needs a lot of money to cure his daughter’s illness_____ he works day and night.
A. if B. unless C. then D. so
49. Sam will not graduate_____.
A. if he passed all the tests B. if he does not pass all the tests.
C. unless he passes all the tests D. unless he had passed all the tests.
50. _____ , we cannot continue our journey.
A. If there is not enough food B. If only there is not enough food
C. Only if there is enough food D. If there was enough food
51. If I had been more confident, I would have passed the driving test.
I failed my driving test because of my lack of confidence.
I had failed my driving test because of my lack of confidence.
I passed the driving test in spite of my lack of confidence.
I passed the driving test with confidence.
52. You / in need / I / help.
A. If you are in need, I will help you with something.
B. If you are in need, and I will help you with something.
C. If you are in need or I will help you with something.
D. Otherwise you are in need, I will help you with something.
53. Ok / I / pick you up / 4 o’clock / afternoon?
A. Do you OK if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
B. Is it OK if I pick if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
C. Do you mind it is OK if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
D. I wonder is it OK if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
54. I / get / refund / change / another sweater.
A. I would like to get the refund if you can change me another sweater.
B. Unless I would like to get the refund or you can change me another sweater.
C. I would like to get the refund or you can change me another sweater.
D. I would like to get the refund; consequently, you can change me another sweater.
55. If I had time, I would go with you.
A.I am free and surely go with you. B.I am too busy to go with you.
C. I will go with you because I have time. D. I am free enough to go with you.
56. America/if/college tuition/high/they/may/need/work/part-time/help pay/their education.
A. In America, if college tuition was high, they may need working part-time to help pay for their
B. In America, if college tuition is high, they may need working part-time to help pay for their
C. In America, if college tuition is high, they may need to work part-time to help pay for their
D. In America, if college tuition is high, they may need to working part-time to help pay for their
57. If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she…. Injured.
A. has been B. would has been C. would be D. would have been
58. If I _____ the rain yesterday, I_____ ill.
A. had not caught / would have been B. had not caught / would have not been
C. have not caught / were not D. have not caught / would have been
59. He looked frightened as if he _____ a ghost.
A. sees B. is seeing C. has seen D. had seen
60. What _____if there _____ a serious nuclear accident.
A. will happen / was B. happens / were
C. would happen / were D. would happen / had been

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
61. I wish I (can) go with you, but I have to baby-sit.
62. I wish it (not be) so cold outside today. I want to go swimming.
63. I wish you (stop) smoking. I am worried about you.
64. He wishes he (know) the answer, but he really doesn’t.
65. I didn’t go to university when I was young. I wish I (go) to university.

Exercise 3: Use UNLESS instead of IF
EX: If you do not study hard, you will fail the exam.
Unless you study hard , you will fail the exam
2. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another
3. If she does not hurry, she’ll be late
Unless ……………………………………………….
5. If you are not careful, you’ll cut yourself
Unless ……………………………………………………
6. if you had not sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there.
Unless ……………………………………………………
Exercise 4: One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence is not correct in
standard English. Identify them.
1. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle’s accident.
2. If a student takes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four years doing the course.
3. Unless it did not rain, Peter would pay us a visit.
4. If had I known you were in financial difficulty, I would have helped you.
5. If I had knew the time when the match started, I would have told you.
6. If she had finished the work, she can go home.
7. If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered me the job.
8. If we had had a map, we would not be lost yesterday.
9. Had I known Alice’s address, I would write to her.
10. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I would stop.
11. If had you sent the application form to that company, you would have been offered a job.
12. If you don’t care conservation the environment, we will get unavoidable disasters.
A B C D /,ʌnə'vɔidəbl/ kh. thẻ tránh được; tát yéu
13. He spends money carelessly as if he was a millionaire.
14. Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness.
15. Unless there had been the heavy storm, the climbers will not have died.
16. She has found that nobody can help her if she did not try her best to do it herself.

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
66. If the oceans _____of fresh water, there_____ plenty of water to irrigate all the deserts on earth.
A. is / will be B.were / would be C. would be / were. D. had been / would have been
67. _____have enough apples, she’ll bake an apple pie this afternoon.
A.Should she B. If she C. Will she D. Unless she
68. If you_____to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble.
A. listened B. would listen C. had listened D. Would have listened
69. If you don’t know how to spell a word, you_____ look it up in the dictionary.
A. must B. will C. should D. ought
70. If the sun _____, we _____for a walk.
A. shines / will go B. shone / will go C. shone / would go D. had shone / would go
71. The campfire _____ if it _____ last night.
A. wouldn’t be cancelled / hadn’t rained B. wouldn’t have been cancelled / hadn’t rained
C. would have been cancelled / hadn’t rained D. will be cancelled / rains
72. But for our parents, we _____ successful in life.
A. will never be B. would never be C. wouldn’t have be D. would have never been
73. If I _____ my wallet at home this morning, I _____ money for lunch now.
A. leave / will have B. didn’t leave / would have
C. hadn’t left / would have D. hadn’t left / would have had
74. It is too bad, Lam isn’t here. If he _____ here, he _____ what to do.
A. were / would know B. is / will know
C. had been / would have known D. was / would know
75. If we _____ the plans carefully, we would not have had so many serious mistakes.
A. study B. had studied C. studied D. were studying
76. I will never talk to you again _____ you apologize me _____ your being rude.
A. if / for B. unless / for C. or / of D. whether / or
77. _____ if you work harder, you will be sacked.
A. Whether B. If C. However D. Unless
78. I think you should stop smoking.
A. If I am you, I will stop smoking. B. If I were you, I will stop smoking.
C. If I were you, I would stop smoking. D. If I had been you, I would stop smoking.
79. If you take the ice out of the fridge, it _____.
A. vaporizes B. melts C. heats D. disappears
80. We should do something to protect water from being polluted _____we will have nothing to
drink in the future.
A. if B. whether C. or D. unless
81. If / you / want / get ahead / this company / have / be prepared / work / long hours.
E. If you want to get ahead this company, you have to be prepared work long hours.
F. If you want to get ahead in this company, you have to be prepared working long hours.
G. If you want to get ahead for this company, you have to be prepared working long hours.
H. If you want to get ahead in this company, you have to be prepared to work long hours.
82. not / forget / keep / touch / me / if / you / come / Singapore.
E. Don’t forget keeping in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
F. Don’t forget to keeping in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
G. Don’t forget to keep in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
H. Don’t forget kept in touch with me if you come to Singapore.
83. If I can’t afford something, I never buy it.
E. I never buy anything that I can’t afford.
F. I never buy something that I can’t afford.
G. I never buy anything that I can afford.
H. The thing that I can’t afford I never buy anything.
84. The police want to contact with people if they saw him.
E. The police want to talk to anyone who sees the man.
F. The police want to talk to anyone who saw the man.
G. The police wants to talk to anyone who saw the man.
H. The police who saw the man want to talk to someone.
85. How should people be punished if they start a fire?
E. What we should do with someone who starts the fire?
F. What should we do with someone starts the fire?
G. What with someone who starts the fire should we do?
H. What should we do with someone who starts the fire?
86. Let’s knock on their door to see _____ home.
A. if they’re B. unless they’re C. whether they were D. if they were
87. Unless we _____ more snow, we can’t go skiing.
A. will have B. have C. have had D. had
88. You’ll fail the exam _____ you start revising.
A. if B. until C. when D. unless
89. Unless you wash the car, you _____ not drive it at the weekend.
A. would B. could C. have to D. may
90. If Peter _____ his car before the drive, he _____ the problem of out of petrol.
A. checked / will not get B. had checked / would not have got
C. checks / will not have got D. would be checking / will not have got
91. He stepped on the mine, and it exploded.
E. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it doesn’t explode.
F. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it won’t explode.
G. If he didn’t step on the mine, it wouldn’t explode.
H. If he hadn’t stepped on the mine, it wouldn’t have exploded.
92. In my experiments, the liquid is cooled to 32ºF. It always freezes.
E. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it froze.
F. If you cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would freeze.
G. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it will freeze.
H. If you had cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would have frozen.
93. It may rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn’t because I don’t want the match to be cancelled.
A. If it rains, the match is cancelled. B. If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
C. if it rained, the match would be cancelled. D. If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled.
94. Unfortunately, I don’t know Philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
E. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
F. If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
G. If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
H. If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.
95. If the bag had not been heavy, we would have taken it with us.
E. The bag is heavy, so we cannot take it with us.
F. The bag was heavy, so we could not take it with us.
G. Because the bag was heavy so we could not take it with us.
H. We took the bag with us although it was heavy.
96. _____ there are some more ideas, we can end the meeting now.
A. If B. As if C. Unless D. In case
97. If he _____ with us now, he _____ the beauty of nature of the National Park.
A. is / can enjoy B. was / will enjoy C. has been / would enjoy D. were / could enjoy
98. If they had searched more carefully, they…the watch sooner.
A. will find B. would find C. found D. would have found
99. If I had got up early, I _____ to have breakfast now.
A. have B.I had C. would have D. would have had
100. He talked as if nothing _____.
A. has happened B. had happened C. will happen D. would happen
101. Can you imagine what _____ if everyone _____ .
A. will happen / can fly B. would happen / could fly
C. had happened / could have flown D. happened / will have happened
102. The wind was so strong that the cottage collapsed.
E. The wind was too strong to collapse the cottage.
F. If the wind were not so strong, the cottage would not collapse.
G. Due to the strong wind, the cottage collapsed.
H. It is the strong wind made the cottage collapsed.
103. Slow down _____.
E. In case you will get and accident.
F. Provided that you would get and accident.
G. And you will get and accident.
H. Or you will get an accident.
104. I regret behaving so impolitely with her and she was disappointed.
E. Unless I behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed.
F. Provided that I did not behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed.
G. I wish I did not behave so impolitely with her.
H. If I had not behaved so impolitely with her, she would not have been disappointed.
105. I cannot buy a new computer _____ I save enough money.
A. if B. even if C. unless D. as if
106. Most people you meet will be polite to you _____.
A. if you are polite to them B. if you will be polite to them
C. unless you are polite to them D. if you were polite to them
107. Take an umbrella with you _____ .
A. in case it rains B. unless it rains C. if it will rain D. even if it would rain
108. If you do so, it _____ the matter worse.
A. makes only B. would only make C. will only make D. had only made
109. You _____ English fluently unless you practice it every day.
A. will speak B. will not speak C. can speak D. did not speak
110. Hurry up _____ you will miss the bus and be late for school.
A. if B. and C. or D. as
111. You will get a good seat if you _____ first.
A. come B. came C. have come D. will come
112. The baby will die if nobody sends for a doctor.
A. unless a doctor is sent for B. if a doctor is sent for
C. unless nobody sends for a doctor D. if a doctor will be sent
113. He needs a lot of money to cure his daughter’s illness_____ he works day and night.
A. if B. unless C. then D. so
114. Sam will not graduate_____.
A. if he passed all the tests B. if he does not pass all the tests.
C. unless he passes all the tests D. unless he had passed all the tests.
115. _____ , we cannot continue our journey.
A. If there is not enough food B. If only there is not enough food
C. Only if there is enough food D. If there was enough food
116. If I had been more confident, I would have passed the driving test.
I failed my driving test because of my lack of confidence.
I had failed my driving test because of my lack of confidence.
I passed the driving test in spite of my lack of confidence.
I passed the driving test with confidence.
117. You / in need / I / help.
E. If you are in need, I will help you with something.
F. If you are in need, and I will help you with something.
G. If you are in need or I will help you with something.
H. Otherwise you are in need, I will help you with something.
118. Ok / I / pick you up / 4 o’clock / afternoon?
E. Do you OK if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
F. Is it OK if I pick if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
G. Do you mind it is OK if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
H. I wonder is it OK if I pick you up at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
119. I / get / refund / change / another sweater.
E. I would like to get the refund if you can change me another sweater.
F. Unless I would like to get the refund or you can change me another sweater.
G. I would like to get the refund or you can change me another sweater.
H. I would like to get the refund; consequently, you can change me another sweater.
120. If I had time, I would go with you.
A.I am free and surely go with you. B.I am too busy to go with you.
C. I will go with you because I have time. D. I am free enough to go with you.
121. America/if/college tuition/high/they/may/need/work/part-time/help pay/their education.
E. In America, if college tuition was high, they may need working part-time to help pay for their
F. In America, if college tuition is high, they may need working part-time to help pay for their
G. In America, if college tuition is high, they may need to work part-time to help pay for their
H. In America, if college tuition is high, they may need to working part-time to help pay for their
122. If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she…. Injured.
A. has been B. would has been C. would be D. would have been
123. If I _____ the rain yesterday, I_____ ill.
A. had not caught / would have been B. had not caught / would have not been
C. have not caught / were not D. have not caught / would have been
124. He looked frightened as if he _____ a ghost.
A. sees B. is seeing C. has seen D. had seen
125. What _____if there _____ a serious nuclear accident.
A. will happen / was B. happens / were
C. would happen / were D. would happen / had been

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
126. I wish I (can) go with you, but I have to baby-sit.
127. I wish it (not be) so cold outside today. I want to go swimming.
128. I wish you (stop) smoking. I am worried about you.
129. He wishes he (know) the answer, but he really doesn’t.
130. I didn’t go to university when I was young. I wish I (go) to university.

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