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Name: Basel Mohamed Fathi

ID: 21120644
Group: 4S2

Strategic management exam

1-Discuss the criteria of ideal mission statement and apply these
criteria to the following example?

CIA Mission:
We are the eyes and ears of the nation and at times its hidden
hand. We accomplish this by collecting intelligence that matters,
providing relevant, timely, and objective all-source analysis, and
conducting covert action at the direction of the president to avoid
threats or achieve United states policy objectives.
Mission should include the following components:
1- Product or Service (Intelligence, Covert action)

2- Customers (USA’s President)

3- Markets (USA)

4- Employee (not mentioned)

5- Technology (not mentioned)

6- Public image (not mentioned)

7- Self-concept (Highly efficient intelligence)

8- Philosophy (Achieve USA policy objectives)

9- survival or growth profits (not mentioned)

Proposed Mission:
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent agency dedicated to
safeguarding national security by providing timely and accurate intelligence to senior US
policymakers, including the President. Our primary mission is to collect, analyze,
evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist in informed decision-making.
Operating globally, we leverage advanced technologies and innovative methodologies
to stay ahead of emerging threats. Committed to excellence, we prioritize the agency's
resilience, growth, and efficiency, ensuring the optimal use of resources. Guided by our
core values of integrity, dedication, and accountability, we strive to enhance our public
image and maintain the trust of the American people. We also place great importance
on the well-being, development, and ethical conduct of our employees, recognizing their
vital role in achieving our mission.

2- “In the meantime, Ezz Steal Rebars Co.for Steel opted to shut down
a flat steel plant in 2008, in order to retain adequate and manage
harsh circumstances precipitated by the dire consequences of the
global financial crisis.”
Mention the strategy used here and discuss its suitability in this

The strategy used is retrenchment – divestiture.


- Cost Reduction: By closing the plant, Ezz Steel Rebars likely reduced
significant ongoing costs like employee salaries, maintenance, and utilities.
- Focus on Core Business: concentrate resources on their core business
(Rebar steel).
- Improved Cash Flow: Eliminating the expenses associated with the closed
plant could have freed up cash flow for Ezz Steel Rebars to invest in other
areas or pay down debt.

- Job Losses: Closing the plant likely resulted in job losses, which can have
negative social and economic impacts.
- Loss of Capacity: Ezz Steel Rebars lost the production capacity of the flat
steel plant. This could limit their ability to meet future demand for flat steel
- Reduced Market Share: Exiting the flat steel market could lead to a loss of
market share and customer base.
Overall, it was reasonable strategy during 2008 financial crisis The immediate
benefits of cost reduction and improved cash flow could have helped them survive a
difficult economic period.

3-Conduct IFAS analysis for the Arab Academy and mention different
strategies and actions that you need to adopt based on this analysis?
Ratin Weighted
Internal Factors Weight g Score
Reputation and Accreditation 0.2 4 0.8
Comprehensive Programs 0.15 4 0.6
Experienced Faculty 0.15 3.5 0.525
State-of-the-Art Facilities 0.1 4 0.4
Industry Connections 0.1 4 0.4
High Tuition Fees 0.1 2.5 0.25
Dependency on Regional
Markets 0.1 3 0.3
Limited Online Presence 0.05 2 0.1
Bureaucratic Processes 0.05 2.5 0.125
Research Output 0.1 2.5 0.25
Total 1 3.8

Strategies and Actions Based on IFAS Analysis

1. Leverage Reputation and Accreditation: Increase international marketing efforts
to attract a diverse student population. Establish exchange programs and
partnerships with globally recognized institutions.
2. Expand Comprehensive Programs: Introduce new programs in emerging fields
such as AI, cybersecurity, and renewable energy. Conduct market research to
identify in-demand skills and adjust curricula accordingly.
3. Utilize Experienced Faculty: Encourage faculty to engage in more research and
publication activities. Provide incentives and support for research initiatives and
participation in international conferences.
4. Maximize Use of State-of-the-Art Facilities: Open facilities for community and
industry use, generating additional revenue and fostering partnerships. Develop
specialized training and certification programs using advanced facilities.
5. Strengthen Industry Connections: Increase internship and co-op opportunities for
students. Expand collaboration with industry partners for joint research and
innovation projects.
6. Reduce High Tuition Fees: Offer more scholarships and financial aid programs.
Partner with corporations and alumni for scholarship endowments.
7. Diversify Student Market: Develop targeted recruitment campaigns in non-Middle
Eastern countries. Establish international offices and representation in key global
8. Improve Online Presence: Invest in online learning platforms and develop high-
quality online courses. Launch a dedicated online education division and create
hybrid learning models.
9. Streamline Bureaucratic Processes: Implement digital solutions to reduce
paperwork and administrative delays. Conduct a thorough review of
administrative processes and introduce workflow automation tools.
10. Boost Research Output: Create a research fund to support faculty and student
research projects. Encourage interdisciplinary research and collaboration with
international research institutions.

4-What is the importance of having core values and discuss how

companies select their values?

Importance of core values:

- Guideline for decision making. It provides a compass for all stakeholders shape
an organization’s culture, behavior, and decision-making.
- Clear core values contribute to employee engagement. When employees
resonate with the values, they feel more connected to their work and the
- Core values establish an ethical framework. They help companies make ethical
choices, even in challenging situations.
- When core values are well-defined and embraced, they ensure that everyone
within the company is moving in the same direction. This alignment fosters unity
and a sense of purpose.
- Core values are integral to a company’s brand identity. They communicate what
the company stands for and what customers can expect.

Criteria of selection core values:

- Ensure the core values align with the organization's mission and vision.
- Involve employees, leadership, and other key stakeholders in the process to get
a comprehensive perspective.
- Assess the current culture to identify values that are already in practice and
important to the organization.
- Think about where the organization wants to go and what values will help it get
- Choose values that are straightforward, memorable, and clearly define expected
- While companies may have many aspirational values, it’s essential to focus on
a limited number (usually 3 to 5) to ensure clarity.

5-Apply the issue priority matrix to the economic environment of Egypt

in 2022?
Issue Severity Occurrence Priority Justification
Rising food and energy prices
significantly eroded purchasing
power, impacting overall economic
Inflation High High Critical activity and social stability.
Reduced global demand impacted
Egypt's exports, tourism, and
Global Economic foreign direct investment, hindering
Slowdown High Medium Critical economic growth.
Weakened Egyptian Pound
increased import costs, further
Currency Medium- fueling inflation and pressuring
Depreciation High High Major foreign exchange reserves.
High youth unemployment rates
pose a long-term threat to economic
Unemployment Medium High Significant development and social stability.
High government debt hinders
investments in critical areas like
Budget Deficit Medium High Significant infrastructure and social programs.
Balancing social needs with fiscal
sustainability is crucial, but the
immediate impact on inflation might
Subsidy Reform Medium Medium Moderate be manageable.
Infrastructure Low- Medium Moderate Aging infrastructure can hinder
Bottlenecks Medium long-term growth, but the urgency
depends on the severity of the

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