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Lesson 2 - Numbers

1. Listen and repeat

one two three four five

six seven eight nine ten
2. Write the numbers down.

1 one 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

3. How many…?

1. four apples 2. __________ drinks. 3. __________ key.

4. __________ spoons. 5. __________ coffees. 6. __________ cats.

7. __________ fingers. 8. __________ sweets. 9. __________ eggs.

5. Listen and repeat

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
6. Write the numbers down.

11 one 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20

7 Write down the answers.

plus + minus - equals =

Four plus three = seven

1. Ten minus five = ___________

2. Six plus two = ___________
3. Eight minus four = ___________
4. Nine plus one = ___________
5. Twelve minus six = ___________
6. Five plus five = ___________
7. Fifteen minus ten = ___________
8. Three plus four = ___________
9. Seven minus three = ___________
10. Two plus six = ___________
11. Thirteen minus seven = ___________
12. Ten plus three = ___________
13. Eleven minus four = ___________
14. Eight plus six = ___________
15. Sixteen minus eight = ___________
16. Four plus six = ___________
17. Seventeen minus nine = ___________
18. Nine plus nine = ___________
19. Twenty minus ten = ___________
8. The verb be
Singular Plural

I am
you are we are
he is you are
she is they are
It is

9. Make sentences using the verb be and the words below.

hungry happy sad cold hot angry thirsty tired

1. They are happy. 2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

7. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________
a vs. an

"a" is used before singular nouns beginning with consonant: a book or a car.

"an" is used before singular nouns beginning with vowels (a, e, i, o, u): an apple or an umbrella.

Tip: singular means only one of something.

10. Put ‘a’ or ‘an’ before the singular noun.

1. An apple. 2. ____ coffee. 3. ____ key.

4. ____ dog. 5. ____ egg. 6. ____ elephant.

7. ____ ice cream. 8. ____ octopus. 9. ____ fish.

10. ____ baby. 11. ____ lamp. 12. ____ pineapple.

11. Work with a partner and ask them to spell words from exercise 9.
Student A: How do you spell baby?
Student B: b-a-b-y

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