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About Internship :

Ur batch is not eligible for internship.

Even if u r ready to pay, we are not going to proceed.

For u guys, in Dec end we will plan something.

=========== 9 Oct ==================

Topic : Q n A

========== Today's Video ==========


=========== 7 Oct ==================

Topic : Product Management In Salesforce Projects -- Level 1

========== Today's Video ==========

========== Today's Assignment ==========

(Prod Management)

Intelogik's Project Problems :

1.You have been hired by Dell India.

2.They are using Salesforce software to run their business and maintain all
products data, to be used in employees

3.We need to add below products in the Product table :

Dell Inspiron
Dell Latitude
Dell G5

4.We need to add their pricing as well, but the concern is, in North India the
prices will be different and south India, different.
Help for this to Dell, with below prices.

Standard Price :
Dell Inspiron = 1000 USD
Dell Latitude = 1500 USD
Dell G5 = 2000 USD

South India Price book :

Dell Inspiron = 1010 USD
Dell Latitude = 1515 USD
Dell G5 = 2017 USD

North India Price book :

Dell Inspiron = 1020 USD
Dell Latitude = 1530 USD
Dell G5 = 2040 USD

Add all these details in Product and Price Book table to setup the things for your
business. Later they will use the it as per their need.
(While creating Opportunity etc)

5.Business got two opportunity with Oracle company.

And they need your help to understand, how they can make entry of the same in

One opportunity is with South India branch of Oracle.
For product Dell Latitude.
100 Quantity.
Probability : 20% (because sales people already started follow up with client)

Other opportunity is with North India branch of Oracle.
For product Dell Inspiron.
150 Quantity.
Probability : 50% (because sales people already started follow up with client)

========== Today's Notes==========

What is Custom Price book ?

>> All those price books that "we create" for our business process in Salesforce,
are called as Custom price books.

Generally we dont rely on Standard Price book the way we dont rely on Standard
fields in SFDC market.

=========== 6 Oct ==================

Topic : Lead Management In Salesforce Projects -- Level 3

========== Today's Video ==========

========== Today's Assignment ==========

(web to lead)

Intelogik's Project Problems ::

1.You are hired by Nokia to change the working process of the company which is
using Salesforce to run the business.

2.They are using Dotnet website.

And they are taking enquiries from leads coming on the website on one excel file.
Then manually entering to Salesforce Lead object.

3.They want this process to be automated and leads to come directly into Salesforce

4.They want this to happen only for India country leads. (Hint : Auto response rule
for India)

5.Once form is filled, then want you to redirect them on the page where Nokia news
are given :

6.As soon as record is created in Lead object, then want automatic mail to the
(for this u can use any existing template in your org, as we will see this Template
topic later)

7.Provide the solution. And also test the same by using your family member's email

8.Ensure, lead is created in Salesforce environment under Lead tab.

9.Ensure, you are getting automated email as well, as planned above.

(Lead Auto Response Rule)
Intelogik's Project Problems ::

1.You are hired by LG to change the working process of the company which is using

You have to use Lead management features that you know, to enhance their business
process on Salesforce.

2.LG wants to focus more on "Energy" industry based leads. So they have appointed
Tom as lead management specialist in the company.

3.Management asked you to create Tom user.

(see details below about steps to create new user)

4.Any lead is coming from "Energy" industry, make the owner to Tom.

5.Test by creating non "Energy" domain leads and ensure the record owner is not

6.Business found that, somehow some users are not able to remember to check the
checkbox present on the record page "Assign using active assignment rule" and
things are not working fine. They want you to keep the checkbox checked. Do the
(Hint: Page layout)

7.LG launched a page on its Dotnet website to enable inquiry by buyers. But they
want the inquiry details to come directly into Salesforce from Dotnet. Enable the
web to lead feature. (do this step after learning Web to Lead)

Test the same.

8.Ensure Web to lead is also supporting Lead assignment rule. (do this step after
learning Web to Lead)
So ensure any inquiry coming on website where lead is from "Energy" market, getting
mapped to Tom.

========== Today's Notes==========

What is Web To Lead in Salesforce?

--Many companies have a pattern of getting lead info from website and put the same
into Salesforce platform by manual work or email.

This is mostly taken care by website person.

As this makes dependency on website person, it can make a loss to the company if he
is not available and any lead comes on website in his absence.

The automated solution = Web To Lead

=========== 5 Oct ==================

Topic : Lead Management In Salesforce Projects -- Level 2

========== Today's Video ==========

========== Today's Assignment ==========


How to create another user - Tom as well as login to Tom:

User creation topic (See from around 10 min) :

(which we will learn LIVE in futuQre)

Additional optional info:

1.dont focus/see anything else in that video -- we will learn those things later

2.Use "Salesforce" license only while creating user Tom, DONT USE "Salesforce

3. If u want to login from main user to Tom, and see login option beside name of
setup >> search "login access policies" >> check the checkbox "Administrators Can
Log in as Any User"

4. If u want after log out from Tom, stay in main user, not to get total log out,
then :

5. setup >> Session Settings >> uncheck "Force relogin after Login-As-User"

(whenever it is throwing error about duplicate data, just add any random unique
data. anything!!)


(lead conversion rule)

1.You are hired by Toyota for increasing their sale,

by using Salesforce features. But they don't know how to use those objects and you
have to guide them by entering initial 2-3 records on their behalf.

2.Toyota conducted an exhibition near the airport in Newyork. 1 Jan to 10 Jan.

Almost 10000 people impacted. 70% is expected Response. Estimated expenses were
1000 USD, but actual is 1200 USD.
(keep other info blank)

Enter this info in Salesforce in a suitable object.

3.From this campaign, many people contacted the company.

But you have to work on this below person's data:

FN: Bill
LN: Gates
Company : Microsoft
Industry : Technology
Title : Director
Lead Status : Open not contacted
Rating : Hot
No. of Employees : 15000

(keep other info blank)

Enter this info in Salesforce in a suitable object.

4.After some persuasion, Bill got ready to give a business deal.

100 Toyota fortuner.

Follow the lead conversion process.

(ensure; Account, Contact, Opportunity records are created)

5.From this campaign another person who contacted the company is mentioned below :

FN: John
LN: Matthew
Company : Oracle
Industry : Technology
Title : CTO
Lead Status : Open not contacted
Rating : Hot
No. of Employees : 10000

(keep other info blank)

Enter this info in Salesforce in a suitable object.

6.After some persuasion, John got ready to give a business deal.But he is not clear
about order, which quantity and which vehicle.He will tell us after 1 month.So
follow lead conversion process with appropriate setting.

(observe, no Opportunity record is created)

========== Today's Notes==========

By using Layout properties in page layout, in LAR,
we can do below things:

1.Dont show check box (as client is not using for LAR in the business)
2.Show check box and no default selection

3.Show check box and default selection is done (as client is regularly willing to
use LAR)

=========== 4 Oct ==================

Topic : Lead Management In Salesforce Projects -- Level 1

========== Today's Video ==========

========== Today's Notes ==========

Which 3 object records are created when we convert a lead automatically?


3.Oppty (Optional)

=========== 3 Oct ==================

Topic : Standard Features In Salesforce Projects -- Level 1

========== Today's Video ==========


How SF helps in CRM segment? - Video (old session video of mine)

(SF and CRM connection)

========== Today's Notes ==========

Standard Business Process in SF:

To ensure customers can get started with SF platform, right from day 1, SF provided
many features in Salesforce's standard apps by which end users can start working
easily. (ref : demo session)

And for that, we have many standard apps, standard objects, standard fields,
standard business process, standard automation etc which are considered as the
"standard features" in the Salesforce market.

--u must know all these / imp things for exam / interview.

--we will see these all key things which are suitable for exam point of view.

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