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Demo Session


Session 1 :


Piramid Structure
-- D: Using the application
Field Creation: C: Give option to add data
Object Creation: B: Creating the Sections/Table
App Creation: A: Creating a platform

1) What segments in setup you have worked in your salesforce project? IBM
We used setup sections in our projects for
1. Administrator:
--for user management in salesforce project
--for the security of salesforce environment
2. Build:
--for creating apps
--for creating a database table
3. Deploy:
--for shifting the project work from our environment to client's environment, after
project is completed.
--this is also known as deployment process
4. Monitor:
--to keep watch on salesforce environment
--to see available resources (Ex: Storage etc)
--to see log files whenever the error comes in th eproject

2) Steps to create app in salesforce

CEX: (Classic Experience / Old)
Login > Setup > build > create > apps > new
LEX: (Lightning Experience / New)
Login > Steup > app manager > new

3) Whatever we get in salesforce by default > Standard

Whatever we create in salesforce by our own effort > Custom

4) What types of apps we can create in Salesforce?

1. Custom app
--This is comparatively very widely used in the market.
--This can be used in almost every business scenario.
2. Console
--Suitable for managing customer issues only

5) Profile (Department) Vs App setting

1. Visible: When we check the option, that department can see/work on the app.
If we dont check, they cant see/work on that app.
2. Default: Whenever a new user form that department will login to SF first time,
instead of showing him any other app like sales, Marketing etc (Default apps).
SF will open app automatically for that user.
Note: For one profile ther will be only one default app.


Session 2 :


6) Object Creation (also known as Data Modeling)

Database concepts > Salesforce concepts
Table > Object
Row > Record
Coulumn > Field

7) Steps for object creation

Steps in Classic Exp: (old Salesforce / Today)
Login > setup > Build > Create > Object > New
Steps in lightining Exp: (new Salesforce)
Login > Setup > Object Manager > New

===========Program Patern============
95% Session = New Salesforce / Lightining
5% Session = Old Salesforce / Classic (Initial Session)

8) What are custom Tab Visibility options in Salesforce ?

1. Default On:
The tab will be visible on Tab Bar.
2. Default Off:
The tab will not be visible on Tab bar but, will be visible in "All Tabs"
(+ Symbol in classic / old | Pen sign in Lightning / new (very soon)
3. Tab Hidden:
Neither this tab will be visible on Tab Bar nor it will be in All Tabs

In fact, for the particular profile,

the tab will be as good as "Not in Existence"

9) "3rd Step" - Field Creation

--Fields are very important for data Modeling / Database Creation
--Without fields we can not enter data into Salesforce database / table / Object
--Fields are like "Columns" of database table

10) Steps for creating columns / fields:

Steps in Classic Experience: (Old Salesforce)
(Last topic for CEX. Then max focus will be on LEX. Rarely we will see CEX.)
Login > Setup > Build > Create > Object > Seclect required object > custom fields >
Setup in Lightning Experience:
Login > Click on gear icon > Setup > Object Manager > Search your object > click >
Fields and relationship > New

11) What are the standard fields in Salesforce?

1. Owner
2. Name
3. Last Modified
4. Created By
What is example of audit fields and benefits of audit fields?
3. Last Modified
4. Created By

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