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2nd - finance
6th - wage
10th - positional status
11th - success
3rd - interview
9th - favour of the interview panel

1) Whether the planet is strong or weak by noting the sign in which it is.
2) Whether the planet is in a favourable sub and beneficial sub or in an
unfavorable sub.
3) Whether it is conjoined with any planet.
4) Whether the planet is aspected by any planet
5) Whether the nature of the planet is benefic or malefic.
6) Whether the sign occupies by the planet is fiery, earthy, airy, watery;
fixed, common; fruitful or barren; masculine or feminine; human or celestial;
mute or voice, etc.

1H CSL - MO - StarL - MO - (IN)8 - (OW)8,10
2H CSL - SA - StarL - VE - (IN)8 - (OW)8,1 - UT,R
3H CSL - MA - StarL - JU - (IN)8 - (OW)3,6
4H CSL - ME - StarL - SU - (IN)8 - (OW)11
5H CSL - JU - StarL - MO - (IN)4 - (OW)10
6H CSL - VE - StarL - MA - (IN)9 - (OW)7,2
7H CSL - RA - StarL - MA - (IN) - (OW)
8H CSL - ME - StarL - SU - (IN)8 - (OW)11
9H CSL - SU - StarL - MO - (IN)4 - (OW)10
10H CSL - ME - StarL - SU - (IN)8 - (OW)11
11H CSL - JU - StarL - MO - (IN)4 - (OW)10
12H CSL - VE - StarL - MA - (IN)9 - (OW)7,2

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