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Snakebites get

renewed attention
Scientists look for alternative antivenoms that
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are easy to make and deploy to remote areas

DINSA SACHAN, special to C&EN In brief
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More than
n a sunny September morning in Nemmara, a small

100,000 people
township in Kerala, India, Ally Thomas headed out into die every year
from venomous
the woods. Her plan was to cut grass, feed it to her cattle, snakebites. In
and attend a prayer service in the evening—a regular day, 2017, the World
by all means. Then a sharp, stinging pain shot through her left foot. Health Organization
A snake had bitten her. The serpent slithered away through the grass snakebites as a
before she saw it. neglected tropical
When Thomas reached home, she col- had bitten her. But after the antivenom disease. Some
lapsed with pain. Her family didn’t know was administered, Thomas was still in in- researchers want to
what to do. They brought her to a tradi- tense pain. tackle the problem
tional healer, who told her to apply a paste So the next day, her family brought her by addressing the
of basil leaves and turmeric on her foot. It to the nonprofit Little Flower Hospital shortcomings of
didn’t help. and Research Centre, in Angamaly, Kerala. current antivenoms.
Two days later, she experienced excru- By this time, her limbs were numb and her These conventional
ciating abdominal pain, her urine turned vision was blurred. Noushad CK, a doctor therapies require
black, and she spat blood. at the hospital, says Thomas had gone into refrigeration for
Her family took her to a small private minor kidney failure, a complication that storage and trained
hospital nearby. “They told us she was often arises from the bite of a viper—likely personnel for
bitten by a very deadly snake and that either a Russell’s or pit viper—in this part delivery, both of
she might not survive,” recounts Rohan of the country. which rural areas
Thomas, Ally’s son. Springing to action quickly, Noushad’s in the developing
Doctors at the hospital gave Ally Thom- team provided Thomas with intravenous world often lack.
as antivenom, an antidote for snakebites fluids to improve her kidney function, and Also, producing the
that can save people’s lives if administered after two days, her condition improved. antivenoms involves
quickly enough. In India, doctors give pa- “It’s a miracle,” Noushad says. Thomas inoculating horses
tients a so-called polyvalent antivenom, didn’t receive antivenom until three days with snake venoms,

which targets four of India’s most venom- after she was bitten. It should be given as which is expensive,
ous snake species—Russell’s viper, Indian soon as possible after a bite. Long delays is time consuming,
cobra, saw-scaled viper, and common before receiving antivenom normally and yields proteins
krait. The hospital hoped giving Thom- result in irreversible organ damage or, that could trigger
as this concoction would help her, even worse, death. allergic reactions
though doctors weren’t sure which snake As Thomas sat propped up on pillows in people. Several
research groups
are now developing
alternatives to try
to get around these

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Snakebite hot spots
Most venomous snakebites in the world happen in these three regions.


South and Southeast Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Mexico, Central America, and
Tropical South America
Estimated venomous snakebites per year: Estimated venomous snakebites per year:
Estimated venomous snakebites per year:
231,866–961,508 89,009–417,343
Estimated snakebite deaths per year: Estimated snakebite deaths per year:
Estimated snakebite deaths per year:
14,902–52,760 3,243–31,751
Notable venomous snakes: Russell’s viper Notable venomous snakes: Black mamba
(Daboia russelii), Indian cobra (Naja naja), (Dendroaspis polylepis), black-necked Notable venomous snakes: Coral
and Malayan krait (Bungarus candidus) spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis), and puff snakes (Micrurus), hog-nosed pit vipers
adder (Bitis arietans) (Porthidium), and South American
rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus)

Russell’s viper

Black mamba
Eastern coral snake
Source: PLOS Med. 2008, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050218.


in the intensive care unit of Little Flower, a resolution at the World Health Assembly er—and more dangerous. They contain
she expressed how fortunate she felt. “I in May 2018 to create a framework for high concentrations of preservatives or
feel I’ve had a rebirth.” helping countries tackle snakebites. protein-degradation products, indicating
Although Thomas lived to tell her tale, Many countries struggle with treating poor storage conditions, Chippaux says.
many in India don’t. Snakebites kill nearly snakebites because they lack the infra- Government officials generally pick the

50,000 people there every year. But snake- structure or logistics planning needed to more inexpensive antivenom when de-
bites aren’t India’s problem alone. Africa’s get antivenoms to people. For example, ciding which one to stock hospitals with,
snakebite-related mortality rate is estimat- many clinics in the developing world don’t Chippaux adds. “If the criteria is just price,
ed at 30,000 per year, with sub-Saharan have adequate facilities for refrigerating it is not a good thing.” Moreover, not all
Africa being most affected. In total, more antivenom serum. Also, many rural hos- antivenoms have gone through clinical tri-
than 100,000 people die from venomous pitals are often not staffed during the als and have therefore not been regulated.
snakebites around the world each year. evenings or are remotely located, leaving Regulatory concerns aside, some snake-
In June 2017, the World Health Organi- victims with no choice but to rush to a tra- bite researchers think antivenoms them-
zation took notice, recognizing snakebites ditional healer for immediate treatment, selves need an update. The method for
as a neglected tropical disease. Since then, just like Thomas and her family did. making antivenom was standardized in the
the world body has established a working Another challenge is that some coun- early 20th century. It involves milking a
group of researchers, physicians, and pub- tries lack the expertise to distinguish good venomous snake and then immunizing an-
lic health experts to create a plan for im- antivenoms from bad ones, says Jean- imals, mostly horses, with diluted venom.
proving access to treatment and improv- Philippe Chippaux, a French physician The horses’ immune systems generate an-
ing the quality of antivenoms, especially who has worked in sub-Saharan Africa. tibodies against the venom molecules over
in the developing world. It also approved The trouble is, bad ones are often cheap- a few months. Technicians then take blood

32 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | JANUARY 28, 2019

plasma from the horses and extract the led to a 100% survival rate for rats and with manufacturing firms that have glob-
antibodies to make the antivenom serum. mice injected with venom from European al capabilities so that we can keep costs
It’s a long and expensive process, and adders or Eastern coral snakes (Toxins down and get the drugs to the people that
some companies cut corners, especially in 2016, DOI: 10.3390/toxins8090248). Pigs need them most,” Lewin says.
purification. “In Africa, the purification of that have been given coral snake venom While Lewin is exploring a small-mol-
antibodies is not sufficiently achieved, and also respond to varespladib. All the animals ecule alternative to standard antivenoms,
we have antivenom with high risks of side treated with the compound, either orally or a team led by Kenneth Shea, a chemist
effects,” Chippaux says. intravenously, survived for the period stud- at the University of California, Irvine, is
Venoms also contain many compo- ied, 120 h. But untreated pigs did not (Tox- investigating a hydrogel consisting of poly-
nents, including peptides, proteins, and ins 2018, DOI: 10.3390/toxins10110479). mer nanoparticles.
enzymes. So antivenoms need to counter The small molecule offers many ad- The gel works by exploiting a phenome-
combinations of these rather than a single vantages over conventional antivenoms, non that happens when polymer nanopar-
component to be effective. And the anti- Lewin says. It is inexpensive to make and ticles are mixed with a solution containing
bodies in antivenoms come from horses thus would be affordable in resource-poor proteins. The proteins glom on to the
rather than humans. So injecting them parts of the world. It would also be shelf particles, creating what is called a corona.
into a person brings with it a risk of an stable in tropical climates. Lewin points Shea and colleagues previously deter-
allergic reaction to foreign substances, out that varespladib is thousands of times mined that they could get specific proteins
especially if the purification process hasn’t as potent as a conventional antivenom at to associate with the particles by tuning
been carried out properly. inhibiting phospholipase. “Further, it can the composition of their polymers.
Because of these reasons and more, sci- penetrate tissues that antivenom cannot, So the researchers developed nanopar-
entists have started to look for alternatives such as muscle and neurons.” ticles that would form coronas of phos-
to current antivenoms, keeping in mind the But varespladib’s biggest advantage is pholipase A2, selectively sequestering the
challenges posed by the poor public health
infrastructure in countries such as India.

Skipping the fridge

Some attempts to make alternative
antivenoms focus on providing a therapy
that is easier to use and easier to store.
Current antivenoms are not stable unless
“The major gap in antivenom’s utility
is that it can only be administered in the
hospital, but the vast majority of snake-
bites—upward of 75%—occur before
victims can get to the hospital,” says Mat-
thew Lewin, an emergency physician and
the director of the Center for Exploration
and Travel Health at the California Acade-
my of Sciences.
Lewin’s company, Ophirex, is investigat-
ing a therapy that wouldn’t have such stor-
age needs. It is an off-patent compound Ally Thomas nearly lost her life to the bite of a snake in her hometown of Nemmara in
named varespladib, first developed by the Kerala, India.
pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly and Compa-
ny, for its venom-fighting properties. that anyone can give it to a victim right enzyme from snake venoms (J. Am. Chem.
The small molecule counters phos- on the spot after a snakebite, Lewin says. Soc. 2016, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b10950). Shea
pholipase A2, an enzyme that is found in Only trained health-care practitioners can likes to describe the polymer nanopar-
the venoms of most snakes around the administer traditional antivenom therapy ticles as plastic antibodies because the
world. The enzyme degrades the lipids to patients because the agents typically particles are plastic and they tie up the en-
in cell membranes, causing cells to break have to be given intravenously, and their zyme, preventing it from acting on cells.
down and a range of symptoms to appear, side effects need to be monitored. To find their antivenom nanoparti-
including paralysis, bleeding, and muscle Still, Lewin emphasizes that the mole- cles, the researchers experimented with
destruction. Varespladib binds to the hy- cule probably would be used in combina- different combinations of monomers,
drophobic active site of the phospholipase tion with standard antivenoms. “Antiven- such as acrylic acid, N-phenylacryl-
enzyme and destabilizes it so it can’t go to oms have a longer half-life, circulating amide, N-isopropylacrylamide, and
work on lipids. The molecule also appears longer in the body, and a broader effect N,N′-methylenebis(acrylamide), to pro-

to fight inflammation in the victim’s body. on nonphospholipase components of ven- duce particles with different polymer
In test tubes, varespladib neutralizes the om,” Lewin explains. compositions. They tested this library of
membrane-munching activity of venoms Lewin hopes to begin a Phase I or Piv- nanoparticles against different types of
from 28 snake species, including the black otal Phase II clinical trial in early 2020, venoms, and they chose the particles with
mamba and death adder. Intravenous and in time for the taipan snakebite season in the highest affinity for phospholipase A2
subcutaneous injections of the molecule Papua New Guinea. “We hope to partner for further study.

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What’s in a snakebite? Shea and his team collaborated with
José María Gutiérrez of the University
A closer look at five toxins found in snake venoms. of Costa Rica to test the best-performing
nanoparticle in mice. They injected ven-
Snake venom om from an African cobra into the skin of
the mice at a dose that would cause skin
metalloproteinases necrosis. Mice given several doses of the
Snakes with the toxins: Most members nanoparticle-based gel at the site of venom
of the Viperidae family, including South injection showed no signs of necrosis after
America’s Bothrops jararaca pit viper 72 h, while untreated mice did (PLOS Ne-
Effects of the toxins: The enzymes glected Trop. Dis. 2018, DOI: 10.1371/journal.
produce a wide range of damage. For pntd.0006736). According to further
example, they help cause bleeding by studies, the nanoparticles end up in the
breaking down components of capillaries, liver, where they are quickly captured and
and they can disrupt blood clotting. cleared from the body.
Because the synthetic polymers are sta-
bler than antibodies, this gel could survive
in harsh conditions in tropical regions,
Shea says. “You don’t have to worry about
Phospholipase A2 But Shea says this so-called nanodote
Snakes with the toxins: Most snakes in the is not intended to replace traditional
Viperidae and Elapidae families antivenom either. “It could be injected di-
Effects of the toxins: The enzymes break rectly into the site of the bite by the victim
down the phospholipids in cell membranes, or a companion,” he says. The gel would
leading to muscle damage and paralysis. help keep the victim in stable condition
until they get medical help, he adds.
Before moving to clinical trials, Shea and
his team want to test the nanodote against
other relevant venomous snake species.

Biotech lends a hand

While Lewin’s and Shea’s teams are
Snake venom serine proteinases looking for alternatives to antivenoms,
Snakes with the toxins: Some snakes in both some researchers haven’t given up on an-
Viperidae and Elapidae families, including the sharp- tivenoms’ main component: antibodies.
nosed viper found in southern China These scientists are looking to biotechnol-
Effects of the toxins: These enzymes disrupt ogy to establish less-cumbersome methods
multiple aspects of the blood-clotting process. of producing venom-deactivating antibod-
ies. The idea is to avoid milking dangerous
snakes or injecting venom into horses.
One such approach involves developing
human monoclonal antibodies. Monoclo-
nal antibodies are genetically engineered
Three-finger toxins proteins that are synthesized by cloned
Snakes with the toxins: Most snakes in the immune cells and are identical to each
Elapidae family, including the Malayan krait other in amino acid sequence. Some can-
(Bungarus candidus) cer therapies use such antibodies to target
Effects of the toxins: These molecules are potent specific proteins on cancer cells. A human
neurotoxins that can cause paralysis. monoclonal antibody is capable of target-
ing a specific venom toxin. An antidote
that is a mixture of monoclonal antibodies
could target multiple venom toxins to save
the lives of snakebite victims.

If researchers could find monoclonal

antibodies that target specific venom ingre-
Dendrotoxins dients, they could produce the antibodies
Snakes with the toxins: Many snakes in the Elapidae family, on a large scale in mammalian cells. “Ev-
including the eastern green mamba erything can be produced in big fermenta-
Effects of the toxins: These neurotoxins block potassium channels tion tanks in the laboratory,” says Cecilie
on nerve cells. Knudsen, a researcher at the Technical Uni-
versity of Denmark. “This is faster than im-
Source: Nat. Rev. Dis. Primers 2017, DOI: 10.1038/nrdp.2017.63. munizing animals.” The process takes days,

34 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | JANUARY 28, 2019

compared with the A long wait
months that it takes to
work with horses.
And because the Some antiven-
antibodies are human, om researchers are
they are less likely excited about these
to cause the allergic alternatives but think
reactions seen with it’s still early days in
antivenoms made us- their development. In
ing horses. “Moreover, Polymer nanoparticles (left) capture phospholipase A2 (center) and render it particular, Chippaux,
monoclonal antibodies inactive. the French physician,
can persist in the hu- thinks it will take a
man body for a longer time—they don’t get is the venom of the coral snake Micrurus while for monoclonal antibodies to make it
cleared out by the immune system the way corallinus, one of the deadliest serpents in to the clinic for testing against snakebites.
foreign antibodies would,” Knudsen says. Brazil. The venom of a single species of snake, he
Scientists generally have two approach- “The problem with making antivenom says, contains an eclectic cocktail of toxins,
es to find a human monoclonal antibody against coral snake is obtaining venom to and making antibodies against every one of
that targets a specific venom protein. immunize the horse. It doesn’t have enough them would be a marathon task.
Hybridoma technology involves injecting venom in the venom gland,” Ho says. Julien Potet, a policy adviser for the
the target protein into mice, isolating the Instead of milking these snakes for their nonprofit group Doctors Without Borders,
genes for the mouse antibody that forms paltry supply of venom, the team wanted to says in the near term, these alternatives
in response to the protein, then tweaking find a way to make the proteins themselves. could work in conjunction with current
the gene in specific ways to humanize it. They examined the amino acid sequences antivenom therapies. For example, he says,
of the venom’s five most important toxins monoclonal antibodies “could be added to
“You’ve got to keep and then mapped their epitopes—the parts
of the toxins to which an antibody would
the conventional animal antibody prepa-
rations in order to fortify them against
in mind that venom actually bind. They then constructed genes
that encoded just those epitopes.
selected snake venoms that are hard to
neutralize with existing products.”

is very complex.” The researchers injected pieces of DNA

containing these genes into mice so that
the animals’ cellular machinery would
In general, these novel antidotes will
have to prove a lot before they’d be ad-
opted in the field, experts say. First, Potet
—Paulo Lee Ho, biochemist, Instituto synthesize and churn out says, other researchers will
Butantan proteins containing the epi- need to confirm in the lab
topes. The rodents’ immune that the antidotes neutralize
The other route is to use phage display, systems then started to their targeted venoms. After
which won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chem- produce antibodies against that, scientists will need to
istry, to screen a library of human anti- these epitopes. Basically, the investigate any possible tox-
body genes to find the antibody that binds scientists used the pieces of icities of the novel agents.
a target protein. DNA to immunize the mice O O And then large-scale clinical
Knudsen and her colleagues from against the venom—like HO O trials will be needed, and
O NH2 those are expensive.
Denmark and Costa Rica used the latter injecting horses with the ac-
method to find human monoclonal an- tual snake toxins. “You need detailed stud-
tibodies against the venom of the black The team found that ies that involve thousands
mamba, a highly venomous snake from immunizing the mice first with these DNA of people for these novel antidotes be-
sub-Saharan Africa. They looked for pieces and then with a booster shot of cause venom works differently on differ-
antibodies that could bind to so-called proteins containing just the epitopes was ent people’s bodies, based on individual
dendrotoxins inside the black mamba’s fairly successful. The animals’ survival rate height, body weight, and amount of venom
venom. The team made two prototype when injected with the snake venom was injected,” says Priyanka Kadam, founder
antidotes and tested them in mice, find- 60%. All the untreated mice died. of the India-based nonprofit group Snake-
ing that treated mice survived injections Ho wants to improve the survival rate. bite Healing and Education Society and a
of the mamba venom (Nat. Comm. 2018, He thinks that the researchers haven’t yet member of the WHO panel on venomous
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06086-4). isolated epitopes for all the significant snakebites.
Black mamba venom contains another toxins in the coral snake’s venom. “You’ve Unfortunately, most of the antivenoms
group of deadly components called α-neu- got to keep in mind that venom is very that are supplied to sub-Saharan Africa
rotoxins. Knudsen’s team next wants to complex.” and India aren’t clinically tested. “Like for
develop antibodies against those mole- Ho thinks this epitope immunization other neglected tropical diseases, there is
cules. The researchers’ goal is to find an- method could work well for snakes that very limited funding for the development
tibodies for all the key mamba toxins and have limited amounts of venom or highly of antivenoms,” Potet says. “For many

then mix them together into one antidote. venomous serpents that are difficult to producers, the money is just not there to
Meanwhile, Paulo Lee Ho, a biochemist handle. To produce antivenoms for people finance the clinical trials. Only a couple of
at Instituto Butantan, in São Paulo, and rather than mice, the team would have to the dozen existing antivenoms intended
his team are also harnessing biotechnology apply its technique to horses and harvest for use in sub-Saharan Africa have been
techniques to derive an antivenom against the antibodies produced after immunizing evaluated in robust randomized clinical
a particularly tricky snake. Their target them. trials.” And that doesn’t stop countries

JANUARY 28, 2019 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 35

with lackadaisical regulatory bodies from turers were asked to submit information ment is finalized, we will be able to select
registering antivenoms anyway. “It’s a about their products to the organization. the antivenoms that we’d like to test in
shame,” Potet says. WHO officers also inspected the facilities our clinical trial,” Potet says.
Meanwhile, Chippaux, who has treated to check if they followed best practices No matter which of these efforts—im-
snakebites in sub-Saharan Africa for de- of production—for example, they deter- proving current antivenom production,
cades, believes there is actually no need mined whether the horses were kept in developing antivenom alternatives, or
for novel antidotes. Just improving the
quality and quantity of conventional an-
tivenoms could significantly help Africans. “Like for other neglected tropical
“There is a need for a greater quantity of
good-quality antivenom. While fewer than diseases, there is very limited funding
100,000 doses are sold annually in sub-Sa-
haran Africa, actual needs are estimated to for the development of antivenoms.”
be higher than 1 million doses,” he says.
Potet also urges antivenom manu- —Julien Potet, policy adviser, Doctors Without Borders
facturers to keep improving the current
inventory. “This is not rocket science, and healthy conditions. The WHO hasn’t yet creating human-antibody-based antiven-
the investments that need to be made are disclosed its findings but plans to release oms—is most successful, it’s clear that
probably not very high, but they need to a list of trusted suppliers after this assess- changes are needed. “Ninety-five percent
happen,” Potet says. ment. “This will clarify which antivenoms of people affected by snakebites come
He points to incremental improvements are the most capable of neutralizing the from impoverished backgrounds, and they
at all stages of antivenom production, venoms of the different African snake spe- aren’t aware of their fundamental rights,
including how the venom immunization cies,” Potet says. including the right to basic health care,”
mixture is prepared and how the final Moreover, Doctors Without Borders is Kadam says. “These are voiceless victims,
product gets purified. “Not many produc- gearing up to host and implement clinical and not a priority for policy makers.” She
ers have focused on these incremental trials of existing antivenoms in sub-Sa- says the developing world badly needs a
improvements,” he says. haran Africa because it wants to find the novel antidote that could reduce treat-
In 2016, the WHO commissioned an most effective antivenoms for African ment costs. “It would be a game changer.”
assessment of the antivenoms sold in Afri- snake species. The organization will start
ca and the facilities, many of which are in after the WHO completes its assessment Dinsa Sachan is a freelancer writer based in
India, where they are produced. Manufac- of African antivenoms. “Once this assess- New Delhi.

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