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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2019

Critical Reasoning

Semesters 1 and 2

Department of Philosophy, Practical and

Systematic Theology
Discipline of Philosophy

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.



1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 7
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Discipline of Philosophy ................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 9
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Prescribed book(s) ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Recommended book(s) ............................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................. 11
4.4 Library services and resources ................................................................................................... 11
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES .............................................................................................. 12
5.1 myUnisa ...................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Information on tutorial offerings at Unisa ..................................................................................... 13
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 14
7 PRACTICAL WORK ................................................................................................................... 20
8 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 20
8.1 Assessment criteria..................................................................................................................... 20
8.2 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 21
8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................. 22
8.3.1 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 22
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 22
8.4 Assignment due dates ................................................................................................................ 23
8.5 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 23
8.6 The assignments ........................................................................................................................ 24
8.6.1 Semester 1 ................................................................................................................................. 24
a) Assignment 01: Unique number: 844737; Due date: 05 April 2019 ............................................. 24
b) Assignment 02: Unique number: 875459; Due date: 26 April 2019 ............................................. 31
8.6.2 Semester 2 ................................................................................................................................. 41
a) Assignment 01: Unique number: 826262; Due date: 6 Sept 2019 ............................................... 41

b) Assignment 02: Unique number: 858432; Due date: 27 September 2019 ................................... 48
8.7 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 57
8.7.1 Self-assessment 1 ...................................................................................................................... 58
8.7.2 Self-assessment 2 ...................................................................................................................... 59
8.8 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 60
9 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 60


Dear Student

Welcome to the Discipline of Philosophy (situated in the Department of Philosophy, Practical

and Systematic Theology) and to the module PLS2601: Critical Reasoning. We trust that you

will enjoy your studies and find this module intellectually both stimulating and challenging.

The tutorial matter for this module includes the following material:

- Tutorial Letter 101: This Tutorial Letter contains all administrative information as well

as your assignment questions and due dates. Please read this Tutorial Letter very


- Tutorial Letter 301: This Tutorial Letter contains information on referencing. However,

since you will not be expected to write essays for this module, it will not be directly


- Only Study Guide for PLS2601 (Critical Reasoning): The Study Guide contains some

theory, but should be read in conjunction with the prescribed book.

- Prescribed book: Please buy this from Unisa Press, or at one of Unisa’s official

booksellers. See the order form at the back of this tutorial letter to order from Unisa

Press. Ordering the book from Unisa Press have resulted in delays in the past,

as the press uses the South African Post Office to send the book to your

closest Post Office. Please keep this in mind when acquiring your book.

Apart from Tutorial Letters 101 and 301, you will also receive other tutorial letters during the

semester. These tutorial letters will not be available at the time of registration, but will be made

available onlline as soon as they are available or needed (for instance, for feedback on

assignments). All official study material is also made available electronically on your myUnisa

site under the tab ‘Official Study Material’.


PLEASE NOTE: The module Critical Reasoning is semesterised. If you are registered for

Semester 1, you will write the final examination for this module in May/June. If you are

registered for Semester 2, you will write the final examination in October/November. Once you

have passed the examination you have completed the module and you have earned your

credits for the module.

Proper planning is essential for successful study. The syllabus is divided into a number of

topics, each with a central theme. Work out a study programme that suits your particular

circumstances. Remember to organise your study programme in such a way that you have

enough time to prepare for the examination. Work through all the prescribed material and

complete the activities, self-assessments and assignments to ensure that you cover the


Best wishes for your studies.

Warm regards,

Dr Yolandi M. Coetser


2.1 Purpose
The module Critical Reasoning will be useful to you, the learner, in a wide range of fields where

basic critical reasoning skills are required, for example, psychology, education, social work,

communication science, public administration, English studies, managerial professions, and

Health Sciences Education.

Learners credited with the module Critical Reasoning are orientated towards independent

thinking through active participation in the development of their competence in critical reasoning

skills. They are sensitive to fallacies in reasoning and adopt a critical attitude towards

stereotypes and biases.

They demonstrate the basic competence to analyse and evaluate different kinds of arguments,

and to construct their own arguments by applying their experience and competencies acquired

through their studies in critical reasoning.

2.2 Outcomes
A range of tasks in study guides, tutorial letters, assignments and examinations will show that

you, the learner, have achieved the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the importance of clear thinking for

effective communication and decision-making strategies. These skills can be demonstrated in

identifying and explaining fallacious reasoning in arguments and applying this knowledge to

other fields of study.

Outcome 2: Learners can apply their critical reasoning skills to the analysis, construction and

evaluation of complex arguments. The skills will be demonstrated in analysing and critically

evaluating complex arguments and applying these skills to identify alternatives and present

solutions to problems.

Outcome 3: Demonstrate the competence to identify arguments and to analyse different kinds

of arguments.

Outcome 4: Apply knowledge and skills in evaluating different types of arguments.

Outcome 5: Apply knowledge and skills in constructing own arguments.



3.1 Lecturer(s)
The module leader is:

Dr Yolandi M. Coetser

Module Leader

e-mail: coetsym@unisa.ac.za

Telephone: +27 12 429 6596

Please note that Dr Coetser is not always in her office, so it would be best to email her before

attempting to call her. You are also welcome to come and see her, but please do make an

appointment first. Dr Coetser is assisted by a team, consisting of one assistant lecturer and a

number of e-tutors. Ms Khosi, the assistant lecturer's, details are as follows:

Ms Motlatsi Khosi
Assistant Lecturer
e-mail: khosim@unisa.ac.za
Telephone: +27 12 429 2665

You will be linked to your e-tutor on myUnisa. Please only use the official site on myUnisa to

contact your e-tutor – this means you will not be given an email address or cellphone number

for your e-tutor.


All administrative queries must be directed to the relevant administrative departments at

Unisa. This includes queries about registration, finances, delivery of study material and so on.

All queries that are of an academic nature, i.e. about the content of the module, should be

directed to your module leader. Please read your tutorial matter thoroughly, as your module

leader is often contacted with queries that are already answered in the tutorial matter.


The university is a profesional environment. It is important that you address your lecturer in a

manner that is profesional and courteous. This means that you should always greet your

lecturer (e.g. Dear Dr Coetser and Ms Khosi). Include the module to which you are referring

(e.g. My query relates to PLS2601. I would like to find out... ). Often, lecturers teach more than

one module, so if you do not include the module code of the module, it means the lecturer

cannot ascertain which module your query refers to. Please also include your name and student

number. (Regards, Mpho Smith (Student number xxxxxxxx)). Also include a clear subject line in

your email.

This is an example of what not to do:

Hi. When is the assignment due?

Rather write:

Dear Dr Coetser

I hope this email finds you well.

I am a student of yours in PLS2601. I am writing to ask you for assistance on when the due date

for Asssignment One is. I cannot seem to find this information in the Tutorial Letter.

Thanking you in advance for your assistance.


Mpho Smith


Student number: xxxxxxxxx

Remember, part of being a university student is learning how to act professionally when you

enter the workforce. It is thus in your best interest to learn how to conduct yourself

professionally. See these articles for more assistance in this regard:





3.2 Discipline of Philosophy

The administrator for the Discipline of Philosophy is Ms NP Sekhukhune. Her details are as

Ms NP Sekhukhune
Discipline of Philosophy Administrator
e-mail: sekhunp@unisa.ac.za
Telephone: +27 12 429 6888

3.3 University

Contact addresses of the various administrative departments are included in the brochure

Study@Unisa which you received with your study package. Always use your student number

when you contact the university.


4.1 Prescribed book(s)

Your prescribed book for this module is:

Van den Berg, M.E.S. 2010 (revised edition). Critical reasoning and the art of
argumentation. Pretoria: Unisa Press.


Order your prescribed book immediately! Your study guide and the prescribed book are
integrated and you should work from both texts. Therefore, you will need the prescribed book
(the 2010 revised edition) to cover the syllabus. Please note there is no second edition of the
book. You must obtain the 2010 revised edition.

The old 2005 version of Critical reasoning and the art of argumentation, published by Unisa
Press, is outdated and no longer applicable. You must therefore obtain the revised 2010
edition in order to cope with the work and to prepare for the examination.

You may order the prescribed book directly from Unisa Press by completing the order
form at the back of this tutorial letter, and emailing it to <unisa-press@unisa.ac.za>.
Alternatively, please buy it from one of the official booksellers.

Some official booksellers, like Van Schaik Booksellers, Protea Booksellers, and loot.co.za may
keep copies of the prescribed book. The price of the book is approximately R90.00 when
ordered through Unisa Press. However, Unisa Press makes use of the South African Post
Office to post the book to your nearest Post Office. Many students have found this a frustrating
route to follow as the Post Office may neglect to send notifications that you have a package
waiting for you.



Please correct the following typing error in your prescribed book, Critical Reasoning and the Art
of Argumentation by M.E.S. van den Berg (2010 revised edition):

On p. 31, the discussion of the valid modus tollens argument and the fallacious denial of the
antecedent, should read as follows:

Valid: Invalid (fallacious):

Modus tollens
Denying the consequent Denying the antecedent
1. If P then Q 1. If P, then Q
2. Not Q 2. Not P
Not Q P Not Q

4.2 Recommended book(s)

There are no recommended books for this module.

4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no e-reserves for this module.

4.4 Library services and resources

The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources:

 for detailed Library information go to


 for research support and services (e.g. personal librarians and literature

search services) go to



The Library has created numerous Library guides:


Recommended guides:

 Request and download recommended material:


 Postgraduate information services:


 Finding and using library resources and tools:


 Frequently asked questions about the Library:


 Services to students living with disabilities:



The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on myUnisa: www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies

This brochure has all the tips and information you need to succeed at distance learning and,

specifically, at Unisa.

5.1 myUnisa

If you have access to the internet, you can quickly access resources and information at the


university. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online campus that will help

you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative

departments of Unisa.

To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then

click on the “myUnisa” link. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also go there

directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za.

Your lecturer will run the main site on myUnisa (PLS2601-19-S1 or PLS2601-19-S2 depending

on which semester you are registered ofr). She will check the discussion forums weekly, send

out announcements, and post additional material for you to use.

You will also be linked to an e-tutor page (e.g. PLS2601-19-S1-1E). Your e-tutor will manage

this page. This is an extra resource that the university offers you to assist you in your studies.

You can ask your e-tutor for content related assistance. They will not, however, be able to assist

you with any administrative questions. See point 5.2 below for more information in this regard.

5.2 Information on tutorial offerings at Unisa

Please be informed that, with effect from 2013, Unisa offers online tutorials (e-tutoring) to

students registered for modules at NQF level 5, 6 and 7 i.e. qualifying first year, second year

and third year modules. PLS2601 is one of these modules.

Once you have been registered for a qualifying module, you will be allocated to a group of

students with whom you will be interacting during the tuition period as well as an e-tutor who will

be your tutorial facilitator.

Thereafter you will receive a sms or an email informing you about your group, the name of your

e-tutor and instructions on how to log onto myUnisa in order to receive further information on

the e-tutoring process.

Online tutorials are conducted by qualified e-tutors who are appointed by Unisa and are offered

free of charge. All you need to be able to participate in e-tutoring is a computer with internet


If you live close to a Unisa Regional Centre or a Telecentre contracted with Unisa, please feel

free to visit any of these to access the internet. E-tutoring takes place on myUnisa where you

are expected to connect with other students in your allocated group. It is the role of the e-tutor

to guide you through your study material during this interaction process. For you to get the most

out of online tutoring, you need to participate in the online discussions that the e-tutor will be



It is important to work out a study plan that suits your particular circumstances. Remember to

organise your study plan in such a way that you have enough time to prepare for the


In order to adopt a sensible and realistic study plan, we provide you with an explicit

indication of the notional study hours you need to spend on each topic of the study

material. The notional study hours attached to this module is 120. Please keep in mind

that notional study hours refer to the time you actively spend on the study material.

You need to spend at least 1.5 hours per day for 80 days to cover all the prescribed

material in this module.


We suggest the following study plan, which is based on a minimum of 1.5 study hours per day.

You can of course work out your own study plan that suits your particular circumstances,

bearing in mind the minimum required 1.5 study hours per day.

Consult my Studies@Unisa for general time management and planning skills.

SEMESTER 1: January – May/June 2019:


On Topic 1, you need to spend 10 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 1: “What is critical reasoning?” in your prescribed book and
Topic 1: “Introduction to critical reasoning” in your study guide. Then do the activities.


On Topic 2, you need to spend 20 notional hours.

Study Chapter 2: “Obstacles to clear thinking: Preconceived ideas and fallacies” of

your prescribed book and Topic 2: “Obstacles to clear thinking” of your study guide.
Do all the activities in the study guide and the prescribed book as well as the self-
assessment activities.


On Topic 3, you need to spend 25 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 3: “Working with arguments” in your prescribed book. Now
work through Chapter 4: “How to analyse arguments” in your prescribed book and
Topic 3: “Identifying and analysing arguments” in your study guide. Make sure that
you cover all the study material relevant to Topic 3. Do all the activities.

Complete Compulsory Assignment 01 and send it in for marking.

A week or so after the deadline for the first assignment, a follow up tutorial letter,
named Tutorial Letter 201, will appear on myUnisa. Please download this Tutorial
Letter and work through it.


On Topic 4, you need to spend 25 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 5: “Definitions, counterexamples and counterarguments” in

your prescribed book. Now work through Chapter 6: “Evaluating arguments” in your
prescribed book and section 4.1 of Topic 4: “Evaluating arguments” in your study

Now work through Chapter 7: “Applying your knowledge and skills to the evaluation
of arguments” in your prescribed book and section 4.2 of Topic 4 in your study guide.
Cover all the study material and do the activities, including the self-assessment

Complete Assignment 02 and send it in for marking.

A week or so after the deadline for the first assignment, a follow up tutorial letter,
named Tutorial Letter 202, will appear on myUnisa. Please download this Tutorial
Letter and work through it.


On Topic 5, you need to spend 20 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 8: “Constructing arguments and writing argumentative essays”

of your prescribed book and Topic 5: “The use of arguments in different kinds of
writing” of your study guide. Cover all the study material and do the activities.


You need to spend 20 notional hours for examination preparation.

Revise all the prescribed study material relevant to the module. Make sure that you
have covered all the study material. Reread the tutorial letter on the examination
format, which you received during the course of the semester.

Note that the whole examination paper for PLS2601: Critical Reasoning is a

PLEASE NOTE: We will NOT supply any answers to previous multiple-choice examination

question papers. The reason for this is that it flies in the face of the spirit of critical reasoning.

We do not support rote learning. Rather we encourage critical and independent thinking. Thus,

please do NOT phone or email the department or your lecturers with requests for answers to

previous examination papers.

PLEASE NOTE: All examination papers in the Discipline of Philosophy will be set in English


SEMESTER 2: June – October/November 2019:


On Topic 1, you need to spend 10 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 1: “What is critical reasoning?” in your prescribed book and

Topic 1: “Introduction to critical reasoning” in your study guide. Then do the activities.


On Topic 2, you need to spend 20 notional hours.

Study Chapter 2: “Obstacles to clear thinking: Preconceived ideas and fallacies” of

your prescribed book and Topic 2: “Obstacles to clear thinking” of your study guide.

Do all the activities in the study guide and the prescribed book as well as the self-

assessment activities.


On Topic 3, you need to spend 25 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 3: “Working with arguments” in your prescribed book. Now

work through Chapter 4: “How to analyse arguments” in your prescribed book and

Topic 3: “Identifying and analysing arguments” in your study guide. Make sure that

you cover all the study material relevant to Topic 3. Do all the activities.

Complete Compulsory Assignment 01 and send it in for marking.

A week or so after the deadline for the first assignment, a follow up tutorial letter,

named Tutorial Letter 201, will appear on myUnisa. Please download this Tutorial

Letter and work through it.



On Topic 4, you need to spend 25 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 5: “Definitions, counterexamples and counterarguments” in

your prescribed book. Now work through Chapter 6: “Evaluating arguments” in your

prescribed book and section 4.1 of Topic 4: “Evaluating arguments” in your study


Now work through Chapter 7: “Applying your knowledge and skills to the evaluation

of arguments” in your prescribed book and section 4.2 of Topic 4 in your study guide.

Cover all the study material and do the activities, including the self-assessment


Complete Assignment 02 and send it in for marking.

A week or so after the deadline for the first assignment, a follow up tutorial letter,

named Tutorial Letter 202, will appear on myUnisa. Please download this Tutorial

Letter and work through it.


On Topic 5, you need to spend 20 notional hours.

Work through Chapter 8: “Constructing arguments and writing argumentative essays”

of your prescribed book and Topic 5: “The use of arguments in different kinds of

writing” of your study guide. Cover all the study material and do the activities.


You need to spend 20 notional hours for examination preparation.

Revise all the prescribed study material relevant to the module. Make sure that you

have covered all the study material. Reread the tutorial letter on the examination

format, which you received during the course of the semester. Note that the whole

examination paper for PLS2601: Critical Reasoning is a MULTIPLE-CHOICE


PLEASE NOTE: We will NOT supply any answers to previous multiple-choice examination

question papers. The reason for this is that it flies in the face of the spirit of critical reasoning.

We do not support rote learning. Rather we encourage critical and independent thinking. Thus,

please do NOT phone or email the department or your lecturers with requests for answers to

previous examination papers.

PLEASE NOTE: All examination papers in the Discipline of Philosophy will be set in English



There is no practical or work-integrated learning for this module.


8.1 Assessment criteria

Assignments are seen as part of the learning experience for this module. As you do the
assignments, study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow
students or do research, you are actively engaged in learning.


Both assignments (Assignment 01 and 02) in this module are multiple-choice questions. The
questions will vary from purely theoretical questions (e.g. what is the definition of a slippery
slope fallacy?) to more applied questions (e.g. which fallacy is committed in the argument
Please note that you gain admission to the examination by submitting your first
compulsory assignment by the stipulated due date.

Assignments are marked by the online system, and the follow up tutorial letters are
automatically released. This means that no late assignments will be accepted. There are two
reasons for this: Firstly, the system is automated – this means it opens and closes
automatically, and it marks the assignments automatically. Your lecturer cannot change this
once the Dean has approved these dates. The second reason is that the follow up tutorial
letters, which contain all the answers to the assignments, are released automatically shortly
after the due date. This means that all students will have access to the answers, and there is no
way to ascertain whether a late assignment is one that was honestly completed.

8.2 Assessment plan

For PLS2601, your final mark is calculated as follows:

Year Mark Final Mark

Assignment 40 Year Mark 35

Exam Mark 65
Assignment 60


Assignment 01, which is your compulsory first assignment, carries a weight of 40/100 towards
your year mark. The second assignment carries 60/100. Together, Assignments 01 and 02 add
up to a total of 35% of your final mark. Since the second assignment counts toward your year
mark, it is in your own best interest to complete and submit the second assignment.

After the marking of the assignments, a calculation will be made to determine your admission
to the examination.

Forty percent (40%) is the minimum required for your admission to the final examination.

You must keep in mind that admission to the examination is no longer automatic.
The percentage you obtain from the minimum forty percent upwards shall be credited to your
final examination. The examination itself shall contribute sixty five percent (65%) to your final
You must obtain fifty percent (50%) in order to pass the examination. To pass with a distinction
a candidate must achieve at least seventy-five percent (75%).

8.3 Assignment numbers

8.3.1 General assignment numbers

Assignments are numbered consecutively per module, starting from “01”. Please ensure that
your assignments are numbered correctly. For this module, you have two assignments, i.e.
Assignment 01 and Assignment 02

8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers

All assignments have their own unique assignment number. Please clearly indicate the
unique assignment number on your mark-reading sheets.

Here are the unique assignment numbers for Assignment 01 and Assignment 02 for Semester 1
and Semester 2:

Semester 1:

For Compulsory Assignment 01, the unique assignment number is: 844737
For Assignment 02, the unique assignment number is: 875459

Semester 2:

For Compulsory Assignment 01, the unique assignment number is: 826262
For Assignment 02, the unique assignment number is: 858432


8.4 Assignment due dates

Here are the due dates for Assignment 01 and Assignment 02 for Semester 1 and Semester 2:

Semester 1:

Due date for Compulsory Assignment 01: 5 April 2019

Due date for Assignment 02: 26 April 2019

Semester 2:

Due date for Compulsory Assignment 01: 6 September 2019

Due date for Assignment 02: 27 September 2019

8.5 Submission of assignments

Submitting a multiple-choice assignment via myUnisa is simple, fast and reliable. Just follow the
step-by-step instructions on the screen. If you are still unsure of how to submit MCQ on
myUnisa, please read the instructions in this PDF document:

There are three ways to check that your assignments have been successfully submitted:

- When you submit an assignment, you will receive a clear status message. If the
message reads "Assignment received in good order", your assignment has been
successfully received by Unisa.
- You will receive a receipt with a unique track and trace number on submission.
Please keep this unique track and trace number! If the system malfunctions,
this is your only proof that you have submitted your assignment.
- Your list of assignments for each module on myUnisa will be updated immediately
after the successful submission of an assignment.

Please note:

- Please check for mistakes before you submit! No requests to cancel assignments
submitted via myUnisa will be accepted by the Assignment Section.
- Please do not submit the same assignment via myUnisa and the mail.
- If you use a dial-up connection, have your multiple-choice answers ready before
dialing up. It will cost you money if you have to work out the answers while you are
- Do not wait until the closing date for your assignments. Submit assignments at
least 72 hours before the closing date. This will make provision for unforeseen
problems, such as your internet connection could be down / not available on the
closing date.

You may submit your assignments completed on mark-reading sheets either by post or Mobile
MCQ submission or electronically via myUnisa.

Assignments may not be submitted by fax or email.

For detailed information on assignments, please refer to the brochure my Studies @ Unisa,
which you received with your study package.

8.6 The assignments

8.6.1 Semester 1

Below you will find the questions for Assignment 01 and 02 for the first semester of 2019.

a) Assignment 01: Unique number: 844737; Due date: 05 April 2019



This compulsory assignment consists of fifteen (15) multiple-choice questions.

Answer all the questions.

You can complete this first assignment using only the Study Guide. This is done so that those
students who are struggling to obtain the textbook will not be negatively affected. The questions
for this assignment come from Topic 1, Topic 2 and Topic 3 in the Study Guide.

For each question you must identify the one correct answer and record your choice in soft
pencil on the mark reading sheet and submit it for marking either by post or electronically via

1 One of the following statements is not an aspect of critical thinking. Which one is it?

1 Skilfully conceptualising and analysing ideas.

2 Accepting information without active thought.

3 Questioning the ideas and beliefs of others.

4 Challenging dogma and authority.

2 Critical thinking is the opposite of dogma. Why is this?

1 Dogma allows one to engage with the world in an ethical and politically conscious
manner, whereas critical reasoning does not.

2 Critical reasoning allows one to engage with the world in such a way as to ensure
that one can easily accept ideas, whereas dogma does not.

3 Critical reasoning enables one to conceptualise, question, and evaluate ideas,

whereas dogma does not.
4 Dogma allows one to critically engage with the world whereas critical reasoning does

3 Fill in the missing word(s)/phrase(s).

______________ are generalisations that people make about the ______________ of all
members of a groups, based on an image (often wrong) about what people in that group
are like.

1 Stereotypes; characteristics

2 Social ideas; characteristics

3 Assumptions; differences

4 Fallacies; differences

For questions 4─7 identify the type of fallacy being used in the statements to follow:

4 ‘If we give students one extension for an assignment due to late delivery of study
material, then they will expect it for every single assessment. Next thing you know,
students will want to set their own deadlines!’

1 Slippery slope argument

2 Straw man argument

3 Begging the question

4 Equivocation


5 ‘My teacher told me that all living beings evolved. I simply cannot see how I am the
daughter of an ape!’

1 Begging the question

2 False appeal to authority

3 Slippery slope argument

4 Straw man argument

6 ‘Do not trust atoms. They make up everything.’

1 Faulty analogy

2 Slippery slope argument

3 Equivocation

4 Faulty analogy

7 ‘People who drink coffee every day are just as bad as alcoholics. Both alcoholics and
coffee drinkers have an addiction.’

1 Begging the question

2 Equivocation

3 Slippery slope argument

4 Faulty analogy

8 Which fallacy occurs when two or more questions are disguised as one question?

1 Complex question

2 Equivocation

3 Slippery slope argument

4 Faulty analogy

9 A fallacy that leads one from initially and seemingly true first premises to exaggerated
consequences in the conclusion is called:

1 Complex question

2 Hasty generalisation

3 Slippery slope argument

4 None of the above

10 A fallacy is committed below. Which one?

‘There is an advertisement of TV where Beyoncé says that this toothpaste is the best for
preventing cavities. It makes sense then to buy this brand.’

1 Complex question

2 Hasty generalisation


3 False appeal to authority

4 False dilemma

11 A fallacy is committed below. Which one?

‘Lesedi said that the food in this restaurant is exceptionally well done. I don’t see
how that can be, as this steak I ordered is very rare.’

1 Ad hominem argument

2 Equivocation

3 Hasty generalization

4 False dilemma

12 Fill in the missing word(s)/phrase(s).

A _____________ is when a generalisation is made on the basis of insufficient evidence.

1 Hasty generalisation

2 Equivocation

3 Ad hominem argument

4 False dilemma

13 Fill in the missing word(s)/phrase(s).

____________ are those statements in an argument that have the fucntion of supporting
the _________________.

1 Premises; conclusion

2 Conclusions; premise

3 Arguments; conclusion

4 Fallacies; conclusion

14 Which of the following terms is not a premise indicator?

1 because

2 since

3 moreover

4 hence

15 What is the principle of charitable interpretation?

1 The argument should be interpreted in such a way that the premises give the
weakest support for the conclusion.

2 The argument should be interpreted in such a way that the premises give the
strongest support for the conclusion.


3 The argument should be interpreted in such a way that the premises give do not
support the conclusion.

4 The argument should be interpreted in such a way that the conclusion is not
supported by any premises.

b) Assignment 02: Unique number: 875459; Due date: 26 April 2019


This assignment consists of twenty (20) multiple-choice questions.

Answer all the questions.

Use both the Study Guide and the prescribed textbook to complete this assignment.

For each question you must identify the one correct answer and record your choice in soft
pencil on the mark reading sheet and submit it for marking either by post or electronically via

1 Which option below best completes the following statement:

An argument in the context of critical reasoning is…

1 … a quarrel or verbal fight between two interlocutors, where one speaker is shouting.

2 … when a speaker appeals to force to convince another of her point of view.

3 … what follows if the antecedent condition is assumed true.

4 … [a] premise[s] and conclusion[s] that aim to convince another of a certain point of

2 Fill in the missing word/term:

A(n) _________________ contains flaws in reasoning because its form or structure is

invalid. It appears to be valid because of a counterfeit resemblance to the form of a valid

1 emotion fallacy

2 distraction fallacy

3 critical fallacy

4 structural fallacy

3 Identify the conclusion in the following argument:

‘Yoga is good for you. Studies have shown that yoga reduces the chances of heart
disease. Furthermore, it relieves stress. Yoga has also been shown to decrease
appetite, which assists with weight loss and it also positively affects one’s mood.’

1 Yoga relieves stress.

2 Yoga decreases appetite and assists with weight loss.

3 Yoga is good for you.

4 Studies have shown that yoga reduces the chances of heart disease.


4 Identify the fallacy in the following argument:

‘We cannot allow children to be exposed to excessive screen time. If they are exposed to
too much screen time at a young age, then they will become lazy adults. If they are lazy
adults, then the collapse of modern society is certain.’

1 Argumentum ad baculum

2 Slippery slope argument

3 Equivocation

4 Argumentum ad hominem

5 Identify the fallacy in the following argument.

‘Carrying a gun is as American as apple pie and baseball. In order to prevent shootings
in school, we must equip teachers with guns to protect themselves. Restricting guns
would be un-American, and we cannot allow that to happen!’

1 False appeal to authority

2 Slippery slope

3 Appeal to the masses

4 Appeal to force

Examine the following argument and answer questions 6, 7 and 8 that follow.

‘If the repo rate is increased by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), then the
economy will slow down and inflation will increase. At a news conference yesterday, the
SARB increased the repo rate. Therefore, we are likely to see the economy slowing down
and inflation increasing.’

6 What type of argument is this an example of?

1 Deductive empirical argument

2 Inductive value argument

3 Deductive value argument

4 Inductive empirical argument

7 Which of the following phrases best describes the argument?

1 Modus ponens argument

2 Modus tollens argument

3 Denying the antecedent

4 Confirming the consequent

8 Which structure best represents this argument?

1 Premise1: If P then Q


Premise 2: not P

Conclusion: not Q

2 Premise1: If P then Q

Premise 2: Q

Conclusion: P

3 Premise1: If P then Q

Premise 2: P

Conclusion: Q

4 Premise1: If P then Q

Premise 2: not Q

Conclusion: not P

9 Which of the following options is not a type of inductive reasoning?

1 Statistical extrapolations

2 Arguments from analogy

3 Modus ponens arguments

4 Arguments using cause-and-effect reasoning

10 Fill in the missing word/term:

A _________________ is an argument an arguer constructs in answer to another


1 contraindication

2 counterexample

3 conclusion

4 counterargument

11 Identify the word that completes the sentence.

‘A(n) __________ argument is one that takes us beyond the limits of existing evidence
to conclusions about the unknown. There is some degree of support for the conclusion,
but the conclusion is not contained in the premises.’

1 inductive

2 value

3 empirical

4 deductive

12 What word completes the sentence?

‘A(n) __________ argument is one where the premises give sufficient support for the
conclusion to follow and arrives at a specific conclusion based on generalisations.’


1 deductive

2 inductive

3 empirical

4 value

Examine the following argument and answer questions 13 and 14.

Person A: ‘Studies have shown that the use of medicinal marijuana can have positive
effects for people struggling from persistent inflammation, anxiety and depression. In the
correct dosages, there are no harmful side effects. It seems like legalising the use of
medical marijuana could be a very positive thing.’

Person B: ‘That’s a terrible idea! Do you want an entire society that is just high all the
time under the guise of “medicine”? If we legalise marijuana, crime will surely increase.’

13 What fallacy is committed in Person B’s response?

1 Begging the question.

2 Straw man argument.

3 Appeal to authority.

4 Affirming the consequent.

14 Based on your answer in question 13, answer the following question:

What is the definition of the fallacy committed in this argument?

1 When a generalisation is drawn on the basis of ill-considered or insufficient


2 Citing an authoritative or famous person who is not an expert in the field under

3 Making one’s own position appear strong by ridiculing the opposition’s argument.

4 When the consequent in a conditional statement is affirmed and the antecedent is

taken to be true on these grounds.

15 Match the definition types in Column A to their definitions in Column B.

Column A Column B
(a) Persuasive (i) A definition which selects properties that are shared
definition by and confined to all the entities covered by the term.
(ii) A definition which makes use of examples of
(b) Stipulative
particular phenomena, thus marking down what it
comprises of.
(iii) A definition which suggests how a given term
(c) Logical definition
should be used, oftentimes ‘coining’ a new term.
(iv) A definition which attempts to influence the reader
(d) Denotative
by providing a new meaning for a term already widely


1 (a): (i); (b): (ii); (c): (iv); (d): (iii)

2 (a): (iv); (b): (iii); (c): (ii); (d): (i)

3 (a): (iv); (b): (iii); (c): (i); (d): (ii)

4 (a): (iii); (b): (iv); (c): (i); (d): (ii)

Read the following argument, and answer questions 16 to 17 that follow.

‘Protest action amounts to vandalism of public property, and vandalism of public

property is an offense to the larger community. It follows that protest action should be

16 There is a hidden premise in the above argument. What is the hidden premise?

1 Protest action is undemocratic.

2 Protest action should not be done in public.

3 Activities that offend the community should be banned.

4 Destruction of public property is vandalism.

17 What is the conclusion of the above argument?

1 Protest action amounts to vandalism.

2 Vandalism is an offense to the community.

3 There is a hidden conclusion.

4 Protest action should be banned.

18 Which of the following most accurately describes the argument?

1 Empirical inductive argument with a hidden premise.

2 Value inductive argument with a hidden premise.

3 Value inductive argument without a hidden premise.

4 Value inductive argument with a hidden conclusion.

19 There is a fallacy in the following argument.

Person A: ‘I don’t agree with Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa’s view on the redistribution of land
without compensation. Khanyi Mbau, South African actress, vehemently opposes his
view on land reform. Mbau says land redistribution of land without compensation will
collapse our economy.’

Which fallacy is committed in this argument?

1 argumentum ad baculum

2 argumentum ad vericundiam

3 petitio principii

4 argumentum ad populum


20 Identify the fallacy in the following argument.

‘Since we have the right to freedom of speech, it follows that I am right to say what I want
with impunity.’

1 Equivocation

2 Appeal to force

3 Faulty analogy

4 Slippery slope

8.6.2 Semester 2

Below you will find the questions for Assignment 01 and 02 for the second semester of 2019.

a) Assignment 01: Unique number: 826262; Due date: 6 Sept 2019


This compulsory assignment consists of fifteen (15) multiple-choice questions.

Answer all the questions.

You can complete this first assignment using only the Study Guide. This is done so that those
students who are struggling to obtain the textbook will not be negatively affected. The questions
for this assignment come from Topic 1, Topic 2 and Topic 3 in the Study Guide.

For each question you must identify the one correct answer and record your choice in soft
pencil on the mark reading sheet and submit it for marking either by post or electronically via

1 What is an argument in the context of critical reasoning?

1 It is [a] premise[s] and conclusion[s] that aim to convince another of a certain point
of view.

2 It is a quarrel or verbal fight between two interlocutors, where one speaker is


3 It is what follows if the antecedent condition is assumed true.

4 It is when a speaker appeals to force to convince another of her point of view.

2 Which of the following sentences best summarises critical thinking?

1 Critical thinking is the ability to engage in independent thought and reflect on one’s
own biases.

2 Critical thinking is the ability to participate in a debate and ensure that fallacies are
always believed.

3 Critical thinking is about embracing information without the intervention of active

thought or criticism.

4 Critical thinking necessitates an acceptance of all given information in order to

ease our daily life.

3 Which term is not an example of an obstacle to clear reasoning in critical thought?

1 Inductive thinking

2 Stereotypes


3 Social conditioning

4 Labelling

For questions 4─7 identify the type of fallacy being used in the statements to follow:

4 ‘Are you still accepting bribes?’

1 Slippery slope argument

2 Straw man argument

3 Begging the question

4 Complex question

5 ‘Just like a watch needs a watchmaker, so too the universe needs a designer.’

1 Faulty analogy

2 Equivocation

3 Slippery slope argument

4 Straw man argument

6 ‘A good novel is very rare these days. We know that rare things are quite expensive. That
would explain the high book prices.’

1 Begging the question

2 Equivocation

3 Appeal to the masses

4 Faulty analogy

7 ‘Stanley is so popular because everyone likes him.’

1 Complex question

2 Begging the question

3 Slippery slope argument

4 Faulty analogy

8 Match the fallacy in Column A with the description in Column B.

Column A Column B
a) Ad hominem argument i) Two or more questions are disguised as
one question
b) False dilemma ii) Attacking the character of the person
who is making a claim
c) Hasty generalisation iii) Presenting an ‘either-or’ choice, when
there are more alternatives
d) Complex question iv) Making a claim on the basis of
insufficient evidence

1 (a): (i); (b): (iii); (c): (iv); (d): (ii)


2 (a): (ii); (b): (iii); (c): (i); (d): (iv)

3 (a): (ii); (b): (iii); (c): (iv); (d): (i)

4 (a): (iv); (b): (iii); (c): (ii); (d): (i)

9 Fill in the missing word(s)/phrase(s).

____________ is the type of ambiguity wich occurs when a single word or phrase is
ambigous, and the ambuity is not grammatical but lexical.

1 Ambivalence

2 Circularity

3 Distraction

4 Equivocation

10 When does the error of faulty analogy occur?

1 When a comparison is made between two similar things and there are no relevant
differences between them.

2 When a comparison is made between two things and there are some similarities
between them.

3 When a comparison is made between two different things and there are
similarities between them.

4 When a comparison is made between two different things and there are no
relevant similarities between them.

11 One particular fallacy occurs when what is supposedly proved by the conclusion of an
argument is already assumed to be true in the premised. Which fallacy is this?

1 Slippery slope argument

2 Complex question

3 Begging the question

4 Faulty analogy

12 Fill in the missing word(s)/phrase(s).

A(n) ____________ asserts that some empirically determinable facts hold, whilst a(n)
_____________ asserts a claim of preference or a moral judgement about right and
wrong, good and bad.

1 value argument; empirical argument

2 empirical argument; value argument

3 inductive argument; deductive argument

4 deductive argument; inductive argument

13 Which of the following terms is not a conclusion indicator?

1 therefore

2 since

3 thus

4 hence

14 What role do premises play in arguments?

1 Premises provide reasons for accepting the conclusion.

2 Premises are statements that contain fallacies.

3 Premises are statements that indicate validity.

4 Premises provide structural soundness.

15 Fill in the missing word(s)/phrase(s).

An argument is a group of ________________. One of these statements is the

________________ of the argument. The other statements are ________________ that
are intended to convince the reader that the conclusion is true.

1 conclusions; premise; statements

2 premises; conclusion; statements

3 statements; premise; conclusion

4 statements; conclusion; premises

b) Assignment 02: Unique number: 858432; Due date: 27 September 2019


This assignment consists of twenty (20) multiple-choice questions.

Answer all the questions.

Use both the Study Guide and the prescribed text book to complete this assignment.

For each question you must identify the one correct answer and record your choice in soft
pencil on the mark reading sheet and submit it for marking either by post or electronically via

1 Which of the following is not a step in evaluating arguments?

1 Understand the meaning of the argument.

2 Identify the conclusion of the argument.

3 Convert the entire argument into symbolic language.

4 Locate the reasons that support the argument.

2 Which of the options below is not able to complete the following statement?

Philosophical reasoning is characterised by…

1 … a critical attitude to the ideas and beliefs of other people.

2 … a closed minded scepticism of ideas contrary to one’s own.


3 … a highly critical attitude to one’s own ideas and beliefs.

4 … an open minded approach to the ideas and beliefs of others.

3 Which of the following is not a fallacy category?

1 Emotion fallacies

2 Critical fallacies

3 Distraction fallacies

4 Structural fallacies

4 Which of the following sentences best describes a “conclusion”?

1 It is what is said to follow if the antecedent condition is assumed to be true.

2 It is an argument in which the premises are claimed to give sufficient support for
the conclusion to follow.

3 It is the main claim in an argument that the premises are intended to prove.

4 It is a kind of argument in which it is argued that a particular event or effect occurs

on the basis of specific antecedent conditions.

5 Which word/phrase completes the sentence?

‘__________ refers to a structural issue in argumentation and looks at the relationship

between the premises and the conclusion of the argument.’

1 Complexity

2 Soundness

3 Statistical extrapolations

4 Validity

6 Which word or phrase completes the sentence?

‘__________ refers to the truth or strength of the premises of an argument.’

1 Soundness

2 Validity

3 Statistical extrapolations

4 Complexity

Examine the following argument and answer questions 7, 8 and 9 that follow.

If one eats a plant-based diet, then one will probably not struggle with high cholesterol.


Mbali doesn’t have high cholesterol.

Therefore, she eats a plant-based diet.

7 What type of argument is this an example of?

1 Deductive value argument

2 Inductive value argument

3 Inductive empirical argument

4 Deductive empirical argument

8 This argument also contains a fallacy – which one?

1 Affirming the consequent

2 Argumentum ad populum

3 Denying the antecedent

4 Complex question

9 Which structure best represents the fallacy committed in this argument?

1 Premise1: If P then Q

Premise 2: P

Conclusion: Q

2 Premise1: If P then Q

Premise 2: Q

Conclusion: P

3 Premise1: If P then Q

Premise 2: not P

Conclusion: not Q

4 Premise1: If P then Q

Premise 2: not Q

Conclusion: not P

10 Read the following sentence and answer the question that follows.

‘A frog is an amphibian of the class amphibia. All amphibians are cold-bloooded

vertebrates that don’t have scales. They inhabit both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.’

What type of definition is this?

1 A stipulative definition

2 A logical definition

3 A persuasive definition

4 A denotative definition


11 Read the following sentence and answer the question that follows.

‘A good detective is someone like Sherlock Holmes – he has strong analytic skills, is a
keen observer and is great at making deductions.’

What type of definition is this?

1 A denotative definition

2 A stipulative definition

3 A persuasive definition

4 A logical definition

12 The fallacy of begging the question is known in Latin as:

1 Ad hominem

2 Ad baculum

3 Petitio principii

4 Ad vericundiam

13 Match the examples of fallacies in Column A with the correct name of the fallacies in
Column B.

Column A Column B
a) I would not recommend going to
Greece. My mom went to Greece for a i) Hasty generalisation
week and it was raining the whole time!
b) Either you support the EFF, or you
want to see the poor people of South ii) Affirming the consequent
African remaining disenfranchised.
c) Are you still supporting that corrupt
iii) Complex question
political party?
d) If you walk under a ladder, then you
will have many years of bad luck. With all
the bad luck you have had in the past few iv) False dilemma
years, you must have walked under a

1 (a): (i); (b): (ii); (c): (iii); (d): (iv)

2 (a): (iv); (b): (iii); (c): (i); (d): (ii)

3 (a): (i); (b): (iv); (c): (iii); (d): (ii)

4 (a): (i); (b): (iv); (c): (ii); (d): (iii)

14 What is an argumentum ad populum?

1 It is a fallacy that occurs when a generalisation is drawn based on insufficient


2 It is a fallacy that occurs when a comparison is drawn between two different cases
with no relevant similarities between them.

3 It is a fallacy characterised by an attempt to persuade based on patriotism, mass

sentiment or popular feelings.


4 It is a fallacy that occurs when someone attacks the character her interlocutor,
instead of her argument.

Read the following argument and answer questions 15 and 16 that follow.

Happiness is more important than money. The amount of stuff one is able to afford can
only bring temporary, fleeting joy. Happiness stems from being a good person, spending
time with those closest to you, and giving, rather than receiving.

15 What type of argument is represented in the argument above?

1 Deductive, empirical argument.

2 Fallacious deductive argument.

3 Value inductive argument.

4 Verifiable inductive argument.

16 What is the conclusion of the above argument?

1 Happiness is more important than money.

2 The amount of stuff one is able to afford can only bring temporary, fleeting joy.

3 Happiness stems from being a good person, spending time with those closest to
you, and giving, rather than receiving.

4 There is an implicit conclusion.

Read the following argument and then answer questions 17-19. Each statement has a letter
after it; the letters in the answers refer to the corresponding statements in the argument.

Legalising abortion is wrong (a). This is not because of its moral implications (b). It is
because of its social considerations (c). Once abortion is legalised, any pregnant woman
can have an abortion on demand (d). And once this is the case, the population growth
will decline (e). Soon there will not be enough people to do the jobs that are required by
society (f). And this will have devastating consequences for the economy of this country

17 Which of the following statements best gives the main conclusion of the argument?

1 (e)

2 (a)

3 (f)

4 (g)

18 What kind of argument is being made in the passage?

1 a valid deductive argument

2 a sound inductive argument

3 an unsound inductive argument

4 an invalid deductive argument


19 What is the argument’s main flaw?

1 This is a bad argument because all the statements are based on unfounded

2 The arguer unfairly discriminates against pregnant women.

3 The conclusion is false because it does not follow from the premises.

4 The argument is fallacious because it commits the slippery slope fallacy.

20 Fill in the missing words.

___________ means that two things or events are closely related. ___________ means
that a certain fact or event produced something else, its effect of result.

1 Cause; Correlation

2 Confirmation; Corroboration

3 Empirical; Value

4 Correlation; Cause

8.7 Other assessment methods

Below we provide you with some self-assessment activities. These self-assessment activities
provide you with the opportunity to test your knowledge and to apply your skills in critical
reasoning. You could also take the initiative and compare your answers to the self-assessment
activities with your fellow students in Critical Reasoning by posting your answers on the
Discussion Forum on myUnisa and invite feedback from them.
These assessment do not need to be submitted.

8.7.1 Self-assessment 1

Identify and name the error in reasoning in the following passages:

(a) I notice that you surf the Internet a lot lately. Do you enjoy all the pornography there?
(b) Of course all employers are exploiters and profit seekers. It is pathetic to see Mr Davidson,
the owner of a multibillion rand company, addressing the workers on lack of commitment
and low productivity, while it is clear that he is looking out for his own interests and his own
(c) My colleague got food poisoning from the cafeteria downstairs. I am never going to eat
there again!
(d) Gambling should be legalised because it is something we cannot avoid. It is an integral part
of human experience. People gamble every time they get in their cars or decide to get
(e) Professor Smith’s argument on affirmative action is exactly what one can expect from a
racist like him.
(f) Given the benefits of a supply of electricity enjoyed by thousands of people, the risk of
nuclear accidents at power stations is acceptable.
There can be no doubt about this because Prof. Jones, the famous nuclear physicist, says so.
(g) If Bongani were rich, he would own a car. So if Bongani owns a car, he must be rich.
(h) We desperately need a nationalized health care program in South Africa. There are, of
course, those who oppose it, but they apparently think that the rich will take care of the
needs of the poor. But listen, this has not been the case in the past and will not be in the
(i) Dr Khumalo, remember that you are only a junior person in this company and you will do as
you are told!
(j) Don’t believe all those doomsday pronouncements about cigarettes causing lung cancer.
They are mostly made by ex-smokers who want to justify all the suffering they went through
when they quit.
(k) Either you support our communist ideals, or you are a capitalist.
(l) If Susan cares about her father, then Susan is a good person. Since Susan is a good
person, it follows that Susan cares about her father.
(m) The only proof that something is desirable is that people desire it. All people desire
pleasure. Hence, it is clear that pleasure is desirable and thus good.


8.7.2 Self-assessment 2

Analyse the following arguments, by applying the strategies of argument analysis

explained in your prescribed material:

For example:

An aggressive war is the great crime against everything good in the world. A defensive
war, which must necessarily turn aggressive at the earliest moment, is the necessary
great counter-crime. But never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how
justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead. (Hemingway)
Note that this passage needs rewriting to show the argument structure.

[An aggressive war is the great crime against everything good in the world] 1. [A
defensive war turns aggressive at the earliest moment]2. Therefore [every war, no
matter how necessary or justified, is a crime]3.

Conclusion — 3

Premises — 1, 2

(a) Ecology teaches us that human life is crucially intertwined with the ecosystem as a whole,
yet ecologists frequently emphasise how little we actually know about the complicated
multileveled interaction of life forms. If we destroy one part of the ecosystem, we may
unwittingly trigger a chain of events that ultimately culminates in substantial detriment to
human well-being. Hence, a serious regard for human welfare seems to necessitate our
making every effort to preserve our natural environment.
(b) The crime rate has increased since capital punishment was abolished and the prisons are
overcrowded. Seeing that, firstly, judges need the full range of possible punishments,
secondly, that, obviously, the dead can’t apply for parole, thirdly, that retribution heals
society’s wounds, and fourthly, as we all know, death is the ultimate deterrent, it follows that
the crime rate will decrease only if capital punishment is reintroduced.
(c) Strong trade unions benefit the South African economy. Firstly, they ensure that workers are
not exploited. Secondly, their activities result in a fairer distribution of wealth in our society.
Thirdly, they give a voice to people who are often marginalized in South African politics and,
finally, they promote the ideals of democratic participation.

(d) If the media give publicity to certain types of crime, it may encourage criminals to carry out
‘copy cat’ offences. If, however, they were forbidden to divulge details of crimes, this would
amount to censorship. The freedom of speech of the media is too important to sacrifice. So,
the media should be free to report crime even if this means some crimes are committed
which would not otherwise be committed.

8.8 The examination

An examination will be scheduled for this module. For Semester 1, the examination takes place
during May/June. For Semester 2, the examination takes place during October/November. You
will receive a formal notification of the examination date and venue from Unisa. Clashes
of exam dates and queries about the examination date and venue must be taken up with the
Registrar (Academic).

PLEASE NOTE: The examination paper for the module PLS2601 (Critical Reasoning), which
will be a full multiple-question paper, will be available in English only. Currently, all the study
material for Critical Reasoning is in English. Consequently, please prepare yourself to answer
the multiple-question paper for Critical Reasoning (PLS2601) in English.

You gain admission to the examination by submitting your first compulsory assignment
by the due date stipulated above in 8.4.

The examination format: The examination paper will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions,
each of which will count two marks. The paper will thus be out of 100 marks. There will be no
essay type questions.

PLEASE NOTE: Exam papers of previous years are available on myUnisa under ‘official study
material’. These old examination papers can help you prepare for your upcoming examination.


Please feel free to contact me if you experience any problems with the content of the module.

Dr. Yolandi M. Coetser

Lecturer of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology



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