b6 Creative Arts (1)

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1................isan integrated ofvisual

art. 10.............isacommontoolfor
a) Creativeartisan b)Creativeart drawinganoutline.
c)Creativity d)creativeperson2 a) Pencilasatool
..................meansmakingnewthings b) Penasatool
throughnewandusefulideas. c) Chalkasatool
a)creativity b)Creativearts d) Crayonasatool
c)Creation d)Creator 11.Objectsonwhichdrawing,printingan
3 issomeone whoisable to dpaintingaremadeareknownas
usehismindtomakesomething. ............
a) Creativeperson b)Creativeman a)Clip b)Support
c)Creativewoman d) c)Supper d)Sticker
Creativeteacher 12 istheprocessof
4 is somethingthatyou need representing objects on a surface
skills andideas tomakeorproduce. bymarks, lines with a moving tool
a)Cart b)Art suchaspencil,pen,crayonandcharco
c)Arm d)Hat al.
5 aretheartsthatcanbeseen, a)Printing b)Sketching
feltandtouched. c)Drawing d)Tracing
a) Visualarts b)Visualheart 13 isawaythroughwhichan
c)Visualcatch d) Visual artistshowshisfeelingsandideas.
cat6..........areartsthatcanaremainly a) Drawing b) Printing
performed. c)Illustration d)Sketching
a)Dancingart b)Performingart 14 istheartofmaking
c)Visualizingart d) Creating pictures by applying paints
art7..........isakind ofartthatcanbe andcoloursonadrawnobjectwiththe
seenunder performing arts. helpofpaintingbrush.
a)Verbalarts b)Non-verbalarts a) Painting b)Paint
c)Communicationarts d) c)Spraying d)Brush
Gesturearts 15 aredrawingsmadefrom
8..............arethethingswhichhelpus whatwehaveseenbeforeorex
tomakesomething. periencedbefore.
a) Tools b)Gadgets a) Making picturedrawing
c)Peripherals d)
Materials9arethethingswithwhichart b)Makingimaginative drawing c)
ismadeorsomething isproduced. Makingmemorydrawing
a) Materials b)Tools d)Makingartdrawing
c)Metals d)Leather 16. Theprocessof
a) Shaping b)Drawing c)
Working d)Sharpening c)Parceling d)Supporting
17. Weshade 25. A package ensures
togiveformtoourobjectsthatweha safedeliveryofproducttothe.....
ve............ ..
a) Drawn b)Paint public.
c)Saved d)Cancelled a) General b) Specific
18. Thepartclosedtothelightiscall c)Hidden d)Total
ed...... 26...............is the artofleaving
a)Darktone b)Partialtone marksonasurfacewiththeuseofin
c)Lighttone d)Visible tone k,dyeandcolours.
19. The tone that seen a) Printing b)Sketching
directlyopposite of the light c)Shading d)Drawing
source iscalled.................. 27. Theprocessofprintingfroma
a)Northshadow b)Eastshadow cut by applying the
c)Westshadow d)Southshadow paintthroughtheholesofthepaper
20. The image of the object iscalled..
istransferred onto the ground a) Stencil b)Sketched
tocreatethe............shadow. c)Drawn d)Print
a) Visible b)Sketch 28. Marblingisaformof
c)Cast d)Draw ................ done by pouring
21 is donewith theuse oilpain onto a surface of water
ofpaintingbrush. orstarchwitha piece of
a) Painting b)Brushing paperused to rub the surface of
c)Sewing d)Scrubbing thewatertocreatedesigns.
22 isthecolourmixed a) Painting b)Stenciling
withwhite. c) Sketchingd) Drawing29
a) Red b)Blue .................meanspassinga
c)Tint d)Hue threadedneedleinandouttojoinorde
23. The corate.
colourmixedwithblueiscalled....... a) Stitch b)Sew
.......... c)Tack d) Print
a) Shade b)Tint 30. Fringingisthe..............ofshort
c)Hue d)Black paralleljoinsorstrandsfromtheedge
24. The term for containers ofafabrictodecorate.
inwhich goods are packed a) Removal b)Packaging
fordistributionandsalesiscalled...... c) Decorating d)Scatter
a) Package b)Wrapping

1) Whatisshading? (1⅟₂marks
b. Shadeisusedtocreatewhat?(1mark)
c. Shadingaworkmakesit............and.................?(1mark)
d. The tone seen directly opposite ofthe lightsource iscalled..............?
e. Thepartofobjectclosertothelightsourceisknowntobewhat?(1mark)
f. theothersidefromlightsourceistermedas................?(1mark)
g. Howmanytypesofshadingdowehave,namethem?(1mark)
h. Whatispainting?(1⅟₂marks)
i. CastshadowsaredarkerthantherealdarktoneYESorNO?(1mark)

2) a.Listthefour(4)typesofshading?(2marks)
b. Mention two(2)materialsunderdrawingandshading. (1mark)
c. Writefour(4)toolsformakingpictures.(2marks)
d. Drawany boldobjectandshow the following; (5 marks)
i. Darktone
ii. Lighttone

3) Definethefollowingterms;(3marks)
i. Hemming
ii. Fringing
i. Scissors
ii. Needle
iii. Ruler
iv. Pins
v. Thimble

4) Definethefollowingterms;(5marks)
i. Carving
ii. Armature
b. Mentiontwo(2)waysofcarving.(2mark)
c. Listfour(4)toolsneededforcarving.(2marks)
d. Mentiontwo(2)materialsundercarving.(1mark)
5) Makeacolourfuldrawingonanyofthefollowing;
a. Apupilplayingfootball.
b. Apupilgoingtoschool.
c. Awomancookingathome.
d. Apupilreading.
e. Amangoingtofarmwithhisdog.
f. Apupilrunning.
g. Apupilcarving

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