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Secondary and tertiary industries

Processing and manufacturing industries to be studied: cement, cotton (from ginning to

clothing), sugar refining, crafts, fertilizer, iron and steel, brick, oil refining, sports goods,
surgical instruments and Tourism.

Industrial Development

Definition of the term “Industry”.

1: This an economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture
of goods in factories

2: Industry is the work and processes involved in collecting raw materials, and making them
into products in factories.

Classification of Industry

Classification of industries with their sizes. Sizes of the industries refers to the amount of
capital invested, number of people employed and the volume of production. Based on size,
industries can be classified into small scale and large-scale industries.

Cottage or household industries are a type of small-scale industry where the products are
manufactured by hand, by the artisans. Basket weaving, pottery and other handicrafts are
examples of cottage industry.

Small scale industries use lesser amount of capital and technology as compared to large scale
industries that produce large volumes of products.

Investment of capital is higher and the technology used is superior in large scale industries.
Silk weaving and food processing industries are small scale industries. Production of
automobiles and heavy machinery are large scale industries.

Industrial System

An industrial system consists of inputs, processes and outputs. The inputs are the raw
materials, labor and costs of land, transport, power and other infrastructure. The processes
include a wide range of activities that convert the raw material into finished products. The
outputs are the end product and the income earned from it. In case of the textile industry the
inputs may be cotton, human labor, factory and transport cost. The processes include ginning,
spinning, weaving, dyeing and printing. The output is the shirt you wear.

Contribution in the GDP Of Pakistan Sector Wise

In 2019, agriculture contributed around 22.04 percent to the GDP of Pakistan, 18.34 percent
came from the industry, and over half of the economy’s contribution to GDP came from the
services sector. Importance of Industries in the economy of Pakistan.

Industrialization is essential for rapid development of the country since industrial revolution.
The countries which merely rely on agriculture have remained under developed, whereas
nations which developed industries achieved high rates of development.

The advanced countries encourage industrialization on large scale and transferred advantages
to agriculture. They achieved balance of growth in various sectors of economy. Pakistan at the
time of partition in 1947 has negligible industrial base. The government has been utilizing all
available resources for rapid development of the manufacturing sector.

Role of Industrialization in the Economic Development

The quality and quantity of manufacturing sector increase. It increases the national income of
the country. It increases the production of goods and services. The labor receives higher
wages. The income of workers increases and there living standard also improves. When
industrial production increase that increase exports and revenues of the government. It
generates new employment opportunities. Industrialization provides machinery like tractors,
threshers, harvesters and spray machines to increase the production of agriculture sector. As
the industrial sector expands, its production increases and cost of production decreases. The
quality of products improved due to technology.

Industrialization increases the supply of goods for internal and external markets. The
government receives revenue in the form of custom and excise duties, sales and income taxes
from the industrialists due to which government revenue increases.


Cottage industry is a business or manufacturing activity carried on in people’s home . It is also

known as household industry. Example carpet weaving , handicrafts , candle making etc.

Characteristics of Cottage industry :

i. Small scale industry.

ii. Capital investment is small.
iii. Usually women's are involved along with other family members.
iv. Produces simple type of product
v. Labor intensive.
vi. Used locally produced raw-material.
vii. Create job for others.
viii. Cottage Industry in Pakistan
ix. Cottage or household industries hold an important position in rural set-up.
x. Cottage industries are labour intensive and provide employment to
xi. 80% of the industrial labour force.

There is great demand for hand-woven carpets , embroidered work ,brassware , rugs, and
traditional bangles.

These industries also meet the local demands for industrial goods, and save foreign exchange
in Pakistan.

Blacksmithing :

It is an art of forging (giving shape) metals using tools like a hammer and an anvil to make
objects like hinges , nails , screws , axes , sword , shield , armor ,knifes etc.

Blacksmithing in Pakistan
Carpentry :

It is a skilled trade and a craft in which the primary work performed in the cutting , shaping
and installation of the building material during the construction of building , ships , timber ,
bridges, concrete formwork etc.

Carpentry Industry in Pakistan

Ceramics :

A ceramic is a material in

a various

hard , heat resistant made by shaping and then firing an in organic, nonmetallic material such
as clay at a high temperature. Common examples are earthenware, and porcelain.

Ceramics in Pakistan

Carpet weaving :

Carpet weaving is done by a professional craftsman on the carpet hanger using tools such as a
notebook, wrench, pencil, meter, etc.

Carpet Weaving in Pakistan

Leather production :

Primary tanning converts pre-tanned hides into leather by preserving and halting the
decomposition of the hide.

Leather production in Pakistan

Metalwork :

Metalworking is the process of shaping and reshaping metals to create useful objects, parts,
assemblies, and structures.

Metalwork in Pakistan

Handwoven textile :

Handwoven fabrics are made by hand using a handloom, which does not require electricity or
produce any pollution. Handwoven textile in Pakistan

Jewellery making :

Jewellery consists of decorative items worn for personal adornments, such as brooches, rings,
necklaces, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and cufflinks.

Jewellery making in Pakistan

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