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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018

Geography of Services Provision


Semesters 1 & 2

Department of Geography
This tutorial letter contains important information
about your module.

Open Rubric


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3 CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Lecturers....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 4
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................... 5
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 5
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 5
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING..................................................... 9
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 9
8.1 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 11
8.2.1 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 11
8.2.2 Due dates for assignments ......................................................................................................... 11
8.3 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 11
8.4 Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 12
9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 28
10 THE EXAMINATION................................................................................................................... 29
11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 29
12 RESEARCH USING DATA FROM MODULE GGH2602............................................................ 29
13 CONCLUSION…………………………………………................................................................... 30
14 Addendum A: Requirements for Assignment 02.........................................................................32
15 Addendum B: Assessment criteria for Assignment 02 ......................................................... 33
16 Addendum C: Map of South Africa ......................................................................................... 34
17 Addendum D: World map


Dear Student

Welcome to the module GGH2602 — Geography of Services Provision. In this module we

will strive to develop an understanding of service provision from a geographical perspective. This
module offers only an introduction to basic service provision, as this is an extremely wide, complex
field of study.

The provision of services has become an enormous challenge, as the growing needs of people
need to be accommodated within the context of limited resources. By becoming an informed
citizen, you will be able to participate in democratic discussions in your community and contribute
towards improving the quality of life for all. This means that what you learn in this module may
enable you to make a meaningful contribution to your community.

During the course of the semester, you will be required to develop a case scenario or case
study of a place of your choice. You will be allowed to select any place, be it urban, rural, traditional
or informal. It could be the area where you live or an area that you would like to find out more
about. It may be a challenge to work on an unfamiliar case, but we feel that it will enhance
your learning experience. You should consider time and cost implications when deciding on your
location. In order to create the case scenario, you would need to make observations and integrate
your findings into your learning experience. Each of the learning units contained in your MO
(Material Online) contains activities that will help you build your final case scenario. When
developing your case scenario, you will observe the world around you from a geographical

I trust that you will find this module challenging and rewarding.


2.1 Purpose

The purpose of the module is to show you how the geographical perspective can contribute to
dealing with the challenges we are facing regarding complex real-world problems, especially
related to services provision. This is very important as people have many needs, which have to
be met within a context of limited resources, and there are conflicting perceptions on how the
resources should be managed and services provided. Human actions have environmental
implications, and if we are not careful about how we exploit the natural environment, we may
not have sufficient resources available for future generations to meet their needs.

2.2 Outcomes

There are a number of outcomes that we hope you will be able to achieve by completing this
module successfully:

Outcome 1

Use basic geographical terms and concepts that apply to the geographical investigation of
services provision, and understand various spatial processes that enable us to adapt to diverse
service provision needs.

Outcome 2

Explain and describe the challenge of providing basic services in South Africa in terms of
population, accessibility and needs assessment, provision and accountability, participation,
conflict management and decision making.

Outcome 3

Collect and use data related to the provision of basic services in order to determine possible
solutions for geographical problems.


3.1 Lecturers

The names and contact details of the lecturers responsible for this module in 2018 will be
provided in a tutorial letter. Whenever you write to a lecturer, please include your student
number to enable the lecturer to help you more effectively. It also makes it easier for lecturers if
you include the module code in the subject field of emails. When you phone the lecturer, please
have your student number at hand should the lecturer require it.

3.2 Department

For enquiries that are not related to a specific module, you can contact the Department of
Geography. The contact details are as follows:

Telephone: 011 471 3689 (international: +27 11 471 3689)

Fax: 011 471 3261 (international: +27 11 471 3216)
3.3 University

All general Unisa contact details are contained in the brochure Study @ Unisa. Remember to
provide your student number whenever write to the University and have it at hand when phoning
the university.

Please note that all administrative enquiries related specifically to the College of Agriculture and
Environmental Science should be directed to, or you can consult

Directorate/section Type of enquiry SMS code E-mail address

Student Admissions and Applications and 43578
Registrations registrations
Student Assessment Assignments and 43584 For assignments:
Administration examinations
For examinations:
Despatch Study material 43579
Finance Student accounts 43583
ICT (myUnisa and myLife) myUnisa 43582


4.1 Prescribed books

There are no prescribed books for this module.

4.2 Recommended books

There are no recommended books for this module.

4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no electronic reserves for this module.


Important information appears in your Study @ Unisa brochure.


Use your Study @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills. Also
note the following hints to complete the module successfully:
Be aware of your surroundings and make notes on your observations throughout the
Complete all the activities provided in the MO (Material Online) and both assignments,
since this will help you prepare for the examination.
The MO is a document that was derived from the online Learning Units and can be found
under “Additional Resources” on myUnisa.
Do your assignments well. Both assignments contribute to your year mark. Although the
mark you obtain for assignments does not affect examination admission, the better the
assignment marks, the better your year mark. It is thus in your best interests to perform
well in your assignments. The subminimum for this module is 40%. It implies that you
need at least 40% in the examination to pass the module
Spend sufficient time with the study material. Remember that this is a 120 notional hours
module, which means that you need to spend approximately 120 hours engaging with
your studies.
You may look at previous examination papers, but remember that this module has
recently been revised, so you may not be able to answer all the questions from previous
papers. The structure of your examination paper may also differ from that of previous
Manage your time wisely during the examination. You will need to earn 100 marks in 120
minutes. Do not spend too much time on a single question, and plan your time in such a
way that you are able to complete the paper.
Read the questions carefully and answer the questions that are asked – do not merely
write about the topic in general.
Do not study for the examination only. Enjoy the module and continue to learn about
services provision – even after successfully completing the module.

This is a 120 notional hours module, which implies that you need to spend approximately eight
hours per week for 15 weeks on your studies. The learning units in the MO (Material Online) are
interactive, as we expect you to make observations in your own authentic context, conduct
interviews and integrate material from a variety of sources.

The first assignment will be based on the first and second learning unit. Even if you registered
late, you may still be able to submit the assignment by the submission date. Please do not wait
until after the submission date for the first assignment to start with the activities on which the
second assignment is based.

Weekly participation on the myUnisa electronic platform will enhance your learning experience.
Remember that this is not merely a social networking site; its main purpose is teaching and
learning. You are invited to share academic ideas and discussions about the module on
myUnisa. You could also enhance the learning experience of fellow students by sharing your
observations. There may even be some competitions on the website (for example for the best
photograph of the semester). Announcements providing further details will be posted on myUnisa.

With regards to Assignment 02, I would like to mark your assignments electronically and
therefore encourage you to submit your assignments electronically in PDF format via myUnisa.
Software to convert documents created in Word or other formats to PDF format is available on
myUnisa. The advantages for you of submitting your assignments in PDF format are numerous.
Your assignments will reach Unisa sooner and therefore you will receive feedback quicker. This
mode is also more environmentally friendly.

To submit your assignment via myUnisa:

 Go to myUnisa.
 Log in with your student number and password.
 Select the module from the orange bar.
 Click on Assignments in the left-hand menu.
 Click on the number of the assignment that you want to submit.
 Follow the instructions.

If you submit assignments via the postal system, address them to:
Assignments Section, Unisa Science Campus, Private bag X6, Florida, 1710

PLEASE NOTE: Assignments submitted in hard copy leads to a longer feedback period, in
contrast to assignments submitted online on myUnisa where you receive your feedback
immediately after your assignment has been marked.

The following table provides a suggested framework that you can use to work through the study
material and do the activities. The activities are integrated with the formative assessment for the
module. You are welcome to adapt the framework to your own personal schedule, as you may
have prior or additional commitments. Doing the activities will, however, help you to complete
the assignments by the due dates. (Did you know that the brochure Study @ Unisa contains
information on general time management and planning?) I have not included dates in the
framework, other than the submission dates for the assignments, to enable you to adapt the
framework to your own schedule.

Week Learning Activities Suggested online
units and activities
Week 1 Orientation  Obtain material.  Download your MO (Material
 Read through Tutorial Letter 101 Online), tutorial letters and
and browse through the MO additional material from
(Material Online). myUnisa if you have not yet
received it in printed format.
 Participate in the online
discussion forum for the
module. Introduce yourself to
the forum and share your
expectations of the module.
Tell your lecturer and fellow
students how services
provision relates to your work
or life world.
Week 2 Learning unit 1:  Read learning unit 1 of your MO  Surf the internet for
Introduction to (Material Online). information on services
the  Actively participate in the learning provision challenges.
geographical process by doing the following  Participate on myUnisa in the
perspective activities in learning unit 1: followings ways:
- Share any issues you
- Activity 1.1: Exploring the have identified and
geographical perspective comment on issues
- Activity 1.2: Photo interpretation posted by other students.
- Activity 1.3: Identification of issues - Use the forum to identify
regarding services provision problems regarding
 Collect newspaper articles and services provision.
listen to radio and television reports - Suggest other websites
in order to identify issues regarding to fellow students.
services provision. - Refer to Additional
Resources on myUnisa
for articles on issues
related to services

Learning unit 2:  Read learning unit 2 of your MO  Use Google Maps to find
Developing (Material Online). a map and satellite image
your case  Select the area and explain why you of the place you have
scenario have selected it for your selected for your case
investigation. Obtain maps and scenario.
satellite images of the study area.
Week 3 Assignment 01  Complete Assignment 01 based on  Submit your first
learning units 1 and 2. You may not assignment electronically
be able to complete the assignment in PDF format
by the third week, but remember or by mail.
that the due date is 9 March (for
Semester 1) or 24 August (for
Semester 2). It would not be wise to
wait much longer to start with the
activities leading to the second

Week 4 Learning unit 3:  Read learning unit 3 of the MO  Participate in the discussion
Observing your (Material Online). forum.
own world  Actively participate in the learning  Post your photographs and
process by doing the following sketch maps on myUnisa.
activities in learning unit 3: Use the blog function or, if
- Activity 3.1: Walk or drive through you do not want other
the area you have selected and students to see the
make notes of your observations. photographs, post it in the
- Activity 3.2: Identify factors from the Dropbox.
broader environment impacting on  Look at photographs posted
services provision. by fellow students.
- Activity 3.3: Revisit activity 3.1.  Critically evaluate sketch
- Activity 3.4: Draw a sketch map of maps posted on myUnisa.
your case scenario area.
 Start with Assignment 02 and work
on the assignment throughout the
Week 5 Learning unit 4: Read learning unit 4 of the MO (Material  Participate on the discussion
Service options Online) attentively. forum “Sharing experiences”
and on myUnisa.
accessibility to  Actively participate in the learning  Post your photographs on
facilities process by doing the activities in myUnisa and look at
learning unit 4: photographs posted by fellow
- Activity 4.1: Do structured students.
interviews with key informants, and
write a report on what you have
- Activity 4.2: Classification of
Week 6  Conduct a focus group interview  Share your experiences.
with participants from the area  Participate on the discussion
where you are developing your case forum.
scenario.  Make suggestions on how to
 Make a summary of your findings. improve interviews.
 Complete the following two  Discuss challenges and
activities in learning unit 4: possible strategies.
- Activity 4.3: Accessibility to services
- Activity 4.4: Challenges and
Week 7  Evaluate different types of needs,  Answer questions posted on
options for access to services the discussion forum.
provision, accountability and
capacity to provide services.

Week 8 Learning unit 5:  Read learning unit 5 of the MO  Explore the websites
Making sense (Material Online). specified in the activities in
of data Actively participate in the learning the MO (Material Online) and
process by doing the following download electronic material.
activities in Unit 5 of your MO  Discuss some challenges
(Material Online) : experienced and suggest
solutions to fellow students.
- Activity 5.1: Engaging with  Download PowerPoint
websites: Explore four websites and presentations with additional
answer the questions. explanations from myUnisa.
- Activity 5.2: Read the extract and
answer the questions.
- Activity 5.3: Interpret a table and
answer the questions.
- Activity 5.4: Compare a bar chart
and pie chart and make notes.
- Activity 5.5: Interpret a population
- Activity 5.6: Interpret a choropleth
map and answer the questions.
Week 9  Find and represent appropriate  Download statistical data

demographic data for your case

 Complete the following activity in
learning unit 5:
- Activity 5.7: Exploring the 2016
Community Survey
 Read the extract from the survey
and find appropriate material for
your case scenario.
Week 10  Finalise Assignment 02.  Submit your written
assignment by the
submission dates: 9 April for
Semester 1 and 28
September for Semester 2.

Week 11 Learning unit 6:  Read learning unit 6 in your MO  Browse websites for
Decision- (Material Online). additional material.
making  Actively participate in the learning
process by doing the following
activities in learning unit 6:
- Activity 6.1: Identification of
- Activity 6.2: Accountability
- Activity 6.3: Laws and policies
- Activity 6.4: Boundaries
- Activity 6.5: Location of facilities
- Activity 6.6: Neighbourhoods
Week 12 - Complete activity 6.7:  Share examples on myUnisa
Environmental considerations for
services provision
Week 13 Reflection and  Reflect on how studying this module  Participate on the discussion
preparation for has influenced your views, forum
the exam knowledge, skills and values.
 Provide relevant examples.
Week 14 Revision and examination preparation
Week 15 Revision and examination preparation

There is no practical work for this module.

8.1 Assessment plan
There are two assignments for this module. The first assignment consists of 15 multiple-
choice questions, and the second assignment is a written assignment based on some
of the activities in the MO (Material Online). Assignments are seen as part of the learning
material for this module. As you do the assignments, study the reading texts, consult
other resources, discuss the work with fellow students or e-tutors or do research, you
are actively engaged in learning. Referring to the purpose for each assignment and the
assessment criteria or marking guidelines given for Assignment 02 will help you to
understand what is required of you more clearly.The purpose of the examination
(summative assessment) will be to evaluate your learning at the end of the learning
period. This module is offered in a semester period of 15 weeks. Examinations are
written in May or June for Semester 1 and in October or November for Semester 2. This
means that, if you are registered for Semester 1, you will write the examination in
May/June and the supplementary examination in October/November. If you are
registered for Semester 2, you will write the examination in October/November. You
will be notified, if you have qualified for a supplementary examination. In the event of a
supplementary exam, you will not have access to the new semester site. The lecturer
will post the exam guidelines on the previous semester site.
In the course of the semester, the Examinations section will provide you with information
regarding the examination in general as well as on the examination venue, date
and time. When preparing for the examination you can look at previous papers, but
remember that your module has been newly revised, so the examination paper will differ
from that of previous years. The paper will consist of short and/or essay-type questions
(no multiple-choice questions). The paper will count 100 marks and will have a duration
of two hours.
Use your Study @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination
preparation guidelines.
The assessment plan for this module is summarised in the table

Compulsory assignment: 15 multiple-choice questions
answered on a mark-reading sheet or on myUnisa
The purpose of this assignment is to: This assignment
 Give you the opportunity to prove that you contributes 5% to the
are actively engaged with the learning year mark.
 Help you to engage with the geographical
perspective on services provision. The
emphasis is on geographical methods, tools
and instruments in collecting and presenting
geographical data.
 The questions in the assignment are
designed for you to explore geographical The year mark
methods within the geographical will contribute
perspective. The answers are not 30% to your
necessarily found in the MO (Material final mark.
Online), but you are required to read and
interpret visual material or consult a variety of
 Prepare you for undertaking Assignment 02.

Please note:
If you post your assignments, you will need to allow
sufficient time for the assignments to reach Unisa
by the due date.
Compulsory written assignment
This assignment is a formative assessment The mark you obtain
opportunity to enhance your learning. The activities for this assignment
in the MO (Material Online) will form the basis of this will contribute 95% to
assignment. You will therefore have the opportunity your year mark.
to submit your case scenario for formal evaluation.
The purpose of this assignment is to: Start early with this
 Link theoretical knowledge to real-world assignment, as it will
problems within the framework of provision of be time-consuming.
 Enable you to develop distinct geographical
academic skills and present written work in
an appropriate academic manner, relating it
to the outcomes and assessment criteria for
the module.
 Feedback will be given on individual
assignments and general comments will
beprovided in a tutorial letter on myUnisa.
Venue-based written examination The
will contribute
70% to your
final mark.

8.2 General assignment numbers
There are two assignments per semester. Assignment 01 consists of 15 multiple-
choice questions and Assignment 02 is a written assignment.

8.2.1 Unique assignment numbers

Semester 1 Assignment 01 Unique number 679979
Assignment 02 Unique number 617810
Semester 2 Assignment 01 Unique number 741068
Assignment 02 Unique number 740208

8.2.2 Due dates for assignments

Semester 1 Assignment 01 16 March 2018
Assignment 02 9 April 2018
Semester 2 Assignment 01 24 August 2018
Assignment 02 28 September 2018

8.3 Submission of
Ensure that you answer and submit the assignments set for the semester for which you
are registered. You may submit written assignments either by post or (preferably)
electronically via myUnisa. Assignments completed on mark-reading sheets may be
submitted by post, by means of mobile MCQ submission (cellphone application) or
electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail.
For detailed information on assignments, please refer to the Study @ Unisa brochure,
which you received with your study package.
To submit an assignment via

 Go to myUnisa.
 Log in with your student number and password.
 Select the module.
 Click on Assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
 Click on the number of the assignment you wish to submit.
 Follow the instructions.
Upon registration you should have received envelopes for posting assignments. If
you use these envelopes (addressed to the Assignments Section, PO Box 392, Unisa,
0003), your assignment will be delivered to Muckleneuk in Pretoria. However, our offices
are on the Science Campus in Florida on the West Rand. To shorten the turnaround
time on your assignments, I suggest that you use one of the following addresses or
rather submit your assignment online.

Delivery by hand (e.g. courier service) Delivery via the normal postal system
Assignments Section, Assignments Section
Room 201 Tswelopele Building Unisa Science Campus
Science Campus Private Bag X11
Corner of Christiaan de Wet and Pioneer Florida
Avenues 1710

8.4 Assignments

Semester 1
Assignment 01
Compulsory assignment: 14 multiple-choice questions
Unique number: 679979
Submission date: 16 March 2018
This assignment contributes 5% to your year mark. You need to complete this
assignment and ensure that it reaches Unisa by the submission date.
If you use the postal system, you will need to allow sufficient time for your assignment
to reach Unisa by the due
date. If you upload your assignment on myUnisa, you will receive a receipt after
uploading it successfully. Assignments are not marked immediately after they are
submitted online. You will receive feedback on the assignment only after the due

This assignment consists of 14 multiple-choice questions that will be marked

electronically based on a memorandum.

Answer the following questions:

1 Maps communicate specific messages based on the purpose for which the map
is designed. However the following are key components which any map must
have. Identify the odd one from the following list?
(1) title
(2) scale
(3) a north arrow
(4) legend\key
(5) Johannesburg

2 What are the components of spatial patterns?

(1) linkages and density
(2) size and location
(3) time and form
(4) linkages, location and form
(5) all of the above.

3 patterns develop when phenomena are far apart; when they are in
close proximity to each other, they form a pattern.
(1) Dense ……. sparse
(2) Sparse ……… dense
(3) Random ………. dense
(4) Dense …….. regular
(5) Sparse……..regular.

4 Which one of the following is a type of map that represents an accurate and
detailed description of the physical and cultural landscape?
(1) topographical maps
(2) sketch maps
(3) choropleth maps
(4) satellite images
(5) thematic maps

5 What is/are the various approaches to assessing needs:

(1) Focusing on the community’s ability to pay and income levels

(2) Focusing on poverty and identifying areas where there are social backlogs
(3) Surveying the scope of existing services in terms of needs and provision
in order to identify shortfalls
(4) 1, 2 and 3
(5) 1 and 2

6 Which of the following statements regarding quantitative data is true?

(1) Quantitative data can show differences in dependency ratio
(2) Quantitative data can show differences in the kind of health facilities
e.g. clinics versus hospital; schools and hospital
(3) None of the above
(4) Quantitative data are represented by a name or symbol
(5) \Quantitative data are not numerical data
All of the above

7 Sustainable development implies a holistic view of the interdependent relationship
between people and the natural environment. Which one of the following best
illustrates this?
(1) Providing houses with solar panels for electricity generation.
(2) Ensuring that housing settlements are not developed within the 100
meters in a floodplain.
(3) Ensuring that roads circumvent ecologically sensitive areas.
(4) Taking the water table into consideration in the provision of pit latrines.
(5) All of the above.
8 Which one of the following cases illustrates that GIS can be used for the
delimitation of boundaries?
(1) In KwaZulu-Natal the mountainous nature of the terrain and the sparseness
of community settlement patterns complicate the provision of electricity by
Eskom. GIS can be used to locate households that do not have access to
electricity, to prioritise areas according to supply and demand, and to
determine the optimal routes to be followed for network extensions.
(2) GIS can be used to investigate obesity in children and to examine how food
choices and the built-up environment can influence health. Questionnaires
are used to obtain data on residential location, demographics, obesity, food
choices and exercise.
(3) The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa used GIS for
delimiting (or subdividing) the entire geographic area of South Africa into
voting districts.
(4) The South African Department of Water Affairs use GIS as a tool in an
integrated water resource management system. Spatial and non-spatial data
on different aspects such as urbanisation, flooding and pollution, surface
water, ground water and water quality can therefore be analysed together.

Refer to the sketch map below to answer questions 9, 10 and 11.

Figure 1: The Middle Orange Water System:

(Adapted from, redrawn by Laura Steyn.)

9. The Gariep Dam is situated to the northeast of Port Elizabeth. What type of location does
this statement refer to?
(1) Absolute location
(2) Relative location
(3) Alternate location
(4) Strategic plan
(5) All of the above.

10 Which one of the following statements is true?
(1) Water from the Gariep Dam is transferred to the Orange River and the
Sundays River basins via the Orange Fish tunnel.
(2) The Vanderkloof Dam and the Gariep Dam are part of the Sundays River
(3) elements
There in the
is no Sundays
pump stationRiver.
in the pipeline between Port Elizabeth and the
Sundays River.
(4) The Fish River runs in a south easterly direction past the town of Cradock.
(5) In a water supply scheme, various river catchments are connected by
means of tarred and gravel roads.

11 Which one of the following statements is true?

(1) The Vanderkloof dam is represented on the sketch map by means of a red
area symbol.
(2) No dam wall is represented on the sketch map, therefore the Gariep Dam
does not have a wall.
(3) The Orange River flows South of Bloemfontein in a Westerly direction
(4) Bloemfontein.
The sketch map will need to be redrawn whenever the dam’s water levels

The following four questions will not be scored. (You may select more than one option.)
12 Evaluate the learning you have experienced by doing this assignment, and
select which of the following options best describes it:
(1) It was a very easy assignment. I could answer most of the questions
without consulting the MO (Material Online) .
(2) Although it has been time-consuming, it has been helpful to engage with
the study material.
(3) I found the assignment very challenging and realise that I have a lot to
learn about the geography of services provision.
(4) I randomly selected answers and did not learn much – my mark will not
contribute much to my final mark in any event.

13 Do you have readily access to the internet?

(1) I often use the internet for a variety of purposes – including downloading
material for work, recreation and study purposes.
(2) I have downloaded study material from myUnisa.
(3) I only have access to e-mails, not to websites.
(4) I do not have access to the internet at the moment but know how to use it.
(5) I have never used the internet.

14 Do you have access to a computer?

(1) Yes, I have a computer of my own that I can use whenever I want to.
(2) Yes, we have a computer at home that I share with other users.
(3) Yes, I have a computer at work, but not at home.
(4) Yes, I can use a computer at an internet cafe whenever I want to.
(5) No.

Semester 1

Assignment 02
Written assignment
Unique number: 617810

Submission date: 9 April 2018

This assignment contributes 95% to your year mark. You need to complete this assignment
and ensure that it reaches Unisa by the submission date. The purpose of this assignment is to
give you the opportunity to engage with a real-life case and investigate various aspects of services
provision. This assignment requires you to present your own, original work based on your
observations of real-life situations. It forms an integral part of your learning experience. You must
gather authentic evidence and use the activities in the MO (Material Online) to complete the
Before tackling Assignment 02, please ensure that you have read learning unit 2 in the MO (Material
Online), as well as the marking guidelines shared with you in this tutorial letter. You also need to
watch the DVD that you received as part of your study package. Please note that the activities in the
MO (Material Online) may also assist you in developing your case scenario for Assignment 02.
Be sure to make use of additional sources such as journal articles, textbooks, websites and
discipline-specific books while completing Assignment 02. The use of such sources will broaden the
scope of your case study and will help you to assess your case study critically.

You can also refer to the brochure Study @ Unisa for general guidelines on technical aspects of

No plagiarism will be tolerated in this module. If plagiarism is detected in any of your assignments,
you will receive 0% for the assignment, with NO chance of resubmitting.

Please include a signed declaration of originality (on page one of the assignment) regarding the
content of every assignment. Please use the provided below:

Student Name:
Student Number:
1. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this portfolio is my own original work. Where other people’s work has been used (either from a printed
source, Internet or any other source), this has been properly acknowledged and referenced.
3. I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other person to hand in as my own.
4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it
off as his or her own work.


Many students are not familiar with what exactly entails plagiarism. As a result, several students failed
GGH2602 because they did not provide original work (even though they spent many hours on the
module). Please ensure that you know exactly what plagiarism is! In this regard you should

definitely read the Unisa’s policy for Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism policy. It is available under
Student policies & rules on myUnisa.

For more information on referencing, please refer to the document titled ‘Guidelines for
referencing_UJ Fairhurst.pdf’ under Additional Resources. The document provides a further
explanation on referencing guidelines.

Study requirements, assessments criteria and scoring rubric for Assignment 02 are in Addendums A
and B. The guidelines clearly state what is expected of you in each section of Assignment 02.
On the cover page of your assignment, write the code and title of the module, the assignment number,
your name and your student number. We would like to create a database of case studies compiled
by our students. Please insert a note on the cover page of Assignment 02 giving us permission to
include your assignment in our database. The recommended note should look as follows: I (your
full names)…………………………hereby grant permission to the Geography Department at Unisa to
use my case study to compile a database for future academic use………. (signature and date).
Note the guidelines below to complete your assignment.
1 Introduction
In your introduction, introduce your case study area to your reader (this could be
a local municipal area, a ward or even a smaller section of a village, town,
settlement or residential area). Explain why you selected the particular area for your
case scenario.
(Length guideline: 100 – 150 words)

2 Location
Where is your case study area located? Briefly describe its relative location and
represent the location on a map of your country and on a world map using a point
symbol and text. You can cut the maps from the last pages of this tutorial letter or
download the electronic versions from the Additional resources option on

(Length guideline: 100 words)

3 Observation
Walk (or drive) through your case study area and make observations about services
Describe and discuss your general impression with reference to each of the following:
 the infrastructure for roads and for electricity and water provision
 solid waste management and environmental impacts
 locational position of shopping malls

You can use photographs or sketches to illustrate your observations.

(Length guideline: 1 000 words)

4 Putting services into context

Discuss briefly the accountability relationships in services provision in your case study
area with reference to one aspect of each of the following:
 political accountability
 citizens accountability

(Length guideline: 1 000 words)
5 Classification of services in your case study area
Classify the services in your case study area according to the three methods of services
classification. The table below is an example of the classification of services according to
their function. Redraw and complete the table below and repeat the activity for the two
additional methods of services classification. Should there be no examples of certain services
in your study area, indicate this in your table.

Table 1: Classification of Service Facilities according to their function

Categories Examples
1 Educational facilities
2 Health facilities
3 Recreational facilities
4 Cultural facilities
5 Administrative facilities

6 Mapping services

Draw a sketch map of your case scenario area on which you use appropriate map symbols
to represent the following services and infrastructure facilities:
 road networks
 infrastructure
 community services (e.g. schools, clinics, libraries, community halls and places of
 residential areas (including informal settlements and rural settlements)
 retail areas
 locational positions of shopping malls

Based on the sketch map you created of your case study area, write a description of the
spatial patterns of service facilities. Also comment on how these spatial patterns would
influence accessibility of services and associated improvement of quality of life of citizens.
(Length guideline: 1 000 words)
7 Representation of settlements/residential data
Find and represent residential/settlement patterns for your case scenario and illustrate
different categories of residential areas appropriately. Note the following:

 Provide the source of the data.

 Represent the types of settlements residential areas in table format
 Represent the data graphically.
 Explain how the data you collected would influence the provision of
services in the case study area.

(Length guideline: 500 words)

8 The role of GIS

Explain the role GIS can play within systems of service provision. Be sure to give a definition
of GIS and provide a referenced account (information from the communities survey, short
interview with a GIS specialist, etc) of the manner in which GIS is being used in services
provision in your case study area.

(Length guideline: 200 words)

9 Constructive suggestion
Discuss some challenges regarding services and facilities in your case study area and
make constructive suggestions on how accessibility could be improved.

(Length guideline: 250 words)

10 Conclusion

10.1 Write a conclusion regarding services provision in your case scenario


Study the requirements, assessment criteria and scoring rubric for

Assignment 02 in Addendums A and B. The guidelines clearly state
what is expected of you in each section of Assignment 02.

10.2 Evaluate the learning you experienced while completing this


Semester 2

Assignment 01
Compulsory assignment: 14 multiple-choice questions
Unique number: 741068
Submission date: 24 August 2018
This assignment contributes 5% to your year mark. You need to complete this assignment
and ensure that it reaches Unisa by the submission date. If you use the postal system, you will
need to allow sufficient time for your assignment to reach Unisa by the due date. If you upload your
assignment on myUnisa, you will receive a receipt after uploading it successfully. Assignments are
not marked immediately after they are submitted online. You will receive feedback on the
assignment only after the due date.

This assignment consists of 14 multiple-choice questions that will be marked electronically

based on a memorandum.
Answer the following questions:
1 Which of the following is not a component (or components) of spatial

(1) linkages
(2) density
(3) GIS
(4) (1) and (3)
(5) 2) and (3)2 Environmental degradation and its impacts, suburbanisation and
urban sprawl are all examples of…… .
(1) infrastructure development
(2) economic development
(3) spatial processes
(4) disperse spatial patterns
(5) spatial interactions

3 Which one of the following is the odd one out?

(1) spatial patterns
(2) spatial development initiatives
(3) spatial development frameworks
(4) remote sensing
(5) GIS.

4 Which one of the following is a focus area within sustainable development? (1)
Making safe drinking water and sanitation facilities inaccessible.
(2) Perpetuating the consumption of fossil fuels in driving socio-economic growth.
(3) Increasing agricultural productivity and reducing land degradation.
(4) Mismanaging biodiversity and ecosystems.
(5) All of the above.
Refer to the sketch map below to answer questions 5 and 6.
Figure 1: The Middle Orange Water System
(Adapted from, redrawn by Laura Steyn.)

5 Which one of the following statements is false?

(1) Water from the Gariep Dam is transferred to the Fish and Sundays River basins via
the Orange-Fish tunnel.
(2) The Vanderkloof Dam and the Gariep Dam were built as water storage
elements in the Orange River.
(3) There is a pump station in the pipeline between Port Elizabeth and the
Orange River.
(4) The Sundays River runs in an Easterly direction past the town of
(5) There is a tunnel built North from the Gariep Dam.

6 Which one of the following statements is true?

(1) Graaf Reinet is situated in the Great Fish River Catchment.

(2) No dam wall has been represented on the sketch map, therefore the
Gariep Dam does not have a wall.
(3) The Vanderkloof Dam is situated in the Orange River Catchment.

(4) The sketch map will need to be redrawn whenever the water levels
(5) Rivers are represented by means of solid black dot, and pipelines,
tunnels and canals by means of a grey block.

7 Data types and classification: which of the following statement is true?

Qualitative data ….. .
(1) Show MO (Material Online) differences in kinds of services, e.g. hospital
versus schools
(2) differences in number mortality rates, dependency ratio
(3) (also called soft data) describes the characteristics of phenomena

(4) Is made up of data that is amendable to statistical manipulation

(5) is usually referred to as hard data

8 spatial patterns develop when phenomena are far apart; when they
are located in a systematic and strategic format, they form a pattern.
(1) dense …….. sparse
(2) sparse …….. regular
(3) random …….. sparse
(4) dense …………. regular
(5) sparse………..irregular

9 What forms the important link within a GIS?

(1) software
(2) hardware
(3) demographic data
(4) the database
(5) none of the above.

10 Which one of the following refers to an instrument that enables you to determine
your exact location on the earth’s surface in terms of latitude and longitude?
(1) topographical maps
(2) GPS
(3) thematic maps
(4) satellite images
(5) none of the above

The following four questions will not be scored.

(You may select more than one option.)
11 Evaluate the learning you have experienced by doing this assignment, and
select which of the following options best describes it:
(1) it was a very easy assignment. I could answer most of the questions
without consulting the MO (Material Online) MO (Material Online) .
(2) although it has been time-consuming, it has been helpful to engage with
the study material.
(3) I found the assignment very challenging and realise that I have a lot to
learn about the geography of services provision.
(4) I randomly selected answers and did not learn much – my mark will not
contribute much to my final mark in any event.

12 Do you use the internet?

(1) I often use the internet for a variety of purposes – including downloading
material for work, recreation and study purposes.
(2) I have downloaded study material from myUnisa.
(3) I only have access to e-mails, not to websites.
(4) I do not have access to the internet at the moment but know how to use it.
(5) I have never used the internet.

13 Do you have access to a computer?

(1) yes, I have a computer of my own that I can use whenever I want to.
(2) yes, we have a computer at home that I share with other users.
(3) yes, I have a computer at work, but not at home.
(4) yes, I can use a computer at an internet cafe whenever I want to.
(5) no.

14 Have you used myUnisa?

(1) I have never used myUnisa.
(2) I have downloaded study material from myUnisa.
(3) I have downloaded study material and additional resources from myUnisa.
(4) I have downloaded study material and additional resources from my Unisa
and have followed discussions on the discussion forums.
(5) I have downloaded study material and additional resources from myUnisa
and also actively participated in discussions on discussion forums.

Semester 2

Assignment 02
Written assignment
Unique number: 740208

Submission date: 28 September 2018

This assignment contributes 95% to your year mark. You need to complete this assignment
and ensure that it reaches Unisa by the submission date. The purpose of this assignment is
to give you the opportunity to engage with a real-life case and investigate various aspects of
services provision. This assignment requires you to present your own, original work based on your
observations of real-life situations. It forms an integral part of your learning experience. You must
gather authentic evidence and use the activities in the MO (Material Online) to complete the
Before tackling Assignment 02, please ensure that you have read learning unit 2 in the MO
(Material Online) MO (Material Online), as well as the marking guidelines in this tutorial letter. You
also need to watch the DVD that you received in your study package. Please note that the
activities in the MO (Material Online) MO (Material Online) may also assist you in developing your
case scenario for Assignment 02.
Be sure to make use of external sources such as journal articles, textbooks, websites and
discipline-specific books while completing Assignment 02. The use of external sources will
broaden the scope of your case study and will help you to assess your case study critically.
You can also refer to the brochure Study @ Unisa for general guidelines on technical aspects of

No plagiarism will be tolerated in this module. If plagiarism is detected in any of your

assignments, you will receive 0% for the assignment, with NO chance of resubmitting.

Please include a signed declaration of originality (on page one of the assignment) regarding the
content of every assignment. Please use the provided below:

Student Name:
Student Number:
1. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this portfolio is my own original work. Where other people’s work has been used (either from a printed
source, Internet or any other source), this has been properly acknowledged and referenced.
3. I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other person to hand in as my own.
4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it
off as his or her own work.


Many students are not familiar with what exactly entails plagiarism. As a result, several students
failed GGH2602 because they did not provide original work (even though they spent many hours
on the module). Please ensure that you know exactly what plagiarism is! In this regard you

should definitely read the Unisa’s policy for Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism policy. It is
available under Student policies & rules on myUnisa.

For more information on referencing, please refer to the document titled ‘Guidelines for
referencing_UJ Fairhurst.pdf’ under Additional Resources. The document provides a further
explanation on referencing guidelines.

On the cover page of your assignment, write the code and title of the module, the assignment
number, your name and your student number. We would like to create a database of case studies
compiled by our students. Please insert a note on the cover page of Assignment 02 giving us
permission to include your assignment in our database.

Note the guidelines below to complete your assignment.

1 Introduction
In your introduction, introduce your case study area to your reader. (This could be a local
municipality area, a ward or even a smaller section of a village, town, settlement or residential
area.) Explain why you selected the particular area for your case scenario.
(Length guideline: 100–150 words)
2 Location
Where is your case study area located? Briefly describe its relative location and represent the
location on a map of your country and on a world map using a point symbol and text. You can
cut the maps from the last pages of this tutorial letter or download the electronic versions from
the Additional resources folder on myUnisa.
(Length guideline: 100 words)
3 Observation
Walk (or drive) through your case study area and make observations about services provision.
Discuss your general impression with reference to each of the following:
 The infrastructure for roads, electricity and water provision
 Solid waste management
 Open spaces
 Environmental impacts

You can use photographs or sketches to illustrate your observations.

(Length guideline: 1 000 words)

4 Putting services into context
Discuss the context of services provision in your case study area with
reference to one aspect of each of the following:
 Physical environment
 Institutional environment
 Economic Environment
 Social environment
 Technological environment

(Length guideline: 1 000 words)

5 Classification of services in your case study area

Classify the services in your case study area according to the three methods of
services classification. The table below is an example of the classification of
services according to their function. Redraw and complete the table below and
repeat the activity for the two additional methods of services classification.
Should there not be any examples in your study area, indicate this in your tables.

Table 1: Examples of Service Facilities

Categories Examples
1 Educational facilities
2 Industrial facilities
3 Recreational facilities
4 Cultural facilities
5 Administrative facilities

6 Mapping services

Draw a sketch map of your case scenario area on which you use appropriate
map symbols to represent the following:
 Roads
 Infrastructure
community services (e.g. clinics, libraries and community halls, and places of worship)
 residential areas
 retail areas
 any relevant features that you have discussed in previous sections

Based on the sketch map you created of your case study area, write a description of the spatial
patterns of service facilities. Also comment on how these spatial patterns would influence the
provision of services.
(Length guideline: 1 000 words)
7 Representation of demographic data
Find and represent demographic data for your case scenario and illustrate them
appropriately. Note the following:

 Provide the source of the data.

 Represent the data in table format.
 Do a graphic representation of the population profile.
 Explain how the demographic data you collected would influence the
provision of services in the case study area.
(Length guideline: 500 words)
8 The role of GIS
Explain the role GIS plays within systems of service provision. Be sure to give a definition of
GIS and provide a referenced account of the manner in which GIS is being used in services
provision in your case study area.
(Length guideline: 200 words)
9 Constructive suggestion
Discuss some challenges regarding services and facilities in your case study area, and make

constructive suggestions on how accessibility could be improved.
(Length guideline: 250 words)

10 Conclusion
10.1 Evaluate the learning you experienced while completing this
10.2 Write a conclusion regarding services provision in your case scenario area.


There are no other assessment methods for this module.


Use your Study @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination
preparation guidelines.
You will receive additional guidelines from the Examinations Section during the course of the


The brochure Study @ Unisa contains an A-Z guide of the most frequently asked questions
and their answers.


The lecturers in the Department of Geography are involved in research on the effectiveness and
suitability of the teaching strategy and methods used in some Geography modules.

All students who register for this module should take note that your lecturer(s) may or may not
require information from you for research purposes. The information required may be from the
assignments you complete or additional activities your lecturer(s) may asked you to take part
in/comment on or the marks you obtained for your assignment or anything related to the teaching
of the module. In all these instances, the information you provide will not be used to identify you in
any way. Your identify will remain anonymous and the information you provide will also remain
confidential. The lecturer(s) will not use your information in any way that is unethical or does not
abide by Unisa’s Policy on Research Ethics. The lecturer(s) will also apply to the College Ethics
Research Committee for ethics clearance to do research on specific data from the module, after
which approval will be obtained from Unisa’s Research Permission Sub-Committee to use Unisa
student data. Through this research, the lecturer(s) will be able to improve and develop this module
for future students. If you cannot consent to your lecturer(s) using the information indicated above,
please let your lecturer(s) know by e-mail. .


Services provision in South Africa has been and always will be a topic of interest. In completing
this module, you will equip yourself to make a valuable contribution to these debates from the
geographical perspective. Applying this perspective will enable you to approach and analyse
services provision issues within a specific milieu and to provide context-specific solutions for them.

14 Addendum A: Requirements for Assignment 02
Section or aspect of report Requirements
General impression and presentation Your report needs to be provided with a cover page and a table of contents. Pages
should be numbered, and the report needs to be presented in an orderly and structured
Introduction to your case study area and description of A good introduction informs the reader about the report’s contents and about what
location sections are to follow. You need to indicate why you chose your particular study area.
Two maps should be included, one showing the location of your study area on a world
map and the second showing the study area itself (but not a sketch map). Based on
these two maps, discuss the absolute and relative location of your study area.
Brief description or discussion of services observed in your Provide an in-depth description and discussion of the different types of services
study area observed. Photos or sketches of the study area need to be provided as evidence of your
Context of services provision within the various environments A complete discussion of the four environments is needed. Base this discussion on what
you have observed and on information from the MO (Material Online) MO (Material
Online) and from external sources.
Tables classifying services in your case study area according Classify the services in your study area. Three tables need to be drawn up, each
to the different services classification methods representing a different services classification method.

Sketch map showing the appropriate elements (4 marks), Appropriate map elements are for example a north arrow, a scale bar, a neatline, a
area symbols (4 marks), point and line symbols (4 marks) legend and a title. Area symbols are two-dimensional features on maps represented by
and explanatory index (4 marks) polygons, e.g. for industrial, residential, commercial, recreational or public areas. Point
and line symbols are one-dimensional features on maps. Features represented by
points include lampposts, water towers and fire hydrants, and features represented by
lines include roads, rivers, pipelines and railways. A map index communicates to the
reader what features the symbols on the map represent in reality, e.g. that the blue line
symbol on the map represents a river or a water feature in reality.
Discussion of spatial patterns identified from the sketch map From the drawn sketch map identify the spatial pattern or patterns (as discussed in the
MO (Material Online) of the services in the study area. Also discuss the effect spatial
patterns will have on the provision of services in the study area.
Demographic data Provide demographic data relevant to you study area, e.g. population size, composition
or changes.
Representation of data Present the demographic data supplied graphically, e.g. by means of a pie chart and a
population pyramid. (See learning unit 5 in your MO (Material Online) regarding when to
use which method.)
Discussion of GIS in service provision Provide a clear definition of what GIS is, as well as an example of how GIS is
implemented in service provision systems. Note that examples from the MO (Material
Online) will not earn you marks; you need to consult external sources and acknowledge
your sources.

Identification and brief discussion of issues or challenges in Discuss the issues or challenges identified in your case study area. Suggest ways in
the study area which to improve accessibility.

Conclusion Discuss the findings from your case study. Evaluate the learning you experienced while
completing Assignment 02.
Bibliography Every source included in your bibliography needs to be referenced correctly in your text..

15 Addendum B: Assessment criteria for Assignment 02

Section or aspect of report Mark Total Comments

General impression and presentation 5

Introduction to your case study area and description of location 5

Brief description or discussion of services observed in your study area. 12

Context of services provision within the various environments 12

Tables classifying services in your case study area according to the different services classification methods 6

Sketch map showing the appropriate elements (4 marks), area symbols (4 marks), point and line symbols (4 marks) 16
and explanatory index (4 marks)

Discussion of spatial patterns identified from the sketch map 5

Demographic data 10

Representation of data 5

Discussion of GIS in service provision 5

Identification and brief discussion of issues or challenges in the study area 10

Conclusion 4
Bibliography 5

16 Addendum C: Map of South Africa

17 Addendum D: World map

180" 120" go• 60" 30"W o• 30"EIO 60" go• 120" 150" 180"

180" 150" 120" 90" 60" 30" o· 30" 60" go• 120" 150" 180"


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