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HRM INCIDENT 1 SUMMARY OF FLEXTIM Kathy Collier is a supervisor of a government office D.C Morale in Washington.

She office has been quite low in recently. The employees must back to an 8.00am to 4.30pm work schedule after have flextime for two years. Each employees works during the core period time from to 10.00am to 2.30pm. Employees must could work the rest of the eight-hour day at any time between 6.00am to 6.00pm. Kathy believes her workers be honest and motivated when works in flextime without set up any system to control them. In November, auditor from General Accounting office investigated and find the employees has works seven hours per day all average. Two employees had been working only during the core period for more than two month. When Kathy apartment manager reviewed auditor report, Kathy was told to return back and follow the working hours like normally. She was upset and disappointed with her employees because she trusted their employees.

Question 1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of flextime? Flextime has advantages and disadvantages in an organization. The advantages of flextime can give the employees complete the task of daily life. For example, the employee is married. They have more tasks to be complete in each day. Another advantage flextime can give expand the opportunities of employees. For instance, it may easier for them to continue their education in college or university then if they were on a traditional work schedule. They have opportunities to continue their education without responsible to do more work in an organization. After that, can make employees enjoy with the job because they have freedom time to work in an organization but must be work in enough time. For example, 6.00 a.m and 9.00 a.m and to complete their workday between 3.00 p.m and 6.00 p.m. they can start work at 6.30 and is off at 3.00 has much enjoyed for this flextime. The employees can do works in good mood and also can increase the performance and productivity in an organization.

And another advantage of flextime in organization is can reduces the personal problem employees because they have arranged another task before go to work in organization. In this way, the productivity in organization can be increased and reduces the problems in organization. The disadvantage of flextime is not suitable for all types of organizations. For instance, use may severely limited in assembly-line operations and companies use multiple shifts. Another is can made the employees works not enough time because not have control system. For example like in the government office, the employee only just works seven hours. Only two workers just follow the flextime. Another disadvantage is the employee lack of control because the employees works without the control system in organization. They do the works not seriously because not have control system and supervisor gives the freedom to the employees. It can be reduces the production in an organization. The performance also will down when the employees lack of control system.

Question 2 What could Kathy have done to keep the above situation from occurring? From the occurring in the government office in Washington, Kathy very upset and disappoint with her employees. This is because two employees had been working only during the core period for more than two month. She had trusted them and felt they had let her down. So, Kathy must have done to keep the above situation from occurring. What could Kathy have done is, her should be talking to co-workers and coming up with a plan. Her must analysis the details and know why the situation occur in organization. Supervisor also can use the ways counsellor if want. The counsellor must have skill to manage problem and a good communication very important to resolve the problems. Counsellor can give advised and supporting in change mind employees. Employees can discuss if her want share the problem. From the ways, her can know problem employee and evaluate this situation. If employees cannot receive the advised, Kathy can reject the employees from company.

Kathy also can do for set up any system of control in organization. Before this, her did not bother to set up any system of control. So, after what occurring in organization her must do something for above situation not happen again. If situation occur again, organization must loss and maybe will bankrupt later. The system of control in organization must have schedule time clocks for every day. For example, when use flextime schedule, employee come work 6.00am to 6.00pm, employees must come before 6.00pm to scan a time clock. When employees goes back, he or she must again scan to 6.00pm. That way is organization know how long employees work in today. If employees not scan a clock, meaning he not work at today or not enough hours a day. The attendance employees at the today will absence. According the system of control, employees must follow the role in organization. So, the system of control in organization very important to success in activity planning work in today or future.

HRM INCIDENT 2 SUMMARY OF A BENEFIT PACKAGE DESIGNED FOR WHOM? Wayne McGraw is the university recruiter for company, Beco Electric . He had interviewed six graduated seniors at Centenary College. Wayne greeted Robert Peters

who had an excellent academic record and just the kind of person that he was seeking. Robert was the most promising candidate to be interviewed that day based on the application form. He was 22 years old and had a 3.6 grade point in his major field, industrial management. He was the vice president of the Student Government Association and the chairman for Kappa Alpha Psi, a social fraternity. He was both very active socially and a rather intense and serious student. Besides, The Roberts employer expressed satisfaction with his work habits during the the previous summer. Wayne knew that discussion of benefits could be an important part of the recruiting interview. But he do not know Robert will appeal the most to which aspects of benefits program. The company has provide an excellent profit sharing plan, health care, long-term care insurance, medical and dental plan pays, meals, paid vacation, sick leave, paid holidays, advanced education and scholarships for dependents.

Questions 1 What aspects of Becos benefits program are likely to appeal to Robert? explain. Care insurance: The company had provide a long-term care insurance. Care insurance was important to everyone. Individuals who require long-term care are generally not sick in the traditional sense, but instead, are unable to perform the basic activities of daily living. For instance, dressing, bathing, eating, toileting, continence, transferring (getting in and out of a bed or chair), and walking. It may appeal to Robert because he was an young and educated person, so he should know that it was a need to have a long-term insurance and age was not a determining factor in needing a long-term insurance. The long-term insurance could cover the out-of-pocket expenses and avoid to deplete the saving of himself and his family. paid vacation : The company also offered the benefit of paid vacation. For example, employees get one week of paid vacation after the first year and two weeks after two years

with the company. It also might appeal to Robert to join the company. Vacations time serves important compensation goals. For instance, paid vacations provide him with an opportunity to rest, become rejuvenated, and thus more productive. advanced education: The company provided advanced education which plan can go a long way in improving employee retention. For example, the company encourages advanced education, paying for tuition and book in full, and, under certain circumstances, allowing time off to attend classes during the day. Robert may appealed by the benefit plan because he was a active person so he might be interested in the advanced education which can help him to learn more.

Question 2 In todays work environment, what additional benefits might be more attractive to Robert? Explain. There are additional benefits that might be more attractive to Robert in todays work environment such as satisfaction of job, working condition and workplace flexibility.

The benefit of satisfaction of job Robert was 22 years old who was still young and very enterprising. He might be more attracted to the meaningful and challenging job which can recognized for their accomplishments and can gain the feeling of achievement, and has the opportunity for growth and development. The benefit of great satisfaction of job and feel that he was contribute to the success of the organization might attract him more to work at Beco. So, Wayne should provide a clear and attractive job description which included the meaningful and challenging major duties to Robert.

Working condition The benefit of good working condition also might attract Robert. Working condition has broadened considerably over the year. Nowadays, an air-conditioned and reasonable safe and healthy work place is considerably necessary. Robert might be attracted by the benefit

of the company, Beco Electric which had provided a good working condition such as airconditioned, the best possible equipment , and facilities, and plant and office that are clean, orderly, safe and healthy.

Workplace flexibility The benefit of flextime ( the practice of permitting employees to choose their own working hours, within certain limitation)offered might be more attract to Robert. For instance, A typical schedule permits employees to begin work between 6.00a.m. and 9a.m and to complete their workday between 3.00p.m. and 6p.m. So, he can choose the working time which is flexible for himself to work. On the other hands, it can balancing their family obligations and their work duties.

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