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you find most logical

State the rebuttal or Cite examples, instances, practices,

(State the prevailing claim disagreement of the author on laws, programs, or other
about hunger in one the prevailing claim in just one malpractices which you
sentence) sentence experienced, observed read here in
the Philippines or globally that will
support the counterclaim you
presented in the second column.

1. Myth 1 The prevailing claim that there

"There is not enough is not enough food to feed the
food to feed the In the Philippines,
world's population is disputed,
world's population." there are instances where food
and it is argued that the issue is
wastage is significant, and this
not food scarcity but rather points to inefficiencies in the food
problematic policies and supply chain. Supermarkets and
practices. food establishments often discard
unsold but still edible food,
contributing to unnecessary food
loss. This practice highlights the
presence of food but problems in
distribution and access, rather than
an absolute shortage.
2. Myth 5 The author disputes the claim In the Philippines, while natural
"Hunger is primarily that natural disasters and disasters like typhoons can disrupt
caused by natural conflicts are the primary causes food supply temporarily, chronic
disasters and of hunger, asserting that these hunger and food insecurity persist
conflicts." are just exacerbating factors in many areas even during peaceful
and that the root cause lies in times. This indicates that the core
societal issues and unequal issue is not just external factors but
distribution of resources. rather systemic problems such as
unequal land distribution and
access to resources.

3. Myth 7 The author challenges the belief In the Philippines, there have been
"Improving food production that increasing food production initiatives to boost food
will solve the problem of alone will solve hunger and production, but hunger and
hunger." emphasizes that equitable malnutrition persist due to
distribution and access to food inequalities in access to food. Land
are equally important. ownership concentration and
unequal resource distribution
hinder marginalized communities
from benefiting from increased
food production. This evidence
supports the counterclaim that
simply producing more food is
insufficient to address hunger.

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