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Agriculture and Human Values 17: 49–63, 2000.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Traditional knowledge and pest management in the Guatemalan highlands

Helda Morales1 and Ivette Perfecto2

1 Departamento de Agroecologı́a, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México; 2 School of Natural
Resources and Environment, The University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Accepted in revised form May 5, 1999

Abstract. Adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) practices in the Guatemalan highlands has been limited
by the failure of researchers and extensionists to promote genuine farmer participation in their efforts. Some
attempts have been made to redress this failure in the diffusion-adoption process, but farmers are still largely
excluded from the research process. Understanding farmers’ agricultural knowledge must be an early step toward
a more participatory research process. With this in mind, we conducted a semi-structured survey of 75 Cakchiquel
Maya farmers in Patzún, Guatemala, to begin documenting their pest control practices. Their responses revealed
that their understanding of biological and curative pest control is limited. However, their broad knowledge of
cultural preventive pest control practices could explain why they had faced few pest problems in their traditional
milpa (intercrop of corn, beans, and other edible plants). The majority of these preventive practices are probably
efficient and environmentally innocuous.

Key words: Cakchiquel, Corn, Cultural control, Curative practices, Guatemala, Local knowledge, Pest
management, Preventive practices, Traditional knowledge

Abbreviations: CATIE = Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (Center for Research and
Education in Tropical Agronomy); COCADI = Coordinadora Cakchiquel para el Desarrollo Integral (Cakchiquel
Coordinating Group for Integrated Development); DIGESA = Dirección General de Servicios Agrícolas (General
Office of Agricultural Services); CRSP = Collaborative Research Support Program; ECOSUR = El Colegio
de la Frontera Sur; IPM = Integrated pest management; USAID = United States Agency for International

Helda Morales trained in biology in her native Guatemala, and in integrated pest management in Costa Rica,
focused on the social aspects of pest control for her doctorate at the School of Natural Resources and Environment
(The University of Michigan). She is now a Research Associate in the Agroecology Department of El Colegio de la
Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Her research ranges from traditional
Mayan knowledge to tri-trophic interactions for pest control.

Ivette Perfecto is an Associate Professor at the School of Natural Resources and Environment at The University
of Michigan, where she teaches courses in agroforestry, tropical ecosystems, and field ecology. Her research
interests include tropical forest disturbance and biodiversity in agroecosystems. She divides her time between
Ann Arbor, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, and her native Puerto Rico.

Introduction developing pest management strategies (Vandermeer

and Andow, 1986; Andow and Rosset, 1990). Never-
As in other Third World countries, the use of synthetic theless, despite the many efforts to introduce inte-
pesticides in Guatemala is alarming. From 1990 to grated pest management (IPM) technologies in the
1994, US inspectors retained 3,081 shipments of Guatemalan highlands (Fisher, 1994; Murray, 1995;
produce from the Guatemalan highlands because of IPM-CRSP, 1996), the prevalence of pesticide-related
pesticide residues (Thrupp et al., 1995). Still more problems (Hoppin, 1991; Morales et al., 1994; Conroy
alarming, 70.4% of farmers surveyed reported symp- et al., 1996) is proof that IPM adoption is far from
toms consistent with pesticide poisoning (Hoppin, widespread.
1991). Recognizing the major environmental disrup- One of the shortcomings of the traditional
tions caused by synthetic pesticides, agricultural plan- diffusion-adoption approach to agricultural exten-
ners now commonly use ecological knowledge in sion is its failure to incorporate participatory and

multidisciplinary research. Nelson (1994), in her work not be understandable by Westernized scientists taking
with Nicaraguan farmers and IPM scientists, demon- a reductionist approach. We contend, however, that
strated that when farmers participate in the research when “experts” in countries like Guatemala treat
process, they are more willing to adopt IPM tech- indigenous farmers as ignorant and stubborn (e.g.,
nology. The lesson seems simple, and has been García, 1994; Santízo et al., 1996), traditional agri-
promoted by the participatory research movement cultural knowledge is inevitably degraded. In such
since the early 80s: change agents should ask their cases, validation of traditional knowledge is neces-
clients what they want, and include them in the whole sary both for empowerment of farmers and education
research process (Chambers, 1983). of research and development workers. The strengths
Understanding farmers’ traditional agricultural and weaknesses of traditional knowledge should be
knowledge must be an early step in participatory presented to agricultural scientists and policy makers
research. By traditional agricultural knowledge we in a language that they understand: “the language
understand the cultural and technical knowledge that of science” (Moles, 1989). This should, theoreti-
farmers in a specific area have. Farmers inherit part cally, improve communication between farmers and
of this knowledge from their ancestors and build upon agronomists (Slikkerveer, 1989; Nelson, 1994).
it constantly based upon other sources of information In the highlands of Guatemala, traditional farmers
and their own experiments and experience. The rich- have, until recently, faced few pest problems. The
ness of this knowledge is often enormous (Gliessman, apparent lack of pests may be due to cultural prac-
1981; Altieri, 1984; Oldfield and Alcorn, 1987; tices used for centuries by Mayan farmers. The recent
Posey and William, 1989; Gómez-Pompa and Kaus, increase in pest populations is likely due to application
1992). Major development institutions, such as the of pesticides to the non-traditional crops that have been
World Bank and the United States Agency for Inter- introduced over the last two decades (Morales et al.,
national Development (USAID), now include tradi- 1994). Traditional practices could present sustainable
tional knowledge in their discourse (Warren, 1991). alternatives to the use of pesticides in both traditional
In Guatemala, recuperation of traditional agricultural and non-traditional crops.
knowledge among the Quekchís in the northeastern Here, we initiate the documentation and valida-
highlands (Altertec, 1996), and among the Quichés in tion of traditional farming practices in Patzún, a
the northwest (Aguilar, 1993) is underway. However, Cakchiquel Maya town in the Guatemalan highlands.
efforts to document traditional knowledge are in their Farmers in Patzún, fearful that their knowledge will
infancy and are not part of mainstream agricultural disappear because even their children disrespect their
research and extension programs in Guatemala or traditional practices (Board of Directors, Cooperativa
elsewhere. San Bernardino, personal communication), welcomed
In addition to documenting the traditional knowl- scientific validation of those practices. We catalog the
edge of the farmers, it is important to understand religious, environmental, and agricultural factors that
the ecological mechanisms behind their practices farmers in Patzún cite as controlling pests in their
(Gliessman, 1981; Vanek, 1989; De Walt, 1994). This fields. We also evaluate the agricultural practices from
is vital to application of traditional practices to new an agroecological perspective with an eye to their
situations. For example, understanding the mechan- potential application in other agroecosystems.
isms involved in the utilization of vetiver grass (Vetiv-
eria zizanioides) for soil and moisture conservation
in India, allowed farmers around the world to adopt Methods and study site
and benefit from this traditional practice (Greenfield,
1989). Patzún is a community with a rich agricultural
Furthermore, and more importantly, the under- heritage, but its abrupt integration into the global
standing of the traditional practices by outsiders may economy is eroding the traditional agricultural knowl-
be useful for the empowerment of farmers at the local edge of its Mayan inhabitants. The village is located
level (Freire, 1968; Patton, 1990; De Walt, 1994; in the western Department of Chimaltenango, at an
Barzman et al., 1996; Sillitoe, 1998). Empowerment altitude of 2,235 m. Ninety-three percent of the 36,000
through the understanding of traditional knowledge habitants are Cakchiquels.
has been essential for the organization of grass- Since before the conquest, agriculture in the region
roots projects in Bolivia, Chile, México, and Nigeria has centered on the traditional milpa, a polyculture
(Altieri, 1984). Thrupp (1989) argues that farmers’ of maize with some combination of climbing beans,
knowledge, with or without scientific validation, can fava beans, and different varieties of squash. In the
serve as a basis for their empowerment. She also early 1980s, the basis of the local economy shifted to
argues that the value of traditional knowledge may production of non-traditional export crops (broccoli,

snow peas, and zucchini). The non-traditional crops for white grubs), they all agree that white grubs were
were introduced under a USAID program along common. The focus groups also revealed that farmers
with a technological package of synthetic pesticides have practices to “avoid” insect attacks, but that they
and fertilizers. Nonetheless, many farmers are still do not volunteer this information when asked how to
growing maize using low-input, traditional technology. “control” them. Finally, according to the focus groups,
Between August, 1994 and March, 1997 one of us one of the most important practices to avoid insect
(H. M.) lived in Patzún for approximately 15 months. attacks is to plant and to harvest when the moon is
We conducted individual and group surveys, comple- full. The majority of the farmers did not volunteer
mented by field observations, in order to document and this information until they were asked directly if they
assess traditional pest management practices among organize their activities around the lunar cycle. They
Cakchiquel farmers. explain that they hesitate to mention it as an agricul-
Surveys allow broad population coverage but tural practice because some people consider it to be a
can yield misleading information. Researchers and superstition and make fun of them. This exploratory
respondents may, without realizing it, understand survey allowed us to redesign the questions, and to be
questions in different ways (Clark and Schober, conscious of the possible problems with the survey.
1992). Furthermore, respondents’ perceptions of the We began using the modified survey in May, 1995,
perspective of the interviewer’s beliefs or goals may conducting most of the interviews in the fields around
influence their responses (Clark and Schober, 1992). Patzún. We used a semi-structured interview with
Investigators must also take care in choosing the open-ended questions to ask growers about practices
format of the questionnaire. In preliminary research, they believe to be effective against insect pests, and
an open-response format can reveal the full range of to describe those practices. When farmers did not
responses, but informants may not provide information mention practices already recorded, they were asked
they perceive as self-evident or irrelevant (Schwarz their opinion on those practices as well. The questions
et al., 1992). Furthermore, a particular answer may of the interview were:
not occur to an informant answering an open-response
• Do you have pests in your milpa?
question although he or she believes it to be true,
• Are there insects that eat the milpa?
making quantitative conclusions suspect (Schwarz
• Which insects eat the milpa?
et al., 1992). Taking into account these potential
• Do insects cause economic losses in the milpa?
stumbling blocks, one of us (H. M.) conducted an
• Why you do not have problems with insects in
exploratory survey about traditional pest control prac-
your milpa?
tices to evaluate comprehension and interpretation
• What should be done to avoid insects or insect
by Cakchiquels and a few members of other Maya
damage in the milpa?
language groups. She interviewed eleven individuals
• What do you do when insects are eating your
and conducted two focus groups in August, 1994. The
first focus group was comprised of seven members of
• Are there animals that kill the insects that eat the
the board of directors of an agricultural cooperative
in Patzún whom H. M. had met during a previous
• Who taught you how to plant?
study. The second was a group of four former farmers
• Who gives you agricultural advice?
who are her friends and members of the Pastoral
Indígena of the Catholic Church in Guatemala City. We selected interviewees who plant milpa and were
The Pastoral Indígena works within the Guatemalan willing and available to participate. We tried to include
Catholic Church to promote inclusion of some aspects an equal number of traditional and non-traditional
of Mayan religion in the Catholic liturgy. She also farmers, those older and younger than 40, and men and
interviewed eleven individual farmers as she walked women. By “traditional” and “non-traditional” farmers
with them through the streets of Patzún or in the nearby we mean people who grow just milpa, as opposed
fields. She asked farmers how they control pests in the to those who also grow non-traditional crops such as
milpa, and who gives them agricultural advice. broccoli and snow peas.
The exploratory survey revealed several prob- In total, we interviewed 75 people, 30 tradi-
lems with the questions. Difficulties inevitably arose tional farmers and 45 non-traditional ones, 38 people
because the interviews were conducted in Spanish, the younger than 40, 37 older than 40, 58 men and 17
second language of the interviewees, who all speak women. The reason for the disparity between men and
Mayan languages. For example, the majority of the women is that the majority of the older women could
farmers in the individual interviews said that they not speak Spanish or did not feel confident enough
do not have gallina ciegas (white grubs); however, in Spanish to be interviewed. Also some of them did
when asked if they had ican (the Cakchiquel word not want to talk with us. At the time that the inter-

views were conducted, there was a rumor that gringas Results and discussion
were kidnapping children in the area. Unfortunately,
despite being Guatemalan, H. M. was perceived as a The concept of pests
foreigner, and women with small children were afraid
of her. Furthermore, some women thought that she Plagas quiere estudiar usté? La milpa no tiene
could learn more about agriculture by talking with plagas seño (Guillermo Teleguario).
men, and they called their husbands even though she You want to study pests? The milpa does not have
insisted that she wanted to know their own opinions. pests, miss.
The first interviewed farmers were members of the When H. M. started interviewing farmers in Patzún
board of directors of the Cooperativa San Bernardino. to assess their traditional pest control practices she
The cooperative gives credit to plant broccoli, provides was surprised by the answer of Guillermo Teleguario.
inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, and negotiates Don Guillermo, former mayor of Patzún, was at that
sales to export companies. The board of directors is time the president of Cooperativa San Bernardino.
formed of leaders from Patzún and the surrounding Although he likely thought her ignorant, he introduced
villages, who gave H. M. advice and put her in contact her to several of the farmers that she interviewed,
with other farmers that they thought would give because he believes in the importance of the validation
her valuable information. Thus, the majority of the of traditional knowledge. The answer was the same,
early interviews were with “non-traditional farmers.” from the 75 interviewed farmers, 54% said that they do
However, the community of friends that H. M. made not have pests in their milpa. We did not understand.
in Patzún helped us with the interviews by teaching It was impossible that the majority of the farmers had
her basic entomological Cakchiquel, helping us inter- not noticed the insects we had seen eating their crops.
pret the results of the interviews, and introducing her Of course they had noticed. Because Spanish is
to their neighbors, friends, family members, and the the second language in Patzún and we do not speak
elders. These social links gave us the opportunity to more than 10 words of Cakchiquel, we were painfully
interview a range of people that we believe provide a aware of the language barrier. We suspected that the
good representation of the whole community. Among problem was with the word plaga (pest). We noticed
them were full-time farmers, landless farm workers, a problem with the word plaga since the pre-survey,
the director of a development project, agricultural but we decided that it would be interesting to see
export company workers, Catholic priests and catech- if the response was the same among all the farmers.
ists, Protestant ministers, and teachers, all of whom Nevertheless, after talking with Guillermo Teleguario,
plant milpas. we added another question and asked if there were
The percentage of farmers’ providing particular “insects” that eat the milpa. Ninety-nine percent of the
responses was calculated for each question to indicate farmers said that in fact there were.
the relative importance of each practice among Patzu- The interviewed farmers mentioned 18 different
neros. These percentages likely underestimate the groups of insects (Table 1). The insects mentioned
actual fraction of farmers employing each practice, as most commonly were weevils, white grubs, moths,
a given practice may not have occurred to all inter- beetles, caterpillars, and aphids. Some farmers also
viewees at the moment of the interview. The number mentioned wireworms, mites, crickets, scales, flies,
of farmers answering each question (n), may differ leafhoppers, and ants. The list of insects that they
from question to question, since in some cases, not all mentioned is similar to the one developed by IPM
the questions were asked in an interview. Some of the experts (CATIE, 1990). IPM scientists recognized
most representative answers are cited as a direct quote 22 species of insects and mites as the main pests
in Spanish, with an English translation. that attack corn in Central America. Among the four
Given the inevitable problems associated with families that farmers did not mentioned, three of them
surveys, the first author also made direct observations are difficult to observe without actively searching for
of the agricultural practices of some growers. She them. Cydnidae bugs are less than 8 mm long and
spent several hours in the fields with four farmers. hide among roots, Pyralidae larvae bore into the stalks
As she watched them at work, they had long conver- of corn, and Eriophyidae mites are impossible to see
sations about their agricultural practices and those of without lenses (Borror et al., 1989). Farmers may
their neighbors. recognize the fourth family, but they only mentioned
gorgojos (weevils). They do not seem to differentiate
between Curculionidae and Bostrichidae. On the other
hand, IPM scientist did not mentioned wooly bear
caterpillars, aphids, crickets, white scales, and flies as
important corn pests in Central America. Nevertheless
Table 1. Herbivorous arthropods in corn mentioned by farmers (N = 64) in Patzún, Guatemala, (1994–1996),
compared with herbivorous insects recognized as pests by IPM scientists in corn in Central America (CATIE,

Mentioned by Mentioned by scientists English name % of farmers


Gorgojos Curculionidae: Sitophilus, Weevils 63.2

Bostrichidae: Rhizopetha
Ican Scarabaeidae: Phyllophaga White grubs 47.1
Jut Noctuidae: Agrotis, Mocis Hairless caterpillars 23.5
Gusano del elote Noctuidae: Heliothis Corn earworm 23.5
Cogollero Noctuidae: Spodoptera Fall armyworm 23.5
Chomochı́ ∗ Wooly bear caterpillars 23.5
Tortuguillas Chrysomelidae: Diabrotica, Cerotoma Leaf beetles 19.1
Pulgón ∗ Aphids 13.2
Hormiga negra Formicidae: Acromyrmex, Atta, Solenopsis Ants 4.4
Palomillas Gelechiidae: Sitotroga Grain moths 3.7
Gusano alambre Elateridae: Aeolus Wireworms 2.9
Grillo ∗ Crickets 2.9
Sak Acrididae: Schistocerca Grasshoppers 2.9
Aradores, acaros Tetranychidae: Oligonychus, Tetranychus Spider mites 2.9
Salta hoja Cicadellidae Leafhoppers 1.5
Escama blanca ∗ White scales 1.5
Mosca ∗ Flies 1.5
∗ Cydnidae: Cyrtomenus Burrower bugs 0
∗ Pyralidae: Elasmopalpus, Diatrea Snout/grass moths 0
∗ Eriophyidae: Eriophyes Gall mites 0

∗ = not mentioned.

corn has been reported as a host of all these insects What controls pests?
elsewhere (Saunders et al., 1983). In sum, we can say
that farmers can recognize at least the majority of the Understanding the Patzunero concept of “pest” helped
insect families identified by scientists. us recover from our worries. We realized that although
Besides knowing the herbivorous insects in the our preconception of the outcome of the surveys was
milpa, the farmers also know the Spanish word plaga. flawed, we would actually learn something much more
While listing the insects that eat the milpa, the farmers important than we had imagined before we started
often mentioned for comparative purpose the plagas in interviewing. We had expected to compile a list of
the non-traditional crops. Their Spanish was not the traditional practices such as the application of botan-
problem with our first question. The problem was our ical insecticides and incense burning to control and/or
concept of pest: “every herbivorous arthropod in a crop repel insects. We understood then that such curative
is a pest or potential pest.” For the farmers in Patzún, pest control activities were largely unnecessary in
the concept is more sophisticated: An herbivore that the traditional milpa, since sixty percent of them
does not cause economic damage is not a pest. They mentioned that the insects do not cause economic
do not classify the insects as pests because they do not losses in the milpa. The important question to address
cause economic losses in the milpa. Their approach was why the herbivorous insects do not reach pest
is in some ways similar to the IPM central concept status in the first place.
of “economic threshold.” Under the IPM philosophy, Farmers in Patzún explain the absence of pest prob-
the application of a control is not justified if the “pest” lems by the weather and soil conditions in the area,
does not reach the economic threshold. In other words, their tolerance of insect damage, their religious beliefs,
if pest control would cost more than the decrease and the agricultural methods that they practice (Table
in yield that the pest would cause, control is not 2). Farmers mentioned that the weather and soil condi-
recommended (Horn, 1988). tions in Patzún are favorable for corn, and for this same

Table 2. Patzún farmers’ opinions on why insects in the milpa them to share with the animals is part of their religious
do not reach economic levels (N = 37).
Explanations % of farmers
El maíz tiene gusanos pero yo no lo rechazo, no soy
Damage is avoided with agronomic practices 64.9 como las compañías que rechazan el brócoli porque
Insects do no eat much 24.3 lleva gusano (Fabián Teleguario).
Milpa is strong 18.9
The corn has worms but I do not reject it, I am not
like the export companies that reject the broccoli
Damage is accepted 16.2
because it has a worm.
Cold weather 13.5
God protects the milpa 8.1 Aunque las gallinas ciegas se coman algunas
Soil is appropriate for the milpa 2.7 plantas lo que se pierde es un quintal de maíz. Hay
que compartir con los animales (Hipólito Miculax).
Even if the white grubs eat some plants, we lose
only 100 pounds of corn. We should share with the
reason herbivorous insects are almost non-existent.
They mentioned that on the Pacific coast of Guatemala Llamamos a Monseñor Julio para que viniera a
the milpa is often attacked by insects because of the bendecir a los insectos. La gente no quiere destruir
warm weather. los animales. Hay que evitarlos, cada animal tiene
Their observations on the effect of abiotic factors su función (Angela López).
over insects are supported by the literature that reports We call on Bishop Julio to come pray for the insects.
experiences in other areas. For example, it has We do not want to destroy the animals. We should
been reported that the fall armyworm, (Spodoptera avoid them. Each animal has its function.
frugiperda) causes much more severe damage in the El maíz es sagrado, incluso si hay un maicito tirado
lowlands of Central America than in the highlands se recoge, se le habla al tamal, y a la tortilla,
(King and Saunders, 1984). In the lowlands of Mexico porque va a ser parte del hombre. Se siembran los
as well, milpas cultivated using practices similar to tres colores: blanco, amarillo, negro. La abuela
those used in Patzún can have serious problems with Ixmucané los mezcló. Cuando se cosecha se le echa
insect pests (Ucán Ek et al., 1982). Apparently, the incienso. Todos se levantan a las 5 de la mañana y
lower temperatures in the highlands are a shield that se encienden velas y se reza (Jacinto Pelicó).
Patzuneros have against herbivorous insects. Corn is sacred; even if there is only one small grain
Soil can be another important factor that influences on the ground, we pick it up; we talk with the
insect development. For example, the observations of tamal (cornmeal, that may or may not be mixed with
Wightman and Wightman (1994) in Africa that sandy a sauce made with ground squash seeds, roasted
or loamy soils favor white grubs seem to corroborate peppers, tomatoes and meat, wrapped in corn husks
the observations of some farmers in Patzún: “crops or plantain leaves, and cooked by steaming) and the
growing on sandy soils suffer more pest attacks.” tortilla because they will become part of our own
So, as Patzuneros affirm, temperature and soil in bodies. We plant the three colors: white, yellow, and
Patzún contribute to the apparent lack of insect prob- black. The goddess Ixmucané mixed them. For the
lems in the milpa, but they are not the only explanation. harvest we burn incense. Everybody wakes up at 5
The principal evidence that abiotic factors are not AM and we burn candles and we pray.
enough to control pests are the severe problems that
farmers in the area have with herbivorous insects in Jacinto explained that according to the Mayan reli-
the non-traditional crops (Morales et al., 1994; Thrupp gion, humans are made from corn dough, and the three
et al., 1995; Conroy et al., 1996). colors of corn represent all the peoples’ colors. By
Their tolerance of pest damage and the fact that mixing them in the milpa, they venerate the goddess
corn is part of farmers’ religion also explain in part Ixmucané who will “let all the races be together.”
the lack of pest attacks in the milpa, contrasting As Jacinto, eight percent of the farmers interviewed
with the non-traditional crops. Cakchiquel religion mentioned that corn is not attacked by insects because
determines the care that farmers give to their milpas, it is protected by God.
but no religious guidelines exist for non-traditional Since the fact that corn is central to Mayan reli-
crops. Non-traditional crop management is directed by gion and culture has already been well documented
outsiders, who are not as tolerant of cosmetic damage (Asturias, 1949; Ucán Ek et al., 1982; Aguilar,
as Cakchiqueles. Most of the farmers mentioned that 1993; Terán and Rasmussen, 1994), we, as ecologists,
they share their corn with the animals, and for some of will now focus on the merit of Patzuneros’ agricul-

tural practices according to agroecological theory and Table 3. Preventive agricultural practices that avoid insect
economic damage, according to farmers in Patzún (N = 51).
experiences in other geographical areas.
% of farmers
Agronomic practices practice

The majority of the farmers mentioned that they I. Preventive practices in the field
prevent insect attacks by using agronomic practices. Choose the appropriate terrain for corn: non- 5.9
They mentioned 26 preventive practices that help repel flat, non-muddy, sandy
insects or make plants resistant to insect attacks in Do not plant fava beans in the milpa after 2.0
the field and in storage (Table 3). The rest of this non-traditional crops
section will describe these preventive practices as well Let the hens into the field before planting, so 3.9
as some reactive ones and, where possible, evaluate the that they can eat the worms
practices based on the agroecological literature. Apply ashes and/or lime to avoid ants, wire- 6.0
worms, and white grubs
Preventive practices in the field Use organic fertilizer 15.7
Good soil nutrition 4.0
In the field, preventive practices start with the selection
Disinfect organic fertilizer 9.8
of the appropriate terrain and finish with manage-
ment of crop residues. According to the farmers, it is Respect planting dates 11.8
important to choose the appropriate land to plant since Plant when the moon is full 23.5
characteristics of the soil and its previous management Plant more than needed 2.0
may affect insect populations. For example, one farmer Plant corn with beans to avoid beetles 2.0
mentioned that in muddy terrain, white grubs could Plant miltomate (Physalis sp.) in the milpa 2.0
destroy entire cornfields, while in drier soils they are Harvest when the moon is full 21.6
not a problem. However, other farmers have observed Do not bury the corn stalk (to avoid white 11.8
more pest attacks in sandy soils. grubs)
Since the introduction of the non-traditional crops Bury the corn stalk to feed the white grub 2.0
in the area, farmers often rotate the milpa with Protect the natural enemies 3.9
broccoli or snow peas. Some farmers recommended Plant trees to attract birds that eat the worms 2.0
not planting fava beans in the milpa in fields from
which non-traditional crops have just been harvested II. Preventive practices in storage
to avoid aphid attacks. Do not over dry the corn before putting it in 9.8
Once they have selected the appropriate site, it storage
is time to prepare the soil. Some farmers let their Do not cover the storage with tin roof, use tile 15.7
hens in the field for two or three days to allow them or straw
to eat the insects from the up-turned soil and help Save husk to avoid weevils in the storage 1.4
diminish insect attacks later. A few farmers mentioned Store corn in a silo 2.0
that before planting they applied lime or ashes to the Apply lime in storage to avoid weevils 2.0
soil to reduce ants, wireworms, and white grubs. The
application of lime or ashes to the soil to reduce soil
pests is a very common practice among indigenous
groups in America (Altieri and Trujillo, 1987; Aguilar, to Abelardo Martínez, they cannot plant before March
1993; Altertec, 1996). Lime, ashes, and other inert because of frost: “Si siembro antes lo mata la helada.”
powders obstruct insect tracheas and damage their The corn cycle in Patzún is very long, around nine
cuticles and have been used successfully to control months from planting to harvest. Farmers strive to be
pests in the field and in the storage (Golob, 1997). the first to harvest and get the best prices. Planting
Lime applications to the soil are effective to control at the beginning of March would allow them to do it.
white grubs (Vittum, 1984; Potter et al., 1996). Ashes Nevertheless, they wait until the end of March, when
also have been used successfully to control a leaf miner everybody is ready to plant more or less at the same
(Liriomyza huidrobensis) in potatoes (Raymundo and time. According to their experience all the animals
Alcazar, 1983). are attracted to their plots if they plant ahead of time:
Planting dates also are very important for avoiding “Mi papá sembró los primeros días de marzo y solo
insect damage in Patzún. Most of the farmers plant at la mitad del elote encontró” (my father planted during
the end of March or beginning of April. According the first days of March and he found only half of the

corn in the cob) (Mariano Jocholá). This observation that many problems in the Mayan community started
is related to the ecological theory of predator satiation with capitalism:
(Heliövaara et al., 1994; Kelly, 1994). The mass emer-
gence of corn plants creates peaks in food availability Antes ni se vendía el maíz, solo compartir, ahora
for herbivores that are able to consume only a small todo se comercializó y por eso las cosechas están
fraction of the plants, keeping overall herbivore popu- malas. Ahora el dinero es más importante.
lations low because of low food availability the rest of In the past corn was not even sold, just shared,
the time. In fact, this concept has been applied in IPM now everything is commercialized and that is why
programs with the establishment of mandatory harvest harvests are bad. Now money is the most important
and planting dates (Horn, 1988; Hruska and Gómez, thing.
1997). The practice of sharing the crops and planting more
Farmers also recommend not to plant after San than needed may not be economically efficient. In fact,
Antonio’s day (June 13th), since it is God’s will, and the economic net revenue in the traditional milpa in
it will be impossible to harvest anything. Guillermo the area is very low (Hildebrand et al., 1977), but the
Teleguario has another explanation for this: majority of the farmers are able to produce enough
Es mejor sembrar antes por que cuando vienen las corn for their own consumption. As Jacinto Pelicó
lluvias salen los insectos y se comen a la milpa y explained, trying to be “efficient” is the reason of
si está chiquita no aguanta, no crece la mata ni los their economic problems. An analysis of the agricul-
jilotes. tural commercialization in the Guatemalan highlands
It is better to plant before because when the rains shows that in fact this has been detrimental for the
come, the insects appear and they eat the milpa and economy and food security of the farmers (Immink and
if it is small it does not bear up. Neither the plant Alarcón, 1993). The authors blame the lack of market
nor the ears grow. access, the fluctuating prices, and the inefficiency
of the marketing institutions. Furthermore, planting
As a result of the climatic characteristics of the area more than needed is a practice recommended by IPM
and insect ecology, all the farmers in Patzún plant their scientist to minimize economic losses due to pests such
corn over a period of two months. The exact date to as Spodoptera frugiperda (King and Saunders, 1984;
plant is chosen according to the lunar cycle. To plant CATIE, 1990).
when the moon is full was the practice most often In addition to planting more corn than they need,
mentioned to avoid insect attacks; twenty-four percent farmers plant 2 bean seeds in the same hole. Some-
of the farmers said that if they plant when the moon is times fava beans or squash are planted in between.
full, the plants grow stronger and resist insect damage. Much of the rest of the remaining space is filled by
Many cultures use lunar agricultural calendars (Ucán volunteer, edible or medicinal plants, such as milto-
Ek et al., 1982; Altieri and Trujillo, 1987; Thrupp, mate (tomatillo, Physalis sp.), quilete (nightshade,
1989; Aguilar, 1993). Beliefs about the moon’s effect Solanum nigrum), chipilín (Crotalaria longitostrata),
on farming are so widespread that it is reasonable to colinabo (yellow turnip, Brassica napus), and mostaza
hypothesize that the moon’s cycle may have an effect (turnip, Brassica rapa), that farmers foster. The impor-
on crops and animals, but no ecological or physical tance of intercropping to avoid insect attacks has been
mechanism to explain this practice has been demon- demonstrated by many researchers (for reviews see
strated. It is possible that lunar planting and harvesting Risch et al., 1983; Andow, 1991), but although all
dates permit farmers to synchronize their activities to the farmers in Patzún intercrop, it was only mentioned
the day across a landscape, potentially maximizing as a practice to avoid insect attacks by two farmers.
predator satiation. In this sense, lunar planting and One of them said that it is impossible to grow beans
harvesting may be related to planting synchrony as without corn because of beetle attacks. Angela López
used in integrated pest management programs (see said that she plants miltomate to repel insects in the
above). milpa. This is in accordance with Thurston’s (1991)
Besides planting at the right moment, another finding that many traditional farming practices act to
strategy used to avoid insect damage is to plant more control plant disease, but it is doubtful that farmers use
than is needed. The majority of the farmers plant 4 them specifically for disease control. It is interesting
corn seeds per hole: “Una para el pájaro, una para that farmers in Patzún do deliberately use cultural prac-
la hormiga, una para mi, y una para el vecino” tices for insect pest management, but not polycultures
(one seed is for the bird, one for the ant, one for that are so popular among agroecologists. The majority
me, and one for the neighbor). This is related to of farmers may never have noticed the importance of
the concept of sharing the food and accepting insect polycultures in pest management because they have
damage mentioned before. Jacinto Pelicó explained never planted corn in monoculture.

The second-most-mentioned practice to avoid pests edge of natural enemies seems to be common among
was the use of organic fertilizers. They affirm that farmers in Central America (Bentley, 1989, 1992). In
organic fertilization avoids insect damage in their his study with farmers in Honduras, Bentley (1989,
milpa. Farmers in Patzún argue that organic fertilizer 1992) concludes that one reason for this gap in tradi-
limits insect attacks because it is good for the soil tional knowledge is that natural enemies are difficult
and therefore for the plant. Fourteen percent of the to observe. In fact, farmers from another village inter-
farmers mentioned that organic fertilizers, compared viewed in a previous study (Morales et al., 1994)
with synthetics, “are moist, they have more nutrients, had a similar explanation. They said jokingly that
they are not washed away by the rain, and they last before they attended workshops presented by Altertec
longer.” As a consequence of these characteristics, (a non-governmental organization promoting organic
farmers explain that organic fertilizers are better for agriculture in Guatemala), they could only recognize
the plant because they “do not burn them, they do not organisms bigger than a rat. The use of natural enemies
make them grow too much, and for that reason plants is one of the most important tools in IPM, and farmers’
can resist wind and pests.” Traditionally, farmers in knowledge gap in this area could be remedied with
Patzún use whatever materials they have available for another important tool of Western science: the micro-
compost. The favorite materials are kitchen scraps and scope or hand lens. Unfortunately, farmers do not have
cow manure. They also use harvest residues, straw, access to such tools.
horse manure, herbs, lime, ashes, and when they have Finally, according to Patzuneros, the management
access to them, chicken manure and forest leaves. of crop residues is also important for prevention of
Some farmers also use sheep, goat, and rabbit manure. insect attacks. Twelve percent of interviewees said
Although management of soil fertility is the most that to avoid white grub attacks, the corn stalk should
important practice to prevent pests attacks according not be buried but should be burned or removed from
to 20% of the farmers, we do not have enough the field. In fact, Dix and colleagues (1995) found
information to evaluate conclusively this practice. that white grubs are more numerous near buried
Organic farming promoters around the world often corn stalks. Furthermore, many IPM textbooks (e.g.
argue that organic fertilizer reduces pest populations, Horn, 1988) stress elimination of crop residues as a
but evidence for this in the literature is scant and preventive practice for pest management. However,
contradictory (Culliney and Pimentel, 1986; Eigen- one farmer mentioned that he buries the stalks to feed
brode and Pimentel, 1988; Costello and Altieri, 1995; the insects. He explained that otherwise the white
Phelan et al., 1995; Letourneau et al., 1996). However, grubs would eat the corn roots.
controlled experiments that we conducted in Patzún
show that corn plants treated with organic fertilizer for Preventing pests in storage
at least two years host fewer aphids than those treated
with synthetic fertilizer (Morales, 1998). According to Preventing pest problems in storage is also important
farmers, organic fertilizers are better for plants because to farmers. Patzuneros’ preventive pest management
they make them resistant. The idea that a healthy plant practices for stored grains can also be explained by
can resist insect attacks is popular among farmers and agroecological theory and results from scientific exper-
scientists around the world but agricultural scientists iments. Twenty-one percent of the farmers mentioned
are just beginning to investigate this belief (Phelan et that they harvest when the moon is full to avoid weevils
al., 1995). and moths in the stored grains. After the harvest in
On the other hand, the conservation of natural December or January, Patzuneros leave the grain in
enemies of pests, a practice that is well know to the their courtyard to dry. Ten percent of the farmers
scientific community, and frequently employed in IPM mentioned that it is necessary not to over-dry the corn
programs does not seem to be part of the agricultural before they put it in storage to avoid weevil attacks.
knowledge of most farmers in Patzún. Some farmers This observation could possibly be explained by the
mentioned that it is important to protect the natural behavior of the natural enemies of the maize weevil
enemies of pests (4%), and plant trees to attract birds (Sitophilus zeamais). Populations of Anisopteromalus
that eat insects (2%). Nevertheless, the majority of calandrae, a parasitoid of the maize weevil, increase
the farmers in Patzún did not express awareness of when humidity increases (Smith, 1993). Furthermore,
natural enemies that eat herbivorous insects in the IPM scientists in Central America have recognized
milpa. When asked if there are animals that kill the that letting corn dry in the field for too long increases
insects that eat the milpa, only 10% of the farmers indi- the exposure to weevil infestations, thereby increasing
cated that other insects (Cicindelidae and Coccinell- economic damage (CATIE, 1990).
idae), lizards, toads, and birds are beneficial for the Sixteen percent of them mentioned that it is also
control of herbivorous insects. The lack of knowl- necessary to store the grains in a cool place. H. M.

asked a woman who owns a pesticide store in Patzún Table 4. Practices used to control insect damage in the milpa
and stored grains in Patzún (N = 45).
which product she recommends for control of weevils
and moths. The woman looked at her in a funny way % of
and said that the granary should be covered with tile
or straw, not with tin roof because the latter makes
the room very hot, which increases insect attacks. I. Mechanical practices
Finally, explaining her odd look, she emphasized that Lime for white grubs and/or weevils 8.9
she does not recommend “products” for the control of Hoe for white grubs 2.2
weevils, since they are not worthwhile. It is interesting
that even local pesticide dealers recommend storing II. Botanical pesticides
the grains in a cool place instead of an insecticide. Chysanthemum (Chrysanthemum parthenium) 6.7
In fact, scientists (Birch, 1953; Throne, 1994) have American worm seed (Chenopodium ambrosioides) 2.2
long recognized the importance of the manipulation of Rue (Ruta sp.) 2.2
humidity and temperature to manage pests in stored Coriander (Coriandum sativum) 2.2
grains. According to Throne (1994), the maize weevil Marigold (Tagetes erecta) 2.2
will not develop at relative humidity levels below 43%
and at temperatures below 15 ◦ C or above 35 ◦ C. III. Synthetic pesticides
A few farmers also mentioned that they keep the Powdered poison for wireworms 2.2
husk covering the ear to avoid weevils in the granary. Lorsban for white grubs 4.4
However, other farmers argue that this practice should Folidol for ants 2.2
be avoided because of rat attacks. Several farmers said Fumigol for everything 2.2
that it is very effective to use a silo instead of a granary Poison for aphids 4.4
to avoid insect attacks, but since most cannot afford
Pesticide for beetles 15.6
silos ($50), only a few farmers (2%) in Patzún use
Poison for treehoppers 2.2
them to store their grain.
Finally, 11% of those interviewed think that organic Poison for weevils 15
fertilizers reduce pest attacks not only in the field but
also in storage. They said that beans and corn fertilized
with organic manure or compost suffer fewer weevils
and moth attacks in the granary. To our knowledge, that pests are becoming more prevalent and that they
this has not been studied. The same mechanisms that should do something to eliminate them. To manage
reduce pest attacks in plants fertilized with organic insect pests in the milpa, Patzuneros use mechanical
fertilizer in the field may be responsible for pest controls as well as botanical and synthetic pesticides
reduction in the granary. (see Table 4).
In sum, farmers in Patzún employ a broad array Lime is sometimes used to control white grubs in
of methods to prevent insect attacks in their milpas the field and weevils in stored grains (9% of farmers).
and stored grains. The majority of these practices are Honduran farmers also successfully use lime to control
popular among promoters of sustainable, ecological pests in stored grains (Hoppe, 1986). As discussed
agriculture, but some of them have not been studied earlier, inert powders such as lime can control insects
or are poorly understood by scientists. That is the case by mechanically damaging their tracheae and cuticles
for the most popular practices among the people in (Vittum, 1984; Potter et al., 1996).
Patzún: The use of the lunar calendar and the use of Another mechanical control mentioned by a few
organic fertilizers to prevent insect attacks. Given the farmers (2%) is to kill with the hoe the white grubs
importance that farmers in Patzún attribute to these found while working the soil.
two practices, the possible mechanisms involved merit More popular than the mechanical practices is
further study. With this in mind, we conducted the the use of pesticides. Botanical pesticides such as
experiment to evaluate the impact of traditional fertil- altamisa or pirulillo (Chrysanthemum parthenium),
ization practices on corn pests, which we mentioned apazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides), ruda (Ruta
above (Morales, 1998). sp.), culantro (Coriandum sativum), and flor de muerto
(Tagetes erecta) are applied by 15% of the farmers.
Curative practices All of the plants that they mentioned have been recog-
nized as effective insect repellents and insecticides by
Despite their vast agroecological knowledge, and scientists, and are used by farmers around the world.
although the majority of farmers do not consider Extracts of Chrysanthemum spp. were the active
insects pests a problem, one-third of the farmers think ingredient in some of the first commercialized insect-

icides in the late 1800s (Hansen, 1987). The botan- Sources of agricultural advice
ical insecticide extracted from Chrysanthemum spp.,
pyrethrum, has been replaced in modern agriculture Patzuneros’ lack of knowledge in reactive pest
by synthetic pyrethroids (Hansen, 1987). Chenopo- management practices is also understandable by
dium spp. toxicity has also been determined for several looking at how their knowledge is gained. The farmers
species of insects, like seed beetles (Callosobruchus interviewed claim that their agricultural knowledge
maculatus), the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae), and and practices in the milpa are part of their Mayan tradi-
the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) (Leach and tions. These practices have been transmitted from one
Johnson, 1925; Su, 1991). Farmers in Rwanda use generation to the next by parents and other community
this plant as an insect repellent to protect beans in members. Some farmers mentioned that they also
the granary (Munyemana, 1986). Extracts of Cori- learned some agricultural practices in workshops and
andrum spp. seeds are also toxic for T. confusum, and from agronomists (9%), but the majority (75%) is like
S. oryzae (Su, 1986). Organic farming promoters have Guillermo González who is very proud to have learned
long recognized the insect repellent effect of Ruta spp. everything from his father and by himself:
(Maffia, 1981). Ruta repels a broad range of insect
Mi papá me daba consejos desde que yo era niño.
pests, such as P. japonica, fleas and flies. Among
Nunca me mandó a la escuela porque me vio que
the plants mentioned by Patzuneros, perhaps the most
era bueno y inteligente para trabajar. Nadie me ha
popular around the world for its insecticidal properties
tenido que decir como hacer las cosas después, y
is Tagetes spp. (Morallo-Rejesus and Decena, 1982).
solo sé como y me ha ido bien.
The main advantage of these botanical insecticides is
My father gave me advice since I was a child. He
that farmers can grow the plants themselves, avoiding
never sent me to school because he saw that I was
dependence on external inputs.
good and intelligent for working. Nobody told me
Nevertheless, the most common curative practice
how to do things after that, I just know how and I
used in milpas is the application of synthetic insect-
have done well.
icides. Although their use seems to be widespread in
the area, 40% of the farmers that use pesticides could The few traditional farmers that have received
explain that they apply a “poison” or an “insecticide,” advice about their growing pest problems in milpas,
but they could not remember the names or they did not mentioned workshops organized by foreigners and/or
know what they applied. It is very common to ask for by the General Office of Agricultural Services
advice for pest control in the local pesticide stores, and (DIGESA), the governmental agricultural extension
to get just a few ounces of the product without any office that no longer exists. Although farmers exper-
label. Among the insecticides that farmers remember iment and adapt to new situations, the process of
having used are Lorsban (Clorpirifos), Folidol (Para- developing new knowledge to deal with pests is slow.
thion), and Malatión (Malathion). The majority of Apparently, given their lack of access to information,
these insecticides are organo-phosphates that are not farmers are unable to keep up with the rapid changes
very toxic, but some farmers mentioned that they need induced by globalization.
to apply them regularly to control beetles in beans
and storage pests. Farmers do not have many prob- Policy implications
lems in the milpa, but they do have problems in
storage. Furthermore, many of these applications are To reduce the use of pesticides in the Guatemalan
preventive. In the field, they apply pesticides only highlands, policy makers should encourage and
sporadically to eliminate ants, wireworms, leafhoppers support organizations that recognize farmers’ deep
and aphids, if the populations are high. ecological knowledge, as well as their limitations.
In sum, Patzuneros’ knowledge of curative prac- Since the focus of IPM programs in the area is on
tices is not as broad or as ecologically grounded as curative practices (insecticides with low persistence
their knowledge of preventive practices. The main in the environment, biological and other selective
reason why Patzuneros do not have a broad knowl- insecticides, parasitoids and predators), the deficien-
edge of curative pest management practices is that the cies in farmers’ knowledge of natural enemies and
majority of them do not consider insects to be pests in curative practices for pest control should be addressed.
the milpa. Insect pests are a new problem for them, one However, the emphasis should be on preventive,
that arose with the advent of non-traditional crops. cultural practices that farmers are already familiar
with and usually do not require costly inputs. Further-
more, bottom-up programs for pest management are
necessary in the Guatemalan highlands. Some organi-
zations like Altertec and the Cakchiquel Organization

for Integrated Development (COCADI) are doing an new pests, and using synthetic pesticides. Both scien-
impressive job, but they lack support. The Farmer’s tists and farmers stand to benefit from understanding
IPM Field Schools in Indonesia (Kenmore, 1991) and why pests are a growing problem in the area and
the Crop Management Project in Nicaragua (Falguni whether the environmentally-sound, traditional prac-
Guharay, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investiga- tices for pest management could be applied to a
ción y Enseñanza (CATIE)-Proyecto Manejo Integrado changing agroecosystem.
de Plagas-Nicaragua, personal communication) are
examples of the success of this bottom-up approach to
the reduction of pesticide use at the national level. Acknowledgments
An important lesson to be taken from our experi-
ences is that scientists (and agricultural planners) must We want to express our gratitude to all the people
not take for granted that farmers use words the same and institutions that allowed us to complete this work:
way that they do. Identifying these discrepancies in to the farmers that shared their knowledge with us,
meaning can help “experts” understand how farmers especially to Jacinto Pelicó, Angela López, Alejandro
think, and can help them learn how to communicate Cipac, Guillermo Teleguario, and José Raquec; to
more successfully with farmers. Bruce Ferguson for his criticism and his patience
Our interviews of a small subset of Patzunero editing this article; to John Vandermeer, John Witter,
farmers may provide just a suggestion of what they Roger Williams, and the New World Agricultural and
know and do not know about pest management in their Ecology Group, for providing insightful ideas and
milpas. Nevertheless, our data support the growing criticism; to Fulbright-LASPAU, IPM-CRSP/USAID,
body of literature affirming the value of traditional the Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the
agricultural knowledge from around the world. This Rackham School of Graduate Studies, and the School
knowledge should be taken into account by agricul- of Natural Resources and Environment at The Univer-
tural planners and may even be applicable to other sity of Michigan for providing funds through grants
agroecosystems. for Helda Morales; and to the anonymous reviewers
for providing constructive criticism.

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