Local Agroecological Knowledge and Its Relationship to Farmers Pest Management Decision Making in Rural Honduras

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Local agro-ecological knowledge and its relationship to farmers’ pest

management decision making in rural Honduras

Article in Agriculture and Human Values · July 2007

DOI: 10.1007/s10460-007-9068-y


86 507

2 authors, including:

Kris Wyckhuys
The University of Queensland


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Agriculture and Human Values (2007) 24:307–321 Ó Springer 2007
DOI 10.1007/s10460-007-9068-y

Local agro-ecological knowledge and its relationship to farmersÕ pest

management decision making in rural Honduras

Kris A.G. Wyckhuys1,2 and Robert J. OÕNeil1

Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA; 2University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Accepted in revised form May 10, 2006

Abstract. Integrated pest management (IPM) has been widely promoted in the developing world, but in many regions
its adoption rates have been variable. Experience has shown that to ensure IPM adoption, the complexities of local
agro-production systems and context-specific folk knowledge need to be appreciated. Our research explored the
linkages between farmer knowledge, pest management decision making, and ecological attributes of subsistence maize
agriculture. We report a case study from four rural communities in the highlands of southeast Honduras. Communities
were typified by their agro-environments, IPM training history, and levels of infestation by a key maize pest, the fall
armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith). Although variable, infestation levels generally did not justify pest
management intervention. Consequently, crop losses from this pest were considered of low importance and
most farmers proceeded in a rational fashion by refraining from action in their fields. Farmers attributed the
low degree of pest infestation predominantly to abiotic causal factors (rainfall, temperature). The role of
natural enemies in controlling this pest (i.e., biological control) was deemed of low importance by farmers;
nevertheless, a broad array of such organisms was mentioned by farmers as operating in their maize crop.
FarmersÕ knowledge of natural enemies only partially matched scientific knowledge and was associated with
the ecological features of their respective field settings. Local knowledge about natural enemies was mainly
restricted to abundant and easily observable predatory species. Farmers who were knowledgeable about
biological control were also familiar with a larger variety of pest management alternatives than uninformed
farmers. Management options covered a wide range of curative techniques, including conservation biological
control. Farmers who relied on insecticides to manage pest outbreaks knew less about biological control and
pesticide alternatives. In contrast, farmers who received IPM training mentioned more types of natural ene-
mies and were familiar with a broader range of alternative pest management tactics. Our research suggests that
IPM training modifies local knowledge to better fit its environmental context. This paper provides insights in
the environmental context of local agro-ecological knowledge and its linkage with pest management decision
making. It also constitutes a basis for modifying IPM extension programs to deliver locality-specific tech-
nologies while strengthening the local knowledge base.

Key words: Conservation biological control, Ethno-entomology, Fall armyworm, Farmer knowledge, Honduras,
IPM training Spodoptera frugiperda, Subsistence maize production

Abbreviations: CIAL – Comité de Investigación Agrı́cola Local (Local Agricultural Research Committee); FAW –
fall armyworm; IPM – integrated pest management

Kris A. G. Wyckhuys is a Belgian bio-science engineer and entomologist currently employed as postdoctoral
researcher at the University of Minnesota. For his PhD research at Purdue University he quantified social and
ecological contributions to farmersÕ adoption of insect pest management technologies in Honduran subsistence maize.
He has a keen interest in the ecological facets of IPM and biological control, as well as in technological innovation in
smallholder production systems, ethno-entomology and traditional pest management.

Robert J. OÕNeil is a Professor of Entomology specializing in biological control, predator–prey dynamics, and
implementing biological control in IPM systems. His current work focuses on the ecology and management of the
soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, an invasive pest of soybeans in North America.
308 Kris A. G. Wyckhuys and Robert J. OÕNeil

Introduction In Honduras, participatory IPM training packages

were developed for hillside maize agriculture and largely
In Central America, the agricultural sector has a dual focused on conservation biological control (Bentley,
character consisting of large-scale latifundio agriculture 2000; Bentley and Andrews, 1991). Training modules
and peasantry which is devoted to subsistence production were designed to reinforce or alter existing folk knowl-
(Hilje et al., 2003; Nicholls and Altieri, 1997). Small- edge and, more specifically, to increase local appreciation
scale agriculture is typical for hillside environments and of agro-ecological phenomena that underpinned those
is characterized by the cultivation of two key staple technologies (Bentley, 1991). Local knowledge, how-
crops, maize and beans (Bunch, 2002; Jansen, 1997). In ever, is locality-specific and dependant on ecological
Honduras, the mountainous countryside is inhabited by variability and circumstances (Bellon, 1995; Jansen,
some of the regionÕs poorest farmers (Falck, 2003; 1998; Mahiri, 1998). Farmers could therefore differ in
Leonard, 1987). The role of maize in providing food and their IPM technology adoption depending on the agro-
cash income is a key aspect of their daily livelihoods ecological conditions under which they operate. An
(Johnson, 1997; Lind and Barham, 2004). assessment of knowledge and pest management decision
Despite being rooted in tradition, small-scale maize making of both trained and untrained farmers within their
farming has become subject to pervasive technical agro-ecological contexts could shed light on the eco-
change in the past decades. In addition to modern crop logical drivers behind farmer knowledge, practices, and
varieties and chemical fertilizers, Honduran smallholders IPM technology adoption in general (Vanek, 1989). The
have eagerly adopted pesticides (Bentley and Andrews, exploration of linkages between farmer knowledge and
1996). Increased farmer dependence on agro-chemicals is subsequent behavior could also prove valuable for design
a trend throughout Central America (Conroy et al., 1996; of future IPM extension programs. The work described in
Hruska and Corriols, 2002; Morales and Perfecto, 2000; this paper is part of a larger study that described the
Nicholls and Altieri, 1997), although data from Honduras natural enemy community in Honduran subsistence
suggest slightly decreasing levels of pesticide use during maize fields located within the countryÕs hillsides envi-
the 1990s (Wesseling, 2001). ronment (Wyckhuys, 2005). That research showed vari-
Recognizing the detrimental effects of irrational pes- ability in natural enemy abundance and diversity among
ticide use, numerous efforts have been made to present fields in different agro-environments. Infestation levels
sustainable and environmentally sound alternatives to of the insect pest, the fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera
farmers. In Central America, a variety of national and frugiperda Smith, were related to the abundance of
international institutions have worked during the past several generalist predators and the altitude of individual
decades to promote integrated pest management (IPM) fields. Key predators (characterized as common predators
(Bentley and Andrews, 1996; Hilje et al., 2003; Holl for which significant associations were found between
et al., 1991). Generally, IPM can be described as a pest their abundance in maize fields and FAW infestation)
management approach that uses a variety of biological, were earwigs, ground beetles and spiders. Additionally,
cultural, genetic, and chemical techniques to maintain associations were found between FAW population
pest populations below an economically damaging level dynamics and the abundance of social wasps and ants
(GTZ, 1994). IPM technologies, in principle, could ad- [specifically the fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (F.)]. In
dress many of the problems smallholders face and would local agro-environments, FAW parasitoids and entomo-
appear tailor-made to the nature of small-scale agricul- pathogens (i.e., diseases of insects) were at levels too low
ture. IPM practices based on ecological principles, such to measure their effects.
as conservation biological control, have been considered In this paper, we describe a farmer survey that was
‘‘ideal’’ solutions for peasant agriculture (Altieri, 2002). conducted in four communities located in distinct agro-
Conservation biological control is a practice that intends ecological zones and populated by farmers with different
to conserve or enhance the effectiveness of natural ene- IPM training histories. The study determined farmersÕ
mies, which are natural control agents of noxious knowledge of major pests and associated natural enemies
organisms such as agricultural pests (Barbosa, 1998). in maize production systems. Agro-ecological knowledge
However, the degree of IPM adoption, including use of of both trained and untrained farmers was documented
conservation biological control, has remained limited in and then related to their understanding and adoption of
many production systems (Bentley and Andrews, 1996; IPM, including conservation biological control.
Kogan, 1998; Matteson, 1992; Morales and Perfecto,
2000; Morse and Buhler, 1997). Frequently identified
barriers to IPM adoption are the degree of farmer Study sites and methods
involvement (Leeuwis and Van den Ban, 2004; Van de
Fliert and Braun, 2002) and the appreciation of local Four hillside communities in the upper Choluteca
knowledge and farming context (Sumberg et al., 2003). watershed, southeast Honduras, were included in the
Local agro-ecological knowledge 309

study: El Retiro (Morocelı́), Lavanderos (Güinope), El owner of each visited field was invited to participate in
Llano (Morocelı́), and Chaguite Oriente (Yuscarán), with future farmer surveys.
the name outside (inside) of the parentheses indicating The maize whorl stage is a phenological interval
the local community (township). The former two com- critical for management of the FAW (Burkhardt, 1952;
munities were located at an altitudinal range of 969 to Castro et al., 1988; Marenco et al., 1992; Van Huis,
1746 m, while El Llano and Chaguite Oriente were 1981). Fields in Lavanderos and El Retiro were visited
positioned between 830 and 887 m. Rainfall seasonality up to three times during this stage, while others were
and altitudinal range characterize the local ecosystem as visited only once. For each field visit, numbers of pests
that of a subtropical dry to moist forest. Higher regions of and natural enemies were recorded along for five ran-
Lavanderos are positioned within the subtropical wet domly selected transects of 25 plants. FAW infestation
forest life zone (Holdridge, 1987). levels were estimated as the number of plants per transect
Communities were small, representative of rural occupied by at least one living larva. FAW infestation is
Honduran villages. Total number of inhabitants per represented as percentage of maize plants infested, while
community was 415 for El Retiro, 567 for Lavanderos, natural enemy abundance is indicated as the number of
118 for El Llano, and 345 for Chaguite Oriente (UNIR, individuals per 125 plants. Natural enemies encountered
1999). Local maize-producing households were com- in the field were identified to the order (e.g., spiders,
posed of petty commodity producers or poor peasant, Araneae), family (e.g., social wasps, Vespidae) or species
semi-proletarian farmers (Johnson, 1997). Agriculture in [e.g., the earwig, Doru taeniatum (Dohrn)] level. Natural
all communities consisted of subsistence farming, enemies that could not be identified in the field were
including the cultivation of maize, with some coffee or collected for later identification. In the case of multiple
vegetable production. visits, pest and natural enemy abundance data were
Communities had received different levels of IPM averaged over the whorl stage.
training, and so farmers who were interviewed varied
considerably in their exposure to IPM. During the past Farmer survey instruments and procedures
20 years, eleven national and international institutions
presented training programs on IPM in the study area Surveys were conducted from October through Novem-
(Wyckhuys, 2005). El Retiro and Lavanderos received ber in Lavanderos and El Retiro (2002) and in El Llano
intensive IPM training delivered by a diversity of insti- and Chaguite Oriente (2003). In each community, 30
tutions, while the other two communities had less train- farmers were randomly selected. A semi-structured
ing in IPM. For all communities, a total of 25 farmers questionnaire was employed, with open-ended questions
attended at least one IPM training session during the past to better elicit farmer knowledge. The questionnaire was
20 years. The mean number (±SD) of sessions IPM- pre-tested in a nearby village and revised prior to use in
trained farmers attended was: 1.4 ± 0.7 (El Retiro), the study area. All surveys were conducted by the senior
1.4 ± 0.5 (Lavanderos), 1.2 ± 0.5 (El Llano), and 1.0 ± 0.0 author in a person-to-person interview format and took
(Chaguite Oriente). Nine farmers had attended partici- 30–60 min per interviewee. For some sessions, the
patory IPM workshops delivered either by World interviewer was accompanied by village officials, but
Neighbors or Zamorano. IPM training in El Llano and El their participation in the interview process was discour-
Retiro was comparatively recent, while training in aged. All answers by farmers were regarded as correct
Chaguite Oriente and Lavanderos was concentrated and efforts were made to prevent farmers from perceiving
during the late 1980s and early 1990s. World Neighbors the survey as an ‘‘examination.’’
is an international development organization that works The survey instrument was designed for multiple
with rural communities in many parts of Asia, Africa and purposes and consisted of several sections (Table 1). One
Latin America. Zamorano is a private international section gathered data that enabled researchers to develop
university based in Honduras. a demographic and socio-economic profile of farmers in
each community. A second section assessed farmersÕ
Field survey of pests and natural enemies perceptions of FAW pest severity and related manage-
ment decision making. Because informantsÕ knowledge is
Field research was conducted during the May–October best captured by free-listing (Brewer, 1995), we
maize growing season in 2002 and 2003. Within the employed this technique to measure farmer knowledge
communities of El Retiro and Lavanderos, we randomly of maize pests. Free-listing is a semi-structured data-
selected a total of 30 maize fields for study. In El Llano collection technique in which respondents are encour-
and Chaguite Oriente, six and five fields were visited, aged to list their knowledge about a certain topic. We
respectively, in 2003. Fields were managed exclusively assigned a value to FAW severity as perceived by farmers
by their owners using production techniques common to using a five-point rating scale (1 equaled ‘‘no FAW’’
small landholders in the region (Jansen, 1997). The infestation problems and 5 equaled ‘‘extremely high
310 Kris A. G. Wyckhuys and Robert J. OÕNeil

Table 1. Structure of questionnaire used to screen farmersÕ agro-ecological knowledge and pest management behavior in four
Honduran hillside communities.
Survey section Section components

Demographics and socio-economics Age, sex, marital status, education, place of birth
Household size, on- and off-farm employment
Pest severity assessment and pest Knowledge of maize herbivores, severity ranking of maize pests, FAW pest
management decision making assessment
Local beliefs on causal factors behind FAW outbreaks, identification of
recurrent trends in FAW infestation
Actual FAW pest management, knowledge of pest management options
Pest management decision making (field scouting, threshold levels, preventive
measures), farmersÕ rationale behind opting for certain practices
Priority-setting pest management vs. other crop management duties
Agro-ecological knowledge and Knowledge of FAW biology and ecology
appreciation of biological control Appreciation of the ecological function of common arthropods in maize fields
Knowledge and appreciation of natural enemies
Knowledge, understanding, and adoption of conservation biological control
IPM training attendance and FarmersÕ attendance of IPM training sessions
use of taught technologies Initial adoption of taught technologies
Local technology invention or modification triggered by IPM training

FAW’’ pest severity). Farmers were asked to describe each the session. Topics around which discussion was
FAW infestation levels and their perceptions of factors built were: (a) What are the principal factors affecting
that were associated with pest severity. Pest management maize yield? and (b) Which factors determine FAW
practices and knowledge of alternative management infestation in maize fields? Notes of both observers were
tactics were also documented. Information was also compared. Factors mentioned by farmers were listed
gathered on crop and pest management priorities according to importance.
including weed and pest control and fertilizer application
for both bean and maize crops. Farmers were also
encouraged to describe criteria used to decide when and Analyses and results
how to manage FAW. The interviewer ensured that
farmers touched upon field scouting methods, including Survey data were encoded and statistical analyses were
frequency; threshold levels, and preventive measures. executed using SPSS statistical software (Landau and
Special attention was paid to farmersÕ knowledge and Everitt, 2004). FarmersÕ pest severity rankings were
adoption of conservation biological control. related to actual FAW infestation in their respective
A third section of the survey focused on farmersÕ agro- maize fields and farmersÕ agro-ecological knowledge was
ecological understanding and their knowledge of bio- compared to in-field abundance of natural enemies.
logical control. Free listing was used to determine Technical and non-technical knowledge of IPM training
informantsÕ knowledge of the FAW life cycle and natural recipients and non-trained farmers was compared. In our
enemies that operated within their maize fields. Also, analyses, we used both parametric and non-parametric
farmers were asked to describe the ecological role of tests, all of which are described in the text and tables.
certain insects in their fields (e.g., as pest or as natural Parametric statistics allowed us to determine patterns for
enemy). The last section of the survey covered farmersÕ normally distributed data, while non-parametric analyses
attendance at IPM training sessions and how training were conducted on data sets that did not comply with
affected knowledge and pest management technology assumptions of normality.
adoption. Specifically, questions focused on farmersÕ use
of IPM practices, local experimentation, and modifica- Agro-ecological profile of farming communities
tion of promoted technologies.
Group discussion sessions were organized to deter- In 2002, average whorl-stage FAW infestation percent-
mine consensus among farmers on key issues regarding ages (±SD) were 6.3 ± 5.1% (El Retiro) and 6.4 ± 5.0%
FAW and maize production. Farmers from El Retiro and (Lavanderos), with respective maxima of 28.8%
Lavanderos were invited to attend a community work- and 31.2%. In 2003, average whorl-stage FAW infesta-
shop in which open discussion was encouraged. Sessions tion levels were 4.7 ± 3.2% (El Retiro), 3.1 ± 2.9%
were initiated and led by the senior author. Two people (Lavanderos), 12.5 ± 3.1% (El Llano), and 14.9 ± 4.6%
carried out participant observations during the course of (Chaguite Oriente). Infestation levels in the latter two
Local agro-ecological knowledge 311

Table 2. Density (mean per 125 plants ± SD) of predators likely to affect fall armyworm infestation in maize fields located in four
Honduran hillside communities during 2002 and 2003.
2002 2003

El Retiro Lavanderos El Retiro Lavanderos El Llano Chaguite Oriente

(N = 15) (N = 15) (N = 15) (N = 15) (N = 6) (N = 5)

Ants 16.9 ± 14.6ac* 11.6 ± 32.7b 9.2 ± 9.6ab 8.9 ± 13.2 b 68.8 ± 113.8abc 58.0 ± 61.3c
Earwigs 46.0 ± 44.0a 90.8 ± 35.2b 33.5 ± 23.6a 77.9 ± 30.9b 26.7 ± 18.8a 14.8 ± 4.7a
Spiders 8.1 ± 0.9a 4.6 ± 1.9b 6.8 ± 2.2a 4.6 ± 2.5b 2.7 ± 1.6bc 2.8 ± 1.6bc
Ground beetles 2.8 ± 2.8ad 1.8 ± 1.3ad 1.4 ± 1.5ac 2.4 ± 1.8d 0.3 ± 0.5bc 0.2 ± 0.4bd
Social wasps 0.6 ± 0.9ab 0.9 ± 0.8a 0.2 ± 0.2b 0.5 ± 0.6a 0.5 ± 0.8ab 0.0 ± 0.0b
*Values in the same row followed by a different letter are significantly different (p < 0.05; Mann–Whitney U).
communities were significantly higher than in others employment, mostly in the agricultural sector. The
(p < 0.05, Mann–Whitney U). Abundance levels of key majority of farmers had received formal education to at
natural enemies in each of the four communities are least the elementary school level. Among the survey
provided in Table 2. Diversity and abundance of natural participants, the number of IPM training recipients was
enemies differed significantly between communities. eight in El Retiro and Lavanderos, four in El Llano, and
High abundance of spiders was observed in El Retiro, five in Chaguite Oriente. Crop management practices for
while Lavanderos fields were typified by high earwig maize showed differences among communities in num-
abundance. Of all natural enemies, only ants were found ber of seeds planted per hill and prevalence of herbicide
at higher levels in El Llano and Chaguite Oriente than in use (Table 3). Maize fields in El Retiro were in produc-
the other communities. tion for 1–8 years while in Lavanderos for 3–35 years.

Farmer profile FarmersÕ pest severity assessment and management

priority setting
The socioeconomic profile of surveyed farmers from the
four study sites is summarized in Table 3. All 120 Farmers from the four villages reported several types of
farmers interviewed were male. Only 19% of the farmers insects attacking their maize crop (Table 4). Individual
were younger than 30 years, and all had households farmers mentioned 1.5 ± 1.1 (mean ± SD) different insect
ranging from 0 to 16 children. All farmers surveyed herbivores in El Retiro, 2.3 ± 1.4 in Lavanderos,
cultivated maize as the primary staple crop, with beans 2.6 ± 1.0, and 1.9 ± 1.1 types in El Llano and Chaguite
and sorghum also grown by some. Up to 61.7% of Oriente, respectively. The mean number of maize
the farmers in the study were engaged in off-farm herbivores described in El Llano and Lavanderos was
Table 3. Profile of farmers and subsistence maize production in four different hillside communities in the Yegüare River Valley,
Honduras. Data were obtained during 2002 and 2003 by surveying 30 farmers per community.
El Retiro Lavanderos El Llano Chaguite Oriente

Age of farmer (years) 40.8 ± 12.4a* 45.0 ± 12.2a 43.8 ± 12.8a 43.7 ± 14.8a
Education (% school attendance) 93% 87% 93% 87%
Family size (# children) 3.9 ± 2.7a 5.0 ± 3.7a 3.9 ± 3.4a 4.6 ± 4.1a
Family members employed on farm (#) 0.8 ± 1.1a 1.1 ± 1.1a 1.2 ± 1.3a 0.9 ± 1.6a
Hiring of labor (%) 50% 60% 63% 67%
Cultivated area (Mz)a 3.7 ± 2.8a 2.7 ± 1.6ab 3.6 ± 3.0ab 2.3 ± 1.7b
Number of perennial crops 2.4 ± 1.6a 1.7 ± 1.3ac 1.2 ± 1.7b 1.4 ± 1.6bc
Number of annual crops 2.2 ± 1.0a 2.9 ± 1.7b 2.5 ± 1.1ab 2.7 ± 0.8b

Maize cultivation
Time to reach maize field (min.) 36.1 ± 31.2a 25.9 ± 29.0b 17.8 ± 17.2b 16.2 ± 18.7b
Number of maize seeds per ‘‘hill’’ 2.7 ± 0.4a 2.3 ± 0.5b 2.6 ± 0.4a 3.0 ± 0.6c
Fertilizer use (%) 77% 100% 97% 90%
Number of weeding events 1.9 ± 0.3a 1.8 ± 0.6a 1.6 ± 0.6b 2.0 ± 0.6a
Herbicide use (%) 53% 60% 77% 87%
*Mean ± standard deviation; values within the same row followed by identical letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05, Mann–
Whitney U or One-way ANOVA).
Mz (manzana): unit of area equal to 0.697 ha.
312 Kris A. G. Wyckhuys and Robert J. OÕNeil

Table 4. Percentage of farmers indicating herbivory by various arthropods in maize in four Honduran hillside communities. Note
that farmers reported the fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, a key fall armyworm predator, as herbivore in maize fields.
Scientific name Local name % of Farmers


Noctuidae: Spodoptera frugiperda Smith Gusano cogollero 96.7 69.3 100 100
Noctuidae: Mocis latipes (Guenée) Gusano medidor 13.2 9.9 75.9 13.2
Pyrallidae: Diatraea lineolata (Walker) Gusano barrenador 9.9 19.8 9.9 16.5
–a Gusano negro 0.0 3.3 6.6 0.0
– Gusano chancho 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6
Noctuidae: Trichoplusia spp., Pseudoplusia spp. Gusano verde 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0
– Gusano nochero 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0
Scarabeidae: Phyllophaga spp. Larvae Gallina ciega 29.7 29.7 13.2 0.0
Scarabeidae: Phyllophaga spp. Adults Ronron 0.0 13.2 6.6 0.0
Elateridae: Aeolus spp., Conoderus spp. Gusano alambre 0.0 3.3 0.0 26.4
Curculionidae Picudo, ronron 0.0 0.0 6.6 0.0
Chrysomelidae: Diabrotica spp., Epilachna varivestis Mulsant Tortuguilla, pulgón 0.0 6.6 0.0 0.0
Formicidae: Atta, Acromyrmex spp. Zompopo 13.2 0.0 9.9 6.6
Formicidae: Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius) Hormiga brava 0.0 6.6 0.0 0.0
Otitidae: Euxesta major (Wulp) – 0.0 13.2 3.3 6.6
Acrididae, Gryllidae Grillo 0.0 3.3 6.6 0.0
Heteroptera Chinche 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0
Aleyrodidae Mosca blanca 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0
Aphididae Pulgón 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0
Termitidae Comejen 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3
R = El Retiro, L = Lavanderos, LL = El Llano, CO = Chaguite Oriente.
Unspecified by farmers but identified by authors or cited by farmers but unknown by authors.

significantly higher than in other communities (p < 0.05, Various causal factors were enumerated by farmers
Mann–Whitney U). The four most important herbivorous for the levels of FAW infestation they had reported
insects reported by farmers have been described as pests from their fields1. Individual surveys showed that
of basic grains in the region (Andrews, 1989). Over all 46.7% of the respondents ascribed low FAW infestation
villages, 91.7% of the farmers surveyed mentioned FAW to abundant rainfall or weather anomalies. No differ-
(S. frugiperda) as an herbivore present in their maize ences were noted between communities in the number
fields. When asked about the role of FAW in maize, of farmers that stated that these abiotic factors were
farmers generally described the insect as a pest (plaga) important in influencing levels of FAW infestation
regardless of its infestation level. However, when (p < 0.05, chi-square). Many farmers also mentioned
assessing farmersÕ perceptions of FAW pest severity, that dry years were characterized by more FAW prob-
significant differences were found between communities lems than years in which rainfall abounded. Only two
(Table 5). FAW was considered to be of low importance (of 120) farmers mentioned elevation (i.e., altitude) as
in villages at high altitudes (i.e., Lavanderos and El an abiotic factor influencing FAW infestation. About
Retiro), while at lower altitudes reports of FAW out- 2.5% of the farmers attributed low FAW infestation to
breaks were more frequent. Within a given community the action of natural enemies. A total of 27.5% of
however, farmersÕ assessment of FAW severity was farmers did not mention any causal factors for FAW
generally not in accordance with infestation levels infestation, while 7.5% stated infestations as a normal
recorded in their respective maize fields (Figure 1). annual occurrence.
Local agro-ecological knowledge 313

Table 5. Percentage of farmers estimating severity of the fall armyworm as maize pest in four Honduran hillside communities.
Spodoptera frugiperda pest severity ranking % of Farmers CramerÕs V a

El Retiro Lavanderos El Llano Chaguite Oriente

No infestation 3.3 29.7 0.0 0.0 0.388*

Low 75.9 49.5 46.2 29.7
Moderate 6.6 19.8 19.8 13.2
High 6.6 0.0 16.5 36.3
Extremely high 6.6 0.0 16.5 19.8
A total of 30 farmers were surveyed per community. Chi-square analysis was used to test for association between rows and columns
in tabular data.
CramerÕs V is a chi-square based measure of the strength of association between two variables as a percentage of their maximum
possible variation.
*Significant at p < 0.001.

In group sessions, the role of weather was widely confirmed by others. When identifying factors affecting
discussed. Farmers from El Retiro and Lavanderos maize yield, farmers in El Retiro ranked yield loss due to
agreed that both temperature and rainfall determined FAW fifth, while in Lavanderos, this pestÕs impact was
FAW infestation in their communities. Farmers did not ranked lower at eighth place. Factors of higher impor-
reach consensus on the role of natural enemies or the tance were frequency of field cultivation, soil fertility and
influence of field age on FAW infestation. In El Retiro, fertilizer use, maize variety, continuity in rainfall and
one farmer mentioned the pest-suppressive effect of extreme weather events, and fungal diseases (for exam-
maize–bean intercropping, but his experience was not ple, Fusarium spp. and Diplodia spp.).
Farmers were allowed to rank six crop management
5 Year: 2002 F= 1.838, df= 29
options according to their importance. Management
Farm ers' pest severi ty ranki ng

p= 0.165 options included weed and pest control, and fertilizer

application, in both bean and maize crops. The mean
positions (±SD) of maize pest management were
5.4 ± 1.2 (N = 12; Lavanderos), 5.5 ± 1.1 (N = 15;
El Retiro), 3.1 ± 1.0 (N = 30; El Llano), and 2.7 ± 1.0
(N = 29; Chaguite Oriente). Note that significantly
1 higher importance was attributed to maize pest manage-
ment in the two latter communities (p < 0.05, Mann–
0 Whitney U). Many farmers, however, considered weed
0 5 10 15 20
management and fertilization in maize and bean to be
Average fall armyworm infestation percentage
more crucial.
5 Year: 2003
FarmersÕ pest management toolbox and decision making
Farm ers' pest severi ty ranki ng

4 F= 1.067, df= 29
p= 0.380
Most farmers (66.7%) did not actively manage FAW in
3 their fields (Table 6). Of the farmers that decided to adopt
pest management practices, 55% relied on chemical
insecticides. Although the majority of farmers (95.8%)
were aware of health hazards associated with insecticide
use, pesticide application was popular in certain com-
0 munities such as El Llano, where 14 of 30 farmers used
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 insecticides. However, in Chaguite Oriente, where FAW
Average fall armyworm infestation percentage infestations similar to El Llano were experienced, farm-
ers infrequently reverted to agro-chemicals for pest
Figure 1. Relationship between farmersÕ ranking of fall
armyworm (FAW) pest severity and average whorl-stage FAW
management. In the high-training and low-FAW infesta-
infestation as recorded in their respective fields (N = 30). FAW tion communities of El Retiro and Lavanderos, insecti-
pest severity is ranked by farmers from 1 (No FAW) to 5 (Very cide use was very low. Among farmers who did not adopt
high). The significance of the association between in-field FAW pest management strategies, 75% felt no true need for
infestation and farmersÕ severity ranking is indicated by a intervention because of low pest pressure. Ten percent of
recorded F value. the farmers voiced their inability to afford pesticides,
314 Kris A. G. Wyckhuys and Robert J. OÕNeil

Table 6. FarmersÕ pest management behaviors during 2002 or 2003 and their knowledge of pest management options and
conservation biological control.

Actual pest management

No action taken 17 24 16 23
Insecticide use 2 2 14 4
Manual control 5 3 0 3
Apply soil/sand in infested whorls 2 0 0 0
Apply foliar fertilizer to wash FAW off maize plants 1 0 0 0
Use of mixture of botanical insecticides and foliar fertilizer 1 0 0 0
Use of sugar-water 1 0 0 0
Use of botanical insecticides 1 0 0 0
Apply salt in infested whorls 0 1 0 0
Pest management technologies
Insecticide use 24 24 30 29
Manual control 5 8 3 13
Use of sugar-water 10 6 2 7
Apply soil/sand/ashes in infested whorls 16 3 2 0
Use of botanical insecticides 7 3 3 3
Apply granulated fertilizer in infested whorls 0 6 0 0
Apply lime in infested whorls 0 1 3 1
Apply salt in infested whorls 0 3 1 1
Apply foliar fertilizer to wash FAW off maize plants 2 0 0 0
Use of mixture of botanical insecticide and foliar fertilizer 1 0 0 0
Fill infested whorls with water 0 1 0 0
Technologies reported to conserve natural enemies
No use of pesticides when natural enemies present 6 8 4 1
Use of sugar-water 6 5 3 7
No killing of natural enemies 3 6 4 6
Let chickens in field when maize is young 0 1 0 2
Planting of flowers around field 1 1 0 1
Use of botanical insecticides 1 1 0 1
Leave grains for birds 1 1 0 0
No burning of field (surroundings) 1 1 0 0
Plant weed strips (live barriers) in field 1 1 0 0
No disturbing of birds that forage in the field 0 1 0 0
Introduce wasp nests 0 1 0 0
Introduce ant nests 0 0 1 0
Leave grains (tortillas) for ants 0 0 1 0
Table entries represent the number of farmers per community (N = 30) that mentioned specific practices.
R = El Retiro, L = Lavanderos, LL = El Llano, CO = Chaguite Oriente.

particularly during crucial stages of the maize growing Chaguite Oriente was once every 1.9 ± 1.6 days, while in
cycle. Lavanderos farmers scouted their fields 6.7 ± 8.9 days. In
Farmers did not compare actual infestation levels to a general, scouting involved a quick ‘‘eyeballing’’ of the
specific threshold per se, but seemed to rely on personal field, with a few plants examined, typically at the edge of
experience when making management decisions. Ques- fields; no farmers discussed the use of a rigorous sam-
tions about critical infestation levels at which they would pling protocol. Farmers in El Llano tended to abandon
use pest management strategies were consistently an- field scouting over the course of years and reverted to
swered with ‘‘Es facil, señor: Cuando hay mucho.’’ pesticides as an intervention strategy.
(Trans: ItÕs easy: When there are a lot.). Field scouting Farmers were familiar with many pesticide alterna-
frequency also reflected farmersÕ decision making and tives, with 15% of them using non-chemical pest man-
region-specific pest pressure. In Chaguite Oriente, agement practices during 2002 or 2003 (Table 6). The
farmers were concerned about FAW outbreaks and visited mean number (±SD) of pesticide alternatives reported per
maize fields more frequently than in other communities farmer was 1.3 ± 1.2 (El Retiro), 1.1 ± 1.2 (Lavanderos),
(p < 0.05, Mann–Whitney U). Scouting frequency in 0.5 ± 0.9 (El Llano), and 0.9 ± 1.0 (Chaguite Oriente).
Local agro-ecological knowledge 315

Most cited practices were curative (e.g., manual control, information on S. frugiperda biology, while 16.7%
use of botanical insecticides or repellents) rather than wrongly described the FAW life cycle. The remaining
preventative (e.g., alteration of planting date, soil man- farmers either partly understood its life cycle or related
agement and fertilization, inter-cropping) in nature. A FAW larvae to adult butterflies observed in field plots
popular curative management technique was the appli- during the day (note: FAW moths are nocturnal). Farmers
cation of inert materials (e.g., soil, lime, wood ash) to in Lavanderos and El Retiro commonly linked the
infested maize whorls, confirming findings by Meir appearance of butterfly aggregations in their fields to
(2000). Also, various farmers exerted controlled pests FAW pest outbreaks.
manually by squeezing the infested whorls they ‘‘Hay dos tipos de cogollero, el cogollero de agua - el
encountered while performing other crop management sol le mata - y el cogollero de verano – si llueve, se
duties. Planned management strategies, such as sugar- muere.’’ (Trans: There are 2 types of FAW: the water
water sprays (see Cañas and OÕNeil, 1998) and botanical type, which is killed by the sun, and the dry-season type,
insecticides were broadly discussed but seldom used. which dies when it rains.) Some farmers reported the
Several methods were described by farmers to augment existence of two FAW types in maize whorls, and asso-
or conserve natural enemies. Practices that avoided kill- ciated each with specific weather conditions. Increased
ing or disturbing natural enemies were mentioned, susceptibility to dislocation or mortality by rainfall could
among them the deliberate avoidance of pesticide use. apply to either young FAW instars (i.e., small, early-stage
larvae) or other Lepidoptera species. Diatraea spp. were
FarmersÕ appreciation of FAW biology possibly considered by farmers to be a separate FAW
type; as this species is known to inhabit maize whorls
‘‘El cogollero, bueno, ese animal viene del suelo. Entra and is frequently protected from rainfall through its habit
en la planta por debajo y se come todo el cogollo.’’ of boring into maize stems.
(Trans: The fall armyworm, well, this insect comes from
the soil. It enters maize plants from below and eats the FarmersÕ appreciation of natural enemies
plantsÕ whorl.) This quotation is reflective of farmersÕ
common misconceptions about the FAW life cycle; Farmers were aware of several natural enemies operating
38.3% of the respondents were unable to provide in their maize fields (Table 7). When questioned about

Table 7. Natural enemies enumerated by farmers in four Honduran hillside communities.

Scientific name Local name % of Farmers


Dermaptera: Forficulidae Tijerilla, tijereta 43.3 43.3 0.0 6.7
Hymenoptera: Formicidae
Solenopsis geminata Hormiga brava 33.3 23.3 20.0 20.0
Ectatomma ruidum Galga 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0
Hymenoptera: Vespidae Avispa, turma, carnicero, tierra muerta, 30.0 20.0 13.3 0.0
Arachnida: Araneae Araña 13.3 10.0 6.7 0.0
Hemiptera: Heteroptera Chinche 3.3 9.9 0.0 0.0
Mantodea: Mantidae Madre de culebra 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Diptera Mosca 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0
Coleoptera: Coccinellidae Tortuguilla 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0
Odonata Caballito 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3
Arachnida: Scorpiones Alacrán 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3
Birds Corre-caminos, paloma, zanate, turdo, tijuil 26.7 30.0 50.0 90.0
Toads Sapo 0.0 16.7 3.3 3.3
Lizards Pichete 0.0 9.9 0.0 6.6
Chickens 0.0 6.6 0.0 16.7
R = El Retiro, L = Lavanderos, LL = El Llano, CO = Chaguite Oriente.
All species were described by farmers to occur in their maize fields and attack fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda.
316 Kris A. G. Wyckhuys and Robert J. OÕNeil

biological control, farmers commonly referred to various Llano and Chaguite Oriente and reached high propor-
species of birds as FAW predators. Arthropod natural tions within the local knowledge context. Despite their
enemies that were frequently mentioned included ear- low abundance, farmers also described social wasps
wigs, ants, and social wasps. Up to 23.3% of the farmers (Vespidae) in great detail and regularly reported on their
mentioned earwigs as important biological control role as FAW predators (see also Bentley, 1991).
agents, while only 7.5% brought up spiders. Ground Overall, conspicuous natural enemies were more
beetles, key predators of FAW in the region (Wyckhuys readily appreciated by farmers for their role in FAW
and OÕNeil, 2006), remained absent in farmersÕ descrip- predation than species that were less noticeable. Large
tions of biological control. Parasitoids and entomopath- species such as social wasps and earwigs, which could be
ogens (i.e., diseases of insects) were not mentioned by easily observed on maize plants, ranked high in farmersÕ
farmers. Even though local knowledge of natural ene- perceptions of FAW predators. Species that were less
mies was partly congruent with scientific studies, dif- conspicuous (e.g., parasitoids) were ranked as less
ferences were noted between communities. important. When comparing farmer knowledge of
On a community level, farmersÕ appreciation of natural arthropod predators to field counts, some differences
enemies appeared associated with their in-field abun- were noticeable. Some arthropods (e.g., Scorpiones,
dance (Figure 2a, b). In communities where certain Odonata) were described by farmers as FAW predators,
arthropod natural enemies were more common (e.g., ants, although there are no scientific reports of their role as
earwigs), they were ascribed greater degrees of impor- such. Solenopsis geminata, a key FAW predator abun-
tance in FAW control. For example, earwigs were very dant in maize fields, was also reported as a nuisance
abundant in Lavanderos maize fields and were frequently (11.7% farmers) and as a pest during early stages of
reported by local farmers as FAW predators. Ants (e.g., maize growth (12.5%). Some farmers in Lavanderos
Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), Ectatomma ruidum even took curative or preventative measures against them
Roger) were commonly observed on maize plants in El on their crop.

Figure 2. (a) Relationship between in-field abundance of natural enemies and their proportion within the local knowledge context
for El Retiro and Lavanderos. ‘‘FarmersÕ perception’’ indicates an organismÕs proportion within the assemblage of natural enemies
enumerated by farmers (N = 30), and ‘‘relative abundance’’ reflects an organismÕs proportion within the natural enemy complex
observed during field visits in both communities (N = 15). The line drawn in both graphs indicates a 1:1 correspondence. (b)
Relationship between in-field abundance of natural enemies and their proportion within the local knowledge context for El Llano
and Chaguite Oriente. ‘‘FarmersÕ perception’’ (N = 30) and ‘‘relative abundance’’ (N = 6, 5 in each community, respectively) as
defined in (a).
Local agro-ecological knowledge 317

Linking agro-ecological knowledge with pest (a) 4

management behavior All farmers b

# pesticide al ternati ves known

Untrained farmers b
The number of arthropod natural enemies known by
2.5 b b
farmers was correlated with the number of recognized
pesticide alternatives (r = 0.396, p < 0.01, PearsonÕs a ab
1.5 a a
Correlation) and natural enemy conservation methods
(r = 0.529, p < 0.01). FarmersÕ appreciation of specific 1

IPM technologies was also related to their understanding 0.5

of the ecological components on which successful 0

implementation depended (i.e., key natural enemies) 0 1 2 3

(Bentley, 1989). For example, farmers that knew about Natural enemy appreciation
sugar-water sprays to attract ants and social wasps gave b

# technologies reported to conserve

significantly more correct answers on the ecological role All farmers

of these two predators (p < 0.01, Mann–Whitney U). 2

Untrained farmers b ab

Correct answers (out of 2) for these predators were

natural enem ies

1.48 ± 0.69 for farmers that reported sugar-water sprays 1.5

as a pest management option and 0.57 ± 0.75 for others. a a a a

These patterns were consistent among farmers who did
not receive any IPM training. Untrained farmers that 0.5
understood the role of some predators (such as ants,
earwigs, and social wasps) knew more pesticide alter- 0
natives and natural enemy conservation techniques than 0 1 2 3
Natural enemy appreciation
those with lower scores (Figure 3a, b). Knowledge of
pest management practices was associated with farmersÕ Figure 3. (a) Knowledge of alternative pest management
appreciation of natural enemies, regardless of their technologies. (b) Knowledge of methods to conserve natural
understanding of FAW biology. For untrained farmers enemies. Comparison of technical knowledge (±SD) among
who were knowledgeable about FAW biology (N = 37), farmers with different understanding of the natural enemies
the number of natural enemies known was correlated present in their fields. ‘‘Natural enemy appreciation’’ reflects
with the number of mentions of pesticide alterna- farmersÕ scores (out of 3) when quizzed on the role of ants,
tives (r = 0.441, p = 0.006, PearsonÕs Correlation) and social wasps, and earwigs. A score of zero meant that a farmer
conservation methods (r = 0.470, p = 0.003). For did not know about any of these natural enemies while ‘‘3’’
untrained farmers uninformed regarding the FAW life meant that all were correctly identified. Results are provided for
all farmers (N = 120) and for those that did not receive IPM
cycle (N = 58), similar patterns were observed, illus-
training (N = 95). For each group, classes were compared, with
trated by their respective statistics (r = 0.263, p = 0.046)
different letters indicating significantly different values (Mann–
and (r = 0.400, p = 0.002). Whitney U, p < 0.05).
Farmers that used insecticides in either year had poor
knowledge of natural enemies (Figure 4). These farmers
also knew significantly fewer pesticide alternatives avoidance of pesticide use, and the provision of grains
or methods to conserve natural enemies (p < 0.01, (tortillas) for ants, respectively.
Mann–Whitney U). Among farmers that did not apply
insecticides, 37% knew about social wasps, 35% about IPM training impact on farmer knowledge and behavior
earwigs and 46% about ants; of those that used insecti-
cides, 23%, 36% and 41% knew about the respective In general, farmers trained in IPM knew more arthropod
natural enemies. Among farmers that did not apply natural enemies (ANOVA; F1,119 = 15.548, p < 0.01) and
insecticides, 67.3% still stated this as their preferred pest mentioned significantly more pesticide alternatives
management option; while 17.3%, 16.3% and 16.3% (F1,119 = 17.606, p < 0.01) and natural enemy conserva-
were familiar with natural enemy conservation practices tion methods (F1,119 = 24.694, p < 0.01). Trained farmers
such as the application of sugar-(water), the deliberate were also more likely to have a more complete knowl-
avoidance of pesticide use or the refraining from killing edge of FAW biology (p = 0.072 < 0.10, df = 25,
natural enemies, respectively. Among farmers that chi-square). However, pesticide use among trained
applied insecticides, 86.4% stated this as their preferred farmers (four out of 25 farmers or 20%) was not lower
pest management practice, while 9.1%, 9.1% and 4.5% than among non-trained farmers (18 out of 95 or 18%).
were familiar with natural enemy conservation practices Among trained farmers, there was only one report
such as the application of sugar-(water), the deliberate of technology invention, while 11 of the non-trained
318 Kris A. G. Wyckhuys and Robert J. OÕNeil

# methods to Pesticide use

such as arthropod predation and knowledge of pesticide
conserve natural **
No use of pesticides
alternatives, also determined pest management behavior.
A small percentage of farmers had detailed knowledge
# pesticide **
of the FAW life cycle. Local knowledge of pests and
alternatives natural enemies was extensive but was only partially in
accordance with scientific knowledge. Even though
# arthropod
§ farmers identified many of the key herbivores of maize,
natural enemies
their knowledge of natural enemies was mainly restricted
to a set of relatively large and abundant FAW predators.
# natural enemies * Birds especially occupied a fair share of farmersÕ
accounts of natural enemies, similar to findings by
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Morales (2002) in Mexico. Birds are known as FAW
predators (Luginbill, 1928), and their predation
Figure 4. Differences in knowledge of natural enemies,
on Lepidoptera could attain high levels in some agro-
pesticide alternatives and natural enemy conservation practices
ecosystems (Hooks et al., 2003). Their pest control
for farmers who adopted insecticide use during 2002 and 2003
and those who did not. Represented are the total numbers of potential notwithstanding, birds – being highly conspic-
natural enemies or practices known for both categories of uous organisms – could easily be linked with certain
farmers. Data are provided for N = 120 farmers. Significant beliefs including predation on FAW in maize (Bentley,
differences between both classes were indicated: <0.10 (§), 1991; Grossman, 2003).
<0.05 (*) and <0.01 (**) (ANOVA). In a similar fashion, farmersÕ appreciation of arthropod
natural enemies was limited to conspicuous predatory
species, a trend also observed in other cropping systems
farmers reportedly had invented novel pest management (Mangan and Mangan, 1998; Van Mele et al., 2001).
practices. Farmer inventions included the application of Frequently reported arthropod natural enemies were
salt or granulated fertilizer in maize whorls to kill FAW earwigs, ants, and social wasps. Some farmers had strong
larvae and the use of foliar sprays to wash FAW off maize beliefs about the predatory potential of certain species,
plants or to drown them. The effectiveness of these pest for example, ‘‘La tijerilla protege al maı́z.’’ (Trans:
management practices had not been studied at the time of Earwigs protect maize plants.). Others were less con-
our research. vinced, for example, ‘‘La tijerilla no molesta la planta,
puede ser que es buena.’’ (Trans: Earwigs donÕt harm
maize plants, they could be beneficial.). Certain physical
Discussion traits possessed by predators such as earwigs
(i.e., obvious cerci or forceps-like paired appendages)
Throughout the region, FAW was considered an impor- could have aided in molding local beliefs. In-field
tant herbivore in maize fields both by scientists abundance and cultural importance (Bentley, 1991) of
(Andrews, 1989) and subsistence farmers. FAW infesta- natural enemies also influenced farmersÕ perception of
tion levels were variable and village-specific, but their role as FAW predators. However, some of the key
generally remained below the economic threshold of predators (e.g., ground beetles, spiders) identified by
30–40% (Andrews and Rueda, 1986). FarmersÕ percep- Wyckhuys and OÕNeil (2006) remained un- or under-
tion of FAW severity correlated with local levels of FAW represented in local knowledge. Despite their conspicu-
infestation and provided the basis for their pest ousness, FAW predation by such species is not easily
management behavior. In accordance with IPM princi- recorded, as many spiders and ground beetles forage at
ples, the majority (59%) of farmers ranked FAW as a pest night. In conclusion, folk knowledge of biological con-
of marginal importance and (66.7%) did not adopt any trol was consistent with scientific knowledge, although
pest management practices. Farmers who did not take restricted to abundant, conspicuous predators for which
action to cure local FAW problems or who tried to pre- FAW attack was highly noticeable or for species had
vent it with pesticide sprays therefore acted in a rational somehow attained cultural importance. Limited local
manner. At least some of the farmers who took curative knowledge of certain key predators could hamper stand-
pest management action might have been overusing alone conservation biological control efforts targeting
pesticides compared to IPM recommendations. When those species. Because farmers did not describe natural
making pest management decisions, farmers did not enemies occurring outside of maize fields, promoting
employ an economic threshold as defined by scientists. extra-field habitat manipulation as an IPM practice could
Instead, they seemed to utilize their own thresholds, also prove challenging.
which were not easily codified (Stonehouse, 1995). Despite farmersÕ accounts of various natural enemies,
FarmersÕ understanding of key agro-ecological processes, biological control was regarded as being of marginal
Local agro-ecological knowledge 319

importance because farmers ascribed low FAW infesta- understanding and knowledge of pest management of
tion levels primarily to a set of abiotic causal factors men vs. that of women. Although women were rarely
(temperature, rainfall, weather anomalies). In Honduran seen working in maize fields, their role in the diffusion
agricultural knowledge, association of agronomic phe- process of agricultural innovations cannot be neglected
nomena with climatological conditions appears to be (Van Mele et al., 2005). In conclusion, our work vali-
ubiquitous (Bentley, 1989). Aside from farmersÕ accounts dated connections between farmersÕ pest management
of their importance, climatological factors such as low decision making, the environment in which they oper-
temperature and copious rainfall are confirmed to nega- ated, and their understanding of its ecological features.
tively affect FAW establishment and population growth FarmersÕ appreciation of the ecological processes that
(Pair and Westbrook, 1995; Van Huis, 1981). underpin biological control and their knowledge of
Our research implies that farmers responded in an pesticide alternatives were greatly affected by IPM
adaptive manner to a pests exhibiting variable or low- training. Our study showed that farmersÕ understanding
level attack (Orr et al., 2001). Farmers with positive of biological control only partially reflected those
attitudes towards natural enemies explored more processes that occurred in their field settings. Knowl-
environmentally sound FAW management options, such edge of natural enemies was restricted to abundant,
as manual control, which Bentley (1989) had previously conspicuous or culturally important predatory species.
observed. Our work confirmed findings by Price (2001) The environment in which farmers operated affected
that farmers with better appreciation of the role of natural their knowledge and use of pest management practices,
enemies were less likely to spray pesticides. limiting the need for curative pest management and
IPM training strengthened farmersÕ appreciation of providing support for use of ecological tools to
natural enemies and provided testable pest management respond to pest outbreaks. Our work therefore pro-
techniques as well as natural enemy conservation meth- vided a basis for identifying such locality-specific
ods, but did not seem to spur technology invention. In line knowledge gaps, which in turn may be used to fine-
with Mangan and Mangan (1998), IPM training could tune IPM extension to fit existing local needs and
have modified local knowledge to some extent to better opportunities.
reflect the environmental context of subsistence produc-
tion systems. Absence of knowledge of insect parasitism
and disease could be related to farmersÕ limited opportu- Acknowledgments
nities to observe such, as well as their low incidence in the
study area. Additionally, poor understanding of the role of C. S. Sadof, J. S. Yaninek, R. E. Foster, C. Krupke, W.
some key predators (e.g., spiders, ground beetles) sig- Hoover and three anonymous reviewers provided helpful
naled the need to focus on these in future IPM extension comments that improved the quality of the manuscript. P.
efforts. To successfully raise farmersÕ awareness of agro- Doyle assisted in defining this project and provided
ecological concepts, such as biological control, that guidance and support throughout our research. J. W.
underpin IPM practices, observation-based IPM exten- Bentley provided invaluable help with the design of
sion could be the preferred option (Matteson et al., 1994; survey instruments while C. Zurita, N. Gamero and G.
Röling and Van de Fliert, 1998). The Natural Pest Control Aguirre facilitated the initial stages of farmer surveys in
course organized in Honduras during the early- and mid- each community. This study was supported by a Purdue
1990s – which only a few of the surveyed farmers Research Foundation Fellowship grant (PRF-grant
attended – was an effort to provide such (Bentley, 2000). 6903757), a Global Initiative travel grant; a Ross
Results from our research could directly feed into ongo- Fellowship; and the Department of Entomology; Purdue
ing Farmer Field Schools (FFS) extension efforts to University. We would also like to thank the Socio-Eco-
promote IPM in the region (Alfredo Rueda2, personal nomics and Environment Department (DSEA) and the
communication). It is commonly thought that the diver- Plant Protection Department (DPV) at the Panamerican
sity of indigenous communities with distinct pest man- College of Agriculture El Zamorano (Tegucigalpa,
agement knowledge in the region could pose a challenge Honduras). This is Purdue Agricultural Research Pro-
to large-scale IPM extension efforts. However, a solid gram manuscript number 2006-17867.
appreciation of the culturally and locality-specific facets
of pest management, combined with an understanding of
key ecological features of the agro-environment, could Notes
create opportunities for scaling up local FFS successes
and expanding the set of promoted IPM technologies, by 1. For example, ‘‘Aquı́ no hay problemas con el cogollero,
incorporating folk practices. señor. El cogollero es una plaga de lo caliente, y en nuestra
Lastly, because all of our surveyed farmers were male, comunidad hace tan frı́o y llueve tanto que se va.’’ (Trans:
it would be interesting to compare agro-ecological Here, there are no problems with FAW. FAW is a problem of
320 Kris A. G. Wyckhuys and Robert J. OÕNeil

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climatological factors potentially influencing armyworm Hall, 1980 Folwell Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
populations and their movement in the Southeastern US.’’ Phone: +1-612-6243715; Fax: +1-612-6255299
Southwestern Entomologist 18: 101–118. E-mail: wyckh001@umn.edu

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